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2011-04-16, 01:18 PM
Dawn on a planet alive with life. Each individual trying to survive in whatever way it knows how. Let's find out which species will survive, and which will fall to extinction.

Drogs: For generations Drogs have hunted these swamps uncontested, but new predators have shown up. they are low-slung, about 8 ft long, with thick scales and six legs, their favorite way of hunting is to grab things in their front claws and mouth and drag them to the bottom of the swamp until they drown. These creatures hunt the both the Drogs and anything else meaty, leaving a shortage of creatures for the Drogs to hunt.

Izlali: the Izlali have always gone into their tunnels for safety, but recently small, furry, four legged animals with long skinny beaks have been sneaking into the tunnels and breaking open eggs to get at the tasty babies inside.

Klancers: a strange affliction is spreading through the Klancer populations, a small, flat, slug-like thing is attaching itself to Klancers and causing them to become weak and more prone to illness.

Shamalaken: a predator is hunting the Shamalaken, one that waits patiently in the trees, watching the jungle for any sign of movement. They seem to be unable to see an unmoving Shamalaken, but as soon as it moves, this new predator swoops down from its perch to snatch the Shamalaken and fly away. They seem to prefer the Shamalaken to other creatures, and they have thick feathers that block almost all attempts to paralyze them.

2011-04-18, 07:15 PM
The Klancers are very concerned about this parasitic slug that is plaguing their population. Klancers affected by these slugs often become too weak to play in the vines or forage for food. However, thanks to their curiosity and outgoing personalities, the Klancers recent interactivity with jungle plant life has led to the discovery of a certain plant whose leaves are very irritating to the slugs. Without the plant, removing the slugs is very painful and dangerous. But after smothering the slugs with the plant, the slug is easy to remove and kill. Klancers are always willing to help each other remove the slugs.

The discovery of the wonderful plant was actually by accident. The accident came about when five Klancers, two with the slug, three without, were trying to get rid of the slugs. The two Klancers tried everything they could think of to make the slugs come off easier: rubbing their backs against trees, jumping into the lake, even smashing the slugs with sticks or rocks. Then, one of the Klancers, being much weaker than normal, lost his grip on the vine he was swinging on and fell into a large group of plants with large, wide leaves. Not only did these leaves save the Klancer from the fall, but they also seemed to have greatly irritated the slug, to the point where it almost fell off on its own. All five Klancers noticed this, and the second Klancer jumped into the plants, and its slug followed suit.

Eager to let the rest of the Klancers know, they made there way back to their nests with a few of the leaves, which worked like a charm. This clan of Klancers spread their newfound miracle plant to the other clans. Thus started the boom in botanic knowledge. The Klancers became very interested in how the plant was so effective against the slugs, and began a multitude of tests on just about every plant they could find. Spreading the results of their tests helped increase the Klancer knowledge of plants, as well as language and the importance of teamwork.

New Stats (10EP)

Botany (+7EP)

Language (+2EP)

Teamwork/Social Skills (+1EP)

2011-04-22, 02:42 PM
At first, the Drogs are very alarmed with this new threat, especially since they originally don't know anything about them and they lurk in the murky depths of the swamp. Since this new threat likes to eat anything meaty, including the Drogs, there is a shortage of meat in the habitat, a Drog's prefered food. Therefore, the first thing the Drogs do is revert to their crisis diet of fruits, vegetables, and other vegetation so they don't starve. They still try to find meat where they can though.

As a precaution, the Drogs increase the size of their hunting parties from 2-4 to 5-7 to have an increased amount of protection. They also learn to work more as a team while they hunt, and watch each others backs and look for signs of the new predators. If one of their groups members does get caught in an attack, the others use their teamwork skills to attempt to save their friend (sometimes killing the beast), but in the end know that they are more helpful alive than dead, and won't risk losing the whole group.

The next generation of Drogs after this new threat occured was born with some new features that could be used to combat the predators. New Drogs had spikes lining their backs and the backside of their arms and legs. This was helpful because if a Drog was grabbed by one of the beasts, his spikes would hopefully wound his inner mouth and front claws, ideally teaching him that a Drog was not food. Also, new Drogs had a set of gills that they could use to breath underwater for longer periods of time. This would be helpful in the case of an attack because the caught Drog would take longer for the beast to drown, and the Drog could hopefully try to fight back or escape. Also, his allies could jump in and fight the beast while it was focused on him and maybe slay it. Of course, since Drogs are omnivores, they would have no problem giving this predator a taste of his own medicine; they gladly eat any that they kill.

New Stats (10EP)

Spikes (+3EP)
Gills (+3EP)
Teamwork (+4EP)

2011-04-24, 06:13 PM
This predator is a plague on the Shamalaken, because the Shamalaken live and hunt in family groups of 3 to 4 (two parents and 1 or 2 children), therefore, any decrease in the Shamalaken population results in a direct decrease in successful hunting attempts. This has also had an effect on young Shamalaken who can not yet hunt on their own and rely on their parents to feed them. With this new predator killing Shamalaken, their already small family groups are even more hard pressed to feed their dependent young, resulting in the deaths of nearly a quarter of young Shamalaken by starvation.

However, all is not lost in the world of the Shamalaken, the particularly smart family groups of Shamalaken have begun to slither through thorn bushes, during the dead of night, so as not to be seen by the new predators, and cover their bodies in thorns and other sharp plant parts. This method of self defense has had mixed results for the Shamalaken. An in particularly determined predator might just bear the pain and eat them anyway, or the smart ones might hold down the Shamamlaken and remove the thorns they cover themselves in with their beaks. This has lead to a new generation of Shamalaken who have grown 3 to 4 inch quill like spines (which stand up on end when the Shamalak is threatened) all over their bodies. For added safety, newly born Shamalaken have gotten rid of the slime that covered their bodies and replaced it with glands that excrete a stronger version of the poison they use to paralyze their prey. This poison covers all the spines on their bodies along with it being used to augment their hunting abilities. Throughout this evolution the Shamalaken have maintained their ability to camouflage themselves, only now they camouflage effect is carried out in the Shamalaken’s spines.

This new generation of is now able to defend itself from this mysterious predator, while still being able to hunt (which has improved with practice), and, through that, the spike in deaths of Shamalaken younglings has returned to normal.

New Stats: (10 EP)
Spines (+5 EP)
Poison (+3 EP)
Hunting (+2 EP)

2011-05-05, 09:09 AM
(Sorry about the delay, things have been hectic around here!)

Turn 1 ends - Summary
Klancers - This plant works wonderfully, there are still small outbreaks of parasite, but they are dealt with quickly and are not a problem. population growth 7% in all hexes.

Drogs - The predators have learned not to mess with a Drog hunting party, but the lack of meat still hurts the Drogs, and it's not uncommon for an individual to go missing, especially if it is a young individual. population growth 5% in all hexes.

Shamalaken - The Shamalaken are no longer the feathered predators favorite meal, they are much to pointy. They haven't given up completely, but it's much rarer. population growth 6% in all hexes.

Izlali - unfortunately the goddess watching over the Izlali has turned her back on them, they are still there, but with no help or guide.

All species did quite well in round 1, may your good fortune carry into round 2

Turn 2:

There is a new presence in the world(you feel a disturbance in the force), the Niikto have emerged as a potential power player.

Drogs - a disease that causes severe weakness, vomiting, and in rare cases sores to open all over the body, is sweeping through the Drog population, it is mostly the old and the young that get the illness, but everyone is at risk.

Klancers - a new predator is out there, and it's hungry for Klancer blood. These beasts are quadrupedal with two arms just behind their heads, their heads and bodies look lionesque. They hunt in packs and have very deadly claws. They watch a small group of Klancers until they see the perfect moment to strike. There are rarely survivors.

Shamalaken - Some of the Shamalaken are mysteriously getting sick, the sickness is not contagious, and tends to occur in the ones who have most recently had a good hunt. They become weak and waste away, no matter how much food they eat.

