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2011-09-10, 10:51 AM
Meanwhile, back with the Mayor...

Warden stays entirely silent, pondering to himself the task they face. He occasionally swings his axe in a circle, idly, as if his mind were elsewhere entirely.

After a short while, he speaks plainly and boldly.

"You're all going to die."

2011-09-10, 10:53 AM
Vulkan gives a frustrated look, "Tomorrow morning? This better be a literal 'first minute the day begins' morning." He turns to the guards, "We'll head back to the mayor. Follow me Delroth." He starts heading back to the mayor's place.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-09-10, 03:19 PM
Delroth and Kreok follow after Vulkan.

Emperor Ing
2011-09-11, 08:41 PM
The lizardfolk turns quickly to the warden, his spectacled face looking at him in bewilderment.
Well, uh..that's...grim, but...I guess we all die, right? I mean, unless you're...well...n-nobody survives life, right? He attempts to rationalize it.

Uhh, hang on a second.
One of the guards stops the movement.
I'm sure your fiery friend is fine, but you? Just turn back the way you came, and maybe wait a bit for special permission from the mayor...oh, skrew it. Nevermind, it's fine. They can court martial me for all I care, i'm gonna die soon anyway. Almost as quickly as he interrupted, the guard moves out of the way.

When you get back to the Mayor's office, he turns to you, and blurts out. OH THANK THE GODS!! Vulkan is almost sure the mayor was just about to hug him, but then realized last-minute that that would've been a bad idea before he risked injury.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-09-11, 08:50 PM
Delroth laughs. "I wish everyone would treat us that way, eh, Vulkan?"

2011-09-12, 05:08 AM
Vulkan just shakes his head. He said, "What did you do Warden?" He then got back on topic. "Alright, Delroth here is potentially able of teleporting all the townsfolk, but he needs to prepare to be able to cast it tomorrow." He then turned to the demilich. "How long will this specifically take?"

2011-09-12, 07:32 AM
"Ah, then perhaps your death is not certain... For now at least. Though, forgive me, perhaps my information is incorrect but I thought you had word of an attack tomorrow? So isn't tomorrow a little too... late?"

Halna LeGavilk
2011-09-12, 07:50 PM
Delroth thinks for a moment. "Well... if I'm lucky? About ten minutes. If not, maybe up to an hour."

Emperor Ing
2011-09-12, 08:21 PM
As long as you're sure you can get the entire town out of, well, town before the attack tomorrow, and you can keep 'Warden' away from me i'm fine letting you do what you do.

2011-09-14, 11:36 AM
Vulkan nodded. "Then I suppose the plan is to hold off the army until Delroth can evacuate them all, then take the fight to the leader." He had a look around, "Sounds good? Does anyone else know of people or organizations we can go to about this? We could use all the help we can get..."

Halna LeGavilk
2011-09-14, 07:35 PM
"Well, I'm ready. Anything else?"

Emperor Ing
2011-09-17, 04:58 PM
Not that I can think of at the moment, I wish I could do more. Really. I MIGHT be able to organize an evacuation outside the city, but that is all. Unless you have a monstrous teleportation spell or some help...I...have doubts it will be what we need.

2011-10-02, 06:55 PM
Though enjoying the silence following the Mayor's question, Warden decides to break it. Too much time had been wasted already.

"I myself have no such spell, and unless the lich is of a power greater than my own, which I sincerely doubt, he will not either."

Said with a hint of disgust, especially at the word 'lich', he almost hisses his reply before looking around at the others for anything they might have to add.

2011-10-03, 07:59 AM
Vulkan sighs. "Delroth here is more than a lich, to my regret. I've seen what they can do, I would not be surprised if they can do a city-wide teleport." He thought for a moment. "We should go check on the Prismatic Dragon we felled earlier before we plan out anything else, Delroth, can you take us back there?" He turns to the demilich as he asks with a somewhat untrustworthy tone.

Emperor Ing
2011-10-05, 09:09 PM
((Currently waiting on Delroth))

Halna LeGavilk
2011-10-05, 09:12 PM
OOC: Sorry. Been busy w/football and other time consuming things. Still need to know: Does Delroth know any creatures with Teleportation Circle from this list? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/summonMonsterIX.htm)

Emperor Ing
2011-10-05, 09:18 PM
Very few creatures can cast Teleport Circle, and none of them are summonable.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-10-05, 09:32 PM
OOC: How about with Greater Planar Ally?

