View Full Version : [4e D&D] Ashara, World of Ruin

2011-04-15, 10:26 AM
OOC Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195302

You weren't there when the world ended.

When the apocalyptic rituals and great weapons flew that brought desecration to the land; cast the world into perpetual winter and sprawling ruin.

When the monstrous bioweapons were unleashed, savaging all at their whim and spreading unchecked, ravaging like jackals across the burning expanse of civilization.

When the great empires of old obliterated each other in a cataclysm of mutual annihilation.

No, you were spared such horrors only to be born into the ones that followed: scarcity, hunger, disease; hosts of miseries all but unknown in the world before the great war, a place of fantastic techno-magical utopias, vast, sprawling metropolises of glittering artifice that once spanned the globe, and even the void beyond. But of this, you know nothing, and the harsh, daily struggle for survival instead dominates your weary thoughts. You were one of the many generations to follow, a freak progeny risen amongst Darwinian wastelands of ceaseless barbarity and famine. The world you know is one of eternal frosts, blasted landscapes, unsated need and rampaging horrors, featuring only the rarest glimpses of those past halcyon days.

Now, you find yourself in the diminutive outpost of Whitetrade, a humble encampment clad in a wall of thick palisades. Though crude, the perimeter of frostwood is study and robust, and has thus far proven an effective deterrent to the unchecked hordes of ravenous monstrosities roaming the frozen wastes.

Gathering warmth around the main tent's central fire, each of you enjoy a moment of refuge from the biting chill that pervades the world, howling winds giving voice to its menace even here, its screaming gusts like a promise of torments to come. Though the hectic bustle of the place churns with clamourous noise to contest those freezing zephyrs, even it cannot divert your thoughts, the last big job still weighing heavily on your minds: the crumbling, frigid ruins, long hours spent in searching under the half-blotted sun and numbing cold, and the bitter confrontation with Garrick and his crew, how it had almost come to blows with your long-time rivals save for a negotiated split. The thought rankles, a sour memory that compels one to anger upon reminiscence, though there exists a measure of comfort in contemplating the alternative.

It has been a quiet span of days since as you've waited on the scouts to report back with a find; those information brokers with expertise in exploration and stealth, but not the naked temerity or physical prowess to investigate the ruins they discover. Your own efforts have been dashed in the interim, what claims you've managed to locate already picked clean by the other teams. Though diligent searching has yielded a scant modicum of finds even at these sites, there has been little of value to sate the quartermasters. Perhaps today will be different however; you've noticed an excited atmosphere about the camp, rumours of a great find, some old world depot, but no one has a location, or if they do, they're saying nothing. As the frostwood burns, captivating your gaze with the hypnotic dance of its crackling light, you wonder if perhaps the scouts might know anything of its whereabouts.

2011-04-15, 02:31 PM
Tarak sat silently staring into the fire as wind whipped by behind him. His eyes would regularly shimmer with the reflection of the dancing flames, concealing the emptiness that presently haunted his thoughts. No comfort could be found within the battered walls of the past, yet his job demanded it it would be ready when the call was made for departure.

2011-04-15, 03:31 PM
Immerial also sat silently beside the fire. Knees up near his face, arms crossed over his legs and head buried he looked asleep except for a small tapping motion, his fingers hitting his knee in a set pattern. Depressed at the way the last mission had ended Immerial was passing the time going over the encounter with Garrick, trying to find a way things could have ended better. Of course when things had almost come to blows as it was finding a way things could have been better than the split is easier said than done and the task held little interest for Immerial.

2011-04-15, 04:05 PM
Nevimelk sits cross-legged in front of the fire, eyes closed, meditating. Replaying every moment since last seeing Garrick, and when the scouts had originally left. Wondering whether or not he should have done more to help with the confrontation or if he should have left to help the scouts. The world is far to trechorous and cruel to rely only on stealth.

Sensing Immerial's distress about the last few days, Nevimelk tries to send some feelings of encouragement.

2011-04-15, 04:09 PM
Like the others, Iain kept quiet. Frustration of their recent results had been building up in the young man for some time, capped by the days episode with Garrick and his band of no good misfits. Like Immerial and Nevimelk, he was running the encounter in his mind, but unlike the Eladrin or the Kalashtar, his options always ended with a right cross planted in Garrick's stupid face.

There was a reason Iain wasn't involved with the diplomatic side of their operation. Their crew was one of the best (in his mind if not in actuality), and having to split a haul with anyone, much less Garrick's, irked him. He may have been in the front of the group as the tensions hit their peak, and may have even thrown an insult or two, but Iain had restrained himself at the request of his team. He wasn't happy about it then and now, awash with the energy and adrenaline from a fight that never happened, he was restless, with nothing to do but wait for a tip on a new site to salvage.

He hated waiting, and really needed a good scuffle to settle himself down.

2011-04-15, 06:44 PM
Much in line with the behaviours of his companions, Timsy didn't speak at the fireside. The air was thick enough with tension and there was no need to weave more words into the morass of thoughts and contemplation. He paced around his companions not really wanting to sit still. The bard was happier than most of his companions at the result of the last find, it was better than nothing at all and fortunately no one had been injured... well no more than usual anyway. Though this didn't mean that the confrontation hadn't bothered him, Garrik's crew was far from tolerable and Timsy feared that one more encounter with the wretches would end with Iain holding Garrik's head in one hand and his torso in the other, quite separate from each other.

If it's not appropriate to speak, we could at least use some music to pass the time...

Timsy began to pluck a delicate melody on his bowstring, the note magically changing as he struck at different locations along the string with his fingertips. The song was one he had played for the party during waiting sessions before, it was nothing fancy but it worked to keep the group relaxed, usually. Timsy had learned the tune while playing for a dance show his aunt had choreographed and as he played he was reminded of the family he was trying to raise money for, the next find would have to be worthwhile. Timsy's thoughts were confirmed when he jingled his mostly empty coin-purse to find it muted, Residuum's getting expensive, I won't be able to keep making these potions out of it if prices keep rising... He let his thoughts wander as he finished looping the tune a second time.

2011-04-16, 12:24 AM
As the music began to emanate from the bard's instrument a slight smile began to form around the edges of Tarak's lips. Such levity was truly the greatest medicine and at times it seemed the only cure for Garrick's shameful behaviour that had once again set the crews at each others throats.

"Must we always sit like this," Tarak's voice was weak as his question broke the silence. "Disgraced, and sullen we sit waiting for our chance to come to us. Why don't we head out early, meet the scouts before they reach us here and finally get a jump on the competition. Or would everyone prefer to fight their allies like a bunch of rapid beasts?"

2011-04-16, 01:39 PM
Immerial doesn't respond physically to Nevimelk's mental reassurances, but he does let the matter drop, trying to think of more plesant things. As the music starts Immerial remains in the same position but does alter his finger tapping to fit with the tune better.

Immerial looks up as Tarak's begins speaking, stopping his tapping in the process. After Tarak finishes Immerial tilts his head to the side a bit in thought.

That...makes a lot of sense. I wonder why I didn't think of that.

He remains silent however, simply turning to see what the others think of the plan.

2011-04-16, 02:03 PM
Several men nearby, those few that can hear the bard's talents through the din and press of the busy tent, offer terse nods and smiles in acknowledgement, seeming appreciative of the music. Though most return to their scant meals and card games as they idle away the time, a couple appear to openly relax to the melody, eyes likewise transfixed by the fire's enchanting motion.

In the background, whipping at the heavy canvas, the wind continues to wail and howl in its audible fury, sounding out above all else, as though refusing to be overmastered.

2011-04-16, 03:41 PM
Nevimelk lighltly bobs his head in response to the music. After how dreary the last few days have been, it was a welcome luxury to have a companion fluent in the performing arts. Sad that the weather is wishing Timsy silent.

Nevimelk opens his eyes; his blank white eyes always seemed to have somthing mystical, almost-ghost like about them.
"That seems like a good idea. Perhaps some ambition is what this group needs to finally surpass Garrick."

2011-04-16, 04:23 PM
"Bold, daring, even a little bit dangerous, sounds like a good idea to me. So long as we don't run into those yetis I've heard about..."

Timsy realised that the wind easily outstripped his instrument in the way of volume, so he ceased his playing and turned towards his companions to see if any of them were rising to carry out Tarak's plan. Curious as to if the ever blowing winds had carried in a storm Timsy walked towards the violently flapping entrance to the tent and gazed across the wasteland observing the sky for signs of negative weather.

Perception to Observe Weather: [roll0]
Nature to interpret future Weather: [roll1]

2011-04-16, 05:50 PM
As Timsy pulls open the secured flaps, a powerful, arctic gust explodes into the tent with the alacrity of a thunderclap, putting out candles and flames, the force of it almost flooring the human, instantly covering him in a pall of scalding frost. The sensation is made only all the more unbearable by its abrupt contrast to his earlier comfort. Those closest to the exit (understandably few are situated near) grimace and complain as vestiges of the windstorm pierce them through with cold. Though it is only a glimpse, Timsy's educated eyes come away with at least a rudimentary notion of what to expect.

For Timsy:
It is fatally cold outside. Even with the best gear available to you, you would be chancing an icy death for any prolonged period of exposure. Though you could travel between tents without worry, you estimate that few could last more than 5 to 10 minutes without beginning to succumb to the storm. With respect to the duration, based on prior experience and an imprecise knowledge of meteorological patterns, your best guess is that it will fade overnight.

2011-04-18, 10:55 AM
All for action, Iain popped up to his feet and moved to immediately start packing his things as the suggestion to go now is voiced. He'd always been of the opinion that they should be more pro-active in their approach. His momentum slowed somewhat as Timsy takes a look at the weather situation. Few things rank higher on the hate to do list than sitting idle, but freezing to death is one of those. Even then, in his state of mind he would be completely willing to go were there odds of finding the scouts in this weather next to nil.

2011-04-18, 11:41 AM
Shivering and grimacing Immerial moved to start rebuilding the fire, his attitude one of 'oh well, it was a good idea' as he starts restacking the twigs, shaking a little frost off of a couple of branches that were nearer to the doors than the others.

Observing Iain with a raised eyebrow Immerial opened and closed his mouth a few times, as though trying to find the right words. Finally he spoke. "What ate you doing? You're not seriously thinking of going out in this weather are you?"

Looking about at the others Immerial paused his work on the fire to see what they thought of the situation.

2011-04-18, 05:20 PM
Timsy closed and tied the flap as quickly as he could, the freezing air biting savagely at his fingers as he fidgeted with the ropes.

"Anyone who'd willingly go out into that would me positively suicidal.We can probably make it to the scout tent safely enough, see if they've come in from the storm."

He backed away from the entrance waving apologetically at the few poor souls who had been seated close enough to the entrance to feel the burst of freezing wind. Approaching his companions he lowered his voice so as to keep eavesdropping to a minimum.

"The storm doesn't seem like it will last through the night, my best guess is that it fades out by morning. Perhaps we could head out then?"

2011-04-18, 07:21 PM
Nevimelk wraps the blanket from his pack around himself in some attempt to recover from the sudden draft. And he looks at Timsy.
"That is a possibility, however it seems that not all of the group wishes to venture, even for a short period , into that weather to reach the scouts' tent."
Nevimelk than looks toward Immerial, and lightly gestures with his hand towards the tent's opening.
"I know that you would consider it idiocy to leave our tent, but would you be willing to get recon from the scouts and head out first thing in the morning? Before our more brutish competitors can gain an advantage on us."
After his query to the psion, Nevimelk scans the reactions on his companions faces to see if they are up for this new plan.

2011-04-18, 08:29 PM
Immerial drops his head with a sigh. "I'll follow whatever the plan is of course." he says with a slight shiver.

"Heading to the scout's tent seems reasonable enough, it's not that far as long as we don't get lost. If we're going to wait for the storm to clear we should probably get some rest so we're ready to go the instant it's clear. Either way I'm in, we need to do something to get to there first, wherever there may be."

As he speaks Immerial turns and regards his gear, making sure it's all packed up and brushing some dirt off one of the packs.

2011-04-18, 11:00 PM
At the suggestion of the relocation he resumes his packing, looking back at the others as he does. "Let's go."

2011-04-18, 11:02 PM
"Agreed," Tarak says, brushing a bit a loose snow from face. "Now we just need a way to know when the others are getting up to brace the weather. Can you people that talk in my head also listen to thoughts?"

OOCI realise that the paladin only has telepathy, but any sort of thought detection available to the other characters - Ritual based or from a power may be useful as a means of judging sun rise.

2011-04-19, 12:05 AM
"I'm afraid I haven't yet found anyway to hear others thoughts, for better or worse." Immerial answers.

"However my trance will only last a few hours, I should be up before sunrise and if the storm clears enough that we can't hear it anymore I can awaken the rest of you. We Eladrin are perfectly aware of our surroundings while resting." he adds, sounding a little proud as he settles into a comfortable position and waits to see if anyone has a better plan.

2011-04-19, 06:53 AM
"That's settled then isn't it, so who wants to go out first?"
There was an expected pause here, even the most enthusiastic of scavengers weren't fond of facing the storms of the wasteland even if only for a moment. Timsy felt the same way and much preferred to be walking behind Iain who would at least break apart the wind. This of course, was a bit overly selfish so he would never ask such a thing of his companions.

"Anyone?" The bard nodded towards the exit hoping that one of his burlier associates would take initiative and be the first to face the brunt of the storm.

2011-04-19, 08:24 AM
Done with discussions, he sets himself against the elements, pulling his outerwear tight and leaning into the wind he moves out into the storm in the direction of the scout's tent.

2011-04-19, 01:33 PM
You watch Iain vanish into the night, struggling against the raging wind as he makes his egress. A parting of the flaps invites yet another blast of frigidity from the howling storm, a sizeable accumulation of snow and frost now gathered before the exit.

For Those Outside:
The moment you step outside, you are almost stunned by the sheer, penetrating cold. The combination of fierce winds and piercing frosts seem to all but ignore your thick clothing, raking your flesh like a savage mauling of icy claws; it becomes painfully obvious that you would not last long out here. Though the thick, roiling gouts of snow have reduced your visibility to a mere twenty or so feet, the Scout's tent is mercifully close, and you know your way to it by heart.

2011-04-19, 01:53 PM
"So we're going to the scout's tent now?" Immerial asks, sounding confused.

Visibly steeling himself and gathering up his packs (figuring the extra weight should help steady him against the winds if nothing else) Immerial steps up to the opening through the snow at the doorway, gathers his clothes tighter around himself, grimaces again, and steps out into the biting cold. He immediately starts to head for the scout's tent, muttering and shivering the while way.

2011-04-19, 07:23 PM
As he followed Immerial out of the tent Timsy felt his hair freeze as the natural oils that coated it rapidly solidified. He quickly slipped his hands under the folds of his fur vestments but it hardly did any good. The frigid fangs of the wind bit deeply into his eyes as much as his flesh, so he kept them screwed shut and followed the memorised route to the scout tent. At one point Timsy had wondered if he might join the scouts on some of there excursions, but at times like these he was grateful that he'd opted not to.

Eventually the bard managed a slight smirk as the silhouette of the scout tent came into blurry view through his squinting eyes. I'm glad I haven't any real fey blood, or my ear tips might have frozen off by now. The thought was some jovial personal humour that brought back more memories of his surviving family back in Sanctuary.

2011-04-19, 11:21 PM
"Must we start moving already?" Tarak asks, pulling his blanket tighter as he watched the others leave. "We don't even know if the scouts are ready yet, and they are trudging through the snow to get an incomplete report..."

2011-04-21, 02:25 PM
Committed to the action, he attempts to make the trip to the scout tent as quickly as possible. Leaning into the wind cloak pulled tightly around him he reminds himself it's still better than the drudgery of life inside Sanctuary, and soon they'll either have a new location to head to, or they'll find out the scouts were empty handed, and he can go drinking and maybe find a good fight to burn off some energy. Either way, even with the weather it's an improvement.

2011-04-26, 02:31 PM
With little event, but great discomfort, Timsy, Immerial, and Iain make their way to the scout's tent, the elements savaging them at every step, searing cold ubiquitous and inescapable. The wind batters and hinders, driving the frigid air into every crevice, suffusing the three with muscle racking chills that penetrate clean through to the bone. It is harrowing to ruminate on what might've happened were they not afforded the protection of their bundled clothing.

The tent's interior is sizeable, roughly twenty five feet on each side, a huge, well-supplied fire situated within the centre of the space, crackling loudly as it brightens the interior. Expedition supplies are stacked in ordered piles along the western perimeter of the canvas, while beds of thick, tattered cloth line the east, several containing slumbering occupants. To the north, opposite the entrance, several small tables and crude stools are aligned to form an impromptu place of meeting, littered with maps dyed upon leathers and bark. Several scouts are seated at this table, evidently discussing matters of their profession. A ruddy looking halfling wearing a mischievous grin beckons you over. A moment later, his lips purse, a finger pressed against them, as if beckoning for quiet. You recognize him as Anson, a regular informant who came into his esteemed position by being perhaps the most reliable and consistent of any you've dealt with in the camp; his help had proven invaluable in securing lucrative past claims.


Nevimelk and Tarak remain comfortable by the great fire, its gentle warmth and dull, crackling roar almost lulling the pair into a nigh irresistible slumber. Outside, screaming winds continue to howl and batter savagely at the tent, as if affirming the wisdom of their decision to remain. Suddenly, a hand falls on Tarak's shoulder, rousing the half-orc from his heat induced fugue.

"Feeling bored myself Tarak. Got a set of cards; feel like a game? Nevi can join in if he likes."

The voice belongs to Teris, an outgoing and friendly human, and, so far as you both have heard, an infamous gambler.

2011-04-26, 06:20 PM
"Huh, wha'... Sure," Tarak says, looking about the tent for a surface to act as a card table. "I have lttile to play with however, seeing as our team is always on the wrong side of Garrick's ambitions."

Turning to Nevi the half-orc says, Will you be joining us? I don't have much to lose to Teris, but maybe it the loss will be blunted if another is at the table."

2011-04-27, 10:47 AM
Immerial enters the tent shivering, his teeth chattering and his outer garments coated in frost. He pauses for an instant at the entrance before moving, as fast as he can without running, over to the fire. Rubbing his hands together for a moment Immerial gets, not warm precisely, but far less cold before noticing the scout beconing. Frowning at having to leave the warmth of the fire, even for a moment, Immerial makes his way over to hear what the scout has to say.

2011-04-27, 10:54 AM
A bit of a smile crosses his face as he starts to shed the snow covered outer layer of his clothing, and works his way towards the fire to help shake the worst of the chill. They may not be able to start their next run early, but at least the movement was not a waste. A game was better than a night spent doing nothing.

2011-04-27, 04:34 PM
Upon entering the relative warmth of the scout tent Timsy looked down at his hands, they had past well beyond the rosy red tinge that the cold oft inspires and were nearly blue. It wasn't severe and not quite frostbite, so the pale hue returned to the bard's hands slowly. Brushing off some snow that had collected all about his clothing, face and hair Timsy looked around the tent, hoping to see it less empty than usual. He was especially glad to see that Anson was present, the reliable scout had been the one that interviewed Timsy when he had applied to join the scouting parties and they were relatively well acquainted though the bard knew little of the quiet halfling other than what business discussions could tell.

Never one to speak loudly or with much energy, the young man approached the halfling quietly, careful not to awaken any sleeping scouts.

"There have been rumors abound Anson, and we hoped to be the first to exploit whatever truth these tales hold. What can you tell us that might put gold in our pockets and meat on our tables?"

He lowered his voice further.

"A little something that would spite Garrick and his boys would be appreciated by my companions as well, if you can spare such information."

Returning to his regular soft, but not quite whispering volume, Timsy continued.

"Oh, and what might the fee be, we've had some ill luck recently and I wouldn't want to end up in debt..."

Timsy had been privy to a few stories about what happened to those that failed to respect business in this world of cut-throat scavengers and weather as lethal as any blade or claw.

2011-04-29, 11:39 AM
Anson leans back in his chair and fishes out a dagger, idly threading the weapon between his fingers, attention alternating between you and his twirling steel. Despite an outwardly jovial appearance, the halfling has an unmistakable weariness about him, one that seems more to do with a life of hardship and chronic exhaustion than any deprivation of sleep. His face though youthful is nonetheless careworn, lined with scars and wrinkles, evidently the unsightly product of twenty years of his dangerous profession. Already swaths of grey have snaked through his hair, giving him the overall look of a man nearly twice his age. Nonetheless, his spirit has always proven somehow indomitable, an unbreakable core of cheer that has thus far resisted the predation of the camp and his vigours of his service, serving to endear him to his fellows and scavs alike.


The halfling chuckles.

