View Full Version : The Gods Are Pissed (IC-2)

2011-04-11, 05:16 PM
As the dust clears you find yourself utterly blocked off from the cavern you were in this morning by a collapsed tunnel. With you are the bodies of the swordsman and one of the pikemen. Oh, and a bigass Earth Elemental that has transformed from belegged hammer thing, into a perfect sphere with lethal looking spikes jutting out of it every foot or so; like a the head of a giant stone morningstar.

If you're reading this you should be:
- Ho-Ark
- Moralan
- Kosmaras
- Venkul
- Az'

If not, get to your own thread :smalltongue:

The team wins initiative.
Cavernis 2 squares high, 3 wide.
The Elemental is 25ft away from those against the wall of rubble, 20ft from those in the next row forward. It completely blocks the cavern.

2011-04-11, 08:01 PM

Kosmaras tumbles quietly into the cavern, then, landing gracefully, he slinks into the rubble, hoping the elemental had not yet seen him.

I have a fly speed of 40 ft, so I'm assuming I'm able to 'land gracefully'.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

I assume hiding and positioning myself behind a boulder takes my whole turn?

2011-04-11, 09:03 PM

Az' arrives, slowly descending until he touches the floor, staring down the elemental.

"Throught the dark and through the bowels of creation we dive, split and torn at the flesh must we stand, divided in place but still united in purpose, lasting and immediate, to have our revenge and to survive the trials of the moment. Far do we reach, for distant are all the causes worth fighting for."

Az' giggles at himself and swings his scythe at the air once.

Swift action: Refresh Maneuver: Far Reach.

2011-04-11, 09:09 PM
Ho-Ark looks at what the elemental has transformed into. "That is .. not good. Let us bring it down speedily forthwith!" He takes to the air and sends a violet ray of eldritch energy at the elemental.


Move - Hover in the air.
Std - Eldritch blast - Imbue invocation: Maximise
Ranged touch: [roll0]
Damage: 36

2011-04-13, 06:26 AM

Venkul pulled himself out of the darkness behinds his eyes from the impact of the fall, and into the darkness of the cavern floor. He recalled attempting to land and roll, but he found himself laying in a pile of rubble. Standing didn't hurt badly, so the fall must have not been that hard. The ceiling was still lost in darkness despite that fact. Ven looked to see if he was injured only to find himself nowhere to be found. Still invisible. Must not have been out long.
Seeing the spiked ball at the end of the hall, the spellthief shaped his invisible mindblades. He stepped to the side, and tried to find a path either on the floor or up the wall to get in a position to flank the thorned monstrosity.

2011-04-16, 03:22 PM
Kos takes cover behind some of the rubble, his mutant power making him look like just another rock.

Ho-Ark fires a blast that strikes the Elemental, but if it feels the energy it doesn't show it.

Venkul finds no passages except straight at it.

The Elemental shudders before rolling at the quartet with unnatural speed, slamming into those not swift enough to try and evade it before retreating to it's original position.


12 bludgeoning & 13 piercing damage, DC19 Reflex for 1/2 damage (6 & 7).

2011-04-16, 05:52 PM
But that is just one possibility, isn't it?

As the elemental approaches, Az swings his scythe at the creature, raking at it through the anomalous distances of unknowable spaces, his strike bringing such force to bear that it might just give pause to the elemental, in spite of dealing no actual damage to it.

Immediate action, Far Reach.

Using Stand Still through Far Reach.

DC for stand still: 10+ 2d4+2d6+9

2011-04-16, 08:26 PM

The giant spiked mound of earth rolled forward, endangering Ven by its sheer size. The lithe warrior squeezed against the wall, twisting his body to avoid the creature's stone thorns. He felt a spike get close enough to split his armor, and the heat of injury flooded up from his side. His resolve to beat the creature increased, and he looked for a way to out maneuver it. Venkul frowned when he realized there was no easy way past the monstrosity. The pile of earth had to die. The spellthief started moving forward building momentum unconsciously shifting his soul energy to his worm belt for greater protection. Still protected by his invisibilty, Ven launches himself forward as soon as he nears the beast. Vaulting near the wall, the agile soulknife attempts to leap and roll his way past the elementals spikes and finish his movement right next to the beast on the opposite side of his allies.

