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2011-05-16, 08:43 PM
You are not alone my friend.

The very concept is mind-bending. :smalleek:

2011-05-16, 11:09 PM
Okay guys, I know we've considered it before, but seriously. Artemis (http://artemis.eochu.com/). You are not prepared for how much nerderific fun this game is.

Even the very limited demo version is incredibly fun to play around with for an hour or two. We really need to get some games of this going at some point.

2011-05-17, 02:39 AM
Okay guys, I know we've considered it before, but seriously. Artemis (http://artemis.eochu.com/). You are not prepared for how much nerderific fun this game is.

Even the very limited demo version is incredibly fun to play around with for an hour or two. We really need to get some games of this going at some point.

Sadly, it is very much a game to be played with everyone in the same room. It is great fun, though.

2011-05-17, 07:31 AM
Sadly, it is very much a game to be played with everyone in the same room. It is great fun, though.

I'm sure internet forum game would still be fun

2011-05-17, 11:45 AM
xcom time!

Darth Mario
2011-05-17, 01:40 PM
Okay guys, I know we've considered it before, but seriously. Artemis (http://artemis.eochu.com/). You are not prepared for how much nerderific fun this game is.

Even the very limited demo version is incredibly fun to play around with for an hour or two. We really need to get some games of this going at some point.

Played it at a sci-fi convention and loved it. I picked up a group licence copy with some friends, but I haven't been able to install it yet because it's PC only and I'm stuck on Mac at the moment. But yes, it is incredible fun.

Cyborg Mage
2011-05-17, 01:54 PM
That does indeed look cool. I might try the demo sometime.

2011-05-17, 02:24 PM
Played it at a sci-fi convention and loved it. I picked up a group licence copy with some friends, but I haven't been able to install it yet because it's PC only and I'm stuck on Mac at the moment. But yes, it is incredible fun.

Tell Raven I know what we're doing in August.

2011-05-17, 02:40 PM
Sadly, it is very much a game to be played with everyone in the same room. It is great fun, though.

Nothing a little Vent/screensharing can't fix.

2011-05-17, 02:59 PM
Hm. Nacht. Shouldn't have spent my money in sales. Now Terraria is out, I just tried the demo and freaking loved it... and I don't have the money for it (15$ exchange. Freaking Euro inflation). Well, we're halfway through the month, I can wait a couple weeks, and Hydrophobia is being good enough to keep me occupied.

2011-05-17, 03:53 PM
xcom time!

Hey, this may be a lot to ask, but could you possibly stop posting X-Com stream announcements/events in the main 'Giant in the Playground' group? It's getting a little spammy, and I think anyone that wants to watch X-Com has generally figured out where to find your stream, and/or has joined your stream group.

Edit: Considering the last nine announcement/event posts are all some variation of "xcom" ...

2011-05-17, 04:48 PM

I personally don't mind it, as I occasionally watch the stream and it's not like the messages are all that regular. A weekly(or so) reminder in a small window seems pretty reasonable. On the flip side, it would not be hard to make yet another steam group for xcom related messages.

2011-05-17, 05:21 PM
Isn't there already one for X-COM messages?

Regardless, please don't schedule events for them. When events pop up, they pull me out of full-screen games, sometimes crashing them.

2011-05-17, 05:25 PM
Isn't there already one for X-COM messages?

Regardless, please don't schedule events for them. When events pop up, they pull me out of full-screen games, sometimes crashing them.



I can't tell you how many times I've been messed up in LoL due to steam thinking I wanted to know about that movie/game/interpretive dance somebody was streaming.

It REALLY needs to be fixed!

2011-05-17, 05:47 PM
It's getting a little spammy

To be fair, it is, at most, one message a day. Possibly as many as three days a week depending on if I have time.

I think anyone that wants to watch X-Com has generally figured out where to find your stream, and/or has joined your stream group.

Nope! I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been doing movie nights for just about a year now, and I *still* get people who don't know the link, even though it's just livestream.com with my name after it.

On the flip side, it would not be hard to make yet another steam group for xcom related messages.

There is indeed already a group for movies/streams. It is a public group that you can and should join right now.


It even has a link to the livestream right on the front page!

Regardless, please don't schedule events for them. When events pop up, they pull me out of full-screen games, sometimes crashing them.

I can't tell you how many times I've been messed up in LoL due to steam thinking I wanted to know about that movie/game/interpretive dance somebody was streaming.

I apologize. I didn't realize I was inadvertently murdering your games. Couldn't you solve this by launching LoL through Steam, so that the message would be diverted into the steam overlay? I don't actually feel too bad because LoL is for terrible people anyway

The last nine messages are all you, all talking about xcom

It isn't like I'm disrupting a lot of important business. If you subtract the xcom, it's pretty much just me and penguinizer alternating announcements for our movie nights.

That said, I will desist. Xcom and Movie Night will now be posted in the thread and announced via the Brindle Theatre group, and no longer via the GITP group.

2011-05-17, 06:06 PM
I apologize. I didn't realize I was inadvertently murdering your games. Couldn't you solve this by launching LoL through Steam, so that the message would be diverted into the steam overlay? I don't actually feel too bad because LoL is for terrible people anyway

Not all games play nice with Steam. Also, sometimes I want to play a game that isn't one of the last 5 games I've played, and it's faster to just open it via the exe than finding it in my library.LoL is not for terrible people but it also screws up Rome: Total War

2011-05-17, 06:10 PM
Yeah, if steam pop ups are causing such a problem the flaw does not lie with the people whom are merely using the feature for it's intended purpose. :smalltongue:

Maybe disabling steam pop ups or running the game through Steam as Shadow said?

2011-05-17, 06:14 PM
Using a mic to spam obscenities in all-chat is technically using the device for it's intended purpose. It's still damn annoying. Similarly, being pulled out of a game for an event that you don't really want to attend is annoying, especially when you avoided signing up for the related group so you wouldn't get notifications.

However, with stuff just being in the other group who's name I already forgot, that is all good and proper and I wholly support it.

Events still suck, regardless.

EDIT: I see no option to disable the pop-ups in Steam>Settings, and as I said before, some games don't play nice with Steam.

2011-05-17, 06:15 PM
Using a mic to spam obscenities in all-chat is technically using the device for it's intended purpose.

...no it isn't. :smallconfused:

2011-05-17, 06:17 PM
...no it isn't. :smallconfused:

You are communicating vocally with a larger audience than those immediately surrounding you. That is the purpose of a microphone, isn't it?

EDIT: Not related at all, but does anyone have any idea why some games are refusing classification in my library? I add them in a category, and they go there. Then, when next I open my library, they're all clumping at the bottom again under the general heading of "games". Most games are staying where I put them, but these won't.

For the record, they are: Starcraft 2, Rome: Total War (plus expansions), League of Legends, Eastern Sun D2 mod and EV: Nova.

2011-05-17, 06:22 PM
That's kind of like saying that using a steak knife to run around murdering people is using it for it's intended purpose. You're using it to cut through meat, right?

2011-05-17, 06:23 PM
I see your point and accept that my argument was fallacious.

2011-05-17, 06:31 PM
Another option might be to just put Steam in offline mode when playing your non-steam games, its not as if you have any reason to have it running if you don't want any kind of disturbances.

Just saying this because relying on steam groups to not send you messages just seems a bit of an unreliable solution, heck not entirely certain what steam groups are good for other than event alerts.

2011-05-17, 06:38 PM
Another option might be to just put Steam in offline mode when playing your non-steam games, its not as if you have any reason to have it running if you don't want any kind of disturbances.

Just saying this because relying on steam groups to not send you messages just seems a bit of an unreliable solution, heck not entirely certain what steam groups are good for other than event alerts.

Well, I use Steam as an IM service more than anything, and that doesn't pull me out of games. It just makes noise.

I know there are at least two things a Steam group can do to grab your attention, and one just hangs out on your desktop until you alt-tab or w/e, and the other pulls you forcefully from killing those filthy Scipii. I dislike the second one.

2011-05-17, 06:40 PM
Shadow has agreed to use his own steam group. This argument does not need to happen.

