View Full Version : Exalted: The Convention on Creation's Salvation.

2011-04-07, 02:26 PM
In Nexus, a young woman studies through a library. In search of an ancient being, that lived networked across the continents of Creation, that spanned across the world and joined all together in harmony. Its loss was mourned but that did not stop its executioners. At the same time, however, this young woman believes that it may not be all dead- It was a very powerful, very decentralized being. And if she can find some hint of it, perhaps Creation can be unified once again. It is a search that has consumed decades, and may consume millennia. It's not as though she's short for time. The Convention on Communication has sent her on what they assume to be a wild goose chase- Some punishment by someone higher up in the chain than herself, who took offense to the way she completed a mission. It doesn't matter to her, it all means another chance to take care of these things. The library is an old one, shoddy, the books cracked with age, but there are interesting things hidden here, and nobody else to disturb her, making it all the more frustrating when she finds herself suddenly distracted

In Whitewall, a musician strums at a harp slowly, soft licks of music filling the air. It is a sabbatical week for the young man, and he's spending it the way he enjoys best, bringing a bit of calm and serenity to the lives of those who are still able to enjoy it. This makes the sudden distraction all the more startling as he pauses in mid-song, the voice speaking in his ear, making him aware of the

A woman in Lookshy lectures a young class of Dragon-Blooded officers. Straight of back, upright of spine, each one has a destiny that she seeks to guide them towards. Sadly, most of these destinies involve a brutal death against heroic but increasingly impossible odds. Such is the life of these Dragon-blooded. It's enough to grate on the nerves of someone with less awareness of the larger picture, but though they may be pawns, they can at least be the best pawns they might hope to be. And perhaps if they serve well, they will receive greater strategic importance, and the increasing likelihood of survival that will bring. These thoughts are distracted by a message that calls the class to a slightly early end- an unprecedented occurrence in the normally strict scheduling. The students discuss amongst themselves as the teacher considers what she has learned.

On the outskirts of Thorns, in a small village set in a weak demesne, a masked figure sits, and watches, and waits. A duty that is more punishment than protection of Creation, he watches from afar, and spends his days primarily strengthening himself. The message brings an end to tedium and dismay, and gives him renewed purpose.

In the depths of the jungle, an explorer stands above a small ruin. A ziggurat of uncertain construction, he has found it through long and difficult exploration. The building is believed to hold blueprints for the Jade Obelisks... And when the immediate demand is made, the frustration is maddening. The Ziggurat will keep, however. The middlemarches seem to stabilize significantly around it- A clear proof of what he seeks for the Convention on the Wyld. Their frustration with him was great enough to send him on this mad quest, but he intends to make the best of it- And now, on the verge of success, they drag him away. If this did not sound important, the temptation to simply ignore them would be irresistible.

An invisible messenger speaks in each Sidereal's ear. "Make all haste to Yu-shan, and to the Forbidding Manse of Ivy. You have been reassigned. All current duties are to be ceased. The fates have been arranged to ensure you a quick, smooth, and uneventful journey. Do not be slow." The unmistakable voice of Chejop Kejak. If this is merely a ploy to frustrate, then it is an extremely strange one. The seriousness in his voice demands immediate attention.

2011-04-07, 03:07 PM
Once back inside the privacy of her quarters--Spartan but spacious by Lookshyan custom--Camana Diezla shucks her plain linens, the functional robes of a Lookshyan instructor, and sheds her Destiny with them. It hangs loosely about her Fate with the others yet unworn, and she instead raises a pale amulet to her throat. In an explosion of light, she is dressed in the brightest red the world has ever known, a silky dress under a long coat of vermilion. It is speckled with tiny flecks of orichalcum and glistens in the sunlight as she fashions a wide-brimmed fedora, setting it atop her head in such a way as to obscure the left side of her face. For all her ostentation, her clothing is carefully calculated not to restrict movement, and her shoes are sensibly flat.

She glances across the room, examining it for anything of importance. She sighs and sets her hands on the narrow, sheathed form of her favored weapon, the katana called the Forgotten Blade. Camana ties it to the sash at her waist and then sashays out to her courtyard, a miniature garden where Jian awaits.

"We've been called to Yu-Shan, it seems," she says, leaping atop the winged simhata's back. Jian yawns lazily as if waking from a nap, then nods, his wings beating fiercely enough to shake the small abode granted to her by the academy. He sheds stardust as he lifts into the air, Camana's hands clasped firm around his neck. They streak off, a conspicuous pair blessed by distance from Lookshy proper.

It would not be a very long trip to the nearest Celestial Gate, but if Chejop Kejak--the braying jackass himself--had called her to Heaven, it couldn't end well. In her innermost heart, Camana feared that the Bronze had discovered the Contest, that Iato had betrayed her either knowingly or otherwise, that she would be condemned and executed and--

Camana Diezla took a deep, red breath. She took in the world, all of it: its shape and texture, the tenor of its conflicts, the song of its battles. While she flew across the many rivers of the Threshold, she reminded herself that she had played a dangerous game for this long and won. The Bronze would not stop her. The Gold would not stop her. She would forge this world into something new.

They could not have discovered. They would not know until everything was already right.

2011-04-07, 04:06 PM
The vacation were already over. It must have been something very important to interrupt during his sabbatical. As Ivory Swan, the phoenix performed acting, music and even singing in front of people bringing them a little joy in their lives. He was time to exit the stage.
"Some matters call me elsewhere but no worries, I will be back."

He came down from the stage and packed his belongings. Hopefully this urgent summoning would be worth the trip back to Yu-Shan. He switched his resplendent destiny to the one of the monk. As a monk, he didn't attract as much attention on the road. His staff served as a walking stick.

The road to the nearest gate was going to take him awhile but with the guaranteed of a swift and uneventful journey, it promised to be swell. As a member of the gold faction, Chejop Kejak was the last person that he ever thought of contacting. Yet Chejop insights and experiences were unmatched among his peers.

Phoenix would be on his guard, as he wouldn't want to become a pawn of the Bronze faction. He traveled toward the celestial gate not expecting any trouble as announced by the invisible messenger.

2011-04-07, 08:47 PM

Nazar cursed in a manner most unbecoming a senior member of the Division of Endings. There were few Waypoints enough in the Wyld, and hunting down this ancient construct of First Age magnificence had been as much a matter of luck as of skill and Wyldcraft. He didn't know whether he would be able to find it again - and he doubted he would do so with near as much ease as he had this time. The Wyld abhorred repetition and sameness, and no doubt the trials he faced would be far more arduous than the ones he had encountered on this quest if he wished to reach his destination once more. He sighed, and with a surge of will, the armored plating on his back unfolded with a sound like silk rasping against skin, unfolding into vast and glorious wings like those of some great predatory bird, shining with a varicolored inner radiance. He beat his wings once, twice, and he was away, heading back towards the uncertain safety of Creation, and the rather certain dangers of Heaven.

It was some time later (a thing always nebulous and hard to measure in the Wyld) when he at last arrived at the most convenient Yu-Shan gateway. His current narrative required that he find it efficiently - and so he had. Strange how things worked out that way, he thought with a secret smile. He stomped rather unceremoniously into Yu-Shan, startling the Celestial Lions into a battle-ready stance before he removed his helmet and presented his identification. He couldn't really blame them. Most Sidereals did not stomp into Heaven wearing a twelve-foot Gossamer warstrider with a blade longer than that strapped to their back, a glittering assemblage of heroic tales and airy dreams forged into something so sharp that the air around it was left blurred in its passage as it cut the windstream. The Lions waved him through, giving him a reproachful look, and he murmured a grudging apology.

He knew he shouldn't let his temper get to him, but Chejop had a way of reminding him of everything that was wrong with the Sidereal establishment, and it made him cranky. He hurried to the nearest canal, once more manifesting wings to speed him on his way. Already, he could feel the dream-wrought construct fading as reality ate away at it, but it would hold together for a little while, yet. He stepped into one of the gold-lane Dragon Boats, smirking a little viciously when he stated he was under orders for Kejack - let him deal with the bureaucratic consequences if his use of the restricted lane was challenged. He hurried towards the Ivy Manse, his massive armored form leaned back against the stern as Heaven's essence sped him along, his thoughts as turbulent as the shimmering liquid gold disturbed by the boat's passage.

