View Full Version : City of Wonders (Solo) (IC)

2011-04-11, 09:13 PM
Pick a district that looks good to you, and we will begin.

2011-04-12, 05:46 PM

First PBP, so I don't especially know how to use the tags and rollers and stuff. Any help would be appreciated, but for now I'll use the random roller on my phone, and dice when I'm near a table.

Janus has been sent by his father to THE FANGS garrison district in order to procure work from some one of the higher classed merchants that his father has contacts with. It would be an honor for most to be serving the guards of the city, but it just doesn't mesh well with Janus.

Having grown up in the city, he takes a shortcut along the way and show up about an hour early. He sees a few of his classmates standing in line, waiting to apply for duty.

Well, I'm glad I'm not stuck there!

Janus' friends know he would never settle down for a "boring" and "safe" job like inner guard duty. He wonders why his father sent him to this contact of his anyway.

Janus is more eager to move into his own place that he picked out last week. Now he's just got to find a way to pay for it.

He ambles over to speak with some of his former mates, and tries to figure out more about what the application process is like(being a collector of stories and all...)

Gather info: 14 (8 + mod6)

2011-04-12, 05:51 PM

First PBP, so I don't especially know how to use the tags and rollers and stuff. Any help would be appreciated, but for now I'll use the random roller on my phone, and dice when I'm near a table.

Janus has been sent by his father to THE FANGS garrison district in order to procure work from some one of the higher classed merchants that his father has contacts with. It would be an honor for most to be serving the guards of the city, but it just doesn't mesh well with Janus.

Having grown up in the city, he takes a shortcut along the way and show up about an hour early. He sees a few of his classmates standing in line, waiting to apply for duty.

Well, I'm glad I'm not stuck there!

Janus' friends know he would never settle down for a "boring" and "safe" job like inner guard duty. He wonders why his father sent him to this contact of his anyway.

Janus is more eager to move into his own place that he picked out last week. Now he's just got to find a way to pay for it.

He ambles over to speak with some of his former mates, and tries to figure out more about what the application process is like(being a collector of stories and all...)

Gather info: 14 (8 + mod6)

"Oi, you don't even know. This application process takes the better part of month, and you don't even get some prime spot like the Forest Gate. No, you end up on the River Gate mostly."

To roll, write this whatever you want to roll

2011-04-12, 06:00 PM
After speaking with his friends, Janus will attempt to see if any of the guards nearby, or if any of the applicants appear to be magical(casting detect magic). Never know if you can find someone more interesting to talk to this way.

So I guess I'll try to roll here. Here's for a hide check if you need it to cast the spell when/where no-one would be able to see/hear:[roll0]

Then he'll amble along just checking to see if anyone lights up. This would be a rather new skill for him to try, as he was just taught how.

2011-04-12, 06:50 PM
After speaking with his friends, Janus will attempt to see if any of the guards nearby, or if any of the applicants appear to be magical(casting detect magic). Never know if you can find someone more interesting to talk to this way.

So I guess I'll try to roll here. Here's for a hide check if you need it to cast the spell when/where no-one would be able to see/hear:[roll0]

Then he'll amble along just checking to see if anyone lights up. This would be a rather new skill for him to try, as he was just taught how.

As you amble along, a dwarf woman in black leather armour claps her hands loudly to get everyone's attention.

"Alright you green little goblinlovers, form ranks!"

2011-04-12, 07:47 PM
<under breath>

Aww crap!

Janus does his best to sidestep the scrambling new recruits and be mostly un-noticed as he leaves the area.

As he's leaving one of his friends(who knows this isn't exactly his bag) mockingly *pushes* him into the fast moving dwarf.

Reflex Save to avoid making direct contact and bumbling into the drill sergeant [roll0]

2011-04-12, 09:49 PM
<under breath>

Aww crap!

Janus does his best to sidestep the scrambling new recruits and be mostly un-noticed as he leaves the area.

As he's leaving one of his friends(who knows this isn't exactly his bag) mockingly *pushes* him into the fast moving dwarf.

Reflex Save to avoid making direct contact and bumbling into the drill sergeant [roll0]

The drill sergeant grabs Janus and throws him into line.

"Oh no you don't, you're not getting away that easily."

2011-04-12, 10:19 PM
Aaaaaa.... Sorry M'am, I'm not really cut out for this line of work.

He jestures to his frame, knowing that he is actually slightly above average physically, which would probably get him accepted as a new recruit.
Str: 12
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 10
Cha: 16

He is also dressed in garb [entertainer's clothes] that would not further military duty at all, but would become an auctioneer, a group instructor, or a salesman.

He carries no visible weapon, no armor, no shields. Only a keen eye would spot the dagger he only recently began carrying.

Thank you, M'am, but I must be off to an appointment. I'm about to set to work for the elven craftsmen who goes by "Keenwood". I believe he made the fine cloak you are wearing. I wouldn't want to hold up production on his goods.

Janus attempts to gracefully step-out of the quickly-but-haphazardly-forming regiment.

Bluff Check: To convince her I'm not the recruit she's looking for, and also to aid in the upcoming diplomacy check for leaving unmolested.
Diplomacy Check: [roll1] Attempting to talk and leave the line-up.


I'm still wondering if I got any results on my detect magic from earlier.
Also, would my character know anything about this particular regimen or the dwarf leader?

Bardic knowledge[roll]d20+3
Knowledge local d20+3

2011-04-12, 10:22 PM
Aaaaaa.... Sorry M'am, I'm not really cut out for this line of work.

He jestures to his frame, knowing that he is actually slightly above average physically, which would probably get him accepted as a new recruit.
Str: 12
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 10
Cha: 16

He is also dressed in garb [entertainer's clothes] that would not further military duty at all, but would become an auctioneer, a group instructor, or a salesman.

He carries no visible weapon, no armor, no shields. Only a keen eye would spot the dagger he only recently began carrying.

Thank you, M'am, but I must be off to an appointment. I'm about to set to work for the elven craftsmen who goes by "Keenwood". I believe he made the fine cloak you are wearing. I wouldn't want to hold up production on his goods.

Janus attempts to gracefully step-out of the quickly-but-haphazardly-forming regiment.

Bluff Check: [roll0] To convince her I'm not the recruit she's looking for, and also to aid in the upcoming diplomacy check for leaving unmolested.
Diplomacy Check: [roll1] Attempting to talk and leave the line-up.

Commander Wyrmsbane, the dwarf, introduces herself breifly, apologizes for the inconvienience, and points out that you are in the wrong district, pointing you towards the Warehouse district.

2011-04-12, 10:44 PM

I'm going by what you've got here. "Keenwood", you can change the name/race if you need, would be running the "upscale trade"s in this district. I would bet that he would be a source of finements for the temple and the better-paid gaurdsmen and leaders like herself. Nice broaches, cape clips, etc...

-The Fangs (Garrison) Garrison building, temple (Heironeous), average lodging (4), poor lodging, upscale food (2), average food (4), poor food (3), upscale trades (4), average trades (8), poor trades (2), average services (10), average residences (40), poor residences (10)

What do the numbers mean? I assumed they "poor residences (10)" meant there are 10 poor people shacks.

I assure you I am in the right place, but maybe you haven't yet visited our location here. I can see that you are busy... I will send a message later today, perhaps with a discount offered to a first-time customer. Until we meet again.

Diplomacy check: [roll0]
To offer discounted goods in exchange for favor with this local guardmen. No harm in garnishing good favor right?

2011-04-12, 10:51 PM

I'm going by what you've got here. "Keenwood", you can change the name/race if you need, would be running the "upscale trade"s in this district. I would bet that he would be a source of finements for the temple and the better-paid gaurdsmen and leaders like herself. Nice broaches, cape clips, etc...

-The Fangs (Garrison) Garrison building, temple (Heironeous), average lodging (4), poor lodging, upscale food (2), average food (4), poor food (3), upscale trades (4), average trades (8), poor trades (2), average services (10), average residences (40), poor residences (10)

What do the numbers mean? I assumed they "poor residences (10)" meant there are 10 poor people shacks.

I assure you I am in the right place, but maybe you haven't yet visited our location here. I can see that you are busy... I will send a message later today, perhaps with a discount offered to a first-time customer. Until we meet again.

Diplomacy check: [roll0]
To offer discounted goods in exchange for favor with this local guardmen. No harm in garnishing good favor right?

"Oh, you the guys who just moved in a few blocks over? Right, I remember hearing Keenwood was opening a new place, I'll have to see how that is."