Emperor Ing
2011-10-05, 09:53 PM
((I don't know ANY creatures honestly who can cast Teleport Circle as an SLA or anything. Though I got one stupid idea. I call it Transdimensional Capitalism))

Halna LeGavilk
2011-10-05, 09:55 PM
((I don't know ANY creatures honestly who can cast Teleport Circle as an SLA or anything. Though I got one stupid idea. I call it Transdimensional Capitalism))

OOC: Coautl's cast as sorcerors. If balors could carry more than 50 lbs of...

IC: Delroth turns to the mayor before answering. "I'll need all of the Bags of Holding and Bottles of Air in your city. If we get those, we can start as soon as we get them."

2011-10-06, 07:25 AM
Vulkan turned a curious eye to Delroth. "What does a demilich need with all those items?" He thought for a moment before letting out a chuckle. "Sorry but the mental image of you using all the Bags of Holding and Bottles of Air to do something like lift Holtz is pretty silly."

Emperor Ing
2011-10-06, 11:29 AM
The mayor looks a bit confused, although you can tell he's figured out the plan. Huh. Sorry, but we do not have those readily available. As long as there's not too much of a panic going on right now, there may be magic shop merchants who would be willing to allow you to bprrow their wares.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-10-09, 10:46 PM
"Do you have a list of merchants, or a tourist map, or some such?"

Emperor Ing
2011-10-11, 12:08 AM
No, but...one second...
The lizardman goes behind his desk. Although the desk conceals his exact actions, you can hear rummaging through paper. Afterwards, he walks out with a rolled up large sheet of paper in one hand, and a pen in the other. He unrolls it against the wall, and uses the pen to circle a part of town on what is clearly a map. He then pauses for a moment, and makes a few other markings.
Will this be helpful?

2011-10-11, 10:01 AM
Vulkan goes to read the map, his flames calm enough to avoid damaging the flames. "Exactly how many of such items will we be needing? I get the feeling we'd need to purchase them all from the entire continent rather than a town." He looked slightly distressed at Delroth's rather confusing plan.

Emperor Ing
2011-10-11, 11:33 AM
Well...are any of you technomancers? The mayor inquired dryly

Halna LeGavilk
2011-10-12, 01:22 PM
"Unfortunately, no. But, I'll take what I can get. Vulkan, Warden, do you want to go with me or by yourself?"

2011-10-13, 08:27 AM
"I'll go by myself," Vulkan mentions as he makes his way out the door. "I need to check back up on the prismatic dragon we fell earlier. If we can't get any info from it, I'll remove the creature." He begins his way back to the dragon, not listening to what Warden might have to say to that right now.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-10-13, 01:21 PM
"Well Warden?"

2011-10-13, 03:41 PM
Shrugging, Warden heads off after Vulkan, determined to extract any information he could from the prismatic.

Emperor Ing
2011-10-14, 09:16 PM
Provided nobody stops them, The Warden and Vulkan make their way out of the underground tunnel network.

@Vulkan and Niezck (And Halna if Delroth is accompanying them)

After several minutes of backtracking through tunnels, you come outside to the smoldering ruins of the section of Holtz where you battled the dragon. To your suprise however, the remains of the prismatic dragon that you have battled are not there.

Spot check (DC 25)
Off in the distance, you eye a pair of moving stars that you are pretty sure are not stars.

Spot Check (DC 40)
You barely can make out a pair(?) of Prismatic Dragons flying. Towards or away, it's difficult to tell from this distance.

Listen Check (DC 35)
You can make out a distinct voice muttering to itself in frustration amidst the ruins. A familiar voice (except to The Warden)
no no no no no, this will not do. Not do at all.

2011-10-15, 12:36 PM
Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]

EDIT: "Dear roller, you haven't given me a good roll ALL WEEK.

From Starsign"


The complete and utter lack of a dragon there had Vulkan throw one of his claws on his face in frustration. "Damn it all. I should have killed it and not trust the demilich." His frustration made it difficult for him to focus. "Warden do you notice anything?"

Halna LeGavilk
2011-10-16, 06:33 PM
Delroth visits the point of the town marked on a map and looks around, looking for magic shops.

Spot: [roll0]

2011-10-27, 01:38 PM
"Nope. I told you they were tricky buggers, but nooo... don't listen to me, it's not like I've been created specifically to guard against them and have been doing so for thousands of years. Nope, nothing like that."

The sarcasm was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Emperor Ing
2011-10-27, 04:01 PM
Aside from the fact that half the down is in flames, you don't notice anything else unusual. The remains of the dragon are missing, and for all you know could be under some glacier in Emanacal Delta.