Niikto - a new predator is out there, and it's hungry for Niikto blood. These beasts are quadrupedal with two arms just behind their heads, their heads and bodies look lionesque. They hunt in packs and have very deadly claws. They watch a small group of Niikto until they see the perfect moment to strike. The Niikto can occasionally fight them off, but it's not a common occurance.

2011-05-08, 10:58 PM
(Okay, so I guess I'll go first)

After several semi-victories against this new predator, where several Niikto were killed before the predators were brought down, the surviving Niikto began to better understand the effects and applications of their electrical abilities on land and through air. These predators, being dangerous pack animals, also taught the Niikto the necessity for stronger packs, 10-25 instead of 10-20 and out of necessity to coordinate these packs, a much more advanced language was developed.

New born Niikto also seem to have much more advanced electrogenic organs and more hardened nervous systems to compensate for the stress their bodies undergo as a result. Also, newborns seem, on average, to grow to slightly larger sizes than than their parents.

Much by accident (several small Niikto traumatized themselves as a result) Niikto have learned how to make extremely loud cracking sounds using extremely high voltage discharges though the air; this is now used as an effective warning mechanism for predators and a coraling mechanism while hunting. They also can induce relatively high currents throughout their bodies to temporarily incapacitate or kill anything that touches them (unfortunately, this includes other Niikto when the defense mechanism is active)

New Stats (10EP):
Electric organ (+1EP) (generates ~4 Watts now)
Advanced Nervous system (+1EP)
Pack mentality (+1EP) (10-25 in a pack)
Language (+3EP)
Electrogenic/receptive understanding (+3EP)
Size (+1EP) (7-8.5ft)

2011-05-09, 12:00 PM
The Klance population is being attacked by a deadly foe. The first few attacks caught the Klancers completely by surprise, always killing the whole group of Klancers. However, as their numbers began to drop, the Klancers became more cautious when foraging for food.

The pure strength and ferocity of the attacks left the Klancers with one option: flee. They were too weak to fight back. So, only the fastest Klancers could survive the attacks, if they were lucky. This led to the whole population of Klancers becoming quite quick as natural selection played its part. However, speed was not going to save them from all attacks.

One clan of Klancers had begun to use baskets when foraging for berries and other food. It was much more productive, as they could gather more before returning. One group of foraging Klancers then discovered a new tool to be used in combat: the shield; this group of Klancers was attacked by the new predator. Two of the five Klancers carried baskets. When the new predators attacked, the two Klancers used their baskets to defend against a swipe from the clawed attack. It easily destroyed the basket, but it gave the Klancers enough time to escape. When these two Klancers successfully escaped, they returned to their clan and began working on a more durable shield.

Meanwhile, a second clan of Klancers was still busy studying plants. In their examinations, they discovered numerous plants with thorns, an effective defense mechanism. This clan of Klancers used this information to create basic spears out of small sticks. To make the spears more dangerous, or even fatal, in the hands of a weak Klance, they also applied a toxic excretion from a plant, which is irritating to skin, and possibly fatal if allowed to enter the bloodstream, say through a cut.

These two tools soon spread throughout the whole Klance population. With most foraging groups now equipped with baskets, collecting food was much quicker. Also, since they could gather more food in one trip, the number of trips needed dropped, resulting in much less time in danger of being attacked. Groups often combined when foraging, increasing the size of the foraging party.

The foragers were also commonly equipped with shields and poisoned spears, so when they were attacked, they could defend themselves until they had a chance to flee.
Klancers also determined which plants could be used to quicken the healing process of cuts, scratches, and other wounds, as well as relieve pain.

New Stats
Agility (+6EP)
Due to natural selection, only the fastest of Klancers have been able to survive the new predators attacks, while the slower Klancers have been picked off.

Tool Making (+4EP)
Klancers have learned to make basic tools to help them with combat and everyday life. Some tools include (but are not limited to) baskets, shields, spears, and anti-gravity boots. Okay, not the boots.

2011-05-15, 02:31 PM
The Shamalaken are at first very disturbed by the fact that some of their fellows are wasting away for no apparent reason. However, it is quickly discovered that the illness is caused by a type of worm that has taken up residence inside the intestines of sick Shamalaken. This was discovered by some of the grieving Shamalaken families when they noticed that the worms began to eat their way out of the dead Shamalaken corpses after a few days. The Shamalaken are relieved now at least to know what is causing their fellow Shamalaken to die, however, they are also mortified at the fact that none of them have any idea how to treat or, if possible, cure this illness.

One in particularly hot, a family of parasite infected Shamalaken are out on a hunt to try and at least momentarily ease their never ending hunger. The family, consisting of a mother, father, and child, are hiding in the branches of a tree with white and purple flowers. Eventually, due to the heat, the young Shamalaken breaks away from it’s parents and goes to look for something to drink. Closely examining the ground she sees nothing resembling drinkable liquid, so she slithers around the tree branches looking for some water that could have gotten caught in the leaves of the tree or in the small basins formed on the topside of the branches were they meet up with the main trunk of the tree. She finds nothing of value in the leaves, but upon closer examination of the basin at the base of the branch she’s on she finds a small pool of what looks to be water. Drinking this “water” she finds out that it isn’t quite what she was expecting, seeing as it has a slightly bitter taste and is sticky like tree sap. She takes only a few drinks and then decides that she doesn’t like the taste, however, before she can make her way back to her parents who are still hunting, she suffers a severe bout of diarrhea. Her parents, upon hearing her hisses of panic and distress, rush to her aid only to find her fast asleep next to a small heap of dead parasites. When she wakes up her parents quickly figure out what happened and go drink some the tree-sap laced water as well and are cured in the same way as she was. The parents then dispose of all the dead parasites by pushing them off the tree branches and onto the ground.

Despite the good news, it takes over a year for all Shamalaken to learn of this new cure, because the only interaction that Shamalaken families have with each other is when their young leave and mate with other young. Regardless, all Shamalaken now know about the cure that comes from the “water” of the trees with white and purple flowers and luckily for the Shamalaken, the trees thrive in the jungle. Shamalaken families now live around these trees and when they begin to feel ill they simply drink the tree’s “water”. Also, the Shamalaken learn to recognize the symptoms of other animals infected with the same parasite and avoid them, hunting only healthy animals.

New Stats: (10 EP)

Botany: (+5 EP)
Communication: (+2 EP)
Hunting: (+3 EP)

2011-05-18, 02:36 PM
Round 2 summary

Niikto - The larger pack sizes, more powerful electricity and increase in body size help to deter and even bring down the predators, but while the Niikto may not be at the top of their menu, there are still many attacks. 5% population growth in each hex

Klancers - The more agile, tool making Klancers can avoid and defend against the predetors more effectively, but doesn't do much to deter attacks. 6% population growth in each hex

Shamalaken - The liquid that is used to remove the parasites works well, but when the parasites leave the body they do some damage. 6% population growth in each hex

Drogs - The illness tears through groups of Drogs, with their "God" not there to help them they take significant casualties 3% population decline in each hex.

Round 3

Niikto - In addition to the, somewhat diminished, problem of the predator there is a particular plant, which is plentiful in the jungle, that exudes and oil that causes a severe rash and reduces the amount of electrical power an individual is able to produce. This power reduction is temporary unless there are repeated severe exposures to the plant. The rash is extremely itchy, and while not fatal, if it is scratched it may become infected.

Klancers - The predators are still a fairly significant threat, but that's not all. There is a kind of insect that has a painful sting that can leave the affected area painful and swollen. Individually they are not a problem, but they tend to nest in a certain kind of tree that's not uncommon, and a swarm of them can easily kill several Klancers.

Shamalaken - The jungle that the Shamalaken live in seems to be thinning out, especially in hex E-21 where it is becoming mostly plains. Some of the lionesque predators that are common in the eastern forest have also started to spread to Shamalaken territory, they will attack Shamalaken if they have a good opportunity, but they tend to avoid them because of the spines and the poison that makes them feel funny. The parasites are still a minor problem, with only the very weak ones who can't handle the treatment dying.