2011-05-17, 06:46 PM
Shadow has agreed to use his own steam group. This argument does not need to happen.

No, no, I find it amusing that people are trying to defend me long after we reached an equitable agreement.

Kind of endearing.

<3 you, jakhaivaihah

PS: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/brindlemovienight

I know how your attention spans are so here is the link again

oh look I even put it in my sig

2011-05-17, 06:48 PM
I think the argument is winding down, tbh. Atheist is simply listing alternatives, and I'm explaining my position on them. Shadow has already agreed to use the other group, and it will be over soon. Also, since I am still curious:

I see no option to disable the pop-ups in Steam>Settings
Is there one?

Not related at all, but does anyone have any idea why some games are refusing classification in my library? I add them in a category, and they go there. Then, when next I open my library, they're all clumping at the bottom again under the general heading of "games". Most games are staying where I put them, but these won't.

For the record, they are: Starcraft 2, Rome: Total War (plus expansions), League of Legends, Eastern Sun D2 mod and EV: Nova.

Any ideas?

EDIT: Slightly ninja'd.

2011-05-17, 07:03 PM
Is there one?

Yeah there doesn't appear to be one actually.

2011-05-17, 07:18 PM
I apologize. I didn't realize I was inadvertently murdering your games. Couldn't you solve this by launching LoL through Steam, so that the message would be diverted into the steam overlay?

Whenever I launch LoL through steam, my keyboard shortcuts don't work in game. And, for anybody who knows anything about LoL, this means that the game becomes MUCH more difficult.

I wasn't blaming you for the annoying announcements, only a couple of yours have really gotten me, but I was just stating that they're annoying in general.

2011-05-17, 07:28 PM
Whenever I launch LoL through steam, my keyboard shortcuts don't work in game. And, for anybody who knows anything about LoL, this means that the game becomes MUCH more difficult.

I wasn't blaming you for the annoying announcements, only a couple of yours have really gotten me, but I was just stating that they're annoying in general.

Keyboard shortcuts? You mean like smartcasting?

Random: my iPod autocorrected the word shortcuts into the word anorexics. WTF?

2011-05-17, 07:31 PM
Keyboard shortcuts? You mean like smartcasting?

Random: my iPod autocorrected the word shortcuts into the word anorexics. WTF?

1. If that's what it's called, yes. As in, QWER to use abilities, ect.

2. That is funny.

2011-05-17, 07:31 PM
I suspect just plain keyboard shortcuts. qwer, df, a and s, etc.

EDIT: Ninja'd. Smartcasting != shortcuts, although it does use them.

2011-05-17, 07:42 PM
For the record, they are: Starcraft 2, Rome: Total War (plus expansions), League of Legends, Eastern Sun D2 mod and EV: Nova.

I'm going to assume that your Rome: Total War is not through Steam for the moment. This is a bug in the 'Set Category' checkbox. I haven't quite figured out a definitive fix for it yet, but you're not alone. My solution thus far has been to set the category for each shortcut, then exit Steam, and relaunch it, so it saves the category info to disk. SC2 and LoL both stick in their proper category for me now, so it's pretty much fixed.

Whenever I launch LoL through steam, my keyboard shortcuts don't work in game. And, for anybody who knows anything about LoL, this means that the game becomes MUCH more difficult.

That's a Steam Overlay bug. Known issue. If your Steam Overlay is mapped to Shift-Tab, and you find your keys suddenly don't work, press either Shift or Space once (and vice versa if one doesn't fix it), and then try to play normally again. If it doesn't work, reopen the Steam Overlay, and close it with Shift-Tab (or mapped shortcut) instead of hitting Escape.

This bug also affects Starcraft 2 (you'll just end up queuing a long line of movements. Screwed me over for one game, but eh, such is life).

Random: my iPod autocorrected the word shortcuts into the word anorexics. WTF?

In an effort to censor myself, please click on the link to visit ****youautocorrect.com (http://damnyouautocorrect.com/).

2011-05-17, 08:28 PM
For some reason I've decided to stream a second time today!

I'll run out of spare time or xcom games soon I promise and then I'll stop cluttering up your precious threads

2011-05-17, 10:44 PM
For some reason I've decided to stream a second time today!

I'll run out of spare time or xcom games soon I promise and then I'll stop cluttering up your precious threads

Considering how bad this last mission went, I doubt it will be over soon.

2011-05-18, 07:41 AM
Considering how bad this last mission went, I doubt it will be over soon.

How badly?

Look, we killed 32 aliens and lost 7. That's a 4:1 K:D, and what's more, half of those would not have happened if the aliens hadn't attacked just before I got medkits.

Xcom is not a safe occupation, but it gets safer all the time.

2011-05-18, 09:43 AM
I am currently Livstreaming some Age of Wonders II with Cogwheel: http://www.livestream.com/zettaboot

That was fun. Probably will do that regularly :smallsmile:

2011-05-18, 10:04 AM
How badly?

Look, we killed 32 aliens and lost 7. That's a 4:1 K:D, and what's more, half of those would not have happened if the aliens hadn't attacked just before I got medkits.

Xcom is not a safe occupation, but it gets safer all the time.

I'd be agreeing...

If those weren't Gilmen with sonic rifles. Those are the least dangerous enemies in the game, and there was still a worse than 50% casualty rating. When Lobsters come out, well...

2011-05-18, 10:46 AM
I am currently Livstreaming some Age of Wonders II with Cogwheel: http://www.livestream.com/zettaboot


Also, watch it. I set defenseless things on fire and Volatar is leading an army of tundra oompa loompas.

2011-05-18, 10:50 AM

Also, watch it. I set defenseless things on fire and Volatar is leading an army of tundra oompa loompas.

What Oompa Loompas? :smallfrown: I don't see no Oompa Loompas!

2011-05-18, 11:34 AM
So, uh, tune in next time.

We'll probably go subjugate more stuff, I don't know.

2011-05-18, 11:38 AM
So, uh, tune in next time.

We'll probably go subjugate more stuff, I don't know.

I will build up my forces for my ultimate actual betrayal :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-18, 11:39 AM
I will build up my forces for my ultimate actual betrayal :smallbiggrin:

Hah. Yes. Forces.

It's funny because you have no idea.


2011-05-18, 12:19 PM
Those air elementals were pretty ineffective at times.

You could say that they're a real bunch of airheads.

2011-05-18, 12:21 PM
Those air elementals were pretty ineffective at times.

You could say that they're a real bunch of airheads.

See, this is why I stick with breathing fire on people from above.

Also pelting them with stones and humiliating the game's most powerful unit.

2011-05-18, 12:25 PM
Those air elementals were pretty ineffective at times.

You could say that they're a real bunch of airheads.

Actually, that air elemental was one of my best units.

Anyways, I just got a dwarf city. Let the bezerker swarms commence.

2011-05-18, 12:26 PM
Actually, that air elemental was one of my best units.

Anyways, I just got a dwarf city. Let the bezerker swarms commence.

Oh god, not those things.

I'm playing dragons and I'm still scared of them.

Also we should probably drop this conversation before the rest of the thread runs out of patience.

2011-05-18, 12:46 PM
Oh god, not those things.

I'm playing dragons and I'm still scared of them.

Also we should probably drop this conversation before the rest of the thread runs out of patience.

I'm actually finding this quite amusing, even though I have no idea what you guys are talking about.:smallamused:

2011-05-18, 12:51 PM
I'm actually finding this quite amusing, even though I have no idea what you guys are talking about.:smallamused:

Their own little game of thrones. I think.

2011-05-18, 01:32 PM
See, this is why I stick with breathing fire on people from above.

Also pelting them with stones and humiliating the game's most powerful unit.

You could say, they got burned.

Rock on, Cogwheel.

Cyborg Mage
2011-05-18, 01:45 PM
Okay, X-Com just did something really wierd to me.

Base Defence. In the first month.

Sure, I was doing really well beforehand, but I would have expected it to arrive somewhere in the second month at least. Especially since I was only on Experienced.

2011-05-18, 02:01 PM
Hey, 'Plain Sight' is just $2.50... is it any good?