Shifting two incarnum points to wormtail for a +2 to AC. Going to tumble through the beasts squares.Tumble [roll0]. Being invisible means the elemental shouldn't get an AoO even if I fail.
Other infor added to post. Reflex roll Reflex - [roll1]
Will be adding 13 damage if elemental isn't stopped.

2011-04-19, 12:34 PM
Elemental isn't stopped, but Az's attack does gouge a hole in it.

2011-04-26, 11:26 AM
Ugh...immune? Surely not! Ho-Ark fires again and moves up to the roof of the cavern, hoping to find a niche to avoid the elemental's attack

Attack [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

Knowledge (The Planes) [roll2]
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll3]
to find out if this elemental creature is immune to my eldritch blasts.

2011-04-29, 05:59 AM
Ho-Ark's next blast apparently has similarly minimal effect, though he is certain there's no way an Elemental on a foreign Plane could be immune to his attacks; this must just be a particularly stoic example.

2011-05-04, 06:47 PM
Well then. Reflex save time.




Seeing the creature not stop, Az leaps out of its way shortly after it collides with him, taking only minimal damage.

Total current damage: 13

2011-05-04, 09:31 PM
"Gentlemen," he calls out to the rest even as he breathes heavily from his wounds. "We need to keep chipping away at it. As it is ... it is it or us."

He releases another two blasts of eldritch energy at it.

Spending 2 charges each from my warlock's scepter and gloves of energy admixture to add 1d6 to eldritch blast and 2d6 sonic

Ranged Touch Attack [roll0]
Dmg [roll1] + [roll2] Sonic

Ranged Touch Attack [roll3]
Dmg [roll4] + [roll5] Sonic

2011-05-04, 11:14 PM
The agile Venkul slips past the elemental landing invisibly behind it. He turns as the others trapped with him start slinging strange arcane energy the living rock seems comfortable ignoring. None of his newfound allies seems willing to hit the damned thing so Ven realizes he can wait no longer. Well, let us see how comfortable he finds this...

Flashing into view as his assault begins, Venkul strikes with his twin mindblades into the creatures granite flesh.

Attacks: Two-weapon fighting, Combat Expertise for 2. Psychic Strike will discharge on the first two attacks which connect. Since these are sneak attacks, but elementals are immune. Ven won't be getting sneak damage, but his spell steal can still work. So, Ven will attempt to steal any active effects on the first hit, any spell-like abilities on the second and third, and lastly any energy resistance on the last.
First Attack [roll0] to hit. [roll1] damage plus [roll2] for psychic strike. Possible confirmation - [roll3] to hit. [roll4] damage .Second Attack [roll5] to hit. [roll6] damage plus [roll7] for psychic strike. Possible confirmation - [roll8] to hit. [roll9] damagThird Attack [roll10] to hit. [roll11] damage. Possible confirmation - [roll12] to hit. [roll13] damage.Winter Bite [roll14] to hit. [roll15] damage plus [roll16] cold damage. Possible confirmation - [roll17] to hit. [roll18] damage

Vekul has AC 27 and 59/72 hp. This will end Ven's invisibility effect.

2011-05-05, 08:38 AM

"Your keen awareness of the ingominiously obvious inspires us to hasteful action Ho-Ark. Have you ever considered becoming a bard?"

Az' swings his scythe once, the weapon twisting through space and bringing about a crumbling force from wherever it went.

Far Reach procs Widening Gyre, from Passionate Intensity.

Standard action: Reminder of Frailty.
Attack roll:
Potential Confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll]2d4+2d6+9
-2 to all fortitude saves if it hits, this effect allows no save.
Since the elemental is also affected by the stance Distracting Harmonies, Things Fall Apart procs, increasing the penalties to -5 to all skill checks and ability checks and -3 to all fortitude saves.

2011-05-05, 09:49 PM
"Ha! My foster fathers did say I was too pedantic, right before I spit in their eyes and left! Now get to work on that thing!"

2011-05-05, 09:59 PM

Venkul was stuck in a collapsed tunnel, fleeing for his life, fighting a rock monster he didn't recognize with inky black monsters firing twisted energy and warping scythes. They were clearly insane, and he found them funny. I must be mad too.... Venkul roared with laughter.

