View Full Version : NEDSolo Build: Binder+ not sure

2011-04-06, 09:48 PM
So I was thinking about giving NED my first crack.

Because I will obviously be solo I wanted to be diverse, my first thought was Binder. This is a class I've only been able to play for a few sessions and had fun with. Another class which seemed to be good to pair into the build would be Factotum (*gasp*). Neither of these classes are really strong at fighting themselves and neither will have good healing early. That got me to thinking of Crusader/Cleric/RKV for one-half of the gestalt. But this is kindof where is hit the breaks.

I need to start with the Binder so I can pickup Expel Vestige and Improved Binding. These seem to be fairly critical to getting the most mileage out of the binder until Vestige Phylacteries can be afforded ( which probably wont happen in NED I'm guessin. )

It would seem I also want to start with Factotum for the early trapfinding and skill points. Thinking of pull Able Learner out so I dont have to worry about cross class skill issues either.

For the cleric I was thinking Renewal and Time domain from Spell Comp. I kindof wanted to start with this class as well, the Renewal would help give me abit of break incase of bad luck or a nasty suprise.

Crusader becuase well, soaking alot of damage and then beating someone for healing just seemed like a good idea. Maybe something else?

This setup would seem rather MAD but in a gestalt to cover most all bases...what isn't. :/ Also, out of combat healing would eventually be covered by Buer(4th lvl vest) or Andras (4th)+Shielf of Mercy(MiC)

so my query is, what is your thoughts. Looking at Factotum it seemed pretty sweet but a full Factotum // Binder didn't seem to make much sense. After Factotum maybe Swordsage?

2011-04-06, 11:19 PM
Factotum//Binder is sort of a "jack of all trades, master of all trades" approach. Totally legitimate.

2011-04-06, 11:22 PM
Incarnate is another class that excels at multitasking. Since you can cheese a whole lot of effective binder levels for free, consider a dip for some nifty abilities.

2011-04-06, 11:53 PM
Our group nabbed the Incarnum book awhile back but its basicly just a dust collector anymore. Is there something specific I should look at in there that would help this kindof concept?

Outside of the Improved Binding, i'm not really sure of other ways to crank up my binder level.

On thing I was looking at was at level one I would be able to bind Malphas. Between Birds Eye Viewing giving me a Raven for scouting, it should be able to hold a sunrod or torch while flying. The raven also has a handy benefit of soaking traps I dont notice.

Q: Would I be able to open doors while under Malphas's Invisibility? It says 'Making an attack ends but otherwise last EBL rounds'.
Q: Since I'm directly controlling the bird, would that count for purposes of breaking the invisibility?