View Full Version : Help with maxing single ability(s)

2011-04-12, 10:01 PM
Hello all. I've had a dream for a while of building six characters, one for each of the 6 ability scores, each one focusing on getting the highest possible score of their chosen ability, a la the Miniatures Handbook's "Warhulk" (Strength, that is).

I'm here hoping some of you might have some ideas. I recently posted these as part of this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194082&page=3) as one of my Dream Teams. Please help me realize my dream. :smallbiggrin:

Actual increases in ability scores are preferable, but bonuses to ability score-related skills & special abilities are appropriate, as well. Increases to qualities influenced by an ability aren't the focus, tho (i.e. we like Strength points, but not necessarily melee attack bonus).
Playability is appreciated, but generally the easiest way to get increases to ability scores is through templates, so having low HD may be a hazard of the concept.
I try to go for something playable in a group and not incredibly scary-looking, as the Feral Lloth-touched Wendigo Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale Bbn 1/Ftr 2/Warhulk 10 nets a +44 Str at 20th (before items), but is evil…really evil, and, well, a floating, bloody-stumped man-whale. Just...weird, dude.
I'll accept Incarnum and maneuvers, but don't have much (read, any) experience with them.

My ideas so far:

Feral Draconic Half-Minotaur Goliath Bear Spirit Totem Mountain Rage Bbn 1/Dungeoncrasher Ftr 2/Marshal 2 or PsyWar 2/Warhulk 10. +24 Str at 20th (if my calculations are correct). Auras - Art of War and Motivate Strength (if Marshall). Psi Feat - Focused Sunder (if PsyWar). Traits - Brawler, Musclebound, Slow & Steady, and Stout. Flaws - Poor Reflexes, homebrewed x3. Feats at 1st level - Power Attack, Imp Bull Rush, Imp Overrun, Imp Sunder, Imp Grapple, Extra Rage, Broadback (homebrew; treat Str as 3 higher for carrying capacity). Feats up to 20th - Steady Mountaineer [RoS], Knockback [RoS], Daredevil Athlete, Fling Enemy, Shock Trooper, Extend Rage. Ends up as a Large creature with Powerful Build.
I'm fairly happy with this one (the inspiration for the rest). Tweaks are welcome.

Chameleon Creature Gloura Whirling Frenzy Bbn 1 Mnk 2 Clr 3 Duelist 4 for Dex/Wis/Cha/Int to AC, +10 to Dex, Time domain (for Imp Initiative). Madly MAD, tho. Fly speed, Climb speed if anyone tries to take me from the skies. Chameleon doesn't grant Dex, but major bonuses to Hide/Move Silently. Minor support with Brd 7 and Clr 3 casting. But more AC devoted than Dex. Ideas?

Arctic (+1 LA, +2 Con) draconic (+1 LA, +2 Con) mineral warrior (+1 LA, +4 Con) mongrelfolk (+0, +4 Con) for LA +3 and Con +12. Traits - Hardy, Passionate, Relentless, Slow. Flaws - Inattentive, Poor Reflexes, Shaky, Vulnerable. Not sure about classes. Undying Way alternate Monk [UA] grants Toughness, +2 Concentration, Endurance, & Diehard by 6th. Hit points and dmg reduction are nice for this build, but we'd rather see Con increases.

Phrenic (+2 LA, +2 Int) pixie (+4 LA, +6 Int) rogue 1 cloistered cleric 1 diviner 1 erudite 11?
Phrenic (+2 LA, +2 Int) human paragon 3 (+2 Int) rogue 1 cloistered cleric 1 diviner 1 erudite 12?
This is where I'm really starting to stumble.

Phrenic (+2 LA, +2 Wis) guardian monster (+2) elan (+0) psywar 2 psion (seer) 14. +4 Wis? Flavorful, as elan fits the theme.
Phrenic (+2 LA, +2 Wis) shifter (+0) psywar 2 psion (seer) 14. +2 Wis? Some shifter feat possibilities.
Phrenic (+2 LA, +2 Wis) pixie (+4 LA, +4 Wis) psywar 2 psion (seer) 12. +6 Wis?
Phrenic (+2 LA, +2 Wis) jermaline (+0 LA, +6 Wis) psywar 2 psion (seer) 16. +8 Wis? Who knew jermaline could rock?
Can someone find a qualifying race for Guardian Monster that grants a Wis bonus? (and not to much LA)
Psion (seer) was tacked on 'cause it fit. Psywar for feats.

