View Full Version : [Nexus] Council

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2011-04-15, 09:06 PM
The Council Building is a small two story building near the Remnant HQ. It has a helicopter pad on top, but out of sight, it has a pair of extensive sub-basements. Of course, those are only accessible to Remnant personnel. There is heavy security inside the front door, but only heavy scanners and armed guards show themselves. The hallway is empty of decoration and doors, leading only upstairs and to a large room with dark gray walls, a large teardrop shaped table made of mahogany, and comfortable chairs. In the center of the table is a holographic display of Inside, lacking many military assets of course, and off to the side of the room, is a large bay window, currently closed by metal blinds.

Vasquez sits at the tip of the teardrop, and waits for the others to arrive. The teleblockers, reality anchors, and the like are shut off for now.


Pretty much the standard rules concerning most of the threads. No Godmodding, LOLDOOM posts without permission, or complete destruction (or similar things) to ruin the building.

The Bushranger
2011-04-15, 09:14 PM
And the first person to arrive is Quinn, from GLoG...

http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/483/tekb56c938.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/43000443)

...who (given that the reality anchors and blockers and all that are turned off) quite possibly emerges from a Psionic Dimension Door. And nods to Vasquez.

2011-04-15, 09:21 PM
When Quinn suddenly arrives, the teleblockers and other restraints suddenly slam shut around the place, and multiple gun turrets pop up inside the room. An audible whirr begins as several charge, but Vasquez waits for the last possible second to shut them down. "Take the front door next time."

The Bushranger
2011-04-15, 09:25 PM
"Don't leave your wards down as an invitation for people to arrive in the fashion they're accustomed to next time," Quinn retorts, not reacting at all to the gun turrets, whirring, or Vasquez's waiting to shut them down, as she takes a seat.

2011-04-15, 09:28 PM
Cessie seems to be the second person to arrive. She can't teleport or anything like that and flying seems unnecessary and might come as showing off, so she's just walking.

Dressed in her usual dress she carefully approaches the council building, assuming she needs to be checked up somewhere.

2011-04-15, 09:30 PM
Already in the room is 1st Lt Alice Delisle, sitting next to Vasquez, taking notes on her laptop.

http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/1233/teked77234.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/43000650)

2011-04-15, 09:57 PM

Cessie will have to go through the scanners and walk past an armored glass window with a uniformed guard stationed inside. The scanner detects weapons and powerful magics, but also looks for things possessing people or similar things that might try to control a person unwillingly. Even if weapons and magic are detected, she's waved past. In the hallway, is a pair of what appears to be two massive suits of bronze armor, holding giant swords, pointed downward and positioned at a guard. They don't move, and aren't magical.

To anyone who knows such things, they're the same sort of power armor that Edijar wears, marking them as the Remnant Praetorian Guard.

They still won't stop her from heading up if she wishes.

2011-04-15, 10:17 PM

The mage heads up the stairs then and start to look around the place a bit. Sadly her player must deadtime now so no more reactions from Cessie in a while.


2011-04-15, 10:20 PM
Suddenly Zee!

Though not in the same fashion as Quinn.

She'll be coming in through the front door as well, though she doesn't appear to be nearly as pristine as the mage who came in before her. Her attire is a bit tattered, sporting a few burn marks and acid holes. One eye is ever so slightly swollen.

Looks like she's favoring her left leg a bit, too.

Once she gets inside she'll wave cheerfully at the no doubt silent guards. "Hiya! Where am I supposed to be going? And I really hope this isn't a trap of some kind. I'm a bit tuckered out already, between you and me!"

Because if it were a trap they would tell her, right?

"Is this Empire sort of stuff? Is it true that a bunch of the people in charge got yanked back to Dee See's home universe?" she gasps slightly. "Were they abducted by aliens! That's happened before!"

The scanners will probably have no idea what the hell to make of Zee. She's not magical in the least. Or at least no more magical than a cuttlefish might be. So if a cuttlefish would light up the machines then Zee probably will as well.

She isn't being possessed by anything. And the only weapon she has on her person is weapons-grade silliness.

Lord Magtok
2011-04-15, 11:19 PM
Hey look, it's Magtok!

No, not that Magtok, this one! He's decked out in his finest gray and purple suit, probably hiding all sorts of crazy contraband in it, too! He strides in with pride and arrogance, knowing full well that he's the only one here awesome and influential enough to count as his own organization and-

Wait, what? Zee? What the fudge are you doing here? I thought this was supposed to be some big important conference full of influential people discussing the fate of Inside. Not to be rude or anything, but are you sure you count for that sort of thing? You're not exactly a League or a Organization or an Association or anything.

2011-04-15, 11:38 PM
[Lobby I Guess?]

"Hiya Magtok!" Zee waves in her usual exuberant fashion. "Oooh, we're here to talk about what's going to happen Inside? That sounds really important! I thought they were just going to give us some neat hats!"

The guy who gave her the note had a really nice hat after all. A nice brown hat. Zee really wishes that she had a nice hat that actually existed and this sounded like a great place to get one!

The security had really confused her, though...

But given that this is apparently some sort of political thing it makes a bit more sense...

Hmmm... politics... Poly-ticks... Lots of giant mites? Wonder if those words have any real connection to each other...

Zee stares off blankly at a nearby wall for several seconds as a number of completely unrelated subjects filter through her mind.

"Do you think they make tiny hats for scorpions here?" Zee inquires of the cyborg. She sounds somewhat concerned that scorpion hats won't be available here. "Or just the normal sized ones we'll be getting? What if one of the people who attends is a scorpion?"

2011-04-15, 11:39 PM
And then, Psi.

The girl walks in dressed in her usual armor, and starts spinning around in the room. "Analyzing. Scanning area. Scanning. Scanning, scanning, scanning. Complete. No immediate threats detected. Situation deemed safe for Grace at the current time."

2011-04-15, 11:58 PM
Grace enters, gesturing for Psi to follow her.

Or wait. Is that Grace? Something looks off. Quite off, actually, on second glance. Rather than pink, she seems to be themed on a fairly solid red color, which is actually the main color of her suit as well, rather than black.

On top of the wardrobe change, she only has a single horn, from the center of her head, and it is somewhat smaller than Grace's, and on top of that, she has two tails instead of three. There are some variances in general form as well, as this person seems taller and slimmer compared to Grace's more well rounded appearance.

In all, there is enough similarity to where one can easily make comparisons and perhaps be confused for a second, but enough difference to where it is notable. Nonetheless, she makes her way inside, where the scanner will detect no weapons or magic on her. If questioned, she'll state that she is Grace's representative.

2011-04-16, 12:06 AM
The guard behind the armored glass facepalms at Zee and activates the speaker. "Just head up and Commander Vasquez will explain it all."

He'll raise a hand to stop Grace's representative and Psi though, and a couple guards will raise their hands to stop her at the sensors too. "Name and Invitation?"

2011-04-16, 12:08 AM
"Foreign Interaction Device Ψ, Serial Number 23. Alias 'Psi' or 'Psi Twenty Three'. Here to accompany subject 'Grace'. If a security scan is necessary, Unit will submit to it."

2011-04-16, 12:18 AM
"Poise. Representative of Grace and Aurora."
Poise draws out the paper that was handed to Grace and holds it up with two fingers.
"In case my word is not enough."
She explains, offering the paper to the guards. After all, Grace (and Poise) had no more use for it.

The Bushranger
2011-04-16, 12:24 AM
Quinn, meanwhile, sits quietly and...

...is that knitting?

2011-04-16, 12:42 AM
The guards take the invitation, and compare it to a few on their hud display before nodding and passing it back before stepping aside to let the pair pass.

2011-04-16, 06:16 AM

Dipsnig arrives on Viima, having decided that everyone in the HQ is a little bit too busy to be of any help. Hopefully it's not some sort of trap, though he won't put it past the ex-Imperials.

2011-04-16, 09:50 AM
"Access confirmed. Now proceeding to access council."

It looks like she's making sure to scan every corner of the area.

Lord Magtok
2011-04-16, 03:28 PM
[Lobby I Guess?]

Zee stares off blankly at a nearby wall for several seconds as a number of completely unrelated subjects filter through her mind.

"Do you think they make tiny hats for scorpions here?" Zee inquires of the cyborg. She sounds somewhat concerned that scorpion hats won't be available here. "Or just the normal sized ones we'll be getting? What if one of the people who attends is a scorpion?"

Magtok does his very best to repress the urge to curl up in a corner, bow his head, weep openly in front of anyone who might be around to see him.

Zee, I...don't think they offer hats here. Made for or from scorpions, I...I just don't see it happening. Maybe.

He tries to hurry right past her, hoping that maybe she's here for some totally unrelated event and that his ego won't take any further damage today.

2011-04-16, 03:34 PM
Poise makes her way to the teardrop table and takes a seat, smiling cordially to everyone around her in a very Grace-like fashion. She waits patiently for the meeting to begin, or at least for something interesting to happen.

2011-04-16, 03:38 PM
Zee looks rather crestfallen.

She had really been looking forward to a new hat and Magtok just crushed her hopes and dreams. Maybe once she gets to the conference room the guy behind the glass was talking about everything will be better?

And so she'll head that way!


No doubt Magtok will be dismayed to discover that she's heading in the same direction he is. She heads up toward to the room with the funny shaped table! And while walking she pulls off the hat she isn't wearing and yanks a sammich out of it.

The hat is replaced on her head, where upon it ceases to exist.

Then she begins eating the sammich.

Nom nom nom!

2011-04-16, 03:46 PM
The mage have started to look around the council chamber, probably wondering why so many women wore male clothes around here. She guesses it's a cultural thing.

She had meet a lot of women that worn male clothes after all.

At the moment she is waiting for the council itself to start however, looking around at all the interesting people she is going to share the room with.

2011-04-16, 03:48 PM
If a seatis available for Psi, she will sit at the table. If not, she will remain behind Grace, hovering above the ground.

2011-04-16, 03:55 PM
Dipsnig does not order Viima to pounce on Magtok since while it would be funny, it would also be likely to piss off Vasquez and ruin this whole thing for the goblin. So he just waits for the meeting to start, looking around. Hm. At least one person he doesn't know...

The Bushranger
2011-04-16, 05:52 PM
Quinn looks up from her knitting to nod to each of the other people as they arrive...

Well, except Magtok.
He just gets a Look.

2011-04-16, 05:53 PM
Walking up to the front door is Gordon.


He smiles, and raises his hands, showing that for once he doesn't have any weapons on him.

2011-04-16, 07:07 PM
"Identifying," whispers Psi. "Identifying subjects as leaders of the various factions within 'Nexus'. All data logged."

When Psi arrived, she tried to go to the different factions and obtain information. Unfortunately, she was unable to meet the actual leaders. As of now, she is logging the leaders' information to be able to identify them.

Lord Magtok
2011-04-16, 07:44 PM
Magtok takes a seat, and shakes his head.

Okay the suspense is killing me, so could you just tell me, Zee? Are the Imps freaking out about your edritchy nonsense? Did Raril bribe and/or sleep his way into getting you here? Did you accidentally trip over an army when I wasn't looking? Seriously, what in the world are you representing here? I've got all those Magbots and MagSat and MagCorp and everything, Quinn has GLoG, Dippy has NO, Person-Who-Looks-Like-Grace's-Sister has Aurora, Gordon comes from AMEN, and my guess is the girl with the dress is with HALO. Where the fudge does your influence come from?

The Bushranger
2011-04-16, 07:45 PM

...chokes at Magtok's assumption.

No, really. She does. <_<

2011-04-16, 07:55 PM
Zee apparently found a potted plant somewhere between starting up those stairs and sitting down. And now she's fiddling with the thing, causing it to grow cumquats despite the fact that it most certainly isn't a citrus tree of any kind.

She peers at Magtok as he goes off on his mini-rant about her presence at the meeting.

Blinks one eye.

Then the other.


Zee them smiles a wide, silly smile!

"From being nice of course! That's the best way to make friends!"

2011-04-16, 08:31 PM
Nothing will happen to Gordon, and presumably he'll be lead up unless he does something idiotic. :smalltongue:

(Since most of the PCs are here, I'm going to go ahead and start the Council Meeting. The others who were given invitations can be retconned in later, or arrive late, player preference.)

When everyone is scanned and waved through, Vasquez looks them over, even nodding to a seat for Psi before she raises a hand to stop their banter. "I presume most of you know each other." She gestures at Poise, Psi, and Cessie. "That is Poise, Grace's representative. Psi will not get a vote or say in the matters that occur here as she is just a bodyguard and this is Cessie, a member of Watchtower. A few of you may have an idea as to why we're here, but for those of you who aren't, let me explain."