2011-04-07, 11:51 PM
Called By Chejop himself, whether the cause is good or bad this is a chance to impress the most powerful exalt alive! The fact that it's on the heels of this dreadful duty is even better.

Come Reshal! We have an important appointment to keep! A small finch chirps and flies from the other end of the alley to land on my finger before being tucked into a fold of my dirty brown robes.

Standing with the help of an old oak staff, the begger collects his small plate of coins and takes his talisman against evil spirits hanging from the wall beside him and puts it around his neck. When the woman selling turnips nearby asks if he's made enough this morning to quit already and he replies Not at all, but one of the few forces that can bring these old bones to their feet has just called urgently, and I must attend! I'll be back as soon as I relieve myself. *cackle*

Walking down the alley I turn to an old cellar door, quietly slip inside, and walk around shelves of jars and bottles until I get to the far corner. Once there I tuck the staff and talisman into one of my pockets not large enough to contain them as my identity ripples and fades from my wrinckled skin, leaving a young looking mad with grim determination and a bit of hope in his eyes. Then the dirty cloths shift into a gleaming white robe trimmed with silver.

I start speaking in a low whisper, chanting formulae, dates, and times until I prove conclusively that this room is the correct ordained position of the calibration gate at this moment[1]. As the gate appears I quickly cast Open the Spirit Door and hustle through it, barely acknowedging the celestial lion guarding it, and head towards the nearest dragon boat I can rent to take me to to my second home: The Forbidden Manse of Ivy.

[1]I use The Key Resplandancy to activate Provable Location of the Gate, p202. This costs 1 endurance and causes 3 paradox dice.
I started with 3 paradox, so now I have 5. I hope I keep rolling this well on checks that actually help me!

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-08, 06:47 AM
Lily jumped with surprise at the voice, upsetting the candle at the desk she was reading at and threatening to set the entire library ablaze. With lightning-fast reflexes, the Chosen of Journeys quickly leaned in and blew out the candle - plunging herself into darkness in the process.

She grumbled to herself as she gathered up some of the books - no one would mind if she took them back to her own library. Not that anyone would know who did it if they did mind. Packing the books away in the bag slung at her back, the Harbringer stood up, popping her back and stretching.

Tiger Lily made her way out of the library - and as she as she passed the threshold, the noble Harbringer with her starmetal dire lance is gone - now the person who walks out of the library is Ragana Steiro, the Wandering Monk, with her dirty travelling cloak, her walking staff wrapped in cloth, and her slightly hunched-over stance.

The monk smiled and nodded to passersby as she made her way to the eastern gate out of Nexus. Yu-Shan Gate number seventeen wasn't far away - she could get there on foot easily enough.

On leaving the gate, the monk walks just out of sight of the main gate - and suddeny, she was the Vizier Tiger Lily once again, standing tall. She grinned, making the Lesser Sign of Mercury - and in flash of essence, her anima flared, fractured, and then sped her off eastward.

As she reached the Gate, she allowed herself time to let her anima settle, and then headed on into Yu-Shan and toward the Forbidding Manse of Ivy.

2011-04-08, 07:52 PM
Entrance to the golden lanes of passage bring with them a welcome surprise. The message from Kejak was as good as his word, and the golden boats have been open to you. Before long, each one of the Sidereals finds themselves at the Forbidding Manse of Ivy, and directed to an office down in the depths of the building. The first to arrive is the Chosen of Secrets, Neru Phaman, his summoned gate making the trip quick. Shortly after, Tiger Lily arrives, speeded by the sign of Mercury. Phoenix and Camana arrive next, and last, nearly an hour after Neru has arrived, the armored form of Nazar entering the room, the wings flaking apart into delicately scintillating floating specks of pollen, the wyldstuff evaporating off of the Sidereal.

Time passes, perhaps five minutes, just enough for some brief conversation, before three rather unlikely figures enter the room. All three are deeply recognizable- A tall man of white hair, suntanned skin, and weary disposition. A young woman with skin the color of rich Southern chocolate. And a masked God, Nara-O. The heads of the Bronze and Gold faction sit at opposite ends of the conference table, as Nara-O stands to one side.

"Thank you for your prompt arrival. You are being reassigned from all current conventions, and being given a new, long-term assignment." Kejak states, cutting right to the point. "This is not an optional assignment under any circumstances. Your work will be dangerous, and you have been chosen for a certain disobedience and unusual views."

"This is not a punishment, despite what Kejak may desire you to think. There have been problems recently. We have been caught unaware, more and more frequently, and it's become clear that without a dedicated force working together for the wider goal, Creation may soon collapse." counters Ayesha, as she gives a somewhat warmer smile to the elders around the table. "You have been chosen for being very capable. These missions revolve around unknown essence-users acting in Creation. We are dangerously unaware of the threats that are facing us, and you are to fix this."

"We are understandably limited in our resources to support you, so you have been chosen for not relying on Aerial Legion support or such things without absolute necessity. You will be on your own. This may still be a suicide mission if you do not prove to be extremely competent. You have survived this long, so we must take a chance on you." responds Kejak, face grim. He places down three folders, marked with the seal of the Bureau of Destiny, and with Nara-O's personal seal. The god moves forward, smiling. "Greetings, Chosen. These three missions are the best leads we have had on out-of-fate actions. In the South, there has been a minor resurgence of the Great Contagion, mutated into a dangerous form. A large-scale resurgence isn't going to happen, but there are several farming villages involved. We have evidence that there are actors outside of fate. A minor terrestrial god stated that it was attacked by beings resembling Solars."

"The next is in the West. Martial arts schools have been ransacked by an unknown figure in armor, who we are unable to track or divine through the Loom. Reports from students of said schools report that the knight- They were unable to substantiate gender or anything else- has been challenging the masters of schools to duels for their signs, or some other token of the school."

"The final involves our first decent lead. One of the strange Black Sun Solars has been spotted travelling in the far East openly. What their purpose is is unknown, but they appear to be rather heavily armed. Curiously, there has been little report of death or destruction around them- The skeins of fate remain untangled by their passage- so they may be attempting to travel incognito. Our informer, an elemental spirit, stated that the Black Sun Solar hunted down a Fair Folk cataphract threatening a tribal village."

"This is the limit of the knowledge we have available to you. Any further questions would be best answered through your own actions." says Kejak, bluntly, though leaving the air open for any questions you might still think important.

2011-04-08, 11:11 PM

Nazar grunted. He had intended to let his wargear dissipate back into its shimmering Essence-components anyway, but having it done to him was mildly irritating. He had been trying to make a statement. Then again, he supposed he was being childish about the whole thing. But Chejop Kejack irritated him, and Ayesha almost as much.

"Yes, dangerously unaware" he noted acidly "Almost as though the Fivescore Fellowship had been paying more attention to politically buggering each other than to doing their Gods-be-Damned jobs."

He sighed, rolled his eyes, and took the dossiers, idly leafing through one at random. As he read, he spoke up, all business now. "We don't have any information on what sort of Essence-based powers either of the two unidentified supernatural entities were employing, do we?"

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-09, 05:38 AM
The young-looking Chosen of Journeys slowly turns her head to regard the form of Nazar - or, to be more precise, the giant robot he's wearing. "Who in their right mind..." she mutters to herself.

She reaches to take one of the folders. She pointedly ignores Nazar's outburst while scanning the dossier.

2011-04-09, 05:54 AM

Nazar shot Chejop another sour look, then made a strange shrugging motion. He was being childish about the whole thing, he supposed. And there was no point being an ass to those who hadn't earned it.

His armor folded up around him, wrapping up tighter and tighter until it was a folded ball of shifting gossamer, writhing as if there were something alive inside. Dreamstuff bled off of it like vapor off of melting ice. The solid wyld-matter condensed on his shoulder, forming up into a long-haired cat that glared balefully at the Elders before kneading Nazar and settling down to sleep, its long fluffy tail curled tightly about itself.

2011-04-09, 07:13 AM
Camana does not spend much thought on Nazar's amazing gossamer warstrider, and instead considers the three folders with great care, casting her mind into the future of conflict. There is a spark of red stardust in her brain and she opens her eyes, shimmering if only for an instant.