Unfortunately that just leaves the fire elemental and the draconic construct standing in ruins.

Through careful searching, you eyeball a lightly damaged building that houses an unusually large number of magic items.

Looking through the inventory, you notice inventory scattered haphazardly. Several boots, belts, bracers, and seemingly useless (but you know better) trinkets scattered across the floor. But you're not interested in that. After several minutes of searching, you are able to locate 5 bags of holding. The quality of which you are not entirely sure of, and 1 bottle of air. At least, the only bottle that's intact, though you're sure it still works.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-10-27, 06:26 PM
"...crap. Not nearly enough. Kreok!" The winged construct moved closer, blades out. "I need you to keep searching. I need to go start the process."
Kreok nodded, and flew away, looking for more magic items. Delroth mentally picked the bags and the air bottle up. He then teleported to the mayor.

Mayor's Office

"Where is your town square?"

Emperor Ing
2011-10-29, 01:02 PM

WAAAH!! The lizard shrieks as the demilich teleports in. Don't do that!

2011-10-29, 02:01 PM
Vulkan mumbled to himself annoyingly as he started looking for anyone who might had seen the dragon take off. The spell likely was broken on him while the others we're away so there had to have been someone behind this.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-10-29, 09:50 PM
"Sorry. I just need somewhere we can start taking people. I also need to know where the place is."

Emperor Ing
2011-10-31, 01:51 AM
((Maybe you wanna try search checks?))


Riiight. And the town square is here. He points to it on the map.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-10-31, 09:56 PM
Kreok'll take 20, I guess, so 46.

Emperor Ing
2011-11-02, 12:23 PM

The winged robot thoroughly scours the ruined buildings. In a jewelry and book shop, you find a total of two additional bags of holding

Spot Check (DC 30)
You can make out someone who you're pretty sure is Colonel Mattix passing by

2011-11-03, 05:59 AM
Search check: [roll0]

Emperor Ing
2011-11-11, 03:35 PM

Looking around the area you note a swirling iridescent pool leading out from the city. The largest pool you're pretty sure is where the dragon used to be. It reminds you of blood somehow.

2011-11-14, 09:41 PM
Vulkan looked at the leading line of fluid with mockery and contempt. "Hell, the dragon somehow got up and left. Shall we go lead on after it or prioritize our efforts here first?"

Halna LeGavilk
2011-11-20, 07:05 PM
Kreok flies out. "Colonel?" he calls out after the kobold.

Emperor Ing
2011-11-21, 10:58 PM

Huh? The kobold turns curiously to the nimblewright.
Pardon me, but do I know you?

Halna LeGavilk
2011-11-24, 01:32 AM
"Yes, we met earlier, before the attack. I was with the floating skull?"

Emperor Ing
2011-11-24, 10:28 AM

He pauses briefly
Yes, I recall now. Was that your group that took that thing down?

2011-11-25, 10:29 AM
Vulkan eventually finds Kreok with the kobold. "...Oh hell," the fire elemental muttered to himself as he went over to Mattix, his flames flickering brutally. "Colonel... What was your involvement in the prismatic dragon's attack? Vulkan's tone had a mix of anger and curiousness.

Emperor Ing
2011-11-25, 11:07 AM
What? The kobold looks quite nervous in the presence of the approaching being of fire.
What makes you so certain that I would be involved in anything like this? What could I possibly have to gain by having such a creature level a city?

Halna LeGavilk
2011-11-25, 06:34 PM
Kreok unsheathes one of his blades. "What exactly did the colonel do, Vulkan?"

2011-11-26, 01:33 PM
Vulkan crossed his arms. "You wouldn't have gained something, however I might guess that Overlord Weromijekarnattizeth would have a more distributional outlook at these turn of events." He paused for a moment. "I have no conclusive proof though, so I will stay my hand on this subject. The prismatic dragon somehow had gone up and tried to take his leave. He was in a Microcosm state beforehand however, so he was freed by something or someone." The fire elemental turned back to where the dragon once was. "Colonel would you have any idea who or what a prismatic dragon would work for?"

Emperor Ing
2011-11-26, 01:57 PM
He pauses for a moment in thought. Typical draconic heirachies place the oldest or the wealthiest in charge. The former is prevalent among more anarchially aligned, the latter being more symbolic among those more closely aligned to Mechanus. If I were to make my best guess, this specimen was either manipulated by external factors or directed by a leader whom I can only assume is an older, wealthier "prismatic" dragon.