Drogs - same problem as round 2

2011-05-20, 10:15 PM
The Klancer population began making great strides in creating a more advanced, uniform language. They can now make many full sentences, and communication of ideas has grown rapidly. Some clans have unique dialects, but Klancers from differing clans can easily communicate simple sentences.

Also, as population has been rising, clan sizes have been rising. Some sort of organization is vital for these larger communities of Klancers, and a rather unique system has started in a few clans. This system includes one head Klance, known as the Grimstborinth, who usually tends to civil matters within the clans: who leads foraging groups, stuff like that. They will also discuss matters with other Grimstborinth about inter-clan affairs, in the future, if/when they arise. Grimstborinth are about 35% of the time male, and 65% female.

As part of the population increases, some of the clans have migrated into J-26. In one of these migrating clans, there is a group of exceptionally bright Klancers, roughly translated as The Few (about 55% male, 45% female). This group often devotes much time to research on plant-life and the earth, as well as the inventions of new tools. Word of new inventions or discoveries travels swiftly to all other clans because of this group of Klancers. It is rumored that The Few are working on armor for Klancers made from extremely tough bark.

However, all Klancers have taken botany as a hobby, and some have taken it a step further. Plants have become extremely important to Klancer life in the jungle, and it has not gone unnoticed. Many Klancers devote time to the health of plants and trees. Some Klancers have even begun to thank the plants for everything they have done, and ask for good fortune to continue, much like a prayer. It has become common to don attire made from leaves, plants, etc. not only to show respect to plants, but also to distinguish important Klancers from each other.

For example, the Grimstborinth is the only Klancer who is allowed to wear a very beautiful and rare flower. The Few also have a similar plant of the same effect. However, neither the Grimstborinth, nor members of The Few, enjoy any other perks in everyday life. They do not receive extra care, or servants. They must attend to their own needs, just as everyone else does. They will often participate in foraging groups, friendly games or competitions, and are treated just as equally as any other Klance; though, they usually receive much respect and loyalty from their peers, as they have earned their positions.

And all Klancers are treated fairly equally. They are allowed to use any plant they so desire, or find, to wear. Some Klancers like to be as exotic as they can be, with all different kinds of colors and plants, while other Klancers make outfits for practical benefits, like as camouflage similar to a ghillie suit.

This unusual attention to plants has brought something of importance to the Klancers attention. A fairly common tree can sometimes be found with its leaves containing holes, or sores. This alarmed many Klancers at first, and they soon realized what was causing the sores: an insect. Infuriated, the Klancers formulating a way to kill off the parasitic insects. The insects created beehive-like nests in the branches of the tree, and would eat the tree’s leaves as a source of food. Unfortunately, these insects have stingers that, though usually not fatal, can be painful to a Klance. After repeated injury incidents, The Few quickly discovered a plant that could be used to reduce pain and swelling of the stinging site relatively quickly.

They then used this same plant to attack the nests. The rather small plant could be ground up in something similar to a mortar and pestle, releasing the liquid that was inside the plants leaves and stalks. This liquid, the cure for the wounds caused by the stingers, could also be used against the insects.
Klancers soon found out that a couple drops of pure liquid from the plant could easily kill an insect in a matter of seconds, so the potency was quite high. In order to increase the volume of the liquid, they added it to buckets of water. This liquid spiked water was still very effective against the insects, usually killing them within a few minutes, if not sooner.

Klancers devised a clever scheme to destroy the nests and kill the insects whenever they found a nest. A few Klancers would climb up above the nest with a bucket of the liquid spiked water, while a few others would be armed with a slingshot-type weapon and small rocks from the jungle floor. The Klancers above would dump the deadly water onto the nest, and the Klancers below would pelt the nest with rocks until it detached from the tree and fell to the jungle floor. This proved very effective since most of the insects would get caught in the fall and die from impact, and the surviving insects would be covered in the deadly water. That, coupled with the Klancers incredible speed, left the insects completely unaware of what had destroyed their nest.

They also invented a tool to catch the flying insects when there were only a few, away from the nests. It involved the outline of a cube made of sticks tied together with twine, with two large leaves placed inside to create a ‘net’. The inside was then purged with the spiked water. The space inside the cube net would become very humid, due to properties from the leaves the Klancers used. With both the liquid and water abundant in the air inside the cube net, the space inside was very dangerous for the insects, since inhaling any amount of the liquid would be quite fatal.

The Klancers are also beginning to get rather annoyed with the lionesque predators, as they are still proving to be somewhat of a threat, but more of a nuisance to foraging parties. So, the Klancers have developed a new plan to strike back at the predators. Foraging parties now consist of two groups: one, foragers; two, surveyors. The foragers will travel on the ground or through the trees gathering berries, plants, etc. They are usually armed with basket-shields.

The surveyors remain in the trees the entire time, armed with the poison tipped spears or slingshots (Slingshotters usually have a pouch to hold small rocks as ammo). If a pack of predators attack the foraging party, the foraging party forms a single, tight huddle, shields at the ready. Meanwhile, the slingshot Klancers attack to distract the predators from completing successful attacks while the foragers form their huddle.

Once the huddle is formed, slingshotters stop, and the predators are usually thoroughly confused as they decide where to attack the huddle. While deciding where to attack, they usually walk slowly, pacing back and forth looking for any weaknesses in the huddle. This makes them easy targets for the spear-wielding surveyors in the trees. The spears rain down on the predators. This surprise attack will kill anywhere from zero, or one predator, up to possibly the whole pack, depending if the Klancers get lucky with their aiming and the size of the pack of predators.

New Stats
+3 Poisoncraft – Klancers are learning how to mix certain plants and liquids to produce more effective poisons.
+3 Language – Klancers can communicate clearly to one another in a language sounding similar to a modern day African tribe language.
+3 Tool Making – New tools include (but not limited to): slingshots, throwing spears, hammers, nets, chisel, mortar and pestle, bowls/buckets, pouches.
+1 Botany – The Klancers love for plants have lead to more discoveries, and possibly even early thoughts of superior beings, or deities. They even give praise to plants they need to use, sometimes asking for forgiveness before doing so, and always thanking the plant.

2011-05-21, 12:23 PM
The Niikto, after having lived for a long time as a species without any reactions to their natural biome around them, beneficial or adverse, now find themselves having severe reactions to a particular jungle plant. The plant is a deep shade of violet, almost black and has large ovular leaves on which it bioluminesces along the stem area in a green color. The plant has long yellow upward facing yellow-orange flowers and for some reason it emits a strong constant electromagnetic field. At first the Niikto’s reaction was a strict policy of avoidance and being that it is an easy to spot plant, that’s wasn’t too difficult. Some Niikto even went as far as to migrate to hexes H-30 and I-29 to avoid the predators and the plants. Eventually though, they began to search for a solution. Having little aptitude for plants, never heaving needed them before; the search was slow and unproductive.

Eventually, for reasons unbeknownst, several Niikto were born with an durable hardened dermal layer that covers their body. The Niikto have never had scales, so the newborns didn’t look any different except that they were more matte in certain places and their bioluminescent organs were in eight ovals along the front of their crests instead of along their bodies and they could produce much brighter light. This “dermal layer” is on average a thirty second of an inch thick but is thicker over vital areas and made of interlaced natural carbon nanotube fibers produced by a mutated form of a complex protein that the Niikto produce in their skin. It doesn’t absorb anything through it so it rendered searching for a “cure” unnecessary. This makes the Niikto somewhat resistant to being stabbed or cut, it lessens impacts in the same way body armor does (but not to the same extent), and it is highly conductive greatly increasing the electrical capabilities of individual Niikto though their electrogenic organs have not really advanced much. Unfortunately it does require the Niikto to molt if it is to grow larger or if the layer becomes too thick and begins to hamper movement; most of the molting is done in the water for stealth reasons.

A side effect of the lack in bioluminescence and the coordinated search for a cure resulted in a slightly more advanced language utilizing electric fields and sounds in place of the bioluminescence. This communication is much more stealthy and “visible” to other Niikto than sounds. The Niikto can also very accurately locate prey and behold their surroundings omni-directionally for 100 or so feet (less accurate further out) reading electric fields only and needing to rely less on eyesight especially at night (a skill they have been working on for quite some time). Organs that emit fields are also quite easy to locate. Niikto have discovered that they have highly conductive teeth and if they bite something near its heart, or any large nerve cluster then induce high currents through their teeth, they can easily kill or incapacitate anything they can get their mouths around.