2011-05-18, 02:08 PM
Hey, 'Plain Sight' is just $2.50... is it any good?

It's extremely good and great fun, but no one plays multiplayer and the bots suck :(

I have it though, if you ever want to get it and play with me.

Anyone else have it?

Shas aia Toriia
2011-05-18, 02:18 PM
I have it, but textures won't disply on it. Everything is just not there. Quite annoying.

2011-05-18, 02:27 PM
My friends gave it to me as a present. If we make a server just to our selves and schedule a time where everyone would be on.:smallsmile:

2011-05-18, 02:32 PM
Okay, X-Com just did something really wierd to me.

Base Defence. In the first month.

Sure, I was doing really well beforehand, but I would have expected it to arrive somewhere in the second month at least. Especially since I was only on Experienced.

Nope. Still beginner. Unless you downloaded Util.

And it happens. Have I told you about my first Ironman game?

It simultaneously briefly grants and entirely destroys my X-Com reputation.

2011-05-18, 02:54 PM
My friends gave it to me as a present. If we make a server just to our selves and schedule a time where everyone would be on.:smallsmile:

Awesome, lets do it!

Random: Holy crap. I think this is the best song this year. Medly of Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal and something by Mozart, made into an awesome music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR94NDIfGmA

2011-05-18, 04:11 PM
Okay, X-Com just did something really wierd to me.

Base Defence. In the first month.

Sure, I was doing really well beforehand, but I would have expected it to arrive somewhere in the second month at least. Especially since I was only on Experienced.

It's not all that uncommon. I was doing a (what turned out to be) a very short LP of XCom for some RL friends of mine, who had some interest in the game from seeing me play it, when the exact same thing happened (http://opticalsage.blogspot.com/).
That kinda dulled my enthusiasm for continuing it, although I did intend to.

2011-05-18, 04:27 PM
It's not all that uncommon. I was doing a (what turned out to be) a very short LP of XCom for some RL friends of mine, who had some interest in the game from seeing me play it, when the exact same thing happened (http://opticalsage.blogspot.com/).
That kinda dulled my enthusiasm for continuing it, although I did intend to.


In a row.

Only mission before that was small scout.

Then a terror mission!

During which the aliens raided my base, ensuring a game over.

2011-05-18, 04:53 PM

In a row.

Only mission before that was small scout.

Then a terror mission!

During which the aliens raided my base, ensuring a game over.

So that's why you turned to Nurgle worship.

I had wondered. Well, the Imperial Schwimms won't have any truck with your heresy.

2011-05-18, 05:05 PM
What has two thumbs and a brand new Alienware laptop?


2011-05-18, 05:50 PM
What has two thumbs and a brand new Alienware laptop?


TWO Thumbs?
WOW, My mom only let me keep one.

2011-05-18, 05:57 PM
What has two thumbs and a brand new Alienware laptop?


So.. you sold off your remaining fingers? :smallbiggrin:

Shas aia Toriia
2011-05-18, 05:58 PM
What has two thumbs and a brand new Alienware laptop?


What has two thumbs and is pretty jealous?


2011-05-18, 06:06 PM
What has two thumbs and a brand new Alienware laptop?


Let me guess... M14x?

2011-05-18, 06:11 PM
Hey Chiassaur.

I found out some secret images from X-COM recruit training. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GbbhhgjoRXo) Awesome coordinated action.


Well, it explains so much.

2011-05-18, 06:50 PM
So that's why you turned to Nurgle worship.

I had wondered. Well, the Imperial Schwimms won't have any truck with your heresy.

Nurgle worship?

I'm insulted!

The baddies in TFTD are obvious Tzeenchian.

(Also, that can't be X-Com training. Nobody got shot, and nothing exploded.)

2011-05-18, 06:58 PM
(Also, that can't be X-Com training. Nobody got shot, and nothing exploded.)

It should be clear that the xcom training regimen does not include any shooting.

2011-05-18, 07:00 PM
It should be clear that the xcom training regimen does not include any shooting.

Except for the shooting of any useful recruits. That's mandatory. For.....training of course. Lads need to learn to take a bullet!

2011-05-18, 07:11 PM
speaking of xcom my stream is starting right now

2011-05-18, 07:19 PM
Server's been updated.

2011-05-18, 08:08 PM
Let me guess... M14x?

17x, actually. It's a big dog.

Once I get some things reinstalled, I'm definitely gonna play some TF2 and L4D.

2011-05-18, 08:11 PM
Broke man proposition coming up:

I am currently in the possession of a handful of vintage items on TF2. I am currently not in the possession of the $10 to purchase Terraria. So, I would like to trade a combination of any of these vintage items I have, for a gifting of Terraria, (also desperately want a huntsman, but I'll get back to that later.

Vinatge items I currently own:

Frontier Justice, Southern Hospitality, Blutsauger, Direct Hit, Bonk, Cloak and Dagger, and the Ubersaw.

If anyone is interested in my proposition, you can get a hold of me at my steam name in my signature. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-18, 08:38 PM
17x, actually. It's a big dog.

Heh. Nice. That's a beast of a laptop.

2011-05-19, 01:46 AM
Today's Steam Sale appears to be Desert Bus.

2011-05-19, 01:53 AM
Actually, that be XCOM Redshirt Training course:

Learn how to heroically jump in front of your ranking officers!

Stumble professionally down steep inclines!

Bumble and goof with a 5%* increase in survival!

*Bumbling and goofing does not actually increase your chances of survival, God of Dramatic Tension permitting.

2011-05-19, 02:03 AM
Today's Steam Sale appears to be Desert Bus.

Where are you seeing these? :smallconfused:

2011-05-19, 10:45 AM
Alright, this probably will become a regular feature. I am now broadcasting Age of Wonders II multiplayer with a friend, along with some 80s music from Pandora Radio (or as close as I can get it to 80s, it seems to REALLY want to play Coldplay for some reason).

Anyways, take a watch: http://www.livestream.com/zettaboot

EDIT: That was awesome. Cogwheel won that game pretty much on his own :smallamused:

2011-05-19, 10:50 AM
Today's Steam Sale appears to be Desert Bus.

Hahaaha! Nice one. So is it supposed to just be like, "I drive big rig around"?

@Factotum, on the Steam Store Homepage, scroll down, and you'll see a box titled "Today's Deal".

2011-05-19, 11:58 AM
Alright, this probably will become a regular feature. I am now broadcasting Age of Wonders II multiplayer with a friend, along with some 80s music from Pandora Radio (or as close as I can get it to 80s, it seems to REALLY want to play Coldplay for some reason).

Anyways, take a watch: http://www.livestream.com/zettaboot

Yeah, uh...

Trogdor hit the defense/resistance cap, came close to hitting the attack/damage cap, and was immune to mind control, holy damage, death damage and poison damage at the end of it. He also two-shotted an actual dragon/the elves' ultimate unit. Oh, and he hit L27, too, where getting to L5 is fairly good.

tl;dr: A LEGEND IS BORN. And promptly burns everything, then hacks the remains to bits.

2011-05-19, 01:18 PM
Yeah, uh...

Trogdor hit the defense/resistance cap, came close to hitting the attack/damage cap, and was immune to mind control, holy damage, death damage and poison damage at the end of it. He also two-shotted an actual dragon/the elves' ultimate unit. Oh, and he hit L27, too, where getting to L5 is fairly good.

tl;dr: A LEGEND IS BORN. And promptly burns everything, then hacks the remains to bits.

So, how did the S is for Sucks dragon do, then?

2011-05-19, 01:27 PM
So, how did the S is for Sucks dragon do, then?

Well, that would be my army. Draconians, died in droves.

It's okay, though. One guy won the game for me single-handedly. Most of it without getting hit. This game is good at balance.

2011-05-19, 01:28 PM
Double post.

2011-05-19, 02:45 PM

Well, that would be my army. Draconians, died in droves.

It's okay, though. One guy won the game for me single-handedly. Most of it without getting hit. This game is good at balance.

Well, that would be my army. Draconians, died in droves.

It's okay, though. One guy won the game for me single-handedly. Most of it without getting hit. This game is good at balance.

Double postan' for the heck of it?