Someone suggested - Bard 9 Heartwarder 9 Sublime Chord 2. Feats and abilities - Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Nymph's Kiss, Dodge, Nimbus of Light, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Vow of Nudity [new], Holy Radiance, Mobility, Stigmata, Nonlethal Substitution, Vow of Nonviolence, Blessed of the Seven Sisters, Chaos Music, Vow of Peace, Enchanting Song, Gift of Faith x2. Claiming +4 inherent and +13 otherwise to Cha.
Magic-blooded (+0, +2) Fire-souled (+1, +4) Phrenic (+2, +4) Petal (+2 LA, 1 HD, +8) for ECL 6 with 1 HD and Cha +18.
Warlock has Beguiling Influence invocation (bonus to Cha skills).
Marshall has Motivate Charisma aura.
Warchief PrC from MinisHB. +6 Cha by 10th lvl.
Saint template at lvl 6, plus need to be Exalted. LA +2 for +4 Cha.
Half-Nymph? Half-Fey?
Can you be a non-evil succubus?

Anyway, that's where I'm at. Sorry if I've asked too much, or not given enough. Thanks in advance.

2011-04-20, 08:05 AM

I'll have to assume that I included too much poorly-formatted material in my post for anyone to show interest?

Come on, guys! I KNOW you love OP'ing builds, why not mine?

Any response in appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

2011-04-20, 08:23 AM
Just an FYI, Dragonwrought kobolds get essentially a free +3 to all mental stats. And, they qualify for epic feats. Look at the Great #stat feats. Get to 25, then start chaos shuffling feats into additional stat boosts.

Combine with any location that gives you a feat, like Otoyugh Hole. Gain an additional stat per week for an arbitrarily high total.

Jack Zander
2011-04-20, 01:11 PM
For the Constitution character, have him go cleric for Shield Other on the entire party at the beginning of each day.

Viktyr Gehrig
2011-04-20, 02:12 PM
For the Charisma build, Marshal 1 for Motivate Charisma, so you can add your Charisma twice to all Charisma-based skills.

2011-04-20, 02:19 PM
For Charisma, just go with a Gloura, (fallen) Cobra-Strike Monk 2/ Paladin of Slaughter 2/ Arcane Duelist 3/ Blackguard 3/ Mystic Wanderer 1. That gets Cha to saves three times and to AC four times with Ascetic Mage. Get Divine Might to get Cha to damage. The Dexterous Attack ability from Arcane Duelist gets silly when combined with two-handed Power Attack, and you can afford to go the Leap Attack/Shock Trooper route and still have an untouchable AC.

2011-04-20, 02:42 PM
Base: 18 (Human)
Vow of Poverty +8(26)
Leveling +4(30)
Human Paragon +2(32)
Tome +5(37)
Chameleon class +6(43)
Fox's Cunning +4 (47)
=Int score of 47. Add in aging rules for 50.

2011-04-20, 02:46 PM
Just an FYI, Dragonwrought kobolds get essentially a free +3 to all mental stats. And, they qualify for epic feats. Look at the Great #stat feats. Get to 25, then start chaos shuffling feats into additional stat boosts.

Combine with any location that gives you a feat, like Otoyugh Hole. Gain an additional stat per week for an arbitrarily high total.

Deep template from a Dragon mag gets you +2 int, and dragon psychosis templates can get you another 10 or so int.

Also check out Power Leech from BoVD.

2011-04-20, 04:56 PM
For your Con class, go Totemist.

Seriously. ALL of your abilities are based off of Constitution, including a few really good ones (assuming you can get stupidly high Con).

Better yet, go Totemist/Barbarian/Totem Rager for the win.

2011-04-20, 05:29 PM
X stat to Y bonus
This link might be helpful.