She gestures at the hologram. "You all represent the various Orgs that have an interest in Inside, or are public figureheads and have enough support to warrant having as much power as an Org has. You're all here to form a Council to help decide what happens to Inside."

She raises her hand a bit to keep them quiet for a moment. "No, that does not mean I am stepping down. It means I'm stepping aside. I do not have the time to worry myself with running the everyday things and deciding civil matters. My duty has always been to the protection of Inside and it's citizens, from threats both within and without. I will be the head of this Council, but for the most part, I will not intervene unless it is something that affects Remnant. Eventually, I may decide to allow others in, but I won't kick anyone out unless it's necessary, understand? That means there won't be any violence. And Zee? Please put the plant away, it's distracting."

2011-04-16, 08:38 PM
Cessie makes a short nod towards the rest of the room as she is introduced. "I have no objects against your proposal Vasquez, it sounds quite reasonable. Watch is not a political organization however. So I'm not sure we should even have a seat. It would be good for both of us if we could work closer to your military however."

Lord Magtok
2011-04-16, 08:56 PM
Magtok groans in exasperation, and presses both palms against his face as he drops his elbows onto the table, suddenly swept up by a feeling that he might be trapped in a complete waste of time, up until Vasquez starts speaking, and he lifts his head back up again.

The idea of Vasquez stepping aside appeals to him, because the idea of her being in charge just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. There's a reason why silly political types like himself are usually in charge of obscenely brusque people like her, and that's because without proper management, her sort end up like rabid animals. Also what sort of MagMart customer wants to live under an insane gun-ninja pyschopath? That kind of city-wide reputation can't possibly be good for business.

He keeps silent for now, letting others say their part while he broods and schemes.

2011-04-16, 09:01 PM
Poise leans forward in her chair, her hands clasped together as she keeps her eyes on Vasquez.
"So, what you're saying is that you wish to form the council not so much as a true ruling body, but a group to which you delegate managing civil affairs?"

The Bushranger
2011-04-16, 09:04 PM
"...so, what you're saying is you're wanting me to be partially responsible for running what remains of the Empire? I just foisted off being President of GLoG..." Quinn sighs.

2011-04-16, 09:10 PM
"So what you're saying is that you really would like it if I put my kumquat tree somewhere else?" Zee asks, not wanting to feel left out from the style of question that's being asked at the moment.

Of course...

Her question is probably less relevant than the others.

But it still counts for something!

Without waiting for a reply she sticks the shrubbery under he chair. Though not before picking a small orange fruit and nomming it.

Om nom nom!

Then she wrinkles her nose a bit at the woman at the head of the table.

"Who are you, anyway?"


Honestly has no idea.

2011-04-16, 09:21 PM
1st Lt Alice Delisle, who up until now has been silently taking notes, gives Zee a sharp look. "Xar'cha Ezekiel Hanna Bath-Manoah, we know you are smarter than you're pretending to be, and the inhabitants of this city would benefit if you would take this meeting seriously."

"If introductions are necessary, then let's make them. The chair of this meeting is Commander Vasquez, the highest ranking member of the Remnant of the Empire. I am 1st Lt Delisle, her assistant." She'll then go around and introduce everyone at the table, including anyone who retcons themselves in later. She's clever like that.

2011-04-16, 09:53 PM
Vasquez gives an appreciative nod to her aide. "You are allowed to send in an appropriate representative if you wish, Quinn. I just wanted you to be here for this meeting. To understand how things are likely going to be from now on. In some ways, Remnant will be more lenient than the Empire was, but in others, more strict."

She stops and thinks for a moment about what Poise says. "In a way. For all intents and purposes, you will be running most matters of Inside. Governing it even if I still hold the ultimate say over anything that would be more important than usual, or would cause drastic changes even though I don't plan on having to use it very often. However, that said, I would still be in complete control of Military and Civil Defense. As for how most things will be decided, it'd be by a majority vote."

2011-04-16, 09:57 PM
Gordon, as no one stops him, or the man he has for his bodyguard, headed into the council room. Taking a seat, he relaxs. At least two people here who are friendly towards him, this is going better than he thought already.

"A wise decision. There would certainly be issues with you tried to directly manage the city. Military groups tend to not be good rulers of citizens."

2011-04-16, 10:02 PM
Zee blinks at that reply.

And frowns slightly. Then closes her eyes and sighs. "Very well. There shall be no masks to hide behind."

Her voice is... different. Emotionless. And yet so much deeper than before. Not deeper as in baritone. Deeper as in you could drown in it if you aren't careful.

"If proper titles are to be used here I am K'rax-Naggath, the Watcher at the Threshold. I consider my purpose here in the Nexus to be much the same as yours, Commander Vasquez. I have been a defender of these crossroads for some time now. And as such I find your presumptions baffling. You represent the remains of an external force that took tentative control of this City through subterfuge, murder, and sheer force of arms."

She leans back in her chair slightly, fingers steepled. "But your power is shattered. Your resources cut off. And your leadership scattered. Though I must admit that I am pleased to see that the outsiders have been ousted from the remains of the Empire. I can trust men and women of the Nexus like yourself far more readily than I would trust a military bureaucrat from another world simply seeking to expand their own power base."

"I believe any unilateral control on this council would be... unwise. Placing ultimate control of all aspects of government in the hands of one person is dangerous. Even if the intent is to use this final executive power only sparingly."

2011-04-16, 10:05 PM
Back before the meeting started, Tobias Vulpan walked up to the building and tried to gain entrance as HALO's representative, using his invitation. Scanners will have noted that he has no weapons on his person, which is distinctly unusual considering he tends to carry over ten knives on him at any given time. The scanners will have also picked up on his immense amount of druidic magic. Tobias also tried to take his satchel inside.

Unless he's stopped or something, he'll just sit at the table and wait for the meeting to start. When the meeting does start, he just listens. He is quite adept at concealing his emotions, so it's impossible to tell just what he's thinking of this idea so far.

That said, I'm just making this post to establish that Tobias is here and HALO is represented. I do not think I will be able to make any more posts tonight.
Maybe a few more before I go to bed, but it's been an intense day and I have a fair bit of stuff to catch up on, so don't wait for me unless it's necessary.

The Bushranger
2011-04-16, 10:09 PM
Quinn nods in gratitude to Vasquez.
"Ah. I understand. And, thank you."

Tobias' appearance makes Quinn double-take. Then she waves a little. Before turning her full attention back to the matter at hand.

Moff Chumley
2011-04-16, 10:10 PM
The Moff, for indeed it is he, stands back from the table, behind Gordon. He might not be immediately recognizable: he's cleaned up. Conservative suit, shave, haircut, sunglasses, and scowl. He has no visible reaction to anything that's said up until Zee's final comment, at which he nods slowly and shoots what might be a smirk at Vasquez.

2011-04-17, 06:22 AM
An expression of disbelief creeps onto Dipsnig's face as he listens to Vasquez. You're seriously suggesting this bunch is put in charge of running the place? He points at... everyone really, including himself. Do-gooders and apocalypse-stoppers I can understand, but mercenaries and terrorists? He pauses. If he ends up in charge of the city, he'll get a perfect opportunity to stomp out freelance mercenaries and weasel NO out of trouble if they take a troublesome contact again. Not to mention a goblin in the ruling body would be good for the Underside Colony. But I guess the Nexus requires original leadership. Do you have any idea as to how to divide responsibilities?

2011-04-17, 06:50 AM
"As far as I'm concerned, watch isn't suited to deal with civil matters as I mentioned before. Instead I would suggest that remnant and watchtower had a closer relationship if your planning to deal with the military matters Vasquez." Cessie states once Dipsnig and Zee have finished speaking.

She knew Zee, but she really didn't seem to be her old self here. The goblin was new to her however, she had to get to know him later. Relationships were important. Especially with the leaders or the other factions.

"I think it would be ideal if everyone governed what they are most suited for. GloG and Aurora appears very competent in civil matters by the admittedly little knowledge I have about them. Watch, NO and Remnant however are experienced when it comes to military force... at least as far as I can tell." She argues.

2011-04-17, 07:04 AM
NO isn't military in the slightest, Dipsnig says, pointing his finger at Cessie. We're perpetually understaffed and the members we do have tend to be spies, infiltrators and magic users. Well, except for our resident half-dragon dire rancor obviously.

2011-04-17, 07:15 AM
"Mercenaries are different where I'm from then, hence my assumption." The mage replies with a humble nod in the direction of the goblin.

"In that case, why don't you tell us what you think NO would be best at dealing with?"

2011-04-17, 07:21 AM
If I were to decide, I'd put us in charge of all the private investigators, adventurers and guns or swords for hire running around the place. Dipsnig taps his fang.

2011-04-17, 07:43 AM
"Very well, but what about HALO and AMEN then? Both seem to be semi-militaristic organizations. Though I must admit I use a very open definition of 'military' as I only think Remnant can ascribe to what we would call military in my homeland." The mage continues.

2011-04-17, 08:29 AM
"On the subject to of our unusual composition, I'd like to ask one thing-"
Poise looks towards Gordon.
"Why is a representative of AMEN here?"
Her eyes flick back to Vasquez.

"AMEN is a flagrantly terrorist organization. They do not have a say in Inside, they burn it down. And AMEN was behind the attack that just assaulted your military, was it not? They have threatened, terrorized, killed and forced their way into Inside- and now they've been invited to join a council which will determine Inside's course?
"I understand wanting to keep an eye on an enemy. I understand wanting to give incentive for them not to be an enemy at all, but Vasquez, this is taking it all too far. Such a group should have no place here."

2011-04-17, 08:48 AM
I wouldn't call HALO militaristic either, Dipsnig says in response to Cessie. When Poise makes her speech, he nods: I'm inclined to agree.

2011-04-17, 11:05 AM
She gives a bit of a nod to "Zee". "Thank you for your trust, but you're wrong. Our and leadership is no longer scattered, shattered, or otherwise impaired. If anything, we're more solid than we've been in a long time. Consolidated, focused. We're not an Empire wanting to seize control over neighboring nations. I'm not a powerhungry, bloodthirsty fool like many of you suspect I am."

Vasquez shakes her head. "Watchtower is here because you are like that, Cessie. Everyone here provides a unique perspective into Inside. And amongst you, there isn't any one power. I like to think I've gotten the right people here to balance out any issues that may occur. There won't be any division of Duty, because, as I said, you're to be a Council, not a Cabinet. You'll handle issues together. As K'rax-Naggath pointed out, any one person holding too much power is why you're here."

"As for AMEN, their ultimate goal, or Gordon's at least, was to rule Inside, not destroy it. As for how he's going to be restrained, I have proven, at my weakest moment, that I was still stronger than the forces he and his group mustered against me. And now, I am stronger. I can easily handle him if he decides to do something idiotic like attacking this Council or elsewhere Inside. And if you worry about how his votes will affect the topics that come up, as I've been saying, this is a group effort. You'll be able to temper whatever he thinks of. If he does get out of hand, then simply kill him and AMEN loses their seat, sound fair?" She tells and asks Poise directly, as if Gordon would be her responsibility, and testing just how far she'd hold firm.

"And if you think AMEN shouldn't have a seat, then none of you should either. NO is nothing but a gang of mercenaries, GLoG has proven themselves to be isolationist, Watchtower and HALO don't do much Inside except for emergencies, Magtok is also a terrorist himself, Zee is a single person who's claim to fame is being nice, and Aurora is brand new without the experience the other Orgs. have. You're all here, because I'm giving you a chance to finally have a say in what happens to a place you all have at least some interest in. If you are not up to it, you can leave and forfeit your organization's seat."

2011-04-17, 11:28 AM
Dipsnig listens to Vasquez' speech. Fair points. For all his faults, he never claimed NO was more than just a band of opportunistic mercenaries. I'm willing to take a seat on the council for the good of all. Yeah, right.

2011-04-17, 11:42 AM
"I'm confused, you disagree with Zee... or whoever she is, but you use the very point she made against me? In any case, I don't think we are here to argue that. If you want us in the council, me and many others in watch would be very glad to accept that position. However, I do believe the defense of this world could be made much more effective if we combine our forces. I think Harnel my err... boyfriend had such an suggestion in fact." The mage replies, seemingly quite comfortable in this position.

2011-04-17, 12:02 PM
"None of the flaws you mention have the magnitude or aspect that arouses my concern of AMEN, nor do I appreciate your words. However, I will accept his intrusion for now, and deal with it as it becomes necessary."
Poise states, her tone rather icy.