Not sure if want.

2011-05-19, 02:51 PM
As of today, Syberia I and II are on steam. Adventure Time!

Uhm, yeah. Back to your regular scheduled thread.

2011-05-19, 03:17 PM
As of today, Syberia I and II are on steam. Adventure Time!

Uhm, yeah. Back to your regular scheduled thread.

You can get them on GOG for less. NEVERMIND. *Facepalm*

2011-05-19, 03:26 PM
Xcom continues now! Lobstermen!

2011-05-19, 06:26 PM
Hey, did anyone play de UFO AFTERLIGHT and sequels? Are they any good? GOG is selling for $ 10 each, i'm considering biting.

Are they as fun as X - COM?

Edit: oh, yeah, xenonauts (http://www.xenonauts.com/) may turn gold before the end of the year... IF keep going well.

2011-05-19, 07:09 PM
For some reason I am streaming a second time tonight

2011-05-19, 07:31 PM
Hey, did anyone play de UFO AFTERLIGHT and sequels? Are they any good? GOG is selling for $ 10 each, i'm considering biting.

Are they as fun as X - COM?

A LOT easier. And in my opinion, not as good.

2011-05-19, 09:53 PM

Post, internal server error, refresh, suddenly there are two posts. Tried to edit the second one when my connection went down, just settled for going to bed.

2011-05-19, 10:49 PM
Post, internal server error, refresh, suddenly there are two posts. Tried to edit the second one when my connection went down, just settled for going to bed.

This has been happening a lot lately. At least on my end. Sometimes I have to wait 5 hours before deleting a dup. Thought it was just me.

2011-05-20, 12:32 AM
So... what can you guys tell me about this new "Terraria"?

2011-05-20, 12:33 AM
So... what can you guys tell me about this new "Terraria"?

Basically, not a Minecraft knockoff. Minecraft-y building exists but is both a smaller component and not as intricate. Crafting is much bigger, as is exploration, and the whole thing has a platformer RPG feel to it. Very different game, and quite good fun.

2011-05-20, 01:45 AM
A LOT easier. And in my opinion, not as good.

The only one of them I've played is UFO: Aftermath and that certainly wasn't easier than X-Com--the actual mission difficulty was set at about the same level, but with only 7 troops and no tank it was actually harder; you couldn't realistically finish a mission if, say, an alien with a massive bomb took out four of your troops at the beginning before they'd had a chance to spread out!

2011-05-20, 01:47 AM
I don't like the look of it. Looks too much like a Game Maker Game that got expanded.
Especially when early alphas of the game were using sprites from Final Fantasy 5, and they don't appear to have changed that much since.

2011-05-20, 10:10 AM
I don't like the look of it. Looks too much like a Game Maker Game that got expanded.
Especially when early alphas of the game were using sprites from Final Fantasy 5, and they don't appear to have changed that much since.

It's actually coded in C# with XNA.

2011-05-20, 10:13 AM
Anyone want to play Magicka with me? Right now? Brand new player. :smallcool:

2011-05-20, 10:16 AM
Anyone want to play Magicka with me? Right now? Brand new player. :smallcool:

What was your username again? Send me a PM.

2011-05-20, 10:21 AM
What was your username again? Send me a PM.

Polytonic. It's in my sig.

2011-05-20, 10:25 AM
Polytonic. It's in my sig.

Profile locked on. Firing request now.

2011-05-20, 10:53 AM
Profile locked on. Firing request now.

I have to run an errand first (also directed @Tavar). It'll take longer than I thought. I should be back within 15-20 minutes, hopefully. :smallfrown:

2011-05-20, 11:15 AM
I don't like the look of it. Looks too much like a Game Maker Game that got expanded.
Especially when early alphas of the game were using sprites from Final Fantasy 5, and they don't appear to have changed that much since.

I don't know about that, Jibar.





Just Cause 3 (plus lightsabers) has been pretty fun so far.

2011-05-20, 12:32 PM
Alright! Starting a new game of AoWII, still coop with Cogwheel (unless I decide to backstab him teehee).


EDIT: And thats all until next week :)

2011-05-20, 01:03 PM
Alright, I'm back, if anyone wants to play anything.

2011-05-20, 02:06 PM
Broke man proposition coming up:

I am currently in the possession of a handful of vintage items on TF2. I am currently not in the possession of the $10 to purchase Terraria. So, I would like to trade a combination of any of these vintage items I have, for a gifting of Terraria, (also desperately want a huntsman, but I'll get back to that later.

Vinatge items I currently own:

Frontier Justice, Southern Hospitality, Blutsauger, Direct Hit, Bonk, Cloak and Dagger, and the Ubersaw.

If anyone is interested in my proposition, you can get a hold of me at my steam name in my signature. :smallbiggrin:

Offer still valid if anyones up to it. Also have a couple crates, not that anyone still wants those. If I dont respond on STEAM immediately, I will get back ASAP.

2011-05-20, 02:12 PM
Honestly, I'd give half my loadout for owning Terraria, myself - really want to play the full version, but shouldn't spend more until end of month at least - and it's not like I play TF2 much anymore. So, sorry, can't help you there.

2011-05-20, 02:32 PM
Offer still valid if anyones up to it. Also have a couple crates, not that anyone still wants those. If I dont respond on STEAM immediately, I will get back ASAP.

You might have more luck on SourceOp and/or SPUF? I would help you, but I don't have any means of paying digitally.

2011-05-20, 04:24 PM
I just got a job! I work in the library now!

I can put a book on a shelf! If no one is around, then I can read the book! If there is an old person around, I can explain to them how to use the computer to find the book on the shelf!

EDIT: Keep giving me free things though. Let's not get carried away. Job pays minimum wage and isn't very many hours.

2011-05-20, 05:02 PM
You might have more luck on SourceOp and/or SPUF? I would help you, but I don't have any means of paying digitally.

It's actually against the ToS, so I wouldn't offer on SPUF.

2011-05-20, 05:03 PM
Movie Night time! Let's all watch the famous comedy, Duck Soup!

2011-05-20, 05:09 PM
I just got a job! I work in the library now!

I can put a book on a shelf! If no one is around, then I can read the book! If there is an old person around, I can explain to them how to use the computer to find the book on the shelf!

EDIT: Keep giving me free things though. Let's not get carried away. Job pays minimum wage and isn't very many hours.

Congrats, Library work can be fun. I too am employed in a library.

2011-05-20, 09:29 PM
It's actually against the ToS, so I wouldn't offer on SPUF.

The matter is a little grey. There have been "Hats for Games" threads in the past with no repercussions. It's where the whole "Item for Item" trading guidelines came about on those boards. The official stance so far has been "Trade at your own risk".

If you're skittish though, yeah, SourceOp is the place to look.

Not that I'm encouraging you to do any of this. I take no responsibility for actions incurred. I'm just pointing out that this option exists, should you be desperate enough.

2011-05-20, 09:35 PM
When Poker Night at the Inventory came out, there were a lot of threads offering items for a game purchase, and Steam mods were telling everyone it technically isn't kosher. Whether the official stance has changed since then, I do not know.

2011-05-20, 10:51 PM
When Poker Night at the Inventory came out, there were a lot of threads offering items for a game purchase, and Steam mods were telling everyone it technically isn't kosher. Whether the official stance has changed since then, I do not know.

There were a number of Steam Moderators also stating it was okay. That's when the "Trade at your own risk" sticky came into being.

2011-05-21, 01:03 PM
I don't know about that, Jibar.





Just Cause 3 (plus lightsabers) has been pretty fun so far.

That's not including the Eye of Cthulhu, Eater of Worlds, or Skeletron, the Dungeon in each map, Jungle Caves, the Corruption and resulting pits, Goblin Armies, Meteors and going to Hell.

2011-05-21, 01:13 PM
Streaming xcom again!

2011-05-21, 01:28 PM
I just got a job! I work in the library now!

I can put a book on a shelf! If no one is around, then I can read the book! If there is an old person around, I can explain to them how to use the computer to find the book on the shelf!

