View Full Version : [KHiTP] IC I: We Heart The Heartlesss

2011-04-10, 11:08 AM
Realm Between (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=628mlrhDXfo)

The Realm Between. The shadow in the brightest day. The lone star in the darkest night. It defines and divides its siblings of light and dark. It represents both what must and what should not exist. And it hosts those who bear claim to perhaps the most noble- or most injustifiable- motives of all.

Realm of Darkness (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trf9g-ZpDF4)

The Realm of Darkness. Since the beginning, it has been the root of temptation and decadence, the throne of violence and brutality. It exists as the evil to oppose all, the bleak fate awaiting those who try to turn away from light and good. It is the force that exists to destroy, the force that will ultimately destroy itself. The tide that will one day wash over the Realm of Light before all comes to an end.

It is the root of all evil and the throne of all death.

Realm of Light (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDizdSZB2Gw)

The Realm of Light. The expanse known to most of this universe's inhabitants. It too, as all things do, has its darkness. But in every world, there are always those who will contain that darkness. Combat it for the good of all things.

Radiant Garden, although restored, is no better than what it was before. Its inhabitants have taken advantage of the Claymore defence system, using it to turn the Garden into the linked world of Radiant Garden and Traverse Town into the high-class district, the playground of the rich and powerful. Those outside can only dream of the luxury within, of the possibility of one of the aristocrats of the district offering them even a moment in their paradise. Traverse Town has not fared so well. Though the town continues to grow in size, its population far outgoes this. The town has become overcrowded, unkempt and the subject of many Heartless attacks.

But life goes on.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-10, 11:13 AM
Xaidesus stands atop the Altar of Naught, looking out towards what will become their salvation. Their simalcrum of Kingdom Hearts barely exists now, a tiny, translucent silhouette against the endless midnight of its world. Soon, my creation. Soon we will both be complete. He strides down to the main body of the castle, to the Gray Area where his fellow Nobodies reside.

To where their plans will begin.

2011-04-10, 11:16 AM
[Between - Grey Area]
Xoefai sits restlessly, occasionally changing position or opening her briefcase to shuffle through some papers within.
She sits up when her leader enters, anticipating some command or instruction.

2011-04-10, 11:40 AM

Romex coughs and grabs hold of his spinning wheel, several nobodies stepping away from it, games were over for now. He sighs and stabs it into the ground and leans against it. Ready to listen.

lord pringle
2011-04-10, 11:45 AM
[Realm of Darkness]
Jason is playing with a die made from seal bones. He rolls a one and jumps up enraged. I'm Boooooooored! When are we going to do something! He then rolls the die again.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-10, 11:50 AM
Xaidesus looks at his two Organization members analytically. Xoefai had always been a useful asset, due to her naturally destructive nature outside her coat, and Romex, although sometimes unreliable, was as competent a fighter as any.

My fellows, I trust you know of our goals?

Xai points to the spectre of Kingdom Hearts, a faint but definite statement of the aims of Organization XIII.

Today we put those plans into action. I have confirmed several Keyblade Wielders in the world of Traverse Town. Our aim today is to test the skills of those Keyblade wielders and spur them to action against the Heartless. Xoefai, you will go to the Second District. Romex, the Third is yours. I will oversee the First district. I will set the Keyblade wielders of the town on the defensive, while you, upon the chimes of midday, will open several Corridors of Darkness in your appointed districts, and attract as many Heartless through them as possible.

Xaidesus raises his hand towards the centre of the room, a pool of darkness opening on its floor and extending a gateway large enough for all three Nobodies. He then strides towards this portal, beckoning his comrades towards it.

2011-04-10, 12:04 PM
[Between - Grey Area]
Understood, sir.
She stands, gripping her briefcase, and steps toward the portal.

Laburnum sits within earshot of Jason, hunched in a corner. She looks half-interestedly at him, then back at her shoes.

lord pringle
2011-04-10, 12:08 PM
You! Labernerudoodle! Wanna go somewhere and do something? Jason's keyblade appears.

2011-04-10, 12:14 PM

Aye Cap'n. I'll see what I can do.
Romex lifts his heft wheel and follows behind his comrades.

2011-04-10, 12:18 PM
Laburnum looks back up at Jason, wiping her leaky eye.
'Nliss we git ardered teh, 'm feck non set 'n gae'n aught fer nae.
She scuffs the ground with her heel and coughs up a small, warped black seed.
She puts it in the ground and covers it gently with the ashy, sterile dirt of the realm.
C'mon nae, grae 'p blraw 'n bonny fer ma.
Retconning in the accent.

lord pringle
2011-04-10, 12:20 PM
Jason plunges his keyblade in the spot where the seed was planted. It'll be fuuuuuuuun! He whines.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-10, 12:26 PM
[Realm of Light-Traverse Town]

The gateway opens atop the belltower of Traverse Town's Gizmo Shop. The three step through, Xaidesus observing the town tactically. He reaches for his hood and pulls it over his spiked hairline, hiding his face magically.

Remain incognito until midday. We have 45 minutes.

Of course, midday wouldn't mean much in a town of endless night if it were not for the tower in Second District. This becomes evident as Xaidesus levitates off the tower and flies off in the direction of the First District. Those he flies over may notice a nauseating sensation, like the temporary freefall often felt on a rollercoaster.

2011-04-10, 12:31 PM

Ach! Work, work, work, can' we e'er get a brek aroun' ere?

Rom flings his wheel and jumps onto it, levitating around on the spinning disk.

2011-04-10, 12:33 PM
[Light - Traverse Town]
Xoe follows suit; when she arrives, she too puts up her hood (exactly how she fits her hair into it is unknown). As she walks, her eyes glow faintly in the darkness of her hood. People she passes on her way to the Second District might feel a brief dry tingling on their skin.
[Dark - Wherever they are]
She grimaces; sickly little vine tendrils work their way up the keyblade, blindly searching for something to grab onto.
Sod off.

lord pringle
2011-04-10, 12:35 PM
Jason whimpers like a hurt puppy for a bit and then runs off crying.

