View Full Version : Eberron Legacy Weapons

2011-04-12, 11:13 PM
I'm running the Eberron adventure series for some friends. Two of the characters have particularly interesting backstories - both of which involve ancient swords made to fight the madness of Xoriat.

One character is playing a half-orc barbarian/oracle, who believes he is destined to close a breach between Xoriat and Eberron. He has a masterwork falchion of strange red metal. It has been named The Crimson Grin.

The other character is playing a hobgoblin Indiana Jones (rogue). Before he went freelance he hunted down Dhakaani relics for his clan in the Seawall mountains. After a series of mishaps he finds himself alone in the burial chamber of a forgotten Dhakaani warlord. He picks up the warlord's blade and sees a vision. He is a descendant of this warlord and the sword is his legacy.

I've been toying with the idea of turning these blades into 'Weapons of Legacy' but I'm not really sure what abilities to give each sword, and what rituals to require.

I thought I'd throw the idea out to the Playgrounders and let it marinate in your awesomeness for a while. Any thoughts or suggestions?

2011-04-12, 11:16 PM
No, not really, I just couldn't resist.

2011-04-12, 11:24 PM
My suggestion for your legacy weapons is to avoid Weapons of Legacy entirely.

It is sadly one of only two attempts by WotC to handle the concept of a great weapon that grows with you so that you can keep it throughout your career, but it is awful. The other, Ancestral Relic in the Book of Exalted Deeds, is much better but may not cover exactly what you're looking for.

I'd suggest just allowing it to grow, gaining either regular special properties or homebrewed ones, and then just subtract the value of these growths from WBL.

2011-04-13, 06:13 AM
Yeah reading through the book I was thoroughly unimpressed.

2011-04-13, 07:00 AM
My suggestion would be to give him Kamate, let it just level with him and drop the idea of rituals and skill/hp penalties entirely.

2011-04-13, 08:00 AM
My suggestion would be to give him Kamate, let it just level with him and drop the idea of rituals and skill/hp penalties entirely.

I'd drop the penalties, since they are stupid, but the rituals are very flavorful and bring an actual sense of accomplishment to the evolving of a weapon.