"Yew speakin' in metaphors my man? It's mighty fine tew look at, but ain't no one got a use fer the stuff. If you mean creds, yeah, I got somethin' for yew, somethin' big even."

He lowers his voice, looking conspiratorially about him.

"And dat somethin' be lookin' like a depo out en dah wastes. Price is dah usual; 60/40 of whatever catches the quartermaster's fancy, yer favour."


Teris grins broadly, gesturing to a worn table to your rear, roughly ten feet from the fire.

"My usual haunt, like to be up by the fireside. There's no profit in being cold; besides, it throws off my game."

Explains the man with a wink and chuckle as moves to seat himself, producing a leather pouch with a deft tweak of his hand. Dropping the item upon the table, he motions you over. You can't help but reflect on the fact that it's almost a miracle someone like Teris manages to get along in the camp at all, nevermind live in relative comfort. The man's build is entirely unmuscled, nearly skeletal. Though charismatic and easy going, he is a notorious complainer, with an intolerance for cold and physical exertion unique in its severity, almost the equal of his gambling prowess.

"Well, c'mon over then. If you wanna make this interestin', I picked up a little trinket from a scav a couple of days back, valuable little piece; well appraised by the quartermaster."

By some unexplained trick of legerdemain, a sizeable jewel suddenly materializes in his palm, brilliantly reflecting the light of the fire, polished and flawless. He gracefully swirls the gem in his hand as if to make a show of it.

"Magical he says; a stone that'll put the juice back in a person, or so I'm told. Ain't of much use to me though; not really an adventurin' type, so I can afford to part with it. Of course, if you want a chance at it, you're gonna have to front somethin' yourself."

2011-04-29, 02:50 PM
"I have nothing you would want," Tarak says, looking a touch uneasy. "Beyond the quality of rope I carry nothing of note is included within my gear, and I wouldn't part with my blade if I were dying within the jaws of a great beast. Also, you aren't known for generosity so there must be something you want; you wouldn't show off an item like that unless it was fake or you had your eye on something of greater value. "

2011-04-29, 03:11 PM
"Quite the contrary friend, just lookin' to make things interestin', and I'm bored to breakin'. A game ain't no fun unless there's somethin' on the line is all. Consider it a compulsion o' mine."

He gives the gem a final twirl and sets it down, pushing the scintillating piece towards you, his features alight with a glowing smile.

"Thing is real as the wind is fierce, check it out; hell, the quartermaster put it at five thou creds. All I'm askin' is that you throw down, put your game face on and pitch somethin' in worth a couple of hundred er better. I'm givin' ya ten to one here, and that ain't somethin' I just hand out 'round tent-town."

2011-04-29, 08:35 PM
"I don't know..." Tarak says, looking at his gear. "I would have to part with all of my gear, or sacrifice something even more important, like my armour. Never mind, maybe if we succeed with our next scavenging run I'll have something to play with but right now the stakes are too high."

2011-05-02, 10:41 AM
Teris' face is seized with a look of dejection as Tarak clarifies his situation. He leans back in his chair, eyes settling on the Kalashtar.

"Maybe you 'n Nevi can pool? I'm sure there's somethin' to spare between the two of you. Look, I'll cut you a deal: hundred or better worth in creds buys you in; I'm just lookin' fer some excitement to kill the time."

2011-05-02, 11:29 AM
Immerial stands behind and slightly to the side of Timsy, doing his best to look unaffected by the incredible cold. He can't help but shiver a bit, however, as he listens to the two speak.

"That seems entirely too reasonable for a big find." he says finally after thinking. "If it was really that big of a find one would imagine you would be pushing for a higher percentage of the reward..."

Immerial regards the scout calmly, wondering how he'll respond.

2011-05-02, 02:42 PM
Nevimelk looks directly back into Teris' eyes with his calm look.
"Between you and me, I don't really think it would be fair to anybody if I played a game of bluffing with anyone. And with no offense to Tarack and his gambling skills but I prefer to keep my gains with how sparingly they are found.

However we may be able to play just for fun.

2011-05-02, 05:19 PM
"Credits, right... yes. I suppose I've spent a bit too much time dealing in plays and stories about the old world that I get lost in them from time to time." The embarrassed human blushed vibrantly through his pale skin. It was a façade of sorts, Timsy was aware of some of the more intriguing properties of gold. He knew that his uncle had used gold dust when enchanting his Songbow in combination with another more arcane reagent. Not wanting to discuss the topic of gold any further he continued the transaction.

"Immerial is absolutely right though, 60/40 is certainly fair. Hopefully we'll return with enough to make both ends of that deal more than worthwhile." Maintaining a serious demeanour Timsy brushes some melting snow and ice from his hair before continuing.

"So, that's settled, all that's left to do is hear what you have to tell us?" Timsy set his eyes expectantly on Anson awaiting what information he and Immerial had just split the group's next find for.

2011-05-03, 07:37 AM
Watching Nevi's silent glare at the gambler Tarak felt a cold chill run down his back, "Why can't he speak in words, that mind speak is just creepy and now he is forcing the actions of someone outside the team..."

"I guess that settles it then..." Tarak says looking back to the gambler, "No game tonight, I can't afford it and Nevi likely just set his own messege straight."

2011-05-03, 03:52 PM
"Too reasonable huh? Maybe I shoulda asked for a bigger cut den."

Anson laughs, flashing a wry grin at Immerial.

"'fore yew go thinkin' dat dis is some great bargain, keep en mind I ain't yet told yew 'bout the second part. This place is _military_; crawlin' wit' bots, machina and who knows what else. Ain't make no mistakes; you go en der and yer puttin' yer life en dah line. 'ell, one of the buggers gone an' nicked me wit' its weapons. Right bastards dey are."

He pulls down a portion of his robes, revealing a bandaged swath alongside his right shoulder. The edges of the wound are scantly visible and blackened, smelling faintly of smouldering flesh.

"Ol doc fixed me up good as he could without any of em 'ealin' brews left; 'eard that Garrick's crew gone 'n snapped em all up, preppin' for 'is next big score. Paid a pretty premium too."

The halfling gingerly fishes out a canteen from some unseen pocket, taking a long, stiff drink. By the almost agonized contortion of his features, you figure it to be a shot of fermented fungus; a brew as patently foul as it is strong. Coughing a little, face still wearing a semblance of its compelled distaste, he pivots to face Tiniere.

"Not a problem mate, 'ere, 'ave a seat."

He gestures at the dingy table before him. Bending down, he briefly rummages through a crate, producing a fresh looking leather scroll, which he unfurls on the table. The image scrawled upon it is crudely illustrated, at first glance a haphazard pattern of acid burns and dyes, though a more careful examination reveals a serviceable if undetailed map. Several spotted paths appear to be drawn to a location marked with a red X at the foot of a series of mountains to the northwest, evidently about twenty miles off according to the scale.

"Even went through the trouble of plottin' out several routes fer yew lot. Der's dah slow en steady route, ain't much dangerous dat ways 'xcept maybe exposure from what I've seen. An' den der's trekkin' t'rew bloodsucker territory."


The gambler's dismay seems to compound with your response.

"Heh, well, it ain't no party if no one stands to lose nothin'. Alright, you've forced my hand, but 'ere goes."

With a sweep of his hand, he withdraws the jewel into his pouch, replacing it with a spherical crystal. Its core intermittently glows and pulses with a faint, sapphire light.

"Got similar qualities to that gem you just saw, albeit not as ah... durable, and just like it, it ain't somethin' I can use. 'undred cred value, all yours if either of you take me down."

2011-05-08, 07:49 AM
Moving to sit down, Timsy turns to Immerial expectantly wanting him to join them at the table. As he quickly scans the map the bard is slightly surprised when he notices that the location is twenty miles out.

"So the choice we come up with is between time and safety, one of the most common decisions a scavenger makes."

Again Timsy looked across the map on the table even while speaking, when eh finally looked up he posed another quick question.

"Would we be able to get a copy of this map? I'd be happy to pay the cost of ink and parchment if necessary."

Replaying what Anson had just been saying in his head Timsy caught onto something that might be grounds for another question. Bloodsuckers sounded like a familiar term, like he'd heard it around the camp or in stories, but he wasn't perfectly clear on what it referred to so he went over possibilities in his head trying to remember what kind of threat this was.

2011-05-08, 11:47 AM
Immerial catches Timsy's glance and moves to takes a seat at the table. "Isn't exposure always a problem?" he asks, half joking, as he tries to search his mind for anything relating to the term Bloodsucker.

History check? Or Nature? Not sure if they're an organization or creature, I'll roll both.
History: [roll0]
Nature: [roll1]

2011-05-08, 09:02 PM
He chuckles at Immerial's comment, regarding the Eladrin guest with his characteristic grin.

"Yea, suppose so. Seems der never been a time when it wasn't."

As Timsy comments, his attention again diverts back to the human, head steeped in a nod, countenance taking on a pained expression.

"Ain't dat always dah way huh?"

Another chuckle, this one ending in a resigned sigh.

"'fraid so. It's eidder an extra tew, er three days, er yer goin' t'rew sucker central, der ain't nothin' else tew it."

He shakes his head, a finger tracing the two paths.

"Map's free 'ssumin' yew take up wit' dis. Yew wanna git me a bonus fer a job well done, jest pass it on when I get my creds."

Binks and Tiniere:
'Bloodsucker' or 'Bloodbeast' is camp vernacular and slang for horrific tentacled monstrosities that frequent the wastes north of the camp, so named for their modus operandi of restraining their prey, which is then rapidly drained of all bodily fluids. Though comparatively slow moving, they are cunning predators, often hiding and burrowing beneath the snow or earth in areas they know their prey to frequent. Combined with the incredible reach and strength of their tendrils, they easily seize and consume most anything unfortunate enough to blunder into their lethal grasp.

2011-05-10, 07:37 AM
"I don't know about Nevi, but I can play for those stakes." Tarak says, looking over to his silent partner. "It might be interesting to see how you play when the best outcome is a draw..."

2011-05-11, 09:19 PM
Immerial shrugs at Anson's words. "Sounds like you've spent a lot of effort on this, scouting out two potential routes, and I'd be willing to bet you have a copy of the map to sell to someone else if we fail to return. This must be quite a good haul..." he says, doing his best to sound like he's just speaking his mind and not trawling for more information.

Immerial looks over at Timsy curiously. The deal certainly seemed good to him, but Immerial always felt Timsy had more direct knowledge of these sorts of things and would know if there was something wrong with the deal.

Bluff check to trawl for info? [roll0] If not that's fine, just thought it seemed to fit.

2011-05-12, 08:13 AM
"Free, ah now that's something rarer than any treasure or technology. We'll take the map then Anson, we'll likely be leaving once this storm peters out. Hopefully when we return we will have plenty to split between all of us." Timsy confirmed the deal having seen the slight uncertainty in Immerial. However he also realised that the Eladrin made an interesting point, Anson certainly benefited from having several copies, but he had been rather trustworthy on other occasions.

Insight check to see if the Halfling is hiding anything: [roll0]

"Well with business mostly dealt with, may we engage in the campfire tradition of storytelling?" Timsy's thoughts had somewhat drifted back to Anson's injury. "What happened on the scouting excursion? And how exactly did you get that wound? It seems like it would be quite the tale..."

2011-05-12, 08:33 AM
Letting the others do the negotiation he does his best to keep warm while keeping an eye on the entrance to the tent, waiting for any sign they can head out.

2011-05-12, 11:24 AM
The halfling appears unsure of how to respond to Immerial and Timsy. The latter definitely senses doubt, something amiss beyond the cheery and inviting demeanour of the hin. Words form hesitantly in his mouth without being given voice. He looks between and beyond the two for several long moments that pass in an uncomfortable, awkward silence. Ultimately, Anson leans back with a shrug and another sigh of resignation, a deep frown creasing his features.

"Look, yew ain't gonna like it, and I wasn't gonna tells yea, but I figure yew gots a right tew know."

As if to brace himself for the pending response, the halfling uncaps his flask and takes another awful swig, face wincing as if in terrible pain. Taking a moment to clear his throat and recover from the bite of the foul mold liquor, he continues.

"Yea, I been peddlin' round odder copies of dis map. This is tew big, tew dangerous a find tew make exclusive fer any one group. So far I got tew odder biters; Garrick's crew 'n Hiro's."

His expression is but the definition of chastised penance, looking earnestly sorry as he shakes his head in evident regret.

"Guess ol Anson 'ad a moment of poor judgment. 'is greed 'n haste gone n got dah better o 'im, but if any odder knew I got Garrick's boys up en dis bit, dey ain't signin', and dey some of dah best we got, even t'ough dey brutal as a pack of tundra fiends. T'ought I'd 'ave quantity n quality en my side 'ere, yew know?"


Teris flashes the two of you a toothy, predatory grin, a pack of cards suddenly materializing in his palm at the same instant.

"You ain't doin' better than that; sure as hell can't beat somethin' fer nothin'."

He then turns to the Kalashtar, the gleam of unmistakable excitement in his eyes.

"So then Tarry, you in?"

2011-05-12, 03:57 PM
Immerial sighs slightly and mutters, half to himself, "I knew it was too good to be true..."

After a moment he raises his head again. "Oh well. Guess we'll just gave to be faster than them, or luckier. If you don't mind..." he asks, reaching for the map but stopping short. Grabbing other people's stuff is something he used to struggle with back when he was young and naive. Having felt the results a few times he's gotten more cautious about reaching for things without asking.

2011-05-12, 09:50 PM
"Yes I'm in." Tarak says, moving to the gambler's table. "Let's see what Lady Luck thinks of the deal, and maybe we can get a sign of how the next few days will turn out."

2011-05-13, 06:30 AM
Nevimelk shrugs. "Well if we have nothing else to do, I might as well be in." Nevimelk joins Tarak at the table.

2011-05-13, 09:51 AM
"Yes, we really should let the others know, get ready for the morning and prepare ourselves for the journey ahead. Thank you Anson, I can understand that business is business, though I do wish we could have counted on you a bit more." Timsy sighs, he understood that the world was a place where survival was key and looking out for number one was the only really reliable way to get by. However, he did sometimes fantasise about the old world, what it might have been like. There were stories and imaginary tales abound but Timsy never really knew what it would have been like.

"Oh, before we go I think I can do something about that wound. I don't know how effective it'll be but it should help." Standing up Timsy pulled his songbow off his shoulder and cradled it like a lyre he plucked a few notes to form a simple C minor scale and spoke an arcane syllables softly: "Tetha Muiram"

Using my Majestic Word to help the Halfling's injury heal.

2011-05-15, 03:01 PM
Anson nods his acquiescence as Immerial leans in for the map.

"It's yours, ain't no worries 'bout the map, made it tew be used."

He seems to acknowledge the bard's reaction, speech prefaced by a rueful shake of his head.

"I ain't gonna lead yew astray Tim, my leads are always good, but it ain't a forgivin' world, and a scout can't afford exclusivity en a place like dis. Glad yew understand; it ain't nothin' personal. Fact is dis is a big 'aul, but it also one of the most dangerous, and no one team can be trusted tew dew dah job, not even Garrick's crew."

The Hin seems bemused as Timsy begins to play, though this minor astonishment is little compared to his slackjawed awe as the seared patch upon his shoulder appears to shrink and vanish. For a moment, he simply stares at the wound amazed, then tears off the concealing bandages, running his fingers along the area of reddened but now entirely undamaged skin, as if seeking some vindication for his struggling disbelief. Rubbing at the newly healed flesh, he flashes the human a broad grin, evidently convinced of the truth of his recovery.

"'ey! Yer song der gone 'n patched up dat wound! Real friendly o yew mate, I ain't forget it. Yew come back breathin' an' we'll increase yer cut anodder five."

He then leans forward, voice hushed as he looks with conspiratorial wariness between the three of you.

"Look, yew got a chance; Garrick's crew ain't left yet, no one would be crazy enough tew leave en a storm like t'is not even 'is boys. Let me tell yew dough, dey goin' t'rough bloodsucker country, dey en a warpath, an' dey ready. Healin' brews, new gear an' all; lots of it enchanted. Dey ain't farkin' around. Same is true of Hiro an' 'is team, dough to be 'onest, Garrick seems far better outfitted of dah tew, an' he's ready to spill the blood o any one dat crosses 'im. 'e's playin' fer keeps, so yew better be ready tah t'row down if it comes down tew it."


Teris' grin silently broadens at Nevimelk's interest.

"Well, since I'm puttin' up the wager, I figure it's only fair I pick the game. How's about a round of Frostbite?"

His rhetorical question instantly transitions into a bout of shuffling. Cards flitter and fly between his fingers and palms faster than the eye can follow, his dealing like a master act of legerdemain. With deft artistry, he presents each of you with a hand, fanning out the cards low to the table. Curving his own in a shallow incline, he glimpses his draw, the human's predatory, mischievous grin abruptly substituted with a stonefaced neutrality that betrays no emotion.

Nevimelk and Tarak:
Winning the game is a skill challenge. The obvious applicable skills are Bluff, History, Perception, Insight and Thievery. Roleplay the application of another skill well and sensibly I may allow it to contribute as a success (provided the roll is adequate). Roleplay an existing skill well and sensibly, and I will likely afford you a minor bonus to the roll.

2011-05-15, 07:01 PM
Eyes glasing over as the cards raced across the table Tarak couldn't help but think that he might have made a mistake, he knew how to play the game but this man was an expert and Tarak knew he wasn't. A fact that was only made worse with the mediocre hand available to the half-orc. "Well, I guess you two can start off the play.

[roll0] Thievery without Armour

2011-05-19, 03:26 PM
Immerial nods as he takes the map, stands, stretches for a moment, and heads towards the entryway. Carefully placing the map in his pack he waits by the tent's entrance to see if Timsy has any business before they return to tell the others.

2011-05-19, 04:47 PM
"It was no trouble, I try to live by the mantra of a good deed being it's own reward when I can." Timsy turned away from the scouts at the table and set off towards Immerial. He nodded seeing that his companion had grabbed the map and braced himself for the buffeting winds that awaited them outside.

"Well hopefully the wind wont be so cold at our backs?" The bard knew it would be just as deathly cold leaving the scout tent as it had been getting there but a bit of brevity never hurt anyone... much.

2011-05-24, 01:36 PM
Anson replies with a friendly smile and a nod.

"Yea, well t'anks again; t'ing's been killin' me since I got it, much obliged."

As you move to leave, the halfling scout throws out a spread hand, as if to caution you. In spite of his sleeping comrades, he raises his voice in alarm, obviously voicing a warning of import:

"Yew be careful out der! I know Garrick ain't like yew much tew begin wit', an' der ain't no question 'e'll try tew put yew down if yea t'reaten 'is find! Take care!"

As you part the secure folds of the tent, you are instantly gripped by ubiquitous cold. Fortunately, powerful driving winds at your back propel you quickly across the freezing span to the central enclosure, minimizing your time in the storm.


Nevimelk attempts to read his opponent, eyeing him carefully, seeking any possible sign to anticipate and unravel the gambler's bluffs and strategums, though the stonefaced Teris proves more than equal to the Kalashtar's probing, betraying little information of importance.

An attempt at slight of hand goes even more poorly for Tarak when his opponent clearly spots him rig the deck as the former moves to draw.

"Look mate, let's keep things sportin'. Ain't no fun if it comes down to who can cheat best. Next time it happens, I'll find someone else to patronize."

You note that the human now appears substantially more wary in the wake of your failed legerdemain, suspicious eyes intently watching each of you, though preoccupied with Tarak in particular.

2 failures, 0 successes so far.

2011-05-25, 08:11 AM
"Not trying to cheat," Tarak says, still trying to figure out how to play his hand. "Just trying to prepare myself for your practiced play... I'll make my play now, and just hope this works."

[roll0] Streetwise using Wisdom in place of Charisma

2011-05-27, 10:49 AM
Teris laughs.

"Yeah, 'eard that one before, just don't let it happen again."

Tense moments pass as the the two of you and the gambler exchange hands, manoeuvres and plays, cards flashing in a dizzying procession, of flips, shuffles and draws. In the end, despite your best efforts, it seems as though the veteran cardslinger has clinched it, the weakness of your hands insinuating an imminent loss. Suddenly, his once impassive face breaks out into a scintillating grin.

"Read em an' weep."

He splays a winning set across the table. At first sight of the cards, you know he has you irrevocably beat. Closer observation reveals a near perfect hand, as if to dispel any lingering doubts about the crafty human's skill.

"But hey, figure I owe you somethin' for keepin' a bored man entertained, even briefly."

With a flick of his wrist, his palm yields a tiny, heavily weathered flat golden disk, obviously an antique of a bygone era.

"Ain't much use, but I like the look of it."