2011-04-20, 11:39 PM
If you're willing to allow extreme cheese, throw some Cancer Mage on your Strength character, then have him contract Festering Rage. This combo can get you near infinite strength.

Andion Isurand
2011-04-21, 03:34 AM
The Arctic template has a +0 LA
Add Dragonborn to the Constitution list.

The first level of the half dragon progression class is good for Strength + Intelligence


Obah-Blessed template from Dungeon Magazine 136 is a fun one to look at.

+2 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Cha
one extra pair of arms
multi-weapon fighting bonus feat
+2 LA

-- or --

+4 Str, +6 Dex, +4 Con, +6 Cha
two extra pairs of arms
multi-weapon fighting bonus feat
+3 LA

Andion Isurand
2011-04-21, 03:46 AM
Base: 18 (Human)
Vow of Poverty +8(26)
Leveling +4(30)
Human Paragon +2(32)
Tome +5(37)
Chameleon class +6(43)
Fox's Cunning +4 (47)
=Int score of 47. Add in aging rules for 50.

The Deep Imaskari have the human subtype... and get -2 Dex and +2 Int.

2011-04-21, 03:40 PM
Thanks for the tips! We'll see how they all work out...<late night approaching>

FYI: Again, I'm trying to have a really high single attribute, not necessarily supercharge all my various stats (AC, BAB, saves, etc) by applying an extra attribute to them (e.g. monk's Wis to AC, or Duelist's Int to AC).
I know it's particular, but I like the idea.

Thanks again!

2011-10-02, 09:02 PM
Just an FYI, Dragonwrought kobolds get essentially a free +3 to all mental stats. And, they qualify for epic feats. Look at the Great #stat feats. Get to 25, then start chaos shuffling feats into additional stat boosts.

Um, so how do I get the +3 to mental stats? And where does it say they qualify for [Epic] feats?

2011-10-02, 09:07 PM
Um, so how do I get the +3 to mental stats? And where does it say they qualify for [Epic] feats?

Races of the Dragon + Draconomicon. Draconomicon says that Dragons of age Old or greater can select Epic feats. Races of the Dragon gives Kobolds an age chart, so they can be Old, and Dragonwrought changes their type to Dragon. Voila, a Dragon of Old age. Races also mentions that Dragonwrought 'bolds don't suffer physical aging penalties, so you can make one Venerable for +3 to all mental stats with no drawback (being Dragonwrought also conveniently extends their maximum lifespan, allowing you to do this and still have a character with a useful life.)

2011-10-02, 09:24 PM
Getting more out of str:
Reckless rage increases rage bonuses by +2
You can, technically, apply the half-ogre template (DR313) to a large creature for +4 more str and no LA or CR increase.
Water Orc better chassis than goliath, as they both get +4 str, but water orc has no LA. Use that freed up LA to grab lolth touched for +6 more str & con.

Old magic blooded unseelie incarnate necropolitan warforged with evolved template on it 22 times. Has 1 HD and like +40 something charisma.

2011-10-02, 09:30 PM
For Constitution, Warblade/Deepwarden 2/Kensai 5 will give you Concentration checks for attacks with Warblade maneuvers, CON to AC from Deepwarden, and Concentration to reflex with Kensai. Combine with the Steadfast Determination feat to add CON to will saves. You can even be a Dwarf and take three levels of Dwarven Paragon for +4 total to CON, equal to the Mongrelfolk.

Intelligence: Faerie Mysteries Initiate for INT to HP, Kung Fu Genius for INT to Monk AC, Insightful Reflexes for INT to Reflex, Keen Intellect for INT to Will, then just take full Psion for INT to your PP total. I have no idea why you would want to take a single level in Rogue, Diviner, and Cloistered Cleric.

Wisdom should be looking at Tashalatora Monk with Psychic Warrior or Ardent. If you want to get cheesy with anthropomorphic characters, I believe the anthropomorphic bat is something like +8 WIS at +0 LA.

[EDIT] Is there a difference between a Draconic template and a Dragonborn (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20060105b&page=1) template? Because if so, then that's another +2 CON for no LA.