View Full Version : Death of Me

2011-04-14, 10:50 PM
You awaken in a large cell with a group of several other creatures. The tortures and interrogations that you have been put through since arriving in the massive Belestor prison complex finally ended hours ago, after being tossed into a cell you collapsed with pain and exhaustion as you look around you realize that the lot of you are all chained to the walls at the ankles. The walls of the cell are lined with blue runes that run over the whole of the walls. There is a single barred window looking out into the night, it's darkness falls into the cell the only light coming from a single torch on the wall.

Silver Night
2011-04-15, 12:24 AM
Torn wakes up and looks around. "What? No hot towels?"

She studies the runes on the wall.

Knowledge (Arcana) [roll0] to understand what the runes do.

Slight of Hand to hide Ring of Protection [roll1]

Use the Alternate Form spell-like ability to turn into a Gnome and try to wriggle out of the manacle. [roll2] (+ whatever bonus there would be for the turning into a gnome if spell-like abilities are working.)

2011-04-15, 12:33 AM
Gusion growls hollowly, as he looks at the wall and attempts to pull himself free of his restraints.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]
Just in case it helps: Knowledge (the Planes): [roll1]

And Str check [roll2]

Not going to try a sleight of hand check because everything else is either a spare, or too big to really hide (gauntlets, cloak, armor).

2011-04-15, 12:40 AM
Torn: As you attempt to change your form the runes on the wall glow a fiery bright red and a spike of pain runs through your head like a fiery poker keeping you from maintaining the concentration necessary.

Gusion: Your thrashing attempts to break our restraints are futile. You recognize the marks on the walls as Symbols of Binding, runes created to interfere with magic.

Your ring was found and confiscated by the guards.

2011-04-15, 12:45 AM
Guison snarls as he recognizes the runes, though their nature came as no surprise. Lacking a better diversion he pulls at the chains again, and again. His eyes survey the room, trying to peer through the window even as he pays special attention to where the torchlight falls. For a moment, Guison wonders why they even bother to place a torch within the room.

Strength check to break the chains again [roll0] don't expect to succeed but I'll take 20 Edit: if possible just because he doesn't have anything better to do at the moment.

2011-04-15, 12:47 AM
The runes say "Explosive Runes"

Rexx wakes up angry. This, of course, is absolutely normal for a T-Rex in the prime of its life, but Rexx woke up with a headache as well, which is extremely unusual, since Tyrannosaurs don't typically dedicate a lot of processing power to things that aren't "Hungry," and "Full."

Unfortunately, when something hurts a T-Rex, the T-Rex has one, primal, overpowering instinct. Rampage. Rising forcefully to his full height, Rexx quickly accelerates, full tilt, into the nearest wall - slamming his head into the magicked stonework in order to break free - or crush his headache, it's a toss-up.

Edit: Would I need to make a strength check to break my chains? Str is +17 right now.

Raging, charge-attacking the nearest wall with leap attack, power attack for 8.
[roll0] - 16 - crits
damage [roll1]
If critical, + [roll2] - 140 damage to a 5x5 chunk of wall, Me Gusta :I
Fort is 17, ac is 9, reflex 6, will -1 (3 to resist mind-affecting during rage? so rusty on normal rage rules) because the runes are going to fry his tiny T-rex brain. Still, if I make an opening - prison break!

Silver Night
2011-04-15, 12:55 AM
Torn hisses at the pain, jerking at the chain, despite having little to no chance of breaking it.

Strength check to break the chain [roll0]

Assuming that doesn't work:

She closes here eyes and again tries to assume the shape of a gnome and slip free.

Concentration [roll1] to try the alter self again and Escape Artist [roll2] to wriggle out. Edit: Also, I was wrong before, alternate form is a supernatural ability. Not sure if that makes a difference.

2011-04-15, 01:20 AM
Guison: You see mountainous peaks outside of the window.

Rexx: You hit the wall and while you manage to crack it a searing flash of energy courses through your body knocking you off of your feet.

Torn: The great beasts thrashings have weakened the power of the runes. You manage to shift into gnome slipping out of your manacles you clamber to your feet.

Rexx takes 15 points of damage and is stunned.

2011-04-15, 01:36 AM
Help me escape Guison says, his diabolic tongue moving quickly against his teeth. I could prove useful.

Even as he speaks he tries to pull at the manacles again.

Strength check [roll0]

Silver Night
2011-04-15, 01:59 AM
Torn frowns and concentrates to return to her normal form.