Explains the gamesman, turning the curious piece over. You see one side features what is barely discernible as a face overlaid with countless scratches, the other covered in faded symbols, both engravings heavily faded.

"One flip; call it. If you win, the crystal is yours."

2011-05-28, 02:31 PM
"One flip?" Tarak asks, "Doesn't seem to hard, let's see the face."

2011-05-31, 03:38 PM
"That's what I like to hear!"

Teris launches the coin into the air with a flick of his thumb, the strange disc spinning almost faster than the eye can discern until it lands flat in the gambler's palm. With a final exaggerated flourish, he flips the coin once more, slamming it hard into the back of the hand, his melodramatic showmanship having garnered a slight crowd.

He grins at Tarak for a long, silent moment, drawing out the tension and suspense before slowly withdrawing the obscuring palm:


The gamesman chuckles loudly at the outcome, giving the half-orc a thump on the back as hearty as his laughter.

"Well, yer card playin' skills ain't much to speak of, but fickle ol luck sure as hell hasn't abandoned you! Here mate, it's all yours."

He pushes the sapphire crystal towards Tarak with a broad grin.

"And there's more where that came from so long as you can keep this gamblin' fool entertained. Hit me up for a round anytime."

With a final laugh and friendly pat, Teris turns back to his cards, busying himself with some kind of solitary game.

2011-06-01, 12:16 AM
Managing to ride the winds back to the tent of gambling and merriment, Timsy arrived just in time to see Tarak's victory. Clapping loudly in an attempt to draw some lighter spirits out of the crowd that had gathered.

"Never thought you for a gambling man Tarak! Good job besting Teris, there's something to be said for that." Timsy jested, knowing the situation was entirely riding on chance and luck. He moved closer and lowered his voice hoping that any extra cheers would cover what he whispered to his companion, "We've gathered some intelligence from Anson, I can explain but I'd like everyone together... mind helping em round the others up so we can discuss tactics and planning before we turn in for the night?"

2011-06-01, 10:21 AM
Immerial simply raises a frost covered eyebrow as he enters the tent, none too happy about the others gambling in their absence but unwilling to raise a fuss about it. Moving back to the fire to warm up he waits for a signal to gather and plan.

2011-06-01, 08:37 PM
"Best him?" Tarak asks, looking at the men returning to the tent. "I got lucky on flip of his coin, after he creamed me in cards. Now I just need to figure out how to work the stone I won on that flip..."

Do I have to roll something or will I find out naturally?

2011-06-06, 11:45 AM
The trek back to your tent proves uncomfortable albeit brief, being conveniently situated little more than fifteen feet south of the main tent. When you enter, you notice the interior appears a tad unsettled, with several items jarred or slightly out of place. Your heatsphere glows dully in the centre of the area, casting a dim, sanguine glow about the enclosure.

2011-06-07, 09:41 AM
Immerial looks around with a hint of suspicion on his face. "I think someone might have been here since we left..." he says as he goes to look over his stuff.

Perception check on my gear. [roll0]

2011-06-07, 11:07 AM
"That's kind of obvious," Tarak grumbles, "Too bad we will have no way of proving who did this."

He then moved to reorganize his pack, ensuring nothing was missing and that nothing extra was left by whoever ransacked the tent.

[roll0] Perception

2011-06-11, 02:35 PM
"No, we don't have any proof, but I can make a few guesses." Timsy rifled through the pack he had left in their tent, it had contained most of his travelling gear, but most importantly a vial of Risiduum his uncle had given him and his small grimoire which contained three of the more complex spells the young bard had learned.

"From what Anson said, it seems like Garrick is willing to have this next score all to himself, no matter what... I wouldn't be too surprised if one of his goons was in here trying to steal some of our more valuable tools."

Perception to Search for missing items:[roll0]
Streetwise to know who else might have done this?:[roll1]

2011-06-12, 02:14 PM
Though it is impossible to say with any certainty who the responsible party was thus far, Tiniere manages to discern several scratch marks on several of your lockboxes that may have come from some kind of claw.

A thorough investigation of the containers themselves determines that they haven't been breached and rifled through, though the locks on one of them have clearly been meddled with, a single clasp fully picked open. Whoever came through here, it seems pretty evident they hadn't had time to finish the job.

2011-06-15, 10:56 PM
"If they stopped a search prematurely it means they had a general idea that we were returning." Tarak says, while he finished cleaning up his pack and stowing the new crystal. "Or they did finish and whatever item they were looking for is the only item missing... Does everyone have all of their belongings?"

2011-06-19, 09:55 PM
"It looks like all of my gear is here. There's plenty of ways they could have known we were returning, it seems likely that's why they stopped..." Immerial says, half talking to himself as he thinks back to the confrontation with Garrick's team to try and remember if any of them demonstrated abilities that would aid them in knowing when the group was coming back.

Int check to see if I remember any specific abilities anyone has displayed (outside our team of course) that would allow them to know we were coming back or pass information to the people ransacking our tent?

2011-06-20, 03:42 PM
"It appears all of my goods are in order, from my spellbook to my Quiver. There is likely little we can do tonight, let us secure the tent and our belongings and settle in for the night. Clearly they were unwilling to simply take what they searched for by force, so we shouldn't need worry while we're here." Timsy climbed into his cot-like bed and lay on his back with his arms folded on his chest. He waited for a response before allowing himself to drift off to sleep.

2011-06-20, 09:06 PM
"True enough," Tarak says as he climbs into his own bed. "And even if they did kill us in our sleep someone would be after them for such a crime."

2011-06-20, 09:48 PM
Immerial waits for the others to drift off, taking a last look around the tent to see if he missed anything, before he drops into a regenerating trance.

Yay Trance-ing! I don't know what my deal is with characters who don't sleep normally, seems like all my recent characters have some way to get around the normal limits.

Perception check (last look around before sleeping): [roll0]
Passive Perception while in Trance (aware): 17

2011-06-22, 07:58 PM
After a moment of deliberation, Immerial recalls that Garrick's crew includes a Thri-kreen, a clawed, humanoid insect they've affectionately dubbed 'Klack'; so named for his exclusive method of communicating through clicks, clacks and other like mediums. The creature is something of an idiot savant, with an instinctive, almost preternatural understanding of locks and other complex mechanisms. He has an established reputation as an exceptionally capable sneak. Immerial further recollects that this insectoid is also noted for being highly perceptive; your rivals have often employed him as an advance scout during hazardous salvages. If Garrick's crew is indeed responsible, he seems likely to be involved as either a lookout or even the perpetrator.

Aside from this, there are other obvious possibilities; perhaps someone in the main tent acted as a lookout for whoever was responsible. Each of you know a wide range of denizens with talents conducive to keeping watch or providing silent forewarning; both of these are basic skills impressed upon virtually all denizens of Sanctuary.

Prior to going to sleep, Immerial discovers still more light scratch marks on the lockboxes, but little else of note.


In spite of the turbulent winds, each of you manage to obtain some measure of quality rest, the soothing warmth of your heatsphere easing you into a gradual sleep. In his trance, Immerial observes the gradual dying of the storm, as the howling gusts syncopate to scarcely broken silence. When each of you awaken, though no sun is visible through the windproofed contours of your tent, a combination of experience and circadian rhythm tells you the morning has come.

2011-06-24, 11:27 PM
Precisely when his internal clock tells him morning has come Immerial rises from his seated position. As he goes through his morning stretches to fully awaken his body and mind his thoughts drift back to his deductions from the night before. Waiting until most of the others start moving he speaks up, completely forgetting to give any kind of context to his words for the sake of those whose minds are groggy upon waking.

"I believe our intruder last night was Klack, Garruck's Thri-Kreen. He's a talented lockpick and highly perceptive. If we assume Garruck's crew were the ones in our tent, which seems likely, he's the obvious choice."

Finishing his stretches by cracking his back Immerial waits to see if anyone has anything to add before the group heads out.

2011-06-26, 05:16 PM
Rolling from his bunk Tarak shook the last remnants of sleep from his body and rose to his feet. "Wouldn't be a surprise..." He mumbles, as he shoulders his pack and looks to the others, "Regardless, we have to get moving or we will be beaten to another find."

2011-06-26, 08:41 PM
Uncharacteristically slow to awaken Timsy didn't sit up from his bedding untill he heard the others fumbling with their equipment and preparing to leave. Quickly the young man brushed his hair out of his face with his hand, straightened his armour and slung his back and Songbow over his shoulder.

"So we're off then? And Klack? The buggy fellow? Well I'll be glad he didn't manage to grab anything." The human spun on his heels, "Forgot my Quivers!" After belting on his arrow containers Timsy returned to his companions just a few strides away.

"Here's to a safe journey." He started a quiet whistling tune, a melody that had accompanied a ballet of sorts that his mother's friend had performed in. It was upbeat and optimistic, but quiet enough to keep from waking anyone else in the settlement. With the music set and eyes open Timsy stepped out into the chill morning air.

2011-06-29, 04:39 PM
Your preparations like the remainder of the night, prove uneventful, a simple matter of gathering and organizing provisions and equipment. There are no interruptions and of your gear, you find everything you require.

Parting the weighted tent folds, you find the morning air bitterly cold, albeit tolerable in your heavy storm-jackets. Above you sprawls a dreary sky of overcast grey, rendering bleak, ominous palls across a lifeless snowscape of muted white in your view beyond the palisades, broken only by the occasional isolated stand of frostwood. At hand is Anson's map detailing the two routes, one fraught with predatory hazards, the other a safe, albeit lengthy detour through crags and broken terrain that might well delay you enough to give Garrick's crew the edge it needs to lay a decisive first claim.

2011-07-03, 08:19 PM
Stopping suddenly Timsy remembered that although they had the map, the party had yet to pick whether they planned to take the longer more time consuming route or the shorter yet far more deadly passage. "So, wait, which way are we going? The one that suggests certain death or the one that implies the absolute destruction of our bodily forms?" He allowed himself a moment of thought before voicing his own opinion.

"To me, it seems we must take the quicker way, if we've any chance of beating Garrick there, but we can be certain his band of not-so-merry men will take that way as well. In addition I haven't seen the other's since last night... perhaps they got cold feet? What do you think Tarak? Immerial?"

2011-07-03, 08:52 PM
"The short way is probably better," Tarak agrees, "Although it may be better to intentionally trail behind their group so that any injuries they suffer in the wild eases our travel, and provides a reminder that karma does exist."

2011-07-03, 10:55 PM
Immerial shrugs before speaking. "If Garrick's crew is taking the short path, which is very likely at this point, then we must too, else we essentially forfeit any claim on the prize to them."

2011-07-08, 10:14 PM
"Mornin'" grunts Malkyr as he shuffles past everyone into the tent. The drow mutters to himself as a variety of noises accompany his activity inside it.

"What a night, what a night... I shouldn't have had that last one... or two... or six..." Malkyr's tone suddenly takes on a more urgent tone. "What the! Who's been messin' with my stuff? What are these scratches on my locker? What's goin' on?"

Malkyr sticks his head outside the tent and exclaims, "Did you guys see what-" He stops short as he notices the others are geared up and ready to go. Eyeballing them suspiciously, he continues. "Wait a minute... What's goin' on? Were you goin' out scavengin' without me again? Don't you remember what happened last time you did that? Do you want to leave the booby-trapped stuff behind again? It's only worth the most creds! Sheesh!"

Malkyr ducks back inside the tent. A split second later he emerges, sporting all his equipment and a broad grin. "Anyway I'm here now. Where're we headed?"

2011-07-09, 06:41 PM
"Malkyr! I'd figured you'd be too exhausted from your usual antics to join us this time. Glad to see you've shaken off the weight of drink and late nights." Timsy smiled as the drow scrambled out of the tent with his equipment. The bard didn't always approve of the darkskinned fey's activities, but he found the stories that were spawned from Malkyr's 'adventurous' nature very enjoyable.

"And yes, you're right... we probably shouldn't leave anything behind, we could use the creds, I don't particularly want my Aunt telling me my cousin's are starving because we forgot about one of our most talented comrades." Timsy waved Malkyr over with a smile.

"Well we're headed off to that depot everyone has been gossiping about, we've got a map and two paths to take. One's through bloodsucker turf, but we NEED to be able to compete with Garrick and his ilk and the bloodsucker way is faster, if more dangerous. So, ready for another adventure?"

2011-07-10, 10:40 AM
"Garrick!?" exclaims Malkyr. "Bloodsuckers!? What is that, a family reunion? Ha ha! Anyway let's get crackin'. I hope I didn't hold us up too long. I don't blame ya's for wantin' to get an early start; we'll need to leg it to have half a chance against Garrick's mob."

Malkyr takes a step forward, then stops. He smiles and raises his eyebrows at his colleagues, eager for someone else to take the lead.

2011-07-10, 06:04 PM
Immerial nods in greeting to Malkyr, frowning slightly but remaining silent while Timsy explains the situation to him.

"We'd best get moving. Everyone ready?" he asks once it appears that the young Drow is ready to go.

2011-07-13, 11:48 AM
With your final preparations complete, and each gear list double checked, the four of you set out towards the palisade exit. Here the gatekeepers grant you their blessings and well wishes; you know them well: Erik and Gorrick, a pair of robust dwarven brothers, veteran huntsmen, tireless and renowned for their martial skills, keen eyes and insight.

"Take care yew lot. Guess yer goin' after Garrick's claim; 'e took off 'bout an hour ago, same with Hiro's boys, right into the dyin' storm, damn fools. Never much liked that big 'eaded arst, hope you stick it to 'im. If he don't come back this time, we ain't missin' 'im."

As Erik finishes, Gorrick hastily pitches in.

"Yew jest be careful. Both of em are loaded down for bear, like they was expectin' trouble. Suppose there's always trouble out there, but even so, they're armed to the teeth. Garrick's really all in on this one, musta cost him 'is entire credit stash tah pick out the quartermaster's best. All but cleaned out 'is potion stock too."

The dwarf shakes his head, a pall of barely disguised sadness darkening his scarstruck features. Pregnant silence hangs in the air spanning several long and ponderous moments. With a resigned shrug, he breaks the silence once more.

"Ain't fancy your chances against them, if it comes down to a fight, but seein' how they was equipped, maybe this is a gamble worth takin'. Yew come back tew us now yea hear? Known some of you since you were tykes, and I ain't wanna hear about 'ow you gone an' got your fool selves killed."

Then, without further delay, the dwarves part the heavy timber gates of the palisades, allowing you to pass through.

Though tame as compared to the feral tumult and raging storm of the night before, the icy wastes remain a harsh and unforgiving place. The further you encroach upon the frigid badlands, the more the cold seems to pierce your many layers of fur and skin, as though finding your intrusion audacious, some grave affront meriting scornful reproach. Eddies and gusts periodically swirl and kick up tiny maelstroms of snow that chill all within, perfectly indifferent to your attempts at self-preservation. Your mounting discomfort and fatigue as you press on tell you immediately that the travel alone will not be an easy venture, whilst the promise of conflict hangs ominous and heavy.

Skill Test time! If you can justify the use of a skill, given that you are trying to safely navigate from point A to B in a cold, hostile environment, attempting to avoid predatory creatures, it works. If you justify it especially well, you'll get a +2 bonus to the roll.

I will also need an Endurance check for each skill use; this is in addition to your skill test roll.

2011-07-13, 02:13 PM
Somewhat glad to hear that their rivals would be facing the dangers of the wilderness before they would, Timsy smiled if only slightly as the party left through the gates. The magic in his wolf hide armor protected him from some of the chill environment, but it was far from completely insulating. "I'll try a slight trick of the light, perhaps my magic can help hide us from any onlookers, predatory or otherwise."

Timsy was hardly a master of the arcane, and his knowledge of Anima wasn't on par with that of the skilled and studious scholarly sorts, but he did know a few useful enchantments and illusions. One of these was a simple trick, one the bard had learned from a Gnomish Minstrel he had once worked with during a play. The illusion was less potent than even a cantrip but it bent light in a small area making it harder to see the objects or creatures therein.

The young man knew his magic worked best when he accompanied it with some music so he picked a few soft notes on his songbow as if he were playing a harp, the song carried on the wind with syncopated notes raising in pitch as the taught strings vibrated in the cold dry air.

Arcana Check to blend the party in with the surrounding ice and snow. More like a minor trick of perception than any real magic. In a nutshell he's just trying to make everyone slightly less noticeable so that we hopefully draw less attention from bloodsuckers or other nasties.

Arcana: [roll0]

2011-07-13, 04:28 PM
Tightening the straps of his pack Tarak pressed forward holding his heavy cloak outward to try and buffer the smaller members of his group from the frigid cold. That the wind ripped through him regardless of his efforts was immaterial to his efforts but if the they were going to survive someone had to make it through the storm unscathed.

Attempting to use Athletics (As a combined feat of strength and constitution it seems to make the most sense) to protect the other members from the cold while I soldier on. Athletics [roll0], Endurance [roll1]

2011-07-13, 04:37 PM
Immerial pulls his clothing tight as the wind whips around the group. Even as the chill bites to his bones his mind races ahead, running through lists of creatures he has seen and recorded attacks in the area, mostly stories he has heard. For each attack he references the creature's behavior, how likely it is one would be seen in weather like this, and, for those creatures likely to be encountered, how to avoid them. As the group moves onwards he gives snippets of information to the others in an effort to avoid attracting hostile attention.

Using my knowledge of the history of the area to learn how to avoid running into anything dangerous?
History: [roll0]
Endurance: [roll1]

2011-07-13, 05:22 PM
Malkyr flits between his fellow party members, adjusting their gear, guiding their steps, and removing potentially noisome obstacles from their path in am attempt to attain complete silence save for Timsy's distracting melody.

"The sound of the wind, you see," whispers Malkyr, "differs depending on what it strikes. What we want to do, is - don't step there! - match the sound of the wind when it strikes nothing. Or maybe a rock. Predators 'round here use their ears 's much 's their eyes."

Stealth to stay hidden from nasties: [roll0]
Endurance: [roll1]

2011-07-14, 12:04 PM
As you continue to move, the winds surge, and blow past with scathing force, its penetrating cold nearly reminiscent of last night's fleeting exposure, only there is no safe harbour, no comfort or sanctuary of a warmed tent to retreat to. Though Malkyr and Timsy appear to brace the worst of it, the rest are torn through with muscle wrenching chills. Tarak's selfless attempts to shelter his comrades have left him vulnerable to the very elements he sought to protect them from, whilst Immerial's thin frame offers little resistance to the piercing frosts.

Fortunately, the group's attempts to navigate the frosted plains have met with greater success. Though the bard's magicks prove ineffective at camouflaging the party, Tarak's endeavours have heartened the group, allowing for fleeter travel across the wastes, while Malkyr has evidently kept them from the notice of marauding predators, some of which you can see ambling about on the horizon; frostwolves. For his part, Immerial has thus far managed to direct the party quickly and safely through the area based on his recollection of the region's history and prior explorations, though it seems evident that this will prove more difficult the farther from the camp you travel.

By this time, you have been travelling for about an hour, though it seems at least five times as long, particularly for Tarak and Immerial, whom have been spared no measure of the cold's wrath as their bodies continue to quake and shutter.

Upon cresting a steep hill, a peculiar sight catches your eye: bodies lying in an icy field strewn with boulders and outcroppings not much more than 50 feet away; humanoid bodies! The largest corpse is clearly that of a goliath; the sight sends a chill down your spine, for you know Hiro to be one. Was this what became of his party? About several of the cadavers, busily feasting, are a handful of vicious snow ravagers and several frost wolves. Currently they seem too preoccupied with their gruesome meals to even take notice of you.

Immerial and Tarak both lose a healing surge due to exposure.

2011-07-14, 04:37 PM
"Should we attack?" Tarak asks, looking back to the group. "A little action might warm the blood, and if successful it will give us a chance to identify, and if need be, properly dispose of the bodies."

2011-07-14, 05:11 PM
"Dispose of the bodies?" asks Malkyr. "Why would we-"

The drow stops, and his eyes move rapidly without looking at anything in particular, giving away the mental calculations being made. Once complete, Malkyr stands up straight and nods knowingly at Tarak.

"Yeah. Yeah, right. Proper burial, an' all that." An' nobody else to claim their loot adds Malkyr silently.

2011-07-14, 06:19 PM
Disappointed that he hadn't managed to work the enchantment the way he'd wanted Timsy steps up behind his party mates, surveying the scene himself. He shudders upon the realisation that the corpses could well be Hiro's men.

"Well perhaps we should size up our competitors if we're considering picking the bodies as well. Our feral counterparts over there seem less than willing to share their score." Timsy calmly knocks an arrow and gestures towards the frost wolves and ravagers. "Nor do they seem friendly? Anyone know about them? they seem to have made quick work of our new rivals..."

