View Full Version : Getting a high Intelligence

2011-04-06, 03:17 PM
Alright, I've set up my character to where basically I'm VERY SAD so that I only NEED intelligence and the rest are just optional little bonuses.

The problem I am having however is how can I get my intelligence very high? Same bonuses don't stack so I can't just wear lots of intelligence boosting items.

What is a list of items and such that I can use to boost my intelligence that can all stack together? The various types of bonuses, max, etc.

Try for both short and long term. Low levels and high levels.

2011-04-06, 03:34 PM
I assume base race can't be changed?

Acquired Templates + LA buyoff
Polymorph Any Object
UMD + horseshoes in Savage Species that give +10 int
Artificers can change the type of the bonus, allowing multiple items to stack.
Inherent Bonuses
Age categories (Actually, as I recall from the other thread, both your Str and Con are odd numbers. Becoming middle age sounds GREAT)

2011-04-06, 03:57 PM
Basic is to go Grey Elf, for the low +2 Int. That's for low.

2011-04-06, 04:07 PM
Well I was a bit unclear I meant things like items and such. I know Artificer could help me, but at the moment the party lacks an artificer.

Base race can't be changed.
Acquired template is an option possibly, would depend on the template and the DM. I personally like RPing more than stats, but I try to keep up with people who just want stats so it'd have to be a template I like.

POA, trying to avoid that cheese. Plus I like being a changeling. It's fun RPing.

Inherent only goes up to +5 correct?

Age categories would be an option, but not sure how I'd rapidly age when I'm 17 in game. As for stats my strength and con are indeed odd numbers. In addition I only need con for fortitude saves due to faerie mysteries.

Strength can also be bypassed via cunning strike. However, I like being a younger character (and backstory means I'm kinda stuck that way since Zym is adventuring for her family to get them money)

Grey elf isn't an option cause I already picked changeling and even if I hadn't I like changelings :P

Edit: Basically what are all the types of bonuses (inherent, enhancement, etc) and what kinds stack, what is max for them, and what are items or spells I can use to add to them.

We DO have a binder for crafting. Just a small note.

2011-04-06, 04:18 PM
Edit: Basically what are all the types of bonuses (inherent, enhancement, etc) and what kinds stack, what is max for them, and what are items or spells I can use to add to them.

We DO have a binder for crafting. Just a small note.
Without changing around races/templates, artificer access or aging, you're pretty much stuck with +5 unnamed from leveling, +5 inherent from books or Wishes, and +6 enhancement from headbands of intelligence. There are spells that'll give you temporary increases (most notably the polymorph line). Other than that, I'm pretty sure I've never seen an item add insight bonuses or luck bonuses to stats.

2011-04-06, 04:20 PM
Alright, if we did get an artificer in the party what are the many types of bonuses? One party member is considering a artificer instead of a binder.

And what artificer ability gives the bonus change? I'm looking at the book and can't find it.

Also, I forget to mention I'll look up the horseshoes.

2011-04-06, 04:22 PM
UMD + horseshoes in Savage Species that give +10 int

These are a bit difficult to make use of, as you transform into a nightmare-like creature, which means losing your hands. Maybe if you were a Centaur to start with, you could ignore that at DM's whim...

2011-04-06, 04:24 PM
Yeah, plus I don't want to turn into a nightmare pony >.>

2011-04-06, 04:26 PM
And what artificer ability gives the bonus change? I'm looking at the book and can't find it.

Item Alteration, a 4th Level Infusion.

2011-04-06, 04:28 PM
As far as permanent or semi-permanent Intelligence boosts go, normally you're stuck with racial bonuses, enhancement bonuses, inherent bonuses, and advancement/aging bonuses. Racial bonuses come from your race or templates (obviously). Enhancement bonuses generally come from the Fox's Cunning spell or a Headband of Intellect (max +6 pre-epic). Inherent bonuses come from one or more Wish spells or a Tome of Clear Thought (max +5). You can additionally gain 1 point every 4 HD and 1 point for every age category you advance. So at level 20, your typical young adult Int-SAD character will have an Intelligence of 18 (base) + X (race) + 6 (enhancement) + 5 (inherent) + 5 (HD) = 34 + X. So for a changeling, you're looking at 18 at level 1, 34 at level 20.

If your DM allows an artificer to change the bonus granted, you can add another +6 for every additional type the artificer can change the enhancement bonus from a Headband of Intellect to. Most DMs I know would place limitations on this, other wise you could get an Int of 28 + 6 enhancement +6 luck +6 competence +6 circumstance +6 dodge +6 natural armor = 74 (the last two bonuses there are pretty silly, but legal by RAW).