Concentration [roll0]

"I'm not sure what I can do to help you, my new devilish friend. I'm not much for feats of great strength. I could try to pull at the same time you do, to break the chain, but I don't know that I would add much."

2011-04-15, 02:12 AM
Shrugging, Gusion stretches his wings and attempts to fly up, pulling the shackles tight even as he tugs at one with his leg and coiled tail.

2011-04-15, 02:43 AM
Guison: As you fly up you feel a burning run through your body, you shrug it off and as you strain the chain connecting you to the wall snaps.

2011-04-15, 03:26 AM
Disoriented and confused, Rex stares a moment at the wall that simply failed to crumble. Cognitive dissonance was making his headache worse (or maybe that was the fact that he'd just slammed it into a wall with 7 tonnes behind it.) There was a wall, and then he hit it, and then there was... still a wall?

He screamed at the wall, frustruation and an odd sense of curiosity placating his emotional need for carnage, at least momentarily. Rex sits down, a momentous task that lifts debris and shakes the ground. He looks around as the dust settles, wondering at the tiny creatures held by such fine wire links.

"Tiny creatures, are you not well?" he asks, "Do you keep bound of your own wills? Such strangeness. Would you rather not be free, as myself? Some sport would be had, then, when I grow hungry."

Ending rage, fatigued for 4 rounds.
Some contingency rolls - if anyone wants me to bite off their chains, use these rolls for damage and such. Power attack for 8, but that's it.

2011-04-15, 09:00 AM
Darklaw wakes up from the smashing of walls. He looks at the assembled creatures and fiends, disoriented. He pushes off the wall with his six arms and attempts to walk towards them. The chain pull taut and his leg is jerked frozen.

Temporarily angered, me meditates for a full six seconds, then strikes at the manacle with his fist, channeling the power of the Stone Dragon discipline to render the manacle as soft as paper.

Meditating to gain my maneuvers, then initiating a Mountain Hammer strike on the manacles with my fist. Ignores the hardness of the manacle and does an extra 2d6 damage.

Damage: [roll0] + [roll1] + 7 = 16 damage, no hardness. If it doesn't break, I'll repeat the process of meditating then striking until it is broken.

2011-04-15, 11:19 AM
Gusion observes to see if the others can free themselves, and while he does so he touches his sore ankle and casts Inflict Light Wounds on himself.

Testing to see if I need to make a Concentration check to cast spells, or can even cast them.

2011-04-15, 02:17 PM
Darklaw: After several bashes to the manacles you manage to free yourself.

2011-04-15, 02:28 PM
Darklaw steps free of his bindings, meditating once more to regain his maneuvers. He then begins a different meditation, asking the dark powers for his daily divine spells. While doing so, he asks "How do whe get hout?" in a strange voice that seems to be the mixture of a gurgling low drone and sharp, inflected stresses like a snarling cat.

2011-04-15, 02:35 PM
Coughing up an iron unholy symbol, along with his talisman and a spell component pouch, Gusion kneels down, his eyes half closed as he whispers prayers to the dark powers that fuel his magic.

Silver Night
2011-04-15, 03:22 PM
"We may have some options. Let me meditate." Torn leans against the wall and closes her eyes (though not all the way.)

Silver Night
2011-04-15, 07:19 PM
Torn finishes meditating and stands, studying the door. "Let's see, let's see."

She closes her eyes for a moment and concentrates.

Search on the door, just for kicks: 1d20+

Concentration (if needed) to use the Claitaudience/clairvoyance spell-like ability to see what's going on on the other side of the door. [roll0]

2011-04-16, 12:46 AM
On the other side of the door you see two humanoid creatures covered in chains standing at attention on both sides of the door.

2011-04-16, 12:52 AM
Finished praying, Gusion rises, and iron unholy symbol in hand he looks at the others.

Telepathically he asks them each, How skilled are you at determining the nature of magical auras? I could try and dispel the wards on the wall while our saurian friend attempts to break it down.

Silver Night
2011-04-16, 01:13 AM
Torn replies the same way, "I have some skill. Our friend seems to have already weakened the wards, however, so it may not be needed. There are two guards outside, human in shape, wrapped in chains. I will examine the wards and see if I can determine if they are still active."

Torn turns from the door and focuses on the runes.

Knowledge: The Planes to ID the guards [roll0] if needed.

Casts Detect Magic (As a DN, Concentration if needed: [roll1] ) and focuses on the runes to determine their nature and how efficacious they still are: Spellcraft [roll2]

2011-04-16, 01:16 AM
Noticing the door, Rexx stands up again. He shakes himself, banishing the remnants of his earlier daze, and makes a testing lunge at the perceived weak spot in the room - an instinctive urge he sees no reason to suppress.