Lord Magtok
2011-04-17, 12:29 PM
Magtok narrows his eyes at Vasquez. This is just looking worse and worse for him with every passing moment. He can't help but wonder why he doesn't just shoot her. With Remnant budgets being tight, it would certainly be a while before she could step back into power again, and-

If you don't mind my asking, Empress Vasquez, could we refrain from such immature name-calling and libelous statements in the future? I am not a terrorist. I served in combat against Reinholdt Prime, Calublufiok, and my own daughter to keep the Nexus, and your city, intact. I didn't provide you guys with the MagSat to be nice, I did it because the old regime held me at gunpoint to do it.

Vas, I've been playing things by the book, keeping my nose out of the worst of AMEN activities, and passing out info on the AMENites Riv's forces like it was cheap cigars. The single largest anti-Imperial armor and arms bust wouldn't have been possible without my intel. More recently, I shot Gordon in the head and knocked him out towards the end of the assault, an achievement your incompetent snipers couldn't come close to managing on their own.

If we're going to go pointing fingers at people for associating with AMEN, I can just as easily bring up the Empire's past with the KNAVES remnant, or any number of shady dealings and underhanded ventures that would make me look like Saint Nil by contrast. So with all due respect, Ms. President, while I might not be your best friend in the world, I am not a terrorist, and I'd much prefer you not refer to me as such.

2011-04-17, 01:05 PM
"'Magtok'. Entry overwritten. Declared not to be 'terrorist'.Further research is required."

2011-04-17, 02:19 PM
Gordon shakes his head.

"Miss Vasquez, you stated that you wanted this council because you lacked knowledge. You still lack knowledge about every person here, so please, don't ruin this run of wise decisions.

Frankly, asking AMEN to help run the city was the wisest choice you made. Doing so with certainly cut down on the number of incidents that will occur."

Gordon leans back, a half smile on his face.

"I am, and therefore AMEN is, capable to working with others, provided if they do not go out of their way to show hostile intent towards us.
So, let's try to keep this a civil conversation."

2011-04-17, 02:40 PM
Tobias is still sitting quietly and listening intently. He doesn't appear to have anything to say.
He thinks he understands why the Remnant wants AMEN on the council, though. They beat off AMEN in that battle and they want everyone to think they could keep fighting off every attack... and they probably could, but not without losing the whole city. The city can only be rebuilt and remain peaceful if it is not attacked, hence giving AMEN a little bit of what they want. The other organizations should be more than enough to balance AMEN's power.

Vasquez needs to keep up her tough guy appearance if she doesn't want anyone to sniff out weakness and attack. But this kind of arrogance and willingness to openly insult others is what made the Exalted so damn hard to deal with. Pride has no place in diplomacy, the Druid thinks as he smiles amicably at Gordon.

2011-04-17, 04:09 PM
[Meanwhile, outside]

Anyu is leaning on the wall outside the building, next to the entrance. Haruki, meanwhile, is........leaning on the wall on the other side of the entrance. Anyu is whistling nonchallantly, while Haruki is simply leaning with his arms crossed.

"So...." says the Angel. "What brings you here?"

"Eh, you know the drill," replies Anyu. "Gordon's in there, pretending to care about everyone, I sort of came with him, but he doesn't know, and now I'm just waiting outside. You?"

"Me? No, I just thought it would be fun to attend, but then I remembered I haven't been the leader of any Nexus faction in a long time. Kinda sucks, doesn't it?"

"Meh," says Anyu. "It's not like I really care. I'm not into that sort of administrative stuff."

"Me neither, but you get invited to cool parties and councils. So how's AMEN these days?"

"Eh, same old, same old. Gordon's still in charge, Maggy's.... still Maggy. And Rot's kind of annoying, but he's Rot. I tried to make a nice blood tasting party for him, but apparently it all tastes the same. How's... whatever you're doing these days?"

"Not really doing much. I'm a member of Watchtower, but I've come to the conclusion that I can't really be a member of a faction. I lose track of what they're doing."

"Me too, I barely leave my room!"


They stand there quietly for a full minute.

"Uhm..... Anyu?" asks Haruki.


"Do we know each other?"

Anyu turns to look at the Angel curiously. "I... don't think so. I think we've never met. We just happen to share a player."

"Oh." Another full minute goes by. "So... this entire conversation is..."

"Non-Canon, yeah."

"Oh, OK. Just checking."


2011-04-17, 04:18 PM
Zee for her part will...


Just listen for the time being, really.

The direction the conversation is taking is quite interesting.

And it would appear toes are being stepped on.


At the mention of KNAVES her expression darkens. Apparently that's something of a sore subject for her. One can imagine why, honestly. And it's on this subject that she speaks up again.

"Is this true? Was the Empire in favorable contact with the remainder of KNAVES? Is the Remnant still on friendly terms with them?"

2011-04-17, 05:33 PM
Vasquez gives a polite nod to Grace before shaking her head at the outburst at her "insults". "You have no need to preach me on histories I already know of Magtok, or of matters I had no hand in, and if I did, would have likely opposed. Even so, you cannot say you haven't done nearly as much wrong as right. You hear my words, but misunderstand their meaning. What I am saying, is that if thought about, all of you could have just as much reason for being sent away as AMEN would be."

She raises an eyebrow at the mention of KNAVES, both from "Zee" and Magtok. "And just who would they be?" She asks, honestly never hearing the name before now. Even before Remnant, there'd have been few mentions of it, let alone records. And even if so, it's something Vasquez has never heard about.

2011-04-17, 06:18 PM
Yay, Zee in quotes!

That's still her name. Just her human name. But she isn't wearing that mask right now so the name doesn't technically apply. Though she would probably still respond to it.

At Vasquez's question K'rax-Naggath somehow manages to take a deep breath and sigh at the same time. "One of the unfortunate side-effects of how time works here... KNAVES is an organization nearly as old as AMEN itself. They operated under the pretense of punishing citizens who did not bother to vote in the City's elections. Their methods were... less than savory. Eventually they attempted to take control of the city. Many lives were lost and much suffering was had at the hands of KNAVES."

"Eventually the leader of KNAVES was banished and most of the organization disintegrated. However several of the agents are still active in this City. None of which are at all pleasant. They are murderers and sociopaths, a danger to everyone and everything around them. To my knowledge only the beings that call themselves Edict and Affidavit remain."

2011-04-17, 06:28 PM
"Affidant, why does that name sound familar?"

Gordon thinks for a bit.

"Oh, that's right. He came to AMEN once. He claimed to want to join up, but later tried to attack the members. Definately not someone who I like."

2011-04-17, 06:38 PM
"I notice the subject is going away from the forming of the council itself..." Cessie remarks as the discussion about KNAVES is starting up. Something she didn't know anything about.

Moff Chumley
2011-04-17, 06:42 PM
The Moff clears his throat and gives Vasquez a pointed look: the speed at which she lost control of the meeting is impressive.

The Bushranger
2011-04-17, 07:35 PM
Quinn, meanwhile, has her hands in her lap. She might still be knitting. As she listens intently to the goings-on.

At the mention of Edict though...

"You know...I remember hearing of 'Provost Edict' before. From when I was a little girl. The stories were of the sort that parents tell their children to scare them into being good."

2011-04-17, 07:56 PM
Silly Moff. Can't he see that Vasquez is in deadtime wants to let everyone have their say, however off topic? :smalltongue:

Delisle speaks up. "The Empire had dealings with Affidavit. The Remnant does not, and will not. His recent attacks on civilians have put an end to any relationship that existed. As for KNAVES and Provost Edict, we have no information other than what we're receiving in this room. It will be up to the Council to make decisions about whether to bring criminals to justice for deeds done in the past. Our job is to defend the city against current threats."

Lord Magtok
2011-04-17, 08:09 PM
Magtok grins in quite a predatory manner as he verbally pounces on Vasquez's ignorance, expanding a little on what Zee said.

The KNAVES are an old fascist terror organization from the Town era, dedicated to punishing each and every imaginable offense with torture, followed by death. Massive problem for people back in the day, folks used to get nabbed right off the streets and were then never seen from again.

I recently appealed to Noir, asking him for permission to hunt down ex-KNAVE Affidavit, after he assaulted my MagCave, threatened Sunny's workshop, and picked a fight with Zee. He said yes, and told me of this hangar they allowed Affy to have, which I promptly assaulted, just before Noir vanished away. Another clone is at some other KNAVE base now, having ran into some folks chasing after another former KNAVE because of Butler's most recent death at the guy's hands.

Oh, and they used to own this giant flying castle with a giant cannon on it, maybe that little factoid will jog your memory. I can't quite recall, but I do believe I saw its cannon firing upon folks during the siege on your HQ and going after Gordon for you. I wanted to ask about that, but just didn't have the time, sadly. We can talk about that later though, since we've got something more important to sort out first.

He wraps his hands together, sits farther back in his chair, and bites his lip.

Anyways, I kinda got off-subject. My point is, I want to be treated with the same respect and cordiality as the rest of this congregation. I've done more than my fair share to support the Empire, and tired of being treated like a second-class citizen. Do me at least that much, grant me just that, and I won't have even a scrap of motive left to continue doing whatever it is you're accusing me of doing under tables and behind closed doors.

2011-04-17, 10:33 PM
"So how exactly is this council going to work? Everyone get's one one in every matter? Who deals with the more trivial things? There are a whole lot of questions marks about how this is going to work really before anyone really could accept it." Cessie says.

2011-04-17, 11:17 PM
Vasquez listens to the information carefully before tapping a bit on a wrist keyboard that slides out of her new armor, logging the information personally to make sure it's added in. "Unfortunately, The Empire had such dealings with Affidavit. But none with Edict as far as I have known, or been able to dig up. That said, Lt. Adele is right. Affidavit will no longer be allowed within these city walls. As for the flying castle firing upon Gordon's Army, we had talked to a woman who seems unassociated with either Affidavit or this "Edict". Even so, measures are now going into place to make sure they have no control over her."

She gives Magtok a respectful nod. "I didn't mean to accuse you of any crimes, for all intents and purposes, the people within the Council will have a clean slate inside this room. From my point of view at least, though I'm hoping you all will share it. I'm sure we've all had underhanded dealings of some sort or other before. Including myself. I'm willing to admit I've wronged as many people as some of you, if not more. As for personal offenses to you in the past..." She shakes her head. "I will not apologize, nor expect any apologies from you if any of you deem it necessary as for now, they'll do no good, and I had my reasons at the time to do such things, as you all had."

"That said, personal issues will be decided outside this building. Actual fights within it, will result in immediate forfeiture of your seat, possibly dismissing the Organization as well. Same goes for intentionally trying to start one. Other than that, you cannot vote other members out, unless they or their organization has done something outside of this room that negatively impacts Inside on at a severe degree. In which case, this Council shall be used as something similar to a tribunal."

Ever since the meeting has started, Vasquez has remained calm and kept a polite tone, even when "insulting" them.

As an afterthought, she looks back at Magtok. "As for Affidavit, you may deal with him however you wish, I won't interfere unless it gets too out of hand."

2011-04-18, 11:27 AM
Dipsnig shrugs. That's all fine be me. Watching Gordon and the rest of the AMENites trying to act like mature individuals and obey those rules will be amusing. Dipsnig expects them to trip up and start making a mess withing a month. I could care less for all this KNAVES business. Never met them, never had to deal with them.

2011-04-18, 01:13 PM
Vasquez gets a message on her commlink and flips a switch on her control panel. "I believe this will interest you all." She says as the metal blinds begin to slowly rise, revealing Remnant's Ascent (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10806386&postcount=483).

Lord Magtok
2011-04-18, 03:02 PM
Maggy bites his lip, clenches a fist under the table, and reaches into his robes for a small walkie-talkie as things lift off into the air.

Construction Drone M-413? Yes, it's me. We're post-poning Skyside's launch another week or so. Why? Take a look at the goddamned Imp HQ, that's why.

Ugh, so rude. Shouldn't you know better than to be making personal calls in the middle of earth-shaking moments of history, Magtok? At least it only took a second, though. He puts the thing away immediately with a sigh, and does his best to put on a smile and pretend that didn't just happen.

That's quite lovely, Vas. I'm sure your engineers, Sunny especially, are quite proud of it.

Magtok doesn't say that it wouldn't have been possible without his old intern, but it's certainly implied.

2011-04-18, 03:06 PM
Dipsnig whistles. Well, damn. I've seen a lot here, but that's still impressive. If in his opinion rather excessive. Still, it does get the message across, and most people in the Nexus don't really respond well to subtlety.

The Bushranger
2011-04-18, 03:07 PM
Quinn whistles as the scene of HQ lifting off is revealed.

"Impressive. Very impressive...hopefully nobody will shoot it down, though," she observes.

