View Full Version : Psi-Like ability advancement

Angry Bob
2011-04-14, 12:42 PM
I'm building a 20 HD Dream Master Quori(MoE) for a game I'm running. For all Quori monster entries, their psi-likes are always at ML equal to the monster's ML(Tsoreva = 4, Tsucora = 6, etc.), but its never spelled out anywhere that their psi-likes are always used at ML = HD. Should I advance its ML for its psi-likes(to ML 20) or leave it the way it is(ML 12)? This creatures is designed to be the boss of the second story arc of the campaign, and they're approaching the boss of the first at ECL 10.

2011-04-14, 12:52 PM
I believe the general intention is that ML=HD. While the rules are sadly silent on it, insofar as I can tell in the SRD, the phrenic creature template does explicitly say ML=HD for its abilities, so eh, take that as you will.