View Full Version : [3.5] Shield Basher Build

The Rabbler
2011-04-08, 12:08 AM
I'm finally tired of making characters that overshadow my group (note: extremely low-op), so I've decided to make a shield basher character. My build so far is: (spoiler'd for length)

human barbarian 1/fighter 6/crusader 1/uncanny trickster 3/crusader 9

-wolf totem barbarian
-spirit lion totem barbarian
-whirling frenzy barbarian
-dungeoncrasher fighter

flaw: aberration blood (sticky fingers)
flaw: inhuman reach
human: improved shield bash
1: power attack
barb: improved trip
2: shield specialization
3: shield charge
5: shield slam
6: improved bull rush
9: shock trooper
12: knockback
15: leap attack
18: shield ward

shield of choice: +5 bashing torturous (+2 version) valorous rusting riverine heavy wooden shield w/ calling
shield of defense: +5 animated eager warning spiked tower shield
facehugger frisbee (Courtesy of Darrin): +1 bashing wrapping throwing fleshgrinding heavy spiked shield w/ lesser crystal of return
surfboard of force: +1 flying sizing variable tiny riverine buckler
armor of choice: +5 nimbleness mithril full plate w/ +5 defensive armor spikes w/ calling

any suggestions?

2011-04-08, 12:12 AM
...tired of making characters that overshadow my group (note: extremely low-op)...

wolf totem barbarian, spirit lion totem barbarian, whirling frenzy barbarian, dungeoncrasher fighter, inhuman reach....
...I'm confused. This isn't supposed to overshadow low-op characters?

The Rabbler
2011-04-08, 12:20 AM
...I'm confused. This isn't supposed to overshadow low-op characters?

I'm optimizing both because shield bashers need it and to allow for more flexibility. I included such strong choices mainly because a guy running around with only a shield can't possibly steal the spotlight from my pyro-maniacal teammates.

to directly answer your question: no. this build will annoy my DM more than overshadow my group. It looks strong on paper but is pretty divided on its focus in practice. It should end up having options more than anything else.

2011-04-08, 06:48 AM
any suggestions?

I'm a little puzzled by the presence of Dungeon Crasher but the absence of Knockback + Shock Trooper. Or is that what you mean by "low op"?

Are you going to be divebombing off of your surfboard? If so, then you'll probably want Battle Jump, Roof Jumper, armor/boots of landing, and anything that can give you a size increase... fly above your target, Battle Jump + Pounce as you come down, every attack that hits lets you bull rush them into the ground for 8d6 dungeon crasher damage, and if there are chunks of your opponent still left that aren't a cloud of blood-flavored mist, then they take falling object damage (no save).

The Rabbler
2011-04-08, 10:08 AM
I'm a little puzzled by the presence of Dungeon Crasher but the absence of Knockback + Shock Trooper. Or is that what you mean by "low op"?

I knew I forgot something. I was planning on using knockback, but not shock trooper. I want this character to have a worthwhile AC and I don't want to have what amounts to an ubercharger with a shield. I want to be the guy tossing around the enemies, not squishing them with a shield instead of a sword.

Are you going to be divebombing off of your surfboard? If so, then you'll probably want Battle Jump, Roof Jumper, armor/boots of landing, and anything that can give you a size increase... fly above your target, Battle Jump + Pounce as you come down, every attack that hits lets you bull rush them into the ground for 8d6 dungeon crasher damage, and if there are chunks of your opponent still left that aren't a cloud of blood-flavored mist, then they take falling object damage (no save).

soild idea, but again, I don't want to be doing a bunch of damage. I was planning on using my surfboard until I could easily afford wings of some sort (possibly the graft). After that I'd use the surfboard for it's original purpose: a wall of force that follows my orders and can rapidly change in size.

2011-04-08, 01:11 PM
I'll just drop this off right here (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1532.0). :smallsmile:

2011-04-08, 02:22 PM
I don't think this is what you're looking for, as it's more of equipment optimization than character optimization, but this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10294124&postcount=5)might be of interest nonetheless.

Forged Fury
2011-04-08, 07:06 PM
I'll just drop this off right here (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1532.0). :smallsmile:
With respect to the Bulldozer (which I totally want to play now), how does he pick up any Shield feats as a 1st Level Feat Rogue as Rogues do not gain the Prerequisite Shield Proficiency?

I'm guessing the build is still plausible by entering Barbarian or Dungeoncrasher first, but I wonder how much it changes the feat order. Anyone want to try and tackle that? I'll probably try to figure it out myself, but I wondered if someone else had already brought it up.

2011-04-08, 07:09 PM
You can't bash with or put shield spikes on a tower shield.

See the equipment section (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/armor.htm).

EDIT: Also, Shock Trooper has more effects than just the AC-to-damage option. There's two miscellaneous bullrush benefits.

The Rabbler
2011-04-10, 04:18 AM
I don't think this is what you're looking for, as it's more of equipment optimization than character optimization, but this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10294124&postcount=5)might be of interest nonetheless.

that's my surfboard :smallwink:

You can't bash with or put shield spikes on a tower shield.
Good to know, thanks.

Also, Shock Trooper has more effects than just the AC-to-damage option. There's two miscellaneous bullrush benefits.

hmmm, are either of the bull rush benefits worthwhile?

EDIT: stupid double post. thats what I get for posting at 2:30 though.

Forged Fury
2011-04-10, 09:05 AM
hmmm, are either of the bull rush benefits worthwhile?
Depends on how good your bull rush ability is.
Bull Rush Benefits (Basically Stated):

1) For each 5' you Bull Rush an opponent back, you can shift them 5' to the left or right.
2) If you push an opponent into the square of another opponent, you gain a free trip attempt against both of them.

It can create a lot of opportunities, particularly if you have reach, the Improved Trip feat, or Dungeoncrasher.