But still... He trails off, pacing slowly. This...do you at all know why such a creature would come here, of all places?

2011-11-26, 02:12 PM
Vulkan ponders in thought for a moment, figuring out how to tell this to Mattix. "Colonel... The reason it would be here would be to collect High Aios' mistake. The legend of the Spectral Dragon is true. It hides underneath Holtz and the prismatic dragon came to free it under the order of it's master... Which could somehow be the spectral dragon itself." He gave a look out into the area where the badly wounded dragon went off to. "I'm guessing Relipthurjerikanix would attempt the same if she did not get her tribute..."

Emperor Ing
2011-11-26, 02:24 PM

You're pretty sure he's telling more of the truth than you expected.

I do not know if she is even aware of the legend. Though if it holds water...she may end up accidentally freeing it. I sincerely doubt that such a creature would be at all grateful to their releaser.

2011-12-02, 04:12 PM
Vulkan pauses quietly before retorting, "Right, and what else do you know? You're not telling us the whole story colonel and I'm not appreciating it." The fire elemental seemed to be getting pretty impatient, like a unstable barrel ready to explode.

No Vulkan is not planning to fight, in case either of you we're getting that idea

Halna LeGavilk
2011-12-02, 09:57 PM
Kreok advances around the colonel, always watching him.

Emperor Ing
2011-12-03, 10:07 PM
What do you want me to say? The Colonel exclaims defensively
I have heard the legends. The Dragons that are to dragons what dragons are to the common rabble. I have spent decades of my life throwing the status-quo of Draconis into disarray, what possesses you to even suggest I would have something to gain from unleashing something that could potentially challenge Archmagister Zekel?

Knowledge (Arcana) DC 55

Archmagister Prime Zekel is a relatively young Gold Dragon whom is considered to be currently the #1 most powerful spellcaster in the worlds.

2011-12-05, 03:01 PM
Vulkan sighed again, "As I said before, you have nothing to gain from this; your master, however, might whether you knew it or not." He glares at the colonel. "I want to know whatever you know, about these dragons, about the Spectral dragon, and about anything at all related to what happened here. Your lord I'll worry about another time. I'm more interested in 'why' and 'now.'"

Halna LeGavilk
2011-12-05, 10:01 PM
"Please, tell the man what he wants to hear."

Emperor Ing
2011-12-06, 09:10 AM
My "master" has something to gain? Mattix remarks in bemusement Decades I have dedicated my life so that no kobold would ever have to serve under a dragon unless they wish it. If I am a pawn in some game of xorvintaal then they will have me to deal with, but you are mistaken in assuming I serve anyone else except kobold kind.

But you want information about the Spectral Dragons, right? The dragons of light, the dragons of energy, the dragons of power, and the dragons of the apocalypse. They are a myth. A proverbial bogeyman mothers tell their wyrmlings to keep them in line. That is what I would say if I didn't see two light dragons carrying away the body of a third one.

2011-12-12, 08:23 PM
"Hmm..." Vulkan thinks to himself for a minute. "We don't have any other hints, so I'll leave the subject for now and bring it up again when we've got our lovely, oncoming red dragon that will be approaching Holtz soon." He kept quiet for a moment till Mattix mentioned about the prismatic dragon. "So then there are more of them... Hell I wish we weren't so shorthanded on people.

He turns to Kreok, "Where and what is Delroth doing at this time? We have an army of red dragons coming, most likely to release this living myth. We have prismatic dragons wishing to awaken it as well. And on top of it all we have a town that needs immediate evacuation and a watchful eye." The elder fire elemental states the problematic situation as he thinks to himself what would be the best course of action. "Colonel what is your advice now? You have been in such situations, you should know some strategies at least."

Is there any sort of ability that lets me use an Int check to decide tactics or something similar? [roll0]

Emperor Ing
2011-12-18, 02:07 PM
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, but you can play on their rivalries. I would be cautious though, because you would want Relipthurjerikanix to win. She may not know about the Dragon of Holtz, and I imagine you are better equipped to deal with True Dragons as opposed to Neotic Dragons.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-12-18, 02:40 PM
"Neotic dragons? Explain, if you would."

Emperor Ing
2011-12-18, 03:33 PM

"Neotic" is a term that is scarcely referenced in obscure history texts, and even then, vaguely. Typically it is mentioned in Draconic, although it translates to Common pretty easily.

Wait, did I say "neotic?" My mistake, I was thinking about this obscure dragon cult that worships this god "Neote" before I ran into you. I meant to say 'I imagine you are better equipped to deal with True Dragons as opposed to Spectral Dragons."