2011-04-10, 12:55 PM
Laburnum ignores him, trying to coax the awful little plant into whatever sick parody of life it will take.
C'mon, 's bonny... lessee a bit 'o tharns nae, summat fair nasty...

lord pringle
2011-04-10, 01:00 PM
Jason tries to freeze time, run back over and rip out the plant.

2011-04-10, 04:07 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 2)]

Lirorn wakes up with a start from the bench he was lying on, he couldn't afford the rent for the room he wanted to stay in and he was so tired he just slept out in the street. He couldn't shake the feeling something wasn't quite right in Traverse Town but he figured it was just the smells from the nearby sewer pipe getting to him. He hadn't seen Traverse Town in its more glorious days but even in the few years he knew it it had gotten worse. He sat up and brushed off his coat and started the process of walking the sleep off from his right foot. He had heard rumors recently of new Keyblade wielders appearing as of late but hadn't seen anything for himself so that was his current self mission, to find a fellow wielder. "Another fine day, eh' bottle?" Lirorn took a swig from the ever present bottle hanging at his side.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-11, 01:41 PM
Xaidesus floats over to where Lightning will presumably be doing whatever he happens to be doing. He looks down for a moment, pinpointing his location, then lowers himself to the ground.

Lightning, is it? I need you to come with me. Who I am is not a concern right now.

Xai motions towards a nearby sidealley. With any luck the only person there should be a sleeping thief who got a bit too festive with his profits.

2011-04-11, 01:54 PM
Lightning stares, uncomprehending at the man in front of him.

"That's always a concern with me, brat."

His young appearance does not go well with his violet eyes, filled with years of experience.

"You think you can command one of the old Chasers? I've killed beings stronger than you before. You reek of indecision."

He turns away, his coat wisping in the wind.

"Come back when you've decided to drop the act."

[Realm of Darkness]

The Ruler is wise. The Ruler is just.

The Ruler is god.

The Ruler rarely shows himself to his people. He has appeared only once in recent memory, when the Realm of Light began regaining power. Which is why it was a shock for the Mouth of God to open once more.

"Hello my dear followers. Your Ruler speaks to you, and tells you tales of times long gone. Now is one of those times."

The voice continues, hardening, speaking with a steel,

"The Realm of Lights wielders are returning. This is... problematic, for our plans. I am sending some of our own wielders to... end this problem. After all, Darkness is eternal, while Light is fleeting. We shall extinguish this new Light, and replace it with our Darkness once more."

The Mouth of God shut, the speech over.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-11, 02:09 PM
Xaidesus grabs Lightning by the arm and spins him around, his other hand reaching for his neck, pulling his face in to stare into the bleak nothingness of his hood.

You are no fool, Lightning. You know of the Heartless. I'm here to give you a fair warning. You will have to face them, and none of your meaningless titles will save you there. And neither will that pathetic sword.

As if on cue, Lightning's sword floats out of its sheath and impales itself into the nearest wall.

Your Keyblade, like it or not, is the only weapon of any worth you possess. You exist to serve the light. Your efforts will be meaningless without it. You say I am full of indescision? You have 40 minutes to be rid of yours.

Xaidesus walks away swiftly, throwing Lightning to the ground.

Oh, and Lightning? You will be seeing more of me. You had best keep me on good terms.

He looks back at Lightning as he says this, his sword pulling itself out of the wall and holding itself momentarily at his throat before dropping again. He then strides out of view, though Lightning may notice a few of the stars blink out and reappear in a distinct pattern.

2011-04-11, 02:20 PM
Lightning shook with fury. Nobody touched his sword. And nobody questioned his choices. That was how it had been for a long time. Ever since he'd locked away those ancient memories. Memories that were coming up, floating to the surface.

"Lightning, you have to control your anger!"

"C'mon Light, pull out that keyblade you always brag about."

Never again. He would never let that... thing touch his weapons, his cherished sword, ever again. Nobody would.

And that was how it was.

He chuckles, a small smirk gracing his features.

"So... you say I'm indecisive, eh?"

The boy shook, and then laughed.

"Well then... It appears that the Ancients have decided my fate. Very well, oh indecisive one, I'll play along with your redundant game. Who knows..."

He turns in the direction the man walked off in, following his path.

"Might even be fun."

2011-04-11, 04:31 PM
Laburnum looks up at Jason.
Looks as we've a jobbie t'dae...

She stands, drawing her Keyblade.
I jus' wish t'Ruler'd taeld us wha' placey we've ought to go at.
[Light - Traverse Town - 2nd]
Xoe waited in an alley. This alley was one usually frequented by ne'er-do-wells, but somehow the strange cloaked figure had made them decide to hold off on their business until later. Probably by making them feel unwell just by standing there.

2011-04-11, 05:47 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 2)]

After finally getting the sleep out of his foot Lirorn turned his attention to his most pressing matter, getting a bite to eat. His stomach growled as his noise took in a whiff from a nearby bakery. He checked his pockets, but remembered sadly that he had no money in him. He decided that instead of going hungry again he would see if his good friend Keda would spare him some food. So he set out in a westerly direction towards the small, but hospitable man's dwelling.

(OOC: How do we go about non player interaction?)

2011-04-11, 09:10 PM
As Lightning walks, he notices a... person, huddling in the alley. The only people in this alley usually tried to take his money.

Or sell him things. No thank you sir, I do not want to buy your doughnuts. No, I really don't. I SAID NO ALREADY. GOD DAMMIT NOW I HAVE TO STAB YOU

Traverse Town was a harsh mistress to Lightning. He walks up to the girl, and drops a few pieces of munny in front of her. He seems to have mistaken her for a hobo.

Makes sense.