You find Keenwood easily enough, standing outside a storefront, several half-orcs moving boxes to the front of the store, and other half-orcs bringing them inside.

"One does have to wonder to oneself, all these guilds and still have to have to hire two."

2011-04-12, 11:53 PM
Hey Mister Keenwood!!!

Janus's father Tremms Travod and Mr. Keenwood have a seemingly good relationship. The two must have been intertwined, although the information has never really been shared.

Tremms and Mr. Keenwood started businesses in the same district some time ago. Mr. Keenwood never married, and constantly works on his business... a real workaholic.

Tremms on the other hand started and continued working on family. Raising 5 boys on a tight budget. He always seemed to have money when he really needed it though. I wonder where it came from now that I think about it.

Let me get help with some of those boxes, then maybe we should sit down like my dad said.

Mr. Tremms has always been a guy that I've suspected to have a secret. If I could just recall some details and put them together... Has he ever shown unusual talents?

Bardic knowledge: [roll0]
Knowledge Local: [roll1]

2011-04-13, 01:20 PM

I just read some of the guides about PBP, and I realized that I'm "railroading" or "godmodding" with some of the assumptions and creative freedoms I'm taking while I'm writing. I'll try to keep that to a minimum now.

Let me know if there are any other issues with my posting. I don't mind working on style at all.

2011-04-13, 07:13 PM

I just read some of the guides about PBP, and I realized that I'm "railroading" or "godmodding" with some of the assumptions and creative freedoms I'm taking while I'm writing. I'll try to keep that to a minimum now.

Let me know if there are any other issues with my posting. I don't mind working on style at all.

I just took it in stride personally. I'll tell you if anything is off, but yes, avoid godmodding if you can.

You recall nothing of note.

"Janus, get yourself over here. How are you boy?" Keenwood motions for you to come closer.

2011-04-13, 09:31 PM
Janus approaches Keenwood jovially, with youthful energy. He doesn't get a chance to wear his finest clothes very often, but he likes it more than he has let others know.

Janus is visibly excited, and speaks quickly, hardly leaving a chance for Keenwood to respond.

What do you think? I picked them out last week.

Did you see that I almost got recruited by the guard just now? Captain Wyrmsbane was organizing a new set of guardmen. I told her I would send her information about our new location, with a first timer's discount. I didn't overstep my bounds, did I?

By the way, what exactly will my job here be?

Janus pauses and waits for a response and takes a deep breath...

2011-04-13, 09:59 PM
Janus approaches Keenwood jovially, with youthful energy. He doesn't get a chance to wear his finest clothes very often, but he likes it more than he has let others know.

Janus is visibly excited, and speaks quickly, hardly leaving a chance for Keenwood to respond.

What do you think? I picked them out last week.

Did you see that I almost got recruited by the guard just now? Captain Wyrmsbane was organizing a new set of guardmen. I told her I would send her information about our new location, with a first timer's discount. I didn't overstep my bounds, did I?

By the way, what exactly will my job here be?

Janus pauses and waits for a response and takes a deep breath...

"Oh, no problem there Janus, I had planned to offer a discount to Commander Wyrmsbane myself. And as to that other question, I'll need you to rub elbows with the elite in this town, get our store on the map."

2011-04-13, 11:14 PM
I guess I will need to pay more attention things like rank in the future then.

Do you have any ideas about how this should be done? I could come up with a few ideas if you'd like. Although, I currently lack any ties to big spenders.

Don't I?

2011-04-13, 11:17 PM
I guess I will need to pay more attention things like rank in the future then.

Do you have any ideas about how this should be done? I could come up with a few ideas if you'd like. Although, I currently lack any ties to big spenders.

"Well, go to the Dancing Mermaid up in Acheron's Respite if you want to meet some big spenders. Might not be grand, but it's a start. What ideas do you have?"

2011-04-13, 11:32 PM
How about we send personal notes? We'll use signet rings to make high quality wax seals, deliver them in complimentary pristine scroll cases, and the content will be written in crafted penmanship and contain an invitation to the grand opening of the store, with a feast to follow.

I know the scale is grand, but it would definitely be noticed if you had a feast which was attended by the upper echelon of our city.

What do you think?

2011-04-13, 11:36 PM
Also, what is it exactly that this location will specialize in? Maybe I could create a need for our items?

2011-04-13, 11:47 PM
How about we send personal notes? We'll use signet rings to make high quality wax seals, deliver them in complimentary pristine scroll cases, and the content will be written in crafted penmanship and contain an invitation to the grand opening of the store, with a feast to follow.

I know the scale is grand, but it would definitely be noticed if you had a feast which was attended by the upper echelon of our city.

What do you think?

"It could work, but we'll need connections to pull it off."

Keenwood shouts at a clumsy porter to be careful with a crate

"Master Ricaver would do it for an invite, he's a gentle soul really, loves a party. Marvyre Silversgleaming, on the other hand, is a nasty elf. And we will need her approval if we're going to do this penmanship properly."

"Oh, we will be buying and selling second-hand 'art objects'. Dorunsmere sees quite a lot of business from the 'adventurer' crowd, and they have need to sell clumsy or unappealing items that they plunder from ancient tombs and the like. We take a coral throne, a masterfully crafted ring, an owlbear feather cloak, and match them to high profile buyers who wish to have the exotic and the esoteric without having to wade through demon corpses and goblin filth to get them. And now that you mention commander Wyrmsbane, I think I have just the item for her packed in one of these crates . . ."

2011-04-14, 08:36 AM
So I'm in marketing.

Not bad for entry level!

That spunds good. Just give me the locations and the budget, and I'll see if I can get those people on-board.

I've got another plan for the more immediate future, to keep me occupied until that big day.

I'll craft an entertaining speech to give at the watering holes that adventurers frequent. Part comedy, part advertisement, part entertainment and suspense, and part inspirational and motivational.

That way we could start right now, and I could smooze with exactly the right people.

I could bring examples of our product for "show and tell" stories. Or maybe tell a story about how the item came into our possession.

I could also makes deals with specific adventurers to boost their popularity or renown by inserting them as the hero of the story.

What do you think of that idea?

2011-04-14, 09:27 AM
So I'm in marketing.

Not bad for entry level!

That spunds good. Just give me the locations and the budget, and I'll see if I can get those people on-board.

I've got another plan for the more immediate future, to keep me occupied until that big day.

I'll craft an entertaining speech to give at the watering holes that adventurers frequent. Part comedy, part advertisement, part entertainment and suspense, and part inspirational and motivational.

That way we could start right now, and I could smooze with exactly the right people.

I could bring examples of our product for "show and tell" stories. Or maybe tell a story about how the item came into our possession.

I could also makes deals with specific adventurers to boost their popularity or renown by inserting them as the hero of the story.

What do you think of that idea?

"I like it, but don't take too long. Decide what you need and I'll see to it you get it."

2011-04-14, 10:23 AM
For the feast preparation, I'll meet with those people tomorrow when it is convenient for them. Today I will draft the note to Captain... errrr...Commander Wyrmsbane and drop it off when it is convenient for her this evening.

I'll take one item of moderate value and with an interesting story. Needn't worry about the details, I'll fill them in.

Janus gestures with a wink.

2011-04-14, 04:23 PM
For the feast preparation, I'll meet with those people tomorrow when it is convenient for them. Today I will draft the note to Captain... errrr...Commander Wyrmsbane and drop it off when it is convenient for her this evening.

I'll take one item of moderate value and with an interesting story. Needn't worry about the details, I'll fill them in.

Janus gestures with a wink.

Keenwood goes into the shop and returns soon after with a small darkwood box. Inside are a pair of mithral-handled daggers, sharp and gleaming. Their blades seem to be carved from a dragon fang.

2011-04-14, 05:17 PM
Keenwood goes into the shop and returns soon after with a small darkwood box. Inside are a pair of mithral-handled daggers, sharp and gleaming. Their blades seem to be carved from a dragon fang.

Great! These are exquiset, I can just imagine the beast from whence they came. A terrible and awesome one I'm sure.

I won't let you down, wait and see!

Janus scurries off to take care of his business.

He spends much of the afternoon penning the note to Commander Wyrmsbane, after conferring with Keenwood to see which item(s) he should suggest, and what kind of special offer to give her.

He also spends some time crafting the speech(s) that he will be giving starting tomorrow.

Just before dinnertime, he tries to find Wyrmsbane to deliver his message.