"We are not to involve the Aerial Legion. I assume this is because you do not wish them to be known to Creation at large. It has been so long, after all, since last they streaked across the sky. Best not to remind the budding Lawgivers of the armies of Heaven--not when the Shogun is so intent on finding a replacement for himself, yes?" Camana asks, soft and measured in her tone and conduct. She asks it to Chejop, Nara-O, and Ayesha alike, not really expecting or requiring an answer. Instead, she simply touches her hand to the hilt of the blade sheathed at her hip and considers the folders anew.

What happens if I hit the folders with Auspicious Prospects for Battles? Because I'm doing that.

2011-04-09, 08:05 AM
Phoenix observed and listened carefully. Apparently they had been various problems across creations with solar like beings. This wasn't good if the lawgivers were coming back to help society, we couldn't let a couple of angry and confused children run wild.

He headed to the table and took a look at the folders and with a ten miles wide smile, then turned his head toward the others present. He wielding the serpent sting staff in one hand like a walking stick, while having a sanxian strapped on his back.

"Hopefully we will be able to find out the reason behind their anger and help them sort it out. Don't you think so?"

2011-04-09, 08:25 AM

Nazar gave Phoenix a nod and a sour smile. "Being called a monster and hunted tends to make one a bit irate, I imagine." He pursed his lips. "Personally, though I don't find the Solars as much as a threat as some of the other enemies Creation has at the moment - the Black Sun Solars, though, are troubling. Between the Underworld and Hell, we've got our hands more than full." He made an impatient little noise, and the stardust-shimmering cat on his shoulder shifted uncomfortably. He narrowed his eyes and glanced across the table "Why do you say 'resembling' Solars?"

2011-04-09, 10:51 AM
After quickly assessing the missions laid out by Kejak, Naru turns to watch his four new colleagues closely. He has many questions about these missions, but none that he feels would garner a useful answer. Whether these will turn out to be suicide missions or steps to completing his plans will depend on these four and correctly estimating their future actions.

2011-04-09, 11:19 AM
Kejak raises an eyebrow. "I'm sure that your politics are pure enough that you shall experience absolutely no loss of efficiency due to ideological conflicts in that case, Nazar. I'm sure that I will be excited to read the reports on the missions detailing your ability to overcome your inborn prejudices." he says, dryly, and grimly, as Ayesha shakes her head. "Factional conflicts are no doubt at the heart of our problems. But that is why we are creating this convention, to isolate you somewhat from the meddling of the others among the Five-score Fellowship. We hope that this will improve your efficiency somewhat. These missions will be quite dangerous."

On Camana's question, Kejak's face sours. "I would hope that regardless of your politics, the idea of exposing any unknown Solar to the fact that they could seize command of the single most powerful military force in heaven through birthright would be enough to temper your will, but we are still unsure as to how the Aerial Legion will respond to the Black Sun Solars. If a unit fell under their sway, the carnage could defy imagination. I hope that this will help you hold your desires to play at war in check." he says, grimly.

Nara-O grins enigmatically at Nazar's final question. " Well, that is the real question, is it not? Unfortunately, he succumbed to wounds shortly after, and reincarnated to his sanctum. He has not yet made contact with us. You should perhaps consider meeting him." Within the folder on the southern mission, there is a brief dossier on the god. A young City-Father, to a burgeoning agricultural city. Low-essence, but a loyal enough sort. "The unknown knight is only notable for fighting with the Even Blade style, with a blade of adamant. We are not even entirely sure that he is Exalted, having not displayed an Anima banner. But he has defeated several Terrestrial style masters, including at least one young Immaculate monk who had nearly mastered the Water Dragon style. The lack of knowledge, it should be noted, is what is most alarming about these groups. That is why we are sending you." Nara-O tilts its head slowly.

"Any further questions?" Kejak asks, with a clear air of impatience.

(Those who would like can segue into discussing, if the trip seems reasonable, with Sifu's/Mentors/Allies about this, or can discuss with eachother. Barring such things, Kejak, Ayesha, and Nara-O will abscond in my next post.)

2011-04-09, 11:53 AM
Naru listens to any further questions, then after Kejak leaves he says to the others As I'm sure you all know, my name is Naru, and I'm sure we will all work well together on these missions. I plan on speaking with this witness presently, if anyone wishes to join me.

2011-04-09, 11:58 AM

"The problem," Nazar said acidly. "Is that I have to play at politics at all to do my job." He sighed, then admittedly grudgingly. "Though that problem is hardly endemic to the Fivescore Fellowship, and probably isn't any of our faults. Even you don't have enough strings to make Heaven run efficiently."

Nazar subsided, considering the information they'd been given and turning to the others. "Nazar, of the Division of Endings. I agree, let's see what the witness has to say. The Black Sun Solars are at least a somewhat known quality, Entities of unknown providence and Solar-level strength disturb me more than a little."

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-09, 12:00 PM
"Tiger Lily," the yellowsid answers. "...Yes, Nazar, we can tell you work with the Division of Endings. Your eyes are purple."

After a moment's contemplation, the Harbringer stands. "I suggest we reconvene later. I'm sure our prestigious colleagues have more pressing matters to attend to."

2011-04-09, 12:06 PM

Nazar arched a brow at Tiger Lily. "Wait, they are? Why has no one told me?" He asked, one corner of his lip twitching upward in a small smile.

2011-04-09, 12:21 PM
"Camana Diezla," the woman in red says simply, touching the brim of her hat respectfully. "And witnesses were never much my forte. If it's all the same, I'd just as soon tie up some loose ends here before we decide on how to best handle these...problems." With that, Camana mounts her dark simhata, striking a curiously regal silhouette. "Where and when shall we reconvene?"

2011-04-09, 12:27 PM

Nazar waved a hand airily. "Everyone can feel free to gather at my manse, for the sake of convenience. It's reasonably private, at least as much as Heaven can be, anyway."

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-09, 12:35 PM
"Well. If there are no objections, I have some acquisitions to file." The Harbringer nods to the gathered Chosen, and the head of the Division of Secrets, and then turns to leave.

Assuming nobody stops her, she heads straight to her manse to file away the book she brought with her from the library, as well as to make sure the hired help is still present - the number of times she's spent a few years in Creation and come home to an empty Manse...

2011-04-10, 09:33 AM
"Phoenix of the Cerulean sky, at your service." Phoenix is quite disturbed after hearing those news about those solars like beings. He usually only deal with young solars a bit lost and guiding them toward the appropriate shelters. Could it be that some of them have chosen a different path because they lacked a place to come home to? Well, investigation is obviously in order.

"Well, I was on a sabbatical, so I have some free time at the moment. I'll meet you at your manse."

2011-04-10, 11:41 AM
Nazar and Naru, reading through the file on the southern case, gather a few pieces of information. A City Father, if a very small one, over a relatively new settlement by the name of Sorrow's Cease. Populated by desert nomads who had settled down around an unusually large oasis, fuelled by a rare Water-Demesne nearby. His sanctum is near said Demesne. He probably should be expecting you! You hope, anyway.

Tiger Lily, in the mean time, returns to her manse, to find it, pleasantly, still manned by the minor gods who she's hired. One of the original Ten Thousand Laborers, a man-god by the name of Kohatek, who keeps the tempermental flow of Essence in the building constantly locked down. "Good to see you again, ma'am." he says, in Old Realm. "We've had a minor essence leak in one of the archive rooms, the lights arched some lightning. Thankfully, it was in the crystal reader section, so nothing was harmed. Anything further we can do for you?"

2011-04-10, 11:50 AM

For the sake of thoroughness, Nazar continued reading through each of the dossiers, patiently sorting information and considering how best to go about their mission.

He didn't doubt that this was important - anything that could get Ayesha and Chejop to stop sniping at each other for five minutes needed to be of world-shaking importance. For the moment, he felt a brief surge of hope - perhaps this task force was a harbinger of change. Perhaps they'd actually be able to get something done without all the petty factioneering and utter foolishness that permeated Heaven's bureaucracy.

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-10, 12:14 PM
The Chosen of Journeys winces slightly at the news of essence leakage in the archives - but the news that nothing is damaged is some slight relief. "Good, good... Ah, Kohatek, could you make sure the observatory is properly calibrated? I have a suspicion I may be using it in the not-too-distant future..." She digs into her bag, pulling out an old, slightly cracked book. "And if you happen to pass by the Archive, could you take this to the librarian? Usually I'd do it myself but I'm currently on official business and... well. You know how it is."