2011-04-11, 09:48 PM
[Light - Trav. Town - 2nd]
Xoe blinks and picks up the coins.
... Thank you.
He can tell she blinks because the faint deep-red glow of her eyes flickers for a moment when she does. When she speaks, her mildly luminescent teeth briefly are revealed.

2011-04-11, 10:02 PM
Lightning smiles slightly. He was used to bizarre people, creatures, and such.

"Not a problem, miss. Put it towards a good home."

He still thinks she's homeless.

2011-04-11, 10:03 PM
[Light - Trv. T - 2nd]
She nods. I will use it responsibly.
And she deadtimes; he may feel slightly unwell standing near her.

2011-04-11, 10:10 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 2)]

Lirorn finally arrived at his friend's house only to find the door securely locked and no one home, "Always gotta make things fun for me dont'cha?" He moves around the house into a back alley hoping to find the window open, but sadly it is securely latched as well. He turns to exit the alley when he sees a man giving munny to a poor looking woman. Glad to see a reassurance that just maybe there was still some good in this ever worsening town, he turned to exit the alley. He decided that tonight he wouldn't get quite as drunk as usual to celebrate this quaint but inspiring discovery, sadly the dilemma of food still made his stomach rumble with anticipation.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-12, 10:46 AM
After a few minutes, Xai floats back down behind Lirorn, putting a firm hand on the man's shoulder and offerring him a handful of munny.

Get some food. You'll need it. After that, you have 30 minutes to find somewhere defensible. Believe me, I am not a figament of your alcohol-fueled imagination nor some madman preaching the end of days.

He nods discreetly at Xoefai, before looking back to the Keyblade wielder in front of him.

2011-04-12, 04:26 PM
Lirorn looking down at the munny in his hand and listening to the stranger speak feels a slight chill come over him. "Umm, thanks I guess..." He turns to walk away to the nearest eatery, still wondering if it was even real or not and pondering what the being meant by somewhere defensible...

lord pringle
2011-04-13, 02:15 PM
Jason giggles like an eight-year old girl. He opens up a door to darkness and teleports to Radiant Garden.
[Radiant Garden]
Jason runs through the streets with his keyblade out. Here keyblade keyblade keyblade!

2011-04-13, 08:13 PM
Lirorn looking down at the munny in his hand and listening to the stranger speak feels a slight chill come over him. "Umm, thanks I guess..." He turns to walk away to the nearest eatery, still wondering if it was even real or not and pondering what the being meant by somewhere defensible...
[Light - T. Town - 2nd]
Xoe watches him go, waiting for the signal.

2011-04-13, 08:26 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 2)]

After enjoying a delicious sandwich Lirorn couldn't help but feel he had forgotten something. Then it came back to him "After that, you have 30 minutes to find somewhere defensible." and the same shiver ran down his spine as before. He looked for the clock-tower and saw that he still had about 20 minutes to find somewhere to fight from, but why he still could not tell. He decided that regardless of if the area was defensible or not he would not endanger civilians if it became a blood-bath. Then he remembered the back alley behind the hotel and he had an idea...

(Approximately 15 minutes later...)

The old scrap wood and barrels that had been lying around in the alley now resembled small barriers surrounding the still slightly worried man. An old couple had come towards him earlier but he told them it was not safe here and to get any others nearby to leave as soon as possible. That was about 7 minutes ago, what dangers awaited him were a mystery but with Nomad at his side and no lack of self confidence he was ready to face whatever was in store for him.

He couldn't help but utter one last phrase before becoming completely silent, "Come get some..."

2011-04-13, 09:14 PM
Lightning leaves Xoefai in her place, and a small coin drops out of his pocket. A blackened one, in fact. It clatters on the ground, clearly not money, but something altogether different.

He walks towards a wall, and then a flash of light cracks.

He reappears on the other side of the building, and stands still, lightly rocking his feet.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-14, 11:09 AM
[Traverse Town- 1st Dist.]

Xaidesus silently counts down the last few seconds. 3... 2... 1...


And so on, signifying midday. The likeliest time for the highest concentration of Keyblade wielders to be out, active and witnessing the carnage of a Heartless attack. Xai raises a hand, a swirling pool of black-purple... stuff condensing on the wall in front of him. A few moments later, a diminuitive yellow-eyed creature pops out, looking quizically at the black-cloaked figure before it- until it catches the scent of sweeter prey. The being flattens itself into the shadowlike form that gave it its name and slinks off in search of the nearest Keyblade wielder. More Shadows follow the thing out- other heartless too, even a few as large as Scrappy Dogs. Satisfied with this, Xai floats off in search of another strategic point for a gate.

Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgYM8uRcsIA)

After several minutes, the town has devolved into chaos. Gargoyles, Wyverns and all manner of flying Heartless screech through the permanent nighttime sky, swooping in on the odd piece of unsuspecting prey, while hordes of the monsters storm the starlit streets, hunting screaming, scattered crowds fleeing futilely through overdeveloped, overcrowded streets. All Realm of Darkness has broken loose.

2011-04-14, 04:39 PM
[Light - T. Town - 2nd]

Xoe does the same as Xai. DARKNESS!

lord pringle
2011-04-14, 05:13 PM
2nd district
Jason pops through a D.T.D. Did somebody order heartless? I gotcha heartless right here! Lemme eat you!

2011-04-14, 06:11 PM
[District 3]

Ach, da' dark ones be scamper'n aboot like they er' jus' wee babes! It warms me 'art!
Romex cackles as he shooes the heartless from his own Door, pushing them towards the town.

Run wee ones! Run like snakes from Saint Pat!

2011-04-14, 06:22 PM
2nd district
Jason pops through a D.T.D. Did somebody order heartless? I gotcha heartless right here! Lemme eat you!
Xoe waves to Jason from an alley.
Excuse me!
Could you please make a mess of the town, raise some general havoc?

lord pringle
2011-04-14, 06:23 PM
wazinit for me? Jason's keyblade appears.