Halna LeGavilk
2011-12-18, 05:00 PM
"Wait, wait, wait. Dragon god Neote? This has no connection to the spectral dragon?"

Emperor Ing
2011-12-18, 05:23 PM
None that I am aware of. Prehaps Neote is no god, but an actual Spectral Dragon impersonating a diety.

2011-12-19, 12:05 PM
"So then... Either these dragons worship their leader, a spectral dragon named Neote... Or this Neote is the one they wish to awaken beneath Holtz." Vulkan thinks with worry for a moment. "The latter seems like the more plausible outlook. Gods do not often appear in a physical form, instead more in a spiritual manner with the form of a physical being. It would make sense that they would think of the spectral dragon here as a god." He thought for a bit more. "Of course then if Neote really is a spectral dragon not beneath Holtz, I hope they are not expecting control of the one here as that would be an illogical impossibility... Your thoughts Colonel?"

Emperor Ing
2011-12-21, 07:45 PM

While you have no way of knowing if Mattix is lying or not, you think there's something he's not telling you.

In all honesty this is pure speculation on the part of myself. Perhaps Neote exists so far as one dragon believes the wild imaginings of another, and Neote doesn't exist at all.

2011-12-23, 01:23 PM
"In that case then let us not dwell on it... Do you have anything else you might need to tell us Colonel?" Vulkan emphasized the word "need," not "want." "Consider the risks that this situation holds, and not just for Holtz." The fire elemental tries to use persuasion. "We need to know all we can Colonel, anything personal aside of course." It almost seemed like Vulkan was willing to bow for it. "Anything at all you still have knowledge-wise that we can learn of?"

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

Emperor Ing
2011-12-25, 12:34 PM
He thinks for a moment. If meddling in the affairs of dragons is a foolish endeavor, then I am the greatest fool to ever walk the face of the worlds. I have heard some whispers which you may look into, however how much of a help they may be towards reversing the advances of the Spectral Dragons I am unaware.

The Renegade Meta-Dragons of Hypt have become much more bold, especially on Draconis. They have begun to display an almost foolish level of boldness as they have brought a cause that has united several of the living dragons against their omnicidal phalanx. I cannot hope to understand the motivations of these abominable machines.

The Lord of the Iron Citadel is rumored to have replaced his staff with something more...unique. I wish I could say more, but it is a topic of conversation I have overheard, and their words are quite vague.

The Palace of the Lord Immaculate Hexctheizylnorkerrakan is under siege by the Overlord Weromijekarnattizeth and a contigent of Chromatic companions. The purpose of this is unknown, but it may be worth looking into.

There have also been unique dissapearances along the Elemental Storm of Emanacal Draconis. More so than usual, which is unique considering rogue elemental activity is believed to be down at this time.

2011-12-29, 02:02 PM
Vulkan's white eyes glow as he slams his one of his hands down upon the other. "Well then that is a number of areas I'll need to head to. As tempted as I am to travel to the Elemental Storm, the siege on the Lord Immaculate is the more vital priority to me. The Iron Citadel is in no hurry and Hypt Dragons are better off talking with that demilich than me." He crosses his arms as he thinks for a moment. "Kreok, Mattix, do either of you have ability to teleport, or will I be needed to ask Delroth for this?" He also looks at Kreok carefully. "Will I be able to trust you and your master on protecting Holtz and their citizens while I am gone, Nimblewright?"

Emperor Ing
2011-12-29, 02:07 PM
I am a swordsman of unparalleled ability, however my skills in the arcane are very limited. Fortunately, the instantaneous transport between worlds is something I can arrange.

Halna LeGavilk
2012-01-01, 11:24 AM
"We can protect. Though Delroth may insist coming with you once we have evacuated the city, if I know him at all. And I do. So, expect him coming with you in a while."

2012-01-01, 04:03 PM
Vulkan nodded his head. "Fine. I'll be off then." He turns to Mattix. "Colonel, the Lord Immaculate rests on Emanacal Draconis, does it not? I'll just need you to get me to the plane and I'll figure out the rest of the way there myself. It shouldn't take too long now."

Emperor Ing
2012-01-03, 04:14 PM
Colonel Mattix puts a hand to his chin in a thought. So I am right to assume that I will teleport you, and this Delroth will follow shortly?

