View Full Version : The Avatar Rebellion (IC)

2011-04-13, 08:36 PM
Fire, Earth, Water, Air. These are the 4 Elements. These run our lives. The people who can Bend these Elements, the Benders, are what hold our society together. Ruled by the Avatar, master of all 4 Elements, we have prospered. But lately something has changed. Each incarnation of the Avatar is getting more corrupt, less tolerant of Non-Benders.
Leaked reports have made public plans to get rid of Non-Benders, Normals. They plan on slowly breeding out the Normal blood. We want to stop this.
When the last Avatar died, but before the new one came to power, we struck. Taking vast swathes of land and converting Thousands to our cause. As we neared Capitol, the residence of the Council, disaster struck. A new Avatar had been found, one more powerful than any other known. She came down on our armies of Benders and Normals and slaughtered them, killing all but a few.
The rebels survived that day, barely, and we have been increasing in number for a decade. We are almost ready for another strike against the Avatar and her Council, that day is close at hand.
Will you join the fight against the Avatar? Will you join the rebellion?

The Council are 9 people, the 2 most powerful Firebenders, the 2 most powerful Airbenders, the 2 most powerful Earthbenders, the 2 most powerful Waterbenders and the Avatar. They make the laws of the kingdom and reside in the Avatar Palace next to the Bending Academy of Capitol.

Bending Schools and Academies
Bending School is where young Benders learn about the history of the Empire and how to control their powers. Bending Academy is where the gifted learn the more advanced arts and subtle Bending Techniques of their discipline.

You have been selected for a mission, a raid on a Bending School where the execution of Normals are being carried out. You have been given the designation BTJ (Bending Team J).

2011-04-16, 09:33 PM
Styx rarely leaves Tunuk's saddle, and for good reason, he is more powerful there than anywhere. He often fools people, for they think he is a normal. He is a happy man when out of battle, but serious while in it. Actually, whenever he puts his metal helmet on, he gets pretty serious.

2011-04-16, 09:46 PM
Everyone but Kieru are standing in front of a man in red Firebending robes.
"Your mission is to attack a Bending School in the village of Soken. We have confirmed rumors of several Normals being held captive in the basement and used as practice for the older students. You have been chosen to go in and kill the teachers and captors but you must be careful of the students, many are possible recruits and all but the older ones are innocent."

2011-04-16, 11:12 PM
Arashi was dressed in a black garb, a red sash across his waist denoting himself as a firebender. He was kneeling in front of the fire master, one hand on his knee the other placed on the ground.

Arashi snorted. "Whether for the Avatar or the Rebellion, it remains the same. Target is understood, assassination orders received. When will we depart for this school, and do you want it raided and burned to the ground as well?"

2011-04-16, 11:31 PM
"Do not destroy the School. Noncombatants and potential recruits are present in the building. I will blame any noncombatant deaths on you."

2011-04-16, 11:47 PM
"I would expect nothing less." Arashi answered, still not looking up.

2011-04-16, 11:53 PM
"Get up. This is a rebellion, not a parade."

2011-04-17, 12:55 AM
Scoffing, Styx pulls his mount forth and jumps on.

"Alright, lets move out. We have some Normals to save.." He says with a smile, "Unless you would like to parade about!"

He laughs a heartily.

John Cribati
2011-04-17, 04:08 PM
Shun gracefully leaps onto Styx's mount behind him, grabbing him about the waist in an obviously flirtatious gesture.

I love it when a man takes charge.

((OOC: Dear gods, I've already started having too much fun.))

2011-04-17, 08:22 PM
Shun gracefully leaps onto Styx's mount behind him, grabbing him about the waist in an obviously flirtatious gesture.

I love it when a man takes charge.

((OOC: Dear gods, I've already started having too much fun.))

As long as you dont weigh more than 150 lbs..

"Well hello there.. what is your name?" Styx asks, almost awkwardly at first.

2011-04-18, 09:00 AM
Simeon is distractively fidgeting as he sits on his horse, silently pondering how it came to this. Generally he left the world alone and the world left him alone, but the rebellion doesn't feed those that don't pull their weight, and there's no way he can go home now.

2011-04-18, 09:15 AM
"Why are you all still here? get going."
He pauses for a moment then remembers something
"Oh and another member will join your team during the mission. They are currently on a high-priority mission and unable to join you right now."

2011-04-18, 09:37 AM
"We'll get going right away, sir." Says Azten.
He begins walking towards the exit then pauses, seeming to remember something.
"Oh, right. Do you have transportation already available for us or will we have to make our own way?"

2011-04-18, 09:52 AM
He looks at the horses meaningfully.
"It isn't that far. An hour or two from here."

2011-04-18, 11:56 AM
"Get your mount, and lets go!" Styx responds.

2011-04-18, 12:05 PM
*Everyone leaves*

You walk/ride an hour or two to the village.
You see a standard town, villagers make their living on the hill leading up to the Bending School, your objective. It looks imposing against the rising sun, flames seem to engulf it.