As the evening hours come, after delivering his message to Wyrmsbane, he will put part of his plan into action and delve into the local scenes, looking for excitement. (and open mics...lol)

Knowledge Local: [roll0] To recall which bars would make good locals for his new venture.

Bardic Knowledge: [roll1] See above.

Gather Info: [roll2] Janus will also use the resources he's got to assist in finding a few good locations.

Diplomacy: [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] If Janus finds a few good places, he'll stop in tonight and speak with the owner/operator and make sure that he is able to perform tomorrow.

2011-04-14, 05:43 PM
Great! These are exquiset, I can just imagine the beast from whence they came. A terrible and awesome one I'm sure.

I won't let you down, wait and see!

Janus scurries off to take care of his business.

He spends much of the afternoon penning the note to Commander Wyrmsbane, after conferring with Keenwood to see which item(s) he should suggest, and what kind of special offer to give her.

He also spends some time crafting the speech(s) that he will be giving starting tomorrow.

Just before dinnertime, he tries to find Wyrmsbane to deliver his message.

As the evening hours come, after delivering his message to Wyrmsbane, he will put part of his plan into action and delve into the local scenes, looking for excitement. (and open mics...lol)

Knowledge Local: [roll0] To recall which bars would make good locals for his new venture.

Bardic Knowledge: [roll1] See above.

Gather Info: [roll2] Janus will also use the resources he's got to assist in finding a few good locations.

Diplomacy: [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] If Janus finds a few good places, he'll stop in tonight and speak with the owner/operator and make sure that he is able to perform tomorrow.

Wyrmsbane isn't in, but her secretary offers to hold on to the box until she returns.

A few taverns and bars are known to you. The Dancing Mermaid is known for its generous patrons and kindly owners. The Brawling Bear has drunken sailors with no inhibitions. The Frog and Toad might be good to rub elbows with the elite. All three take to you well, though it takes you quite some time to visit all three.

2011-04-14, 05:55 PM
Janus is happy with the progress he's made today, but his budding empire(in his mind) will need much more work.

He gets to bed in decent time, although he can't sleep because of excitment. and plans to spend some time tomorrow morning moving into his new apartment. Maybe just about an hour or so, just a few basics, the box from his grandpa, sign the papers, etc...

The rest of the day he will check in with Janus and, if he allows, continue working on his speech(s), and checking in with the two people mentioned about putting together the feast.

What day is it? Is there a special calender or anything?

I ask because if I've only got a few bars to do my speech in, I'd like to do them on the busiest days if possible. That makes me(IRL) think that Fridays would be busiest?

2011-04-14, 06:04 PM
Janus is happy with the progress he's made today, but his budding empire(in his mind) will need much more work.

He gets to bed in decent time, although he can't sleep because of excitment. and plans to spend some time tomorrow morning moving into his new apartment. Maybe just about an hour or so, just a few basics, the box from his grandpa, sign the papers, etc...

The rest of the day he will check in with Janus and, if he allows, continue working on his speech(s), and checking in with the two people mentioned about putting together the feast.

What day is it? Is there a special calender or anything?

I ask because if I've only got a few bars to do my speech in, I'd like to do them on the busiest days if possible. That makes me(IRL) think that Fridays would be busiest?

You reach the offices of Master Ricaver in the upper town. When you knock on the door, no sound seems to occur, but instead a small bird appears out of no where and looks at you.

"Hello, I am Pip. What is the nature of your guild-related business?"

2011-04-14, 06:09 PM
Oh*surprised*, Hi Pip!

I was hoping Master Ricaver was in. Mr. Keenwood and I would like to ask him about a party.

Knowledge local:[roll0] What guild does Master Ricaver have a hand in?

2011-04-14, 06:10 PM
As an afterthought...

Also, you're a talking bird!

2011-04-14, 06:18 PM
"Yes yes! Master Ricaver is currently in the middle of his morning tea, but I shall disturb him for the name Keenwood."

A few minutes later, a half-orc with a shaved head comes to the door and smiles widely upon seeing you.

"Ah! Here's the boy! Thank you Pip, you did well to disturb me. Come in, come in, I hear from my boys you have a party of significance to invite me to!"

Messenger's guild. That result also allows you to know most of the others in charge of various guilds
Council Members
Darthic Dolest (LN male dwarven expert 14) lead merchant trader of Shimmercloth
Ernest Wendell (LG male human expert 14) Lord Mayor of Dorunsmere
Isabel Drayton (CN female half-elf swashbuckler 9) noble, owner of the thirsty halfling
Ronan Mapooron (CN male changeling rogue 5/shadow lurker 9) founder of the Acheron’s Lily
Walter Fenton (NG male half-orc rage cleric 10) high priest of Pelor

City Watch and Militia
Cruaver Silverskin (CG male half-elf barbarian 7) warden of the Fang Pit, son of Unahana
Hollyhana Wyrmsbane (CN female dwarf rogue 12) commander of the swamp gate
Hollythana Giantcrippler (CE female dwarf warmage 9) commander of the town hall guards
Oolatra Swordsteel (LG female dwarf paladin 9) commander of the merchant gate
Retril Homeforger (TN male gnome hexblade 9) commander of the river gate
Unahana Dragonsoultouched (CN female elven warrior 14) commander of the city watch
Wilrry Wolfswift (LG male half-elf paladin 4) commander of the forest gate

