View Full Version : Multi Mook Melee!

2011-04-05, 08:57 PM
So, my DM has suggested a potentially interesting scenario.

My character, with all his gear, but no buffs and no back up, against a company of first-level hobgoblin warriors.

Specifically, one hundred-fifty hobgoblin warriors.

I, on the other hand, am a (Pathfinder) half-dragon (gold) orc with eight levels in Warblade, extremely high starting ability scores, far beyond WBL, max HP every hit die, +5 Adamantine Breastplate of Etherealness, Major Ring of Spell Storing, Belt of Physical Perfection, Cloak of the Salamander...a lot of stuff. I've got 28 AC without trying and 160 or so HP.

The hobgoblin forces would be divided into roughly equal amounts of infantry, cavalry, archers and grenadiers.

I, personally, think the only way I'd die myself is if the grenadiers can hit me without enough flasks of acid, since they're the only ones with a decent chance of hitting me, and if for some reason I don't use my armour to get away.

What does the Playground think, though?

Hiro Protagonest
2011-04-05, 08:59 PM
I think the hobbos don't stand a chance, just like when Belkar took down a ton of 'em.

2011-04-05, 09:02 PM
With all of those advantages? I predict carnage. With you winning.

2011-04-05, 09:07 PM
yeah... your character sounds brutal, and I dont even know everything you have. I definitely predict 150 dead hobgoblins. too bad your DM doesnt have a bunch of spellcasters to make it a challenge.

EDIT: an ALMOST challenge.

2011-04-05, 09:17 PM
Make it two hundred hobgoblin fighters with a company of thirty or so hobgoblin mages and it might be a challenge for you. Otherwise. . . You could fertilize a couple square acres of farmland just with the intestinal splatter that is going to be flying off the battlefield.

2011-04-05, 09:21 PM
Of course, after we talked again today and he realized just how strong I was, he realized that his initial estimates of what it would take to take me down were a mite on the low side, so there might be a bunch of adepts there too.

(I'm not convinced that will make a difference)

Hiro Protagonest
2011-04-05, 09:21 PM
If you describe the fight in anime style, it would be epic. :smallbiggrin:

2011-04-05, 09:36 PM
Considering that the last anime I watched was about friendly alien catgirls who came to Earth preceded by the message "We're coming to play!", I'm not sure I could get that to work.

2011-04-05, 09:40 PM
Of course, after we talked again today and he realized just how strong I was, he realized that his initial estimates of what it would take to take me down were a mite on the low side, so there might be a bunch of adepts there too.

(I'm not convinced that will make a difference)

Adepts will make a difference... depending on their level. If its a bunch of level 1 adepts, whatever. but if theres like.. I dunno, a small cabal of level 6 or 8 adepts... that could be a challenge.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-04-05, 09:53 PM
Considering that the last anime I watched was about friendly alien catgirls who came to Earth preceded by the message "We're coming to play!", I'm not sure I could get that to work.

I'm talking fight scenes like those in avatar: the last airbender.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-04-05, 10:13 PM
I'm talking fight scenes like those in avatar: the last airbender.

AVATAR: TLA is NOT an anime :smallannoyed:, a great series but not an anime.

OP: This kind of scenarios would be perfect for both Great Cleave and whirlwind attack (though mithril tornado or adamantine hurricane will see a lot of use), but yeah you should win this bat.... carnage easily.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-04-05, 10:15 PM
AVATAR: TLA is NOT an anime :smallannoyed:, a great series but not an anime.

I'm pretty sure it's an anime, what else would it be?

2011-04-05, 10:21 PM
"I'm pretty sure it's an anime, what else would it be?"

Depends on your personal definition/level of purism regarding the word. It's not written in, animated in, or written or animated by Japan or Japanese people, which means you cannot call it anime even under the broad definition of 'a work of Japanese animation.' But it does still generally use anime-based art stylings and generally anime-based media tropes in preference to more familiarly western ones, so it's still fair to consider along with works of Japanese animation when discussing it.

@ actual thread topic: I would say your DM has offered you the one situation where Pearl of Black Doubt is actually useful. Let the first ten mooks whiff against your AC, and then even enemies throwing touch attacks won't be able to hit you.

2011-04-05, 11:14 PM
I don't have Pearl of Black Doubt, unfotunately, having taken Bolstering Voice as my second stance for an easy pick-up of White Raven Tactics. Nor do I have Mithral Tornado yet, because I prioritized Ruby Nightmare Blade (we've mostly fought single big enemies over hordes of mooks).

Dusk Eclipse
2011-04-05, 11:23 PM
Have you got access to the trusty Magi-Mart (TM)? then if you are as above WBL as you say you are (too lazy to check right now) you should be able to pay for a few of the items that give you maneuvers. A Scholar Iron Heart Vest keyed to Mithral Tornado costs 15 K (a bit pricey but you may be able to buy it).

And with a lenient DM you could pay for a manifestation of Psychic Reformation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/psychicReformation.htm) which may let you switch one of your stances for Pearl of Black Doubt.

2011-04-05, 11:34 PM
DM has declared that ToB stuff (which he wasn't familiar with before this character) is pretty much all from Kara-Tur, so the Iron Heart Vest is out until we make a road trip there (we had plans to do so for Shadow Hands anyways).

I don't really need Pearl of Black Doubt for this fight - they aren't hitting me with attacks on anything but a nat 20 anyways.

2011-04-06, 12:37 AM
Does the benefits from Bless stack upon itself? If so then this just became carnage as well. As in his guts are on the ground.

Edit: Multiple morale bonuses do not stack. However that does increase their chance of hurting his character.

2011-04-06, 11:59 AM
Don't have my Pathfinder stuff with me so I can't look up all the gear, but...
With an AC of 28, level 1's are going to have a tough time hitting you on anything but a nat 20. However there are 150 of them. The melee types are limited by their numbers as to how many can attack you at any given time.
However you are dealing with 100 ranged types that can all fire at you at once. So that averages out to only 5 nat 20's per round. The DR from your armor is 2.

blah blah blah, math I don't want to do.

I guess it would come down to how fast you can get through/around the melee guys and into the archers. With 150+ hp you'll probably still come out ahead, but I don't think it'll be as one sided as you'd think.

2011-04-06, 02:21 PM
30 Level 1 Adepts would only make the fight last a little longer.
30 Level 1 Sorcerors however, with Magic Missile, would probably kill you.