2011-04-14, 06:34 PM
[Light - 2nd]
The usual---the joy of preying upon the weak, the thrill of the hunt, whatever you and your fellow Heartless like---oh, and hearts.
Which he will sense she does not have.

2011-04-14, 06:36 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 2)]

Lirorn feels their presence before he even sees them. "DA**ED HEARTLESS!!! LEAVE EM' ALONE, ITS ME YA WANT, ISN'T IT!!!" His heart is pumping with rage, he rarely gets mad but seeing (or hearing in this case) innocents getting attacked just pushes his buttons in all the wrong places. Forgetting about his own personal safety he jumps his barriers and runs out into the square. His eyes widen with both fear and rage as he sees the portals opening around the district, and more than likely all over town. Then the fight begins and he lops the head off of the Heartless unlucky enough to be the closest to him. Lirorn yells out to any nearby civilians "I can't protect all of you but I will try to stave them off as long as I can, now get out of here!"

lord pringle
2011-04-14, 06:38 PM
May I have a name? May I know who's you were or are? Jason bows.

2011-04-14, 06:41 PM
May I have a name? May I know who's you were or are? Jason bows.
The only name I can give you is this: I am a member of Organization Thirteen.

lord pringle
2011-04-14, 06:43 PM
Fine. Jason points at Lirorn. Wanna fight a heartless?

2011-04-14, 06:47 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 2)]

Fine. Jason points at Lirorn. Wanna fight a heartless?

Lirorn stares at what seemingly appears to be the shell of a man and doesn't move. Then he charges Nomad raised high ready to rip this fiend apart. "Get out of our town you bloody monsters!"

lord pringle
2011-04-14, 06:50 PM
Jason parries. whoa there!

2011-04-14, 06:52 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 2)]

"What you don't feel like killing more of us today, or are you gonna try and make friends. Ha!?"

Lirorn backs off slightly but still ready to strike at the man.

lord pringle
2011-04-14, 06:58 PM
I just want to make this fun. Jason tries to freeze time.

2011-04-14, 07:02 PM
Lirorn was about to spit back an unkind remark when it seemed that his reflexes suddenly slowed considerably. "Wha.....ttt....isshh... goo...iinn...ggg... onn..."

lord pringle
2011-04-14, 07:23 PM
Lirorn will hear peoplecallmeticktockforareasondude Jason tries to slash Lirorn.

2011-04-14, 08:45 PM
Concentrating to break free of the timewarp Lirorn succeeds just enough to avoid most of the attack but he does take a light cut along his face. "Tha.nk.s..jus..tt.wh..at.t.Ii.ne..eeded, anno..the..r.sc.a..r!" Lirorn continues to fight this strange effect while trying to defend from whatever this chronomancer decides to throw at him.

lord pringle
2011-04-14, 11:15 PM
Jason unfreezes time and summons a few shadows.

2011-04-14, 11:19 PM
Thinking he had been the one who unfroze time Lirorn laughs "Maybe your magics aren't so strong after all!"

(Silly, silly man... :smalltongue: )

lord pringle
2011-04-14, 11:24 PM
Jason realizes that maybe Lilorn really did break the spell. And screams and runs the other way.

2011-04-14, 11:39 PM
Lirorn starts off after the man but is soon encircled by heartless again and must cut through them like dense jungle foliage.

2011-04-15, 08:05 AM
Lightning stares, unphased by the teeming number of Heartless in front of him.

"Heh. Just like old times, ey Corollary?"

One of the Heartless jumps at him, and is cut in half by the sword he holds.

"It's almost funny. The Deceivers return, demand my help, insult my sword... and then release a swarm."

The wave rises up towards him, and Lightning holds up a hand, violet eyes flashing.

"A wave of death approaches..."

The wave dives towards him.

"A last hope crushed by time,"

As they near his hand, a single word emits from his mouth.


A blast of fire bursts out of his hand, eliminating all the foes that he could see. He sheathes his sword, and leaves the second district with a smirk. A charred, black tar remains behind him, hundreds of hearts raising towards the sky.

"The Keyblade may be a marvelous weapon, but who needs it? It lets you down eventually. Vanishes in your time of need. Corollary has never let me down. And it never will."

2011-04-15, 05:01 PM
Xoe watches Lightning go, frowning gently.
They were rather decent Heartless, I suppose, as Heartless go.

She eyes a woman who steps out of another alley to take the burnt coin Lightning dropped. The woman's hair is silvery and she wears mainly cyans and blues.

2011-04-15, 07:42 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 2)]

Lirorn hears one word above the din of battle...


and his whole world goes up in a ball of flame. Heartless burst from the heat around him, and he remains standing somehow not scorched, wondering what new threat this could be. He looks around momentarily for more heartless then, seeing no more, heads off in the direction of district three to see if any more heartless are to be found.

2011-04-15, 08:14 PM

No sooner does Lirorn enter District 3 then a man, keyblade resting on his right shoulder, steps out of the alley.
Yet relief is not found, as the man's left hand could not hold such a delicate instrument, thick, oily claws streched out menacingly.
So you're the one... who has been ruining my Heartless... he scoffs.
Hardly what I expected.

2011-04-15, 09:55 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 3)]

"Tough talk from a heartless whose arm looks like its gone through ell' an back!" Lirorn raises Nomad and prepares to counter whatever is thrown at him.

2011-04-15, 09:58 PM

The man whips out his gunmachete from his coat.
Block this.
A burst of fire erupts from the end towards Lirorn.

2011-04-15, 10:44 PM
Dark Realm

A wicked laugh emits from a mouth that isn't there. Excellent. The Organization was playing right into the hands of darkness. Nothing could stop the Dark Hearts from growing greater, and greater, until nothing could stop them.