2011-04-18, 03:39 PM
Whispering to the group, Alright, whats the plan? Charge in, or ask a few questions first?

2011-04-18, 03:44 PM
"I think it would be best to wait for nightfall and sneak in. We don't know how good the elder students are and charging in is suicide. The villagers might get suspicious if a bunch of people go in and start asking questions."

John Cribati
2011-04-25, 11:51 AM
"So... have we waited long enough?"

2011-04-25, 11:53 AM
You wait until nightfall, the people retreat into their houses but soon after dusk Firebenders light streetlamps and the village transforms into a thriving marketplace.

2011-04-25, 11:53 AM
"Well, its dark out by now!" Styx says, coming back from a little stroll around town to find the layout.

2011-04-26, 01:58 PM
Blending in with the crowd, Kieru waits patiently for her assigned team tofinally show. They really are taking their sweet time, she thinks to herself. She walks to a nearby merchant and purchases some cotton candy to munch on as she continued her wait.
She went over their descriptions again, silently reviewing them mentally so as to ensure she would know them when they show.

2011-04-27, 12:24 AM
OK seriously guys. GO INTO THE VILLAGE!!!! I was expecting you to either plan IC outside the village or immediately head up to the School.

2011-04-27, 08:31 AM
"Ummmm..." Simeon says hesitantly as the others are quiet. "We could all probably pass for students with the right uniforms, if we could find them, although we'd need the right uniform for each person. Surely they let students out into the marketplace." He adjusts his glasses nervously waiting for a response.

John Cribati
2011-04-27, 08:34 AM
I bet I could "acquire" some uniforms for us in town.

2011-04-27, 06:20 PM
The night seems to linger on endlessly. As Kieru begins to come upon the end of her cotton candy she begins to wonder where her group was. She had expected them to come later in the evening, but this late? Maybe I should go look for them... They could be new, a whole lot of green people to work with, FUN, her thoughts wandered before she caught herself. No, stop being negative. This is no time to bring poison to my relation before I've even met them... Yep, time to go find them. And with that Kieru was up to search the crowds.

DM:I would roll a search, but I'm not sure it's entirely appropriate, and if it is I'd take 20, resulting in a 22. If I do find them, I'll make an approach IC, just tell me where they are and I'll go from there.

2011-04-27, 09:29 PM
Looks like I dont need this! Styx says, dropping his hammer to the ground, breaking it into stones, "Lets go do something!"

Density Seed, I take 10 on it to make it into packed dirt.

2011-04-27, 11:15 PM
@Kumori: You find them when they actually come into town.

2011-04-28, 08:11 PM
"Right, no use standing around and looking suspicious, we were supposed to meet up with someone in town, and I'm sure they have some sort of plan for how to get in."
Azten begins walking into town, expecting the rest of the group to follow.

2011-04-29, 01:01 PM
"I've got a bad feeling about this..." Arashi said as he followed the group into town.

2011-04-29, 05:22 PM
"Me neither! This should be fun.." Styx nudges,

2011-04-30, 12:23 AM
As you walk into town even more people leave the house

Everyone but Azten notices people leaving houses that don't match the people who went in, a house that was empty had a dozen people leaving in Firebending robes while a house that had a family of Earthbenders disgorged a pair of Waterbenders.
Even the houses that kept to the same type of Benders had different people leaving.

Kieru spots 4 people matching the descriptions on the dossiers she has, the are entering the town

2011-05-01, 12:51 AM
Finally, Kieru thinks to herself as she spots her group in the crowd, Now the question is 'will I have to lead them by the hand...?' She watches them for a short time, evaluating, before deciding to make her approach.

Kieru's approach is quite direct. She doesn't try to hide herself in any way as doing so would make her more conspicuous than not. As she nears it's obvious where she's headed and when the others notice her, she fakes a broad smile of familiarity. "Your guys came," she calls out excitedly before jumping on Simeon with a hug. "Let me show you around. Come, follow me." She takes Simeon's hand and begins to pull him along, assuming the others will follow.

Kieru spots 4 people matching the descriptions on the dossiers she has, the are entering the town

Isn't there 5 people in the group, other than myself?

2011-05-01, 01:13 AM
OOC: Whoops, I just grabbed the list from the 2nd post, Simeon doesn't spot it either.

2011-05-01, 06:44 AM
Simeon is pulled off his horse but manages to keep both his footing and his hand on the reins as Kieru pulls him along, too surprised to say anything.

OOC:Kumori I realise that you probably didn't realise we were mounted but it was too fun not to put in :smallbiggrin:

Also dammit, I really need to make characters who are better at spotting things, but wisdom just seems to be my perma-dumpstat because it allows myself to get into sticky situations and then attempt to heroically rise above them...

2011-05-01, 06:50 AM
OOC:Also dammit, I really need to make characters who are better at spotting things, but wisdom just seems to be my perma-dumpstat because it allows myself to get into sticky situations and then attempt to heroically rise above them...

OOC: You can do that by RPing a moron without dumping Wis. physical stats are important to RP but mental, not so much due to ambiguity