View Full Version : Final Battles

2011-04-13, 08:05 PM
In any campaigns you've finished, have you had an amazing final battle? For DM's, do you have any ideas for a final battle for your current campaign? Any stories would be nice. I'm not looking for suggestions or advice, just out of curiosity.

2011-04-13, 09:20 PM
Yes, we have. After beating a Uberpowerful Lich and takeing its stuff as a evil party and takeing over its kingdom, we flashforworded about 30 years. Then,while the party relaxes in there thrones, there own (good) kids show up, declaring to end our lives, because by then we were pretty much evil overlords, and are kids the designated 'good guys'

The party consisted of
.A elvin necromancer
A half ogre half troll barbarien
.A humanpalidan of Tiranny, The most evil out of all of us.
. A drow rouge.
.And a human wizard.
Altho we were all near epic level, we all had advanced 3 age catagorys over that time, and were weaker than are own kids. The whole thing ended after our party used every dirty trick we thought of, until finaly the elf uses the last bit of magic in him to cause the castile to crumble. However, the kids excape. In the end, we were all happy, for what better way to end a evil campaine then to become the final bosses for another adventurer party!