2011-04-18, 03:11 PM
Frankly, Poise looks uninterested in the flying headquarters. But this is probably because she was made strictly for business, and apparently the military matters aren't something the council has anything to do with.
Grace herself would likely be a bit more diplomatic.
"So, we have established guidelines, and our relative position within your hierarchy. I would like to ask, however, how the council will be enforcing their authority. The empire ruled through might and military, but if we are separate from the military, we can't rely on that, even if we wanted to.
"Further, it isn't like we've been elected by the people, so we can't count on them wanting us to be here since we're not really representing them in that way... frankly, our only authority right now is that you appointed us, and I'm not quite sure how persuasive people will find that. So, is there something in mind for that?"

2011-04-18, 04:44 PM
While the flying headquarters are quite impressive, the show Vasquez makes of it doesn't go very well with the mage.
"Quite the show." She says briefly, mostly to be polite.

"I'm sure it will be able to defend the city a lot better now." At least that was good.

"Grace rises a good question however, how exactly will the common man be involved in this? Surely there will be some kind of representative from the people?" At least Cessie thought she was grace, maybe it was her sister?
"It's they we are doing this for after all, they deserve insight as well as a voice within this chamber."

2011-04-18, 04:47 PM
At Poise's speech, Psi's eyes light up. "Analizing. Searching for procedural resemblance. Confirmed.

The current position of those chosen by subject 'Vasquez' within a council as selected members of high ranking has a close resemblance to a cabinet. This would imply the Council itself is the new government's Cabinet.

Confirmation required."

Moff Chumley
2011-04-18, 05:45 PM
The Moff smiles hugely at Vasquez's display. Why? Who knows? :smalltongue:


The Moff does. But he's not telling.

2011-04-18, 06:59 PM
Delisle speaks up. "If I may interject:

The Council has two objects in view, which ought to be kept distinct.

The first object is to secure the city at once and reestablish law and order.

The second is to improve the city by legal reforms.

The first task needs to be accomplished as soon as possible. Society is unquiet. Trade is languishing. Aliens are still attacking citizens within the city borders. Meanwhile, citizens have no idea who is in charge, and fear that the city is going to split into factions ruled by strongmen and degenerate into chaos.

While this is going on, it is foolish to speak of what reforms to the government are necessary. Right now, the people need to know that there is a government. Once stability is re-established, the council can take onto itself whatever reforms it thinks necessary.

It is my opinion that this council should issue a manifesto, declaring itself the new government of Inside, with the Renmant's military backing. Promise to ensure the rights of every citizen and that order will be restored as soon as possible. Say..." Alice saves a hand in the air. ".... You know, diplomatic type things to rebuild confidence. This is what you were brought here for. This is the skill we lack, and that we know that we lack. We aren't meant to rule. We're meant to protect rulers and citizens both."

She leans forward over the table, looking earnest. "Help us. Please."

2011-04-18, 07:08 PM
"Right, and my diplomatic tendencies say people need a reason to regard us as a real government. Empire was built on force, and that's really not a good thing. It makes people want to rebel. And what's more, even if Remnant is not the same as the Empire, it's built on the same base, so people are going to view it as a continuation rather than a new entity.
"So, as of the moment, this Council is based on the same authority as the Empire was, but without the military force to back it up. Therefore, not only will a lot of people want to rebel, but they'll be able to rebel."
Poise points out.
"So, in order to accomplish anything, our first objective needs to be establishing a true authority. We need approval, we need people to WANT us rather than have us forced on them, and we need some way to be able to ensure that those who are... less enthused (because the first thing you learn about diplomacy is that you can never satisfy everyone) will have a reason to follow along, if only because of peer pressure.
"Of course, many methods of gathering approval from the people may mean that the Remnant will have to withdraw a great deal of control from the Council. It may mean not being able to appoint leaders, as has been attempted here, and it may mean not having final say in what it does."

2011-04-18, 07:13 PM
"So you want to leave the city in turmoil while this council debates the best form of government? I think that is unwise. Take charge first, then issue reforms. Make sure that people can walk safely in the streets before setting up free elections. Liberty is important, but liberty is meaningless without personal safety." Delisle insists.

2011-04-18, 07:23 PM
"Well spoken, young lady. Safety is what needs to come first to this city. So, let's get this council set up, and then we can get started on the issues."

Gordon smiles at Delisle, while he absent-mindly draws a circle on the table with his finger. (Not literaly drawing, just doing something with his hand.)

2011-04-18, 07:32 PM
Cessie sigh, "Just to make things clear, I'm willing to form the council. It would be nice however to hear what the people of inside have to say first. That's all I ask. They are the ones I want to help by forming this after all."

2011-04-18, 07:40 PM
"Alright then. I agree, it would be nice to have something made soon, though we want to have room to tweak later."
Poise leans forward and looks around the table.
"Like I said, what we really need is support. And not just troops backing us, but public opinion and lots of large influences.
"For starters, why don't we get the organizations to outspokenly support us? Lets phrase it as say... a collaboration of common interests, supported to give Inside a direction towards public advancement. Those within and associated with organizations make up a very large portion of Inside, and given that almost all of us have some ties to them, it shouldn't be so hard to get their approval.
"We'll call it what it is for now- a collection of well positioned people from diverse backgrounds and varying personal philosophies. Not publicly elected, but all with an interest in a better future for Inside. We could define our goals as attempting to realize public interests, and give Inside the voice it wants- possibly incorporating new members into the council if need be, or even retiring others, which will give us some republic elements that we can evaluate for effectiveness as we move on."

2011-04-18, 07:45 PM
Delisle nods at Poise. "Good. That's exactly the kind of perspective we need." And she types away, taking notes, as she waits for more people to chime in.

Her main goal was to get everyone focused on the task at hand. Now that that's done, it's up to the Council to actually carry it out. Even if they end up carrying it out in a way that the Remnant wouldn't have chosen, that's not the point. Civilians, as annoying as they can be at times, should be the ones in charge. Delisle had read enough history to know that society just works better that way.

2011-04-18, 07:48 PM
"Fair enough. I agree with Grace, I don't really she why anyone couldn't after that speech. This have watch's support if I may speak for them. We are ready to work for a better future of inside if you are." Cessie speaks.

"So, let's say we write under something? Just for symbolic in the act." She raises from her seat and looks around in the room for the others agreement.

2011-04-18, 07:55 PM
Zee nods slowly after listen for a while.

"I will add my support to this endeavor. Provided we assure the people that elections will be held for council members as soon as possible I suspect that there will be little unrest resulting from such an announcement."

She leans forward, steepling her fingers once more.

"We have here members of the important organizations as well as influential members of the Nexus. A unanimous vote of support would be a powerful step forward. It is my hope that this whole process will be resolved as painlessly and as peacefully as possible."

And then a sigh.

"As for matters already mentioned... The invaders that have been plaguing the Nexus. They have proven to be both resilient and adaptable. Stamping them out completely has thus far proven challenging even with the aid of their enemies. Further forces need to be mustered against them."

2011-04-18, 08:13 PM
"Magtok. You're awfully quiet. That's unlike you," Delisle says. "Despite your potential involvement in the recent attack, you've been a somewhat stabilizing force within the city. We'd like that to continue." She pauses. "Honestly, we need you to be a part of this. It won't work without you."

2011-04-18, 08:42 PM
Tobias listens curiously to the discussion on KNAVES. An Evil organization, worse than AMEN, working in... the city of Inside or some other City? It sounded like it was before his time, but he's surprised he hasn't heard of it before.

The Commander of HALO watches the liftoff of Remnant's base in surprise. Well... That was an interesting move. Bold, but he wonders if the citizens, perhaps, will get the impression that Remnant is abandoning the city to save their own skins.

And then everyone else goes back to talking about the more boring, political stuff. As if the citizens of Inside cared an iota about HALO, much less wanted to be governed by it. Tobias' group could do a lot more good for the city by starting to defend it, not rule it. Although they might be needed to keep Gordon playing nice... Tobias decides he should talk with Vasquez after the meeting to see if Remnant would accept aid from HALO. Hey, who was that military woman? Obviously part of Remnant, but she doesn't have the look of a battle-hardened soldier. Too diplomatic right now to be an REMF... A staff aide? Whomever she was, Vasquez probably brought her in to play chairwoman for the Council. Any concessions from Remnant would come from her, leaving Vasquez free to play the implacable rock, untainted from such weakness as asking for help.

2011-04-18, 09:01 PM
"Are you sure about the open support from all of the organizations? The truth is, since I'm having a little disciple problem lately, the citizens might become alarmed with the knowledge that AMEN is on this council."

Gordon does have a point, the newspapers did say that AMEN was thought of as a very big threat.

"However, I will also like to point out that removing me from this council for most reasons would mean the return of my group work at replacing the ruling body of this city, so don't get the idea of making this simpler by kicking me out of here."

Lord Magtok
2011-04-18, 10:15 PM
Magtok narrows his eyes at Delisle, a tad peeved to see his own silence called out turned against him. He pauses a moment to let that glare linger, before sighing and responding.

Have you seen Watchmen? Graphic novel or the movie, doesn't matter. If not, you should. Alan Moore's a pretty decent writer, and Killing Joke was pretty neat, too. The rest of his stuff is kinda lame, though. V for Vendetta was needlessly ugly, and I think the film made a wise choice went it cut out most of the darker stuff and moral ambiguity and-

Magtok pauses, trying to remember where he was going with this.

Oh right! I was going to quote Watchmen. The big blue superman in it asks "Don't you see the futility of asking me to save a world that I no longer have any stake in?" I wish I didn't have to be so harsh, or act like I egotistically think this conference should be all about me, but I feel it's rather fitting here. Allow me to explain why.

He smiles, waves a hand, and a small hologram should appear on the table, a tiny little airship floating about that should look awfully familiar to anyone who remembers the early days of the Empire. Next to it appears the mountain the MagCave was built into, which is promptly annihilated by a stream of lasers and rockets from the airship. Other appropriate diagrams follow as he goes on.

I don't know if you were paying attention in your Classified Military History Class, so allow me to give you a brief refresher course I've been getting extorted and hit with implied threats since Vyrn's era, afraid to step so much as a toe out of line where your sort could see me do so, for fearing of being utterly obliterated by an airship armada. I bet on the wrong horse in the war for control of Inside, and Imps have been making me regret it for years.

That's not exaggeration, darling; you can go ahead and check your records on how the original (and currently invalid) MagSat codes were obtained if you think I'm wrong. Everyone knows MagMart has twelve times more security than any store in the entire Blue Zone, and that's not just a coincidence, either. MagSat records (which you don't have) clearly show, when the apocalypses come flooding in to Inside, Imperial boots stay the hell away from my helpless store and customers. Just unlucky coincidence, perhaps? Other regions in greater need than my own? Both very good excuses, but sadly they're both entirely untrue. I was hit as hard as anyone by the catpeople and undead, and everyone knows it. Innocent people's live might've been saved, if I just had a few more Magbots manufactured in time, or if the Empire spared a single squad on me. The lovely young lady who I've since asked to marry me was there during the catpeople invasion, and could've died defending it, no thanks to past Imperial leadership.

It hasn't all be bad, though. Just a few weeks ago though, I was on the verge of finally winning enough trust to get a military contract with the Empire, after the proper emergency finally came along thanks to Affy and the AMEN attack on GLoG, and it gave me a chance to win some points with Noir. Military contracts, I suppose I should mention, are a thing that engineers with a fraction of my talent have been able to get just by walking in the front door and asking for it. I had sold out Riv, volunteered myself to deal with Affy, and finally scored the general's approval. The blueprints were in the lab, I just had to build the thing and run a few more tests.

He sighs, thinking back to those telephone conversations with Noir. He was so close...

Then...POOF! Now he's as good as dead, I'm back to being called a terrorist, and you're waving your stupid hoverbase around like that obnoxious rich kid from elementary school who had all the coolest toys and no qualms about rubbing it in everyone's face. As far as I can see right now, I stand to gain nothing from involving myself in this. You all talk of protecting the people, of reassuring them that there's someone benevolent and strong to defend and lead and rule. How the hell am I supposed to tell people to trust their government when I can't trust them myself?

If you want me to be a part of this, some things have to change. That's an ultimatum, in case I'm not making myself clear. I need more than just empty promises and pinky swears that the same old bureaucratic nightmare won't rise up and stomp the hell out of me. If, gods forbid, I can't get at least that much, you won't have Magtok to push around anymore, ladies and gentlemen, because I'm ditching this little clubhouse and making my own government. There may or may not be blackjack and hookers.

2011-04-18, 10:46 PM
"Logging. Possibility of card games for the sake of gambling and prostitutes now estimated at an even 50%."

Psi looks thoughtful.

2011-04-18, 11:03 PM
Delisle gets to her feet.

"The Empire is no more.

Let that be understood, here and now. It. Is. Gone. Whatever deeds were did, for good or bad, are in the past. Whether those who committed those deeds will ever be in a position to answer for them is not something we can know at this time.