EDIT: Keep giving me free things though. Let's not get carried away. Job pays minimum wage and isn't very many hours.
I had that job. It was the best job. Sadly, it was a one week long job.

2011-05-21, 01:30 PM
Guys, apparently my steam account was hacked. Do not open any links I send you or anything like that.

Edit: Also, the security question Steam asks me is for the last reset passwort they sent me. I have no idea why they think I would still know that one... What can I do to get my account back?

2011-05-21, 02:48 PM
Guys, apparently my steam account was hacked. Do not open any links I send you or anything like that.

Edit: Also, the security question Steam asks me is for the last reset passwort they sent me. I have no idea why they think I would still know that one... What can I do to get my account back?

Send a ticket to steam support with a photo of a Cd key that you've activated on steam (Orange box for example) telling them that you've been hacked and are very sad. They'll be able to help.

In other news, ARMA (1) is fun, and I think it would be almost as fun to stream. Would anybody here be interested in watching me (fail at) fighting a war? Also, anybody with the game recommend any cool mods to load up on?

This game is fun, but the AI is so bad.

One time I was shooting my machinegun at some northerners, and one of my fellow soldiers walked right past me, taking 2-3 bullets to the legs. He crawled around for the rest of the mission.

2011-05-21, 02:59 PM
Guys, apparently my steam account was hacked. Do not open any links I send you or anything like that.

Edit: Also, the security question Steam asks me is for the last reset passwort they sent me. I have no idea why they think I would still know that one... What can I do to get my account back?

Shouldn't that be in your email? If it isn't, follow the wise words of Drager0, and file a support ticket.

2011-05-21, 03:03 PM
Shouldn't that be in your email? If it isn't, follow the wise words of Drager0, and file a support ticket.

Since there was no indication that I might ever need that password again I deleted the mail after my last reset.

2011-05-21, 11:26 PM
I've never understood why people delete emails. Then again, I'm a packrat. And gmail gives me 7.5 GB of space for mail.

2011-05-21, 11:28 PM
I've never understood why people delete emails. Then again, I'm a packrat.

Some people don't use Gmail and it's infinite storage space.

I am not one of those people :smalltongue:

2011-05-21, 11:47 PM
Some people don't use Gmail and it's infinite storage space.

I am not one of those people :smalltongue:

Heck, Yahoo has nigh-infinite space.

2011-05-22, 12:53 AM
Heck, Yahoo has nigh-infinite space.

Seriously. My sister's gymnastics coach has over 18000 Unread emails in her inbox alone. And she never deletes the ones that she does open.

2011-05-22, 12:58 AM
I have 1942 emails in my inbox...Wait, for serious? Creepy. Anyway!
I'm on hotmail...So really, no excuse :-/

2011-05-22, 01:27 AM
So...anyone have any idea what the tiny little patch they just applied to Portal was?

2011-05-22, 09:38 AM
I've never understood why people delete emails. Then again, I'm a packrat. And gmail gives me 7.5 GB of space for mail.

I save most of mine with Gmail, but there are some that you can be reasonably certain you'll never need again. A password reset e-mail is a one-use message. There are several other examples as well. It keeps things organized and prevents clutter.

2011-05-22, 10:39 AM
So...anyone have any idea what the tiny little patch they just applied to Portal was?

Portal 1 or Portal 2? I don't know if Portal 1/Half Life 2 wiki has the same setup as the TF2 Wiki, but maybe there's a list of undocumented changes?

2011-05-22, 12:21 PM
I'm guessing this is the perfect place to putthis (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9PgLm__i7w) video

2011-05-22, 04:11 PM
Saxxy award voting has started.

In the few I've watched, I already pick "Meet the Conscience" as a winner.

2011-05-22, 04:41 PM
Terraria can be Poked.

This is glorious and I hope they never change it.

2011-05-22, 05:05 PM
Terraria can be Poked.

This is glorious and I hope they never change it.

Say what? Poked? huh?

2011-05-22, 06:07 PM
Poke. (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/cheat-in-every-computer-game-with-poke/)

Or maybe Shadow is just sitting next to his computer poking his hard drive with his finger, I dunno.

2011-05-22, 06:36 PM
Poke. (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/cheat-in-every-computer-game-with-poke/)

Or maybe Shadow is just sitting next to his computer poking his hard drive with his finger, I dunno.

Oh, duh. Of course you can use a memory editor. You can do that in any singleplayer PC game (and some poorly coded multiplayer ones).

2011-05-22, 06:39 PM
Strangely relevant. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Dild9s2c94&feature=related) To the TF2 and Minecraft players, of course.

2011-05-22, 09:25 PM
Portal 1 or Portal 2? I don't know if Portal 1/Half Life 2 wiki has the same setup as the TF2 Wiki, but maybe there's a list of undocumented changes?
Portal 1. It was a teeny tiny little patch, maybe a few megabytes. Can't find anything on the wiki for HL and Portal.

2011-05-22, 09:58 PM
Oh, duh. Of course you can use a memory editor. You can do that in any singleplayer PC game (and some poorly coded multiplayer ones).

Yeah, those things are old. My personal recomendation is gamewiz32, which is old enough that I used it to cheat at Diablo 2.

2011-05-22, 10:27 PM
Played Portal 2 today...my god. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-22, 10:42 PM
Oh, duh. Of course you can use a memory editor. You can do that in any singleplayer PC game (and some poorly coded multiplayer ones).

Yes, but Terraria lets you carry that over into a multiplayer game. Nothing like visting your friends with TEN MILLION DYNAMITE

2011-05-22, 10:55 PM
Played Portal 2 today...my god. :smallbiggrin:

I've had it since April, but have yet to play anything past the first level. :smallsigh:

2011-05-23, 10:37 AM
An Anagram for Gabe Newel is NEW BEAGLE

Shadow_archmagi's anagram name is HOGWASH! I'M A CARD This is your new catchphrase

Volatar's anagram name is OVAL RAT

Macintosh's anagram name is ISN'T MACHO

Windows's anagram name is SO WIN WD

Giant In The Playground's anagram name is HALO REPUGNANT DIGNITY

As found here (http://deanjackson.dj/nameanagram/)

2011-05-23, 10:47 AM
how did you know about me being a card

2011-05-23, 10:50 AM
I am RED GLAMOUR apparently.
ohmygodjcabomb is HOG BAD JOB COMMY.

2011-05-23, 10:50 AM
how did you know about me being a card

A mother knows Even though I'm not even female

2011-05-23, 11:25 AM
Mine is apparently "Eh! Cow leg".

2011-05-23, 11:40 AM
Volatar's anagram name is OVAL RAT

My real name anagram is RESONANT OR SADLY. D:

2011-05-23, 11:42 AM
My real name anagram is RESONANT OR SADLY. D:


2011-05-23, 02:37 PM

2011-05-23, 02:52 PM
As found here (http://deanjackson.dj/nameanagram/)

Apparently my anagram name is
But using my real name gets PRETTY, MANIC AMOK

On an unrelated note, if anyone has a Band of Starpower in Terraria they want to trade to me, send me a message in Steam.

The Linker
2011-05-23, 02:55 PM

I'm the popcorn version of Hit Girl.

2011-05-23, 03:54 PM
It has some advice for me:


I am a pen.

2011-05-23, 05:10 PM
Black Fox's anagram name is BOX FLACK


2011-05-23, 05:23 PM

Or, using my full real name... WELL! PARANOIAC HIM.

...Accurate, the latter.

2011-05-23, 05:30 PM
Advice: Put your anagram in the box. It delivers a new anagram. This second anagram, however, will return the first one.

2011-05-23, 05:41 PM
Advice: Put your anagram in the box. It delivers a new anagram. This second anagram, however, will return the first one.

"STRAY AS LONDONER" Yay, my dream of having a British accent comes true :smalltongue:

Also, added my middle name and got "HONESTLY ADORE CARNALISM" and "MANLY LACERATE DISHONORS" which can only be described as :eek:

2011-05-23, 05:42 PM
A Rich USA.

Not bad.

2011-05-23, 06:16 PM
SLY.AN is my anagram name.

On the other hand, a liberal translation of my name gets Hammer Mapplewood.