Several free roaming “clans” of Niikto also migrated to hex I-27 in search of new prey. They found more of the now mostly ineffective predator and that plant that caused them so much grief. But what was most intriguing was that the dominate species they found was a strange, extremely fast triangular creature with three limbs. After some hidden nighttime observance of a small group, the Niikto watched one break off presumably to get water (they weren’t far from the shore). Striking the creature very accurately near the heart from behind a tree, it was easily and quietly overpowered and consumed. The Niikto made especially sure to never be seen by these creatures as there was something strange about them and only attacked when they were alone.

New Stats
Nanotube dermal layer (+8EP) (Interlaced natural carbon nanotube fiber skin very difficult to cut or pierce, acts like body armor, highly conductive)
Language (+1EP)
Electrogenic/receptive understanding (+1EP) (“see” using EM fields only)

2011-05-31, 01:05 PM
Round 2.5

I've had a busy weekend, and I'm looking to have a busy week, so I'm doing a halfway update just to keep things moving while I get a full update written up. There are no new problems, so everyone just deals with their old ones with 10 extra EP. Also, since the Niikto and Klancers are the only one who posted they get a bonus +5% population growth immediately.

2011-06-02, 12:17 AM
After such recent advancements such as the ability to perceive their world using only electromagnetic fields the Niikto began experimenting more and more with different uses of their abilities regarding communication. Eventually they found that they could transmit vast amounts of data in the form of thoughts and memories using radio waves (their nervous system acts like a massive antenna). If another Niikto, or any creature for that matter, “tuned into” the “channel” they were broadcasting on, they could very efficiently communicate over vast distances. It inevitably follows that the Niikto have developed a slightly more advanced language as well as advanced data processing abilities to interpret the incoming information. Because this advancement has happened so quickly, the actual electrogenic organs and nervous system haven’t really kept up so this type of communication for extended periods will quickly exhaust the Niikto broadcasting. Picking up the signal takes little effort, however.

New Stats
Language (+2EP)
Electrogenic/receptive understanding (+6EP) (basics of networked communication)
Logic/Processing (+2EP) (advanced enough processing ability to allow a small group, maybe a hunting party to communicate on the same “channel”)

2011-06-02, 02:49 PM
The Klancers have been busy inventing new tools and creating stronger and more various poisons. Of the new tools, Klancers have begun using stone and earth in their inventions. This has led to new blunt weapons like hammers, and effective chisels to produce sharp edges for arrowhead/shuriken type ammo used with their slingshots.
The use of stone and earth has involved much lifting and, in effect, increased the strength of the Klancers. Muscle mass has evolved beneficially for the newer generations of Klancers. They can now use larger stones to make larger tools, and they can also use these larger tools. Hammers have become a very efficient weapon as the increase in strength has led to more damaging and fatal blows.
The Klancer language, now called Klanese, has been steadily growing.

These advancements in tools and weapons have increased the success rate of destroying the hive-like nests that Klancers find in the trees of the jungle.
The new weapons, greater strength, and better poisons have also led to many more successful encounters with the lionesque predators that have been plaguing the Klancer population for far too long.
The increase in language has made the coordination of attacks and other plans more effective as well.


Strength (+3 EP) - The Klancers new strength allows them to use melee weapons more effectively.
Language (+1EP)
Tool Making (+3EP) - Klancers have produced ammo for slingshots and hammers specifically for combat.
Poisoncraft (+3EP) - Strength and types of poisons have increased.

2011-06-02, 05:46 PM
Round 3/3.5 summary

Strange shifts happened in the world this round. The Drogs have seemed to lose their direction and purpose, falling into the background like the rest of the unguided beasts.

Shamalaken - With no guidance this round the Shamalaken are stagnate, with no population growth in any hex. In hex E-21 the lack of jungle hurts their numbers, 2% population decline in hex E-21

Niikto - the armor shell and improved communication help more Niikto survive. +7% growth in all hexes

Klancers - The Klancers tools, combined with their strength and poisons, are a great help to their survival +8% growth in all hexes

Round 4

The world is getting warmer, The jungles are expanding, the seas are rising, and there is a new presence in the world.

There are no specific/individual obstacles to overcome, the only changes are on the macro scale. This round will be all about your species interacting. I will try to update the map tonight, but it's looking to be time consuming. I will say that I'm going to have everyone overlapping, the Niikto and the Klancers are already minorly overlapping, and the Vovin will come in overlapping both. So you can start getting an outline of what you're going to do and fill in the details when I get the map redrawn. Also this round will take more than one post as I anticipate actions and reactions, so don't wait for me to post and update before reacting to what another species did.

2011-06-04, 02:16 PM
Round 4 Stats: (10EP)
Melee Fighting Styles/Techniques (+3EP) - Very basic techniques are known: block, side-swing, basic attack, as well as general fighting awareness.
Strength (+2EP) - More strength = More damage
Poisoncraft (+5EP) - 2 New poisons: a weak paralyzing poison and a moderate-strong disorienting drug.

Klancer First Action!

It is clear to the Klancers that the jungle plants are thriving and growing. They also notice that the waters are clearly rising, as the home of a few clans can now be found at the bottom of the lake. The rising waters were steady enough to allow the clans to migrate before drowning, and these changes have led the Klancers, as a species, to slightly migrate. They now occupy hexes:

J24, K23, K25, L24, L26

The population of each respective hex is:

283, 255, 306, 202, 240

For a total population of: 1286.

The Klancers have made a truly intriguing discovery. For a short while, the Klancers have noticed that, rare as it is, every once in a while a Klance will go missing. None of the Klancers could figure out how or why these disappearances were occurring.
Now, when the Klancers who had previously lived in hex J26 were leaving their homes due to the rising waters of the lake, they had come across a few rather peculiar objects. They looked like a very large hollowed-out snake; a snake they had never seen before.
What made the object so peculiar, raising much attention, especially to The Few, (besides the sheer size) was that the object was quite durable and tough; much more tough than any living snakes. The Klancers have not found a use for them yet, but they have been collecting all that they find. Many have made the connection between the mysterious snake-skins and the missing Klancers, though some are still doubtful. In any case, they are aware that all the missing Klancers are taken when they are absolutely alone.

With the introduction of the new melee weapon, the war hammer*, many Klancers have taken a liking to using it as a weapon in combat. Basic melee fighting techniques have been discovered and practiced to increase effectiveness in combat. As a result, strength has also increased, making a Klance’s basic attack with a war hammer very damaging when it hits.
Klancers still use the war hammers and shields for defensive purposes only. They do not hunt for food, as they are still herbivores. They will attack parasites that are attacking plant-life, like the stinging insects, but they will not attack other species unless attacked.
*Note: the war hammer is slightly larger than a normal hammer: a stone, roughly human-fist sized, is tied to the end of a 1 to 2 foot stick.

Recent advancements in poisoncraft have led to 2 new types of poison: a disorienting drug, and a poison capable of paralyzing. The disorienting drug is very effective with rather small doses. Only a mouthful will make a Klance dangerously disoriented, and often times sick. The paralyzing poison is still pretty weak. It takes much more to fully paralyze a Klance, but the smaller the species, the less poison is needed; although, this poison is still effective in smaller doses to larger species. It can greatly disrupt motor skills and often times will make the victim droggy/tired/slower. Both new poisons are odorless; the paralyzing poison is a very vivid purple, and the disorienting drug is colorless. (Both are liquids)

End: Klancer First Action!