Charging without leap attack or power attack
Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage Roll [roll1]

2011-04-16, 01:21 AM
Torn: You determine that the creatures at the door are chain devils and that the runes are radiating a weak abjuration aura.

Rexx: You bash the door down, as you do so however a piercing wail rises up from the fallen door, the hall that the door leads into becomes filled with the piercing wailing noise.

2011-04-16, 01:35 AM
Gusion twitches, and readies himself for combat. I guess there was little need Gusion says telepathically to Torn even as he spreads his wings. He'll head towards to step/fly outside of the rooom ready to face the chain devils outside, his fear aura active, and the words of a fear spell upon his lips.

Initiative roll if need: [roll0]

CL check if they have SR and I manage to cast it due to initiative: [roll1]

Fear DC: 23 (10 + 4 spell level +5 charisma +2 Gr. Spell Focus +2 Dread Witch).

Silver Night
2011-04-16, 01:44 AM
"They are Chain Devils!" Torn winces at the noise and looks mildly shocked by the dinosaur bursting through the door.

Silver Night
2011-04-16, 01:56 AM
Torn heads for the door.

Initiative: [roll0]

Torn will go closer to the door, and cast Extended Magic Circle Against Law (Using DMM, -2 turning attempts.) unless she is attacked before her turn in the initiative.

2011-04-16, 02:47 PM
One of the chain devils reacts quickly to the presence of the dinosaur crashing through the door Back to your cell it hisses, striking out with its chains slashing at Rexx's flank.

Rexx takes 14 damage.

2011-04-21, 11:44 AM
Darklaw makes a quick gesture, igniting his claws, fangs, and feet. Then, using supreme concentration and speed, he dashes around the Kytons and, in a flanking position, leaps at one of them with all appendages.

Initiating Searing Blades, then Bounding Assault. Moving around to flank one, then finish off the charge (using my climb speed if possible to avoid AoOs.) Full attack via pounce, using Unarmed strikes as primary weapons and natural weapons as secondary, including two rakes. Full SA from flanking + Assassins Stance. Each time a claw or bite hits, I get a free grapple without an AoO. Rolling Grapple checks in case, and if any succeed I get another 2 rake attacks.

Unarmed Strikes: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage (1): [roll2] + [roll3] fire + [roll4] sneak attack.
Damage (2): [roll5] + [roll6] fire + [roll7] sneak attack.

Claws (and first rakes): [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11]
Damage (1): [roll12] + [roll13] fire + [roll14] sneak attack.
Damage (2): [roll15] + [roll16] fire + [roll17] sneak attack.
Damage (3): [roll18] + [roll19] fire + [roll20] sneak attack.
Damage (4): [roll21] + [roll22] fire + [roll23] sneak attack.

Bite: [roll24]
Damage: [roll25] + [roll26] fire + [roll27] sneak attack.

Grapple Checks: [roll28] [roll29] [roll30] [roll31] [roll32]
Rake Attacks: [roll33] [roll34]
Damage (1): [roll35] + [roll36] fire + [roll37] sneak attack.
Damage (2): [roll38] + [roll39] fire + [roll40] sneak attack.


2011-04-21, 01:50 PM
As one of the chain devils goes down, the other lashes out at Darklaw with it's chains.

Darklaw takes 5 damage.

Silver Night
2011-04-21, 06:29 PM
If the last devil is alive when we get to my turn again, use Suggestion (at will power) on it. [roll0] to overcome spell resistance.

Look out behind you!

2011-04-25, 03:28 PM
Gusion moves forward, braving the chain of the kyton, to envelop the creature in his fear aura. With a snarl he casts a spell, reaching out to touch his diabolic foe.

Move adjacent to chain devil, provoking an AoO.
Fear Aura: DC 19.
Concentration check to cast on the defensive if an AoO was not taken for his movement (not making it if he already took an AoO): [roll0]
Touch Attack Roll: [roll1]
Spell Resistance: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3].
Notes: Gains same as damage dealt in Temp HP for 1 hour; if touch attack hits target is sickened by Sickening Grasp Reserve feat.

2011-04-25, 03:56 PM
The second chain devil drops to the ground drained of it's life.

2011-04-25, 04:15 PM
The battle, already over by the time Rexx finishes his triumphant roar, leaves nothing for him to see. He rushes forward into the closest corridor.

