View Full Version : [3.5] Need Help Stating NPCS Part 1: Epic Bonus Boss / Big Good?

2011-04-13, 01:37 AM
I had someone rather smart kick me in the head for the way I came about asking for information. I see looking back that I sure as heck deserved it.

So I spent today reading. With my eyes. With bright light instead of shadows. And with actual sleep (although I'm tearing into my sleep posting this, so I'm probably going to screw up a heck of a lot).

Our DM is going to allow each of us to suggest an encounter of some kind. Association with an NPC, a dungeon, a quest, a monster fight, a character fight, any one thing we want, so we each have something we (hopefully) wanted and could attempt to do.

My character (the continuous Warblade that I keep yapping about) is the Son of a level 20 King. Borderline Epic. And hopefully with the strength to match. And for my encounter, I would want our party to go through a tournament, and eventually enable the Prince to be able to take on his Old Man in combat (every Warrior based story needs a Tournament Arc, followed by the reckless champion getting his ass handed to him by a superior, then borderline tying with him while getting a bit of characterization pounded into him).

I was looking for what I could get to stat this King, and I came back upon the resources I was using for my Warblade: The Complete Champion, the Complete Divine, and the Tome of Battle. I was doing some reading on prestige classes for Clerics, thinking of having the King be a Cleric Zilla or Super Cleric of some kind (since Kings crowned by Gods was a common thing even in real world society), and I came across the Ruby Night Vindicator. The name -alone- has me interested, but I don't like the Deity. Isn't Wee Jas Evil? And doesn't a Cleric have to be within a certain step of his or her deity? Even Lawful Neutral would be a better option than the King being Evil (although I'd like him to be as Good as I can)...

I did other looking, and found other things, from the Radiant Servant of Pelor, to the Shining Blade of Heronieous... but I kinda liked Ruby Night Vindicator. You just can't beat that kind of awesome in a title. Or can you?

Long story short (and hopefully as clear as I can be), can a Good Cleric / Crusader become a Ruby Night Vindicator? And if so, would a Cleric 9 / Crusader 1 / Ruby Night Vindicator 10 still be able to use 9th Level Spells? If not, are there any other cool / strong melee prestige classes that could be applied to a Cleric desiring to be Melee? If possible, leave spell casting okay enough so that the King could be able to prove to invasionary forces and other plot blisters -why- -he- is the -King-. I'm not quite sure what Miracle is capable of, but (assuming we can get a good deity) that would be interesting to see applied... I'll worry about Feats and Spells once I get the skeleton put together properly.

Unless there's some bloodline thing that could be light enough to allow the son of this character to be passed off as a Human, the Cleric would have to be a Human. Allignment is restricted to Non-Evil and Non-Chaotic. True Neutral sounds kinda weird too, actually. Books can pretty much be.... anything but Incarnum and Dragon Magazine, off of the top of my head.

2011-04-14, 11:39 PM
I'm bumping this again because I'm editing the first post by a -heck- of a lot, at least compared to what it was. What was an essoteric enigma / cry for help has become an actual idea. Heck, it actually helped me with the other parts of my ideas.

2011-04-15, 11:50 AM
Wee Jas is Lawful Neutral, actually, so it is entirely possible for her to have a Lawful Good cleric.

And yes, the Ruby Knight Vindicator is a very powerful class, and yes, that class combination will give 9th level spells at character level 20.

2011-04-22, 12:35 AM
I can't figure out how to roleplay a Warrior worshiping a Sorceress.... at least not a Sorceress Deity. I feel like a marrage would need to be involved. But at least he can be Lawful Good. Definitely has to be Lawful Good.

I'm also trying to think of a theoretical build that would enable 9th level Spell Slots, but as many Crusader abilities as possible... unfortunately, due to the Ruby Knight Vindicator only giving 8/10ths Cleric Levels, I'd need 9 levels of Cleric to get said spells... is there any other way for such a character to get access to 9th level spells? An item or anything? Although then again, Earth Quake and Fire Storm are probably enough for Invasion Vanquishing Power.... still lacks the kick of a Miracle...

I also did a little reading.... do I have it right that a Ruby Knight Vindicator can reactivate Swift Actions by burning a Turn Undead Attempt as many times as they want to? Like, Infinitely?

I'm trying to think of some good feats for this character... considering he'll be using a Shield and Sword, not sure about Power Attacking... I heard Holy Warrior + War Domain was a good combo, as was Strength Devotion and Travel Devotion.... and then Divine Meta Magic would be good, assuming I could decide what spells I want to cast....

And speaking of spells, which spells increase melee potential again? I need to make a list of them for each level, but I'll do that only once I've figured out all the levels of Cleric and Ruby Knight Vindicator he'll be taking. I randomly thought I heard of such spells including Divine Power and Righteous Might, but not only do I not know what such spells do, I don't remember where I heard them from.... am I just stupid/insane?

I'll probably wake up tomorrow morning and need to fix a few errors in posting....