Wait. What's this? An eye that can't be seen stares at an unseen globe. Inside of it stands a girl, looking sadly at a burnt coin. Oh? Could it be?

Perhaps it is. And if she is here... than he is near. A most interesting development.

Instead of a quick and simple victory, this would become a campaign. Truly, a most astounding performance would begin.

2011-04-15, 10:50 PM

The man whips out his gunmachete from his coat.
Block this.
A burst of fire erupts from the end towards Lirorn.

[Light - Traverse Town (District 3)]

A bullet rips through Lirorn's shoulder while others whiz past him and he swears in retaliation to the pain. "I've had hangovers are worse than you!" he yells and then circles the gun-wielder slowly getting closer to him with every quarter rotation of his circle.

2011-04-15, 11:00 PM
I haven't even started yet.
His Keyblade reappears, and he lunges at Lirorn.
Meanwhile, Shadows begin to form in the surrounding alleys, preparing to attack.

2011-04-15, 11:08 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 3)]

Lirorn barely dodges the strike but falls to the ground when a burst of pain shoots through his shoulder. He quickly opens his liquor bottle and takes a deep swig all in one quick move and the pain immediately starts to recede. "My shoulder isn't too happy about watch'a did to it, it sends ya a message..." He jumps up and slashes at the man.

2011-04-15, 11:12 PM

Damascus blocks with his mutated arm, the Keyblade making a sickening thud on the heavy flesh.
That's it?
Shadows begin to creep out of alleys.
Run, Keyblader, preserve your fragile Heart. Traverse Town has fallen. There is no more you can do here.

2011-04-15, 11:17 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 3)]

Lirorn continues to push against the thick arm and try to send it reeling back as a distraction to hit his target's main body. "Traverse Town has not, and will not fall today or ever!"

2011-04-15, 11:21 PM
What Damascus said was true. Traverse Town, the town between the worlds, had been taken by the dark. The people had fled, searching for a new home to stay, and the few beings that remained were either of dark, light, or that place in between.

A portal opens in the sky. A voice emits from it.

"Attention, remainders of Traverse Town. This town has fallen. It is decadent, a reminder of times long gone. My men have taken this town for the darkness, specifically, the Dark Hearts. Flee, you fools, for if you remain, you will perish. This is not a request, nor is it negotiable. This is a simple fact. Our blades will cut you down, our bodies laugh as you fall. You shall not remain yourself, for you shall be one of us. A Dark Heart, a being of pure, glorious darkness. So leave this place, and do not return. For Traverse Town..."

Heartless, of all shapes and sizes, fall out of the portal. They intermingle with the Heartless remaining from the attack, changing them. The Wyverns become the shadowy black true Heartless are. Neoshadows, Shadows, Soldiers, Bookmasters, Centaurions, all mingle on the ground. For they are Heartless, and they are one with the voice.

"Has fallen."


Lightning glanced up, startled by the voice. No. Traverse Town was a town made for people like him.

The young man stands up from his position, atop the Traverse Town clocktower, observing the battle between Damascus and Lirorn.

He stares impassively at the battle, sword in hand. A wild grin graces his impassive face.

"Dark One! Are you really so weak? A meager Wielder has sent you to the brink of your power, brought forth your leader. Dark One, have you lost your touch? Can you not do battle with the greats of old?"

His sword points skyward, a fire in his violet eyes. A fire unseen for generations, the fire of the Master, the Wielder of Wielders, the one who Darkness shies from.

"In destruction lies our true path, the path where our fates converge! This is your fate, Heartless, the fate that you were granted when you were born! Do not waste your time with such an incompetent, being of darkness, test your might!"

He points his sword directly at Damascus, and as he stands atop the Clocktower point, a feral grin on his face, he holds up his left hand in a clawlike position, as if the very heavens should provide him with their attention. A dark cloud was growing over Traverse Town. And a small light emitted from the center, from the second district.

From the Keyblade Wielders within it.

2011-04-15, 11:31 PM
[Light - Traverse Town (District 3)]

Lirorn hears Lightning and then stares at himself in wonder as a light begins to emerge from within his being, a power he had never felt seemed to be emerging from within his depths.

2011-04-15, 11:58 PM

Damascus ignores Lightning, and the voice of his Lord.
Your time is over, fool.
Lirorn's Keyblade begins to sink into Damascus's arm as the Heartless wings it's key towards his oponent's ribcage. The Shadows nearby surge towards the duo, forming a dark disc around them that slowly starts to pull them down like quicksand.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-16, 05:04 AM
Xaidesus stares at the light appearing in Second District. He didn't know what it was, but he could get an idea of what it was doing from the squeals of the more intelligent, fleeing Heartless. Clearly where his attention should be diverted. Right now, he knows he needs to get the wielders on his side- especially that Lightning person. There was something strange about him, some etheral power. No time to contemplate that now. Xai floats off towards second district.

Xaidesus is later found in the center of a maelstrom. Heartless randomly lift off the ground and smash into each other or the local scenery with bone-shattering force, blades of what looks like compressed dust whirl about, slicing through those foolish enough to try and fight him, while larger boulder-like constructs bomb larger packs. Probably hard for anyone reasonably close not to notice.

2011-04-16, 06:59 AM
Xoe watches the ongoing chaos, faintly smiling.

A shadow snaps at her ankles; she scours it with radiation. It vomits out its insides and dissipates.
The silver-haired woman (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10781155&postcount=63) does not yet summon her Keyblade, but a few Shadows that get too close find themselves sliced and battered by a swath of Aero.

2011-04-16, 10:04 AM
[Third District]

Romex smiles,
Awwwwww, They grow up so fast!
He watches Damascus fight Lirorn with a parental like affection,

Go get 'im Wee one! You cawn do i'! Get 'im in da' 'art!
Romex cheers for Damascus.