2011-06-05, 01:47 AM
Niikto action 1

The Niikto have noticed that the seas and lakes have begun encroaching on their lands and that it has begun getting warmer. Because of the heat, the Niikto, being cold blooded with no way to regulate their internal temperatures, have noticeably higher metabolisms resulting in no genetic changes but an overall increase in their abilities. Their organs are receiving more nutrients, their muscles are stronger with more stamina, and they have more overall energy. This, unfortunately, means that they must eat more to compensate for the heightened energy expenditure. Many Niikto go to the rising oceans for this food source; Fish make up a significant portion of the diets of many Niikto and as such their populations move out to sea (migration to F-24, F-26, J-28, and J-26). It should be noted that Niikto are free roaming –not migratory as there is no rhythm or periodicity to their movements- so it is assumed that there is roughly an equal number in each hex they occupy. They continue to develop their communication abilities and because of vastly increased usage and extra nutrition, their electrogenic organs and nervous systems increase.

Also the as Niikto continue spreading outwards (migrate to I-25, G-25, and G-23) they encounter more of the strange triangles. Realizing that they have some sort of devices they play with and these toys change over time the Niikto find great entertainment in their down time observing the triangles and trying to learn what they are doing.

New Stats (+6EP)
Language -> Language & Communication
Language & Communication (+2EP)
Electrogenic organ (+1EP) (Produces about 5W. Niikto tire less when communicating wirelessly)
Nervous system (+2EP) (Specialized to better deal with being used as an antenna and the increased power draw that the nanotube coat allows)
Strength (+1EP) (Because the Niikto spend more time in the water, they have become superior swimmers)

2011-06-05, 03:42 AM
As the Vovin explore their new homes in the jungle, they adapt to more effectively deal with their prey, their predators, and their general surroundings. Their jaws become stronger and are capable of delivering more forceful bites to their enemies, while the neurotoxin of their stinging tails grows more potent in order to take down larger opponents. The lizard-like creatures begin to further understand how the vibrations through the air and ground correspond with foreign objects in relation to their own positions, and how to more acutely differentiate between types of objects with said vibrations.

New Stats (+10 EP)

Neurotoxin (+3 EP) (can paralyze and kill animals that are slightly larger than the Vovin)

Bite (+3 EP) (can deliver 500 lbs of force)

Vibration sensitivity (+4 EP) (more acute, able to pick out more detailed differences, able to detect at a slightly further radius)

2011-06-06, 09:29 PM
Klancers: Second Action!

After a very long time of remaining a myth to the Klancer population, the mysterious large snake was finally spotted! A group of Klancers who live near the lake in hex K25 had travelled to the shore to take a break from foraging. Upon arriving, they noticed some splashing about 40 feet to the left of their location, in the lake. Curious as they always are, they cautiously approached the splashing, easily recognizing the giant snakes from their snake-skins when they were still 30 feet away, and on dry land.

The splashing stopped, but the snakes were still visible in the shallow waters near the beach. After a long ‘staredown’, one brave Klance attempted communication. Walking a little closer, though still on the beach, the Klance tried the ‘dance of friendship’ that is common throughout the clans. It is done whenever a Klance from one clan meets one from another clan, a sign of their friendship and that they wish no harm.

Of course, the Klance knew the giant snake probably wouldn’t understand the Klancer ways, but it was worth a shot. After performing the dance, the snakes remained still as they had been for about a full minute. Then, one of the snakes swam up to the shore, about 10 feet from the Klance. The snake stopped there and stared at the Klance, while the Klance tried other small gestures and body movements of friendship.

After a short time, the snake chirped and hissed something, then quickly swam back to his other kin, and they all left to the deeper part of the lake. Whether the snake had accepted the friendly attempts, or thought the group of Klancers was too large to take on, the Klancers did not know. In any case, they abruptly finished foraging and told an account of what had happened to the rest of their clan mates.

End: Second Action!

2011-06-08, 02:37 AM
Niikto action 2

One reasonable day, a small group of Niikto was hunting off the shores of hex K-25. Normally, solitary Niikto would simply stun large groups of fish and the group would enter the water and eat but there was really no need for efficiency this day so they were catching fish the old fashion way (whatever that means for an electric snake).
There were many creatures in the water all producing electrical signals and the Niikto currently weren’t too worried about the few creatures on the land. A few of them did sense the heart beats of a small pack of creatures at the edge of their perception some 500ft from their position but they were of no concern at that distance at around 100 ft out, an issue became apparent; the signature of individuals in the pack matched that of the brutish triangular creature that Niikto would prey on every now and then.
After determining that they had probably been detected because the pack appeared to be cautiously approaching and the creatures also appeared to be weaponized. Having seen packs of the triangles savagely bludgeon large predators to death and enjoy murdering large colonies of insects (when the Niikto kill things it tend to be rather painless and quick), the first reaction was that a (rather foolish) battle was about to take place. So as the Niikto prepared to take them on in the water (one went to shallower water, the others moved back into deeper water) the last thing that they expected was for the leader to disarm and approach them. The three armed creature then began moving in rather intricate patterns to which the leading Niikto cocked its head and began moving towards the strange fuzzy creature. Normally during an attack these creatures’ electrical outputs, heart rate and brainwaves increased dramatically, now, they were higher than normal but it better matched fear instead of aggression. By the time the Niikto made it to land, it was 10ft from the creature (within striking distance) and the intricate patterns had stopped and it was now making random movements with its appendages. Whatever they meant, this creature, was clearly not being aggressive and likely intelligent. It was immediately decided to cease picking them off because they were intelligent and determined that while caution should be exercised around them (remembering as a group the cries from the crunching bones and gaping wounds they seemed perfectly willing to inflict on the loin-esque predator with their bludgeons and sharp sticks) they would no longer exert the effort to hide from them. With this decided, The Niikto abruptly turned and went back into the lake to continue hunting and commune with others in more efficient methods than their growing Niikto network.

New Stats (+3EP)
Electrogenic organ (+2EP) (Produces about 7W. Niikto tire considerably less when communicating wirelessly and can induce static charges in things nearby. Sleeping Niikto will sometimes “crackle” with small static discharges.)
Language & Communication (+1EP) (expression of thought both verbally and “networked” has advanced)

2011-06-21, 05:40 AM
Vovin: Second Impact

One unreasonable day, a pair of Vovin in Hex J-24 were wasting the day away with frolicking and hunting through the jungle (but mostly frolicking). By sundown, they had already ate both their fills and were very much content. However, as the sun continued to descend over the horizon, they sensed a significantly large group of creatures off in the distance. Deciding to stealthily and cautiously hide in some nearby foliage, they began spying on a group of 40 creatures. It was no wonder that they had sensed them from such a distance, the creatures had been dancing around in a circle, causing a large ruckus that would pique the curiosity of any Vovin. Judging from the sensed vibrations, the odd creatures seemed to be triangular in shape. But aside from their woefully bland design, the Vovin noticed that they had mutilated their surrounding habitat in order to better suit themselves. They had crafted strange objects to rely on for strength and protection, as they were clearly weak and helpless otherwise.

By the time that the sun had disappeared, the strange beings had apparently grown tired of dancing, and so split up into groups and left the area. The Vovin, who had spent the past few hours entertaining themselves with the silly behavior of these triangles, silently followed a group of 15 to see what they were doing. Hiding in another bunch of bushes, the Vovin continued watching as the triangles foraged for berries and nuts and other such munchies. One triangle in particular walked near this bunch of bushes, so that the Vovin could not move out of the way without immediately revealing themselves. The churlish triangle reached into the bush, trying to find his snack for the night, only to place his hand directly on one of the Vovin's snouts (HONK!) prompting a loud sneeze from the purple creature.

The startled triangle drew back in shock, as the Vovin peeked its head out of the bush while the second stayed hidden behind just in case. Yelling to its fellow triangles, the surprised creature pointed at the formidably sized predator that was now approaching. The triangles drew their spears and hammers and stood at the ready; not aggressively, but definitely wary of the Vovin. Sizing up the lot of them, the Vovin decided that a confrontation with 15 was not worth the trouble, especially not on a full stomach. With a malevolent hiss and a swish of its tail, the Vovin turned about and joined its companion, leaving the triangles completely bewildered at their new neighbors (See signature for reenactment).

2011-06-25, 11:22 PM
Klancers: Reaction!