2011-07-15, 11:02 AM
Immerial steps forward, still feeling the chill down to his bones, but his curiosity piqued by the creatures. He searches his memory for any useful details about them.

Monster knowledge checks? I'm assuming nature but I have the same score in all non-history knowledges.
Ravengers: [roll0]
Snow wolves: [roll1]

If possible (and I make either hard dc) can I use my theme enc power as a bonus for the first round? If not that's cool, just asking

2011-07-18, 06:03 PM
Immerial fails to recollect anything but the most basic information about the two monsters, knowledge commonplace to nearly every scav: these are territorial, pack forming, and above all vicious creatures, known to use teamwork to hunt, and flank prey. One will often pull down quarry, while the rest snap and bite at the downed victim. While Ravagers are an entirely different species, they have commonly been spotted in symbiotic relations with the Frost Wolves to their mutual benefit and defense.

Frost Wolves are lithe, fast, agile canines with extremely thick fur coats that are camouflaged and well inured to the cold of the wastes. Their jaws are powerful, and they are brutally cunning animals.

Ravagers are savage, overbuilt, and short tempered hulks of muscle, nearly resembling a strange cross between a bear and wolf, with exceedingly sharp claws and powerful bites. Though comparatively slow and ponderous relative to most life in the wastes, they often band together with wolf packs. The primary nature of their symbiosis is that the latter hinders and slows prey it would otherwise find too deadly, and in turn these brutes catch up to and tear the unfortunate victim apart. A couple of you have seen these beasts and their gruesome handwork in action first hand; it's none too pretty.

What you find particularly unusual is that none of the animals appear to be in any way injured in spite of Hiro's renown as a skilled huntsman and deadly warrior; one of the finest in all of Sanctuary. The others in his entourage were also noted as exceptionally skilled combatants in their own right, in some cases second perhaps only to those in Garrick's crew.

@ Binks: You could have.

2011-07-18, 07:36 PM
"I'm afraid I don't know too much about these creatures. I have heard of packs of wolves working with larger creatures symbiotically but I'm afraid my prior knowledge ends there.

I am of the mind that if we are to fight them we should probably either concentrate our attacks on the wolves, evading the large creatures as best we can, or concentrate on the larger creatures to bring them down before engaging the wolves. Either way we aim to eliminate one group, which will allow us to adopt our tactics to fighting the other group.

As it is often said, 'The whole is greater than the sum of its parts'. In the case of most symbiotic relationships I've seen that is very much the truth."

Immerial does his best to remain calm as he makes his explanation and sizes up the creatures. Inside he's anything but as he is once more confronted with the dangers of the wild. They say you never get over that initial bit of terror when faced with potential death, and at least in Immerial's case he never has.

Cool. I'll keep that in mind in the future. Thanks.

2011-07-18, 08:18 PM
"So we pick out single enemies from one of the groups, deal with them first. Then turn attention to the others. Makes sense to me. So shall I take the first shot or could we figure a more advantageous position to engage from?" The blond haired archer begins to gently pull back the arrow on his songbow, leveling it in the direction of some of the wolves. He could feel the arrow hum in his fingers as his inner anima seeped into the projectile guiding it better than the unskilled archer's raw talent ever could.

"So any plans from those of us that are warriors, not actors and performers like myself? I'll take whatever advice I can get."

Timsy is readying Jinx Shot so that he can fire it in the first round of combat or if they are spotted by the Ravagers or Wolves, at whichever approaches first. Otherwise he's mentally preparing himself for combat.

2011-07-18, 09:23 PM
"You distract ‘em," replies Malkyr to Timsy as the drow draws his dagger, "I’ll gut ‘em. Simple."

2011-07-18, 10:44 PM
"I guess we attack then," Tarak says, drawing his blade and advancing slowly towards the creatures. "If you guys plan on doing anything flashy just make sure it doesn't happen while I am standing in the center of it, okay?"

Stealth to try and close the gap. [roll0], Initiative for when things get hairy [roll1]

2011-07-20, 07:43 PM
Tarak's attempt to approach the creatures proves a disastrous failure as a patch of ice cracks and crunches beneath his boot-shod feet, instantly alerting the predators. With the party having lost the element of surprise, many of the creatures look up from their ghastly meals, ears perked, teeth gnashing. Upon sighting you, they immediately surge forward to attack.

The wolves dash at the hapless barbarian, one of them leaping towards the half-orc. Tarak attempts to evade the pouncing canine, nearly succeeding, though the wolf's teeth scarcely catch his arm, dragging him down into the snow. The rest of the wolves seem encouraged by the first's example, and quickly follow suit, dogpiling the grounded huntsman, whom almost entirely disappears beneath a savage flurry of snapping, tearing jaws. The snarling morass does not however conceal the growing spread of bloodied snow beneath it, nor the various bits of flesh and sinew torn from its victim.

One of the ravagers begins to lumber towards the party, the ground seeming almost to tremble at its approach, mercifully slowed by a sheet of cracked and uneven ice. In contrast, its fellow stares on uncomprehendingly, as if momentarily confused; it doesn't take long however, for that perplexed expression to assume the ferocity and feral purpose of the other's.

Took the liberty of rolling initiative for those who hadn't. Check the combat tracker. We're using group initiative for the PCs and individual initiative for the monsters for now. Monsters with more than 13 Initiative have acted as follows:

Wolf #1: Moves and charges to I2 and hits Tarak for 12 damage. Tarak is knocked prone.
Wolf #2: Moves and charges to I3 and hits Tarak for 13 damage. Wolf #1 shifts to J2. Tarak is bloodied, and gains 5 THP from his racial power.
Wolf #3: Moves and charges to I4. Misses Tarak.
Ravager #1: Double moves to A2.
Wolf #4: Moves and charges to J4. Hits Tarak for 12 damage. Tarak is now at 3 HP.


Google combat tracker has been updated: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjKjYySklKeTdDZBdjA4NWV1SUxLajBkWjk4cnVKc mc&hl=en_US#gid=0

Remember, you must log-in to edit.

Cracked ice is difficult terrain.

You can use the Hit Confirmer to determine whether or not your attack hit; simply enter your roll in the appropriate column, and check the result column.

2011-07-20, 09:41 PM
"Tarak!" Immerial shouts.

Immerial backs away, frightened by the wolves speed and ferocity. His anger overwhelms his fear, however, and he focuses all of his concentration towards the wolf pack, trying to force his way into their minds, turning his anger on them in a burst of psychic energy.

Move to shift 1 space back to L2.

Standard to ready an action. Trigger condition - The Wolves start their turns (or move/attack if you'd prefer). Action - Dishearten, targeting I3. Burst 1 vs Will. On a hit they also get -2 atk till my next turn.
Damage: [roll0]
Attack rolls (rolling for everyone I can imagine might be there when it resolves)
W1(Hit): [roll1]
W2(Miss): [roll2]
W3(Hit): [roll3]
W4(Miss): [roll4]
Tarak(Hit, sorry): [roll5]
R1(Hit): [roll6]
Other: [roll7]

2011-07-20, 11:36 PM
"Wait!" hisses Malkyr, all too late. Before the grimace fades from his face, the wolves descend upon Tarak. That'll learn 'im, thinks Malkyr, if he survives, o' course.

Malkyr does his best to avoid the snapping jaws of a wolf as he ducks behind Timsy and Immerial, circling the fight. Finding a wolf on the other side of the battle still gnashing at the half-orc, Malkyr thrusts his dagger at the belly of the beast, but in his haste he loses his footing and his blade merely shaves a patch of the wolf's fur.

Move action: L3 -> L2 -> L1 -> K0 -> J0 -> I1. AC vs. OA from Wolf 4 is 22 (Artful Dodger).
Standard action: Sly Flourish vs Wolf 1
Attack (including +2 for CA and +1 for Nimble Blade): [roll0] vs. AC
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] = 22 damage.

2011-07-21, 12:30 AM
Rising to his feet Tarak spat out a wad of blood as he seemed to growl at the wolf in front of him. Pulling his two blades apart he then seemed to flip over the wolf, leaving a streak of the half-orc's blood staining the wolf's white backside before bearing down with both of the wickedly curved blades to cut into the beast's tough hide.

Move - Stand Up, Minor - Trigger Two Weapon Mode of the Twinned Blades, Standard - Pressing Strike (Hit!-Damage not Re-rolled) on Wolf #2 (Shift to H3, if I hit Push to J3) [roll0]; [roll1] + Extras for possible Brutal re-rolls [roll2], [roll3]

2011-07-21, 06:43 AM
Through her fugue of fear and pain, Daratra hears the wild beasts stop ripping apart the corpses of her friends. For a moment she dares to hope that they're gone - until she hears their frenzied snarls renewed, albeit in a different direction.

She risks a glance through the bushes, and sees the wolves lunge on top of a half-orc. She also takes in the scene of Hiro and the others' mutilated corpses, and something inside snaps.

She lets out a brutal snarl as her face and body shift, becoming more beastlike, accentuating her own dog-like features. She then bursts from behind the bush, and charges at one of the wolves assaulting the prone half-orc. Not even bothering to draw a weapon, she lashes out at the wolf with her claws, but doesn't manage to land a meaningful blow against the wolf's tough, weather-hardened pelt.

Minor action: Longtooth Shifting. +2 to damage rolls, and regeneration 2 while bloodied, until the end of the encounter.
Move action: Move to B8.
Standard action: Charge to H3, unarmed MBA against Wolf 2.

MBA Attack: [roll0]
MBA Damage: [roll1]

I'm assuming that moving under the tree isn't difficult terrain.

2011-07-21, 04:11 PM
Drawing the arrow on his bow back Timsy steps carefully away from the wolves, and his savaged ally. He finishes a quiet limerick which is soon accompanied by a soft soothing trill from the bowstring's own magic. Combined, the rhyming syllables and high pitched keening form a new magic that mends the fallen warrior's wounds and moves Tarak out of harm's way, for the most part.

Having done what he can for his ally the bard releases his held arrow, aiming for the same creature Malkyr struck earlier, hoping for a lucky blow that would drop the beast. Immediately after loosing the arrow he draws another and prepares to counter the next attack against Tarak.

Move: Shift from K3 to L3
Minor: Use Majestic Word on Tarak, He can spend a surge + 4 HP + 4 Temp HP, This also slides Tarak from H3 to G4.
Standard: Timsy Fires Jynx Shot (vs AC) at Frost Wolf #2
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] And it falls prone if it misses an attack before my next turn ends.
Free: Prepares to use Warning Shot against an enemy that attacks one of his known allies. It's an Immediate Interrupt.

2011-07-21, 06:56 PM
Round #1:

Malkyr's dagger catches nothing but coat as he lunges at his quarry, the wolf incidentally darting out of the way as it bites off mouthfuls of the drow's fallen comrade.

With an impressive show of endurance and athleticism, Tarak leaps to his feet and blows past the second wolf, inflicting a pair of deep cuts on the perplexed animal as he hurdles over it. Yelping in pain and surprise, the creature involuntarily recoils backwards into the puddle of blood the barbarian had shed just moments ago.

Suddenly, a strange beast-like humanoid darts out from behind one of the large boulders ahead, fist drawn back as she charges into the fray. Unfortunately she fails to solidly connect with her target, as it bounds off the wolf's coarse fur, and tough, leathery hide.

Waiting for an opening, Timsy comes to the aid of a bloodied and beaten Tarak, his song restoring a measure of the barbarian's vitality. With the half-orcs wounds dealt with, he takes aim at the second wolf, the loosed shot just barely strikes his target, gouging it in the side as it snarls and growls at the mysterious new combatant.

Shambling forward, the other Ravager is likewise delayed by the hindering ice, though this temporary reprieve does little to offset the menace of the creature, each footfall sending a tremor through the earth and snow as it roars in vexation.

Round #2:

The third and fourth wolves slowly close in on Tarak, cautiously circling and nipping at him, though making no overt movement, as if lying in wait for something...

As they move into position Immerial spots his chance, and a subtle ripple manifests in the air about the wolves. At the same moment, half of the predators spontaneously wince and deanimate, seemingly enervated.

Suddenly, with a final terrifying roar, the Ravager surges forth from the shattered ice, sending shards flying everywhere as it rushes at the barbarian, closing distance with surprising alacrity for its size and bulk. It is but moments before the beast slams into its prey, a swipe of its claw bowling the ravaged half-orc over, impact like an avalanche. Were it not for the cordon of wolves, it is doubtless he would have been sent flying. As it is, the warrior falls to the ground, his passage stopped abruptly by the flanking predators who have by now taken their cue, acting on the opportunity they had been waiting for. Fortunately for the fallen barbarian, he is able to ward off the savage flurry of bites with several desperate, flailing strokes of his weapon.

In response to the onslaught of the Ravager, Timsy attempts to ward it off with a shot of his longbow, though the projectile narrowly goes wide, skimming the flesh of the angry hulk, causing it to unleash an ear-splitting howl of rage.

Nearby, the first and second wolves seem to be adopting much the same strategy of their fellows, nipping and circling about the bloodied shifter, though neither yet moves in for the kill.

Combat Summary:

Round #1:


Malkyr misses Wolf #1.
Tarak hits Wolf #2 for 9 damage.
Daratra misses Wolf #2.
Timsy hits Wolf #2 for 7 damage, heals Tarak for 12 HP and 4 THP, and misses Ravager #2 with Arrow of Warning for 8 damage.
Immerial hits Wolf #1 and #3 for 9 damage each, and misses Wolf #2, #4 and Daratra (used the 'Other' roll for her).


Ravager #1: Double moves to A0.

Round #2


Wolf #4: Moves to H5, Readies an action.
Wolf #3: Moves to H4, Readies an action.
Ravager #2: Moves and charges to F4 hitting Tarak for 18 damage. Tarak is now at 1 hp and is prone. Timsy attacks and misses with Arrow of Warning (rolled a 2 :smallfrown:), dealing 8 damage to Ravager #2. Wolf #4 and #3 attack after Tarak is hit, both missing.
Wolf #2: Shifts to I3 and readies an action.
Wolf #1: Shifts to J3 and readies an action.

Combat Map:



https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjKjYySklKeTdDZBdjA4NWV1SUxLajBkWjk4cnVKc mc&hl=en_US#gid=0

2011-07-21, 10:03 PM
Daratra feels rejuvenated by the flow of battle around her as she unhooks the heavy maul on her back. Calmer now, she roars as she shakes off her most visible injuries, attempting to inspire her makeshift allies to greater heights.

She then taps into the elements around her, drawing on the icy wastes to give herself a frozen countenance. Small icicles grow from exposed parts of her body, her eyes turn white-blue, and the ice around her cracks and shifts, making it difficult for her enemies to navigate.

Then, forcing herself to push on even further, she swings her great maul at the nearest wolf, drawing on the powerful wasteland winds to draw her enemies closer to herself. Unfortunately, she misjudges the wolf's agility, and with the wasted attack she loses the wind's power.

Finally, she marks each creature with nature's wrath, almost daring them to ignore her power.

Start of turn: Regen 2, no longer bloodied.
Minor: Draw Guardian Maul
Standard: Inspiring Fortitude (use second wind for +9 hp, each ally within 5 squares gains 12 THP - should hit everyone)
Move -> Minor: Form of Winter's Herald (+1 AC, +2 Fort, resist 5 cold, each square within 2 squares of me is difficult terrain for my enemies).
Action Point: Grasping Winds vs Wolf 2.
Attack: [roll0]
EDIT: Goddammit!
Damage: [roll1]
On a hit, I pull all enemies within 3 squares of me 2 squares:
Wolf 1 to J2;
Wolf 3 to H3;
Wolf 4 to J3;
Ravager 2 to H2.

Free Action: Natures Wrath. All adjacent enemies are marked by me until my EONT. (So, wolves 1 and 2).

Oh, I also get the +2 all defenses for using my second wind.

2011-07-21, 10:10 PM
Again dragging himself to his feet Tarak bellows a roar of frustration as he spins around and slashes at the wolf behind him before again flipping over one of the hounds and unleashing a flurry of blades into the beast's flanks.

Move - Stand Up (This will get annoying...); Standard - Pressing Strike (Shift to I4, No Push regardless of hit) on Wolf 3 (Hit) [roll0], [roll1]; AP - Whirling Frenzy (Reflex Attack) -
Wolf 1 (Hit) [roll2], [roll3], On Miss [roll4],
Wolf 2 (Miss Tarak takes 6) [roll5], [roll6], On Miss [roll7],
Wolf 3 (Miss Tarak takes 4) [roll8], [roll9], On Miss [roll10],
Wolf 4 (Hit) [roll11], [roll12], On Miss [roll13].
And finally the spare damage rolls for Brutal 1 - [roll14] I messed up with the Whirling Frenzy and forgot rollv, It is up to you whether the results on the damage included any 1's or not. Also if one of the targets drops use Whirling Lunge on the next most damaged wolf.

2011-07-21, 10:58 PM
Malkyr shadows the wolf as it moves away from him. He treads carefully, trying to avoid the crucial slip that proved his undoing previously. Unfortunately the drow watches his steps too closely, oblivious to all else, and by the time he is satisfied with his footing the wolf is beyond his reach.

Move action: Move to K2.
Standard action: Sly Flourish vs Wolf 1
Attack (including +2 for CA and +1 for Nimble Blade): [roll0] vs. AC
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] = 0 damage.

2011-07-22, 05:47 AM
Seeing that the barbarian has been heavily wounded yet again, Timsy recasts the healing spell he had completed mere seconds before, effectively exhausting his restorative magic leaving him with only enchantments and wards remaining. The animus evokes the half orc's body to rejuvenate as his wounds close again.

Disappointed at the ineffectiveness of his warning shot, Timsy in an effort to further protect Tarak, loses two spells in succession. The first, a warding song to protect his friend. The air around the barbarian will pulse and ripple with a single pure note, repeating itself like the beating of war drums.

With his defensive abilities expended the bard turns to attack one of the Wolves that is harrying Tarak. This time, the bard does not draw an arrow, instead a glowing green aura around his weapon congeals into the projectiles form, and with a single mystic syllable from Timsy's lips, soars off towards the monster.

Well aware that he is not suited for hand to hand combat Timsy attempts to move out of the way towards a nearby stone in an attempt to use it for cover.

Minor: Majestic Word on Tarak again Surge+4+4 Temp
Standard: Activate Cannon of Avoidance on Tarak +2 on All Defenses
Action Point Standard: Misdirecting Mark on Wolf #3
Attack Vs Will: [roll0]
If Hit: [roll1] And the wolf is marked as if by Daratra, she seems the bulkiest of those still standing.
Move:Move from L3 to L5

2011-07-22, 09:22 AM
Immerial shifts his focus from the wolves to the Ravenger behind the group. Reaching out with a fraction of his concentration he summons up confusing images within the creatures mind, hoping to distract it from the battle at hand.

With the rest of his concentration Immerial focuses on two of the wolves and the large creature, the largest area he can hold in his mind. Immerial pours as many depressing images as he can into the minds of the creatures, hoping to drive their moral down enough to give his allies the necessary advantage. He feels the larger creature shrug off his psychic pressure, but the two wolves react.

As he does this Immerial slips into the position Timsy had occupied.

Minor - Distract R2. No roll, it grants CA to the next attack on it before the end of my (our I assume) next turn. Noted use of an enc power on sheet.

Standard - Dishearten. Burst 1 within 10, targeting Tarak's old space, G4. Targets are W3, W4, and R2.
Dmg: [roll0]
W2: [roll1] (Hit, -2 atk rolls)
W3: [roll2] (Hit, -2 atk rolls)
R2: [roll3] (Miss)

Move - Move to Timsy's old spot, L3.

Also, as an immediate interrupt (forgot to not this earlier). Pretty much first time I'm hit (whenever that may be) I want to use Intellect Fortress for +4 def to whatever was targeted.

2011-07-22, 02:58 PM
Round #2:

Daratra's inspiring recovery bolsters the spirits of the party, allowing them a moment's hope amidst the grim press of combat. Though her attack goes wide, she nonetheless manages to command the attention of the wolves circling her as a maelstrom of ice and wind erupts into being about her form.

Tarak's onslaught proves brutal, both to himself and the wolves alike, though the latter clearly suffers the worst of it, grievous, bloody wounds tearing into the hides of the canines, impelling agonized yelps.

Malkyr efforts are stymied by the overt focus of his movements, foe passing just beyond the drow's reach at the swipe of his dagger.

Ever the consummate ally, Timsy again restores Tarak, several of the latter's wounds closing and knitting at the bard's ministrations as if they never were, whilst a protective field of sound descends on the barbarian, air shifting and wavering about him like a heat mirage. Following up with a shot of his longbow, the third wolf winces and yelps in obvious pain as Timsy's eldritch projectile penetrates its side.

