View Full Version : City where dreams are made (IC)

2011-04-12, 06:00 PM
Just pick a district and we will start.

2011-04-14, 03:57 AM
After many days travel Thomas eventually arrives at the gate of Dorunsmere. He lets out a sigh as he starts the final leg to his destination and makes his way towards the main gate. Oh blimey.. Here goes nothing he thinks followed by a loud gulp.

2011-04-14, 09:38 AM
After many days travel Thomas eventually arrives at the gate of Dorunsmere. He lets out a sigh as he starts the final leg to his destination and makes his way towards the main gate. Oh blimey.. Here goes nothing he thinks followed by a loud gulp.

The Merchant gate is a huge structure, an archway seemingly stolen from some dwarven fortress somewhere. As you walk into the city, you pass over a well worn bronze plate about three feet wide by six and a half feet long. Inscribed on it in faded letters are the words:
Here lies Dorun. May his legacy last forever. He welcomes you with a warm smile and a kind hand.

2011-04-14, 05:32 PM
Hmm seems like a nice place, maybe its not as bad as Father made out Thomas picks up his spirits and strides through the arch in towards the city.

2011-04-14, 05:36 PM
Hmm seems like a nice place, maybe its not as bad as Father made out Thomas picks up his spirits and strides through the arch in towards the city.

The market bustles with activity, not appearing at all like the dystopic dictatorship you were warned of. Besides, what did those people know? Dorunsmere was the only big city not run by gangs or the church, and if anywhere was safe from Francis the Redeemer, it's right here.

You become a little bit more unsettled when you realize that ten feet to your left, a young woman is walking exactly the same pace as you, slipping through the throng of people with ease to match you lockstep. She isn't looking straight at you, but instead seems to be watching you in the shop windows as she walks.

2011-04-14, 05:56 PM
Thomas starts to browse a stall before moving off towards another but in the opposite direction of the woman. He tries to keep a subtle eye on her movements as he walks about the square.

2011-04-14, 06:08 PM
Thomas starts to browse a stall before moving off towards another but in the opposite direction of the woman. He tries to keep a subtle eye on her movements as he walks about the square.

When you turn around from browsing, the woman is gone. You notice, as you make your way about, that there seems to be more of these "shadows", following people as they walk around and then melting into the crowd again.

2011-04-14, 06:53 PM
Thomas shudders as he suddenly feels very uncomfortable in this market square, he approaches the nearest mechant "Um hello, could you tell me where the nearest guard barracks are?" He says gingerly, his eyes darting around him.

2011-04-14, 06:56 PM
Thomas shudders as he suddenly feels very uncomfortable in this market square, he approaches the nearest mechant "Um hello, could you tell me where the nearest guard barracks are?" He says gingerly, his eyes darting around him.

"Oh, that's just to the south, The Bastion."

2011-04-14, 07:00 PM
"Oh thankyou" Thomas smiles and quickly shuffles off in the direction the merchant pointed, constantly looking about him for followers.

2011-04-14, 09:18 PM
"Oh thankyou" Thomas smiles and quickly shuffles off in the direction the merchant pointed, constantly looking about him for followers.

The followers do not appear as you head towards the Bastion. You come upon it suddenly, a large white tower surrounded by a keep. Faceless-helmed armoured warriors in white armour stand in front of the keep motionless.

2011-04-15, 02:50 AM
This is the city watch? Rod thinks to himself. "Wow" He sets off into the tower smiling at the guards as he passes.

2011-04-15, 09:18 AM
This is the city watch? Rod thinks to himself. "Wow" He sets off into the tower smiling at the guards as he passes.

When you get inside, a man walks up to you.

"Hello, how are you today? Is there something you need?"

2011-04-15, 09:37 AM
Thomas offers to shake the mans hand with a wide grin on his face "I am Thomas, im looking to join the city guard is this where I sign up?"

2011-04-15, 09:40 AM
Thomas offers to shake the mans hand with a wide grin on his face "I am Thomas, im looking to join the city guard is this where I sign up?"

"Why yes. We could always use an extra pair of eyes and ears out on the streets. Tell me, are you new to the city? How was your journey here?"

2011-04-15, 10:16 AM
"Really? Wow!" Thomas beams with excitment almost hopping on the spot "It was fine, a long journey from Dale village by foot but I didnt run into any trouble"

2011-04-15, 03:04 PM
"Really? Wow!" Thomas beams with excitment almost hopping on the spot "It was fine, a long journey from Dale village by foot but I didnt run into any trouble"

"And would you care to explain your suspicious behaviour in the marketplace today? You seemed to be acting nervously."