Three Klancers were playing a game similar to ‘Follow the Leader’ through the vines and trees in the canopy of the jungle. They were not far from their homes, in fact, they could still hear the distant shoutings and laughter of their fellow kin. While randomly circling their clan mates, the leader stops and points out two rather large and new reptilian creatures down on the jungle floor.
These creatures (at least to the Klancers) seemed to be focused rather intently on something, and it wasn’t rocket science to realize that their focus was on their clan’s ritual, as they were easily creating the most noise in the jungle.
You see, this particular clan was to have a feast the following day, and in order to prepare for these feasts, the Klancers sometimes forage the night before. When these large forages take place, they often perform a ritual to ask the plants to treat them well with plenty of lush fruits and such.
Anyways, the leader of the three Klancers ran off to alert the foragers of the possible threat, while the other two went to alert nearby families living in the surrounding trees.
The foragers were successfully notified of the mysterious guests, but they continued on with the ritual. They were confident that if anything attacked a whole clan’s worth of foragers, they would not stand a chance; especially if there were only 2 predators.
Finally, they finished the ritual, and were contemplating delaying the search for food, but they needed it, as the feast was pretty important. So, the Klancers went on as scheduled, even though a possible predator was known to be out there. The roughly 40 foragers from this clan split up into three groups: a group of 10, and two groups of 15.
One of the groups of 15 headed south to forage for food. After travelling some time, they found a group of bushes full of berries. Everything was going fine until a Klance grabbed for berries and, to his utter amazement, the bush sneezed on him! Realizing some animal must be in the bush, they all turned their attention and stood ready.
Then, the mysterious reptile stepped out, a stunning dark purple creature with a dark red belly.
The Klancers stood hesitant, not knowing whether to consider this creature friend or foe. He certainly did not act friendly, but neither did he act harmful. After a short pause, he hissed and left.
The Klancers remained quiet for a short time, then, all of a sudden, one of the Klancers began laughing, almost hysterically. Puzzled, the rest asked what was so funny, and between bouts of laughter, the group could barely make out the phrase, “That thing just sneezed on you!!”
And with that, the whole group burst into laughter.

End: Reaction!

2011-06-27, 11:00 AM
Round 4 summary

The shifting world has had an effect on all species, and everyone's species has taken the changes in stride. Every active species gets a population increase of 6%

Round 5

Everything is calm. The world almost seems to be holding its breath as the major species of the jungle have their first interactions. There is tension through everything and only time will tell whether it will be drawn down slowly or snapped in a conflict that will be remembered through history by those who survive it.

There is also a new presence in the world, from the mountains and hills of the jungle. Only time will tell if these new creatures will rise to contend with the existing ones, or if they will be forgotten like many before them.

(everyone gets the regular 10 EP)

2011-06-29, 10:47 AM
The Niikto, after having used their abilities for some time strategically in hunting and fights with other creatures, recreationally for communication, and scientifically for long distance communication regarding other creatures and various studies; have greatly developed their networking abilities in both efficiency and how long they can communicate for.

Several years ago a new creature was discovered in hex H-24. The creature was a deep shade of Indigo, had a long shovel shaped head, menacing looking protrusions on its forearms extending past its elbows, a tail longer than its body with a bright green tip, and it seemed to have no eyes. On their first encounter, the mysterious shovel headed creature saw a lone Niikto and must have been hungry because it immediately attacked. It moved in with surprising speed for a creature of its size straight for the Niikto and as the Niikto reared up, the creature began to spin sideways and its tail whipped out from behind the creature slowly enough so that the Niikto could sense it move but too fast to be seen visually and far to fast to react to it didn’t penetrate the Niiktos hardened skin but it did break bones. The creature, who also received a nasty jolt, was visibly confused by its lack ability to pierce the Niiktos skin and obviously in pain from the shock it received. The monster charged again and this time got the Niikto in its jaws further pulverizing its inner structure as it both bit down and struck the Niiktos tail end with its tail. The Niikto turned its head and sunk its teeth into the back of the creatures’ neck pumping as much electricity as it could through its conductive teeth. The monster spasmed as its muscles and brain were overloaded with incomprehensible electrical commands. Then its heart stopped and the battle was over.
The Niikto have since then learned that when these creatures are detected, stay away or be in a pack but even in a pack, a Niikto or two generally gets injured before the monster is killed.

Over the past years the Niikto have also grown considerably in size some of them reaching 12 feet in length and weighing up to 120lbs. And they have become considerably stealthier.

As a more recent development, the Niikto have discovered that the very plant that they once had severe allergic reactions to is actually functions much like a Niikto brain, though not capable of independent thought, in that it can store and transmit incredible amounts of data and each one is linked via the same concept as the Niikto network explaining why they were so obviously detectable. With a little bit of time and understanding fields given off by the plants, the Niikto crudely incorporated the plant into the network as crude storage devices.

The Niikto have become a rare sight indeed, having spread over the years to K-25 & I-24, there are only about 80 Niikto in a given hex at any one time their packs are loose as normal but with only 3 packs per hex, it isn’t rare (as far as Niikto sightings go) to find a group of only 2-5 traveling to another pack or hunting. Navigation is usually not a problem because of the Niikto network.

New Stats (+9EP)

Electrogenic organ (+1EP) Produces about 9W
Size (+2EP) Niikto size from 10.5-12ft in length and weigh about 10lb per foot
Electrogenic/receptive understanding -> Electromagnetic Aptitude (sounds better and is a bit more descriptive for what I use it for)
Electromagnetic Aptitude(+1EP)
Logic processing (+1EP)
Language & Communication (+2EP)
Stealth (+2EP)

2011-06-29, 12:01 PM
The Kragex, after time spent wandering the hills and mountains have noticed something. Many other species house themselves at night, in caves, in trees it was fantastic. The Kragex decided that, if the other species could do it, then so could they. Their industrious ways set them on a quest to create shelters of their own, the light brushing of trees among the hills and mountains made for great materials and the solid stone made for a sturdy foundation for their constructions.

During development the Kragex developed several things, their muscles grew larger, their strength growing considerably as they moved stones and tore trees apart for their construction. They developed crude shelters out of existing stone overhangs and branch and vine canopies. They even developed a new technique for their construction, they developed higher speech capacity with all of this collaborative construction. Their social skills developing further and their language conveying messages in further detail.

After time their construction became admirable, but their language even more so. Their shelters, a well made organic canopy over a solid stone base provides wonderful shelter and home. Their language now more complex, able to convey feelings, complex ideas, even plans. It was a delightful occurrence, the first step in the Kragex's journey further into evolution.

New Stats (EP +10)
Language (+4 EP) The Kragex's understanding of communication and language is in-depth enough to portray feelings and ideas in detail as well as to communicate plans.
Shelter (+3 EP) The Kragex can now construct their own shelter that provides protection from the elements and very minor comfort.
Strength (+2 EP) The Kragex can move medium sized stones and break larger tree branches with ease.
Teamwork/Social Skills (+1 EP) Their teamwork now extends to construction and building and has grown due to their increased linguistic capacity.

2011-06-29, 03:38 PM
It was a sweltering hot day in the jungle, and a lone, starving Vovin was prowling desperately for food. It was prepared to eat anything at this point, with its stomach cringing in pain. Detecting a long serpentine creature, the Vovin pounced into action, too excited to pay heed to the aching pain from starving. Taking the customary stance that Vovin do, it turned so that its side faced the creature and began to circle it. The serpent reared up and prepared itself for a fight, making loud crackling noises that startled the Vovin. However, it was far too hungry to turn back now; the Vovin lashed its tail out at a visually imperceptible speed in an attempt to sting its prey. Much to its surprise, the durability of the serpent's hide prevented the tail from puncturing, although it did crush it enough to break some bones. More interestingly, the Vovin received a nasty shock from its prey, almost nasty enough to dissuade it from further attacking. But its hunger was yet still too great to ignore. In a final desperate attempt to kill its quarry, the Vovin grasped the creature in its fearsome jaws and began crunching down on it. Surprisingly enough, the hide was still too tough to puncture, although the creature would be crippled for life from the pulverized bones. The snake-like creature was able to bite the Vovin in the neck and fry its brain with electricity before succumbing to the shock and pain of its crippled body and dying alongside the Vovin.

