View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Necromancer Wizard...improved or still the same?

2011-04-14, 11:40 AM
Yes, I, the Maho am back. I was on here a long while back and then left, but I have returned. Recently I've been giving pathfinder a closer look and while the Necromancer wizard in 3.5e sucked utterly at having a legion of undead(WITHOUT third party, that is, Encyclopedia Arcana: Necromancy changed that despite being for 3.0.) I am wondering if he fairs any better at it in pathfinder. The main reasons a cleric was better then a wizard at having a legion of undead in 3.5e where that he had desecrate, rebuke and the deathbound domain while the wizard did not. Also his negative energy/inflict spells helped him be better at it too. In pathfinder, however, it seems to me to be a more even playing field. In pathfinder the necro wizard gains rebuke for free while the cleric needs to take a feat to get it and ther cleric also loses the deathbound domain power meaning that the ONLY things he has on the wizard in terms of undead controling is Desecrate and inflict healing.

So, with all that it certainly seems as if Necro wizards have it better off comparibly to their 3.5e counterparts as far as actually ananimating a legion gose, but I want your opinions. Can the pathfinder wizard be good an making large undead armies or is he, like his 3.5e counterpart doomed to always be a debuffer/enervator and never have a massive army of the dead?

2011-04-14, 12:07 PM
While he does get control undead and negative energy channel for free, the Necro wizard still doesn't have desecrate, and he still doesn't get the animate undead spells until a later level than the cleric. I would say that he still isn't as good as a straight cleric.