For his part, Immerial unleashes another roiling tide of psychic energy, both animals caught within recoiling as if before some unseen horror, though the ravager appears far too angry to care for the Psion's antics.

Round #3:

As with the first to break free of the icy field, the second bursts forth, kicking up a squall of frost and crystalline shards. Moving around part of the hindering obstruction, it charges at Daratra with predatory haste, savaging the shifter with a titanic strike that craters her into the snow. As before, the wolves cunningly seize on the opportunity, one sinking its teeth deep into the downed scavenger's torso, tearing off a sizable chunk of flesh that leaves its victim motionless.

The other however, seems to find Tarak a more attractive target, catching him in a deadly flank with his harrying companion. Upon snapping at the besieged warrior's heels, the stalwart half-orc is again brought down, whilst the other wolves exploit the moment of distraction, the gravely injured third wolf cautiously slinking away before breaking into a full blown run. The fourth however, opportunistically bites at the thrice fallen combatant, though Tarak is able to ward off the assault with a swipe of his weapon, beating at the creature's champing muzzle. Unfortunately the barbarian's respite is short lived, ravager once again charging him. Attempting to roll out of the way of the lumbering giant, Tarak proves but a moment too slow; though glancing, the hit proves nearly enough to sever him from consciousness.

Spurred on by the fall of two of the party, the first and second wolf bear down on Malkyr, the first growling menacingly at the drow as the second loops around to pounce at his rear. Malkyr however anticipates the assault, deftly sidestepping the jumping beast. Acting on what it perceives to be an opening, the first lunges at the rogue, though its teeth snap shut on but thin air as he suddenly reverses his momentum in an impressive display of acrobatic prowess, tumbling out of the canine's path.

Combat Summary:

Round #2:

Daratra uses Inspiring Fortitude and her Second Wind heals for 9 HP. Tarak spends a healing surge gaining 8 HP.
Each ally within 5 gains 12 THP.
Daratra uses Form of Winter's Herald.
Daratra uses her AP. Daratra misses with W2 Grasping Wind.
Daratra uses Nature's Wrath.
Tarak uses Pressing Strike, hitting W3 for 13 damage, and shifting to I4.
Tarak uses his AP.
Tarak uses Whirling Frenzy, hitting W1 for 17 damage, W4 for 10 damage, and himself for 10 damage.
Malkyr moves to K2.
Malkyr misses W1 with Sly Flourish.
Timsy uses Majestic Word on Tarak healing him for 12 HP and 4 THP.
Timsy uses Canon of Avoidance on Tarak.
Timsy uses his AP.
Timsy uses Misdirecting Mark on W3, hitting for 7 damage. Daratra marks W3.
Immerial uses Distract on R2. R2 grants CA.
Immerial uses Dishearten at G4. Immerial hits W3 and W4, misses R2.
Immerial moves to L3.
Ravager #1: Moves and charges to I1, hitting Daratra for 27 damage. Daratra is now prone and bloodied.
Wolf #2 uses its readied action and attacks Daratra, dealing 18 damage. Daratra is now dying and at -15 HP.
Wolf #1 uses its readied action and attacks Tarak for 10 damage, knocking him prone.
Wolf #3 shifts to G5 as a free action.
Wolf #4 shifts to I5 as a free action.

Round #3:

Wolf #4: Misses Tarak, then shifts to J5.
Wolf #3: Double runs 24 squares, effectively leaving the combat (or -R4).
Ravager #2: Charges to H5 and hits Tarak for 12 damage. Tarak is now at 3 HP.
Wolf #2: Moves to L1 and misses Malkyr.
Wolf #1: Misses Malkyr.

Combat Map:


Combat Tracker:

https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjKjYySklKeTdDZBdjA4NWV1SUxLajBkWjk4cnVKc mc&hl=en_US#gid=0

2011-07-22, 06:18 PM
Kicking the wolves off his legs once more Tarak climbs to his feet performing an outward cross-slash at the beasts so that he could try and turn his attention toward the ravanger that was still behind him.

Move- Stand Up; Standard - Whirling Rend (Hit!) on W1 (W4 Secondary) [roll0] [roll1]. If I hit Wolf 1 use Furious Assault for another [roll2], If that kills Wolf 1 Use Whirling Lunge on W4 Shifting to K4 [roll3] (11)

2011-07-22, 07:07 PM
Daratra tries desperately to cling to life, as the edges of her vision fade to black.

Death saving throw: [roll0]
If it's somehow not needed, disregard.

Failed Death Saving Throws: 0/3

2011-07-23, 11:05 AM
Stop trying to hit them and hit them! thinks Malkyr to himself.

I don't want to try to describe this without seeing the outcome of the rolls. I will add something later.

Minor action: Cloud of Darkness. Until EONT, close burst 1 zone from K2 affecting all creatures except Malkyr. Squares in the zone are totally obscured, block line of sight and cause creatures to be blinded until they leave.

Malkyr will apply [roll0] sneak attack damage the first time he hits.

Standard action: Sly Flourish vs. W2
Attack: [roll1] vs. AC (Hit)
Hit: [roll2] +8 = 19 damage. (applied in combat tracker)

Action point: Disrupting Advance vs. W1
Attack: [roll3] vs. AC (Miss)
Hit: [roll4] damage, and W1 is pushed to I5. W1 and each enemy adjacent to W1 (R2 & W4) are slowed until EONT.

Free action: Rebounding Dagger +1
RBA vs. W4
Attack: [roll5] vs. AC (Hit)
Hit: [roll6] damage. (not applied in combat tracker due to uncertain target).

If by coincidence both wolves are dead (or pushed), Malkyr moves to K6, passing through Immerial and Timsy's squares. If a roll is required to climb the rock, [roll7] +10 for Acrobatics or or +1 for Athletics.

Move action: Malkyr will shift to L2 stay put.

2011-07-24, 07:33 AM
Seeing the blood stained snow and Tarak on the ground, struggling to even stand, Timsy begins to wonder if they risked too much by choosing the more dangerous route. What would happen to his cousins now if he died here, they'd starve, waste away just like their aging parents. The bard blinked away tears, knowing they would freeze on his face, and prepared for another shot. Despite the danger, and knowing that he could flee, Timsy couldn't bare to leave his allies to their deaths.

A quick step away from the rock put him in a position to unleash one of his weaker spells, but one he hoped might save Tarak's life. He plucked the strings of his songbow, more suited to music, these extra ones were than archery. And a low, almost growling moan swept across the battle field pounding in the ears of one of the ravagers. The same one he had irritated with his earlier Warning Shot.

Move:Shift from L5 to M4
Standard: Vicious Mockery against Ravager #2
Attack: Vs Will [roll0]
If hit: [roll1] Psychic Damage and it takes a -2 Penalty to all attack rolls untill my next turn ends.

Praying for fluff: Timsy is hoping to distract the Ravager and pull its attention to him so that it doesn't savage Tarak...

2011-07-24, 10:12 PM
Immerial backs out of the cloud of darkness that seems to have suddenly sprung up around Malykr. Seeing the enemies surrounding Tarak he digs for any psychic energy he can get, holding it back until the last second and releasing as large a burst of psychic power at the creatures as he can manage.

Move: Shift to M4
Standard: Dishearten, targeting I4.
Damage: [roll0], -2 atk for targets that are hit
R2: [roll1] vs Will (Miss)
W1: [roll2] vs Will (Hit)
W4: [roll3] vs Will (Hit)
Tarak: [roll4] vs Will (Miss (Yay))

As an Immediate Interrupt if I'm hit by an attack Intellect Fortress, +4 to that defense.

2011-07-25, 12:16 AM
Round #3:

Daratra lies still; though she appears to be breathing, it is obvious that without assistance, it is unlikely that she will be rejoining the fight.

Tarak's whirling blades manage to score several hits on his canine assailants, one weapon slicing deep across the snout, while the other delivers a slash to the side of the fourth wolf's neck. Regrouping the twin swords, he brings both down upon his primary foe for a final killing stroke. Unfortunately, the hit is glancing, falling just short of putting the dying creature down.

With a subdued murmer, shadows gather and distend about Malkyr, casting the area about him into complete darkness. The once flanking wolves about him now yip and howl, obviously confused and perplexed. Exploiting his opening, the opportunistic rogue drives a dagger into the skull of the second wolf, instantly killing the frightened animal. His second attempt proves less successful however, the first wolf forewarned by the sudden silence of the second, dodging and pacing such to throw off the rogue's pending assault. Undeterred, the drow salvages his missed stroke, dagger flying off to pierce the side of the fourth wolf before re-materializing in his palm.

Tinere manages to unwisely infuriate the second Ravager by way of his instrument as the sound infiltrates its ears. Involuntarily the head of the towering beast beings to twitch, almost seeming to shrink at a phantom pain midroar.

Immerial unleashes another roiling torrent of psychic energy about Tarak. Though the anger of the Ravager again proves too intense to pierce, both wolves are clearly subject to the effect. The first momentarily whimpers before falling over dead in the snow, whilst the other cringes, head bowing between its paws. Tarak is briefly overcome by sensations of despair and regret, though his physical pain quickly dispels the psychic assault, jarring him back to his senses.

With Daratra a broken heap on the ground, and the drow hidden amidst a cloud of darkness, the first Ravager looks to claim another victim, and readily seizes upon the bloodied Tarak, its claw pounding across the barbarian's savaged hide armour, sending him flying and tumbling for fifteen feet before the inertia fades, and the warrior comes to a gradual halt, half buried in the freezing snow. With one final herculean effort, Tarak attempts to snap to, though the combination of injury and exhaustion prove too much, and his consciousness quickly fades.

Round #4:

Clearly enraged by Timsy's assault, the second Ravager surges forward, howling wildly as it charges amidst what remains of the party. The beast wildly thrashes about, claws slashing everywhere in a scarcely controlled frenzy. Immerial and Timsy are both caught by the manic onslaught, and are floored, partially submerged in the frosts beneath. Contrastingly, Malkyr proves able to avoid the animal's blind rage, and aimless swipes, ducking and dodging beyond or beneath the reach of each that comes his way, managing to retaliate with a deft stab to the flailing Ravager's back. Bucking and spinning, the angry predator manages to fling its attacker off, voicing its frustration and anguish with a harrowing roar.

Combat Summary:

Round #3:

Daratra makes a Death Save. No change in condition.
Tarak attacks W1 with Whirling Rend, hitting for 8 damage, W4 for 8 damage, and deals 3 extra damage to W1 with Furious Assault.
Malkyr attacks W2 with Sly Flourish for 27! damage, killing it.
Malkyr uses his AP.
Malkyr attacks W1 with Disrupting Advance and misses.
Malkyr uses his Rebounding Dagger, and hits W4 with a ranged basic attack, dealing 10 damage, and bloodying it.
Timsy attacks R2 with Vicious Mockery and hits for 10 psychic damage. R2 takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
Immerial uses Dishearten on Tarak, R2, W1 and W4, hitting W1 and W4 for 10 psychic damage. W1 is killed. W4 takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
Ravager #1: Charges to I3, hitting Tarak for 12 damage. Tarak is pushed 3 squares to I7 and knocked prone. Tarak is now dying.

Round #3:

Wolf #4: Double runs to -O7, fleeing the combat.
Ravager #2: Moves to L4 and attacks Malkyr, Immerial and Timsy, hitting Immerial for 20 damage, and Timsy for 17 damage. Immerial and Timsy are now prone.
Malkyr: Makes an Opportunity Attack against Ravager #2, hitting for 13 damage.

Combat Map:


Combat Tracker:

https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjKjYySklKeTdDZBdjA4NWV1SUxLajBkWjk4cnVKc mc&hl=en_US#gid=0

2011-07-25, 04:56 AM
As the Ravager steps over Daratra in order to better swing at those still standing, it inadvertently knocks her.

Were it not for her magical armor, it would surely have knocker her yet closer to death.

Death Saving Throw: [roll0]
Daily item power: Delver's Hide Armor. Gain a +2 power bonus to a saving throw you just rolled; use the new result. (No action).

9+2 = 11.

Failed Saving Throws: 0/3

2011-07-25, 08:15 AM
Slowly sinking into the snow surrounded by a pool of his own blood Tarak's breath is laboured as he tries to recover and rejoin the fight.


Failed Saves 1/3

2011-07-25, 09:20 AM
Lying on the ground, battered and bleeding from the Ravenger's attack, Immerial takes a deep breath...and vanishes, reappearing a few steps away, safely out of the Ravenger's reach. Still lying down he takes a moment to speak the arcane phrase he had found engraved next to the site where his armor had been found, all those years ago...

As his armor begins to glow with mystic power Immerial shakes himself out of the comfort and safety of his memories and leans up to try and hit the Ravengers with a burst of mental static. If overwhelming their minds wouldn't work, perhaps a sideways attack would...

Move - Fey Step to P4
Minor Action - Activate Armor Daily. For the remainder of the encounter, whenever an enemy enters a square adjacent to me, as an immediate reaction I can push them 1sq.
Standard - Dishearten, targeting J4.
Dmg: [roll0] and -2 to attack rolls if hit
(yay -2 penalty to attack rolls from being prone...)
R1: [roll1] (hit)
R2: [roll2] (miss)
Immediate Reaction - First enemy that moves adjacent to me push 1

2011-07-25, 09:46 AM
As Timsy gets to his feet and the ravager turns its attention towards the bard, Malkyr steps directly behind the beast and strikes. With his dagger in one hand he thrusts at the ravager's vital organs, while pushing with an open palm to try to knock the best over.

While his dagger strikes true, Malkyr's other hand sinks into the beast, and he realises he has placed his hand up its backside. With a squelching sound he yanks it out. A look of horror appears on Malkyrs face as he stares at his dirty, foul smelling hand.

Move action: Shift to J3.
Standard action: Ready Sly Flourish vs. R2
Trigger: Timsy stands up.
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Hit: [roll1] + Cha modifier (4) = 15 damage.

2011-07-25, 04:01 PM
As the primal vitality fades Timsy manage to smirk, rising somewhat painfully to his feet. The bard was more accustomed to the pain of playing his lyre-songbow with frostbitten fingers than to wounds from a battle against mortality.

Just the same, he was happy to see that both ravagers hadn't converged on their fallen allies... he was less amused that the rage that befell the one that he irked, had caused Immerial to be injured as well. Bringing his mind back to the battle at hand Timsy hopped back from the massive brute, plucked a note on his bow quickly shifting the warding energies from the fallen barbarian to Malkyr who as of yet, remained unscathed. Timsy hoped to keep him that way if he could.

Ack, action economy...
Move: Stand up (and trigger Malkyr's attack)
Standard-> Move: Shift from M4 to N5
Minor: Transfer Canon of Avoidance to Malkyr & Sustain
(I didn't use my minor last turn because I assumed I would be sustaining the spell, I'll mark this now though, to avoid confusion)
Free: If a Ravager hits Immerial I wish to activate my Virtue of Prescience to boost the targeted defense.

2011-07-25, 05:26 PM
Round #4:

Neither Daratra nor Tarak rouse from their enforced sleep. Though Daratra continues to remain stable, Tarak's unsteady, laboured breathing, and the growing expanse of blood beneath foreshadow his pending demise.

Another psychic assault wrenches the mind of the second Ravager, this one seeming to hit especially hard as the shoulders of the beast relax and descend, rage gradually draining from its countenance, and substituted by a strange melancholy. It isn't long however, before the beast's own injuries remind it of its indomitable fury, and now the creature seems madder, more psychotic than ever, its motions especially forceful, less conservative and guarded (Perception or Insight check for more details). The first however, remains unperturbed, circling expectantly before the dissipating fog of shadows.

Under his rapidly diminishing cover, Malkyr steps behind his quarry, knees bent, poised to score another devastating backstab against the unsuspecting creature; at this point, not even the toxic smell of his own fecal encrusted hand can deter his lethal concentration.

Timsy stands, working in tandem with Malkyr to momentarily distract the dumb, raging beast. The ploy is a success, blade sinking with vicious depth into the animal's spinal column, the ravager visibly staggering, each unsteady, weighted step like a thunder clap, though it ultimately manages to right itself, a final jarring motion again managing to throw off the murderous drow. Though it manages to remain standing, it is evident that in spite of its rage, the predator hasn't long to live, blood pouring from countless wounds, its balance unsteady, motions now as lurching as they are aggressive.

With the dissipation of the cloud, the first Ravager gleefully moves to avenge his fellow, a huge powerful claw exploding into Malkyr's ribcage despite his best attempts to dodge, shaking him to the core, his world a maelstrom of pain as he falls to the ground breathless. As the creature follows up with a bite, Malkyr handily manages to evade its clumsy assault with an instinctive tumble.

Round #5:

Likewise, the dying Ravager gathers its dwindling strength, and scores a bloody vengeance against its prone, hated foe, one claw raking across his body, severing large swaths of skin and flesh. Following up with a plunging bite, the creature nearly manages to finish the drow off, crushing his skull between its powerful jaws but for Timsy's timely warning, prompting Malkyr to roll to the side as the beast snaps up nothing but a faceful of bloodied snow.

Combat Summary:

Round #4:

Daratra makes a Death Save. No change in condition.
Tarak makes a Death Save. Condition worsens by one step.
Immerial Teleports to P4. Immerial uses Dishearten on R1 and R2, critically hitting R1 for 17 psychic damage. R1 is now bloodied.
Malkyr shifts to J3 and readies an action to attack R1.
Timsy stands and shifts to N5.
Malkyr takes his readied action, attacking and hitting R1 for 27 damage.
Timsy moves his Canon of Avoidance to Malkyr.
Ravager #1: Attacks Malkyr and hits for 14 damage.
Ravager #1 attacks Malkyr again, and misses.

Round #5:

Ravager #2: Attacks Malkyr and hits for 19 damage.
Ravager #2 attacks Malkyr again, and misses.

Combat Map:


Combat Tracker:

https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjKjYySklKeTdDZBdjA4NWV1SUxLajBkWjk4cnVKc mc&hl=en_US#gid=0

2011-07-25, 06:13 PM
Noting the haggard appearance of the wounded ravager Timsy attempts to bring it down with the same spell of rage that he used to draw it's attention to him earlier. Strumming his bowstring again the enchantment activates and the bard can only hope it is enough to bring down the monster that has felled his allies and friends.

However, the young man is concerned for Tarak's life, he jogs over to his fallen ally ready to give aid when circumstance allows it. All the while he maintains the ward around Malkyr.

Standard: Attack Ravager #2 with Vicious Mockery
Attack: Vs Will [roll0]
If Hit: [roll1] psychic damage and -2 Penalty to attack rolls
Move: Timsy moves from N5 to J7 avoiding the Ravagers
Minor: Maintain Canon of Avoidance on Malkyr

2011-07-25, 06:18 PM
As the ravager continues to shift and stomp, Daratra's armor runs out of magic, and a wayward foot knocks the precious breath from her tattered lungs.

Death saving throw: [roll0]

Failed saving throws: 1/3

2011-07-25, 08:59 PM
Caughing up a wad of blood and flesh Tarak rolls slightly as his body spasms once more.


Failures - 1/3

2011-07-25, 10:29 PM
Immerial staggers to his feet, nearly falling again but catching himself with his staff. Battered, bruised, and bleeding from a half dozen cuts he takes a look around the battlefield at his fallen and injured comrads.

Tapping into his deepest reserves of power Immerial tries to wrest the beast's attention from his ally, to distract it with the most powerful burst of static he can conjure up. He fails, his attack slipping off the beast's mind before it can find purchase.

Oh? Is that how it's going to be? Immerial thinks as he clutches his wounds. I am tired of this!

Ignoring his wounds and throwing aside any concerns for the state of the battle Immerial focuses solely on the creatures before him, driving wedges into their minds and doing his best to just hurt them enough to help.

Move - Stand up.
Standard - Mind Thrust R1, Augment 2.
Attack (oh please be a high number...): [roll0] vs. Will
Curse you dice! Miss.
Dmg: [roll1] and he takes a -4 penalty to all defenses until the end of my next turn.

Action Point for a Standard.
If R2 is still standing after Timsy's attack, Mind Thrust on it.
Attack: [roll2] vs. Will
Dmg: [roll3]

Else Dishearten R1 (targetting, say, H3 so I don't hit Malkyr)to try and nerf it's attack. If the earlier attack hit this is made against -4 def, so here's hoping.
Attack: [roll4] vs. Will
Dmg: [roll5] and he takes a -2 penalty to attacks until the end of my next turn.

Immediate Reaction to any enemy entering a sq adjacent to me push 1

2011-07-26, 12:17 AM
Malkyr groans as he hits the ground heavily. Rolling over and barely managing to avoid the beast's crushing grasp, the drow reaches up to clutch his sore head. Instead, Malkyr catches a whiff of his hand and immediately springs to his feet.

