View Full Version : d20 Modern advise

2011-04-10, 06:52 PM
I am stepping into a d20 modern group that is very experienced in the game. Having never played it before I wanted some ideas where to look for a good character. There has been some push for me to play a charismatic character but I am still up in there air. Any help would be appreciated.

2011-04-10, 09:53 PM
There are two schools of thought for making a character - either read through the PHB and pick something that appeals to you or look at the current party and fill a niche that needs filling. It sounds like your fellow players are hoping for the second option and don't have a good talker in the party.

That being the case, consider yourself as to whether it would be a good character choice. Are you fairly good with improvising and talking to others? I've seen game situations take a nosedive because a player decided to say something that made no damn sense at all.

2011-04-11, 02:15 AM
I am looking for more functional ideas within the game system. As well as pitfalls to avoid.

Erik von Nein
2011-04-11, 02:58 AM
There's the ever-popular taking levels in fast hero for easy access to evasion. Which, considering the DCs for nearly all reflex saves are around 15-18 that means evading most area affects. Unless you're looking for fairly early entry into an advanced class (most can be entered after 3rd level) the system favors multiclassing quite a bit.

What's the story behind the campaign and what role are you looking to fill? Any particular character idea grabbing you?