Rexx readies a rage and attack action against anyone who puts up resistance against him in the hall. If there are any medium enemies that don't look too spiky/slashy, he'll swallow them whole, like a boss.

He also readies attack actions / strength checks against doors, though without raging unless there are also enemies nearby. If he can't fit through a door after smashing it to bits, he'll try attacking / strength checks against the walls around them for 2 rounds. If he still can't get through, he loses patience and goes down a different corridor/hallway.

Some rolls, use them as you see fit.
Against Opponents
Bite Attack roll [roll0] Bite Damage Roll [roll1]
Swallow Whole touch attack to grapple [roll2], Opposed Grapple roll [roll3], Damage [roll4]+[roll5] acid

Against Doors
Bite Attack roll [roll6] Bite Damage Roll [roll7]
Bite Attack roll [roll8] Bite Damage Roll [roll9]
Str Checks [roll10], [roll11]

Against Walls
Bite Attack roll [roll12] Bite Damage Roll [roll13]
Bite Attack roll [roll14] Bite Damage Roll [roll15]
Str Checks [roll16], [roll17]

As usual, if anything looks out of place, please call me out so I can fix it!

2011-04-25, 05:26 PM
Gusion snarls a bit at the running tyrannosaurus and momentarily checks the kytons to see if they're still alive. One of them might be a useful prisoner. In addition he reaches out with his empathic link to his familiar trying to ascertain it's safety and location or at least general direction.

Heal check to stabilize the chain devil if needed: [roll0]

Silver Night
2011-04-25, 06:20 PM
I could locate the direction of our gear, perhaps. If it isn't right around here.

2011-04-25, 08:07 PM
The chain devils are both dead as dead can be, their spirits already returned to Baator to wait for rebirth.

2011-04-25, 10:03 PM
Darklaw meditates for a moment, resseting his maneuvers, and noting that the devils are immune to fire. He then casts a spell of resistance upon himself, letting his natural healing relieve him of his wound.

Once he is finished with that, he regards the other prisoners. "Hi do not knyow habout you otherss, but whe will stand ha better chance hof surviving if whe stay toghether. Lhet us fhind hour gear."

Silver Night
2011-04-25, 10:55 PM
"Give me just a moment." Torn closes are eyes for a moment, carefully holding a small, forked twig she fished from her spell component pouch.

Cast Locate Object to find her Cloak of Charisma, using DMM extend.

2011-04-25, 10:59 PM
Gusion continues to try and feel for his familiar through their empathic link.

Try to feel for my familiar through my empathic link to ascertain that it is okay. If possible determining general direction and distance

2011-04-26, 06:01 AM
Torn: You are unable to locate your cloak.

Gusion: You feel your familiar distant and to the left of the mirror entrance into this room.

2011-04-26, 08:59 AM
"Whell?" asks Darklaw, impatiently. "I whish to have my haxe for heavy fhighting."

2011-04-26, 12:13 PM
Gusion turns towards his familiar and starts striding in its general direction. Follow he growls telepathically, spreading his wings irritably before closing them again.

Silver Night
2011-04-26, 01:31 PM
Torn twists her mouth as her spell fails and stands, "I couldn't get anything."

She follows Gusion.

2011-05-02, 08:35 PM
As you enter the opposite corridor you see three pathways, one continuing forward and two branching left and right.

Silver Night
2011-05-05, 10:01 PM
Shall we start with right?

2011-05-05, 10:20 PM
Gusion pauses to see if he can sense which direction his familiar might be, and to try and assure it he is on its way, and to remain calm.

2011-05-05, 10:22 PM
Gusion senses that his familiar is in the direction of the left hallway.

2011-05-05, 10:26 PM
Gusion points towards the left hall, This way is a better choice.

Silver Night
2011-05-05, 11:37 PM
Torn nods.

2011-05-06, 12:07 AM
Darklaw follows, anxious to be reunited with his axe.

2011-05-08, 06:34 PM
Rexx takes a moment to admire his handiwork.
OOC: Any news on what's going down with Rexx? Smashin' walls is hard work :D

2011-05-09, 02:33 PM
Those going along a the left hall come to an ornately decorated door of wood, inlaid with precious metals.

Rexx's fit leaves the walls around him cracked and damaged.

2011-05-09, 02:48 PM
Seeing that the walls are impervious to his devious machinations, he slinks off after the tiny ones, hoping some of them might turn out to be food in disguise.

2011-05-09, 05:38 PM
Darklaw casts a Detect Magic spell on the door, concentrating to gather as much information about it as he can.