"Eww!" he shouts as he stabs at the ravager again, slightly off-balance due to holding his other hand as far from his nose as possible. The clumsy strike somehow finds the soft belly of the ravager, opening a gash that spills blood and guts, drenching the snow in red. Malkyr scrambles out of the way of the torrent of gore.

Minor action: Agile Recovery
Effect: Malkyr stands up.

Standard action: Sly Flourish vs. R2
Attack: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1]

Move action: Shift to K2.

2011-07-26, 11:13 AM
Round #5:

Again labouring under the weight of their injuries, the Shifter and Half-Orc continue to bleed out into the snow though it is the former this time whose endurance seems to fail, her breathing becoming notably shallower as one of the ravagers stomps nearly square on her chest.

Realizing his attentions are best focused on putting down the weathered of the two, Timsy unleashes another tide of growling animal mockery, the alien insult clearly striking a nerve as its target seems to wither under the mental assault.

In spite of his best efforts, Immerial's psionics again fail to overcome the barrier of anguish and fury warding the minds of the ravagers, his images lacking impact on their sorrow-inured consciousness.

Contrastingly, Malkyr's efforts prove much successful. Spurred to his feet by a combination of olfactory motivation and his innate acrobatic talents, he surprises the unsteady predator before him, thrusting upwards as he bounds to his feet. The attack catches the creature's underbelly, dagger carving out a jagged opening as it continues its upward ascent, spilling long threads of foul smelling gore and viscera. The animal staggers for a moment, eyes wide. It draws back a paw, as if to strike, a pained but fearsome roar tearing from its lungs before dying in its throat, syncopating to silence as it falls forward into its own guts. The descent of the giant beast nearly crushes Malkyr as he narrowly sidesteps its bulk, its impact giving rise to a shuddering quake. Lying upon the bloodsoaked ice, it glares up at Malkyr with unequivocal hatred before its eyes close for the last time, blood streaming freely from its mouth.

The now solitary ravager bellows its grief and anger at seeing its mate fall and rushes at Malkyr, swiping at him with redoubled ferocity. Its unthinking rage evidently throws off its focus however, as the paw sails wildly overhead, only managing to ruffle his silvered hair with the force of its passing.

Round #6:


Combat Summary:

Round #5:

Timsy attacks and critically hits R1 with Vicious Mockery.
Daratra makes a Death Save. Condition worsens by one step.
Tarak makes a Death Save. No change in condition.
Immerial attacks R1 and misses. Attacks R2 and misses.
Malkyr attacks and kills R2.
Malkyr shifts to K2.
Ravager #1: Moves to J4.
Attacks Malkyr and misses.

Round #6:

Starts now.

Combat Map:


Combat Tracker:

https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjKjYySklKeTdDZBdjA4NWV1SUxLajBkWjk4cnVKc mc&hl=en_US#gid=0

2011-07-26, 03:37 PM
With a slight sigh of relief Timsy manages a smile, it fades however at the realisation that the second beast has not a single injury on it's body. Timsy slips another arrow from his quiver and knocks it to his bowstring. He mutters a few arcane syllables to a quick rising and falling tune. His bow echos the sound as the arrowhead glows white with heat. Timsy takes aim at the enemy and fires hoping the enchanted arrow would find its mark.

He also remembers to maintain his warding spell, focusing on trying to keep the heavily injured rogue from further harm.

Before even noticing the affect of his attack the bard lightens his stance preparing to retreat from the monster if necessary. He looks down at his unconscious and dying barbarian ally and whispers "Hold on please, just a while longer."

Standard: Firemetal shot on Ravager #1
Attack: Vs AC [roll0]
If Hit: [roll1] damage and it takes an extra 2 Fire damage whenever an ally hits it until the end of my next turn
Minor: Sustain Canon of Avoidance

2011-07-26, 08:51 PM
With the ravager removed from her immediate vicinity, Daratra is able to find some reprieve in the cold of the ice and snow around her. Her breathing settles into a more comfortable, though still shallow, rhythm.

Death Saving Throw: [roll0] OH COME ON, SO CLOSE.

Failed Saving Throws: 1/3.

2011-07-26, 09:36 PM
Tarak continued to spasm as his body sagged further into the snow. Maybe it was the cold slowing his body's deterioration but the half orc was still alive as the continued around.


Failed Saves 1/3

2011-07-27, 09:15 AM
Immerial takes a deep breath as he feels his attacks slip off the beast's minds. Anger can make you ignore all sorts of distractions can't it... he thinks before opening his eyes just in time to see the first Ravenger fall.

Not taking any time to celebrate, not that he would anyway with so many fallen around him, Immerial reaches out and tries a more direct approach. Alright, the subtle didn't work... he thinks as he reaches for the beast's mind, before moving closer to the battle, but not too close.

Unfortunately his wounds are simply too much of a distraction for Immerial, and his rage too old to act as an anesthetic, and Immerial's psychic blast is poorly formed.

Standard: Dishearten I4 (so just R1)
Atk: [roll0] (miss)
Dmg: [roll1] and -2 to attacks until the end of my next turn.

Move: Move to L7 if I can stand partially in the rock's space, M7 otherwise.

2011-07-27, 10:36 AM
Malkyr crouches into a defensive stance in an effort to catch his breath.

Just one left, he thinks, we can do this.

Standard action: Second Wind
Effect: Malkyr regains 8 HP.

Move action: Shift to J2.

2011-07-27, 12:57 PM
Round #6:

Daratra and Tarak continue to struggle against the coming of the Reaper, each managing to ward off its attentions for a time. The former's eyes even flit open, though it is but momentary and unconsciousness soon reclaims its wayward prisoner.

Tinere's arrow soundly finds its mark, the white hot head penetrating deep into the Ravager's back, igniting its thick, shaggy fur as it does so, creating a small fire about the entry wound. The savage animal clearly does not appreciate this at all, as it desperately claws at the projectile and the flames, bellowing loudly, painfully, twirling about in place as it rakes its paws across the burning coat, though its awkward, uncoordinated limbs entirely fail to deal with either.

Immerial again does not manage to penetrate the creature's psyche, its mind evidently too preoccupied with its present agony to be affected by the psion's attacks.

Malkyr steps forward in challenge, legs spread, knees bent in a combat ready crouch, glinting dagger passing dangerously between his hands as he steels himself for the beast's assault.

Managing to regain enough of its senses and awareness to acknowledge the presence of its three standing opponents, the Ravager ceases spinning and at last turns its incoherent anguish and rage on the drow before it. Somehow managing to forge on through the pain, it stands upon its hindlegs, and hammers Malkyr into the snow before lunging in with a press of its bonecrushing jaws. Tinere again comes to the rescue of his comrade, managing to alert the drow to the animal's lethal descent. With his last ounce of consciousness, the rogue stumbles backward, narrowly avoiding the death meant for him before blacking out.

Round #7:


Combat Summary:

Round #6:

Timsy attacks and critically hits R1 with Firemetal Shot for 17 fire damage. The Ravager's shaggy fur is ignited and it takes 3 ongoing damage fire damage (save ends).
Daratra makes a Death Save. No change in condition.
Tarak makes a Death Save. No change in condition.
Immerial moves to M7.
Immerial attacks R1 and misses.
Malkyr shifts to J2 and uses his second wind regaining 8 hit points.
Ravager #1: Takes 3 fire damage from the ongoing fire damage.
Attacks and hits Malkyr for 19 damage. Malkyr is now dying, bloodied and prone.
Ravager attacks Malkyr again and hits.
Timsy uses Virtue of Prescience as an immediate interrupt to cause the Ravager's attack to miss.
Ravager fails his saving throw against the ongoing fire damage.

Round #7:

Starts now.

Combat Map:


Combat Tracker:

https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjKjYySklKeTdDZBdjA4NWV1SUxLajBkWjk4cnVKc mc&hl=en_US#gid=0

2011-07-27, 02:10 PM
Lying still in the snow the lifeblood of the half-orc continued to seep into the now blood-stained snow.


Failed Death Saves 2/3

2011-07-27, 04:50 PM
The cold which was so comforting just moments before now seeks to dig its way in through Daratra's clothing and armor, seeping away what little remains of her life-giving warmth even as it numbs her pain.

Death Saving Throw: [roll0]
Failed Death Saving Throws: 2/3.

2011-07-27, 06:33 PM
Immerial watches in horror as yet another of his allies fall to the cursed beasts. Mentally cursing their poor luck he steps out from behind the rock and tries to get the beast's attention, hoping to draw it off Timsy long enough for him to help those who have fallen.

Immerial feels his psychic attack catch on the beast's mind. Come on, that's got to hurt... he thinks as he causes as much damage as he can within the creature's mind, hoping to draw it out of its rage, or at least get it's attention.

Move: Move to O8
Standard: Mind Thrust R1
Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

If R1 gets to a square adjacent to me push 1 as an immediate reaction.

2011-07-27, 08:31 PM
Damnit I have to stop this bleeding, okay then run and try to get off another shot. Timsy crouches and attempts to stop the blood from flowing so freely from Tarak's wounds and enable him to recover. His adrenaline and desperation lending him a preternatural degree of concentration. He also shifts the rippling sound ward to Immerial to try and defend the lightly armored psion.

Once he's applied his limited degree of medical training Timsy retreats from the lone ravager hoping to split its attention between himself and Immerial. He jogs and takes some shelter by putting trees between him and the ravager.

Standard action: Heal check on Tarak to grant second wind
Heal check: [roll0]
Free Action: Use Adept's Insight [roll1] added to heal check (Not expended/Unneeded)
Minor action: Sustain Canon of Avoidance and move it to Immerial
Move action: Retreat to D10

2011-07-27, 08:40 PM
Malkyr emits a weak groan.

Death saving throw: [roll0]

2011-07-27, 10:25 PM
As the bard's aid shook Tarak awake he rose to his feet and shouting a challange at the remaining great beast leap for the rough craggy ground that the last party had died in. Hoping that he could keep the creature away from his companions if it was bogged down in the broken ice.

Move - Stand Up; Standard -> Move - Tiger's Leap towards Hiro's corpse. [roll0] 31/5 = 6 Squares jumped. (C1)

2011-07-28, 12:17 AM
Round #7:

Daratra slips closer to death, heartbeat and breath slackening, body taxed to its breaking point from exposure and countless grievous wounds.

Malkyr fairs little better, though his condition appears presently stable.

Immerial's renewed focus at last enables him to blow past the ravager's unwitting mental barrier, cutting through obfuscating emotion to tear into the creature's mind, causing it to reel and stagger at the explosive blast of psychic violence. Wind rushing past the flames and white hot arrow from the creature's motion impel both to flare up momentarily, though not enough to meaningfully compound the burning.

Immediately recognizing the severity of Tarak's condition, Timsy quickly snaps into action. With Immerial's assault preoccupying the rampaging creature, he puts into practice all he knows of first aid and para-medicine, frantically bandaging the worst of the barbarian's injuries whilst administering desperate jarring slaps. The bard is about to issue another when his companion's eyes wearily ease open. Seeing his work done, Timsy redirects his protective ward to Immerial, and sprints for cover, finding tenuous refuge behind a pair of dead frostwoods.

In barely a moment, the half-orc is on his feet, adrenaline likewise coursing through his body as he launches himself into the air, bellowing a challenge to the half-dazed predator.

Taking heed of the daring warrior, the ravager answers his call. The flames upon the creature's back are extinguished with the force and speed of its motion as it races towards its foe. Tarak stands ready, and as the savage beast draws near, he sidesteps the speeding giant, momentum kicking up a maelstrom of ice and snow as it bears down, forcing itself to an abrupt halt.

Round #8:


Combat Summary:

Round #7:

Daratra fails a second Death Save, and is 1 death save from dying.
Malkyr succeeds on a Death Save.
Immerial moves to M7.
Attacks R1 and hits for 12 psychic damage. R1 takes 2 extra fire damage due to Firemetal Shot.
Timsy succeeds on a DC 10 Heal check, allowing Tarak to use his second wind and revive with 8 HP.
Timsy transfers his Canon of Avoidance to Immerial.
Timsy moves to D10.
Tarak stands from prone.
Uses Tiger Leap and jumps to C1.
Ravager #1: Ravager #1 takes 3 fire damage from its ongoing damage.
Moves and charges to E3, missing Tarak.
Ravager #1 saves against its ongoing 3 fire damage.

Round #8:

Starts now.

Combat Map:


Combat Tracker:

https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjKjYySklKeTdDZBdjA4NWV1SUxLajBkWjk4cnVKc mc&hl=en_US#gid=0

2011-07-28, 02:32 AM
Malkyr lies in the snow, almost motionless save for the shallow rise and fall of his chest.

Death saving throw: [roll0]

2011-07-28, 09:34 AM
With another defiant roar Tarak seemed to actually grow, partially taking a form very similar to that of the massive boar, as his twin blades came crashing down on the beast.

Standard - Thunderfury Rage [roll0], [roll1] (Hit, for 23 Damage and I enter Thunderfury Rage)

2011-07-29, 04:46 AM
Refocusing his magical energies once again, Timsy redirects the musical shield of magic to Tarak. He then rushes to Malkyr and the stranger's sides not fully sure which is causing more of the now to be dyed red. He notices that the woman's breathing is far shallower though and does what he can to help her in the short time he has.

Minor action: Sustain Canon of Avoidance and move it to Tarak
Move: Run to I3
Standard: Heal Check to Stabilise Daratra [roll0]

2011-07-29, 08:23 AM
With her wounds quickly bandaged and her broken bones crudely splint, Daratra is able to even out her breathing and avoid death's door.

2011-07-29, 09:14 AM
Immerial rushes forward and focuses as best he can on the beast's mind, trying once more to distract it with flashes of mental pain in the hope that it will miss Tarak.

Move: Move to J8
Standard: Dishearten E3.
Attack: [roll0] (hit/miss)
Dmg: [roll1] and -2 penalty to attacks

2011-07-29, 11:05 AM
Round #8:

Malkyr's breathing remains laboured but steady; though it is anyone's guess how long the drow will remain stable, his condition is presently unchanged.

Tarak strikes a fierce blow against the ravager, twin blades ripping two deep horizontal gouges in the beast's furry chest, blood spilling freely from each. The force is such that animal nearly staggers backwards at the blow, its numbing wrath shot through with irrefutable pain.

Pausing only to redirect his shimmering ward to the engaged barbarian, Timsy sprints with desperate alacrity to the side of a dying Daratra. As with Tarak, his hasty though effective ministrations manage to redeem her from death, the worst of the shifter's wounds closed and stifled with a resourceful application of scrap cloth and makeshift bandages readied during his mad sprint.

As the ravager draws its claw back for another lethal swipe, Immerial's mental onslaught savages its mind, disorientating the creature. After an unsuccessful attempt to shake off the psion's influence, the predator's paw sails wildly over the head of its target, a combination of momentum and inertia almost causing it to enter a spin.

Round #9:


Combat Summary:

Round #8:

Malkyr succeeds on a Death Save.
Tarak attacks and hits R1 with Thunderfury Rage for 23 damage. R1 is now bloodied.
Timsy moves to D10.
Timsy succeeds on a DC 15 Heal check, stabilizing Daratra.
Timsy transfers his Canon of Avoidance to Tarak.
Daratra stabilizes.
Immerial moves to J8.
Attacks R1 and hits for 10 psychic damage.
Ravager #1: Attacks and misses Tarak.

Round #9:

Starts now.

Combat Map:


Combat Tracker:

https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjKjYySklKeTdDZBdjA4NWV1SUxLajBkWjk4cnVKc mc&hl=en_US#gid=0

2011-07-29, 01:02 PM
Barreling through the beast as he repositioned himself on the open flank Tarak again tried to force the ravager away from the fight. The blow cut into the beast, but whether it was creature's rage or merely a mistimed attack the damage seemed minimal.

Standard - Pressing Strike (Shift D2-E1 - No Push) [roll0] [roll1] (13) + [roll2]

2011-07-29, 07:00 PM
Malkyr sits bolt upright, focuses squarely on the empty space a few feet in fron of him, and shouts, "Mother! I'm-" before collapsing back into the snow.

Death saving throw: [roll0]

2011-07-29, 08:30 PM
Breathing heavy Immerial reaches for the beast's mind once again, more concerned with bringing it down than any sort of distraction this time.

His feeble attempt slips right off the beast's mind, however, as he feels a sudden chill. Must be the blood loss... he thinks as he worries about whether the beast can be brought down before it inflicts another grievous wound.

Mind Thrust as a Standard.
Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2011-07-30, 02:15 AM
Seeing the results of his first-aid handywork come to fruition, Timsy turns back to the enemy that is still facing off against Tarak. He level's his bow at the Ravager and attempts to fire his magically conjured arrow to a quick minor scale.

With the spell released Timsy again tries to position himself behind the relative safety of the trees so that he can fire on the ravager if needed or rush to Malkyr's side just as easily.

Standard: Misdirecting Mark on Ravager #1
Attack: [roll0]
If Hit: [roll1] damage and the target is marked as if by Immerial
Move: Move to F8
Minor: Sustain Canon of Avoidance

2011-07-30, 10:23 AM
Round #9:

Tarak's tumbles beneath the beast, wildly slashing upwards in a frenzied assault. In spite of its lack of finesse, he deals the bloodied monster a grievous blow, nearly disemboweling the ravager as his weapons tear deep into prior wounds, severed intestines hanging from its opened torso.

Malkyr's luck continues to hold out, the drow seemingly fine in spite of his strange outburst.

When Immerial touches the mind of his foe, he is too overcome with the creature's agony and a sense of impending death to press on, the telepathic feedback a harrowing morass of emotion.

Tinere's shot strikes true, the eldritch blue light of his arrow biting into the target's neck, forging an arcane link to Immerial. By now the beast is literally at deaths door, blood pouring from innumerable wounds, bones visible through deep lacerations and cuts, torn viscera pouring from gaping holes.

Nevertheless, what's left of the mangled ravager staggers away from Tarak, disengaging the barbarian to gather its strength for a final charge against Immerial, having heeded the magical compulsion. Though its movements are pained, it nonetheless ignores its fatal injuries long enough to descend upon the disorientated psion, claw tearing into the eladrin's unprotected chest, completely winding at the moment of impact, whilst the blow drives him flat against the ground. The enchantment upon Immerial's armour in turn flares to life, blasting the ravager back with a surge of recoiling force. Though the animal looks ready to follow him into the snow, it manages to remain upright, albeit very unsteadily, evincing the loss of blood and failing of its vital functions.

Round #10:


Combat Summary:

Round #9:

Tarak attacks and hits R1 with Pressing Strike for 13 damage and shifts to E1.
Malkyr succeeds on a Death Save.
Immerial attacks R1 and misses.
Timsy attacks and hits R1 with Misdirecting Mark for 8 damage.
Timsy moves to F8.
Daratra remains unconscious.
Ravager #1: Shifts to F4.
Ravager charges to I7 and hits Immerial for 19 damage. Immerial is now prone and bloodied at 1 HP.
Immerial pushes the Ravager 1 square to G5-H6 as an immediate reaction.

Round #10:

Starts now.

Combat Map:


Combat Tracker:

https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjKjYySklKeTdDZBdjA4NWV1SUxLajBkWjk4cnVKc mc&hl=en_US#gid=0

2011-07-30, 02:02 PM
With the beast's attention focused on the psychic Tarak advanced to take advantage of the ravager's exposed flank spinning into a flurry of steel as he tried to finally down the beast. An attempt that ended in hopeless failure as his blades glanced off the animal's toughened hide.

Move - Move to G5, Standard - Whirling Rend on Ravager [roll0] [roll1]

2011-07-30, 07:18 PM
Malkyr murmurs incoherently.

Death saving throw: [roll0]

2011-07-30, 09:20 PM
Either this downs the shaggy monstrosity, or I'm going to get in so much trouble for that last spell... Timsy ponders to himself almost feeling Immerial's pain. He draws back an arrow, figuring it would be best to actually draw blood rather than assaulting the creature's dying mind. He releases the projectile from his position and whistles a shrill note to infuse the arrowhead with a minor hex.

He then jogs to Immerial's side hoping to put himself between the ravager and his heavily battered Psion ally. He then pucks another low note on his songbow to maintain the warding Canon.

Standard; Jinx shot on Ravager #1
Attack vs AC: [roll0]
If Hit: [roll1] Damage and it falls prone if it misses before end of my next turn
Effects: Mark ends
Move: Move to I8 avoiding getting too close to the wounded beast.
Minor: Sustain Canon of Avoidance on Tarak
Free: Adept's insight (augmented) for my attack roll if needed [roll2]
Not using Insight because of the natural 1

2011-07-31, 05:49 PM
Immerial lies back in the snow and ice for a bit longer than a second, just contemplating the events that led to him lying here on the ground after a Ravenger attack.