2011-04-10, 02:01 PM
Kahotek bows his head. "With exquisite precision, Milady, I do." he states, and bows his head to you politely. "I shall do both forthwith. If you care to partake, a meal has been prepared for you in honor of your safe return." A rather silly tradition, considering you had only been at a library, but the wafting scents of sweet meats and fruits, in light of the hunger that seems nearly omnipresent in Creation, is quite a temptation.

Nazar's search through the documents reveals precious little additional information about the targets. Indeed, these are not targets that have been thoroughly scouted. You'll be forced to deal with these things head-on. The Southern mission reports that roughly two weeks ago, there was a mutant strain of Great Contagion cutting through the village of Sorrow's Cease, at about the same time as these Exalts appeared. It's unclear what, if any, relationship there may be between these two facts.

The Even Blade stylist has been tracked on a course travelling inwards from the far West, apparently stopping at islands along a straight course, diverting a few dozen miles each time. Reports of the martial artist are varied, but all describe an imposing master of the Even Blade style. Nothing is known of the vessel he rides in, it must be either innocuous, or very magical, to have gone unnoticed.

The Black Sun Solar report is the most spartan- Little is known about the motivations of the Exalt, but he has been reported several times in combat against Fair Folk of various levels.

The primary interest of the Bureau is, in all cases, interrogation, and if possible, capture for study by Lytek and bureau heads.

2011-04-10, 02:35 PM

Nazar smiled a little at that. He knew Lytek fairly well, and the god, for all his power, was like a child with new toys when it came to his purview. Of course, he had a somewhat unsettling tendency to view the hosts as entirely secondary to the magnificent mechanisms of the Exaltations themselves, which could be a little... disconcerting, when you were the "vessel" in question. Nazar shook his head and sighed, before nodding to Naru and excusing himself to make his way to his manse. He had guests coming over, after all, and he wanted to be a proper host.

2011-04-10, 03:58 PM
Of course, Nazar, I'm sure you have things to prepare. I will speak to the city father and see you at your manse when I'm finished.

Since no one else took the files, I will take them with me as I travel to the city father to find out what else he might know about these creatures who are disrupting the loom. I proceed without any further delay, but do not display the hurry my arrival had.

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-11, 11:30 AM
The Vizier that is Lily sits down to a wonderful meal. She likes being rich. But all too soon she has to leave, to head for Nazar's manse in hopes of meeting up with the other members of her new 'Convention'.

She walked, of course - she has no vehicle of her own, despite being a Chosen of Journeys. But she can run fast, so it still didn't take her long... Soon enough, she arrived at the entrance to the Chosen of Endings' manse.

2011-04-11, 08:34 PM
Phoenix of the Cerulean walks while playing some music on the way. Some of his colleagues salute him. He waves back at them and even take the time to inquire about their status. After all, the joybringer always like to know that his peers enjoy their lives. The suicide missions have many troubling elements and discussing them with his peers could be the only way to figure it all out.

Finally, after much talking and walking his steps put him right in front of the manse. He waits patiently for the host.

2011-04-12, 04:38 AM

Nazar's manse sits in the center of a vast estate surrounded by primeval forest. Though his previous incarnation kept things well-manicured, Nazar apparently prefers a more natural look that a Lunar would be at home in. Vast trees struggle upward over a thin and winding white gravel path, eclipsing the light of the sky-dome entirely in certain places. Small animals, their ancestors imported from Creation - or perhaps merely least gods in the shape of such creatures - roam the grounds, peering out from the dense foliage with curious eyes.

The manse itself is impressive - a low central structure of three stories, with five wings radiating off like the spokes of a wheel. The building itself is all of warm sunset-colored marble, with veins of delicate gold tracery radiating throughout. Vines cover the walls thickly, giving it a secretive, half-hidden look, and flowers in various shades of lavender and purple hang thickly, perfuming the air with a heady, dreamlike scent - Purple Lotus, unless you've missed your guess, though this variety only has soporific effects when dried and alchemically treated.

A small god in the shape of an orangutang with fur so deep purple that it is almost black greets each arrival silently, conducting them to Nazar's study after a single formal bow. The walls are thickly hung with tapestries, mostly elaborate mandalas in black and purple, with trimmings of silver and gold. Similar carpets cover the floor and muffle sound, further enhancing the sense of meditative isolation over the whole place. Numerous doors lead off to either side of the hall, but the small god knuckle-walks his way along them with unerring confidence, leading each guest to a small room furnished in dark wood. Five chairs are arranged in a circle around a large, low table, and Nazar occupies one of them, greeting each guest with a nod. A fine porcelain tea service sits, containing a variety of small, brightly decorated biscuits and a large steaming pot of tea - not one of the more exotic brews of Heaven, but exquisitely flavored nevertheless. Nazar bids you to sit as you arrive.

Once Phoenix and Lily arrive, Nazar moves from idle chit-chat to more serious matters. "So, while we wait for the other two to arrive - what's your take on all of this? Ayesha Ura and Chejop Kejack working together for tasks that, by rights, could have been assigned a single agent, or at most a pair with Wyld Hunt support? I find this suspicious."

2011-04-12, 05:11 PM
After considering the distance to the city father's sanctum, Neru decides that since he doesn't yet have any travel charms, he will meet with the others again before going there and see if they have anything that would speed the journey.

Instead, Neru will travel back to his manse, take a shower to remove the dirt and sweat from his last mission, and select a fine vintage of celestial wine to bring with him to Nazar's manse for the meeting.

2011-04-12, 07:10 PM
Camana Diezla enters the chamber, dressed not in her extravagant orichalcum finery but instead in a somber dress of charcoal that sparkles softly with starlight--and starmetal! Just enough for a savant to notice, perhaps, but starmetal nonetheless. A silvered targe is strapped to her back on a leather band, and her sheathed sword is tucked beneath her crimson sash. She smiles as she takes one of the remaining seats, whichever is nearest Nazar.

"My apologies for my tardiness. I was merely conferring with the Shogun of the Bureau of Weather. He either does not know or will not say what has driven Bronze and Gold together in this matter. So mysterious! But, to our priorities: who should we kill first in the name of Fate and Creation?"

If this is some dry humor from the Shieldbearer, it would take the strongest sorts of magic to be certain. Nonetheless, a thin smile curls at the corners of her mouth.

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-12, 07:31 PM
The Harbringer leans back lightly in her chair, giving a shrug. "Maybe this is so important that Bronze and Gold must work together or Creation is doomed. Or mabe Kejack finally snapped and is controlling Ura's mind. Does it matter? Work is work."

2011-04-12, 08:38 PM

Nazar shrugged, a half-smile that matched Camana's for wry humor. "It probably matters in some fashion, but I long ago gave up trying to play games with Chejop. He's much better at cheating than I am." His half-smile turned into an honest grin, one that made his somewhat lined face look much younger as he turned his gaze to Camana. "You know, it's against the Reckoner Code to say this, but it might be nice to find out what they want before we kill them - I don't have the necromantic talent to ask questions afterwards."

He tapped his finger to his chin. "Personally, I would favor investigating the "Solar-like" entities. A martial artist of the Even Blade style is a difficult opponent - but between us, I've little doubt we could handle him, especially with standard precautions and preparations. No matter how good he is, he'll probably have some difficulty fighting when the entire world seems to be made of spiders - assuming he's even a threat at all. He might just be on a standard revenge or glory-quest, in which case we really need only interfere if he's harming innocents or causing a disruption to existing operations. The Black Sun Solars are, at least, a known quantity - and if this one is killing Fair Folk, then he's doing at least some immediate good. It may be for an eventually heinous goal - in fact, I would place a bet to that effect - but he's not causing a holocaust of blood and shadow at the moment.

However, if we're dealing with yet another type of Solar-level Exalted force, I want to know what they are, what they're capable of, and who they're working for. They are the demon we don't know, and I think that makes them the most dangerous."

2011-04-13, 11:23 AM
"It would seem that our humble leaders wish for us to deal with all three files," Camana corrects, folding her hands in her lap. "And, as you say, a user of the Even Blade Style presents us the least immediate or apparent danger. I say then that we choose the simplest path first. The Black Sun Solar is doing our work for us in slaughtering the Fae. He may simply hold a grudge against them--as I understand our limited intelligence, the Black Sun Solars seem as prone to vanity and vengence as their First Age forebears were. The unknown...is the most worrisome," she admits, touching the hilt of the Forgotten Blade as if it were a comfort for her, "but if all three of these problems are to be addressed, I would rather we focus on the most imminently solvable first."