Guild Leaders
Aliaga Fiedlerson (LN female half-orc druid 5) mistress of the beer seller’s guild
Arairies Woodsheart (LN female gnome spirit shaman 5) mistress of the kettle makers’ guild
Aramorel Greensleeves (TN female elf wizard 2) mistress of the sellspells’ guild
Arathana Littleknight (CE female halfling wizard 2) mistress of the magical tutors’ guild
Arathya Hawkslight (LE female half-orc favoured soul 2) mistress of the building painter’s guild
Belben Chorster (LE male human aristocrat 4) master of the sages’ guild
Belneiros Goldweaver (LG male halfling paladin 4) master of the physic’s guild
Breaga Strifeminer (CN female dwarf swashbuckler 2) mistress of the innkeepers’ guild
Brerath Silentall (NG female gnome expert 7) mistress of the plasterers’ guild
Carcaryn Arcanscape (CN female half-elf warlock 10) mistress of the jeweller’s guild
Carvyre Silversgleaming (CE female elf rogue 6/assassin 1) mistress of the locksmiths’ guild
Corerris (LN female half-orc sorcerer 5) mistress of the tinker’s guild
Cruril Cupshigh (LG male gnome cleric 2) master of the porter’s guild
Cruster Pegason (NG male human beguiler 5) master of the chicken butchers’ guild
Darthic Dolest (LN male dwarven expert 14) master of the shimmercloth dealers’ guild
Davavar Droverson (LG male half-orc wizard 8/ loremaster 1) master of the tailor’s guild
Davgretor Strifelaughter (TN male halfling spirit shaman 2) master of the wood sellers’ guild
Davian Goldbludgeon (NE male dwarf warrior 9/blackguard 3) master of the meat butcher’s guild
Elaver Trickfoot (NG male halfling warmage 4) master of the water carrier’s guild
Elster Gladenstone (CG male gnome wizard 4) master of the advocates’ guild
Eltumal Trannyth (NG male half-elf ranger 8) master of the mason’s guild
Ernest Wendell (LG male human expert 14) master of the oil merchant’s guild
Fruward Waveharp (CE male half-elf ranger 4) master of woodcarver’s guild
Graian Mongothsbeard (NG male gnome beguiler 2) master of the hat makers’ guild
Gralamin Wolfswift (CE male human ranger 4) master of the teamster’s guild
Horace Milltall (CN male gnome warlock 5) master of the horse traders’ guild
Hornan Windsailor (NG male half-orc spirit shaman 10) master of the sail maker’s guild
Horril Moonshadow (TN male half-elf favoured soul 2) master of the fishmonger’s guild
Horrry Chorster (LE male human warlock 5) master of the beggar’s guild
Iangeon Mongothsbeard (LE male gnome green dragon shaman 3) master of the glove merchants’ guild
Iantiln Treantspatience (LN male half-elf hexblade 4) master of the rope-maker’s guild
Irieatis Strifelaughter (TN female gnome fighter 3) mistress of the buckle maker’s guild
Irieella Darksbane (NG female elf silver dragon shaman 3) mistress of the weaver’s guild
Iriesys Alerteyes (TN female halfling beguiler 11) mistress of painter’s guild
Isabel Drayton (CN female half-elf swashbuckler 9) mistress of the taverner’s guild
Jamgretor Beestinger (LN male gnome rogue 6) master of the laundresses’ guild
Jamkas Gemviper (NE male dwarf fighter 6/blackguard 4) master of the potter’s guild
Jandove Goblinsfoe (TN female gnome aristocrat 4) mistress of the entertainers’ guild
Janemita Woodsoul (TN female elf hexblade 4) mistress of the kettle makers’ guild
Loraaga Windsailor (NE female human ranger 2) mistress of the tanner’s guild
Loraerris Dragonsbane (NG female human beguiler 2) mistress of the clerks’ guild
Magdiana Arcanegrin (CN female gnome wizard 4) mistress of the purse makers’ guild
Maglove Arroway (CG female half-orc scout 4) mistress of the apothecaries’ guild
Magnda (CG female half-orc warmage 2) mistress of the shoe makers’ guild
Maratris Gladomain (LG female elf favoured soul 2) mistress of the wagon maker’s guild and the wheelwrights’ guild
Marmorn Destinaxe (TN male dwarf druid 5) master of the harness maker’s guild and the saddler’s guild
Marvyre Silversgleaming (CE female elf duskblade 8/ blackguard 1) mistress of the scribe’s guild
Nagar (LE male orog half-orc paragon 1/marshal 1/zhentarian soldier 9/avenging executioner 5) master of the bleacher’s guild
Ned Shakeshaft *DEAD* (CE male human rogue 5/assassin 5) master of the assassin’s guild
Norfire Chorster (TN male human rogue 4) master of the antique dealer’s guild
Norgold Dryadson (LN male half-orc monk 3) master of the rug-maker’s guild
Oloorin (CG male half-orc warlock 2) master of the alchemists’ guild
Otihorn (LN male half-orc ranger 2) master of the porters’ guild
Petian Songsteel (TN male human scout 4) master of the moneychangers’ guild
Petnan (NG male half-orc beguiler 5) master of the spice merchant’s guild
Petros Smilebeard (CE male gnome fighter 6/blackguard 5) master of the sculptors’ guild
Pruaga Wolfswift (LE female human favoured soul 4) mistress of the dungsweeper’s guild
Quisaadi Gemviper (LG female dwarf monk 3) mistress of the priests’ guild
Quolannan Fiedlerson (LE male half-orc favoured soul 4) master of the glass-blower’s guild
Ravacaryn Taletreader (LE female elf beguiler 2) mistress of the chandlers’ guild
Ravaeriss (LN female half-orc expert 7) mistress of the barber’s guild
Ricaver (NG male half-orc barbarian 3) master of the messenger’s guild
Ricendithas Milner (CE male half-elf duskblade 4) master of stabler’s guild
Ricendithas Shortankard (TN male gnome spirit shaman 5) master of the roofers’ guild
Sasha Amistar (CN female half-elf rogue 3/bard 7/arcane trickster 3) mistress of the thieve’s guild
Seafire Tumblebelly (NE male gnome fighter 3) master of the bather’s guild
Shagold Dragonsbane (LG male human knight 9) master of the cooper’s guild
Statiln Wyvernjack (CN male half-orc warmage 2) master of the weapon and armour dealers’ guild
Therlynn Wyvernjack (NE female half-orc warrior 7) mistress of the maidservants’ guild
Thoster Wolfswift (LG male human fighter 3) master of the guards’ union
Tralamin Gellantara (LG male half-orc rogue 3) master of the cutlers’ guild
Udokas Catslove (NE male dwarf fighter 13/ dwarven defender 1) master of the blacksmith’s guild
Vicmorn (CE male half-orc warrior 7/blackguard 5) master of the miller’s guild
Victaatis (CN female half-orc hexblade 2) mistress of the mercers’ guild
Victaatris Hollysharp (NE female halfling sorcerer 2) mistress of the magical artisans’ guild
Victarath Falconsflight (CG female human barbarian 3) mistress of the carpenter’s guild
Victiln Woodsoul (CN male elf wizard 2) master of the mirabicaries’ guild
Walben Loyalar (NE male human adept 4) master of the beggars’ guild
Walfalcon Arcanegrin (NE male halfling ranger 2) master of the furrier’s guild
Willannan Wisdomancer (TN male human bard 2) master of the wine seller’s guild
Yenhorn Shipsail (NG male half-elf bard 2) master of the pastry maker’s guild
Yenorin Chorster (LN male half-orc rogue 3) master of the hay merchants’ guild
Zandak Kittenstouch (TN male elf bard 11) master of the baker’s guild
Zangold Shortcloak (TN male gnome warmage 2) master of the scabbard makers’ guild
Zinnarath Arcanscape (LG female elf warmage 4) mistress of the soap maker’s guild

Religious Leaders
Alutranna Mongothsbeard (TN female halfling druid 11) high priestess of Obad-Hai
Carsaadi Droverson (LG female dwarf monk 7) high priestess of Rao
Darstine Silentall (NE female halfling beguiler 5) high priestess of Vecna
Gracenys Stalkingwolf (CG female elf favoured soul 8) magus of Corellon
Hollyella Heroesblood (LG female dwarf paladin 2) high priestess of Heironeous
Jospeh Balthazar (CG male human cleric 14) high priest of Pelor
Kevkul Pegason (CG male human cleric 5) high priest of Kord
Krisemita Silentall (LG female halfling paladin 2) high priestess of Yondalla
Oloben Trannyth (CE male human cleric 5) high priest of Iuz
Seaeak Fletcher (NE male human scout 9) high priest of Pyremius
Tahorn Giantcrippler (LG male dwarf favoured soul 2) high priest of Pholtus
Udokas Forgedawn (LN male elf sorcerer 10) high priest of Fharlanghn
Vicven Silentread (CN male elf swashbuckler 4) high priest of Olidammara
Victaatra Urthadar (CE female human white dragon shaman 7) high priestess of Beltar
Wandakahn Falconsflight (CG female human adept 8) high priestess of Chaav
Wilros Arroway (CN male human bard 5) high priest of Lirr
Yllathyra Droverson (CG female half-elf aristocrat 10) high priestess of Lastai

2011-04-14, 06:53 PM

He's the one who is supposed to help me with the messages I assume, right?

Hello, Master Ricaver. As you may know, Mr. Keenwood and I are setting up a new location over in The Fangs. We want to let people know about it in a big way.

So I've got this idea that we'll send out some really snappy (*read*awesome) scrolls, in high-quality cases inviting people to our party. I would also like the scribing to be detailed.

Do you think you could help us out with this?

2011-04-14, 06:57 PM

He's the one who is supposed to help me with the messages I assume, right?

Hello, Master Ricaver. As you may know, Mr. Keenwood and I are setting up a new location over in The Fangs. We want to let people know about it in a big way.

So I've got this idea that we'll send out some really snappy (*read*awesome) scrolls, in high-quality cases inviting people to our party. I would also like the scribing to be detailed.

Do you think you could help us out with this?

"Oh, yes, I think I could. Let me draw up some proposals for later."

2011-04-14, 10:58 PM
"Oh, yes, I think I could. Let me draw up some proposals for later."

Great! I'm likely to be using the services of Marvyre Silversgleaming. Do you have any advice on speaking with her?

2011-04-14, 11:02 PM
Great! I'm likely to be using the services of Marvyre Silversgleaming. Do you have any advice on speaking with her?

"Well, be polite, drink the tea, get to the point, take your shoes off and don't drink the tea."

2011-04-14, 11:33 PM
"Well, be polite, drink the tea, get to the point, take your shoes off and don't drink the tea."

So I'm supposed to drink the tea, but not drink the tea, or was that like a sequence of events? I guess I'm easily confusable.

Hey, is there any flower that I could bring that might brighten her day?

Maybe something a little unexpected would bring her some happiness while she is dealing with me.

2011-04-14, 11:38 PM
So I'm supposed to drink the tea, but not drink the tea, or was that like a sequence of events? I guess I'm easily confusable.

Hey, is there any flower that I could bring that might brighten her day?

Maybe something a little unexpected would bring her some happiness while she is dealing with me.

"Little brings a smile to her face but pain. Though a fine elven moondrop makes her happy. Sadly, those are worth over six years of a labourer's wages for just one bottle (220gp)! Perhaps you might do best to try and 'wing it' as they say?"

2011-04-15, 12:56 AM
Are you suggesting I bring her a bird!?

Maybe you're right, although I'll keep what you said in mind. Thank you so much for your time and for working with Mr. Keenwood and I.