2011-04-16, 06:59 AM
"Well people were follow- Wait a minute! How could you possibly of known that?" Thomas blurts out starting to think the dystopian rumours may hold more water than it first seemed.

2011-04-16, 01:13 PM
"Well people were follow- Wait a minute! How could you possibly of known that?" Thomas blurts out starting to think the dystopian rumours may hold more water than it first seemed.

"Shadowbane Stalkers, the eyes and ears of the Order and her Bastion. If you're going to live here you'd best get used to being seen and heard."

2011-04-18, 04:09 AM
"Shadowbane stalkers? How strange... I thought they may have been theives or something. I havent done something wrong have I!?"

2011-04-18, 09:01 AM
"Shadowbane stalkers? How strange... I thought they may have been theives or something. I havent done something wrong have I!?"

"Not that we know of. Though feel free to confess anything you have done."

2011-04-18, 09:21 AM
Thomas stops and thinks for a moment "No im pretty sure im clean, so whats next then? Can I sign up?"

2011-04-18, 09:23 AM
Thomas stops and thinks for a moment "No im pretty sure im clean, so whats next then? Can I sign up?"

"Of course. Unless you plan on becoming a stalker or inquisitor, we can put you as an assisting position to one of our district chiefs. You'll need training first though, something Master Oakwhisper can see to tomorrow once you've settled in the city."

2011-04-18, 09:35 AM
"Oh great! His face lights up with excitement before changing into a look of slight worry "So... where can I stay in this city?" He asks as he suddenly realises he is homeless.

2011-04-18, 09:39 AM
"Oh great! His face lights up with excitement before changing into a look of slight worry "So... where can I stay in this city?" He asks as he suddenly realises he is homeless.

"Well the adventurers' quarter has many cheap lodgings, if you don't mind disease and ticks. I'm sure the Order could rent you a room if you want though, would be about two gold a month."

2011-04-20, 09:16 AM
"As great as the adventurer quarters sound I think ill take the Orders lodging, I have some gold to start me off but will I be on the pay roll soon then?"

2011-04-20, 09:55 AM
"As great as the adventurer quarters sound I think ill take the Orders lodging, I have some gold to start me off but will I be on the pay roll soon then?"

"You will be."

The cell is a small room with a cot and a basin in the corner to wash your face. You have a covered chamber pot and even a small chest for keeping personal belongings in.

2011-04-20, 10:19 AM
Thomas follows the man into the room, thanks him and sits upon his cot. Well here I am he thinks to himself beofre putting his belongings away and lying back on the bed.

Depending on the time of day he will either sleep or go for a wander around town

2011-04-20, 10:24 AM
Thomas follows the man into the room, thanks him and sits upon his cot. Well here I am he thinks to himself beofre putting his belongings away and lying back on the bed.

Depending on the time of day he will either sleep or go for a wander around town

Let's say it's night, he's been through a lot today.

The next morning you are told that you'll start training in the evening. What would you like to do for the morning and afternoon?

2011-04-20, 10:35 AM
Thomas decides to go for a walk around the city, getting to know the districs. He exits the building, chooses a random direction and starts walking.

2011-04-20, 10:41 AM
Thomas decides to go for a walk around the city, getting to know the districs. He exits the building, chooses a random direction and starts walking.

Obviously not going towards the prison, you come to Six Stair Circle, where the six major temples of Dorunsmere are situated (Heironeous, Kord, Pholtus, Pelor, Rao, St. Cuthbert). In the centre of the square here, there is a statue of a young man in platemail holding a morningstar in one hand and a pelorite text in the other. A sunburst surronds his head, and a cracked purple gem on a necklace (the only part of the statue not made of marble) hangs around his neck.

2011-04-24, 07:44 AM
This place just gets crazier... Tom thinks ashe he stands in awe looking up at the statue. He turns around and looks at the other temples thinking about what each one could represent, he decides to walk to the St Cuthbert temple out of curiosity and looking around old building is a good way to kill time.

2011-04-24, 09:24 AM
This place just gets crazier... Tom thinks ashe he stands in awe looking up at the statue. He turns around and looks at the other temples thinking about what each one could represent, he decides to walk to the St Cuthbert temple out of curiosity and looking around old building is a good way to kill time.

The temple of Saint Cuthbert is abandoned, boarded up, with all the stained glass broken. Twenty years ago, this city used to be a bastion of Cuthbertian faith, but that ended around the time of Countess Amelia and her Seraphim Rose (and evil cult)