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-13, 11:36 AM
Lily leans forward lightly, idly rubbing her thumb over the hearthstone socketed near the top of her artifact spear. "So what do you suggest, Shieldbearer? The Even Blade stylist?"

2011-04-13, 11:46 AM
Phoenix listens to the conversation, Black Sun Solar and solar like entities. Plans of actions are being built and some want to deal with all the problems at once. It is very unlikely, the lawgivers adapt and learn quickly.

"Some of those solars might be just lost or angry that the world is after them. We might be able set them on the right path. So far, we can't draw any conclusions of their intents. I would prefer to start with the unknown Solar entities and find out what is their goals."

2011-04-14, 03:57 PM
Arriving about an hour after the interview, Neru hands his carefully selected vintage to the orangutang god to be served and follows him to the gathering. After greeting everyone again Neru says After looking at the distance to the City Father's sanctum, I decided that I would speak to everyone else before requisitioning a pair of wings for a day trip to interview him, in case someone already had a faster mode of travel or we determine that one of the other objectives needs to be dealt with first. I also brought the files in case anyone wants to review any of the few details we were given as well as some refreshment that should be forthcoming.

I still think interviewing the only witness we know about seems like the best place to start, but with so little information it's difficult to classify these threats. The most immediate and dangerous threat probably should get our attention first, whichever it is.

2011-04-15, 01:49 PM
"It seems I am overruled," Camana says, leaning back in her chair with a sort of thin, pouting air that reeks of restrained dramatics. She taps the tiny broach upon her neck and her raiment shifts in a burst of gold and stardust, now fine red robes cut for a warrior's mobility. "If we, as it seems, deign to deal with one of our Solar-strength foes first, then I hold with Nazar. The unknown presents the most implicit danger; let the Black Sun slay a few more nobles. We can interview the City Father and proceed directly towards the strange Anathema's supposed whereabouts."

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-15, 02:35 PM
Tiger Lily listens for a while - and then stands up. "Well. We seem to have come to a conclusion. If no one has any pressing matters to attend to, I'll go get us some transportation. I hope none of you are afraid of heights." She stretches, just a little bit, and turns to leave - to head back to her own manse. Assuming nobody stops her.

2011-04-15, 03:09 PM
Tiger Lily, thank you for seeing that our transport needs are met, you are a credit to your caste. If you would like any assistance I don't have anything else I need to take care of before leaving. Otherwise I assume we are meeting at gate 55 to depart, if so, when will the transport be ready?

2011-04-16, 02:59 AM

Nazar nodded in agreement. "That seems the best course to me. While I agree, Camana, that there is merit in approaching the the least-potent threat first, I think we must also consider that information on these unknown beings could have wider implications - and a delay in investigating them might have repercussions for more than just our own mission."

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-16, 03:06 PM
Tiger Lily pauses at the door, then turns. "...Camana. You have a winged simhata, don't you? Is he capable of carrying an extra passenger? If he can I'll only need to bring one vehicle and it'll save on maintenence..."

"I keep my vehicles in readiness at all times, so it should just take... as soon as I can get back to my manse and fly over to the gate."

2011-04-16, 04:00 PM
"Jian can certainly bear another rider," Camana replies, standing in a single motion and crossing to Nazar. "What do you say, Reckoner? Fancy a jaunt?"

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-18, 08:41 AM
And so off Lily heads, Manseward. Up to the hangar, where she gets out her Warbird - which is, naturally, kept in perfect flying condition at all times - and heads off for Yu-Shan Gate #55.


She loves flying this thing.

2011-04-18, 12:14 PM

Nazar nods to Camana, following her to her stardusted steed. "You know, I've never actually ridden one of these things." He noted conversationally. "I've always either made use of transportation artifacts, or provided my own wings once I learned to weave Gossamer." He chuckled. "I was always afraid riding beasts would buck me when I was younger, and I guess it just stuck with me."

2011-04-18, 01:01 PM
Since Tiger Lily doesn't seem to need Neru's help, he will go pick up some Transcendent Phoenix Pinions just in case they are needed later. On the way to pick them up Neru casts Unbreakable Bones of Stone to mitigate any unexpected falling damage this trip might produce. Then he meets everyone else at Gate 55 to depart with reasonable haste.

2011-04-18, 02:56 PM
The plans are made, and in a matter of hours, magical devices and the resources of the Harbringer are brought to marshal, as the circle arranges themselves at the 55th gate, and travels towards the city of Sorrow's Cease, in the early evening, the air rapidly cooling as the sun sets. Before long, you are landing on the edge of the city, where the Contagion appears to be in full charge.

There are all the signs of a plague. Closed stores, the occasional person lying in the street, stricken, the signs of the Contagion upon them. Yet, at the same time, there is something very curious in the small town. There are those who walk among the corpses- nervous seeming, but not fearful, and showing no signs of the contagion. The one thing that unites them all is a small band of fabric wrapped around their arms.

The center of the town, and the entrance to the City Father's Sanctum, are both in the center of the town. A small tree, growing from the oasis that feeds this city, marks the entrance.

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-18, 03:00 PM
The magnificent mechanical bird of orichalcum and white jade soars over the town, the Harbringer piloting it expertly - the contraption stops dead in the air just outside of the town, and slowly descends. Minimum speed? What's that?

Once landed safely on the large landing talons, the wings snap shut and the bird seems to stoop down to let its passengers out. Tiger Lily unstraps herself from the piloting indentation, and hops down to the ground.

She seems absolutely exhilerated. She loves flying.

Her passengers likely aren't quite so enthusiastic.

2011-04-18, 03:45 PM
Meditating through the flight, Neru tries to ignore the dips and rolls of the mechanical bird and focus his thoughts on the task ahead. After it lands he gets out, then looks to the village and back to the bird as he says Not exactly subtle, but we are in a hurry. We should have a cover story for interacting with the locals until they forget about us, how about researchers from the Heptagram looking into the plague?

Neru's cloths flow into a crimson red dress shirt with gold trim, sturdy black trousers and shining polished boots, as well as a finely ornamented hat with a wide brim. A shimmering cape of midnight blue is clasped by an ornamental amulet of starmetal and moonsilver, which appear as Neru removes a Jade Serpent strike staff from a pocket and hangs it from his belt.

2011-04-18, 06:12 PM
"Sadly, I have no destiny prepared to supplant such a disguise. I keep one guise among the Lookshyans and another among the Heavens. But I do not suppose it will hurt me to look the part as well," Camana says with a shrug, her clothing reshaping itself into the dark robes of an academic, glittering with tiny glass beads like stars.

2011-04-19, 09:59 AM
While I do happen to have an appropriate premade guise ready, I wasn't planning on donning it. Instead I thought we might just act the part so we can quickly get in, find out what happened, and then move on. Then our arcane fate can smooth out the disturbances we do make without leaving a bad name for any of our aliases.

If someone has a more subtle plan or thinks even this subterfuge is unnecessary, I'm all ears.

2011-04-19, 01:18 PM

Nazar shrugged a little. He considered for a moment donning a more... dramatic disguise, but he was better with anonymity. His features changed, aging a couple of decades in instants. He pulled a long, loose garment of thick cloth from his pack and draped it over himself after sliding off the saddle. "I prefer to be a bit less noticeable. I'll go as a servant. Such things are more to my talents, and it's easier to watch people when they aren't watching you."

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-19, 01:59 PM
Tiger Lily shrugged her shoulders at the conversation. "Whatever you think works. It likely won't matter. I have a resplendent destiny of a labourer or one of a monk to get me into places unnoticed. But I think now we can just rely on our Arcane Fates to protect us."

2011-04-19, 03:16 PM
Very well, I will be Bako Serus, a researcher borrowing two of the Heptagram's travel machines for a few days in order to investigate an old ruin 150 miles south of here with my fellow researchers and some laborers. On our way back from our fruitless research we saw the plight of the city and stopped to find out what happened.

We can ask the residents for their story and then try to enter the sanctum to ask the city father what he saw.

After making sure there are no other points or concerns raised, Neru walks into the village with the arrogance of a dynast, and to the first person (adult and not sick) he sees Neru calls out Hey, you there! Take me to whoever's in charge of this mess.