2011-04-16, 01:13 PM
[Dark Realm]

A quiet laugh emits from the mouth of a god. He stares at the final piece of resistance, the last remaining light of Traverse Town.

That which must be extinguished.

The god waves a hand, and a massive black portal opens. So, the Light wishes for there to be a battle?

So be it.

[Traverse Town]

Lightning's grin grows as Heartless swarm the bottom of the clocktower. He dives off the clocktower, cutting Heartless in his path. He flips halfway down, throwing his sword towards the mass, watching the swathe it cuts through them. And then Lightning decides something. He decides to use a weapon he hadn't held for some time. He jumps off, taking an elegant pose as he dives into the masses, a weapon from old times' reappearing. Levitas Eclipse (http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvejpXVRe1mls0ydakyFVxe7L0j4I25 h2EaUitEJEk4SGxjEl1-A&t=1), Lightning's keyblade.

Elsewhere, the portal opens, and a massive heartless, a Reaver (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs41/i/2009/005/8/1/The_Reaver_Heartless_by_MrHide_Patten.png), to be exact, falls to the ground.

And voices its fury with a roar.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-16, 01:54 PM
Xaidesus needs to spur the wielders on. Set them on higher courses of dedication. They need a symbol. Xaidesus pulls all the heartless in the area towards him, compressing them into a clawing, screeching shell around himself. Some of them reach blows through to him, but no matter. The sphere-with Xai inside it, rises up, hovering like some dark sun in the night sky, before blasting outwards, sending Heartless everywhere, smashing into-or through- floors and buildings or sailing off into the starry sky.

And then he saw the Reaver.

Xaidesus was no stranger to Heartless, but even this monster was new to him. He floats over it- a tiny smear of obscured stars- and observes its rampage. He must know every weapon his enemy has at his disposal.

2011-04-16, 06:05 PM
Xoe decides that she might as well do something to occupy her time.

In the course of a few minutes, she finds a young man with a ridiculous and silly Keyblade. (http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=keyblade&order=9&offset=24#/d1zkmmi)
The lad lasts a short while; the struggle is not very impressive, unless you like seeing kids get bashed in the head with briefcases. She finishes with a blast of bluegreen radiation, then goes through the dead boy's pockets.

She finds something that interests her; a flattish foil-plastic wrapper with some sort of thin, ring-shaped object within.
She pockets her little trinket and moves on.
The silver-haired gal protects a couple of newbie 'bladers, swathes of Aero and sheets of Thunder providing a decent deterrent to the Heartless.

2011-04-16, 06:10 PM
Romex approaches the silver haired gal, bored in his section now, and laughs,
Oye! Lass, le's go! Don' pick on da wee ones! Pick on sum'un yer own size!

He heaves his wheel up and laughs again.
Come on lass! Le's go!

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-17, 10:54 AM
Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8LeZmIFr5E)

The Reaver scans its surroundings, its eyes burning with primal fury- and behind that, a cold and intelligent desire to draw everything around it into darkness. It saw around it, in a dark world that would otherwise be perfect, light. Light that must be extinguished. Light that must be destroyed. It swings one of its fanged hands and smashes a nearby lamppost, and with its other hand it bites through a nearby building, sending the top two floors tumbling like landslide onto the ground. It then rampages through the streets, crushing and slicing away. Death and ruin follow it.

Xaidesus watches from above. It was clear that this monster was powerful and in the thrall of rage. For now, though, he remains hidden against the night sky. This creature's rampage could prove a useful motivator.

2011-04-17, 10:56 AM
Romex approaches the silver haired gal, bored in his section now, and laughs,
Oye! Lass, le's go! Don' pick on da wee ones! Pick on sum'un yer own size!

He heaves his wheel up and laughs again.
Come on lass! Le's go!
She looks at him for a moment.
... Damn, you're annoying me already.
She whips a swath of Aero at him in response.

2011-04-17, 11:24 AM
He slings his wheel into the ground, one of the spikes slammed into the ground and the aero dissipates as it collides with the wheel. He then heaves it up and runs at her, as he approaches he'll sling his wheel into her face and laughs.
Gonna' 'ave to do betta dan' dat lass!

2011-04-17, 11:27 AM
The gal ducks and rolls back and to the side, avoiding the wheel; she comes up and lunges at him with her Keyblade.

2011-04-17, 05:19 PM
The wheel will slam into the ground, allowing him to duck behind it and use it as a barrier. He smiles and stands behind the wheel, waiting for her next move.

2011-04-17, 05:36 PM
She casts Thunder; a bolt of electricity arcs up and out, then turns sharply downward toward the Nobody.

2011-04-17, 05:38 PM
Romex panics and jumps backwards. Congratulations, you have cut him off from his weapon.
Lass, don' make me hur' yu'!
He growls and clenches his fists.

2011-04-17, 05:44 PM
She advances, jabbing forward with her Keyblade.

2011-04-17, 05:56 PM
Romex laughs and jumps up, attempting to leap over her. Gotta get back to his weapon, kinda reliant.

2011-04-17, 05:58 PM
She swings up as he leaps over her, possibly getting him in his footy areas.

2011-04-17, 06:07 PM
His foot hooks on the keys teeth and he falls flat behind her, perhaps on top of her? Pretty feasible.

2011-04-17, 06:10 PM
He probably kicked or jerked his feet, so she gets caught in the back and staggers forward a few feet before turning to face him.

2011-04-17, 06:13 PM
Romex reaches back and grabs hold of his wheel,
Wanna play a game?
He heaves his wheel up and rests it on his shoulder.

2011-04-17, 06:24 PM
I'd rather beat you into nothingness.

2011-04-17, 06:29 PM
Come on, play a game wit' me lass.
He slings his wheel and once it reaches about half way between the two of them it begins to spin at high speeds. He smiles as it spins faster and faster.

2011-04-17, 06:34 PM
She narrows her eyes, gripping her Keyblade.