Also, keep me in mind should you have any errands that your guild wouldn't be able to help you with.

*innuendo* = open-ended

Janus takes his leave and mentions that he will be back in a few days to look over the proposals.

I'll head over to Marvyre Silversgleaming's place.

2011-04-15, 09:11 AM
Are you suggesting I bring her a bird!?

Maybe you're right, although I'll keep what you said in mind. Thank you so much for your time and for working with Mr. Keenwood and I.

Also, keep me in mind should you have any errands that your guild wouldn't be able to help you with.

*innuendo* = open-ended

Janus takes his leave and mentions that he will be back in a few days to look over the proposals.

I'll head over to Marvyre Silversgleaming's place.

You are asked to wait in the reception room for an hour and a half. Marvyre eventually allows you through to see her. She is an elf with dark hair sitting at a desk, dressed in a fine dress with long gloves on her arms and her hair braided into dozens of little braids.

"What can I do for you?" She asks, a smile dancing across her lips, though it doesn't spread to her eyes.

2011-04-15, 10:06 AM
That's a creepy smile u got there...

Good day, mistress.

I'll get right down to it, I know your time is important.

As you may have heard, Mr Keenwood and I are opening up a new shop in The Fangs district. We're looking to send out finely scribed invitations to a party in elegent cases

Would you be able to help us organize this?

2011-04-15, 03:05 PM
That's a creepy smile u got there...

Good day, mistress.

I'll get right down to it, I know your time is important.

As you may have heard, Mr Keenwood and I are opening up a new shop in The Fangs district. We're looking to send out finely scribed invitations to a party in elegent cases

Would you be able to help us organize this?

"It would depend on how much you are willing to offer in pay."

2011-04-15, 05:34 PM
"It would depend on how much you are willing to offer in pay."

I can assure you that Mr. Keenwood's budget will be able to fufill your needs. Please leave me a note with your requirments, and I will bring it to him so that he may confirm the services.

Here's what we were thinking... Janus goes on to describe elegant paper with detailed scribed invitations in an extavagent scroll case. They are sealed with wax in the crest of of guild(if a guildleader) or family crest(if a noble). When they arrive at the event there will be a similiar scroll waiting giving their seating instructions and an introduction to the nobles they will be dining with.

In the description of this Janus is to the point as Ricaver has suggested. It would probably take about 45 seconds to say this eloquently.

[roll0] Perform: Oratory to speak consisly and persuasively. Attemting to inspire the creative side of the scribe.

Oh, and about the payment... I wondered if there was any service I could provide for you that maybe your limited time prevents you from doing yourself. I am a very capable young man. And motivated...

2011-04-16, 01:25 PM
I can assure you that Mr. Keenwood's budget will be able to fufill your needs. Please leave me a note with your requirments, and I will bring it to him so that he may confirm the services.

Here's what we were thinking... Janus goes on to describe elegant paper with detailed scribed invitations in an extavagent scroll case. They are sealed with wax in the crest of of guild(if a guildleader) or family crest(if a noble). When they arrive at the event there will be a similiar scroll waiting giving their seating instructions and an introduction to the nobles they will be dining with.

In the description of this Janus is to the point as Ricaver has suggested. It would probably take about 45 seconds to say this eloquently.

[roll0] Perform: Oratory to speak consisly and persuasively. Attemting to inspire the creative side of the scribe.

Oh, and about the payment... I wondered if there was any service I could provide for you that maybe your limited time prevents you from doing yourself. I am a very capable young man. And motivated...

"I will need two hundred and fifty gold pieces from you, and now that you mention it, there is a favour you can do. Procure for me a phoenix feather from the relic seller Cruaver Droverson, as he will not deal with me. Something of my 'presense' upsets him and his savage female companion."

2011-04-16, 06:16 PM
That seems like a reasonable request.

Do you foresee any reason this should be difficult for me to acquire?

As for the 250 gold, I will confirm with Keenwood as soon as possible and return with the proper payment soon.

As long as there is no reason for the feather to be difficult to acquire I would head straight over to Cruaver Droverson's place for pick up.

Then to Keenwood's to get the amounts ok'd, and back to pay both Marvyre Silversgleaming, and Ricaver.

2011-04-17, 09:19 AM
That seems like a reasonable request.

Do you foresee any reason this should be difficult for me to acquire?

As for the 250 gold, I will confirm with Keenwood as soon as possible and return with the proper payment soon.

As long as there is no reason for the feather to be difficult to acquire I would head straight over to Cruaver Droverson's place for pick up.

Then to Keenwood's to get the amounts ok'd, and back to pay both Marvyre Silversgleaming, and Ricaver.

At Droverson's stall in the market place, a tall woman from the western plains is chatting with the owner of the stall, a well-groomed half-orc in nice clothing. The woman sees Droverson has a customer and steps aside, allowing you to step forward.

2011-04-18, 12:38 AM

I'm looking for a pheonix feather, and I got pointed in this direction. Do you have one I may purchase?

2011-04-18, 12:39 AM

I'm looking for a pheonix feather, and I got pointed in this direction. Do you have one I may purchase?

"I do, what do you need it for?"

2011-04-18, 12:19 PM
Well, I've been running erands for Keenwood to get things organized, and getting ahold of the feather was just one of many things I've got to organize.

Are you out? And what are these generally used for?


First result is bluff. Although I'm not directly lying, so maybe it would be more of an assisting roll to the diplomacy check

second:Diplomacy, to evade the question elegantly and without giving away that I'm actually dealing with someone I know he doesn't want to do business with.

2011-04-18, 02:39 PM
Well, I've been running erands for Keenwood to get things organized, and getting ahold of the feather was just one of many things I've got to organize.

Are you out? And what are these generally used for?


First result is bluff. Although I'm not directly lying, so maybe it would be more of an assisting roll to the diplomacy check

second:Diplomacy, to evade the question elegantly and without giving away that I'm actually dealing with someone I know he doesn't want to do business with.

"Generally, they're used for fire magic, though I have a woman who keeps bothering me who wants one for calligraphy. Thinks it will make the ink 'sizzle' on the page."

2011-04-18, 04:14 PM

So how much?

Bardic knowledge:
Will it make the writing "sizzle"?

2011-04-18, 04:15 PM

So how much?

"Forty gold pieces, and I'll be glad to be rid of it. Get that crazy woman off my back."

2011-04-18, 04:17 PM
Droverson's companion looks you up and down and smiles slightly and warmly.

"Who did you say you were getting this for again?"

2011-04-18, 04:24 PM
Can't seem to get the roller to work, could you roll that bardic knowledge for me please?

2011-04-18, 04:26 PM
You can't edit a roll in. This is a solo, I don't care if you double post.


It might. It also gives a 10% chance a spell will remain prepared after being cast if used as an additional material component in the spell.

2011-04-18, 09:03 PM
I'm organizing a party with Mr. Keenwood, and this particular item may actually be for my use.

I don't usually show this off, but check this out!

Casts *prestidigitation* and creates a ball of red energy(attempting to get as close to a mini ball of fire as possible).


Bluff Check [roll0]

2011-04-18, 09:20 PM
I'm organizing a party with Mr. Keenwood, and this particular item may actually be for my use.

I don't usually show this off, but check this out!

Casts *prestidigitation* and creates a ball of red energy(attempting to get as close to a mini ball of fire as possible).


Bluff Check [roll0]

Don't edit the rolls in.

The woman rolls her eyes and fiddles with a set of golden coins, each emblazoned with a worn sun pattern.

Cruavar sells you the feather, and goes back to talking to the woman.

2011-04-19, 09:56 AM
Thank you.

Do I recognize the coins?

I'll head back to drop off the feather.

I think I know what you mean about the rolls now.

2011-04-19, 09:57 AM
Thank you.

Do I recognize the coins?

I'll head back to drop off the feather.

I think I know what you mean about the rolls now.

The coins are old, but you don't recognize the area of origin.

Marvyre is waiting for you.

"Amazing, I didn't think you'd get it."

2011-04-19, 11:30 AM

Well it wasn't that hard, I guess.

So what's the feather for? Is it really for making the script "sizzle"? Not that its any of my business I guess.

2011-04-19, 11:32 AM

Well it wasn't that hard, I guess.

So what's the feather for? Is it really for making the script "sizzle"? Not that its any of my business I guess.

"Who told you that!? Who!? Tell me or I'll rip the flesh from your bones!!"

She calms down fairly quickly.

2011-04-19, 01:27 PM
Woah woah woh...