2012-01-03, 11:58 PM
Vulkan took a nod at Mattix. "If you mean 'shortly' by 'as soon as the red dragons are delt with,' then yes that is correct. I do plan on checking out the Elemental Storm too while I am on Draconis. It was always like a second home to me... In the slaughtering department that is." He gives a slight chuckle at his words.

Emperor Ing
2012-01-07, 02:33 PM
I can take you to the Elemental Storm, though it is my duty to inform you you shall be transported to the domain of the Overlord. I'm afraid the palace of the Lord Immaculate will be on the other side of the world. Quite literally in fact My ability to transport you anywhere closer is quite limited unless you wish to cross an ocean.

2012-01-08, 06:09 PM
Vulkan pauses for a moment before nodding. "Very well then, take me to the Overlord's domain. I will speak to him myself then move to the Elemental Storm. If Delroth finishes his role here and joins me, I'll head to the Lord Immaculate next. If he isn't, I will head back here after I am done in the Storm."

Emperor Ing
2012-01-08, 07:42 PM
The kobold seems to go pale before speaking in an ominous, almost subtley threatening tone.
Nobody speaks to the Overlord unless it wishes it. Even fewer enter his citadel and leave still themselves. He pauses.
What I meant by "The Overlord's domain" is the planet's singular continent is divided politically by the Overlord and the Chromatic Dragons to the East while the Lord Immaculate's Metallics control the West. It is divided by a rather thin line of sparse Gem Dragon territories with Chaos and Meta dragon domains to the North and South respectively.

The closest I can bring you to the Lord Immaculate's palace is on the Chromatic side of the outskirts of the elemental storm.

2012-01-09, 03:31 PM
Vulkan nodded in understanding. "Very well then, take me to as close as you can take me to the elemental storm. If you can place me in a secret or safe spot, that would be more preferable."

Emperor Ing
2012-01-12, 08:22 PM
The world moves out of focus, blurring into waves of light that eventually refocus into some unusual terrain. Dark, ominous clouds hang out over the landscape in contrast to the swirling colored hurricane of elemental energies that stretches out to your right as far as your eye can see. Welcome to Emanacal Draconis.

2012-01-14, 10:57 PM
Vulkan examines the incredibly large swirl of energies that is the Storm. "Well then, I will be moving onto learning about these 'disappearances.' What do you know exactly on these disappearances being unique?"

Emperor Ing
2012-01-14, 11:10 PM
The outskirts of the Elemental Storm is universally considered neutral ground among like-typed dragons. Many of them talk amongst each other. I have heard some discussions saying how allies and family members have gone to the elemental storm and were never seen again. I have also heard of dragons in the elemental storm seeing other dragons land off in the distance, and they never see any trace of them again. Investigations have yielded some to conclude that they simply teleported out. But I have my doubts.

What makes them "unique" is that rogue elemental activity is down, and this sort of thing, at least to my knowledge, has never been seen before.

2012-01-17, 08:59 PM
"Hmm... Really? That is quite the pity, no chance for a warzone then." He looks at the great Storm, an area Aujir helped him enter many times, though going in alone is one he cannot recall the last time he accomplished. With one brave step, Vulkan began to enter the elemental storm, avoiding any confrontations with dragons along the way and preferring to get his answers from the elementals that lurked in the storm.

Emperor Ing
2012-01-19, 11:20 PM
Coming into the elemental storm, you soon find the overcast clouds taking on a more prismatic quality. Fire swirls over you, clashing with titanic waves of a liquid chrome crackling in multicolored energy. A sickly glow is peppered by some strangely solid objects hurdling through the clouds, if they could even be called that. The landscape beyond you is barren. Not even barren. Rather, it appears as a deformed mockery of barren. Epic canyons and valleys formed from earthen spires and crags of some bizarre hodgepodge of scorched, drenched, blasted, crushed, obliterated earth keep track of your every movement.

The winding valleys and canyons stretch on in a bizarre labrynthine pattern. Although you can keep a general sense of which way you are supposed to go, there is the chance that this sense is betraying you.

Survival check

2012-01-23, 05:39 PM
Vulkan tried to remember the last time he had been here. It wasn't easy with the elemental storm being what looked like the ongoing ravage of an apocalyptic deity bringing his might down each and every moment of time. Usually time is never a concern to Vulkan, the fire elemental had lived for ages beyond millennium. However here was certainly a problem. He usually took his time moving around the maze, this time not so much. Vulkan moved through the maze in a hurry, literally blazing through walls if needed.