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-19, 03:20 PM
Tiger Lily promptly dons her Resplendent Destiny of the Mast, shifts into a more inconspicuous stance, and follows along silently.

2011-04-19, 08:28 PM
"I'll just be a friend coming along. The son of Bronze and Jade, a very friendly individual." Phoenix put on the pillar resplendent destiny. This destiny make him appear like the friend wish they have and the father everybody can rely on. He follows the group with his hands in the back, as a very polite and unassuming man.

2011-04-20, 02:06 AM
The man looks up, and his eyes harden. "They are not here at the moment. They have gone on pilgrimage into the desert, they stated they would be back in eleven days. That was ten days ago." he says, and jerks his head. "The next below them are merely mortals. If you are here on matters of Heresy, you are not welcome." The man's eyes are cold and harsh, and despite facing what could easily be the precursors to a Wyld Hunt, he shows curiously small amounts of fear. "If you would like to talk to the former master of the city, he is recuperating in his Sanctum from his bout of irrationality." he says, waving a hand towards the center of the village. "If you wish to meet the true masters of this place, and you do not wish us harm, then you are welcome here, and we will share with you what bounty has come to us recently." he says, slightly more gracious with this, after having made his point.

2011-04-20, 09:56 AM
I have not come here on any matters of Heresy, we were merely passing by and saw the dead. I am a researcher and do not mean you any harm, but I will not hesitate to bury anyone who threatens me.

Who are these new masters you speak of and how did they become the masters of this town? What is this "bounty" you were gifted with? If these new masters are supposed to be back tomorrow I may wait the night for them, although we are in a bit of a hurry to get back. I would like to speak with this former master you mentioned tonight, perhaps he can tell me more about what happened here.

My gaze focuses on this mortal as I wonder what might be causing him to speak so freely and show so little respect. Not knowing what we face might make this mission difficult, but it might be offset if they underestimate us.

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-20, 10:03 AM
Lily - or Rigorous Mast, as this Destiny is known - has wrapped her lance up in a ragged brown cloth, disguising it as a simple walking stick or some sort of working tool. As she's currently udner a Destiny, that's really all she has to do - disguises are easy for Sidereals!

She stays silent and mostly looks around as Neru talks to the mortal.

2011-04-20, 11:20 AM
"Indeed, Dynasts do have a habit of such responses." the man says, impassively. "How did they become the masters? They have done what the Realm was never able, and cured the Great Contagion." He taps his arm, on the band of fabric. "This mark shows our gratitude for this blessing. Their bounty has blessed our hunting parties and trading. We eat better than we have in the memories of Sorrow's Cease. If you wish to meet them, then you are welcome to it, but as you threaten to bury me, if you threaten them, they may not be merciful." he states.

"The sanctum lies in the center of the town. Speak the words "Sorrow's Cease" in Firetongue before the tree that memorializes this city's first breath. It is no longer terribly crowded. This town has been given a second breath." he says, pointing down the road, leading towards the oasis, visible about a quarter of a mile through the streets. The man turns once more, and points towards a large building, one of the larger in the town- Two floors. The transition from the vast spires and condominiums of Yu-Shan is rather stunning. "That is the public quarters. You are welcome there, we do not charge for our hospitality, not anymore."

2011-04-20, 02:42 PM
Well, a cure for the great Great Contagion! Perhaps our trip will not be fruitless after all, if we can discover that! Let's start with the old master and see if he knows the secret. A warm grin spreads across my face as I look towards into the village and start walking towards the tree.

On the way I say Does anyone speak Firetongue? If not we may need to find another local to call out the phrase for us. I try to note how many people are dead vs. how many are alive and whether there is anyone alive without the armband (or dead with an armband).

2011-04-20, 06:54 PM
"I can speak a little Firetongue," Camana says, adjusting her hairpins. For now, she has taken the name Lyla, a humble assistant untouched by the Dragons. The disguise is backed by no magic, but it is a simple enough charade. She walks a half step behind "Serus," her head turned down slightly, her lips curled into the narrow beginnings of a pout. Most of all, her katana is secreted away beneath the deep folds of hey gray robes.

"But I don't think it would be wise for us to wait too long to meet these masters," she adds, in a whisper.

2011-04-24, 11:54 PM

Once again, Nazar was grateful that he didn't require any weapon he couldn't spin from Wyldstuff - it always made disguises so much easier. He nodded towards Camana "Agreed." He muttered in a low, almost subaudible voice as they headed towards the Sanctum. "This reeks of mental buggery. But we might have as much of a day before they return, and if we arm ourselves with information, we'll stand a better chance."

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-25, 04:50 PM
Tiger Lily stays mostly silent, as befits her current Destiny. But she can't help but speak up anyway: "We should see the City Father. As soon as possible." Basically meaning 'now'...

And she wastes no time in walking in the direction of the sanctum. Despite not knowing Firetongue.

2011-04-26, 05:13 PM
Neru walks up to the tree, scans the area, and seeing nothing he nods to Camana to try speaking the words.

2011-04-27, 10:15 AM
Camana follows, then speaks the words as instructed, pronouncing them in her Southeastern dialect of Firetongue.

2011-04-27, 02:15 PM
Travelling along, two out of three people you see are lying in the gutter, dying slowly, but these numbers may be skewed, as those walking that you see often move to avoid you- It seems the town is slightly xenophobic. Just slightly.

The armbands on the living and the lack on the dying is universal.

The sanctum opens, and the five of you walk in, to find a glassy-eyed god, dressed in the manner of a trader of the south, though with skin the color and texture of finely ground sand of the deep desert. He sits at a table, filling out what seems like a stack of late reports, nearly six feet high, each bearing the mark of heaven- Catching up on his paperwork? He looks supremely focused on it, not even turning to face you as you enter.

2011-04-27, 02:43 PM

The Chosen of Endings coughed politely. "Excuse us. You reported to heaven that you were having... difficulties with some sort of solaroid creatures? We've been sent to resolve the situation."

Nazar looked around, taking in the god's sanctum. The place reminded him of a hospice - or perhaps an asylum. Oh, everything seemed normal enough. But there was a certain lunatic tension in the air.

Or perhaps he had just spent too much time in the Wyld recently. It was hard to tell.

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-27, 03:30 PM

As the Harbringer steps through the entrance to the Sanctum, her posture shifts slightly, and she drops the Destiny. Not that it was totally useful, but she might as well use it when she's given the chance.

She looks around the sanctum, and hmms a bit. "...Odd."

2011-04-27, 04:01 PM
Neru watches for a moment to see if there's any reaction to Nazar's words.

If he continues to ignore us, I walk up behind the god and picks up a sheaf of papers from whichever stack appears to be the "out" pile and start reading them.

If he greets us I say Greetings faithful city father. Please describe the events since the plague struck and the strangers arrived to the best of your knowledge, so that we can determine if there's any threads that need to be corrected.

2011-04-28, 06:49 AM
The god is entirely silent as the question is asked. When Neru grabs some of his papers, he turns quickly, with a manic, violent look in his eyes, but then pauses as he recognizes you, and stands before he bows his head deeply. "Trade God and illicit City Father reporting Exalted Highnesses. Approximately one month ago, mutation of Great Contagions truck the city. Four days after that, group of Solars arrived. Began offering a cure. I intervened on behalf of Immaculate Philosophy, they taught me my misdeeds. Message was panicked, sent due to lack of understanding." He smiles widely. "The masters of Creation have returned!" he says, laughing, high and reedy, before holding his hands up, as though asking politely to have the papers returned.

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-28, 08:01 AM
Tiger Lily blinks at the City God. "Hey, neat, a god who doesn't hate Sidereals. That's novel. Pause. "What do you mean, the Masters of Creation have returned? Do you mean the Solars?"

2011-04-28, 08:21 AM
The god laughs. "The Primordials' champions! They're back!" the god says, and grins wide. "Things will be restored!" he whispers, hoarsely, his fists clenched tight, a smile on his face. "All shall be repaired!"

2011-04-28, 09:50 AM
After glancing through the top pages for anything notable Neru returns the papers to the the city father and asks him "Do you mind if we examine your memories of the event directly? We will of course return them as soon as we're done."

2011-04-28, 03:18 PM
Phoenix observes patiently and primordial champions? That was odd, even for solars to want to align themselves with the primordials. Maybe the god is just rambling, it is hard to tell at the moment. He kept his hands behind his back.

"Primordial champions, now I'm more intrigued in what we are dealing with here."