Its just one of those things you hear about if your listening to the right things.

Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Thanks for the help with the banquet, by the way.

If there's no outrageous response, I'll go check in with Keenwood, then off to prep my speech for tonight's speech/story/sales pitch/advertisment.

2011-04-19, 01:48 PM
Woah woah woh...

Its just one of those things you hear about if your listening to the right things.

Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Thanks for the help with the banquet, by the way.

If there's no outrageous response, I'll go check in with Keenwood, then off to prep my speech for tonight's speech/story/sales pitch/advertisment.

Where do you go first?

2011-04-19, 02:32 PM
First check in with keenwood, then home, then tonight the dancing mermaid.

2011-04-19, 09:14 PM
Keenwood commends you on securing the help of the guilds, and offers you a spare set of courtier's clothing (basically expensive nice clothes) with the assumption you will bring them back.

If there's nothing to do at your house, we move on (tell me anything you want to do)

The Dancing Mermaid is in Acheron's Respite, one of the most unsightly and dirtiest parts of town. It used to be Elstone Street (also a slum, though worse off), and before that Starsfield (the magnificent magic district of Dorunsmere, specializing in potions labs) and the remnants of the old order can still be seen here. The homeless and near-homeless litter the streets, though they don't appear to be as abused as in other parts of the city, almost like they are protected by an unseen hand. Several people wear stylish freshly picked lilies in their lapels.

As you walk into the Dancing Mermaid, you see halberd leaning against the bar, within reach of the bartender, a tall but stocky and muscular man. He wears an eyepatch, and seems to fumble at times becaue of it, though he never spills or drops anything. Other than the bartender, the place is filled with people, many wearing lilies. At the bar, looking out at the crowd and sipping a brandy is a blond half-elf, also sporting an eyepatch, dressed in dull grays, browns and blacks, but all of his clothing being of the highest make, with even small amounts of onyx and pewter worked into the hems and cuffs. Beside him, watching everyone in the mirror over the bar, is a full armoured warrior, decked in black platemail, a pair of bony horns jutting from his faceless helmet and a tattered and faded tabard clinging to his body.

2011-04-20, 08:06 AM
Knowledge Local
Bardic Knowledge

Both for if I know more about the bartender, or or any patrons.

Gather info
For the same, and while I'm doing that I'll be sharing that I have a story I'm going to tell tonight.

I plan on using my spells within the story, however many castings as needed. Prestidigitation to lower the lights, create glowing balls and cast shadows/lighting effects. Ghost Sound and message should also be useful.

I have 2 spells per day.

How will that work? Will I need to tell parts of the story?

2011-04-20, 10:23 AM
Knowledge Local
Bardic Knowledge

Both for if I know more about the bartender, or or any patrons.

Gather info
For the same, and while I'm doing that I'll be sharing that I have a story I'm going to tell tonight.

I plan on using my spells within the story, however many castings as needed. Prestidigitation to lower the lights, create glowing balls and cast shadows/lighting effects. Ghost Sound and message should also be useful.

I have 2 spells per day.

How will that work? Will I need to tell parts of the story?

You know the bartender is Arthur Chorster, whose wife is Andrea Chorster. They have three children. Arthur has several enemies in the city, especially his father (Norfire) and two brothers (Belben and Horrry) though he is on good terms with his half-brother Yenorin. All of his family are guild masters, he is a tavernkeep. You don't know how he lst his eye.

The half-elf is Ronan, assistant to the guildmaster of the assassin's guild. No one ever sees the guildmaster, Master Maparoon, but Ronan is always around to deal with any issues. He is currently courting favour with many of the guildmasters, and sits on the council representing the Merchant Gate alongside councillers Dolest, Fenton and Drayton and mayor Wendell.

The big guy is Francis the Redeemer. A holy warrior who works with Ronan.

The spells will work just fine, and add a +4 to the check due to your drumming up anticipation.

2011-04-20, 02:21 PM
So the stage is set...

Listen all, and hear the tail of the twin fangs!

Janus begins to recant the story of the adventurers (whose name he can't recall at the moment).

The tale is fairly elaborate and as long as the audience is rapt, takes about 30-40 minutes to tell. There is crowd participation questions, grand beasts, humor, a tryst, a mention of Keenwoods new location, and of course the hero.

He displays the knives as part of the story.

Janus uses his magic to add subtle effects to the tale, dimming the lights, a puff of air to put out a candle, a glowing ball that appears and disappears on cue, and denotes the mood of the story based on colour.

Near the end of the story, at a particularly tense moment, he uses fascinate on one of the customers with his bardic abilities, and thrusts the knife down into the table in an attempt to startle many, but leave one fascinated, to be made fun of by the rest of the crowd.

Performance check breakdown

+4 ranks
+3 ability
+4 working the room
+2 prepping the speech?
+2-4 special effects?
+2 synergy from bluff, or should I roll bluff to assist?


2011-04-20, 10:05 PM
You make [roll0] gold and Arthur pours you a drink of your choosing. Ronan invites you to speak with him privately in the back room he reserves.

2011-04-21, 01:19 AM
You make [roll0] gold and Arthur pours you a drink of your choosing. Ronan invites you to speak with him privately in the back room he reserves.


Thank you so much for the invitation, I shouldn't be worried should I?

Janus jokes...

It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Is there something you wanted to speak with me about, or are you more interested in the new shop that Keenwood and I have opened in The Fangs?

Has Francis joined us?

Would it be off color to mention his trying to gain favor with other guild-masters?

2011-04-21, 09:01 AM

Thank you so much for the invitation, I shouldn't be worried should I?

Janus jokes...

It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Is there something you wanted to speak with me about, or are you more interested in the new shop that Keenwood and I have opened in The Fangs?

Has Francis joined us?

Would it be off color to mention his trying to gain favor with other guild-masters?

"I'd love to hear about this shop of your's actually. Might do me some good to go shopping for a change instead of having the little people do it."

Francis left when the story began, and won't be back any time soon.

And yes, that would be bad manners.

2011-04-21, 09:37 AM

Is assasinations legal, or at least tolerated here? What are the rules surrounding, and would I be looked down on for dealing with him?

Also, is there anybody who would want to use his services against me?

I will give him a description of the store, and barring anything odd about the above note, offer him a private tour.

2011-04-21, 09:14 PM

Is assasinations legal, or at least tolerated here? What are the rules surrounding, and would I be looked down on for dealing with him?

Also, is there anybody who would want to use his services against me?

I will give him a description of the store, and barring anything odd about the above note, offer him a private tour.

Assassination is generally not tolerated. However, Ronan is so well loved, and so public in his persona of rebuilding Acheron's Respite, that no one would look down on you, and actually you'll be the talk of the gossips in the Merchant Gate at least.

Most people would have an easier time getting a non-guild assassin, Ronan uses them more like a personal army.

"That sounds delightful, but I am busy for tonight with paperwork. Perhaps in a few days?"

2011-04-22, 01:17 AM
Assassination is generally not tolerated. However, Ronan is so well loved, and so public in his persona of rebuilding Acheron's Respite, that no one would look down on you, and actually you'll be the talk of the gossips in the Merchant Gate at least.

Most people would have an easier time getting a non-guild assassin, Ronan uses them more like a personal army.

"That sounds delightful, but I am busy for tonight with paperwork. Perhaps in a few days?"

I will most certainly make arrangements for you to visit. I'll see to it that I'm there for your tour.

What about you? I'm hearing that your work in Acheron's Respite has been going well. What's next for that area?

Janus waits for a response, but later changes the subject...

I know you may get requests like this from time to time, but if you ever think I might be able to help you further a cause, don't hesitate to ask.

Innuendo: While not implicitly asking for work, Janus is offering to be a resource for Ronan.

2011-04-22, 12:08 PM
I will most certainly make arrangements for you to visit. I'll see to it that I'm there for your tour.

What about you? I'm hearing that your work in Acheron's Respite has been going well. What's next for that area?

Janus waits for a response, but later changes the subject...

I know you may get requests like this from time to time, but if you ever think I might be able to help you further a cause, don't hesitate to ask.

Innuendo: While not implicitly asking for work, Janus is offering to be a resource for Ronan.

"Well, first we need to fix the damage done by the Rorek and the Rose."

"Ah, I think you could be of help. Go to the Seraphim Cathedral in Dorun's Square. See what goes in and out of there, you're a merchant, you must have a head for numbers and stock recall."

2011-04-22, 01:12 PM
What do I know about Rorek and the Rose?