Really BAD Survival check: [roll0]

Emperor Ing
2012-01-28, 10:33 PM
Traveling hours on end through the winding maze, occasionally busting through walls, all the while having an inexplicable urge to shout "Oh yeah!" while doing so, you find yourself moving amidst stone walls covered in thick sheets of ice. Said ice furiously giving off vapors, which is hastened as you move by. Not long, however you notice the ice gliding across the rock past you as if it were amorphous. They eventually come to form what you think might be water elementals, but they have a palpable aura of cold and are generating intense fog by simply standing there. They form some 50 feet from you, and are already making threatening movements towards you.

Roll init

2012-01-29, 10:47 PM
After a while of trekking, Vulkan comes to notice such elementals... Or something similar, appear before him. It was odd to the elder fire elemental; there was definitely something off about these creatures. "Interesting..." He remarks to himself quietly. "So would these happen to be why rogue elemental activity has decreased? I'd hate to know beyond a simple yes-no answer." Vulkan then prepares himself as he tries to remember about any sort of creatures like these that he had faced before.

Knowledge (history) check to see if Vulkan knows about these... Creatures: [roll0]

Initiative: [roll1]

Gonna wait to see if Vulkan can go first or not and the results on the Knowledge check before I post my actions.

Emperor Ing
2012-01-30, 12:05 AM
Despite your extensive historical knowledge, you quickly come to realize that perhaps a historical perspective would not be that helpful in identifying these creatures.

However, this moment of hesitation turns out to be dangerous as already three of them are upon you, liquid cold blasting into you furiously, but to no avail. Your deflective energies more than enough to make up what your supernatural speed cannot accomplish alone.

You take 0 damage, three of them are 10 ft from you, two are 35 ft.

2012-02-01, 11:36 AM
Quickly moving to evasion, then back into position, the elder fire elemental looks on at the strange and VERY hostile creatures. Well they definitely have a connection to the missing rogue activity, Vulkan thinks to himself, now prepared for proper combat. Well then let's give this a try... A moment later, Vulkan's flames begin flaring up in rage, the heat it gave out now threatening and submitting the ground and skies nearby to burn away in the flames of the fire elemental.

In anger he cries out at the creatures, "What manner of fools are you! I command you to answer me at my call!" He speaks in Ignan, then Aquan, then Auran, followed by whatever other languages Vulkan knew. A short moment later, Vulkan charges forth up to the nearest of the five creatures and crashes into it before trying to slice through with his arm; his attacks giving off more than just igniting flames.

Okay so, Intimidate first: [roll0]

And also attacking: [roll1]
Damage if hit: [roll2] (physical) [roll3] (ice) [roll4] (electricity) [roll5] (fire)

I have Blistering Heat and Oppressive Heat on:
Blistering Heat (Su): At 7th level, the flame of the Elemental’s soul begins to burn with even greater intensity. Each round on the fire elementals turn, All creatures within 70ft. must make a successful fortitude save (DC = 38) or take 37 points of fire damage. The Fire Elemental can suppress or activate this ability as a free action.

Oppressive Heat (Su): The blistering heat created by the elemental is a burden to all creatures near the elemental. At 9th level, the Fire Elemental produces an incredible aura of intense heat. This aura extends in all directions from the elemental 70ft. Creatures within this aura who are not immune to fire or do not possess fire resistance greater than the Elemental's HD, (30) must succeed on a fortitude save (DC = 38) or take a penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks equal to the elementals charisma modifier (+13) for as long as they remain in the radius of the aura. Any creature who succeeds on the save is immune to the effects of this ability for 24 hours. Creatures who are affected by this ability but move out of its area due to its own movement or the movement of the elemental are entitled to a new save each time they re-enter the aura's radius. An Elemental can suppress or activate this ability as a free action.

Emperor Ing
2012-02-05, 11:57 AM
You slam into one of the beings. Your very presence already vaporizing the elemental, which explodes in a thick cloud of vapor upon your attack. The second one tries attacking again with truly laughable results. The other three seem to be hanging back for some reason.

2012-02-10, 07:36 PM
Finding that the beings couldn't even stay around his impossibly hot flames, Vulkan continues his relentless assault, moving to the closest one in the middle so all, or as many as possible, beings were caught in his raging aura. Close up, Vulkan smashes his body against the middle one, a fury of flames as well as sparks of other elements crash out of the elder fire elemental in a brilliant display of fireworks. "LACKLUSTER!!!" Vulkan cries out like a glutton of spilled blood as he goes to eradicate the strange elemental. Vulkan could only imagine if those watching outside could see him burn away those inside; a absurd challenge, who could clearly see through the elemental storm? Vulkan gives a quick moment to see if he can notice why the other elementals held back at this time.