2011-04-28, 03:33 PM

Nazar looked at the god, his eyes suddenly wary. Primordials? But that meant... no. Probably not new Primordials. Yozi. He made a low, disgusted sound - just what Creation needed. Corrupted, Yozi-bound Solars. He spat on the floor

"Something that needs to be stopped. He's obviously been brainwashed, just like the citizens here. Anyone good at cleaning up this sort of thing?"

2011-04-28, 04:16 PM
Phoenix pulls out his unsurpassed Sanxian, and began playing his music to remove any fears and confusion from the god. His divine performance resonate all over the place.

Using Song of Spirit Persuasion (5m, 1 wp)
10 successes vs the spirit MDV (2 automatic Success from unsurpassed Sanxian, Performance+Manipulation is 8 automatic success with Harmonic Completion (this charm is always active unless otherwise noted)) If the successes> to spirit MDV, the spirit become an ally just like the background toward Phoenix for the current story (yeah not scene).

Automatic intimacy comes also from Harmonic completion just for hearing the performance, apparently no wp to resist the effect...yeah.

2011-04-28, 07:32 PM
Camana freezes at the god's declaration, her suspicions instant and terrifying. Could the Silver Forest have kept this from her? Could this be another bid in his attempts to win the Contest? She bit the tip of her thumb, fingering the handle of her katana with her other hand.

"He could mean Akuma," Camana offers at last, but she is not convinced. "Perhaps a circle of Solars who sold themselves to the Yozi?"

2011-04-28, 10:03 PM
The god shivers as the song plays, and smiles, his fingers loosening. "I am sorry if I have frightened you through my actions. The champions- They do not seek to ruin the hierarchy. They wish to restore it." The papers have been expertly filed. All the many reports of the bureaucracy, signed, dated, in full. "You are Sidereals. You are as important to the functioning of Creation as anyone else. They want you." he whispers, and smiles dreamily. "You may absolutely examine my memories at your leisure, Glorious Viziers. I am your humble servant." he says, and bows. "But they are not bound. They are free, gloriously free to repair what has been damaged for so many years."

If you do study his memories, they come quickly, and easily. Flashes of growing panic as prayers grow weak and reedy- And then, stopping suddenly, the god dared to venture out into public, to find the people no longer worshipping him, either weakened by the Contagion, or worshipping someone new. The memories are fragmented, confused, and things flash, until he's held in the air by a young man, bare-chested, southern, hair a wild blue and tattooed heavily in a manner that almost suggests Lunar involvement, but for the distinctive blue color, shouting that the god had failed in his duties. A quick spell was cast by the god, an infallible messenger sent to Heaven, before those eyes locked with the god's. What happens next is indistinct, but the next memories are... an overwhelming need to focus, an all-consuming need to set the mismanagement right, and focus on his duty. Throughout it all, whoever the Exalt was- and it seems impossible to imagine they were not an exalt- their anima never flared.

2011-04-29, 10:53 PM
Neru takes the memory, and after studying it he passes the emerald to the others to experience. To the city father he says "So you have only seen one of these champions of the primordials, or did you meet any more? Do you know why they left ten days ago?"

2011-04-30, 12:23 AM

Nazar looked doubtfully at the others. "An entire circle selling their souls? That seems... unlikely. It usually takes a very distinct sort of desperation to make someone willing to sign over so much - could anything make an entire Solar circle that desperate?"

besides us. Nazar added quietly in his own head.

"As to our friend here... I can bring him some clarity. But my methods are not infallible, and they can be resisted, if the compulsion is strong and pervasive enough."

2011-04-30, 09:32 AM
"Do it, Nazar," Camana says. "If it does not work, then I have my own ideas to essay, and I think your may prove more palatable to everyone involved." The grimness in her voice is undeniable.

Yuki Akuma
2011-04-30, 11:11 AM
Lily watches the City Father silently. She makes no objections to Nazar's suggestion - she even nods her head slightly! There's not much she can do in this sort of situation.

2011-05-01, 02:53 AM
The city father shakes his head. "There were five. They said they had to make plans, that they would be back in ten days." He looks at Nazar, curious. " Clarity? But Glorious Vizier, for the first time in my existence, I have clarity." he says, but smiles pleasantly, not resisting.

2011-05-03, 01:52 PM
Neru continues interrogating the city father.
"Was there any indication of where they went or what plans they were making? Have you seen them use any other powers or have any of their animas flared? How many people in the city have died and how many are still alive? Where did these armbands come from, have you seen these champions make them? Do you have any extra armbands or can you make some for us to examine?

"What is your allegance now, do you serve these champions first or is your first loyalty to your superiors in heaven? You say you feel more clarity now, can you characterize what changed? Did you have a different objective or purpose before they came than you do now or is there a difference in how you want to go about achieving your original purpose? If I told you the only way to save this city from destruction was to for you to kill these champions, what would you do? If one of these new chamions told you the only way to save this city from destruction was to for you to kill us, what would you do?"

2011-05-03, 08:50 PM

Nazar nodded once, and took a deep breath. His eyes closed, and he let himself sink below the level of waking thought, into the vast liquid-crystal sea of dreams that washed on the shore of every mind. Leviathans of unborn unrealities moved just below the surface, throwing ponderous swells throughout. Nazar leaned down to touch the surface, drawing up a little of the gossamer dreamstuff on the tip of one finger - it spread over his hand, turning his arm from the elbow down into a glittering silver construct that bent and twisted his features into unfamiliar shapes.

He opened his eyes again and took a forward step, then two. He moved with the strange grace of dreams - unhurried, yet covering distance faster than he had any right to. His hand reached out in a lazy, almost casual gesture, and he tapped the god on the forehead with his index finger. A ripple of silver light pulsed outward, covering him for a brief instant before vanishing, leaving behind an illusion of reality restored.

Spending 6m, using Fervent Nightmare Phantasm at the Gossamer level to take control of the god's perceived reality. Assuming my MA + Essence (14) is higher than his MDV, then he now perceives the unknown solaroids as enemies who have compromised his mental status. He can spend a WP to resist for one action.

2011-05-03, 10:12 PM
"In order: No, no, approximately 20% have died and another 40% are dying, the remaining 40% have all given in, these armbands were brought with them, I have not seen them make them, I do not and cannot. My allegiance is first to the Primordials reborn and made whole, my second to the Exalted who are their representations, my third is to the disobedient yet not malicious gods of Heaven who have need of gentle discipline. I have ceased desiring petty and unnecessary advancement or luxury and realized the need for me to do my job. Again, my own luxury and self-satisfaction was all I cared about before. I would say you are lying and refuse to believe you. I would ask them if there wasn't a better way and explain

That my place is not to rebel against my betters"

His voice briefly... changes. There's something of the deep desert, deep, dry, and strange, in his voice, just for a moment, before the charm is used on him, and he shudders, and gasps out. "Grgh... They... They're monsters... They're going to attAAAAAAAAAGH!" he screams out, as a patch on his skin brightens violently, an old realm symbol on his skin erupting underneath his clothing, burning violently- In moments, the god has been burnt away, leaving smoldering glass on the ground.

2011-05-03, 10:44 PM
Neru turns to Nazar and says "There was no need to kill him, even though I doubt he would have given any more useful information. In any case, I suppose this is as safe a place as any to spend the night, and perhaps there's more clues as to what happened in his effects.

Tucking the emerald that Neru never had the chance to return into a pocket, he'll start searching through the room for any more clue as to what happened for perhaps an hour before activating Prior Warning and finding a nice space to sleep until morning.

[Of course, if anyone has other ideas or comments or this sanctum is not fit to rest in I may change my mind]

2011-05-03, 11:09 PM

Nazar's brow furrowed in consternation. "I Did not do that. I merely re-wrote his perception of reality such that he no longer saw his enslavers as his rightful masters. They must have had some sort of charm or sorcery in place that caused him to discorporate when he spoke certain information or had certain thoughts. Most troubling."

Yuki Akuma
2011-05-04, 01:05 PM
Lily looks down at what remains of the god. "...You know, I don't think he really had to tell us they were monsters. They're in service to the Yozis. Of course they are."