2011-04-17, 06:37 PM
Round an' roun', roun' an' roun'! Ready to stop?
He smiles and lifts his hand.

2011-04-17, 06:45 PM
She sighs, bouncing a little on her feet to stay moving.

2011-04-17, 06:51 PM
He grips his hand and the wheel stops. A light green section is pointing towards the young women. The lotus emblazoned on the section glows and a burst of bright green light rockets towards her, glowing leaves bursting outwards. The light that washes over her regenerates her body and reinvigorates her energy.

Romex glares and grips his wheel in between spikes as it flies back at him.

2011-04-17, 06:55 PM
She smirks and advances, Keyblade ready.

2011-04-17, 07:02 PM
He races towards her, his wheel lifted high and his face twisted with rage. Nobody wins his game, nobody.

2011-04-17, 07:05 PM
She leaps to the side, casting a swath of Aero to further deflect his rampage from herself.

2011-04-17, 08:36 PM
Romex continues the onslaught, crashing through the Aero's with his wheel and continuing to run after the crazy keyblade lady.

2011-04-17, 08:39 PM
She retreats, then casts Reflera while halting---if he doesn't stop himself, the impact will likely send each of them sprawling in their own direction.

2011-04-17, 09:35 PM

Damascus ignores Lightning, and the voice of his Lord.
Your time is over, fool.
Lirorn's Keyblade begins to sink into Damascus's arm as the Heartless wings it's key towards his oponent's ribcage. The Shadows nearby surge towards the duo, forming a dark disc around them that slowly starts to pull them down like quicksand.

Lirorn tries to yank Nomad free with little success, in fact it seems to almost sink in deeper the harder he pulls. Panicking as his feet star to sink into the dark puddle beneath them, and trying to dodge the strikes towards his torso he pulls with one more exhaustive heave. The light shines brighter from within him, he has somehow tapped this foreign power, made it his to control. The Keyblade burst free from his arm and he pulls free from the shadows below, returning to a defensive stance outside of the swirling ring panting and gasping for breath.

Sorry I took so long to post, had a lot to do today! :smallfrown:

2011-04-17, 09:35 PM
OF course he doesn't stop!

2011-04-17, 09:46 PM
Lirorn tries to yank Nomad free with little success, in fact it seems to almost sink in deeper the harder he pulls. Panicking as his feet star to sink into the dark puddle beneath them, and trying to dodge the strikes towards his torso he pulls with one more exhaustive heave. The light shines brighter from within him, he has somehow tapped this foreign power, made it his to control. The Keyblade burst free from his arm and he pulls free from the shadows below, returning to a defensive stance outside of the swirling ring panting and gasping for breath.

Sorry I took so long to post, had a lot to do today! :smallfrown:

Damascus staggers backwards.
You're resistance is futile, keyblader. Darkness will consume us all.
He lowers his keyblade.
Once, I was a champion of the Light. But in my eternal quest to eradicate the shadows, I foolishly became what I sought to destroy.
Shadows start spawning from the pool of darkness around Damascus.
But now... my powers are unlimited. I am unstopable as the shadow. Because remember this, Keyblader...
Shadows loom from alleys, tendrils of darkness reaching for towards the Light.
The closer you get to the light... the longer your shadow becomes...
Damascus smiles.
Run, Keyblader, or submit to the power of Darkness.

2011-04-17, 09:48 PM
OF course he doesn't stop!
The Reflera barrier bursts, sending the silver-haired gal stumbling away from it.

The same probably happens to Romex, with the added disadvantage of the barrier's shards of light bursting outwards at him.

2011-04-17, 10:03 PM
Damascus staggers backwards.
You're resistance is futile, keyblader. Darkness will consume us all.
He lowers his keyblade.
Once, I was a champion of the Light. But in my eternal quest to eradicate the shadows, I foolishly became what I sought to destroy.
Shadows start spawning from the pool of darkness around Damascus.
But now... my powers are unlimited. I am unstopable as the shadow. Because remember this, Keyblader...
Shadows loom from alleys, tendrils of darkness reaching for towards the Light.
The closer you get to the light... the longer your shadow becomes...
Damascus smiles.
Run, Keyblader, or submit to the power of Darkness.

Lirorn looks at the darkness, destruction, and death around him. He knew he probably would not make it out of this alive, but he did have one chance. This chance came to him as he saw the Reaver roaming through the town, destroying seemingly everything. "If ya want to fight, lets have a race first!" He throws his keyblade on the ground morphing it into a glider, and races off towards the rampaging monster. If I can get them both after me, just maybe I can use it to my advantage, and if not well there'll be one more heartless in this army...


2011-04-17, 10:08 PM
Fleeing is worthless.
The shadows around Damascus for into a gentle incline, chasing after the Keyblader. Damascus confidently steps onto it, chasing after the Glider at a dead run, walkway continually collapsing and reforming behind and in front of him respectively.
(Think Iceman's ice ramp, but made of Shadow.)

2011-04-18, 04:18 PM
[T. Town]
Xoe watches the fights ongoing, then decides to do more.

A trio of her Bureaucrat Nobodies, pale and faceless in their grey frock coats and bowler hats. Each wields a bluish, meter-long oversized fountain pen crackling with toxic ink.

They need no verbal command; each glides off, scraping its pen across the ground and leaving a deadly trail.

2011-04-18, 04:36 PM
Lirorn looks back to see how much of a start he has on his enemy, only to be seconds later thrown to the ground when his glider collides with someone wearing a suit and carrying a huge pen. Lirorn moans on the ground and sits up looking to see if the man was hurt, even if it may cost him precious time he wouldn't leave someone to die because of what he did.

(Too bad it isn't a person, I wonder how Nobody businessmen feel about being knocked over? :smalltongue: )

2011-04-18, 04:51 PM
Damascus slides to a stop a few feet behind the fallen Keyblader.
Be warned, warrior, this one's not mine.
He draws his gunmachete and points it at the Nobody.