2011-04-06, 04:30 PM
Yeah, plus I don't want to turn into a nightmare pony >.>

It's called "into a creature resembling a nightmare."
This does not sound like you transmute into a pony, more like you get some kind of nightmare-visonable modifications (my interpretation).
I think it's hardly a DM-decision, but if you can transform your appearence with another spell to your "normal" appearence, this should go away.

2011-04-06, 04:31 PM
So 32 for me cause my highest roll was a 16 =_=

Hmmmm so 32 without an artificer. Not horrible I guess, though could be better...

2011-04-06, 04:33 PM
Don't forget Vile and/or Divine, for your many bonus types. That brings it up to an even 80, if your DM is crazy and lets you have Vile and Divine bonuses to the same stat.

2011-04-06, 04:36 PM
Sadly I highly doubt vile or divine will get added after a certain player abused the vile and taint rules...

However, I'll admit I'm not familiar. But being chaotic neutral would I be eligible for divine or vile?

2011-04-06, 04:45 PM
Also, Item Alteration explicitly disallows changing bonuses to or from sacred or profane bonuses.

2011-04-06, 04:48 PM
Is there any way to shift the bonus-type of an item without beeing artificer? (I am wizard too and do not want to loose my spell progression)

2011-04-06, 08:20 PM
Is there any way to shift the bonus-type of an item without beeing artificer? (I am wizard too and do not want to loose my spell progression)

Nope. Artificer is the only official method. You'd have to go houserule or 3rd party.

I allowed this one campaign with standard item crafting. By paying 200% cost, you could make a non-standard bonus type. The players abused it horribly. Never again. (And there's no Artificers in my campaign world, I have different stuff for them.)

2011-04-06, 09:39 PM
Some PrCs and classes (Fiend Blooded, Human Paragon etc.) give permanent ability boosts...

As for different ability boost types, there is a precedent: there is a Ring in EtCR that gives a Sacred bonus to Strength, albeit only for a limited number of minutes per day.

2011-04-06, 10:03 PM
I forget the name, but there's a spell in Fiendish Codex I that allows you to permanently gain enhancement bonuses to your INT from a demon's essence. The demon has to have a total ability modifier of double the increase you want, I think (so to get a +5 enhancement bonus to CHA, you'd need something with a +10 ability modifier, such as a Lilitu), but beyond that there aren't really all that many limits to it.

I think the spell duration is permanent, though, so it can be dispelled with a high enough check result.

2011-04-06, 10:14 PM
Actually, speaking of Fiendish Codex, FC2 has rules for Faustian Pacts, which can include selling your soul for (untyped) ability increases, among other things.

2011-04-06, 10:27 PM
Though you should be careful about selling your soul. FC II also says that devils tend to arrange the death of people who's soul they own, to collect on the debt early, unless they think there's significant chance of you causing more souls to turn to lawful evil (since the devil can claim any souls you turned to lawful evil as being his, greatly increasing his chances of promotion).

Never forget: Team Evil plays rough.

The FC I spell is called Extract Gift. 5th level, and it costs 1000 gp x the bonus squared. The downside is, demons don't like being dominated like that, and they get a will save. Best bet is to increase the DC, then follow the demon to the abyss (or just pull this off in the abyss) and kill it. It does take an hour though, so it will need to be a quiet enough layer.

2011-04-06, 10:30 PM
There's a spell from book of vile darkness that lets you drain a subject's ability score and gain it as an enhancement bonus to your own.

So get a spellhoarding riddled dragonwrought deep kobold as a cohort. That little fella should have 31 base int, +1 from level, +4 from cat's grace. Drain him for 36 more int.

2011-04-06, 10:36 PM
There's a spell from book of vile darkness that lets you drain a subject's ability score and gain it as an enhancement bonus to your own.
Which spell, exactly? I just skimmed through it, and didn't spot the one you were talking about.

2011-04-06, 11:35 PM
Which spell, exactly? I just skimmed through it, and didn't spot the one you were talking about.

Power Leech.

2011-04-06, 11:37 PM
What are the various types of bonuses in case an artificer gets encountered or the next player makes one?

2011-04-07, 08:36 AM
I'm not sure what artificers are allowed but I think the following are applicable:


Sacred - Called out as specifically not allowed.
Profane - Called out as specifically not allowed.