If it is nonmagical, he'll then move up to the door silently and listen to what is on the other side.

Silver Night
2011-05-09, 10:34 PM
Torn attempts to cast Clairvoyance to see whats on the other side of the door.

2011-05-09, 11:29 PM
Gusion will attempt to feel for his familiar once more, even as he disappears from conventional sight.

Try to feel for my familiar with empathic link and use my Invisibility SLA (7 uses remaining; 8 minute duration)

2011-05-10, 01:47 AM
Darklaw detects no magic inherent in the door, listening to the door you hear loud noises, like those made by animals.

Torn sees that on the other side of the door is a kind of menagerie, many creature's are in cages lining the walls.

Gusion feels his familiar nearby, somewhere beyond this door.

Rexx comes to a triple fork in the hallway.

Silver Night
2011-05-10, 02:19 AM
"There are many caged creatures on the other side of the door. Like a zoo."

2011-05-10, 08:51 AM
Darklaw initiates a Mountain Hammer, and smashes at the lock with all his might, repeating the process until the door breaks open. "Bhetter to smash the lhock than hopen a trhap."

2011-05-10, 09:33 AM
The lock breaks off with a loud CLANG!, the door swings open on it's hinges, revealing large room filled with cages and with all sorts of flora growing on the walls, ceiling and floor.

Silver Night
2011-05-10, 10:29 PM
Torn makes a pulling gesture and summons a skeleton, then she makes a shooing gesture toward the newly revealed room, "Go on, walk in there little guy."

Summon Undead 1, Human Warrior Skeleton.

2011-05-11, 12:04 AM
The skeleton walks into the room. Nothing happens when it enters the room.

2011-05-11, 10:23 AM
Rexx roars, clawing the ground to mark his spot, and charges down the left-most hall. He'll continue going left until he finds something, or until he makes it back to this fork.

2011-05-11, 10:26 AM
Gusion flies in invisible. He'll look for his familiar amongst the seeming menagerie.

2011-05-11, 11:14 AM
Rexx comes crashing down the hall, to find the creatures from it's cell and a menagerie of creatures.

Gusion finds his familiar hefting a feed bag, pouring food into the cage of a small creature.

2011-05-11, 11:38 AM
Fangs flashing as his mouth makes words not meant for his muzzle, Rexx asks, "'R'Any of you food?"

2011-05-11, 11:49 AM
Darklaw searches the room, intent on finding his axe, among his other possesions.

2011-05-11, 01:56 PM
Byleth Gusion grins as he says telepathically to his familiar, To me. Do you know where they placed our gear?

He glances at the others, and telepathically says to them, I found my companion at least, that makes us a little stronger.

2011-05-11, 02:04 PM
I've no idea boss, I've been put on duty here in the gardens since your lockup.

2011-05-11, 02:10 PM
So much the worse. Is there any doorways out of here, other than the one we just entered through?

2011-05-11, 02:12 PM
There's just the supply closet.

2011-05-11, 02:13 PM
Show me Gusion says, figuring it can't hurt.

Silver Night
2011-05-11, 09:03 PM
"I'm not food, but there might be some in there," Torn indicates the menagerie.

2011-05-12, 01:09 AM
Sure thing boss the imp simpers at you, leading you to an inconspicuous door. Here it is.

2011-05-12, 01:11 AM
Gusion reaches for the handle and opens the door. If for some reason touching the handle renders him visible he will be highly shocked and fall back.

2011-05-12, 01:41 AM
Gusion opens the door to find several sacks, some long-handled tools and a large bucket full of green slime.

2011-05-12, 01:51 AM
He opens the sacks just in case.

2011-05-12, 01:57 AM
You find several different kinds of feed and fertilizer.

2011-05-12, 02:05 AM
Returning to the others, Gusion looks at them, still invisible. It seems what was of import in this room has already been found, and we will have to look for the rest of our combat gear elsewhere. Unless you want to search for secret passageways, let us return to the intersection and head the other way he says telepathically to the rest of the group, his diabolic hand clenching and releasing.

2011-05-12, 01:25 PM
If any of the caged animals are cowering or making noises, Rexx eats them because they're smaller than him/to shut them up. Then he follows the voice in his head.

Silver Night
2011-05-12, 11:02 PM
Torn follows back toward the fork.

2011-05-12, 11:14 PM
You return to the fork.

Silver Night
2011-05-13, 01:56 AM
"Should we try the middle one? Or the other one?"

2011-05-13, 02:00 AM
I do not know Gusion thinks outwardly.