2011-04-18, 04:57 PM
The Bureaucrat glides backwards away from the pair, swishing its pen along the ground to form a lazy zigzag of poison fumes.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-18, 05:05 PM
A massive, red-fanged black claw explodes through a nearby wall, reaching for the Bureaucrat from behind and trying to slice it in two with a massive snap of its jaw. The full form of the monster then comes through a house nearby, sending a wave of rubble at the combatants. It scans the area before it- stopping briefly to stare at the Dark Heart member- before roaring like the thunder itself at the other two and bringing another arm down in a crushing slam. Again, one may notice a tiny sliver of missing stars.

2011-04-18, 05:08 PM
The Bureaucrat dissipates, its pen bleeding toxic ink all over the Heartless's appendage. The other two Nobodies quickly glide out of its way, alternatively spreading ink around themselves and hurling crescent-shaped ink projectiles at the Heartless.

2011-04-18, 08:27 PM
This one is though. Damascus points the gunmachete at the back of the Keyblader.
Ready to give in to the Darkness? Do you now see how inevitable your demise is?

2011-04-18, 10:13 PM
This one is though. Damascus points the gunmachete at the back of the Keyblader.
Ready to give in to the Darkness? Do you now see how inevitable your demise is?

"One thing I've learned from being homeless for so long, is that wherever I stay becomes my home. I am here now, and I will not let my home fall to the likes of you, the heartless, or anyone else foolhardy enough to threaten my home!" he jumps to his feet and readjusts the glider into a keyblade, he needed precision more than speed now that the beast was so near. He books it to almost under the beast, making sure to stay underneath its stomach, out of sight, and away from the thrashing legs.

2011-04-19, 03:48 PM
Damscus sighs.
Your home? Your home is gone, destroyed by the Darkness. Now you will burn with it! the Heartless chases after Lirorn

2011-04-19, 05:04 PM
Waiting until the heartless was under the creature with him, Lirorn does an acrobatic trick and slashes at the monster's underside three times. When he lands he tries to escape whatever attention may follow, hoping to trick the monster into attacking his enemy. Lirorn whispers to himself "Lets hope the two birds kill each other, then I won't even need a stone..."

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-19, 05:12 PM
The creature roars in a blind fury, the great jaw on its chest opening and snapping wildly at whatever is in front of it-whatever caused that infernal attack. It knew the sting of a keyblade well, knew its power. And it saw who wielded it. The creature sweeps its arm across the ground, aimed at Liriorn, before the other one comes in, mouth open wide.

2011-04-20, 07:17 PM
Xoe keeps watching the fight with satisfaction.

2011-04-20, 07:22 PM
The creature roars in a blind fury, the great jaw on its chest opening and snapping wildly at whatever is in front of it-whatever caused that infernal attack. It knew the sting of a keyblade well, knew its power. And it saw who wielded it. The creature sweeps its arm across the ground, aimed at Liriorn, before the other one comes in, mouth open wide.

Lirorn swears in frustration and attempts to tumble out of the way of the beasts massive arm.

2011-04-20, 07:51 PM
Lirorn may get out of the way of the arm, but after it passes the Keyblader it thumps into the ribcage of the Dark Heart, sending him flying down the alley with a crack.

2011-04-21, 08:38 PM
Xoe sees Damascus get hit and winces.

2011-04-21, 08:49 PM
Xoe sees Damascus get hit and winces.

He stands up, a pool of shadow forming at his feet and swarming up his form.
Much better... he mumbles as the shadows engulf him.

2011-04-21, 09:56 PM
Lirorn continues to dodge any attacks from the beast, making slashes at its underside when openings appear.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-25, 03:13 PM
The beast continues its rampage of smashing and biting, destroying lampposts and sending waves of rubble in all directions. Lirorn, as he continues to attack, should notice that not even the deepest wound he can make seems to affect the creature, save to plunge it further into its fury. He has no real trouble dodging most of the lumbering monster's attacks, but eventually, one makes contact. The creature's chest-mouth manages to lock Lirorn's keyblade between its great crimson fangs, the Heartless then swinging its body and opening its mouth, hurling Lirorn into a nearby wall, before another arm comes in to crush him.

2011-04-25, 03:44 PM
Lirorn quietly moans and raises his Keyblade, not able to move the only thing he can do is block with what strength his still has.

2011-04-27, 05:51 PM
It's time for the end, Keyblader. Damascus approaches Liriorn from the opposite side of the area as the giant Heartless.

2011-04-27, 07:29 PM
It's time for the end, Keyblader. Damascus approaches Liriorn from the opposite side of the area as the giant Heartless.

Lirorn hears this as the large arm comes down where his body was but a moment ago, he wasn't giving up without a fight. He was going to go down with honor...

He pants heavily, no smart comment as a retort burned on his tongue.

2011-04-27, 08:54 PM
Damascus tilts his head to one side.
You... stil resist? Why do you... not embrace the darkness? Do you not understand the power that lies within, the pain that you will feel if you do not surrender? Do you, too, not feel fear, pain, agony? the Heartless falters, genuinely confused and curious.

2011-04-27, 09:57 PM
Damascus tilts his head to one side.
You... stil resist? Why do you... not embrace the darkness? Do you not understand the power that lies within, the pain that you will feel if you do not surrender? Do you, too, not feel fear, pain, agony? the Heartless falters, genuinely confused and curious.

Lirorn focuses on the man, time seems to slow down for him. "No, I know the pain, the suffering, the fear like good friends. It is all there, but it is what makes me fight on. I may not be the best wielder, heck I might not even deserve it, but I will not let the darkness in me, or you, envelop my heart." The light shown before reemerges from within him.

2011-04-28, 06:53 AM
Damascus stumbles backwards, shielding his eyes.
You... don't fear the darkness.
You will learn to fear. he charges.