View Full Version : "Pure" Multiclass PrCs

2011-04-05, 07:42 PM
Can you help me complete this list of official prestige classes designed to support multiclass characters? I'm looking for the "purest," in the sense that they give the least cool bonuses beyond advancing particular class features such as sneak attack, spellcasting, or BAB.

Arcane + Divine = Mystic Theurge
Arcane + Warrior = Eldritch Knight
Arcane + Rogue = Arcane Trickster
Arcane + Psionic = Cerebromancer
Divine + Warrior = ??
Divine + Rogue = ??
Divine + Psionic = Psionic Theurge
Warrior + Rogue = ??
Warrior + Psionic = ??
Rogue + Psionic = ??

Of course there are other classes outside of these broadish categories, but I'm most interested in these ones. Any help would be much appreciated.

2011-04-05, 08:09 PM
That's kind of a tricky question. What do you consider a "pure" multiclass? Full BAB and 10/10 spellcasting? 5/10 spellcasting? 10/10 with feats?

Hospitaler is full BAB and 7/10 divine spellcasting. Sacred Fist is also full BAB and 8/10 divine spellcasting, but is more of a Monk/Cleric than Warrior. Shining Blade of Heironeous and Warpriest are both full BAB and 5/10 spellcasting.

The Slayer PrC is the Warrior/Psion archtype.

The Lurk or Psychic Rogue (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723b) are your Rogue/Psions. Ebon Saint would be the prestige class.

One variant Fighter gains Sneak Attack rather than Fighter feats (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#fighter), for your full BAB and 10d6 sneak attacker.

I don't recall the Rogue/Cleric prestige class, but there is a good one that advances casting and sneak attack dice.

2011-04-05, 08:23 PM
There's the one for monk + Arcane and another for Monk + Divine (EDIT: erikun posted this one. Sacred Fist). In the 3.0 Song and Silence there was Ninja of the crescent moon that was Monk + Rogue.

In complete Adventurer there's Shadowbane Inquisitor for Rogue + Paladin. The other Shadowbane is Cleric + Rogue. I recall there being a Rogue + Druid one as well.

Spellsword (Don't remember source) is another Arcane + Warrior one. Rage Mage is a Barbarian + Arcane one.

Wasn't there one in Complete Adventurer that was Bard + something else? I'm sorry. My books are at my home and I'm at college until the weekend. Someone else can fill in the gaps.

2011-04-05, 08:30 PM
Thanks for the response. I admit that I was pretty vague-- by purest, I mostly meant "as closely as possible representing a combination of the two classes or class types, with as few extra abilities, requirements or restrictive fluffing as possible." Mystic Theurge and Eldritch Knight are pretty good examples-- they're pretty easy to qualify for and don't give you much except the best features of two classes for the price of one.

I'm also looking specifically for Prestige Classes-- the base classes you recommended were right on the money, but unfortunately don't help directly with what I'm trying to figure out.

I like the Warpriest as a relatively pure warrior/cleric-- it doesn't have the unnecessary alignment restrictions of the Hospitaler. I guess I would be a little happier if it was open to all divine casters and not just those that can turn undead, but beggars can not be choosers.

Thanks again for the suggestions.

2011-04-05, 08:55 PM
rogue+Cleric... The SkullClan Hunter, right? um... cant remember the book. same one as the Havoc mage though... Book of Miniatures? something like that.

2011-04-05, 10:16 PM
Divine + Rogue = Divine Trickster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9623145#post9623145)
Druid + Rogue = Daggerspell Shaper
Arcane + Warrior = Knight Phantom
Rogue + Warrior = Nightsong Enforcer
Arcane + Rogue = Daggerspell Mage

2011-04-05, 10:30 PM
rogue+Cleric... The SkullClan Hunter, right? um... cant remember the book. same one as the Havoc mage though... Book of Miniatures? something like that.

Miniatures Handbook, yep.

2011-04-06, 12:42 AM
Binder+Arcane=Anima Mage

Both from ToM.

2011-04-06, 01:48 AM
Prepared Arcane + Spontaneous Arcane: Ultimate Magus (Complete Mage)

I'm not 100% sure how "pure" you would consider this. It's got 10/10 casting on one side and 7/10 casting on the other, and has some fairly unique class features. That said, it's generally considered to be one of the best dual-progression PrCs.

2011-04-06, 06:33 AM
Arcane + Druid = Arcane Hierophant(Races of the Wild)

Bard + Druid = Fochlucan Lyrist(Complete Adventurer)

The Fochlucan Lyrist requires two levels in rogue or something else that grants her evasion, but all the class does is increasing arcane & divine spellcasting + bardic music.

2011-04-06, 08:23 AM
Arcane + Rogue = Arcane Trickster; Unseen Seer; to MUCH lesser extent, Spellwarp Sniper. SRD and Complete Mage all.

Arcane + Invocations = Eldritch Theurge (8/10 Arcane/Invoke, some warlock-related class abilities)
Divine + Invocations = Eldritch Disciple. (10/10 Divine/Invoke progression, medium BAB, some warlock-related class features. I freaking love this one, you only need 1 level of warlock to qualify and the overall benefits are great. )

Warrior + Rogue = Sneak Attack Fighter (>_<), Commando (?) or something similarly named, I think Miniatures Handbook or Heroes of Battle. If I remember it right, it reduces your penalties to sneaking while wearing heavier armor, lets you move faster while sneaking with lesser penalties, gives full BAB and Sudden Attack progression.

The Glyphstone
2011-04-06, 08:28 AM
Yeah, if you're looking for PrCs who have little or no class features except dual-progression, MT and EK are basically it. One of the things Wizards did right in splats was realizing that simple dual-progression was boring and not powerful enough, so they started giving classes cool abilities.

Grim Reader
2011-04-06, 09:43 AM
Divine + Warrior = ??

Knight of the Raven or Bone Knight.

2011-04-06, 10:13 AM
Yeah, if you're looking for PrCs who have little or no class features except dual-progression, MT and EK are basically it. One of the things Wizards did right in splats was realizing that simple dual-progression was boring and not powerful enough, so they started giving classes cool abilities.

I have to agree. MT, AT, and EK are alright, but WotC learned from their mistakes of them barely any class features.

As for Psionics/Melee, Slayer/Ilithid Slayer is pretty much it...

2011-04-06, 12:03 PM
The Sapphire Hierarch, from Magic of Incarnum is meant for a Divine/Incarnum multiclass character.

2011-04-06, 02:22 PM
The Sapphire Hierarch, from Magic of Incarnum is meant for a Divine/Incarnum multiclass character.

That one, and Soulcaster for Incarnum/Arcane .

2011-04-06, 02:31 PM
Is it possible to take Mystic Theurge for two classes, to improve their Spellcasting, and then to improve Mystic Theurge + any Psionic Class (so improve 3 spellcastings) by taking a level in Cerebromancer?

2011-04-06, 02:44 PM
Is it possible to take Mystic Theurge for two classes, to improve their Spellcasting, and then to improve Mystic Theurge + any Psionic Class (so improve 3 spellcastings) by taking a level in Cerebromancer?

No. MT has no spellcasting of its own to advance.

2011-04-06, 09:52 PM
There's also the True Necromancer, which is an Arcane/Divine Multiclass PrC that focuses on the undead.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-04-06, 10:02 PM
Warrior+Psion=Slayer or Sanctified Mind (IIRC it can also advance Divine Casting)

Rogue(at least the skill part)+Psion=Elocater

Incarnum+Psionics=Soul Manifester (Psionics of Incarnum Web Article)

Warrior+Rogue= Dread Comando or Scorpion Wraith (secrets of Xen'driks)