View Full Version : Kyuss [3.5]

2011-04-10, 01:33 AM
I can't for the life of me find anything about the Deity Kyuss but for the Age of Worms adventure path. Anyone know where I can find a Deity-Block for him, and the related Kyuss options? I remember a Spawn of Kyuss monster, but can't recall the book it was from...

2011-04-10, 01:39 AM
Elder Evils, I believe.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-10, 01:41 AM
Google is your friend. (http://www.canonfire.com/wiki/index.php?title=Kyuss)

Apparently he's an "unded lol" demigod from the Greyhawk campaign setting. While what I linked isn't helpful for publishing info other than a first-edition Fiend Folio thingamajig, I would check the published Greyhawk campaign info for references.

2011-04-10, 02:04 AM
Google is your friend. (http://www.canonfire.com/wiki/index.php?title=Kyuss)

Apparently he's an "unded lol" demigod from the Greyhawk campaign setting. While what I linked isn't helpful for publishing info other than a first-edition Fiend Folio thingamajig, I would check the published Greyhawk campaign info for references.

I already did, and got the same results as you. All I found was a wikipage with some information, but not the detailed writeup I'm looking for. As for checking Greyhawk info, he's not in the deitys section of the Greyhawk Gazeteer. As far as I know, his only stats are in Elder Evils as a, well... Elder Evil, and at the end of the Age of Worms Adventure Path that I don't have access to...

2011-04-10, 05:25 AM
This is not what you want to hear prolly but this is the type of material Dungeon or Dragon would carry.

2011-04-10, 05:47 AM
The paizo version is a divine rank1 sorc/cleric/true necromancer. The fluff is basically an expanded version of what you would find in elder evils.

2011-04-10, 05:56 AM
Dragon ran articles related to the Age of Worms AP while it was appearing in Dungeon, including Kyuss-themed spells and an ecology article about the spawn of Kyuss. The spawn of Kyuss is in MM2 (and presumably reprinted in the AP somewhere), and... that's pretty much it, I think.

2011-04-10, 05:53 PM
Details of Kyuss deity (DR336 p063)

Some templates
Scion of Kyuss (DR321 p43)
Spawn of Kyuss, Favored (DR336 p64)

2011-04-10, 06:02 PM
Dragon ran articles related to the Age of Worms AP while it was appearing in Dungeon, including Kyuss-themed spells and an ecology article about the spawn of Kyuss. The spawn of Kyuss is in MM2 (and presumably reprinted in the AP somewhere), and... that's pretty much it, I think.

MM2 also has at least one other Kyuss-themed monster, an undead-caterpillar-thingy that I can't remember the name of.

2011-04-10, 06:43 PM
MM2 has Spawn of Kyuss.
I believe you were thinking of Ulgurstasta which is from FF

2011-04-10, 06:46 PM
MM2 has Spawn of Kyuss.
I believe you were thinking of Ulgurstasta which is from FF

Ah yes, quite. For some reason I thought they were in the same book.

2011-04-10, 09:18 PM
Kyuss also has a 1/2 page deity writeup in the Living Greyhawk Deities pdf: http://www.wizards.com/lg/ (not sure if this is the same writeup as Canonfire)...

2011-04-10, 09:20 PM
Ah yes, quite. For some reason I thought they were in the same book.

The Elder Evils chapter that deals with him has one in the background art at the start of it.

2011-04-10, 10:06 PM
avalokia is in mm2 and they work for kysuss i believe maby you were thinking about them

2011-04-11, 05:23 AM
Think he means the urgalasta (sp?) in fiend folio (those giant caterpillar-like undead).

2011-04-11, 04:02 PM
I completely missed Avalokia when I did my research into a Kyuss theamed encounter a while back. Maybe I'll have to revisit this ?
Avalokia are worm like things which look quite fun :smallcool: I'm now unsure what UrPriest ment ?

2011-04-11, 04:38 PM
I completely missed Avalokia when I did my research into a Kyuss theamed encounter a while back. Maybe I'll have to revisit this ?
Avalokia are worm like things which look quite fun :smallcool: I'm now unsure what UrPriest ment ?

I was thinking about the Ulgurstasta.