Painfully shifting his body weight around Immerial slowly stands up to regard the Ravenger...and then tries to direct the pain he's feeling at the beast's mind, hoping that the combined efforts of the group can bring the thing down before it can make another attack.

Move - Stand
Standard - Mind Thrust R1 (hit, but see OOC thread for dmg since I rolled wrong)
Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

Immediate reaction to any enemy ending their movement next to me, push 1

2011-07-31, 10:15 PM
Tarak charges the beast, mastering his weariness to strike a fierce blow, though his blades fail to affect the adrenaline fuelled husk, all but inured to the plunging steel as it stands upon the precipice of death.

Malkyr and Daratra remain still, perfectly oblivious to the intensity of the battle's final moments.

Tinere's shot is a complete miss, nearly striking a floored Immerial as it sails wide of its intended target, clearing the eladrin's head by scarcely a foot before plunging into a nearby snowdune.

Staring down the reaper, Immerial gathers his internal reserves after a scant moment of pained introspection, turning his agony into a powerful focus, a corona of sapphire flame and arcing lightning enveloping his skull as he channels his pain and emotion. The ravager's wavering stance immediately halts, air about its head beginning to waver as if submerged, while motes of white-blue energy drift freely through the strange ethereal firmament. Suddenly, there is a riotous sound of fracturing bone, and the animal's head explodes in a gruesome sanguine tide of blood and brain matter. Reflexively advancing towards its attacker, the dying beast manages two steps before the ground quakes at its final descent. Headless, punctured through with a thousand gouges and cuts, the ravager lies very much dead, bleeding out into the goresoaked snow.

Those left conscious in the party are rewarded with unnerving silence, naught but the desolate howl of frigid winds, and rustle of dead frostwood heard as you stand bloodied and fatigued in the deathly cold.

Congratulations on winning your first combat! Definitely a tough and hard fought battle with many close calls, but a success nonetheless.

XP yield for 4 Frost Wolves and 2 Ravagers is 200 to each party member, or 1000 total.

2011-07-31, 11:08 PM
Moving over to the bodies of his downed comrades Tarak moves to try and shake them from their inforced rest. "You two okay? Those beasts did a number on us, and I doubt we would have lasted much longer had Timsy not been so quick to bandage our wounds."

Going to try and wake up the others, then we can search the area and take at least a short rest to recover our hits.

2011-07-31, 11:15 PM
Immerial, having just mustered all his energy to stand and attack the beast, allows himself to fall back into the snow. He takes a few deep breaths and enjoys the silence, waiting for the others to awaken so they can all gather their stamina and move on.

Just going to wait for short rest, I don't think a 1hp guy should be walking around much at all before resting :P

2011-08-01, 12:32 AM
Tarak's shaking eventually rouses Daratra, and her eyes open slowly. Initially unfocussed, they quickly sharpen as memories of the last few hours rush back to her.

She forces herself to her feet, wincing at her injuries, and looks around frantically, quickly spotting Hiro's body behind that of the ravager. She half-limps, half-runs to his side, and falls to her knees there, sobbing.

2011-08-01, 07:39 AM
Malkyr opens his eyes, then wearily lifts his arm to shield them from the glare.

"What a night," croaks the drow, "what a night... I shouldn't have had that last one... or two... or six... wait a minute!"

Malkyr sits up, looking around with wide eyes. Recollection comes flooding back, his shoulders slump and he grimaces as he begins to inspect his wounds.

Malkyr spends 3 surges, taking his HP to 30/30 with 3 surges remaining.

2011-08-01, 01:04 PM
"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. Those wounds look like they're pretty deep, uhm here I know... I know an enchantment to help fix those up... hey where'd where'd the woman go?"

Timsy moves over to join the others quickly tuning his songbow to a new key and playing a soft song to quicken the recovery of his wounded allies. He's breathing heavily as if he'd held his breath for a fair while towards the end of the fight.

"Oh dear... was she traveling with Hiro?"

Song of Rest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMMG8otOWto
Everyone who can hear Timsy play gains +4 to their healing surge value for surges spent during this short rest.

2011-08-03, 10:18 AM
Picking himself up, feeling renewed by Timsy's song and a quick breather, Immerial looks over at the figure by Hiro's corpse.

"Not sure, but that's probably a good guess." he says in response to Timsy's question as he sits in the snow, cold, but still too tired to stand.

2011-08-03, 04:47 PM
Daratra's sobbing slows, and she stands and turns slowly to face the others.

"I owe you all a debt of gratitude," she says solemnly. "Not many would have risked their lives to save a total stranger. Tell me, what are you doing out here? Are you following Garrick to the cache?"

Her face remains downcast, her eyes sad.

2011-08-03, 08:20 PM
"We're behind Garrick, whether that counts as following him is up to you." Tarak says, placing a firm hand on the shifter's shoulder. "And regarding your rescue, there are few enough of us left to leave a possible ally for dead."

2011-08-03, 09:46 PM
Daratra's eyes turn flinty.

"Then I shall come with you. Garrick and his crew must pay."

2011-08-03, 09:50 PM
"Why? Did they cause this damage?" Tarak asks, looking at the mauled corpse. "We had assumed that they had been overpowered by the beasts, much like we almost were."

2011-08-03, 10:49 PM
"No. Garrick and his cowardly cohorts ambushed us from behind those rocks," she said, indicating a rocky outcrop nearby. "Hiro managed to kill the tiefling, before he was run through by that detestable insect they travel with, but..." she now turned and looked around, confused, "they seem to have taken his body with them. We didn't stand a chance."

2011-08-04, 12:52 AM
"What?!" Malkyr springs to his feet. "That dirty son of a bloodsucker! I can handle getting out-scavenged fair and square, but killin' people now? That's just too much! String him up naked to a tree, we should, an' let the weather and the wilds have 'im."

Malkyr looks around and shakes his head. "No, no, that's too good for 'im. Take care of 'im personal-like. Yeah, that's the way."

Malkyr takes a surreptitious look at the corpses left behind to see if anything of value has been left on them.

Perception: [3], see OOC thread.

2011-08-04, 09:22 AM
Immerial stays out of the discussion about what to do about Garrick's actions, instead opting to examine the Ravenger corpses to see if he can figure out what gave them such resistance to his attacks.

2011-08-04, 05:01 PM
A bit too engrossed in his music to notice the party gravitate towards the fallen bodies, their blood caked fur becoming mottled as the sanguine stains freeze over quickly, Timsy is the last to approach the corpses of both Hiro and the Ravagers.

"Let me know if you find anything interesting, I should write a play of this battle, a tragic hero, see the pun there? And a near defeat turned victory by the power of a well trained mind... it would be spectacular." The bard muses to Immerial as he passes quickening his pace to reach Daratra.

"Sorry I didn't hear that well, I was well fascinated with a piece my cousin taught me... sort of. You mentioned an insect? Could it be the same fellow that was rummaging through our belongings?"

He paused turning to Malkyr.

"If the bits of the story I caught are true, as much as I hate to admit it, your idea might be the fairest way of dealing with the issue."

He sighs at the idea of such violence, knowing deep down that it is a necessity, but even the mangled corpses of the Ravagers give the bard pause. They just wanted to eat

Redirecting his attention again, this time to Daratra he finds himself fairly intimidated by the warrior, it had taken him a while to get used to Tarak, but this woman had her own feral presence, different from the half-orc's.

"We'd be glad to have you along I'm sure, whatever it is you did back there seemed to save Immerial's life and mine as well. However I must inquire, what should we be calling you?"

2011-08-06, 09:45 AM
"You won't find anything," Daratra says, shaking her head sadly. "They looted my companions thoroughly. Anything of value will be with Garrick."

When Timsy inquires as to her name, she looks slightly taken aback. "Daratra," the shifter replies after a moment's hesitation. She extends one hand to the human, clumsily, as though trying to remember how to be polite. "I suppose I should ask for your names, too."

2011-08-06, 06:35 PM
"Tarak," The half-orc says, beating a closed fist on his armoured chest before gesturing to each of his companions. "We then have Timsy, Immerial, and Malkyr..."

2011-08-06, 09:15 PM
"If only we could have met under more pleasant circumstances." Daratra looks over her shoulder, in the direction they had been traveling before the ambush. "I must insist that we move on immediately. Garrick already has a substantial lead, and we will have to travel quickly in order to catch him."

2011-08-06, 09:33 PM
"Sounds reasonable. Though I'm not entirely keen on moving on with our group in such poor shape it would appear we have no choice but to continue if we want to catch up with Garrack..." Immerial says as he checks to make sure he's ready to go.

2011-08-07, 06:23 AM
"Yeah," replies Malkyr, "we wanna catch up to Garrick before he gets to the loot so we can gut him proper and claim it fair and square ourselves."

2011-08-07, 09:38 AM
"If you're all so very set on moving along, I've hardly any desire to stay back here alone." Timsy quickly looks over his travelling companions. All seems well for now, but the tundra wastes seem more dangerous than even the old stories told of. His musing was cut short by Malkyr's majority decision.

"Shall we be off then?" He gestures onward with one of his arrows in the direction the group had been travelling before coming across Daratra and the monsters.

2011-08-10, 10:59 AM
Though Malkyr searches exhaustively through the bloody, rent piles of torn and partially devoured flesh that once comprised Daratra's comrades, he finds nothing of value; even as an emergency food source, the wolves and ravagers would probably constitute a superior option. He does note however with perhaps with a hint of admiration, how extensively stripped these men were; what few possessions they have left are almost entirely bereft of value, even before they were shredded by the teeth and claws of the marauding predators.

Surveying the remaints of the ambush, you note several craters, and burn marks, a wide network of cracks radiating from each. Further obvious signs of disturbance and struggle can be glimpsed around the larger rocks and the bodies; stones cracked and dented as if from an impact, heavily churned snow. Beyond this however, further details elude you under the cover of pallid frost.

A wide swath of blood can be clearly seen leading from Hiro's body to the north, visible out to roughly a hundred feet until it can no longer be glimpsed through the thick snowfall. Though heavy precipitation has partially concealed the sanguine wake, it can be spotted well enough against the contrasting white snow.

2011-08-11, 06:34 AM
"Look," Daratra points, "they must have dragged the tiefling's body off that way. Hopefully having to carry him will slow them down."

With that, Daratra starts trudging through the snow to the north, expecting the rest to follow.

2011-08-11, 08:03 AM
Following the shifter through the mounds of snow Tarak is silent. Watching for any signs of activity or a hideaway that Garrick's group could use to recover from their betrayal.

2011-08-12, 06:47 PM
Immerial falls into line, following the group while he mentally runs over the battle again to see if hindsight offers any benefits.

2011-08-14, 05:01 PM
Malkyr dallies momentarily, muttering to himself. Hearing the others leave, his eyes spring wide open and he sprints to the front of the group.

"Let me scout ahead," he says to the others, "if there's more danger ahead maybe we can get the drop on it instead of it on us, eh?"

Stealth check to stay hidden while scouting: [roll0]

2011-08-14, 06:05 PM
With everyone in motion Timsy takes a last gaze at the mangled and shredded bodies of the fallen. His head dips and he whispers to himself softly, under the wind and chill, that it is simply nature's way. That every bit of history must be made of both gains and losses. It isn't long before he turns away again following after Immerial, mulling over which enemy was more vile the savage beasts or the heartless Garric.

Timsy carries his longbow in his left hand as the party walks on, one of his arrows gripped tightly in his right hand. He does not want to miss the chance to surprise an enemy this time.

2011-08-14, 10:01 PM
Following the trail of blood for nearly two hundred feet, up and down the winding ridge you've ascended, you note that it ends at what looks to be a hastily dug fresh grave; the earth here has obviously been torn up and shoveled, forming a small mound above what you presume to be Xelos' resting place. Several heavy rocks have been placed atop the now frozen soil, presumably to ward off scavengers. The dirt mound itself is covered with a light dusting of snow. From what you can see it seems evident that though Garrick's men enjoy a notable lead, it is not unsurpassable; there is still time and hope in spite of your disadvantage.

2011-08-16, 06:30 AM
Daratra snarls at the crude grave, then strides resolutely past it. It only serves to bring the all-too-fresh memories of the ambush to the surface; and also as a reminder of Garrick's lead.

2011-08-17, 04:22 PM
"Okay folks," says Malkyr, "we gotta hustle. Keep up the pace!"

2011-08-25, 07:06 PM
As the group presses on leaving behind the impromptu funeral mound, the icy grip of the wastes descends upon you, enveloping frosts and scathing winds both taking their toll as they tax and wear on your collective vitality. The burden of your environment is made all the more difficult to bear by the exhausting, and scarcely survived skirmish only minutes ago, your wounds raw and stinging against the press of cold and penetrated fabrics. Much as before, these harrowing barrens will demand considerable effort to navigate, the way obfuscated by exposure and the threat of still more predatory beasts.

Repeating the rules:

If you can justify the use of a skill, given that you are trying to safely navigate from point A to B in a cold, hostile environment, attempting to avoid predatory creatures, it works. If you justify it especially well, you'll get a +2 bonus to the roll.

I will also need an Endurance check for each skill use; this is in addition to your skill test roll.

2011-08-25, 09:41 PM
Daratra puts her years of nomadic life in the barrens to good use. None in her tribe ever received formal survival training - instead, those who picked it up naturally survived, while those who did not... did not.

She guides her companions around the worst of the hazards - recognising dangerous ice patches and crevasses, avoiding the hunting grounds of hungry animals, and finding the path of least resistance through the unforgiving wastelands to reduce fatigue.

To represent all Daratra's instincts and learning re: surviving in the wastes
Nature: [roll0]

Endurance: [roll1]

2011-08-26, 06:10 AM
Taking note of their new companion's example Timsy reaches back through his memories, his first adventures as a young man, and his cousins who joined him on these excursions. Like a floodgate opening, knowledge rushed back to the bard. He realised which hazards and creatures would prove most dangerous and indicated them to Daratra and the others whenever he could. As they travelled, the ghostly image of an elven ranger manifested behind Timsy. A conduit for ancestral knowledge and skill.

The chill winds battered the musician just the same though. And Timsy was forced to keep every bit of skin he could covered by the furs of his magical armour. His uncle's enchantment had always kept the worst of the chill away from him, but this would truly put the armour to the rest.
Timsy uses the knowledge grated to him by his ancestors to likewise indicate natural dangers and short cuts through the most unavoidable regions of hazardous terrain.
Nature: [roll0]
Uses Speak with Spirits to enhance his Nature check (+2)

Endurance: [roll1]

I applied the ACP already, though I still think it's silly that Hide armor of resist cold would have a penalty to this check, though maybe it's clumsy to travel in?

2011-08-26, 11:41 PM
Forcing his way through the snow and wind Tarak tryed desperately to blaze a trail through the bewildering terrain as the "guides" seemed determined to get the group lost.

Athletics - [roll0]; Endurance - [roll1]

2011-08-27, 09:16 AM
Malkyr resumes his normal routine, watching the footsteps of his companions, trying to ensure the party blends in with its environment and travels as inconspicuously as possible.

At one point, apparently satisfied that his friends were being discreet enough for the time being, Malkyr sidles up to Tarak. Putting his hand on the half-orc's shoulder, he says quietly, "Tarak me ol' pal. I know you mean to do the right thing, and I know you're eager to do it well, but next time we need to sneak up on something, let me try first will ya? No, no, no, there's no need to say anything right now, just remember that we've been not getting killed together for a long time, and I reckon that's great. In fact, I'd love to keep not getting killed with you for quite a while yet. So if you think there's some sneaking to do, you just think of me, and if I find anyone that needs chopping in half, I promise I'll think of you too. Okay? Thanks, buddy."

Stealth: [roll0]

Endurance: [roll1]

2011-08-28, 12:25 AM
"Funny," Tarak replies, sarcasm dripping with every syllable. "It wasn't your body that was mauled first, which given the beasts speed likely would have happened if you decided to move first."

2011-08-28, 11:12 AM
Immerial keeps his senses aware as the group navigates the wilderness, watching for anything that might pose a threat to the group.

Perception: [roll0]
Endurance: [roll1]

2011-08-28, 04:31 PM
"Umm, sure, I guess." Malkyr furrows his brow momentarily before continuing. "I'm just suggesting, and don't get me wrong; you have many fine talents, that I'm a little lighter on my feet that you. So next time we see a bunch of monsters that haven't seen us, we might be able to get the drop on 'em if I go ahead before you. Eh?"

Malkyr looks at Tarak, a smile spreading across his grimy, greasy face.

2011-08-28, 04:47 PM
Realising he had almost no clue what he was really looking for, Timsy caught up with Tarak and Malkyr to listen to their conversation and perhaps join in himself. On realising they were discussing tactics he chimed in when he saw an opportunity.

"Uhm, alternatively Immerial or I could simply strike from further away, rather than risking anyone stepping on weak ice and being mauled by whatever monstrosity tries to end our lives next?" The bard smiles in response to the light nature of the discussion, twirling an arrow in one hand as he walks.

2011-08-28, 09:51 PM
"That probably would work better," Tarak says, enjoying a hearty laugh despite the cold. "Who knows if you're good enough it may even give the rest of us a chance to reach them for combat before being mauled."

2011-08-31, 11:52 PM
Though levity manages to bolster the party's spirits in spite of the unforgiving environs, it does woefully little for its progress, and less still against the numbing assault of the elements, now more vicious and unrelenting than ever. Tarak, Malkyr and Immerial are all wracked to the bone with violent muscle convulsing chills that almost seem to rend their bodies apart as frigid winds blast seemingly undiminished through their clothing. In the interim, advancement through the badlands proves sluggish at best, squalls and deep snow stifling the party's advance, compounding your earlier exhaustion; none of you are quite certain how much longer the lot of you can persist without stopping to rest.

For all the delays and grating exposure however, Immerials keen eyes spot a doubly welcome sight; a sprawling slaughterscape of bloodsuckers straight ahead, their alien, tendriled bodies splayed out everywhere, the monotonous white broken with countless broad splashes of crimson and violently churned snow suggestive of combat. It would seem that, thus far, you have managed to follow in the gruesome swath Garrick's boys cut through the infestation.

Immerial, Tarak, and Malkyr each lose a healing surge due to exposure.

Immerial and Tarak each take a -2 penalty to all skill checks until they succeed on an exposure check as this is the second exposure check failed.

Note that, instead of contributing to the skill challenge for a round, you can make a second Endurance check vs exposure and take the better result.

2011-09-02, 09:59 PM
Seeing the carnage wreaked by Garrick and his crew strengthens Daratra's resolve. She knows they're on the right track, and she knows they can't be too far behind.

She pushes on through the weather, running slightly ahead and using her strength to remove obstacles that could impede the progress of the rest of the group - using fallen trees to bridge gaps, clearing obstructions and the like.

To represent Daratra's ability to push ahead through the weather, and any feats of strength required to make the path easier to traverse for everyone else.
Athletics: [roll0]
Endurance: [roll1]

2011-09-03, 12:18 AM
Trying his hardest to resist the biting cold Tarak moved forward to try and aid the shifter as she cleared the debris, hoping that his presence didn't diminish her efforts.

Just doing two Endurance checks; I would have attempted to Aid but an 18 should be good enough. Endurance - [roll0]&[roll1]

2011-09-03, 12:28 AM
Though he feels he may not be quite so cut out for the roll of guide, Timsy continues his attempts to direct the group through easier terrain and to avoid obstacles that he knows would be dangerous. However, this time the bard elects to retry his earlier illusion. He strums his bowstrings to a simple melody and begins to evoke the mystical chords that his uncle claimed could help veil the party from onlookers or hungry predators. Timsy had failed to properly cast the simple spell earlier, and for both his sake and his companions' the bard hoped it would work better this time.

The young man's mind is resting primarily on gratitude towards his uncle. This magically warded hide armour was protecting him quite well from the cold, if not from the teeth and claws of Ravagers and Wolves.

Trying to use an illusion to somewhat hide the party from dangerous beasties and other onlookers.

Arcana: [roll0]
Endurance: [roll1]

2011-09-03, 11:45 AM
Immerial focuses on his own chilled body, wrapping his cloak tighter and trying to take careful steps to avoid any more contact with the snow and ice than is necessary.

2 End checks. Are these at a -2 as well or just normal skill checks? Assuming these are too, so if they're not +2 on whichever one is better.
End1: [roll0]
End2: [roll1]

2011-09-04, 06:20 AM
Despite his chattering teeth, Malkyr stays focused on the task at hand, darting between his comrades and offering assistance in an effort to keep them from being noticed.

