View Full Version : Gentlemen Bastards series by Scott Lynch

The Antigamer
2011-04-07, 04:00 AM
The Lies of Locke Lamora is a gripping, intense book. Reading it, it's hard to imagine that this is Scott Lynch's debut novel, as it reads like a book from someone who has had plenty previous novels under his belt. A review I found after reading it:
"Ocean's Eleven was great and everything, but know what would've made it cooler? If the setting had been Venice during the late middle ages, possibly the Renaissance. Better yet, an alternate fantasy world version of Renaissance Venice, with an intricate system of magic and a complex set of political conspiracies to add some flair. And what if the city was built upon the ruins of an earlier city, and the earlier city was built by some enigmatic science fiction creatures that have since disappeared?"

I picked up the book a while back on a recommendation, and when I finally got around to reading it, I couldn't put it down. Finished it in a day, then went looking for what else the author wrote. When I saw it was a 7-book series, with 7 more for after that, plus a prequel, well, I nearly wet myself. But then I noticed how long it's been since the last publication. After a bit of research I learned he started medication for depression. I went out the next day and bought Red Seas under Red Skies. I loved it, this series is like crack. But, unfortunately, I've been waiting for Republic of Thieves since then. It had a release date of February, then May, now Spring 2011, and I heard mention that it will most likely come in November.

I just wanted to share this amazing series with The Playground, since a quick search revealed there has been no discussion on it. Who else loves the books?

2011-04-07, 12:38 PM
I heard November for it too. But Amazon.com says 2013. So I don't think anyone knows for sure.
Which is sad, because I love this series! And I heard the next book is the one where
Sabetha finally makes an appearance...

2011-04-07, 12:42 PM
Way to go. You got my hopes up that RoT was back underway, like ADwD and the Wise Man's Fear. Why must you taunt me with the promise of more Lynch books!?

Yeah, I love them too. Some of my favorite books in the entire genre, no doubt about it. Shame about the whole nervous breakdown thing. Get well soon, Scott!

2011-04-07, 01:03 PM
I'll wait a week or two to dig myself out of the academic hole I've gotten myself into with procrastination, but afterwards I'm rewarding myself by walking into the nearest bookstore and picking up a copy of the first book in this series, since it does sound all kinds of excellent.

There, I hope you're happy :smallwink:

2011-04-07, 01:29 PM
Okay, okay, I've heard too many good things about this series to not read it at this point. I'll definitely have to get it soon.

I heard November for it too. But Amazon.com says 2013. So I don't think anyone knows for sure.

. . . because I don't read enough book series that leave me hanging for years on end. :smalltongue:

The Antigamer
2011-04-07, 02:44 PM
I heard November for it too. But Amazon.com says 2013. So I don't think anyone knows for sure.
Which is sad, because I love this series! And I heard the next book is the one where
Sabetha finally makes an appearance...
The author's site says November, so fingers crossed.
I agree with your spoiler.

Way to go. You got my hopes up that RoT was back underway, like ADwD and the Wise Man's Fear. Why must you taunt me with the promise of more Lynch books!?

Yeah, I love them too. Some of my favorite books in the entire genre, no doubt about it. Shame about the whole nervous breakdown thing. Get well soon, Scott!
I'm sorry to get your hopes up :smalltongue:

I'll wait a week or two to dig myself out of the academic hole I've gotten myself into with procrastination, but afterwards I'm rewarding myself by walking into the nearest bookstore and picking up a copy of the first book in this series, since it does sound all kinds of excellent.

There, I hope you're happy :smallwink:
Very happy! You'll enjoy them!

Okay, okay, I've heard too many good things about this series to not read it at this point. I'll definitely have to get it soon.

. . . because I don't read enough book series that leave me hanging for years on end. :smalltongue:
The first book could have been a standalone, but then you realize there's another, and you can't help but read it, and then hunger for the next book, despite knowing how much that hunger can hurt from previous series.

2011-04-07, 04:01 PM
It is a very good series. I don't generally pay attention to release dates etc, so this the first I've heard of his Nervous Breakdown. That is indeed a massive downer, but I hope he gets back on his feet soon.

2011-04-07, 04:44 PM
The author's been going through tough times, so the next book's release date is kind of unknown.
I liked Lies a lot more than Skies.
In Lies we didn't only get an intriguing character doing intriguing things, we also unraveled the mystery of "Who is Locke Lamora?" By the second book not as many things were unclear, so it was kind of dull. I'm hoping that the eventual third book will have mysteries about Sabetha, but I have other books I'm looking forward to more.

Eric Tolle
2011-04-07, 09:05 PM
Both my wife and I like to describe it as "Lupin III in a fantasy Venice." Honestly, at times while she was reading the second book she was humming the Lupin Theme (second series).

Killer Angel
2011-04-08, 02:15 AM
Who else loves the books?

I totally love it. The Lies of Locke Lamora is one of the greatest books I've read in the last years, hands down.

Edit: I also picked up and used some Locke's tricks, during D&D game sessions... :smalltongue:

Okay, okay, I've heard too many good things about this series to not read it at this point. I'll definitely have to get it soon.

Do it, you won't be disappointed, it's totally worth it. possible exception: there's vulgar language, and some peoples found it "a little excessive".

I liked Lies a lot more than Skies.

Me too, but again, also Skies is still very good.

2011-04-08, 02:29 AM
Oh, man. I loved these two. Particularly the Lies of Locke Lamora, but the second one as well. They are just so amazingly fun and tantalizingly mysterious. Can't wait for numero tres.

2011-04-08, 02:41 PM
I got the second book not knowing it was part of a series. It works well as a stand alone novel, but makes me want to get Lies and finally read it. It also make me want to play a rogue.

The Antigamer
2011-04-08, 03:03 PM
I got the second book not knowing it was part of a series. It works well as a stand alone novel, but makes me want to get Lies and finally read it. It also make me want to play a rogue.

Do it, you'll love it! Though you'll have some twists spoiled by reading the second first, there will still be plenty of surprises.