We, in this room, are what is left to run this city. The military forces that are left will answer to Vasquez, and there is nothing at all stopping her from taking over the city and answering to no one, just as the generals in the past have done.

That is not what is happening here.

Every person here, bodyguards excepted, has earned their place at this table. Iggy and Sunny and Grimzig do not have places at this table because they are engineers. You are here because we need leadership.

Now, the notes that you all were given stated that you would be fairly compensated for your time. That's because this is a job, not a sinecure, not an honorary key to the city. This will be work. You aren't being contracted to build machines. You're being contracted to build the machinery of a new city. It's up to you to tell us what you need to do that job, and what you think is fair compensation for that job, and it will be up to us to do the best we can to provide it until the government is up and running and we can leave you to it."

Alice sits back down and looks around the table, trying to meet each person's eyes.

"Of course, conscripts make fine cannon fodder, but poor leaders. No one is being forced to stay, and any of you can choose to leave at any time. But we hope you won't. The city needs you."

2011-04-18, 11:12 PM
Vasquez grits her teeth. "Magtok, you've always had my respect. I have never insulted you, and you still misunderstand my words, even though I've already apologized." She tells him with a shake of her head.

"I am not some half-wit. Yes, I'm a soldier, not a politician, but I'm not enough of a fool to believe any deal made between you and the dead Empire, still holds. However, I am prepared to make you some offers, but if this is all the thanks I get for never shooting you when I've had all the reason to, then I won't."

She turns a lighter gaze on everyone in the room. "I respect all of you for coming here and listening to me, but respect me in return by remembering a few simple things. I am not Vyrn, Noir, or the thrice-damned Empire. I am not thick-skulled enough to fail to realize that change is necessary on Remnant's part. That is part of why I asked you here, so you all know things will be changing, and how."

She turns towards Moff, her look hostile once more. "And Moff, if all you're going to do is smirk like a bastard, either stop, or leave unless you have something constructive to say. Bodyguard or not, I'm still your host and if it continues, you will be forced to leave."

Moff Chumley
2011-04-18, 11:31 PM
The Moff hardly looks pleased to be called out: he (and his player, for the record) thinks "smirk like a bastard" is a rather huge overstatement, but there's not much mileage to be had in disputing Vasquez's... choice in words. "I apologize, Commander."

2011-04-19, 12:04 AM
Gordon rolls his eyes. Like telling the Moff something is really going to change his behavior. As for the treatment of Magtok, its stupid. You have to respect the cyborg, and acting like he was a fool is a ticket for your own defeat. Vasquez is going to end up breaking this council up before it could begin at this rate.

2011-04-19, 12:06 AM

Tempers are really heating up!

Zee sighs. Then blinks. Then shakes her head. When she speaks again the Spooooooky voice has apparently taken a hike.

"This is silly. We're supposed to be here to figure out how to work together for the good of the Nexus, right? And we're bickering about all sorts of silly things! Who cares what those jerks from Dee See's universe did! We're not them. None of them are even around anymore. And I think it's in everyone's best interest here to make this work."

She glances around the table at those gathered.

"If you need a spokes person I can do it. People trust me because I've spent years building a reputation of being trustworthy. I'm sure that if I throw my non-existent hat in with you guys it'll carry a lot of weight," she turns her attention to the commander. "Just don't let me down on your end of things, okay?"

2011-04-19, 12:48 AM
"Thank you, Zee," Delisle says, gratefully. It was time to try and get everyone working together.

She looks around the table, her voice respectful and trying to sooth ruffled feathers. "I hope everyone here will choose to be part of this process. We need all of you. But, those who would like to resign their place, please do so now. We have work to do."

((Players, please read here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10811608#post10811608) and here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10811776#post10811776) in OOC thread. :smallsmile:))

The Bushranger
2011-04-19, 12:55 AM
Quinn, taking in Magtok's statement, arches an eyebrow at the cyborg's speech.
Then smiles at him.
It's...not the kind of smile that should make the cyborg comfortable.

She then looks to Lt. Delisle, and nods. "I'm certainly going to be staying here, ma'am. I might delegate my position, but GLoG will certainly be willing to work with you in all respects."

2011-04-19, 04:16 AM
"As I told you before, this council have watch's support. I trust I don't have to repeat myself do I?" Cessie says, Magtok already seeming like quite the troublemaker in her eyes. Not that he was wrong about asking for protection of course, but hookers and blackjack? She really didn't want anything to do with that.

2011-04-19, 04:30 AM
Dipsnig rolls his eyes when Magtok makes his speech. So many words, so little substance. And as always, not a single thought given to anyone or anything but himself. The council has my support as well and with this, the support of the entire NO, for what it's worth. And given NO's general irrelevance, it's not worth much. It might not be an ideal solution and a perfect setup, but it's all we have. Unless we wish to hole ourselves up in our bases, fortresses and caves while half of the Nexus burns.

2011-04-19, 07:41 AM
Poise sighs at the argument. This really isn't working so well.
"I appreciate that Remnant is trying to start afresh. But you have to understand, no one will ever see it that way with things the way they are now. The leaders of the Empire have been destroyed, yes. Many of their resources are gone, yes. But in the end, what resources you have are the Empire's- and Mortal Coil (and thus, by extension, Vasquez) were always a sort of symbol for the Empire.
"Even if you rename yourselves the Remnants- people are just going to hear 'Remnants of the Empire' until you truly begin making changes and showing that you're different. And just screaming at everyone who thinks otherwise isn't really a change, unfortunately. The Empire was always difficult to deal with, and as much as you might hate what Magtok is saying, it is incredibly indicative of what the Empire was like... and thus what people will be expecting from you, whether that is accurate or not."
Poise stands, putting her hands behind her back as she paces over to Vasquez and Delisle.

"Change is what you want, and change is possible- but I want to be very, very clear about this."
Her eyes seem to swirl, slowly forming into Grace's usual pink coloring.
"You will never see a change of opinion, never achieve your goal, if you aren't willing to take a few blows. After learning that they will never satisfy everyone, the first thing a diplomat should know is that they will sometimes have to take blame for something they didn't do, or be hurt by something that has nothing to do with them. It's not an easy lesson, nor a fair one- but you can't progress without it.
"I don't want you to discard you desire to be something other than the Empire. I think everyone can agree that we'll be better off with that change. But I want you to understand that even if it is true that you're not the Empire, even if you're justified in berating people for making that comparison... you can't make progress that way, because the vast majority of people will never see from that perspective. In time, people might come to accept it, but only if you win them to your side first."

Grace takes a deep breath.
"Vasquez, I want to help you. But you need to work with us, not try and control us. Listen to us, compromise with us, and try and stay calm and diplomatic."
She gently reaches out to place a hand on Vasquez's shoulder.
"Please. Relax."

She looks around the council room.
"I think things have become more heated than they should be. Why don't we all take about fifteen minutes for a short break?"

2011-04-19, 10:58 AM

"Very well. There are refreshments in the next room, as well as some individual conference rooms where people can have private conversations, if they like," Delisle says.

2011-04-19, 11:12 AM
Dipsnig sighs and slides off his chair. The meeting isn't going very well. Everyone is too stubborn for their own good. The way he sees it, Magtok should be kicked out and left to stew in his little cave. Then everyone else can proceed to get things done.

2011-04-19, 11:15 AM
Delisle moves around, pouring (non-alcoholic) drinks for people, and making herself available for private conversations if needed.

2011-04-19, 11:17 AM
Poise's eyes seem to slide back to normal, and she searches for... tea!
Grace would be ashamed of her. What about coffee, Poise? WHAT ABOUT THE COFFEE?

2011-04-19, 11:21 AM
There is black tea, green tea, fungus tea, coffee, fruit juice, and water.

There is also a nice little tray of cookies of various flavors, including almond.

2011-04-19, 11:37 AM
Sipping on fungus tea, Dipsnig walks over to Poise, Viima padding behind him. This meeting could have gone worse, I guess.

2011-04-19, 11:46 AM
"Sure. Gordon or Magtok could have started a fight to become a dictator of Inside, I suppose."
Poise says in a way of cynical agreement.
"Then everything would be on fire."
She gets a little cup of green tea and sips on it.

2011-04-19, 11:54 AM
Dipsnig smirks. Yes. Personally, I don't know what all the fuss is about. But then, I'm used to work with what I have. Magtok, Gordon and apparently also Vasquez... they don't give up until they have everything their way. Then again, Gordon is being exceptionally calm and mature about all this.

2011-04-19, 11:56 AM
"Well, if he's smart he realizes everyone has their eye on him, and he'll get more from being diplomatic. Alternately, he's just trying to play us all."
Poise extends a hand.
"I don't think we've formally met before. I'm Poise, an aspect of Grace."

2011-04-19, 12:02 PM
Dipsnig shakes her hand.
Dipsnig Razortooth, the leader of NO, for my sins. What do you mean by "aspect"?

2011-04-19, 12:21 PM
"It's... sort of complicated."
Poise says.
"In a way, I am a piece of Grace, but I am also quite a whole person in my own right. Splitting off aspects is something higher level Celestial Dynamic employees can do, with the appropriate resources and mental capabilities.
"If it helps, just think of me as Grace's subordinate."

Lord Magtok
2011-04-19, 12:31 PM
Magtok hurriedly slinks out of the council conference room, finding a wall to lean against, away from the others where he can brood in peace. It wouldn't be that hard to slink away and go home unnoticed when everyone heads back inside after the break, would it? I'd certainly be a lot more civil to leave that way.

With the way things are going, he might just be better off out of here, and in his usual position as a neutral party in everything. Skyside could make a lovely counter to the implied thread of the Mobile HQ, and he's always done a good job keeping the exact nature and details of his MagCave's firepower a secret.

Maggy's not a darned altruist, he doesn't do anything without thinking about himself first, and being just once voice amongst eight or so just doesn't appeal to him in the slightest. He got where he is now by being an unpredictable wild card, not sitting at a table with his hand out where anyone can see it. Compliance could very easily be the death of him.

2011-04-19, 12:32 PM
Cessie is just drinking water. It's plain and won't effect your body in any way.

Right now she's peering at the council members she haven't seen before such as Quinn, Dipsnig, Gordon, Tobias and Vasquez.

"Erhm, excuse me? I would just like to introduce myself as many of you don't know me yet. My name is Cessie Mithar, watch's towers current representative." She introduces herself to the others.

2011-04-19, 12:42 PM
I think I'll think of it this way, yes... Dipsnig then turns to Cessie. Dipsnig Razortooth, leader of NO. He bows slightly.

2011-04-19, 02:00 PM
Psi might not have a say in things, but it's certainly not stopping her from saying things. As soon as the meeting is put on hold, she directs her eyes to Magtok and hovers towards the wall where he is leaning.

"Unit would like to participate in a conversation with you."

Lord Magtok
2011-04-19, 02:13 PM
Magtok shrugs when approached. He frowns at Psi, wondering what she could possibly want, whether she's just a dim robot or hiding something behind all of the robot-speak.

That's entirely permissible, I suppose. What'd you want to talk about?

2011-04-19, 02:20 PM
"I have analyzed the members that constitute the Council. With the exception of myself, and subject 'The Moff', the Council is made up of members and representatives of the different factions within the Nexus, not necessarily based within the city of Inside. You, however, seem to be an exception to the rule."

Psi pauses. "This would imply that you, more than the others in the Council, have a very deep influence with the population, even without official authority. Is this correct?"

The Bushranger
2011-04-19, 02:22 PM
Quinn, meanwhile, retrieves a mug of coffee, and then heads in the direction of Lt. Delisile.

2011-04-19, 02:24 PM
Poise leans against a wall and sips her tea, trying to relax and figure the best way to resolve all of this.

Lord Magtok
2011-04-19, 02:45 PM
Magtok nods.

It would. Nobody else among us, except maybe your associate Grace, who couldn't easily be replaced with another member from their respective organizations. I don't mean to brag, especially after that huge meltdown a few minutes ago, but I've been playing politics and stuff for years now, working alongside Watch and the Empires and everyone else, dealing in information and secrets in exchange for implied support and being allowed to continue operating and stuff.

2011-04-19, 02:47 PM
Dipsnig looks around with a doubtful expression and adresses Poise again. We seem to have hit an impasse. Any ideas how to make it all work? The council is too valuable for it to flop because of political squabbles.

2011-04-19, 02:52 PM
"Confirmed. Analyzing. As such," says Psi, "you are not working on the interest of a faction, but rather your own. This hypothesis, however, is not supported by either your claims or your behaviour during the meeting.

Loading. Complete. Unit has an interest in conversation for two reasons. The first one being social. For the sake of research and updated information on a personal level, I would like to establish connections with you.

The second one being for the sake of the faction that sent me to this meeting, I would like to ask what your interest in the Council is, and what decisions would be most beneficial for you."