2011-05-08, 11:58 AM
The group's combined efforts seem to have some effect because, the round, spiky beast retreats down the tunnel and round a corner to the left (left as you see it looking down the tunnel).

2011-05-08, 08:49 PM
Ho-Ark pauses as he heals himself (CMW [roll0]) and says, "Shall we pursue? Or try to look for the other half of the group?" He floats up into the air, looking up. The pit does not look that deep...

2011-05-09, 12:11 AM

Az looks up, hefting his scythe to rest on his shoulder.

"We can fly, whereas Earth Elementals are not famous for their aerial prowess. But I don't recall much about old Venkul's own flight capability."

"I must say I would prefer to find our healers, entropy is a fickle mistress, and I am afraid she was not specially kind to this material existance in our latest combat."

2011-05-09, 04:53 AM

"Yeah, flying isn't on my repertoire. I believe we should pursue. That elemental knows its way around these tunnels. If it is retreating, then it is heading somewhere where as our such could lead us anyhwere. Still, if you see any of our companions, we should help them. A quick search wouldn't hurt our situation. I will leave that to you two at the moment, and I will join you shortly." Venkul sits down on the floor cross-legged. He holds one of his mindblades, resembling a turquoise tear, and focuses. Gathering his mental energy, the softly glowing blade seems to shift slightly. A focused observer would note that the aura of the blade seemed to migrate and focus so the soft light no longer exuded from the whole blade, but condensed solidly in the crystalline tip of the psionic weapon. Afterward, Venkul opened his hand, and the first blade vanished. He then begins a slower process of doing it again with the second blade.

Expending psionic focus to charge a focused mindstrike in the first blade. Ven will gain his psionic focus, then charge a strike in his second blade. Finally, he will get his psionic focus again. This will take.....[roll0] Alright after a minute, he only has been able to charge the second mindblade. I will try again to get my psionic focus later unless we have more time, than I will take a 20 for the last check.

2011-05-10, 02:35 AM
"Since it seems that Venkul will be taking a while, let me heal you as much I can." If allowed, Ho-Ark will take out his wand of Lesser Vigor (taking 10 to auto-succeed my UMD check) and cast it on Az. ((Since Venkul is taking a minute, Az will heal 10 pts and 1 more pt after the end of the minute if we set off))

After casting the spell from his wand, Ho-Ark looks down the tunnel. "I will take a quick around the corner."

He mutters an incantation and disappears (invoke Walk Unseen) and flies down the tunnel to where the beast turned. He will peek around the corner and observe and listen out for 30 seconds.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2011-05-12, 11:58 PM

"A, wonderful, the mending of this form, allowing us to keep on with our goals."

Az grunts something about meager and frail mortal flesh.

2011-05-14, 04:59 AM
Everyone's actions go as planned.

You see and hear nothing except a thing trail of highly polished gravel down the tunnel. It appears to be fragments of the elemental, almost like a blood trail.

2011-05-14, 04:20 PM

Kosmaras begins to creep carefully down the tunnel, following the elemental's trail. First they would kill the beast, then they could worry about finding a way out. He wondered if he and Az together could lift their flightless companions...

2011-05-17, 07:55 AM

Venkul stands after completing his preparations in case he must fight that thing further. When Kos points out the trail of polished gravel, Ven begins to pocket the rocks in his pack. Dark elemental blood? I bet I could fetch a fair price for this....
the spellthief likewise follows the trail collecting it as he goes.

2011-05-18, 12:49 PM
Ho-Ark shrugs and floats along behind the "blood" collecting man

2011-05-18, 03:38 PM

Az proceeds to hover behind Venkul and Kosmaras.

"A thing's bodily solids are a man's treasure. Hehehehe..."

2011-05-20, 12:56 AM

"All things have a price." He eyed the strange floating monstrosities which passed for his current companions. "Even you." He paused for a moment before joking. "It's finding the right market that's a pain."

2011-05-20, 10:34 AM

"And in the while, you will still have a bag full of poop."

2011-05-23, 02:06 AM
Ho-Ark smirks at the 'poop' comment "Looks more like a bag of entrails and innards to me. I wonder where these tunnels lead though. I can't help but feel slightly uneasy about where this is leading to. If it leads to more of the same, we might have trouble defeating them."