The anagram is



EDIT: My true name made it worse



2011-05-23, 06:21 PM
An Anagram for Gabe Newel is NEW BEAGLE

Shadow_archmagi's anagram name is HOGWASH! I'M A CARD This is your new catchphrase

Volatar's anagram name is OVAL RAT

Macintosh's anagram name is ISN'T MACHO

Windows's anagram name is SO WIN WD

Giant In The Playground's anagram name is HALO REPUGNANT DIGNITY

As found here (http://deanjackson.dj/nameanagram/)

I'm "Not Policy" (Polytonic) and "Net Fern" for Neftren. The former is much more amusing.

2011-05-23, 06:24 PM
My name here gets BUZZ CALLS, but my name with my middle initial run through twice gets HARMFUL AND OK SMART.

2011-05-23, 06:26 PM

2011-05-23, 06:28 PM
The site did not reveal the best anagram for my username so WHATEVS to that site.

I am the MAN RAT GOD. Always. Always and forever.

2011-05-23, 06:38 PM
Black Fox's anagram name is BOX FLACK





Sum Pokemans
2011-05-23, 06:51 PM
SUMMON SPEAK demands you use every word you know immediately.

2011-05-23, 08:14 PM
By the way have we had much thought as to what we're going to name the next thread?

How about:

[Steam] Thread XXII: We Also Have A Medical Degree In Fashion
[Steam] Thread XXII: Where Every Day Is Explosion Day
[Steam] Thread XXII: Play It Cool, Here Comes [Steam] Cops
[Steam] Thread XXII: This Is The Part Where We Have A [Steam] Thread
[Steam] Thread XXII: This Thread May Involve Trace Amounts Of Time Travel



"Sounds like my kinda name."

The Linker
2011-05-23, 08:34 PM
Hmm... (http://deanjackson.dj/nameanagram/index.php?n=Steam+Thread+XXII)


2011-05-23, 08:36 PM
[Steam] Thread XXII: This Thread May Involve Trace Amounts Of Time Travel

I like this one.

2011-05-23, 08:51 PM
[Steam] Thread XXII: Where Every Day Is Explosion Day
[Steam] Thread XXII: Play It Cool, Here Comes [Steam] Cops

Gonna go to [Steam] jail.

My vote goes to explosion day, Just 'cause.

2011-05-23, 08:55 PM
Xcom livestream going going going

2011-05-23, 08:56 PM
Hmm... (http://deanjackson.dj/nameanagram/index.php?n=Steam+Thread+XXII)


That`s great. You get my vote.

Side note: Drager is an anagram of regard, and only regard. REGARD MY REGARENESS!!

2011-05-23, 09:04 PM
"McAllister Fawkes" anagrams out to "I'm Flawless Racket".
My old handle, "Mechafox", came out with "Eh! Fox Cam".

[Steam] Thread XXII: Play It Cool, Here Comes [Steam] Cops

Play it cool, here come the Fart Cops.

Going to Fart Jail.

2011-05-24, 01:32 AM
My old handle, "Mechafox", came out with "Eh! Fox Cam".

Awww, man. Mechafox. That brings me back.

2011-05-24, 01:37 AM
A moan us.

Seems fair.

2011-05-24, 02:01 AM
Resolutely, I tried that generator.


Then I tried my other screenname (an NPC).

Didn't have anything. This is both amusing and infuriating.

"[Steam] Thread XXII: Hello, this is the part where we discuss."
"[Steam] Thread XXII: Yes, now we are a family again."
"[Steam] Thread XXII: It isn't about why, it's about WHY NOT?"
"[Steam] Thread XXII: Levels of relevance are reaching dangerously non-lethal levels."
"[Steam] Thread XXII: Holmes vs Moriarty. Thread vs MASHY SPIKE PLATE!"

On a non-Portal related idea

"[Steam] Thread XXII: Duke? DUKE?! DUUUUUUUUKE!"
"[Steam] Thread XXII: That's XXI more than I!"
"[Steam] Thread XXII: One for every month."

The Linker
2011-05-24, 02:09 AM
"[Steam] Thread XXII: One for every month."

Some sort of in-joke, or roman numeral failure? :smalltongue:

[Steam] Thread XXII: MASHY SPIKE PLATE Approaches!
[Steam] Thread XXII: Could You... Could You Just Jump Into That Thread, There, For Me?

2011-05-24, 02:11 AM
So, I got the Prince of Persia pack from the recent sale. Which one should I play first? Or should I finish Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 from the last sale. Or play the Grand Theft Auto pack that I got in Christmas? Or should I play Dues Ex for the first ever, since I got it during the Christmas in July sale in 2010?

Is this typical? How many games do you have in your steam account have you never played? How many have you played and beaten (those that can be beaten)? I figure my ratio of games played to games owned is 25%, which means 3 out of 4 games I buy I have yet to play. And life seems so short (perhaps because I'm turning 30 in 2 weeks)
Have you ever looked at your full list of Steam games and thought it was so much work to justify having them?

There's a new rule in our house, no buying games unless they are A)on the wishlist and B) at least 50% off. Even that rule isn't helping me anymore. And it means waiting a long while for portal 2.

2011-05-24, 02:22 AM
So, I got the Prince of Persia pack from the recent sale. Which one should I play first? Or should I finish Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 from the last sale. Or play the Grand Theft Auto pack that I got in Christmas? Or should I play Dues Ex for the first ever, since I got it during the Christmas in July sale in 2010?

Is this typical? How many games do you have in your steam account have you never played? How many have you played and beaten (those that can be beaten)? I figure my ratio of games played to games owned is 25%, which means 3 out of 4 games I buy I have yet to play. And life seems so short (perhaps because I'm turning 30 in 2 weeks)
Have you ever looked at your full list of Steam games and thought it was so much work to justify having them?

There's a new rule in our house, no buying games unless they are A)on the wishlist and B) at least 50% off. Even that rule isn't helping me anymore. And it means waiting a long while for portal 2.

Mass Effect!

If only to get through 1 to 2, for the sheer improvement in the shooting. So good.

Edit: No, wait. Deus Ex. Didn't notice it the first time.

And yeah. Huge backlog here.

2011-05-24, 02:22 AM
My name has no anagram. :frown:

My full name yielded SMEARY BANANA. :confused:

2011-05-24, 02:50 AM

real arbitrary son

2011-05-24, 02:53 AM
So, I got the Prince of Persia pack from the recent sale. Which one should I play first? Or should I finish Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 from the last sale. Or play the Grand Theft Auto pack that I got in Christmas? Or should I play Dues Ex for the first ever, since I got it during the Christmas in July sale in 2010?

Is this typical? How many games do you have in your steam account have you never played? How many have you played and beaten (those that can be beaten)? I figure my ratio of games played to games owned is 25%, which means 3 out of 4 games I buy I have yet to play. And life seems so short (perhaps because I'm turning 30 in 2 weeks)
Have you ever looked at your full list of Steam games and thought it was so much work to justify having them?

There's a new rule in our house, no buying games unless they are A)on the wishlist and B) at least 50% off. Even that rule isn't helping me anymore. And it means waiting a long while for portal 2.

Oh yes. You have no idea. A lot of games in my list are mostly there due to packs in sale being cheaper than lone games, and I never actually played (or intend to play) them. Every time I tell myself that I'll stop, and every time a new sale tempts me further. Even now, I don't actually have the money to spend and yet I'm seriously considering Terraria and the PoP pack (when Cog gifted me Sands of Time, I enjoyed it a lot)! Damn you Steam!

2011-05-24, 03:23 AM
Oh yes. You have no idea. A lot of games in my list are mostly there due to packs in sale being cheaper than lone games, and I never actually played (or intend to play) them. Every time I tell myself that I'll stop, and every time a new sale tempts me further. Even now, I don't actually have the money to spend and yet I'm seriously considering Terraria and the PoP pack (when Cog gifted me Sands of Time, I enjoyed it a lot)! Damn you Steam!

Sorry to say it, but I can't, in fact, afford a copy of Terraria at present.

2011-05-24, 03:39 AM
Cog, I think I speak for all of us when I say: Just because we say we don't have a game doesn't mean you have to get it for us. We just like to complain/look forward to things.