2011-04-19, 02:59 PM
I think I'll think of it this way, yes... Dipsnig then turns to Cessie. Dipsnig Razortooth, leader of NO. He bows slightly.

"A pleasure to meet you mister Razortooth." The mage replies, returning the bow. "As for the council, I think everyone should be an equal part of it, even Vasquez. Otherwise I think it's a good idea."

2011-04-19, 03:19 PM
"It will only be valuable if it can actually function in the manner of a true government."
Poise states.
"For that, we need to ensure that we will get the property authority and respect. Part of that requires that we not be subject to too much power from Vasquez. If we can't get that... then I think the council won't be worth it."

2011-04-19, 03:26 PM
Yes, I suppose you're right. I don't think Vasquez will want too much power, though... she's not the type to lead.

2011-04-19, 03:50 PM
"I dislike any attempts from the military to lead honestly. She seems to like to display her power too, which I understand is a part of her work, but still. Better to have her work through or underneath the council. It was her idea after all so I will give her that." Plus, what kind of crazy clothes were she wearing? Oh well, it was still better then the revealing clothes some of the other council members had chosen to wear.

Lord Magtok
2011-04-19, 04:05 PM
Magtok shakes his head.

I came because I was told to, and whatever future decisions are made...it's not my concern anymore. Vas is acting exactly like the old Empire, no matter what her little secretary might say, with arrogant shows of force and airships and everything. I know her too well to trust her half as far as I could throw her. The idea that I should be grateful that I haven't been shot, or to just have faith in her and the new system for no reason other than because she tells me to, is preposterous.

On top of that, I'm surrounded by enemies here. Dippy of NO hates me for not paying him after he botched an anti-apocalypse contract. Quinn despises me because...I don't know, because she can't look past the evil cyborg image thing? Her husband Tobias likely hasn't anything nice to say about me, the girl in the dress probably doesn't like me after that earlier showdown, and Zee, the closest thing I have to an ally here, has a sort of friendly rivalry thing going on. Grace is...neutral, I suppose. Consequently, anything and everything I might choose to do if I do it here is going to be an obscenely uphill battle, just because of all of that outside baggage.

So I'm done. I was going to give this a chance, but it's just not worth my time, and the council will just have to settle for a nearly-unanimous vote on whatever the hell it wanted a unanimous vote on. When we're called back inside and the cookies are gone, I'm walking out. I stand to gain far more by being a threat to the state than a tool of it.

2011-04-19, 04:26 PM
Gordon, now in the break room, takes out his glass of red lemonade. When Cessie asks, he looks up.

"Gordon Dragic, current head of AMEN."

He turns his gaze over to Magtok. Vasquez went a bit out of her way to alienate the cyborg, which was a mistake, at least in Gordon's mind. However, since he could get some support from the cyborg, its a good idea to get him to stick around.

Moff Chumley
2011-04-19, 05:55 PM
The Moff will approach Gordon. Anyone who knows him well will be able to tell he's seething. "Gordon. A word." With a good approximation at an apologetic look at Cessie, he pulls him aside. "Listen. We stand nothing to gain here. You know as well as I do that our days on this council are numbered. The only leverage we have is the threat of violence, and we simply do not have enough control over our members to keep them from engaging in behavior that will have us removed. " The Moff holds up a hand. "This is AMEN, bossman. It's inevitable."

2011-04-19, 06:03 PM
"How nice to meet you Gordon." Cessie replies, so this was AMEN's crazy leader huh? "I have a question actually, what is your organizations goal? I have heard a quite a lot about AMEN..." She gives the moff a brief glance too as he leads Gordon away without answering her question.

2011-04-19, 06:04 PM
"You really think I can't make this work? Listen, if we can keep Magtok here, I have influence to have half of this council vote with me. And with your help, we can redirect the members of AMEN to not mess around the city, at least not openly."

Gordon leans in close, he wants to keep this between the Moff and himself.

Moff Chumley
2011-04-19, 06:24 PM
"Gordon, I severely doubt that, and there's absolutely no way we can control AMEN's members as much as we'd need to. What we need to do is accept our eventual dismissal and plan accordingly. Got it? We go out on our own terms. I have no interest in playing nice with these schmucks for the rest of my life. So until then, we need to set things up so that when we do leave, the council's in no position to touch us."

2011-04-19, 06:38 PM
"Just help me keep Magtok in this council, okay. We will need him working with us here."

Gordon has a better opinion of his people than Moff does.

2011-04-19, 06:47 PM
Tobias continues listening with an inscrutable expression. When a break is called, he stands up to stretch and then gets himself a cup of tea. After he adds a liberal amount of something from a hip flask, he smiles at Cessie. Hullo. I'm Tobias Vulpan, Commander of HALO. His fox eyes briefly glance at Quinn. Not to be confused with Tobias Druid.

2011-04-19, 07:00 PM
The mage nods back at the handsome man before her. "I'm afraid I know neither of those names Tobias, but it's nice to meet you." She offers him her hand. "I'm afraid I haven't heard much about HALO either except that you are supposed to smite evildoers."

Moff Chumley
2011-04-19, 07:03 PM
The Moff clenches his jaw for a moment. "Gordon, I think you're forgetting that you're not my superior, hmm? We will stay on the council for the moment, but our days here are numbered, and you need to operate under that assumption." Then he pauses for a moment and plows right ahead. "And after the way Magtok was insulted there, I'd be surprised to see him return. He doesn't have anything to gain here. But if you think you can convince him otherwise, be my guest."

2011-04-19, 07:04 PM
Tobias shakes her hand firmly. Well, Tobias Druid is on friendly terms with a few of WATCHTOWER's members. Even helped them out on a few missions, I believe. But yes, HALO fights Evil in many places and we're looking to become more involved with Inside.

2011-04-19, 07:05 PM
"Moff, can we talk about this later. I do have a plan to try to get this to work for us, so can we work together on this?"

Ah yes, the clash of wills between Gordon and Moff. One of the reasons why things don't go so well for AMEN.

2011-04-19, 07:09 PM
"Sadly I haven't been a member of watch that long, but I was the only one wanting this position and I guess I was best suited for it with the options available. HALO is very much like watch then? Our organization is supposed to deal with threats very much like that. Perhaps we could work together more closely in the future?" Cessie suggests as she let's his hand go.

2011-04-19, 07:13 PM
Tobias tilts his head to the side and scrutinizes Cessie. Now that you mention it, there does seem to be something about you that would make you suitable for this meeting... Something that all the other blokes at the tower don't have. Hmm, ah, got it: politeness. But yes, I think we could work together quite nicely.

2011-04-19, 07:21 PM
Poise looks over to Delisle and gives a pointed nod towards the main council chambers, then looks to those around her- namely Dipsnig, Cessie, and those conversing with them.
"I think we should head back in and try and get all this settled. Tempers have probably cooled enough."

Poise walks calmly towards the council chambers, leading the way.

2011-04-19, 07:24 PM
The mage smiles at Tobias and nods. "Thank you, I try to show my best side to the people I meet, I'm glad you noticed. I would very much like to see your organization if you let me. Perhaps we could come to some sort of agreement..."

Then Poise interrupts her. "Ah, yes. We'll talk about this more later." She gives Tobias another smile before she heads back into the council chamber.

2011-04-19, 07:26 PM
The fox-eyed man smiles into his teacup and refills it from his hip flask before walking back to his seat. She smells like magic. The anti-Wendy, heehee.

2011-04-19, 07:30 PM
Delisle politely assists in directing people back to the meeting room.

2011-04-19, 07:37 PM
Vasquez is already in the meeting room, finishing a mug of coffee and looking over a report on a small handheld, which she puts away when the others come back. She doesn't say anything, simply waiting for the moment.

2011-04-19, 08:00 PM
Zee has spent the entire time devouring cookies off the cookie tray.

When you're an eldritch monster who's vastness stretches the limits of comprehension you can often eat a lot more than some might expect. Especially when you look like a totally normal human female at the time.

Om nom nom!

Zee watches the various people as they file back into the room. Leaves her wondering what will happen.

And whether or not Magtok will be coming back.

She certainly has a hunch regarding that...

Will just have to wait and see!

Her attention next turns to the cookie platter. She glares at the empty tray as if it had just insulted her mother.

The Bushranger
2011-04-19, 08:03 PM
Quinn, presumably having engaged in some small talk with the Lieuteanant, nods to Tobias when he glances in her direction. And, now, returns to her seat with the others.

2011-04-19, 08:24 PM
Poise reclaims her seat, draws a notepad and a pen from her pocket, and waits for the remainder of the people to gather, or perhaps for Delisle or Vasquez to say something. If they don't look inclined to say anything, she might restart the meeting herself, however.

Moff Chumley
2011-04-19, 10:49 PM
"Gordon, if you can turn this into a win for AMEN, I'm right behind you. But no plan, no matter how well thought out, holds up forever, and we need to be ready. Just keep that in mind, alright?" The Moff raises his eyebrows at Gordon, hoping the man will manage to see past his ego. With that, he returns to the conference room.

2011-04-19, 11:02 PM
Vasquez looks over them all. "I imagine this is the time to stop before going further with this. Right now, we need to decide who is staying, and how is withdrawing. As said before, you will be fairly compensated for your time. For those who leave, stop by the guard station to receive payment. After that, you won't be stopped."

2011-04-19, 11:15 PM
"Got it."

Gordon comes into the council room.

"I will be staying. If I wasn't staying, I wouldn't have shown up."

2011-04-20, 03:45 AM
"So how are we going to do this exactly?" Cessie asks in her seat. "I like the idea of the council and I very much like to partake, but what's your position going to be within it Vasquez?"

2011-04-20, 07:38 AM
"I have a proposal in mind."
Poise says to Cessie before looking around to the rest of the group.
"And since it seems like no one is going to leave, I think I'll go ahead and share it."

She sketches quickly on her notepad as she speaks, drawing up a bit of a diagram as well as a rough overview of her plan.
"It has already been repeatedly noted that different organizations and people here have far different skills, resources, and preferences in solving problems, and I feel the best route is to acknowledge that. Yet, we also want to the council to be about cooperation, and it would be best if we did not have to maintain a precise number of individuals. Further, given Nexus's chaotic and unpredictable nature, it would also be wise to ensure that no one had sole control over certain powers and responsibilities, giving us some redundancy to fall back on in times of need. With that also in mind, each member on the council should have their own set of resources and powers to fall back on. Even if they cooperate with another member, they should be able to perform their duty on their own.
"Therefore, I propose we create a few basic divisions within the council, to recognize our specialties and give each person a little explicit direction to focus in. I have three divisions in mind, but I'm quite willing to see them reviewed and changed."

Poise flips out her pen, and draws a piece of a circle in the air in glittering red ink for each section of the government she mentions.
"The Military division, to defend and protect, and of course, to react to any problematic forces that arise within. I believe Vasquez's forces, as well as WATCHTOWER, would be well suited to this.
"The Public Outreach division. This would be for assessing the needs and desires of the community, and attempting to carry them out. PR and civil works, basically. I imagine Zee and Aurora and would be suited towards this.
"Intelligence division. It would handle investigations, management and general gathering of intelligence. It would also likely deal with internal affairs, attempting to ensure a lack of corruption, and perhaps handle some of the judicial aspects of government that aren't suitable for the council as a whole to handle. This, I believe would be a prime place for Magtok, with his satellites and vast network of connections."

"I want to note that I don't want to limit what anyone on the council can do with these divisions. Just because you're not in the military division does not mean you can't assist or act in that way, for example. But, that would be the primary focus of people in that group, giving them a clear direction to head in. It also just acknowledges what resources we have."

She looks over to Vasquez.
"Putting my full view into action would require placing you on even footing with the rest of the council. The Remnants would obviously still be yours to command, but you would not have more power than any other member of the council, to help ensure a balance of power."

2011-04-20, 10:04 AM
Hmmmm. As good a system as any other, I suppose. As long as the responsibilities are equally spread.

The Bushranger
2011-04-20, 10:52 AM
"GLoG is certainly here to stay," Quinn says to Vasquez, before frowning a little and listening to Poise's proposal. "It has...promise. But at the same time difficulty. "

2011-04-20, 11:34 AM
Dipsnig shrugs. Every option we take will have difficulty. And this proposal sounds like a good enough compromise.

2011-04-20, 11:49 AM
"I think Gra- Poise suggestion is reasonable as it's very much what I have been suggesting. But before we can go any further I like to know what Vasquez have to say about it." The mage turns towards the general.

2011-04-20, 12:58 PM
Tobias clears his throat. What about HALO, AMEN, NO, and GLoG? If you are going to divide responsibilities, you should make sure everyone gets a fair share. Otherwise you might imply that some members of the council are more important than others.