2011-05-04, 06:52 PM
Camana kneels, taking a pinch of the god's remains between her thumb and forefinger. "This is...this is beyond bad. These...these Yozi Champions must be found and put down," she adds as she stands, her hand still tight around the handle of her sheathed katana. She rummages through the pockets of her robes and pulls out a single prayer strip written in golden ink on red linen, kisses it softly, and tucks it up her sleeve.

"This conflict is inevitable, but we must be wise in our plans."

2011-05-05, 04:52 PM
The sanctum appears to be comfortable enough, but there is only the one exit. If something does go wrong during the night, escape would be difficult without going through whatever enemy forces approach.

There is little to be found in the sanctum. Merely the large sheath of papers, containing an endless quantity of dull reports on the state of the city, filled out maintenance requests, appraisals of the weather and any number of other things. This is a workload that you've not seen a god take on in your lifetimes.

Yuki Akuma
2011-05-07, 07:02 AM
Tiger Lily leans against the nearest handy surface, and sighs. "Well... we apparently have a few days before these 'masters' return. We should probably try to get this town a replacement city god. And protect this one."

2011-05-07, 08:20 AM
Phoenix wonders about the situation, this didn't seem like the solars at all, working with the Yozi? what could be the meaning of all this.

"I don't know if replacing the city god would be the best idea at the moment. Assuming the Yozi champion can do the same thing to the replacement, we would have two corrupted gods on our trails. As for taking them downs, I would like to understand first, what are we dealing with. It's obviously something new and unusual. Conducting an investigation should be the priority if it come down to fighting then we will do what must be done."

He removes the strip around his eyes, so he can see creation clearly and open his eyes. It looks like they are going to spend a good amount of time in creation now and he needs to see clearly.

2011-05-08, 11:12 AM
The quarters are sparse, but sleepable. Of course, defensively, they are something of a nightmare, as while there is only one entrance, just as equally, there is only one exit.

The papers scattered around the room appear to be merely the daily offerings of a bureaucratic nature, yet filled out fully, exactingly. If every god were so dedicated... But then, the downsides do not seem to be quite worth it, at this precise moment.

A study shows that, indeed, the god's essence is already recoalescing, though it will be some time before it finishes. Weeks, easily.

2011-05-09, 12:32 PM
Not hearing anything from the others about whether they prefer to rest elsewhere, Neru sleeps in the sanctum with Prior Warning active.

Regaining Willpower (if not interrupted)

2011-05-11, 03:30 PM
"What are we to do then? Wait in hiding, hope to ambush them here? I do not like this," Camana says, frowning as she leans her back against the desk. "Our kind are not meant to fight in this way," she adds. Her simhata Jian lays down beside her, and she strokes his dusky mane slowly, then takes a small targe of prismatic steel and burnished silver and straps it to her wrist. It will not be the first time the Shieldbearer has slept with it in hand.

2011-05-11, 05:00 PM
During the night, Lily finds herself curiously restless. Perhaps it's the uncertainty of what they're facing, or perhaps merely a native desire to keep moving, but she finds herself slipping out of the sanctum's entrance, and wandering through the night. The town seems peaceful enough, really. Aside from those still dying in the streets.

As she passes by, she spots, in the distance, a young girl, dressed in what appears to be a fairly elaborate dress from the first age, elegant and utterly unsuited to the area, kneeling in front of one of them, blue and yellow hair hanging over her eyes as she chants softly, a small boy, the same age, and dressed in a loose jacket and shorts, standing beside her, looking about nervously. Words drift through the air between towards the Chosen of Journeys.

"We're going to get in trouble. Palamin is going to be angry..."

"I don't care, Chamon. These people are suffering. They need to be fixed."

Her hands held out, she moves closer, a caste mark appearing on her forehead. You can't make it out from here, but it doesn't look like any caste mark you've seen before. As the man tries to hold up his hands to hold her away, she places a finger on his forehead, and the man lets out a sound of horror- And slowly, the plague boils recede. The man's skin repairs itself, his body takes on a healthy hue once again, and the girl holds out an armband.

"Please, take this. It will protect you." she says- And suddenly, there's an angry voice from the darkness. "Impulse!" Both the girl and the boy look up, panicked, as a tall figure strides out of the darkness. "What did I tell you about this?" "But-" "I don't care if you want to fix them. These people need to keep their choice." The man who stands there, tattooed heavily, standing only in a pair of trousers. "You cannot take away these people's choice. The method in which they die is the only choice some of them have been left with, in these days." the man says, formidable, before turning to the healed plague victim. " I apologize for her actions. You may refuse the armband if you would prefer to die of the Contagion."

Yuki Akuma
2011-05-11, 05:03 PM
Tiger Lily stares for a few moments - and then, feeling the urge to tell her fellows more than the urge to go running, she retreats back to the sanctum to rouse the other Viziers.

2011-05-14, 03:10 PM
Neru gets up as Lily calls out to everyone to awaken. He then spends 1 essence to know the exact time and date and says "Is something wrong? Why are you calling out in the middle of the night?"

2011-05-16, 08:25 AM
Camana leaps to her feet at Lily's return, her nerves wound tight by the possibility of Yozi champions and her own ignorance of their existence. "Oh, by the Spiders, don't scare me like that," she says, her sword drawn just an inch from its scabbard to reveal a strange, prismatic blade.

Yuki Akuma
2011-05-20, 06:18 PM
Tiger Lily glances back at the entrance of the sanctum - as if checking to make sure no one will be able to hear her, as daft as that would be - and then just describes what she saw out there! It all comes out in a bit of a rush - it's clear she doesn't really know what to make of it.

2011-05-24, 11:25 PM
"Well, I suppose we need to get ready to face them if they're back already. I'll just do some katas to loosen up and then I'll be ready to go."

Stepping to an open spot in the room Neru starts going through some basic martial arts katas, quickening his essenceas he delves into the basic fundamentals of martial arts, dancing with his own shadow until he see his own future movements when he studies it.
[Learning Lotus Eye Tactics]

Then he combines this new insight with his previous mastery of Violet Bier of Sorrows and opens his mind to the new insights of the shadows
[Learning The Lotus Blossoms

Soon Neru's movements slow and take another form, precise but alien. He starts softly chanting "Once there was a small maiden whose skill was great enough to climb a whirlwind over water."
As he moves through the familiar forms, Neru's movements cenvey complete focus and precision "Arrows fell upon her, forcing her to descend. But the Essence burning within her set the arrows on fire. She answered the arrows' flight with a storm of her own. And the small maiden began to climb the waterspout again."

Now sweat begins to bead on Neru's brow as more demanding and complex, and his chanting seems less prectices, but just as powerful "The maiden became a mother..."

Seeing a vision of his Sifu as he has worked to teach this kata, Neru's mind finally grasps the whole of what it means to be a spider and an exalt at the same time "...and to one child she said, "I have many things to show you.""
[Learning Thumbnail Spider March]

Sweat now pouring off him, Neru continues through katas never before perfected "And to another, she said, "You may rest within my home, and eat; no need to fly.""
[Learning Jumping Spider Strike]

Then his teeth glisten as his mouth and hands glows with essence "And to a third, she said, "How beautiful you are.""
[Learning Water Spider Bite]

As the glowing essence begins to shimmer more strongly, the pattern itself ripples around Neru and his voice starts becoming hoarse "And as each heard her words and came to the center of her web SHE ATE THEM!"
[Learning Pattern Spider Touch]

After shouting the last phrase Neru hold the final stance and the essence folds back into him and the ripples cease, before he limply falls to the ground.
[Learning Grandmother Spider Mastery]

After a few moments his breathing calms and he sits up, looks to the others, and says "OK, let's go."

2011-05-27, 01:57 PM
I have never dealt directly with an akuma before, but I have dealt with plenty of demons, so this is what I propose: Tiger Lily will bring me and anyone who wants to join meto where she saw the akuma. Once we find them I'll try to determine if they do serve the Yozi and if so we'll convince them to renounce them. Nazar's talents should be useful convincing them (or turning them into smoldering glass). Then we can cleanse the town of any remaining Yozi taint and get things back to normal around here.

After looking around for any suggestions about what else we might do, Neru puts his words into action.

2011-05-29, 11:16 PM
Now that they've renounced the Yozi they used to serve I'll interrogate them about what their former masters wanted them to do, what their goals were, if they caused this plague and how their cure works, where they went for the last 10 days and what they did, and what their future plans were. If there is nothing immediately pressing about what they reveal I'll head back to the gate to give a report of what we accomplished and learned.