Attack [roll0]
Damage if hit: [roll1] (physical) [roll2] (ice) [roll3] (electricity) [roll4] (fire)

And Spot check: [roll5]

Plus 37 points of fire damage for Blistering Heat.

Emperor Ing
2012-02-11, 08:17 PM
They bring their steaming liquid bodies on you again, except it is for naught, doing little more than covering the ground around it in a rime of frost. To you, the effects are neglegible, however it is getting foggy. Despite the fog though, you're pretty darn sure the holding-back elementals are combining their forms into something...bigger.

Striking at one of the attackers, its form explodes in a cloud of vapor.

2012-02-13, 07:04 PM
Vulkan notes how some of them strangely seems to begin forming together. While it is something he had not known of, he was sure that it would be quite the negative result. Quickly, the elder fire elemental brings out a magical rod of his. Out above Vulkan, the rod twirls on it's own for a moment as time strangely slows down. In a manner of a flash, a large flaming portal appears to the plane of fire, of which Vulkan cries his voice out to.

"Hear me! World of eternal flames!" His eyes begin glowing white as similar-colored arcane symbols appear circling his head. "Your elder calls forth your might. DO AS I COMMAND!" With that, out comes another elder fire elemental, boasting at a great, forty foot tall elemental. The portal closes just after, leaving time to revert back as Vulkan goes for a frontal strike on one of the still elementals, trying to lessen the combining effect before it becomes perfect.

Using the ability of an Elder Elemental to summon another one:
Elder Elemental (Su): At 11th level, The Fire Elemental has grown to its full strength and is considered to be amongst the grandest of its kind. The Elemental receives a +4 bonus to all bluff, diplomacy, and intimidation check regarding creatures with the fire subtype. Additionally, the Elemental can call fire to its aid. The Fire Elemental can use summon monster V once a day for every 4 HD it possesses but may only us it to summon fire elementals. At 13th level, and every two levels thereafter, the fire elemental may use this ability to cast the next highest level summon monster spell to the maximum of summon monster IX at 19th level.

I use Vulkan's Rod of Greater Quicken Metamagic to cast it as a swift action.

Now gonna have both Vulkan and the other Elder fire elemental attack a separate elemental foe:

Vulkan: Attack: [roll0]
Vulkan: Damage: [roll1] (physical) [roll2] (ice) [roll3] (electricity) [roll4]

Elder Elemental: Attack: [roll5]
Elder Elemental: Damage: [roll6] (physical) [roll7] (fire)

Hope this doesn't cause any problems for you Ing. :smallredface:

Emperor Ing
2012-02-21, 11:50 AM
Having no other targets, your elemental minion and you strike at the same enemy, vaporizing it. However, where the three elementals were before erupts forth a massive being of water* and gas, its mere presence anathema to heat as hoarfrost collects on the rocks.
The colossal creature throws an almighty fist upon you, blasting you with its sheer momentum, but it not being too dangerous.

Take 34 damage (damage reduction has not been factored)

2012-02-24, 07:35 PM
Vulkan's guard is let down by the appearance of the massive elemental that had appeared. In an instant he is sent back by the force of the giant elemental's hand. Vulkan however came out with not much more than a bruise, or at least, as much as a bruise that a fire elemental can show. A small part of his body of flames was corroded by the other elemental's water and gaseous form, but that was it. The fire elemental however was not content with the mysterious elemental blast him like that.

"And this is the thanks I get for not towering over you from the start," He remarks coldly. Speaking of cold, Vulkan quickly releases a burst of flame and cold energy; his hands becoming claws of fire that radiates snowflakes. Instantly the elemental moves to a new stance. He cries dramatically, "NOW WE DANCE!" Vulkan charges straight at the much larger elemental and delivers a powerful slice with each of his claws. Great amounts of fire, along with traces of ice, flicker from the attack. The elder fire elemental Vulkan summoned earlier also strikes, Vulkan's stance allows it to get a more precise strike in.

Using Snowflake Wardance to add CHA to my attack. Using Swarm Tactics stance so the other elder fire elemental (who is Huge size) gets a +5 to hit.

Vulkan: Attack: [roll0]
Vulkan: Damage: [roll1] (physical) [roll2] (ice) [roll3] (electricity) [roll4]

Elder Elemental: Attack: [roll5]
Elder Elemental: Damage: [roll6] (physical) [roll7] (fire)