2011-04-20, 01:04 PM
"I know less about their preferences and capabilities."
Poise clarifies.
"I was only giving examples with those I named. The overall structure is what is important, not the precise groups within them."

The Bushranger
2011-04-20, 01:05 PM
"We are good at healing," Quinn says softly. "And also simply helping when people need to be helped."

2011-04-20, 01:06 PM
"GLoG has done quite a bit in the way of healing and refugee assistance, but we are less familiar with HALO's capabilities." Delisle says.

((Also, Wolfy is afk for a few hours, so let's not wait for Vasquez's input.))

2011-04-20, 01:09 PM
Ah, that makes sense. Tobias nods to Poise. Well, then the structure seems fine to me. HALO would be best in the Military division, due to our great deal of power and our charter to fight against those who would hurt civilians. I suggest NO be in charge of the Intelligence division. He looks over at Dipsnig. They have experience with judicial affairs and have a great many contacts of their own, if I am not mistaken...

2011-04-20, 01:14 PM
Sounds reasonable. It is true that our jobs involve poking our noses everywhere, on the rare occasions we get them. A lot of our members are spies, too. I'm not sure how many of you are aware of the tunnel network we have under the majority of the Nexus.

2011-04-20, 03:23 PM
Vasquez is silent as she ponders over the idea, but after a while, she gives a nod to Poise. "I will agree to step down on a couple of small conditions." She gives a glance around the room. "Since I assume everyone is staying, I'll go ahead and elaborate. As I said at the start of the meeting, I'd been thinking of others to get onto the council. I think, what we're lacking, is a real moral compass. Someone who is unbiased at any of us. There are several religions Inside, and I was thinking I could possibly bring a member of one or two here to act as a guide for us. It wouldn't be the first time a government used members of a clergy as a consult."

"The other condition, is that no one tries to force me out of power of Remnant. Not because of anything I'd do, but because they won't listen to anyone who never rose through their ranks. We're a tight knit group with everything we've been through."

"That said, it might be a good idea if some of you started to try to intermingle with Remnant on a personal level. To build up trust in case something should happen to me, and in an emergency, have the ability to command. My suggestions would be Poise, Zee, Cessie, or Quinn as they are the most favorably viewed publicly. No one with a bad PR or their own form of army, no offense is meant to those who do." She looks at everyone again. "Are these conditions reasonable?"

2011-04-20, 03:29 PM
Dipsnig taps his fang thoughfully. I've no problems with the last two clauses, but I don't really think the first one is necessary. If only because I don't really think you can find a religious leader that all of us would listen two. And unless I'm mistaken, Mrs. Druid over there is a religious leader of sorts herself. That, and religious leaders aren't necessarily unbiased. Dipsnig had no idea he has bad PR... but then, people never trust mercenaries so it's probably reasonable.

The Bushranger
2011-04-20, 03:30 PM
"I believe this is reasonable, and I'd be happy to...intermingle, as you say. But there might be a complication. I'll need to discuss it with you privately, though, Commander," Quinn says after a moment's thought.

2011-04-20, 03:37 PM
"It's more of people like Zee who aren't a member of this Council." Vasquez explains. "Two or three people, unbiased towards any of us, who can represent the interest of the masses themselves, and only the masses. They don't need to be particularly religious, but they should at least be known."

2011-04-20, 03:42 PM
Alright, fair enough. I can't think of anyone, though. I could probably talk a priest of Lord Below into coming, but that's not what you're looking for. There's also this temple to some god called Inari that I've heard about.

2011-04-20, 03:49 PM
"While I agree that the later parts seems reasonable. Could you clarify what type of people you are looking for exactly? Are they like moralistic advisors? If that is the case, then I understand. It sounds very much like my idea about a people representative within the council. However, I'm partly concerned about how to make sure these people remain unbiased. Or rather, biased towards the people of inside." Cessie inquires.

Lord Magtok
2011-04-20, 04:35 PM

Mag sighs, finds a seat, and mopes. In spite of all the bluster about leaving, he's got a terribly bad ego, and Poise's off-hand mentioning of him was just enough to tempt him to stick around. Gods know why he does this sort of thing to himself.

I'd suggest Saint Nil, but he's away far too often to be of any reliability in this. Inari sounds good, but they're a bit...decrepit, to put it gently. They're not really that pro-active, either. Lots of folks thought of them as little more than as a convenient resurrection center, back in those KNAVES days mentioned earlier.

Magtok bites his lip, almost certain his next suggestion is going to get him laughed right out of the council and onto the street.

Maybe...Butler? I know it sounds obscenely stupid and all, you don't need to tell me that, just gimme a moment. He's not clever enough to be anything other than moral, and that's fairly common knowledge. He is pretty much made out of niceness, without a single vice to speak of. The only downside is you'd probably need someone to more-or-less babysit him, to ensure he isn't tricked and manipulated against the government in some manner.

2011-04-20, 05:17 PM
"Interesting. Butler is unbiased, so he's not a bad idea. Plus, I'm pretty sure most people know about him."

And easy to enough to control, so that makes him an even better idea.

"And I have no problem with Vasquez staying in charge of Remnant."

2011-04-20, 05:24 PM
Dipsnig rolls his eyes. I'm going to assume against reason that you're being serious, Magtok. In this case, Butler is a very bad idea. He's going to agree to everything anyone tells him and even if he doesn't, convincing him otherwise will be a child's play. He considered adding "even for Gordon" there, but decided to leave this sort of thing for later.

2011-04-20, 05:34 PM
"Wasn't the idea to have three unbiased parties? Butler would count as one, and the other two would help keep him out of trouble."

Gordon is paying attention, and that was the idea to have more than one person.

2011-04-20, 05:42 PM
That's all Poise has to say to Magtok's proposal, before she moves on to her own suggestion.
"Honestly, I think this is an unnecessary consideration, mainly because it is redundant. Zee fits that description best, but when you look at the premise more closely, it falls apart somewhat. Represents the people of Inside? We do represent the people of Inside. We have people from each organization and location of import, with a wide assortment of interests. All of us represent some interest broader than ourselves, even if we don't intend to. Further, look at the very premise of these organizations. WATCHTOWER- to protect the people from the greater dangers, no matter the source. GLoG, aiding the innocent and repentant. And Aurora is founded on the very principle of serving and aiding Nexus and the citizens of Inside. I'm not entirely sure how you can represent the people more fairly than that."

2011-04-20, 07:06 PM
"Butler would be a mistake." Vasquez says, agreeing with Poise. "But, with all due respect, we don't represent Inside, except maybe Zee. We all represent organizations with interest in Inside. We need someone else like Zee to step in as Inside. She can represent them if she wants, but we can't have just one person for that."

2011-04-20, 07:16 PM
"Who represents inside best then? I'm pretty new around here so I can't say I know who would be ideal for this position beyond the persons inside this room." Cessie says.

Moff Chumley
2011-04-20, 07:27 PM
"Put it to a vote. Allow the people of Inside to elect representatives." The Moff frowns. "Ideally, it'll get to the point where everyone with actual decision-making power is elected. Clearly that won't be possible for a while, but that should be our goal."

The Bushranger
2011-04-20, 07:42 PM
Quinn leans back in her chair a little. Wishing she had brought some popcorn.

"No," she says matter-of-factly. "The nature of the Nexus does not lend itself to democracy. There should be direct access to Councilmembers for airing of grievances, but electing the Council itself will only lead to chaos."

2011-04-20, 07:49 PM
"Of course the man with more clones than Magtok would recommend democracy." Delisle says with an eyeroll. "There were valid reasons why democracy was not instituted before. It may be possible to revisit that decision in the future, but there are altogether too many considerations to be made for it to be done quickly. The city needs a government now."

Moff Chumley
2011-04-20, 07:56 PM
The Moff looks a tad annoyed. "I don't remember suggesting we implement it immediately. Allowing Inside to elect one or two members of this council, at least initially, is more of a PR act than it is a political decision. Eventually, once the government is fully established, we can worry about moving more control to elected representatives." The Moff shakes his head: clearly the council should read more Rousseau. :smalltongue:

((As for the inevitable OoC objection to a democracy, see my post in OoC.))

2011-04-20, 08:20 PM
Zee's been listening for quite a while now.

...or trying to figure out if there are still any cookies left anywhere in the room. It's honestly hard to tell with her sometimes. Though hopefully she'll have some kind of serious input that will prove that she's actually been paying attention.

"I don't consider myself to represent Inside..." she comments in a rather sheepish tone. "You have to understand, I love this city. I love the people in it. I do everything I can to help. And I'm pretty well trusted. But..." she shakes her head. "I wouldn't ever pretend to represent it. I don't think like you all do. I don't feel like you do. The personalities that I wear are masks and smoke-screens to make me seem less overtly creepy. Because I want people to feel comfortable around me. But I won't pretend to understand what the average person of Inside really wants or needs."


That was...

That was actually pretty serious.

Zee smiles a rather cheerful smile. "I'm not a friendly bouncy care-free human female. I'm an eldritch monster. You would all do well to remember that."

2011-04-20, 08:33 PM
"...and you think that means you don't represent the average person in Inside?"
Asks the separated aspect of a demon eudai wearing a relatively humanoid shape crafted from metaphysical principles.

"And Vasquez, I must again disagree. Most of the organizations are the citizens of inside. They're not outside factions, they're not government sponsored organizations, they are factions containing like minded citizens. You can find more people in organizations than not, really, which is why you're having such a hard time naming any suitable candidates."
Poise points out, crossing her arms.

2011-04-20, 08:52 PM
"I consider myself too uninformed about inside and it's citizens to really express myself in this matter." The mage admits.

The Bushranger
2011-04-20, 09:09 PM
"An eldritch monster who Far-tained me twice," Quinn says good-naturedly, chuckling at Zee.

Seems she's ignoring The Moff.

2011-04-21, 06:46 AM
Dipsnig rubs his face. I'd be willing to give this proposal a shot if we could find someone to represent Inside quickly. But as it is, it seems that this decision will take long and, the process will be messy and we might not get any results. We might consider it when we're less pressed for time.

2011-04-21, 12:56 PM
"I'm not saying we need to do it right away, just eventually. If only because no one will trust us completely since this Council has started in secret." Vasquez tells them. "Any other points that need talking about?" She asks them in general.

2011-04-21, 12:58 PM
I wanted to ask a question vis-a-vis my own organization, actually, Dipsnig speaks up. We'll still be able to take whatever contracts we want as long as they don't threaten to destabilize Inside, right?

Lord Magtok
2011-04-21, 01:16 PM
"An eldritch monster who Far-tainted me twice," Quinn says good-naturedly, chuckling at Zee.

Magtok cringes.

Quinn, your curtain history really isn't in any way relevant at all, and I did not need that mental image. :smallyuk:

He then turns towards Vasquez.

I've seen an unusually large concentration of drow about recently. Do you know anything about that, and if so, is it already under control?

2011-04-21, 01:40 PM
"There's always been a decent concentration of Drow in the city, but I know what you're talking about. There are only a little over one hundred of the newcomers, mostly male warriors and other low castes. Very few females to speak of. They're already being watched, but so far, they haven't caused any alarm." Vasquez informs Magtok, obviously able to keep up with current events. After that, she shakes her head at Dipsnig. "NO contracts won't be affected I don't think."

2011-04-21, 01:49 PM
Hm, I see. In that case, I have no futher questions.

2011-04-21, 02:56 PM
"I have no further objections." The mage replies, "I think we should just go on and officially start the council and then work out the quirks as the major issues seems to have been dealt with already."

2011-04-21, 05:14 PM
Vasquez is about to speak when her commlink goes off. She holds up her hand to her hear, listening to what is going on. She grits her teeth and swipes away the hologram of Inside, instead drawing up Phil's televised speech Inside. "We now have a real problem." She says with some anger in her voice. "Not only this, but he's dropped a meteor on us."

It's obvious she's wanting Retribution.

2011-04-21, 05:16 PM
Dipsnig shakes his head. Lord Below, this guy is full of himself, isn't he? Well, I can't help you here, we don't really have members equipped to deal with something like that.

2011-04-21, 05:19 PM
Poise responds instantly to the scene.
"I believe the closest forces should attempt capture, if possible. Subdue, restrain, and put him on trial for his actions.
"I assume Remnant has the closest forces, but perhaps someone else has people who can get there swiftly? Cessie, what about Watchtower? And could NO provide any kind of support, Dipsnig, even if they can't deal with it directly?"
She looks towards the people she's named.

2011-04-21, 05:21 PM
"This is why we need to get a government settled ASAP. The emergencies never **** stop." Delisle says, with clenched teeth. She takes a deep breath, and when she speaks next, her voice is calm. "Commander, I can take over here. I believe you'll be needed back at HQ."