2011-05-13, 02:06 AM
"Food goes in the middle, Rexx goes in the other one!"

2011-05-13, 11:47 AM
"Fhine by mhe..." Darklaw growls, going down the middle path.

2011-05-13, 12:02 PM
You come to another door identical to the last one.

Silver Night
2011-05-14, 01:04 AM
Torn uses Clairvoyance to see what's on the other side.

2011-05-14, 09:27 AM
You see room, several large objects are covered by tarps, as are several items hanging from the wall.

Silver Night
2011-05-14, 12:21 PM
"I don't see anyone on the other side. Looks like it might be storage."

2011-05-14, 12:24 PM
Darklaw growls in a zealous approval, then smashes the lock with a Mountain Hammer. He'll then immediately search for his gear.

2011-05-14, 12:49 PM
The lock comes off wit a loud crash. OOC: Make a search check.

Silver Night
2011-05-14, 01:09 PM
Torn searches for her gear or anything else.


2011-05-14, 01:35 PM
Darklaw casts Divine Insight on himself, willing the dark powers to aid him in his search.

Casting Divine Insight, giving a +13 to my search check

2011-05-14, 02:54 PM
Gusion looks around, using his telepathy to order his familiar to do the same.

Search: [roll0]
Familiar's: [roll1]

Yes my familiar is much better at this than I am.

2011-05-14, 03:41 PM
Rexx spends a moment lining up with the hinges, and then charges his door.
Take 10, Str check 25

2011-05-15, 07:17 PM
As you lift off the tarps, you discover weapon racks, a forge and four chests inside the room.

2011-05-15, 07:30 PM
Gusion growls as he channels magical power to cast a spell of magic detection. He takes note on whether this reveals himself as visible or not.

Casts Detect Magic; if there's any non-allied creature within its area of effect it counts as an attack for Invisibility and I become visible; an unfortunate side-effect but useful in this case.

2011-05-15, 07:37 PM
The chests, forge, weapon racks and the weapons on them all glow with magic.

2011-05-15, 07:47 PM
Byleth, determine the magic Gusion orders.

Have the imp use his Detect Magic SLA and concentrate for three rounds to determine strength and nature (spellcraft) [roll0] of the magic aura on one of the chests.

OOC: Apparently Gusion doesn't do spellcraft himself. Byleth is a very useful retainer.

2011-05-15, 07:52 PM
The chest radiates a medium strength transmutation magic.

2011-05-15, 07:55 PM
Transmutation magic Gusion tells the others, We should probably be careful.

Looking in the direction that Byleth should be, Tell me the result Gusion orders before casting Dispel Magic on the chest.

Targetted Dispel attempt, using SLA [roll0]

2011-05-15, 08:03 PM
After casting the spell, the chest bursts open, smashed open byy rapidly expanding objects that were contained within. When the dust settles, you see a pile of adventuring equipment.

OOC: This is Torn's stuff.

2011-05-15, 08:59 PM
Darklaw, excited by the discovery of someone's gear, tears through the room, opening every chest he can (smashing locks with Mountain Hammers) to try and find his gear.

2011-05-15, 09:01 PM
Everyones gear spills from the chests.

2011-05-15, 09:10 PM
Gusion re-equips himself, and smiles. Shall we find a means of egress?

2011-05-15, 09:14 PM
Rexx busts the door down crashing through it grandly. He finds several chain devils milling around shocked to see him rash through.

OOC: You get a surprise round, make a Initiative roll a well.

2011-05-15, 09:18 PM
Darklaw growls in joy as he is reunited with his axe, and other items. "Nhow whe have the mheans to escehape fhrom this phrison! Onwhard!" He calls, going for the third path, which must be the way out.

2011-05-15, 09:29 PM
Rexx leaps into the middle of the devils, landing on one and ripping into another of them with his great jaws. With a swing of his head, he crushes a third against the wall, metal and stone screaming in agonizing protest, as the mass of his tail crushes the final Devil sneaking up behind him. Rexx gives a roar of triumph, before giving the rest of the room any notice.

This post may be edited depending on results. Rex is going to leap attack so that the most devils are within his 15' reach. 1d20+32 Power attack for 7 (+21 damage from Leap Attack and 1 main Natural Attack), [roll0], [roll1].