Stealth: [roll0]
Endurance: [roll1]

2011-09-06, 10:02 PM
Worsening conditions further slow your collective progression through the barrens. The winds and cold are nigh unbearable, mercilessly savaging each of you. Tarak in particular finds no solace in spite of his very best attempts to keep himself warm, each arctic gust stealing away the heat he desperately struggles to generate, convulsive shivering taking further hold of his body, now a mass of twitching and churning muscle nearing complete exhaustion.

Unfortunately, so delayed and impeded is the party that night begins to set in just as it reaches its destination, the cold about intensifying to lethal, untenable levels, insinuating past even the heaviest clothing and the absolute limits of everyone's fortitude. At last, the way to the depot looms ominously before you, carved into the base of a snow-deluged cliff several hundred feet tall. Outside are the destroyed hulks of various strange machines, humanoid and otherwise, and yet more blood, this time trailing towards the entrance, where a heavy vault-like door hangs open, wind howling as it rushes through the yawning breach. The signs of a struggle are evident, indications of frenzied movement abound in the churned rocks and snow. Craters, holes and burn marks can be observed in countless places about the immediate vicinity, laying bare the trajectories of aggression between two opposing elements. However the fight transpired, it is obvious that Garrick was once again the victor.

The party fails the skill challenge. Each character loses 2 healing surges.

Tarak loses an additional healing surge, the penalty to skill checks worsens to -3, and he takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of his next short rest in a hospitable environment.

For each healing surge a character must spend but cannot, that character takes cold damage equal to its level. This damage cannot be reduced or prevented in any way, and cannot be recovered until the character completes a short rest in a hospitable environment.

Everyone has reached their 1st Milestone, and gains an AP as the skill challenge counted as an encounter.

2011-09-06, 10:53 PM
Wee 1 surge left. Curse you terrible dice!

History check: Do these strange machines look familiar in any way?
Tired, cold, still nursing his wounds, and worried about the condition of his allies Immerial's behavior is somber and withdrawn as the group marches. Upon spotting the remains of what could only be a battle between the cave's defenders and Garrick's crew, however, he immediately perks up. What are those things? he wonders, staring in fascination at the strange machines as he tries to make some sense of them.

2011-09-07, 09:11 AM
Malkyr's huddled, shivering form straightens as he catches sight of the door. He quickens his step, taking a look around before tip-toeing his way silently to the door, inspecting it to ensure its safety for the rest of the group.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]
Thievery: [roll2]

If I'm not mistaken Malkyr is now out of healing surges. I would strongly recommend that for the next combat encounter we take some time to strategise before acting.

2011-09-07, 03:36 PM
"Maybe we should rest inside and let Garrick continue his slaughter," Tarak says, trying desperately to find some cover from the cold. "We aren't in any condition to face off with him or whatever would have a chance to beat him so continuing deeper is only asking for trouble."

2011-09-09, 09:48 PM
Daratra scowls. "We've been delayed too much already. Who knows how far Garrick has pushed into the ruins? We absolutely have to find them. Once we know where they are, then we can rest and consider our options."

2011-09-10, 01:16 AM
"With all due respect. No treasure or vengeance is worth another life Daratra. We should find adequately safe shelter and take some time to rest, I certainly wouldn't want to end up in a fight with Malkyr, Immerial and Tarak as exhausted as they are." Tiniere follows Malkyr in allowing the drow to lead the way and trusting that any traps or trinkets would not escape the fey-folk's well trained eyes.

"So, do we rest or press on?" Timsy isn't willing to take on a leadership position, his confidence is to frail for that, but he looks over his companions and sees that they are far more exhausted than he is, having been dragged quite close to death. "My vote is for waiting untill we're at our strongest before chancing another near lethal encounter."

2011-09-10, 10:56 AM
"It seems likely that if Garrack's crew entered via this doorway they will probably attempt to leave via this doorway. Thus if we camp out somewhere nearby and keep good watch our odds of missing their departure will be low. I'm all for resting." Immerial says, nodding to Tiniere.

2011-09-11, 08:53 PM
Though the oppressive cold prohibits a more thorough examination of the destroyed machines, Immerial recognizes them as being a sort of mechanical guard, often found in and around many installations theorized to be military in nature, otherwise known as a 'robot'.

Malkyr demonstrates an almost preternatural ability to avoid the tell-tale crush of snow and ice under his footfalls as he stealthily approaches the entrance. Reaching the gaping maw of the cavern without event, he does not at first notice the existence of any traps from his cursory initial attempts. A closer examination however, outs the presence of a thin tripwire linked to a primed array of crude and jury rigged crossbows hidden beneath a shallow cover of light snow. Several tiny explosive charges wrapped in jagged, improvised shrapnel are likewise hooked into the configuration; though certainly not large or powerful enough to cause meaningful structural damage, they could easily inflict serious injury, besides alerting any inhabitants to the presence of the group. It is obvious to the drow that these have been recently set.

For Malkyr:
Further, from your examination of the trap, you estimate that it would be difficult to completely disarm without tripping any component. Recovering it without tripping a component exceedingly so; though hastily rigged, it has been put together with readily evident skill, a significant amount of effort having been invested in complicating diffusal.

2011-09-13, 10:45 PM
Immerial nods as he recalls hearing of these 'robots' from another group. The fact that Garrack's crew apparently beat them without serious difficulty doesn't phase him, as he has always believed that the reports of the automatons being dangerous threats to be an exaggeration. He waits to hear whether the group plans to rest or press onwards, having already expressed his opinion on the matter.

2011-09-14, 05:37 AM
"If this ain't the work of Garrick an' his men," says Malkyr, "I'll be the son of a bloodsucker."

After pointing out the features of the trap to his companions, Malkyr continues. "Way I see it we got two options. We can sneak up behind 'em and maybe catch 'em after they've fought off some beasties, then smash 'em while they catch their breath. Or, we can lay an ambush, set off the trap an' fillet the buggers when they come to check."

Malkyr sighs, then adds, "Actually there's three options. I can try disablin' the trap, and reset it somewhere they don't expect. Then when they come out, all proud of 'emselves, BAM! But that's... dangerous."

2011-09-14, 08:24 AM
"Is there a way to set off part of the trap without triggering everything?" Tarak asks, looking into the cavern. "If so we can use the trap against them by leading them into its line of fire when they think it has been triggered. Beyond that though, I say we should rest before heading too far inside so that we are fully prepared when we run into Garrick."

2011-09-14, 08:57 AM
"Well that was me third option," replies Malkyr, "or more like two of 'em rolled inta one. But I reckon they'll spot if the trap's not been triggered fully. They may be stupid, but they ain't that stupid. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I can disable the trap if I'm careful enough."

2011-09-14, 05:08 PM
"So is that the consensus among us then? We rest, and see what we may do to catch the murderous scum unaware on their way out?" Timsy contemplated the idea, he loathed using such devious means, but given the acts that Garrick and his crew had committed it didn't seem quite so unfair this time.

"Shall we try and find a safe, sheltered den to rest for a few hours?"

2011-09-15, 12:56 AM
"And what if there's another way out? What if they come out while we're hiding in the corner, and we miss them? I'm all for giving Garrick a taste of his own medicine, but I don't think we can guarantee that he'll come back here, nor that we can effectively ambush someone if we're all sleeping!" By the end of the rant, Daratra is almost yelling.

There is a wild look in the shifter's eyes as she paces impatiently, clearly wanting to hunt down the other group immediately.

2011-09-15, 09:13 AM
"I don't sleep." Immerial adds, likely unhelpfully, but he seems too engrossed in a study of the area to pay anything more than half-hearted attention to the debate.

2011-09-15, 10:09 AM
As if something snapped inside him, like a broken string on some intricately tuned instrument, Timsy turned to glare at Daratra. His face had morphed, almost unrecognisable, the soft features that usually defied the rough environment and the soft eyes that more often glimmered with tears than squinted with rage had changed.

"My good woman," the young man spoke plainly and without emotion "you are a free soul. I will not try to restrain you in any way. However, by the bloodsoaked snow on this tundra, and the crying children I hope to feed when I return home I will not allow your rash decision making to get MY friends and companions killed."

He paused, realising how much the shifter woman had lost already, "I'm sorry I know you have lost much, I cannot imagine how it must feel. That said I have no intention of living through the same sacrifice for as fruitless a goal as vengeance."

Timsy's hardened demeanour disappeared as quickly as it had manifested. "If you want to honour your fallen comrades through suicide, go ahead. I would rather have you here with us where we can work together and survive."

2011-09-15, 04:53 PM
"Timsy, me old pal," says Malkyr, placing a hand on Timsy's shoulder, "I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, and I know most of those times you end up bein' right about things. But this time I reckon I'm a chance of bein' right, because it seems like your brain has frozen just a little bit. Daratra's right, you know. It's no sure thing that this is the only entrance, and even if it is, we're gonna have to find somewhere inside to rest, because even with a frozen brain you can see there's no shelter out here for us."

Malkyr removes his hand from Timsy's shoulder, then continues. "So Immerial doesn't sleep, an' I don't sleep neither, but most of the rest of us do, and there's no chance of gettin' the jump on Garrick's crew if half of us are sleepin'. And who knows how long they'll be in there anyway? Soon as we find a spot to take a kip, they could be all done and on their way out. They either don't spot us nor us them and they get away clean, or they do spot us and they're through us before we're properly awake. Eh?"

Malkyr raises an eyebrow at Timsy.

2011-09-15, 07:05 PM
Daratra stares flatly at Timsy as the bard rants, then looks at Malkyr with some gratitude. "Finally, someone's talking some sense," she says. "I like the way you think, Drow."

2011-09-15, 07:16 PM
Immerial considers Malkyr's words, but feels the need to speak in defense of the original plan.

"It's unlikely there are many other entrances. And if there are I doubt very much Garrack would want to use one of them when he has already cleared this entrance. It's always smarter to retrace your steps when leaving after all, that way you avoid anything you might have missed on the way in."

"You do make a good point about them moving fast. Perhaps I can suggest an alternative. We enter the building, disarming the trap first of course, no need to be creative since we will probably not need it." Immerial says, almost as an afterthought, "We explore a little ways in, far enough that it would take a decent amount of time to traverse. At that point I hide and begin trancing."

"The rest of you return to the entrance and get as much rest as you can. The instant I see Garrack and his crew I can let you know through thoughts, a method he can't intercept or detect. You," Immerial says, clearly indicating Malkyr, "then wake the others and prepare for combat. That way we get the chance to rest and recuperate while avoiding any chance of him stumbling upon us before we are ready."

"Merely an alternative plan." Immerial adds, looking straight at Malkyr with a calm and blank expression on his face.

2011-09-15, 07:45 PM
"But Malkyr, you're hardly in any condition to risk further injury. Your wounds are held together just barely by magic and scab tissue. If you are both," the bard sighs as he looks from the drow to Daratra and back again "certain that this is necessary, I would rather help you than spend more time arguing. What would you have me do?"

"Tarak, have you any ideas?" the young man turned to look at the savage environment outside, he contemplated how much they had risked already. Reflecting on Daratra's losses and Hiro's death, Timsy began to wonder if he should have just continued work as an entertainer rather than a scavenger. The thought was shaken away quickly when the image of his younger cousins crying out for food and warmth flashed vividly in his mind.

2011-09-16, 12:14 PM
"I like Immerial's idea," Tarak says, crossing his arms to try and look a little more stern. "We have already been trashed once and are falling apart bickering, while every sign we have seen suggests Garrick's team is moving steadily with little regard to casualties. If it is even possible to defeat Garrick in our present condition it is because his team is in no better shape than our own; something I find increasing unlikely with every battlefield that we find his foes defeated and his losses highly contained."

2011-09-18, 01:48 AM
"I still don't like it, but I'm hardly going to run off ahead by myself," Daratra concedes. "Despite what you might think, I'm not suicidal," she adds with a pointed look at Timsy.

"I just think we have a better chance here if we find out what state Garrick and his crew are in before we find ourselves face to face with them. Once we know that, we can make a more informed decision as to our course of action. But if you're all set against it, Immerial's plan seems workable."

2011-09-18, 08:55 AM
"I reckon there's a lot of things that can go wrong," says Malkyr, "like them leaving without us spotting 'em, or worse them gettin' the drop on us when we haven't had enough rest to be of any good to us."

Malkyr rubs his eyes with the heels of his hands. "But yer right, Timsy, I'm buggered. We all are. And even though I'm the best lookin' of the lot of us, I know I ain't the smartest. So I'll do whatever the group thinks is best."

2011-09-18, 09:21 AM
"So a compromise then? Immerial's plan seems sound, though it does place him at a fair degree of personal risk. Could we perhaps agree that exploring a bit further in and then returning before things get too lethal would be a good plan? We can build up our strength and be ready for whatever comes our way later."

As he speaks Timsy nervously picks at his bowstrings, he plays quiet simple scales that can barely be heard over the wind. Trying to come up with any supplements that could make Immerial safer on his sentry duty. His disappointed and regretful expression reveals he can think of nothing. His recent failed attempts at emulating his uncle Ulrik's minor illusions make him hesitant to try it again.

At the same time, he realises that his manual dexterity is rather limited to his instrument, and that he cannot really help Malkyr with the trap. So the young bard falls back on his medical knowledge, remembering the amount of humanoid blood at the different battle scenes they had passed, and trying to get an idea of exactly how wounded Garrick and his fellows were. Perhaps Daratra was right and they stood a chance at besting Garrick in combat? Timsy was hesitant though, after what happened to Daratra and Hiro's party, he didn't want a repeat.

A heal check to try and estimate the condition of Garrick's Team was made in the OOC thread, as I felt bad about making another post just for this check.

2011-09-18, 10:34 AM
"I would think that at least a little bit of exploration would be needed to ensure Immerial's plan can work effectively." Tarak says, moving away from the doorway so that Malkyr can try and disarm it.

2011-09-19, 01:29 AM
"Let's not risk triggering this trap if we can avoid it easily enough," Daratra points out, eyeing the tripwire nervously.

2011-09-25, 07:59 PM

Though the harsh temperatures prevent you from examining the blood spatters in exacting detail, you know enough to tell that this last battle hit Garrick's crew pretty hard, and that their collective blood loss was substantial. While it's possible they may have used special means to quickly restore themselves, it seems pretty evident that their stores of potions should be running low, even having purchased the entirety of the quartermaster's stock. Likewise, the machines they destroyed are evidently dangerous; if any remain intact inside, they should prove formidable opponents, particularly given the party's weakened state.

2011-09-26, 11:19 AM
Immerial moves closer to the doorway, stopping before he reaches anywhere near the point Malkyr has indicated the trap is. "So can we just step over the wire or what?" he asks, hesitant to step through the doorway until it is pronounced safe to do so but wanted to get going, every minute wasted outside is a minute less rest for the group after all.

2011-09-26, 05:54 PM
"Yeah, yeah," replies Malkyr, "just be very, very careful. This thing'll go off like... well, like something that goes off."

2011-10-02, 08:11 PM
As you move into the cave mouth, dim radiance from the expiring, blotted sun weakly streams in, casting long shadows. Within the scarce light, you see what appears to be a long corridor built from the same robust, smooth composite you've encountered in several other military installations. In this specific case however, the entire visible span appears to be in near pristine condition, as if completely unexposed and traversed since the great war. The width of the passage is furthermore substantial, appearing to be just over 30 feet across. Arrays of shielded cable snake and route along the top corners, feeding into darkened glowlamps that have obviously fallen inactive, and a metallic console located near the installation's mammoth door. Each of you recognize it as a control of some kind, though it is utterly silent, and unlit.

Roughly 100 feet ahead you notice intermittent flickering that breaks through the darkness beyond the dying illumination at your back, a shower of sparks raining down from several of the corners where the bundles of wire would be situated. An indeterminate, vaguely metallic thing verges on the periphery of one of these flashing portions, glinting against the sporadic illumination. From here, it is impossible to make out any salient details beyond a somewhat ovoid shape, appearing not more than half a foot across. Aside from these particulars, you observe nothing notable about the passage, save for the steady wake of blood that drips away into the darkness.

2011-10-04, 07:07 PM
Immerial takes a deep breath as he looks around the darkened room...

What a discovery...there's so much we could learn from an untouched location like this! he thinks as he glances from object to object, paying close attention to the control device.

He looks carefully down the hall, trying to see if he can learn anything about what awaits them before the group proceeds any further.

Perception check on the hall, I have low-light vision btw if it matters.
An additional History check to see if I would know anything about facilities like this one in general, particularly their defensive systems besides the 'robots' outside.

2011-10-06, 04:02 AM
Daratra's heartbeat quickens as she proceeds carefully down the hallway. To find somewhere like this, so obviously untouched since the great war... what powerful and terrible devices could still be found here?

As she walks, her every sense is alert, seeking any possible traps or hidden dangers in the wide corridor.

Dungeoneering check to recognise any signs of traps or danger

2011-10-08, 09:39 PM
"I can barely see down the hall, is there something over there? Malkyr?" Straining his human eyes in the gloom did Timsy little good as far as picking out any details in the darkness. So, ever cautious the bard drew back on his bowstring as he notched an arrow, expecting a worst case scenario.

He whispered softly to the drow, "Can you tell me what just happened? I'm useless without more light."

2011-10-20, 01:54 PM
"More blood, more broken 'bots. Nothin' we haven't seen before, though less than outside. Looks like quite a fight; caused some collateral damage to those overhead cables. Probably KOed the glowlamps 'n console. Aside from that, hall goes on about another hundred feet. Second huge door ahead, hangin' open."

Looking between the silent control panel, and sparking cables, an idea seems to occur to Malkyr.

"Listen guys, I consider myself pretty good at basic repairs. I'll hang back and see if I can't get this thing workin' here. Might be of use to us if we can access the place's systems."

The drow offers a shrug, moving towards the sparking conduits.

"Doubt it'll be that easy, but it's worth a shot. 'sides, we're in a bad way. Hopefully we'll get another group up here complements of Anson; if we do, I can't think of one quite as hardassed as Garrick's."

Just then, as if on cue, a ragged, frost-covered silhouette stumbles into the sterile, plascrete halls, its body a convulsing mass of tremulous muscle. By the scant light, the newcomer's features prove difficult to ascertain, though it is certainly some kind of humanoid, huddling beneath a thick bundle of protective furs, many of which are torn and damaged. Ragged exhalations from the figure evoke terse clouds that dissipate quickly in the dry, frigid air. Managing to come to an unstable, tentative lean against the right wall, it looks over the party between wrenching shivers, head panning slowly, wearily. Though obviously a scav, its identity is thoroughly concealed beneath a large pair of darkened goggles.

2011-10-20, 06:53 PM
Immerial steps forward, cautious but doing his best to look unconcerned.

"Hail stranger. You don't look too good, mind if we ask what you're doing down here?" he asks, pretty sure of the reason, but figuring that establishing a rapport is useful in a situation like this.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-10-20, 07:49 PM
Not one to put out a fellow wandering soul Timsy speaks up as well, concern heavy in his voice as he beckons the obviously weary traveller further into the shelter.

"Aye, Watch your step! There's a trap just by the entrance, and you'll be in far worse shape for that experience. Please carefully now, come join us, I can help clean and dress any injuries or frostbite. But my new friend please, come out of the savage cold. We've seen far too much death and violence on the voyage here, I for one don't wish to see any more hearts stop beating just because of a chill!"

As he called out the Bard lowered his bow and unnotched his prepared arrow. He plucked at the A string softly, weaving enchantments into his voice as he spoke, doing his best to convey only kindness in his words. Keenly, Timsy's eyes glistened over with a shimmering amber light as he perfected his tone of voice and harmonised the notes of his songbow with his own speech.

Diplomacy (using Words of Friendship):[roll0] + Adept's Insight
Adepts insight (Spent PP): [roll1]

2011-10-21, 01:06 AM
Akamenos - Tiefling Artificer

Breathing slowly Akamenos lifts his goggles to study his surroundings. His weary eyes happen onto a group of what he assumes to be scavengers. Normally the tiefling would never stoop so low as to ask for help however his current situation is quite dire.

"I..I mean you...no harm.", he manages to call out. "My team is gone, taken by the elements and I require aid as I barely survived the trek here."

2011-10-26, 03:57 PM
Daratra stays back, cautious, ready to leap into action despite her weariness.

2011-10-26, 06:58 PM
Immerial nods to the stranger's response. "This is a dangerous land. Please, join us inside where it is at least a littler safer."

2011-10-27, 05:13 AM
Akamenos - Tiefling Artificer

Letting out a sigh of relief the Tiefling slowly shuffles over toward the group. "I believe introductions are in order, I am Akamenos."