2011-04-21, 05:23 PM
Dipsnig shakes his head again. I don't think so. Most of our members are busy. But... I guess I could try to get some for this job. Plotclones would likely be involved.

2011-04-21, 05:28 PM
Vasquez nods to Alice before taking her leave, cape flapping a bit dramatically behind her as she does so. She's far from pleased.

2011-04-21, 05:36 PM
"Currently most people in watchtower are busy as well at various tasks. I do have direct contact with a number of them however. What are we up against here exactly? I don't want to send my fellow members to their deaths." Cessie replies, not really sure who this Phil is.

Lord Magtok
2011-04-21, 05:36 PM
Magtok cringes, his red eye filling him in on all the events going on in Inside, before he leaps out of his seat.

I...wait, Vasquez! Maybe I could do something? Talk, ask him to go quietly? I've got clones that could get to the area quickly, and he has that sort of fanboyish thing...what if he's got another thing to drop if you rush in too soon?

2011-04-21, 05:43 PM
"Magtok, can you give us an aerial view of the city?" Delisle asks. Because Remnant no longer has MagSat access, of course. "We need medics, firefighters, rescue workers. Anyone who can work in fire. Fortunately, a good number of residents are still in the bunkers, so that will help, but it won't be enough. Tobias? He says he has good relations with HALO. Can you tell us anything that might help?"

Too bad the stupid FF deadtime will prevent that working. :smallfrown:

2011-04-21, 06:09 PM
Vasquez is already heading down the stairs, but takes enough thought to shout back. "Then I die! Live with it!"

After that, she leaves the building.

2011-04-21, 06:12 PM
Poise looks quite unsettled at Vasquez's reply.
"Magtok, you say you can get some clones in the area? I don't suppose you could make sure Vasquez doesn't get herself killed?"

2011-04-21, 07:11 PM
"Magtok, can you give us an aerial view of the city?" Delisle asks. Because Remnant no longer has MagSat access, of course. "We need medics, firefighters, rescue workers. Anyone who can work in fire. Fortunately, a good number of residents are still in the bunkers, so that will help, but it won't be enough. Tobias? He says he has good relations with HALO. Can you tell us anything that might help?"

Too bad the stupid FF deadtime will prevent that working. :smallfrown:

Tobias opens his eyes, looking like he has a sudden migraine. What a fool!
No, I don't know him. I recognize him from around the base, however, and I believe he's on good terms with one of my subordinates. I have directed her to apprehend him, but that may take awhile. I agree with you Poise, we need to put him through a fair and public trial for this crime. At least that might show the populace that this new Council is on top of things.

2011-04-21, 07:20 PM
"Firefighting? I suppose I could send someone to help with that. Give me a moment and I'll send a request to watch..." The mage says as she stares into the floor for a moment. "There, I have explained the situation and asked for help. Is there anything else I should tell them?"

Lord Magtok
2011-04-21, 07:40 PM
Mag whimpers and drags himself back to his seat, pulling out a rolled-up sheet of what looks like thick blue paper, before spreading it out across the table, a sort of blank, terrified stare on his face as he does so. A button in one corner of it is pressed, and a 3-D display of the area appears, gradually zooming in and updating itself every few seconds as the MagSat takes more recent pictures.

I'll send clones and Magbots out as soon as possible. Anything else? I'm not an emergency person, I don't normally do things like err...this, I umm...

2011-04-21, 08:07 PM
Zee is...

Not here.

She hasn't been here for the last little while.

Probably because she walked out of the room as soon as she realized what was happening in the slums. She can get there fast. And she can help to heal those most wounded. Hopefully she'll get some help fast, though. Healing takes quite a bit out of the Chimera.

Quite literally.

Sooo... yeah.

Looks like this meeting might be adjourned?

Or something?

The Bushranger
2011-04-21, 08:09 PM
Quinn (after giving Magtok a Look) scrambles to her feet!
"I can help with healing," she offers, in a hurry.

2011-04-21, 08:23 PM
"We are not adjourning the meeting. Those who think they should go, can go, but the rest of us are going to hammer out a manifesto and broadcast it into the city, along with our response to this attack." Delisle says firmly.

She passes out some copies of various 'hey, we're your brand new shiny government' manifestos from different countries / worlds / dimensions with suggestions highlighted, but since actually writing such a thing sounds a lot like homework, HT suggests doing it as a montage. We can just summarize it as 'Hey we're the new government, our goal is protect the citizens from external threats and internal dissension and all of you people in the Nexus have rights, even the smelly elves.'

2011-04-21, 10:04 PM
"Okay, let's work this out."

Gordon likes the ideas presented. This is much faster.

Moff Chumley
2011-04-21, 10:59 PM
The Moff pulls a pencil from his pocket and browses through Delisle's suggestions, circling some of the more important odds and ends. He doesn't make any concrete suggestions, though. Perhaps he's gotten the message. :smalltongue:

The Bushranger
2011-04-22, 12:31 AM
Quinn shrugs, resuming her seat.
"As soon as we're done, though, I do want to go and help," she says quietly.

2011-04-22, 12:37 AM
Psi suddenly stands up. "Understood. Now closing Social Human Interaction mode. Interface shutting down. Completely shut down.

Loading Information Database mode. Accessing. Loading Data."

In one swift movement, she takes one of the copies of the paper, and a pen. She looks at it and her eyes flash from right to left as she reads the paper at incredible speed.

"Text appears to be compatible as file for database. Now converting file." At the same incredible speed, she reads the entire paper out loud. The whole thing takes roughly five seconds. "File transfer complete. Encoding. Data successfully logged. Now closing Information Database mode. Closed.

Data received. Now initiating Data Capture and Processing Mode.


And then she sits again, places the paper on the table, blank side up, and holds the pen above the paper.

"Now ready to capture data."

2011-04-22, 11:46 AM
((Unless anyone else has something to add))

Wheee! Montage! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1213z9KHNs)

When the manifesto is done, Delisle asks Poise to have it broadcast on Aurora Air, along with assurances that the united forces of the Inside government are working together in the face of the latest disaster etc, blah blah, player is too tired to come up with something better. x.x

2011-04-22, 12:04 PM
"I will ensure it is broadcasted as soon as is appropriate. Perhaps Magtok could give it some coverage as well."
Poise says smoothly.
"If that's all, perhaps we should adjourn for now? Speak to our respective organizations and tentatively reach out to the public to get an idea of reactions, and solidify from there?"

2011-04-22, 12:10 PM
"Yes, it sounds like we are done here. I would be happy to return to watch and spread the good news of the creation of the council. When will we meet next time I wonder though?" The mages inquires as she stands up from her seat.

2011-04-22, 12:23 PM
"I assume any member of the Council can call a meeting, whenever would be reasonable."
Poise stands up, placing her notepad in a pocket of her jacket.
"For now, Grace will keep in touch with each member, and call a meeting when we have gotten results. I assume that will be satisfactory?"

The Bushranger
2011-04-22, 01:21 PM
Quinn stands, taking a deep breath.
"I need to speak with you or the Commander before I go," she reminds Lt. Delisle.

2011-04-22, 01:23 PM
Tobias clears his throat and turns to Dipsnig. He looks... almost embarrassed. My subordinate is... ah... actually with Phil in his spaceship at the moment. She was completely unaware of this attack. She should be able to convince him to surrender, especially if he, as he claims, respects HALO and the Remnant. If she can't, she should be able to bring him in anyways. Dipsnig, your operative might be needed if Phil puts up a fight, but I don't want him going in there and threatening Phil, you understand? This needs to be handled carefully.

2011-04-22, 01:30 PM
"Meeting adjourned," Delisle says, to make it official. "Mrs Druid, is it about the current rescue efforts?"

2011-04-22, 01:32 PM
Dipsnig switches off the phone. My second-in-command will be here shortly. He turns to Tobias. I hear you, Tobias. Raz can handle himself and will proceed with care if I tell him to.

The Bushranger
2011-04-22, 01:34 PM
"Well, no," Quinn says, moving over to speak with the Lieutenant, giving Tobias a nod and smile on her way to do so. "It's...well, about something the Commander said earlier, about 'mingling with the troops' and conflicts of interest. There's a bit of a...sensitive matter with regards to that and I want to make sure it doesn't affect our working relationship."

2011-04-22, 01:36 PM
Tobias completely ignores Quinn and smiles wryly at Dipsnig. Good. If Phil got really pissed off, I'd be willing to bet he could do a lot more damage from that spaceship.

2011-04-22, 01:41 PM
The mage is moving over to Tobias, but will wait for Quinn and him to finish speaking before she say anything. That was the polite course of action after all.

2011-04-22, 01:43 PM
Poise remains for a while more, taking a few more notes in her notepad to delay her departure just on the off chance there was anyone who wanted to speak to her.

2011-04-22, 01:47 PM
"Then please contact me or Commander Vasquez once the current crisis is over," Delisle says. "I'm sure it can wait until then."

The Bushranger
2011-04-22, 01:52 PM
Quinn pauses, then nods.
"Alright then. Do you have exact cooridinates of the location hit so I can teleport there once I get outside?"

2011-04-22, 02:00 PM
Dipsnig's player was away for a while.
Probably, yeah. It sounded from this broadcast that he's really egotic. And it wouldn't take much to push him over the edge.

2011-04-22, 02:02 PM
If Cessie wants to talk to Tobias, Dipsnig appears to be deadtimed now.

"So Tobias, I had some questions about HALO. Do you think I could be able to visit it? It's the only organization except NO and AMEN I haven't seen yet. We do seem to have very similar goals however." She asks him... probably once he's done with Dipsing.

2011-04-22, 02:03 PM
Delisle presses a few buttons, and those who are aware of such things will know that the dimension lock has been deactivated. "The coordinates are <blah blah blah>"

And *handwave retcon* council members have been supplied with communicators that are hard wired in to reach the other members of the council directly. Except for Zee, who left before she could get hers.

2011-04-22, 02:03 PM
Exactly. I have faith in my subordinate's ability to handle the situation, however. But your group may be needed to either keep him detained on the ground or go up in space after him... if you have any members that can do that...?

Blargh I'm an idiot. Okay, after Tobias finishes with Dipsnig (effectively plotcloning for this conversation, I guess) he turns to Cessie and smiles. Of course. I would be more than happy to give you a tour myself.

2011-04-22, 02:06 PM
Like I said, most of my subordinates are away doing contracts right now. Raz is a competent mage and thief, though. So he'll be able to assist other people who would go after Phil.

The Bushranger
2011-04-22, 02:12 PM
Quinn nods in thanks to the Lieutenant, accepts her communicator, then Psionic Dimension Doors out!

2011-04-22, 02:13 PM
"Great, well as we seems to be done here for the moment I'm ready to follow you whenever you are ready mister Vulpan." She replies, smiling back at him.

2011-04-22, 02:17 PM
Okay. I'm in telepathic contact with my subordinate in space, so if the situation changes I'll tell you immediately. Otherwise, I'll let you manage your man at your discretion. Tobias nods at Dipsnig, then turns back to Cessie. Let's leave the building and then I'll teleport us there.

2011-04-22, 02:18 PM
Right. And Dipsnig settles down in his chair, waiting for Raz. He pets Viima idly.

2011-04-22, 02:21 PM
The mage nods at Tobias, "Teleportation? An impressive feat. I wish I could master it myself one day." She really did...

"But let's leave then. I'm quite curious about HALO actually."

2011-04-22, 02:22 PM
The fox-eyed man proceeds to take Cessie to HALO.

2011-04-22, 09:32 PM
Gordon, who after signing the documents fell asleep (Its been a while since something like that happened) wakes up.

"Oh, its looks like the meeting over. Time to go."

2011-04-22, 10:11 PM
Raz appears out side the main compound, carrying a sports bag. He approaches the main door on foot

2011-04-22, 10:13 PM
The outside of the Council building is completely generic. From the ground, there's nothing separating it from any other random building Inside except it's fairly close proximity to Remnant HQ, about three blocks away.

2011-04-22, 10:16 PM
Raz strolls up, and assuming there's no buzzer, and nothing stops him, he pushes open the doors and enters.

2011-04-22, 10:31 PM
Inside is a sheet of armored glass to one side, and several armed guards in the lobby. When he enters, all guns get pointed at him. The one inside the armored security office opens the comm. "And you are?"

2011-04-22, 10:35 PM
He pauses for a fraction of a second to see if his shields are still up, then waves pleasantly

'Hi, I'm Raz. Dipsnig's second in command. Just got told to meet him here? Some wanker menacing Inside needs shooting or something?'

2011-04-22, 10:47 PM
To save posts, we'll assumed things are checked out, and he's allowed upstairs after going through the scanners.