After many such encounters with the serpents, the Vovin became much more aware of their presence in the jungle. Regarding them as tough prey, the Vovin usually avoid these creatures, generally confused and even slightly frightened by their natural defenses.

As a result, the Vovin have become well-versed in the art of stealth, utilizing the dark shade of their hide to blend into the shadows of the jungle. They will stick to the shade, the bushes, and their burrows to avoid being detected.

New Stats (+4 EP)

Stealth Tactics (+4 EP) The Vovin prefer to avoid being seen by other creatures, and so have a tendency to cautiously move undercover at all times.

2011-06-29, 08:36 PM
Klancer: Action!

The Klancers are eager to expand relations with other species, but it is proving to be difficult. And the problem comes in finding another species that is willing to do the same. Instead, most encounters with other species involve failed attempts at communicating, or a fight for survival.

And the latter tends to occur more frequently. One species, the Vovin (yes, ironically [and for simplicity] the Klancers have begun naming other species), does not seem to be a future friend of the Klancers. The first Klancer-Vovin fight occurred around the fifth encounter. And I might add, not all of previous encounters were as peaceful as the first, ending with the Klancers fleeing.

A group of 16 foragers were out and about, foraging, obviously. This group did experience one encounter with the Vovin before. This earlier encounter resulted in no deaths, on either side, however there were attempts. The group easily escaped into the tree’s before a Vovin could make a killing blow. They decided to refrain from attacking back, as they were still hoping to establish communication, since the Vovin were one of the more intelligent and capable species residing in the jungle.

But this group had had enough after a second attack from a pair of Vovin.
The group was divided into two smaller groups foraging from two different areas, however they were still within eyesight of each other. One group, consisting of 8 of the Klancers, was up in some tree’s gathering the fruit near the bottom, about 9 feet above the ground. The other group was on ground level picking berries.
The Klancers, being the fun-loving creatures they are, often mess around with each other. In this case, the group in the trees thought it would be fun to throw the overripe fruit at the other group on the ground, when they came across one. So, a Klance tosses the fruit over at the other group. SPLAT! Hits a Klance right in the back.
Now we have a small food fight between the two groups… Most of which is the rotten/overripe fruit. It’s not a war; just a couple fruit every minute. After roughly 10 minutes of random tossings of fruit back and forth, one fruit from the group in the trees overshoots the group on the ground and plummets into/behind the bush containing the berries. The Klancers hear another SPLAT! followed by a small roar of surprise and the snapping of jaws. By sheer luck, the fruit had hit a hidden Vovin in the face, right where the eyes would be if it had any.

Jumping back, the Klancers on the ground search the bush with their eyes, looking for a sign of the Vovin. While all of the focus was on the Vovin in the bush, none of the Klancers noticed the second Vovin that jumped out from behind some plant life beside the group. The nearest Klancer realized all too late as the tail punctured his side.
Spirited with rage at the attack, two of the Klancers next to the attacker swung their warhammers at the Vovin, while a third was equipped with a spear. Of the other four Klancers, two ran back to use their slingshots, while one with a spear and one with a shield fended off the Vovin with fruit on his face. The other group was soon helping fend off the Vovin; two slingshotters, four warhammers, one shield and one spear. With all 15 Klancers fighting back, the Vovin were having a difficult time advancing their attack. Amidst the skirmish, one Klance got a jab in with his poison tipped spear. The poison was a disorienting drug. The poison did take its toll on the fighting ability of the Vovin relatively quickly. Unable to effectively position attacks with its tail, and having trouble just to stand in a defensive stance, the poisoned Vovin was soon open to a few swings from the warhammers to the body.
These attacks were too much for the Vovin, and it fled from the Klancers attacks, closely followed by the other. After successfully fending off the Vovin, the Klancers rushed to the aid of the Klance that got the worst of it. Barely alive, they carried him back to the clan. Unfortunately, it was too late for the clan to save him.

New Stats (+2EP)

Melee Fighting Techniques (+2EP) - Klancers are becoming more efficient with their weapons, able to time strikes better.

2011-06-29, 10:21 PM
After many such failed attempts to entertain themselves by watching the triangles (this last one going horribly awry), the Vovin have learned from past mistakes; they have become more aware of the dynamics of combat, be it with predators or prey. Separate and conquer, preying on the weaker individuals, trapping and cornering, etc; such tactics have become staples in the Vovin's arsenal of hunting techniques.

The leg muscles of the Vovin have also become considerably stronger, allowing them to maintain sprints for longer distances, deliver more devastating blows, and even to dig more efficiently.

Most notably, the complex burrows they make are often utilized as pitfalls to trap prey. Creatures that fall into these traps are often left wounded from the fall, and completely disoriented at the very least. Such victims are left completely helpless in the darkness, unable to rely on their eyesight while a Vovin can easily close in and finish them off without even revealing itself.

As for the triangles, the Vovin have sadly given up on watching them for entertainment. The last encounter ended in being driven away by them with their barbaric weapons, but not before giving a non-lethal dosage of their neurotoxin to one of the fruit-throwing offenders as a warning. Unfortunately, the complete paralysis caused by the toxin perfectly simulates death, and therefore the Triangles unknowingly buried one of their fellow clansmen alive, leaving him to suffocate miserably. The Vovin realize that encounters with the Triangles will not end in success, and so deliberately choose to avoid them.

New Stats (+6 EP)

Hunting Tactics (+3 EP)
Muscle Strength (+3 EP)

2011-06-30, 02:35 PM
Klancer: Reaction!

Woe and Behold! The Klance that was assumed dead is now alive! And contrary to popular belief, Klancers do not bury their dead. Rather, they place them at the trunk of one of the central trees of their clan, and cover them with leaves. In this way, Klancers give back to the plants. The bodies are covered with a potion that neutralizes odors and initiates decomposition at a much faster rate. This eliminates unpleasant aromas in the clans home and eliminates scavengers from picking up the scent. Luckily, the Klance rose from its death-like state before being coated with the concoction.
Everyone was very excited and also slightly confused. Almost any Klance can recognize the poison that the Vovin use as a neurotoxin, and they would have to assume that it is fairly strong. A dose injected into a wound like that would most likely be enough to kill a Klance, as they are quite small, especially compared to the Vovin. However, the Klance was not killed. The confusion comes from the fact that they are positive that the Vovin would know how much of their toxin would be enough to kill a creature the size of a Klance, or at least make him appear dead long enough for the funeral ceremony to take place, so why wouldn’t it have injected enough to do just that?
It was because of this that a member of The Few hypothesized that the Klancers extended amounts of time creating, using, and handling poisons have led to a natural resistance to poisons. And this hypothesis is spot on.
After a few tests and experiments, they realize that their body has produced antibodies to resist poisons, and they realize they must have had it for quite some time without knowing. Because of this, their current potions are actually much more effective against other creatures than they had previously thought.

New Stats (+8EP)

Poison Resistance (+4EP) – Klancers have discovered that they have natural poison resistant antibodies. They can reduce the effect, and/or spread of a poison.

Poisoncraft (+4EP) – The Klancers poisons are becoming more complex, resulting in stronger and more creative poisons with an array of purposes or uses.

End: Klancer Reaction!

2011-06-30, 07:52 PM

At first perplexed by the fact that they no longer had control over their own decisions (after being forced to attack a group of Klancers...over fruit...), the Vovin conclude that the Triangles have aligned themselves with a truly powerful god, since they apparently have the ability to change the actions of another species or even to make entirely new decisions for them. The god is of course none other than Snoop Dogg, who first created the Klancers after smoking approximately tree fitty grams of marijuana. Having a bad case of the munchies, Snoop Dogg opened a bag of Doritos and had a revelation. "Hey yo dawg, y'know what'd be tight? If deez Doritos had arms 'n' legs 'n' sheeet" he said, turning to his homie Dr. Dre. Dr. Dre looked at him for a moment before replying, "Dogg, you done smoked yaself retarded!" And thus the Klancers were born from the dreams of a rap god, given miraculous abilities to resist toxins that even human beings had no antivenom for. But most notable of all was their ability to manipulate the actions of other species, in this case the Vovin.