Confirmation if Critical (Critical on 15+) - [roll2], [roll3]

If a Chain Devil is Dropped, and another is within reach, Great Cleave - [roll4], [roll5], (Critical Confirmation if Critical [roll6], [roll7])

If a Chain Devil is Dropped, and another is within reach, Great Cleave - [roll8], [roll9], (Critical Confirmation if Critical [roll10], [roll11])

If a Chain Devil is Dropped, and another is within reach, Great Cleave - [roll12], [roll13], (Critical Confirmation if Critical [roll14], [roll15])

If a Chain Devil is Dropped, and another is within reach, Great Cleave - [roll16], [roll17], (Critical Confirmation if Critical [roll18], [roll19])

If a Chain Devil is Dropped, and another is within reach, Great Cleave - [roll20], [roll21], (Critical Confirmation if Critical [roll22], [roll23])

That should be enough for now. If I kill more than one, post will update with my gory results.

2011-05-15, 10:08 PM
Gusion grabs the tyrant lizard's gear and coin, it will prove useful in gaining an ally should they meet again and if not there is no reason to leave such things in the hands of the Baatezu.

Light load is up to 266 lbs, currently carrying ~70 lbs + whatever gear of the dinosaurs. How much does the dinosaur's gear weigh?

Silver Night
2011-05-15, 10:15 PM
Torn re-equips herself. "This leaves but one corridor. Shall we check on our large friend?"

2011-05-19, 08:30 PM
Rexx: The chain devils lay strewn about you in tatters. You got 'em all.

Others: You arrive in the room just in time to see the monstrous dinosaur rips several chain devils into shreds.

2011-05-19, 09:28 PM
"Ghood jhob..." Darklaw utters, admiring the destruction. He then examines the room.

2011-05-20, 01:23 PM
Grinning with his triumph, Rexx asks, "Anything food in your hallway? These vermin have no meat to them."

Silver Night
2011-05-21, 11:14 PM
Torn check to see if any of the bodies are intact enough to raise as skeletons.

2011-05-21, 11:15 PM
Gusion puts the howdah down, I believe this is yours he says telepathically to the dinosaur.

2011-05-21, 11:44 PM
"Not by choice," Rexx rumbles. "Some tiny ones thought it would be amusing to ride me. I... left it on, after I ate them."

2011-05-21, 11:47 PM
Then we can destroy it, it would not take much effort.

2011-05-22, 02:23 PM
Rexx steps on the howdah, before the voice in his mind finishes speaking.

Silver Night
2011-05-24, 11:32 AM
While checking the bodies, Torn will also search for any other loot.

2011-05-24, 08:29 PM
Noticing the tiny one's noticing, Rexx inquires, "Have you found any food amongst the bits?"

Silver Night
2011-05-25, 11:48 PM
I'd like to make us some underlings, but you can certainly eat whatever's left.

2011-05-30, 02:27 AM
The devils have nothing except for their chains.

2011-05-30, 02:30 AM
Let's move on before something worse comes Gusion says telepathically, I would prefer to escape this place alive.

Don't know if I'm still invisible or not at this point, tell me when it ends

2011-05-30, 01:03 PM
Rexx mumbles, but agrees. "Fine then. Which way do you think we should go, tiny voice?"

Silver Night
2011-05-31, 03:46 PM
Well, it seems there is no direction to go but forward.

Torn indicates the opposite door.

2011-05-31, 03:53 PM
Let us go then, Gusion says telepathically, Who should open it?

2011-05-31, 04:12 PM
Darklaw smashes the door, or any lock on it, with mountain hammers. He does this without a word, impatient to escape. He doesn't take well to being confined.

2011-06-14, 11:44 PM
A billowing steam rolls out of the door. It obscures the inside of the room.

2011-06-14, 11:47 PM
Find out if it's magic, Gusion mentally commands his imp, Byleth.

Byleth uses Detect Magic; it's an At-Will SLA and he has more ranks in Spellcraft than Gusion. Also am I still invisible or has it been 8 minutes since I used that?

2011-06-14, 11:48 PM
Rexx attempts to blow the smoke out of the way with a mighty roar! Con check, maybe? [roll0]

2011-06-15, 01:37 AM
No magic boss. your imp replies.

As you roar the steam is pushed back momentarily, though it comes billowing out once again once you stop.

OOC: You do be visible once again.

2011-06-15, 12:39 PM
Rexx backs away from the fog, unsure of it. Large brain for a dinosaur he may have, new things still take a bit to get used to.

Silver Night
2011-06-15, 10:34 PM
Torn stops suppressing her Local Drought aura, which creates desert (dry) conditions and raises the heat in the area within 20' of her (+30F or up to 110F(Hot), whichever is hotter). She will cast Clairaudience inside the room to see if she can hear anything.