2011-05-24, 03:39 AM
Sorry to say it, but I can't, in fact, afford a copy of Terraria at present.

Stop it, stop it you insane fool!

2011-05-24, 03:40 AM
Cog, I think I speak for all of us when I say: Just because we say we don't have a game doesn't mean you have to get it for us. We just like to complain/look forward to things.

Well yes, but I can still try to help. Or feel bad when I can't. 'S what I do.

2011-05-24, 05:31 AM
Cogwheel. Look at it this way:

We are pretty much strangers you met on the internet, who all decided to congregate in a shady spot.

We do not actually know 'Cogwheel in real life".

We do know "Cogwheel the internet nickname/handle".

You are giving gifts to strangers on the tiniest of charitable whims.

This wanton charity constitutes Generosity in the First Degree, and is punishable by Internet Constitutional Law in over forty ISPs.

I advise you cease and desist before we raise that sentence to Gratuitous Charity with Intent to Please.

2011-05-24, 05:50 AM
I advise you cease and desist before we raise that sentence to Gratuitous Charity with Intent to Please.

A serious offence indeed. You're a wonderful guy Cog, but maybe you should save some of that money up for yourself, hmm? :smalltongue:

Elsewise, I will get everyone here to chip in to a "Buy Cogwheel A New Computer Fund" (BCANCF, for short)

Yes, I know you're allergic to recieving gifts. No, I don't think that'd stop us. :smalltongue:

2011-05-24, 06:11 AM
Side note: Drager is an anagram of regard, and only regard.

Also 'grader' - one who grades.

2011-05-24, 06:11 AM
[Steam] Thread XXII: This Thread May Involve Trace Amounts Of Time Travel

My vote goes here. And to a fund for Cog.

2011-05-24, 06:15 AM
Is this typical? How many games do you have in your steam account have you never played? How many have you played and beaten (those that can be beaten)?

I have a separate category in my Steam library for games I haven't played (or have tried but not played seriously). Whenever I'm at a loose end I take a look there.

Of the games I have played, I've beaten... some. But then again I use a 'value over time' metric to gauge my purchases: I expect at least one hour of entertainment for every £2 I spend - and at Steam prices that means I can justify buying plenty of games because if I get 2-5 hours of play out of them I've 'broken even' so to speak.

It's also led to my primary promise: never buy anything on Steam at full price, because a sale is just around the corner.

Although I have made an exception for my preorder of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Do want. >.>

2011-05-24, 06:18 AM
It's also led to my primary promise: never buy anything on Steam at full price, because a sale is just around the corner.

Although I have made an exception for my preorder of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Do want. >.>

This. I rarely buy at less than 50% off, but it depends on the game.

That is how I got such a ridiculous games list.

2011-05-24, 06:36 AM
Also 'grader' - one who grades.

Bah, never saw that one.

Also, play Deus Ex! DEUS EX! EX DUES!

2011-05-24, 08:48 AM
GENTLEMEN. I have just become the victim of Generosity in the First Degree.

xp194 has seen fit to gift me Portal 2. Now I owe him beverages and foodstuff to be consumed at a later date.

And this is why it is grieviously unwise for you to be the receiver of such a gift, no matter how generous it seems.

2011-05-24, 09:25 AM
It's also led to my primary promise: never buy anything on Steam at full price, because a sale is just around the corner.[/SIZE]

That's probably a rule for Steam.
Another rule would be "The thing you want will be on sale for up to a week, but will return to normal price by the time PayPal decides to accept your money transfer because you're not in the US."

2011-05-24, 09:28 AM
GENTLEMEN. I have just become the victim of Generosity in the First Degree.

xp194 has seen fit to gift me Portal 2. Now I owe him beverages and foodstuff to be consumed at a later date.

Just as planned(TM)

Cyborg Mage
2011-05-24, 10:27 AM
"[Steam] Thread XXII: Now a shelter for the criminally kind!"?

2011-05-24, 11:34 AM
Hey. Hey guys.

I am the best at driving. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qR87ZkZLpN8&)


2011-05-24, 11:44 AM
"[Steam] Thread XXII: Now a shelter for the criminally kind!"?

"[Steam] Thread XXII: Probably not Tax Deductible!"?

Actually, on second thought, I only find that funny because I work in finance. I often forget other people don't think money jokes are amusing.

2011-05-24, 01:16 PM
Finally took the time to try out my copy of Deus Ex. Got through the Liberty Island intro level.

I thought Deus Ex: The Recut was just a bunch of clips that sounded bad because they were taken out of context, screwing up the inflection.

I was wrong. So delightfully wrong. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-24, 01:20 PM
Finally took the time to try out my copy of Deus Ex. Got through the Liberty Island intro level.

I thought Deus Ex: The Recut was just a bunch of clips that sounded bad because they were taken out of context, screwing up the inflection.

I was wrong. So delightfully wrong. :smallbiggrin:


Deus Ex has some of the most hilarious VA work of all time.

And you haven't even gotten to Hong Kong. Oh, the fun you'll have.

2011-05-24, 01:46 PM
Mr Jay See Demton
In da fresh

2011-05-24, 01:50 PM
that is all

2011-05-24, 02:08 PM
Deus Ex has some of the most hilarious VA work of all time.


Jair Barik
2011-05-24, 03:31 PM
So been playing some X-Com. Never played it ever before and not seen/read anything except the first of the live cast things on replay to understand the mechanics and stuff.

Some thoughts.
-Mind control is evil, evil, evil.
-Interceptors are awesome, shame it takes what seems like over a month to repair the blasted things.
-There is no such thing as 'no line of sight' there are simply things between you and your target that need a good bit off shooting first.
-Guided missiles are hilarious so long as its you who has them.
-Hover tanks are fun when invading an alien base.
-If there is only a single door into the enemy craft this just means you should use a guided rocket to blow a hole in the roof, use another guided rocket to blow up whatevers in the room below and then have people jet pack inside.

2011-05-24, 04:21 PM
My anagram is TOUGH, SHARP COBRA.

I win.

2011-05-24, 04:42 PM
So been playing some X-Com. Never played it ever before and not seen/read anything except the first of the live cast things on replay to understand the mechanics and stuff.

Some thoughts.
-Mind control is evil, evil, evil.
-Interceptors are awesome, shame it takes what seems like over a month to repair the blasted things.
-There is no such thing as 'no line of sight' there are simply things between you and your target that need a good bit off shooting first.
-Guided missiles are hilarious so long as its you who has them.
-Hover tanks are fun when invading an alien base.
-If there is only a single door into the enemy craft this just means you should use a guided rocket to blow a hole in the roof, use another guided rocket to blow up whatevers in the room below and then have people jet pack inside.

Mind control is evil. Until you get it.

Well, especially when you get it. But then it's evil on your side.

And half these rules get tossed out the window in Apoc.

2011-05-24, 05:34 PM
Anyone want a ship in SEIV named after them?
I'll TRY to pick one that won't blow up if you so much as tickle it. :smalltongue:

2011-05-24, 05:34 PM
Mind control is evil. Until you get it.

Well, especially when you get it. But then it's evil on your side.

And half these rules get tossed out the window in Apoc.

Think of XCOM as being the lesser of two evils:

The Alien Scum will slaughter your loved ones in their terror missions.

XCOM will slaughter your loved ones in responding to terror missions.

The difference being XCOM is trying to protect you. And failing miserably at it.

2011-05-24, 05:44 PM
Anyone want a ship in SEIV named after them?
I'll TRY to pick one that won't blow up if you so much as tickle it. :smalltongue:

Go for it :smallsmile:

2011-05-24, 05:58 PM
Anyone want a ship in SEIV named after them?
I'll TRY to pick one that won't blow up if you so much as tickle it. :smalltongue:

The USS (Or whatever) Drager is ready to go!

On another note: APB has apparently entered open beta. It also turns out that my PC is nowhere near the recommended system requirements, and that it is 15gb.

Oh well, gotta keep saving for that new computer.