[roll0] knowledge local
[roll1] bardic knowledge

For the second situation, same checks on what I know about the area.

[roll2] knowledge local
[roll3] bardic knowledge

Is that something I should be covert about? Any idea what I'm looking for?

2011-04-22, 01:18 PM
What do I know about Rorek and the Rose?

[roll0] knowledge local
[roll1] bardic knowledge

For the second situation, same checks on what I know about the area.

[roll2] knowledge local
[roll3] bardic knowledge

Is that something I should be covert about? Any idea what I'm looking for?

Rorek is a werewolf in the employ of Countess Amelia, who Ronan seems to be in a shadow war with.

Dorun's Square is the city square outside the city hall, the cathedral is Amelia's sponsered temple she has built.

"No, just get the information, they don't know who you are. And just relax and tell me what you saw once you get back. Everything you can remember."

2011-04-24, 03:17 PM
Sure, I'll take a look.

I haven't been a merchant for that long, but I have a feeling that what you're looking for may be easy to spot.

Local Knowledge [roll0] Need an awesome place to hide and observe for a few nights. Maybe a friends place, a crate with a hole, etc... I could maybe make this on my own.

Bardic/Local Knowledge [roll1] [roll2] Would I have heard of something already happening here?

I will plan on doing this for a few days actually during my spare time, and once or twice overnight.

2011-04-24, 04:40 PM
Sure, I'll take a look.

I haven't been a merchant for that long, but I have a feeling that what you're looking for may be easy to spot.

Local Knowledge [roll0] Need an awesome place to hide and observe for a few nights. Maybe a friends place, a crate with a hole, etc... I could maybe make this on my own.

Bardic/Local Knowledge [roll1] [roll2] Would I have heard of something already happening here?

I will plan on doing this for a few days actually during my spare time, and once or twice overnight.

The Frog and Toad could be used, though you'd have to talk to them first, or Ronan could call in a favour with the owner.

There were many riots in the last year, and Countess Amelia is believed to be behind most of them. She used the cover of the riots to either gather resources for her planned arcane ritual or to strike at Ronan, his friends and his guild.

2011-04-24, 06:49 PM
I'll speak with Frog and Toad tomorrow. I should be able to talk my way into there without causing to much of a stir.

What is it? A bar? Restaurant? Inn? I could disguise my needs by purchasing their goods.

Is there anything else he wishes to speak with me about?

If not, I'll enjoy the rest of the evening, get up tomorrow, and prep my speech for the next bar, and plan to visit the Frog and Toad tomorrow during the daytime.

2011-04-24, 06:52 PM
I'll speak with Frog and Toad tomorrow. I should be able to talk my way into there without causing to much of a stir.

What is it? A bar? Restaurant? Inn? I could disguise my needs by purchasing their goods.

Is there anything else he wishes to speak with me about?

If not, I'll enjoy the rest of the evening, get up tomorrow, and prep my speech for the next bar, and plan to visit the Frog and Toad tomorrow during the daytime.

It's an inn and bar combo.

2011-04-24, 07:39 PM
I guess I'll try to rent a room facing the target location then.

Is there any mundane equipment comparable to binoculars that I might be able to get a hold of?

2011-04-24, 07:40 PM
I guess I'll try to rent a room facing the target location then.

Is there any mundane equipment comparable to binoculars that I might be able to get a hold of?

Just a spyglass, 1000gp, but Ronan could lend you one with a DC 25 Diplomacy check.

2011-04-24, 09:03 PM
I could use a little help if you could spare some. Any chance you could provide me with the use of a spyglass?


+x Helping him, goodwill from show
+3 mod
+4 ranks

I'm also interested in hiring a "henchman". I'm thinking of asking one of my brothers, or hiring from the appropriate source.

What do my brothers do?

The posting(if need be) would be something akin to: "looking for someone with a keen sense of sight to assist with a hands-off look-out position."

2011-04-24, 10:32 PM
I could use a little help if you could spare some. Any chance you could provide me with the use of a spyglass?


+x Helping him, goodwill from show
+3 mod
+4 ranks

I'm also interested in hiring a "henchman". I'm thinking of asking one of my brothers, or hiring from the appropriate source.

What do my brothers do?

The posting(if need be) would be something akin to: "looking for someone with a keen sense of sight to assist with a hands-off look-out position."

"I'm sorry, but I really can't part with one right now."

Your brothers probably do similar things as you.

You post the posting and wait.

2011-04-25, 10:02 AM

The next day I prep the speech, wander by the location he's concerned about. Then I'll go into the establishment that is nearby.

"I'm interested in procuring a room facing (direction of target) for the next few days. What is the cost?"

2011-04-25, 10:04 AM

The next day I prep the speech, wander by the location he's concerned about. Then I'll go into the establishment that is nearby.

"I'm interested in procuring a room facing (direction of target) for the next few days. What is the cost?"

"5 gold per day, 6 if you want breakfast brought up to you, 7 if you'd prefer when people ask I just say that the room is being renovated so that's why it doesn't have occupancy":smallwink:

2011-04-25, 10:30 AM
[roll0] (diplomacy)

"How about 5 gold for the next 3 days, considering you must know who I'm here for."

2011-04-25, 09:37 PM
[roll0] (diplomacy)

"How about 5 gold for the next 3 days, considering you must know who I'm here for."

"No can do, can't be haggling on prices when there are those who'd pay well for my rooms."

2011-04-26, 08:36 AM
Well, I guess I'll have to make other arrangements then.
How am I doing on cash? By my calculations, I've got 6 gold. 2 leftover from creation, and 4 from performance. The above quote is based on that.

If that's the case, I'll have to find a place to hide for free. I would look for a rooftop probably. Preferably one without an entrance to the building. I'll scope it out during the day.

Head over to the second bar for the second performance.

2011-04-26, 11:04 AM
Well, I guess I'll have to make other arrangements then.
How am I doing on cash? By my calculations, I've got 6 gold. 2 leftover from creation, and 4 from performance. The above quote is based on that.

If that's the case, I'll have to find a place to hide for free. I would look for a rooftop probably. Preferably one without an entrance to the building. I'll scope it out during the day.

Head over to the second bar for the second performance.

Assuming you're not staying in the Frog and Toad to do a performance . . .

The Brawling Bear looks more like a wood, masonry and glass fortress than a tavern. Everything is bolt and doublebarred.

When you enter, a bugbear with one eye is standing at the bar. He wipes it down with an extremely soiled rage. The smell of sulfur fills the bar, and your eye is drawn to the 'bouncer', who doesn't stand at the door, but sits at a table in the centre of the room, staring at you with a smile on his face. He is some sort of outsider, called a bone devil, large and hulking, but skeletal. A tail like a scorpion's flits back and forth behind him.

The rest of the room is dark and filled with many people who seem undesirable.

2011-04-26, 01:03 PM
I didn't want to perform at that last place just to make sure I didn't draw attention to myself in the area.

Same deal as last time:

Knowledge local [roll0]
Bardic knowledge: [roll1]
Gather info: [roll2]. Is this mod correct?

To see if I know anything about any of the patrons, and to spread the word about my performance.

This time the story will include a hero who is "undesirable". Then he becomes what people need and the master of his universe, etc... Keenwood's location is there as usual.

Performance check: [roll3]
+x for preppeing the room and special effects

2011-04-26, 01:06 PM
I didn't want to perform at that last place just to make sure I didn't draw attention to myself in the area.

Same deal as last time:

Knowledge local [roll0]
Bardic knowledge: [roll1]
Gather info: [roll2]. Is this mod correct?

To see if I know anything about any of the patrons, and to spread the word about my performance.

This time the story will include a hero who is "undesirable". Then he becomes what people need and the master of his universe, etc... Keenwood's location is there as usual.

Performance check: [roll3]
+x for preppeing the room and special effects

The performance goes over . . . badly.

Your knowledge tells you this place has connections to various lower planes.

The bugbear pours you a thick sugary clear drink and lights it on fire. Tip: blow it out first!

2011-04-26, 01:19 PM
I blow the drink out before taking the first sip.

I apologize to the bartender saying "Boy, was I off today. I'll have to make that up to you some other time. Thanks for the drink."

I'll scope the room for any-one who looks like they may want to approach me, but otherwise would probably head out asap, partially out of emberassment, and partially to go scope out the warehouse for my patron.

I'll head home first to grab my armor and sword(which I hardly know how to put on by myself). I'll also grab the grappling hook, rope, and small mirror at least.