Listen Check [roll0]

2011-06-16, 02:05 PM
The fog surrounding you thins, though any area that isn't within 20 feet is still filled with billowing fog. You hear a swishing sound coming from inside of the room.

2011-06-16, 02:52 PM
Gusion moves to stand beside the demon. I can return to my invisible state and act as the front line, an invisible defender before you as we enter the room, he suggests telepathically, To reach you they'd have to go through me, and if they don't see me that will give us an element of surprise. Of course some of that will be lost since if they run into me I will become visible once more.

To Byleth, Gusion commands, Turn invisible, and move in front of me.

2011-06-16, 03:03 PM
Sure thing boss.

2011-06-16, 03:38 PM
Rexx startles as the tiny morsels begin disappearing. "WATCH OUT FOR THE MISTS! IT TAKES! IT TAKES!" He begins snapping at it, swishing with his tail, and stomping around.

2011-06-16, 03:42 PM
Don't worry, Gusion says telepathically, a laugh ringing in his thoughts, Byleth always vanishes, it's a good way to stay safe. Now for me too to join the unseen legion. With that he vanishes from sight of those who do not have magic to aid it.

Use my second daily use of Invisibility.

2011-06-16, 03:56 PM
Rexx puffs, and snaps at the mist one last time regardless. "When the mists DO eat you up, remember I warned you!"

Silver Night
2011-06-16, 11:17 PM
Torn sends telepathically to Gusion, "That sounds like a plan. There's something in there - I hear a swishing sound."

Torn begins to move forward cautiously.

2011-06-18, 01:15 AM
Make a reflex save Torn.

Silver Night
2011-06-18, 04:16 AM
Reflex Save: [roll0]

2011-06-18, 04:36 AM
You manage to dodge to the side as a pole bearing a blade comes swinging past you disappearing back into the fog.

Silver Night
2011-06-18, 10:08 PM
Torn edges forward carefully, keeping an eye out for any more 'surprises'.

2011-06-19, 03:19 PM
My grandmother died this morning (Sunday, June 19, 2011). I'm going halfway across the country to her funeral, and will be largely unable to post for the next week. Sorry for the inconvenience. If the need arises, DMPC me as a T-Rex.

2011-06-19, 05:47 PM
Make another reflex save Torn.

Silver Night
2011-06-19, 09:02 PM
reflex save: [roll0]

Torn attempts to dodge.

2011-06-20, 04:53 AM
A ball of metal strikes you from the side, before continuing on. You see that there are several metal tracks intercrossing with each other on the ceiling.

OOC: You take 7 damage.

Silver Night
2011-06-20, 05:27 PM
Torn hisses a curse, "Traps. It's full of traps. Does one of you have the skill to do something about this? I can go to the ethereal, but it will mean I can't burn away the fog around me anymore."

2011-06-20, 09:52 PM
Could we block the paths the balls swing upon? Or perhaps the tyrant lizard could destroy them with his mighty teeth Gusion speaks telepathically to the others nearby. Should worse come I can attempt to take what blows may come, if they are not sanctified silver they can do me no lasting harm.

Does the ball look silver?

2011-06-21, 12:25 AM
You can't tell what material the ball was made of, ii moved by too quickly.

DMPC Chris: Can I eat them? I'm not much interested if I can't.

Silver Night
2011-06-21, 11:51 AM
"They may or may not be edible, but I'd think all the food would be on the other side. Perhaps you should take a look."

2011-06-21, 06:22 PM
Or you could check, then come back and tell me.

Silver Night
2011-06-21, 07:08 PM
Guess if you want something done properly...

Torn will cast Longstrider on herself, then use her Ethereal Jaunt SPA

Torn becomes insubstantial, and moves quickly across the room.

2011-06-22, 01:22 AM
You move across the room, seeing tht it is literally filled with the swinging weapons.

OOC: What is your current speed and how long does your SLA last?

Silver Night
2011-06-22, 01:32 AM
OOC: 40 ft. as a move, but she'd be moving in full round actions. Ethereal Jaunt SLA lasts 8 rounds. Depending on what she ran into, she might change course etc., if you want to break it into rounds. If she hit a wall she'd probably move along it looking for a door, but she'd make sure she had time to get back to safety, or try to make sure. Lemme know if I should roll any spots or searches or anything.

2011-06-22, 10:48 AM
You come to large lever in the center of the room.

Silver Night
2011-06-23, 11:46 AM
Torn will keep exploring, but time it so that when the spell runs out she is back at the lever (unless she finds something else interesting).