2011-05-24, 06:05 PM
Think of XCOM as being the lesser of two evils:

The Alien Scum will slaughter your loved ones in their terror missions.

XCOM will slaughter your loved ones in responding to terror missions.

The difference being XCOM is trying to protect you. And failing miserably at it.

Also, you voted for X-Com.


So, if they kill you, it's kinda your fault.

2011-05-24, 06:18 PM
Think of XCOM as being the lesser of two evils:

The Alien Scum will slaughter your loved ones in their terror missions.

XCOM will slaughter your loved ones in responding to terror missions.

The difference being XCOM is trying to protect you. And failing miserably at it.

I, Having observed X-COM came to a major conclusion. X-COM are unrevokably, undeniably the bad guys. They mind control soldiers and make then shoot their comerades. They Destroy cities and slaughter civilians. Eventually they went and destroyed nearly the entire planet in TFTD. At least the aliens were honest about their intentions.

2011-05-24, 06:28 PM
I, Having observed X-COM came to a major conclusion. X-COM are unrevokably, undeniably the bad guys. They mind control soldiers and make then shoot their comerades. They Destroy cities and slaughter civilians. Eventually they went and destroyed nearly the entire planet in TFTD. At least the aliens were honest about their intentions.


On the behalf of X-Com holdings limited, cofounder F. Denman Williams, established 2012, I would like to present the official statement on the matter:

"It would be too bad if youze or your family were to suffer an unfortunate accident. It tends to happen to the mouthy types more, don't it?"

Jair Barik
2011-05-24, 06:47 PM
Just finished it. Didn't actually see the brain though as for the last mission near enough everyone was armed with a guided missile launcher for long range shooting round corners and clearing rooms before entering them.

Never actually got psionics. HAd the buildings and something like 30 people being trained but then I beat the game before getting to try any of it out.

2011-05-24, 06:59 PM
Just finished it. Didn't actually see the brain though as for the last mission near enough everyone was armed with a guided missile launcher for long range shooting round corners and clearing rooms before entering them.

Never actually got psionics. HAd the buildings and something like 30 people being trained but then I beat the game before getting to try any of it out.

Odd priority system there.

Not a bad one, mind, if it worked.

So, how much MC did you have to deal with on the last mission? Could have turned into a disaster, or gone silky smooth depending on some minor turns of luck.

Also, it's probably best to skip straight to Apoc. Whole new ball game. TFTD is just more of the same.

2011-05-24, 07:02 PM
Also, it's probably best to skip straight to Apoc. Whole new ball game. TFTD is just more of the same.

Except it hates.

X-Com hates you.

TFTD hates reality

Jair Barik
2011-05-24, 07:07 PM
Had one or two guys be mind controlled plus some panics and a beserk (with nobody to shoot at). Only lost one man to friendly fire... excluding somebody getting acided to death that might have been the only casualty actually can't recall. Generally one mind controlled dude was rifle only, the other guy fired a missile off but aimed at somebody on the other side of the map behind a door and upstairs so no casualty as a result. As soon as I entered I gunned down an infester thingy and an acid spitter then curled a rocket to take down a mecha blowing up an ethereal I hadn't even seen in the process netting 2 kills for the single shot. From there everyone managed to spread out enough so that when the guy did begin getting mindcontrolled he wasn't really in a position to threaten any of the team.

Above ground I primarily relied on my hovercraft to nuke enemy bunkers whilst plasma shots blew up any saucers or greys who were in sight. One or two guys got mind controlled but we managed to get down the lift with only 3 casualties I think (1 shot, 1 gunned down by mind controlled friendly fire, the last far out on the other side of the map due to panic and so I didn't want to wait for him).

2011-05-24, 07:11 PM
Hey. Hey guys.

I am the best at driving. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qR87ZkZLpN8&)


How? What? Bwuh?

Also, regarding X-COM, I tried it a bit, but it seems like it would be a game I could actually get into if it had A) a tutorial and B) a graphics update, or at least mouseover labels for the buttons or something. Games where I am never told what is going on or how to do anything tend to lose my interest extremely quickly.

2011-05-24, 07:16 PM
How? What? Bwuh?

Also, regarding X-COM, I tried it a bit, but it seems like it would be a game I could actually get into if it had A) a tutorial and B) a graphics update, or at least mouseover labels for the buttons or something. Games where I am never told what is going on or how to do anything tend to lose my interest extremely quickly.

It's from the old days. The tutorial is in the gigantic manual.

Or online these days. UFOpedia has a good starting guide.

It's a pain to get started, but it's worth the investment timewise. Think the manual even has a diagram of what all the buttons do.

2011-05-24, 07:42 PM
What do people have to say about APB?

2011-05-24, 07:42 PM
What do people have to say about APB?

It flopped, servers went off, and the excellent customization didn't make up for the awful main game.

2011-05-24, 07:47 PM
It's from the old days. The tutorial is in the gigantic manual.

That would explain it. Received it on Steam. I guess I'll have a look online then, if only for the reading material. I'm sorta known as someone who reads manuals in my family. Stuff like Starcraft and Warcraft 3 are great, lots of lore, great descriptions of units (even if the tactics, strategies and matchups are invariably wrong). Starcraft 2 manual was a massive disappointment, and while the game contained some lore, it didn't have nearly what I wanted.

2011-05-24, 07:55 PM
That would explain it. Received it on Steam. I guess I'll have a look online then, if only for the reading material. I'm sorta known as someone who reads manuals in my family. Stuff like Starcraft and Warcraft 3 are great, lots of lore, great descriptions of units (even if the tactics, strategies and matchups are invariably wrong). Starcraft 2 manual was a massive disappointment, and while the game contained some lore, it didn't have nearly what I wanted.

Steam has a link to a PDF of the manual (http://cdn.steampowered.com/Manuals/7760/x-com%20ufo%20defense%20manual.pdf?t=1302140381)on the store page.

Big, but not as interesting as it could be. Still, should fill you in.

Also, it confirms that, contrary to popular instinct regarding X-Com recruitment policies, you have been hiring the best of the best.

Which seems obvious in the tech department. Footsloggers? Less so.

Also, holy cats. Turns out the UFOpedia is a wiki. X-Com is shocking prescient.

2011-05-24, 11:25 PM
Hey guys, so apparently FRAPS is a wizard and can record my desktop, so I'll put up a little XCOM tutorial for you if you want.

2011-05-25, 12:23 AM
Hey guys, so apparently FRAPS is a wizard and can record my desktop, so I'll put up a little XCOM tutorial for you if you want.

"Yer a wizard, Frapsy!"

2011-05-25, 12:28 AM
How? What? Bwuh?

Should mention that footage is slowed to half speed. Actual speed of the car at that point was 60-70 MPH

2011-05-25, 01:36 AM
Hey guys, so apparently FRAPS is a wizard and can record my desktop, so I'll put up a little XCOM tutorial for you if you want.

It works off DirectX, so if you're using Vista or 7 they actually have DirectX on their desktops.
Magic, huh?

Hey, did we agree on a name for the next thread, otherwise:

[Steam] Thread XXII: Now with less people playing TF2
[Steam] Thread XXII: Lemon Cakes
[Steam] Thread XXII: E3 does not mean Episode 3

Jair Barik
2011-05-25, 05:17 AM
Looking at the way shadow_archmagi ended the game makes me feel like my X-Com were woefully unprepared, either that or really eager. We were something like OCtober 1999 for the final invasion and our squad had only a single grav tank with homing launcher, no psychics and everyone in a mix of power armour, personal and about three flying suits.
We only had one country flip to the aliens and one base invasion near the end but these were just because we hadn't bothered taking down a lot of the ships near the end in order to avoid wasting resources before the final push.

Had most research done in the end having got 50 scientists in 2 bases and nearly 100 in a third.

Had 5 bases total.
3 proper bases in Russia, middle America and North Africa then two bases equipped soley with scanners and defences in Australia and south America.

So even though it was on the easiest settings it was good fun and a well fought battle to the end. What sorts of things do you guys normally go for? (bases, techs, equipment etc.)

2011-05-25, 09:09 AM
I decided to go ahead and start a new thread.... um if that's ok with you. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11064428)