On my way there, I'll be taking side-streets and hiding the equipment in a backpack.

2011-04-26, 01:20 PM
I blow the drink out before taking the first sip.

I apologize to the bartender saying "Boy, was I off today. I'll have to make that up to you some other time. Thanks for the drink."

I'll scope the room for any-one who looks like they may want to approach me, but otherwise would probably head out asap, partially out of emberassment, and partially to go scope out the warehouse for my patron.

I'll head home first to grab my armor and sword(which I hardly know how to put on by myself). I'll also grab the grappling hook, rope, and small mirror at least.

On my way there, I'll be taking side-streets and hiding the equipment in a backpack.

Okay, you make it to an al;ey nearby to the loading area of the cathedral. Some hooded figures are moving large wooden boxes with a wagon.

2011-04-26, 02:06 PM
How close am I currently?

I would be making spot and listen checks constantly, as well as hide and move silently as nessesary.

Also, trying to stay out of sight. What time is it? Any chance I'll be able to scramble onto a rooftop easily? With grappling hook?

Just trying to get a better vantage point for now.

Tell me more about the boxes. Various sizes? Made of wood? Locks? Are they being gentle with them? Harsh? Any signs of which direction the cart came from?

2011-04-27, 07:46 PM
How close am I currently?

I would be making spot and listen checks constantly, as well as hide and move silently as nessesary.

Also, trying to stay out of sight. What time is it? Any chance I'll be able to scramble onto a rooftop easily? With grappling hook?

Just trying to get a better vantage point for now.

Tell me more about the boxes. Various sizes? Made of wood? Locks? Are they being gentle with them? Harsh? Any signs of which direction the cart came from?

The men are being rough with the boxes, but their leader is scolding the others for doing so, saying the countess wants them unharmed. His voice is harsh and unpleasant. The cart came through the back alleys from the wharf. The boxes are made of wood and are locked.

If you climbed to the roof, you'd risk being spotted. It's past sunset at the moment.

2011-04-27, 09:05 PM
I'll keep waiting and observing at this time.

2011-04-27, 09:11 PM
I'll keep waiting and observing at this time.

A large muscular man appears. He is hairy and unwashed. He hands over a bag of soemthing to the hooded figures and takes the boxes inside.

2011-04-28, 07:57 AM
Still waiting, counting boxes as we go.

2011-04-28, 09:03 AM
Still waiting, counting boxes as we go.

All in all there are eight boxes.

2011-04-28, 10:21 AM
I'll be waiting until the area clears of people, then I will wander by and peak into the windows.

I may be here all night.

2011-04-28, 02:29 PM
I'll be waiting until the area clears of people, then I will wander by and peak into the windows.

I may be here all night.

Through the window you see a dark storage area, where the boxes are lain one on top of the other in stacks.

2011-04-28, 04:00 PM
Are there people in/around the building?

I don't linger to long at the window, but check the door as I pass to see if it got locked.

2011-04-28, 11:34 PM
Are there people in/around the building?

I don't linger to long at the window, but check the door as I pass to see if it got locked.

No one seems to be in the building at the moment, though a dark shape obscures part of the window. Just in time you realize the shape is the black armoured man from before.

2011-04-29, 08:41 AM
If there's no-one around, and there's a nice perch to hide somewhere, I'll try to get up there around midnight....pulling the rope up after etc....

Then observing fast forward to early a.m.

2011-04-29, 09:16 AM
If there's no-one around, and there's a nice perch to hide somewhere, I'll try to get up there around midnight....pulling the rope up after etc....

Then observing fast forward to early a.m.

The routine happens two more times. More boxes, all locked, big guy in armour comes out and gets them.

2011-04-29, 09:50 AM
Observing until around 4:00am, then down from roof. Back to the street in a relatively secluded spot where I can observe until about 6 or 7 am.

Then I'm sure I'm about to pass out from being tired, so I'll see Keenwood if he's up, then to sleep.

2011-04-29, 03:09 PM
Observing until around 4:00am, then down from roof. Back to the street in a relatively secluded spot where I can observe until about 6 or 7 am.

Then I'm sure I'm about to pass out from being tired, so I'll see Keenwood if he's up, then to sleep.

Keenwood is going over records for his shipments when you visit. He lets you in and pours you some tea.

"So what are you doing out at this hour?"

2011-04-30, 12:13 PM
"I met and had a good conversation with Ronan(right?) of the assasins guild the other nigjht during a performance. I agreed to do him a favor by watching and checking up on his shipments for him.

I think being on his good side would be profitable for all of us, don't you?"

Janus politly sips his tea, but can't hardly keep his eyes open...

"Do you have anything you need me to do in the next few days? Otherwise I'll continue my promotions as I've planned. "

2011-04-30, 06:50 PM
"I met and had a good conversation with Ronan(right?) of the assasins guild the other nigjht during a performance. I agreed to do him a favor by watching and checking up on his shipments for him.

I think being on his good side would be profitable for all of us, don't you?"

Janus politly sips his tea, but can't hardly keep his eyes open...

"Do you have anything you need me to do in the next few days? Otherwise I'll continue my promotions as I've planned. "

"Oh smashing! Ronan is a good man to know in the city. No I can't think of anything I need you to do, what's next on your plans?"

2011-04-30, 08:30 PM
"Well, I'll keep performing and making contacts for us. I'll need that guest list from you soon, so I can deliver the invitations to the galla.

Do you have any advice on shipping and receiving? What should I be on the lookout for while I'm observing Ronan's shipments?"

Janus describes what he's seen so far as well.

"Do you have another item I could advertise?"

2011-05-01, 09:39 AM
"Well, I'll keep performing and making contacts for us. I'll need that guest list from you soon, so I can deliver the invitations to the galla.

Do you have any advice on shipping and receiving? What should I be on the lookout for while I'm observing Ronan's shipments?"

Janus describes what he's seen so far as well.

"Do you have another item I could advertise?"

"My advice would be not to get too involved with what Ronan is doing. You go down that road, and you'll have the Rose to answer to."

2011-05-01, 11:23 AM
Thanks for the advice.

What do I know about the Rose?

Off to bed!

2011-05-01, 02:21 PM
The Rose is Countess Amelia's organization, collectng arcane secrets for some unknown purpose.

2011-05-01, 11:05 PM
I will definetly be trying to stay under that radar as much as possible.

If there's nothing else, I must be off to bed.

I'll get back to bed, sleep until late, prep a speech, walk past the warehouse once or twice, then be off to the last bar I've scoped out.

2011-05-10, 01:46 PM
Are you interested in continuing this game? It has been a while since your last post.

Maybe you want to fast forward a bit, to a more exciting phase or something?

2011-05-10, 01:53 PM
When you reach the Frog and Toad, the usuals are just beginning to pour in, bureacrats from the town hall mainly.

2011-05-10, 02:03 PM
If there's anyone around I would like or need to know, I'll spend a few extra moments chatting them up.

Knowledge local: [roll0]
Bardic knowledge: [roll1]

I work the room and the bartender like I've done before, asking about any important people or events represented in the room.

2011-05-10, 02:19 PM
If there's anyone around I would like or need to know, I'll spend a few extra moments chatting them up.

Knowledge local: [roll0]
Bardic knowledge: [roll1]

I work the room and the bartender like I've done before, asking about any important people or events represented in the room.

The Frog and Toad is fairly tame for rumours and tales, but the tavern is known to serve two groups of people, the bureacrats and the young daughters of nobles who come to argue politics with said bureacrats

2011-05-10, 02:31 PM
There may be a darling young lady I've got my eye on then.

As I tell the story(this time about a pair of nobles, one a man of action, and one a coward) I catch her eye more than once.

I use the spell effects and room knowledge to my advantage...

[roll0] +? for spell effects, working the room, etc....

2011-05-10, 02:37 PM
There may be a darling young lady I've got my eye on then.

As I tell the story(this time about a pair of nobles, one a man of action, and one a coward) I catch her eye more than once.

I use the spell effects and room knowledge to my advantage...

[roll0] +? for spell effects, working the room, etc....

You don't get any money, but several of the men offer to buy you drinks for the night.

2011-05-11, 08:41 AM
Janus enjoys the offers, and probably a bit to much. He is very much enjoying this company, and takes the oppurtunity to make a few connections and be quite witty and hopefully very likeable.

He's got to diciplen himself in order to get out of there before to late. Although he's not really feeling like doing it, he trods off to take a few peeks at the shipping process at Ronan's warehouse.