View Full Version : What to take after being a mind flayer? (Gestalt, 3.x)

Lord Blace
2011-04-13, 01:16 AM
So I'm currently playing in a gestalt campaign, and am currently savage species illithid/wizard. I'm wondering what prc or class I should take after I'm done with illithid (15 levels with savage species progression). My first thought was either Ur-Priest or a wizard prc with no casting progression, since naturally I'll be increasing my wizard casting on the other side. Things are approved of on a case-by-case basis, so any sources are at least worth bringing up with the DM. Thanks for the help!

2011-04-13, 01:40 AM
Illithid savant is good if cheesy.

If you want to go gish body tamer is a good choice.

Beyond that I got nothing.

2011-04-13, 01:45 AM
If you could get something that would make your brain removal ability more likely to succeed that could be the best as it is a source of instant kills. That or a Binder :D

2011-04-13, 01:48 AM
If you could get something that would make your brain removal ability more likely to succeed that could be the best as it is a source of instant kills. That or a Binder :D

Building on this, a Totemist would be pretty scary. If you want to get your grapple check up to crazy high levels, Totemist very well may be the class for you. You can use the passive skill bonuses and defensive abilities when you want to focus on casting, and you can use the grappling abilities when you want to focus on eatin' brains.

Darth Stabber
2011-04-13, 01:45 PM
I don't remember if it was part of the savage species progression or not, but psion (telepath) was listed in some book as stacking with your illithid hit dice. If that is not an option, may I instead suggest warblade? Int synergy and your initiator level would already be 7, you you could get all of the diamond mind save replacers and Iron Heart Surge in just 2-3 levels. Plus the full bab would go nicely with tentacle attacks, and d12hd. You probably don't want to be primarily a meleer, but the defensive possibilities to back up a wizard offense, and other class features would probably suit you well.

Alternately totemist, as mentioned, is a wonderful addition, and since you already have pretty decent natural weapons, you would get some really nice bonuses.

Also body tamer is a great prc, but the psionic abstainence is a pain in the butt (you can't use your psi-likes/psionic abilities or you lose some class features for a time (no atonment needed though)). I have never seen a body tamer pc, but I have had really good luck with them as npcs.

2011-04-13, 02:44 PM
Illithid Savant is quite obvious. Also, a martial class such as Warblade or Swordsage could add quite a bit of punch.


2011-04-13, 02:49 PM
Illithid Savant is pure cheese. Steal a Choker's ability to always do two standard actions a round and see how long it takes for a DMG to be thrown at your head.

Telepath is a great choice, and also provides fitting fluff. And I also support the totemist idea, for the natural attacks.

Anything that makes good use of your intelligence would be good. Maybe factotum? They aren't exactly powerhouses, but you've already got plenty of pure might from being a wizard with a massive int score. They get to add int as a bonus to a whole lot of things, which is nice. It would be fun from an RP perspective as well, you could claim you're such a know-it-all because you absorb knowledge from the brains you eat.

Lord Blace
2011-04-14, 12:05 PM
Thanks guys! Though, psionics are out. DM says he is too unfamiliar with the rules and such regarding it. The SLA's are treated like innate sorcerer sla's instead of psionics. Which books are totemist and factotum from?

2011-04-14, 05:14 PM
Thanks guys! Though, psionics are out. DM says he is too unfamiliar with the rules and such regarding it. The SLA's are treated like innate sorcerer sla's instead of psionics. Which books are totemist and factotum from?

Magic of Incarnum and Dungeonscape.

Incidentally, Dungeonscape was written by some guy who does webcomics about stick figures. Doubt he'll ever amount to anything.:smallwink:

classy one
2011-04-14, 08:34 PM
Psionics is out in a illithid campaign? What is wrong the the world today? That like saying you are all wizards but I'm banning arcane magic.

2011-04-14, 08:40 PM
If your wizard half is going to be focused on Necromancy Horned Harbinger could be pretty silly. The class is usually horrid since it was made for casters but has no spellcasting advancement at all which means it's totally counterproductive for the characters that where meant to take it. While it IS setting specific and has a setting specific RP-entry requirement the actual crunch of the class beyond the pre-reqs is not tied to the setting and if you can get your DM to homebrew some non-setting specific but still thematic pre-reqs for the class then It would actually be good in gestalt since the lack of a casting progression would not hurt your wizard side and it would allow a necro wizard to be good at undead animation, the only necromancy thing at which wizards suck.

The class gives you rebuke, some domains, a permanent deathwatch effect, Animate Dead, Create Undead and Create Greater Undead as SLAs that are in some ways stronger then the actual spells and you also get two class features that allow you to create MORE undead then even a cleric with the deathbound domain and desecrate....a horrid class for a necro wizard in non-gestalt games but an utterly awesome class for them in gestalt where their CL is not effected by taking it.

However, if your NOT going as a necro-focused wizard then I don't really have ideas beyond what was already suggested.

Lord Blace
2011-04-14, 09:29 PM
Psionics is out in a illithid campaign? What is wrong the the world today? That like saying you are all wizards but I'm banning arcane magic.

Not an illithid campaign. In fact, the other player was an astral deva. Was. He ended up not liking it and making a new character, which worked out since we ended the session with him bound to a chair and my illithid pondering what to do with him. Now that he's making a new character, destruction seems like the best and most in-character thing to do. I was holding off from it because, you know, fellow pc.
Anyways, it basically boiled down to this:
DM: "I want to run a campaign! Level 6 gestalt!"
DM: -Looks over it.- "Sure! But there's no psionics, it'll be like sorcerer sla's."
Me: "That's cool with me!"

So now I'm an evil mastermind trying to grab power from behind an eeeeevil curtain.

2011-04-14, 09:31 PM
Thrall Herd is the one we should have been saying :P

2011-04-14, 11:08 PM
So, let's see... you have Mindflayer on one side, and wizard on the other.

As dumb as it may sound to some people, I'd throw monk on top of the Mindflayer, and take Carmendine Monk or Kung Fu Genius.


Grapple, Flurry of Tentacles, boost to saves, Evasion, etc. You don't need anything when you already have Wizard on the other side, so you may as well have fun.

If on the other hand, you're looking for something more RP-ish with your intents to be the power behind the throne, maybe Mindspy (Complete Warrior) so you can read everyones thoughts and manipulate them.