After realizing that they were up against the forces of Snoop Dogg, the Vovin decided that the only way to combat the magical Dorito-like beings was to find their own powerful god. Turning to the great Dr. Bill Cosby, they begged him to take them under his wing, and after much zip-zop-zoobity-bopping, the good doctor did agree. With the help of Bill Cosby, the Vovin began designing plans for a new toxin that would be able to combat the Doritos, eventually finalizing their plans to create...SUPERAIDS!!! It was clearly the only way, since regular AIDS would be easily overcome by the Doritos, who would simply eat some spinach and become instantly impervious to it. After completing the product the Vovin prepared to incorporate SUPERAIDS as a replacement for their neurotoxin, however they had no idea how they would perform such a task. They began performing experiments on the local wildlife, seeing how they would react to the SUPERAIDS in hopes of finding a solution. After many failed attempts, Dr. Cosby realized that they had created something horrible, for which there was no forgiveness. Taking the last of the SUPERAIDS and the knowledge to create it with, he infused himself with SUPERAIDS and sacrificed himself so that the jungle would never again have to suffer. Grieving over the loss of a truly great man, the Vovin shaked their paws at the sky.


Trollololololololol (+0 EP)


2011-07-01, 01:06 PM
Seeing that the gods of this world have all turned against them and with the recent loss of Bill Cosby, the Vovin have been turned to despair. Taking their poison-tipped tails and putting them in their mouths, they chug large amounts of Tetrodotoxin and die miserable deaths.

And thus the sun sets on the Vovin.

Extinct (+threeve EP)


2011-07-03, 01:04 AM
Initium: Niikto Reactio!

The Niikto as a whole are generally disinterested in extra-species relations but there are a few individuals that think attempting to commune with other species could somehow be beneficial. The majority of the Niikto don’t believe much can come of communicating with the barbaric triangles in particular but one Niikto seems to believe differently. Theorizing that they don’t actually communicate by normal means and instead use a majorly verbal language supplemented by gestures, she decided to go and find a community to study. She figures that if they are intelligent enough, she may even be able to commune with them in the Niiktos crude, highly object oriented, verbal language (because she has never met a Niikto that can make most of the sounds that the triangles make) and civilize them a bit to be less brutish. In hex K-25, she finds such a community and when a few triangles broke off from the group (enough that she could either leave or take on with out much of a problem), she approached them and reared up to about 2 ft high(their level) and tried communicating with them through field manipulations. When that yielded no results, she tried verbal communication (which consists of almost purring noises (like trilling your tongue while humming) and tonal chirps) relaying peace, friendship and what have you in an exaggerated way.

Many Niikto have moved out of H-24 and G-23. And still others have moved from the waters of H-30 to the forest covered hills of G-31 and also into K-25.

New Stats (+2EP)

Electrogenic Organ (+1EP) – Niikto's electro-genic organ generates about 10.5 watts. It is now strong enough to make sparks between the Niikto teeth, or any other part of their bodies that is close enough together, strong enough to start fires in dry things like leaves and thin bark

Speed (+1EP)- As they have evolved, some of the Niiktos slow twitch muscle has changed into fast twitch because of the forest environment and Niikto way of life. As a result, they are slightly faster on the ground than before, have much reaction time, and can strike and dodge faster. But they also tire slightly more quickly.

New Hex (+2,-2)

New Hexes: K-25, G-31
Left Hexes: H-24, G-23

Finis: Niikto Reactio!

2011-07-08, 11:02 AM
Klancer: Reaction!

In hex K-25, one group of Klancers finally found an individual who was attempting communication rather than attempting to kill them! Extremely excited, the Klancers concentrated on figuring out what, exactly, the Niikto was trying to say. They could not be certain what it was saying, but they were sure it was being friendly, and so concluded it must be words of friendship and the like.
The Klancers realized that they needed to create a common language so they could understand each other. And listening to the Niikto, it is understood that their verbal skills are not as great as the Klancers. Therefore, the Klancers tried learning the Niikto’s verbal language. They would point at something, say water for instance, and listen to what the Niikto would say, hoping it was saying the name of water. The Klancers would then repeat the name as best they could. This process continued on for a few more objects. Very slowly, the Klancers began learning parts of the Niikto verbal language.

End: Klancer Reaction!

2011-07-11, 07:49 AM
Round 5 summary

Niikto & Klancers - now that friendly communications have been initiated things can get interesting 6% population increase in each hex

Kragex - the shelters help survival greatly 5% population increase per hex

Round 6

Lightning flashes, thunder rolls, and rain comes in torrents. Across the world storms seem to happen more frequently and are much more severe. In the jungle it is increasingly common to find swaths of trees knocked over. The youngest species, the Divum, rarely go a day without seeing dark clouds with lightning flashing. The clouds aren't always right on top of them, it's just as common to see them off in the distance, many mile away. No species is safe, and death during the storms is becoming much more common as the storms grow in severity.

2011-07-17, 12:07 AM
Due to the large amount of thunder storms, the winds have displaced the Divum from their homes in the plains. One alpha Divum was smart enough to realize that they need to get out of the storms to be able to survive. It was not able to tell his pack this idea, so a wider Divum language was created to be able to tell them. To get out of the storm, the Divum fly to large trees and wrap their long tails around a high tree branch so when they let go, they can still have enough time to get airborne. Over time the Divum tail's became stronger with this practice. Eventually The new language was spread to all Divum as well as the ability to stay in trees.

New Stats



2011-07-17, 04:04 AM
As years go by, relations with the Klancers (the name the triangles use to identify themselves) improves dramatically. Understanding of their language improves and though many Klancers speak the Niikto spoken language rather fluently, most Niikto prefer to translate from the Klance language as it is far more complete. It is not all that rare to see several Niikto in a Klance community for shelter and rest or to see a group of Klancers traveling with a Niikto community for trade and protection. Though not overly useful, the Niikto have learned of some tool-making from the Klancers and readily input their advice and opinions to make the tech more efficient and less barbaric when they can. Many refinements are suggested to make Klancers less barbaric such as striking at vital areas such as hearts with spears and heads with hammers (this is natural for Niikto to do because of their ability to sense where vital points are).

During a typical storm, it darkens to the level of twilight, winds tear through the forests felling trees regularly and causing deafening cracking sounds which can be heard out thousands of feet while the constant static of rain covers up everything else. Conditions such as these tend to give Niikto massive advantages because of their lack of dependence on senses like sight and sound.
The major problem for the Niikto is lightning. While lightning is slightly more attracted to a Niikto above another animal (because of their highly conductive skin), the real problem is the Electromagnetic pulse that it releases. When a Niikto is too close to lightning it can be extremely disorienting to the point of knocking it out. Further the Niikto gets charged from the induced current so, unless it intentionally discharges, moving it would be extremely lethal. No Niikto has ever died from lightning direct or not because their skin acts as a faraday cage protecting their insides from the brunt of the strike and the electromagnetic radiation emitted from it.

These storms usually cause temperatures to drop dramatically and, for the cold blooded Niikto, this is a problem causing their overall performance to drop considerably in the beginning of the stormy years. After many years, several Niikto experimented with using electricity to warm up. The idea is that by causing enough electricity to flow throughout their bodies while increasing the resistance in their bodies, they generate heat. While its nowhere near as efficient as the Klance method, and far more exhausting [I’m assuming they are mammal like and thus warm blooded], it did work (though sunning is still preferred) allowing them to hunt efficiently in slightly colder temperatures.

New Stats (+10 EP)

Tool-making(+2EP) (ability to mostly design but also utilize simple tools)

Verbal and gestural language aptitude (+3EP) (Ability to understand and interpret verbal and gestural languages of other species)

Speed (+1EP)- Niiktos slow twitch muscle continues to evolve into fast twitch increasing reaction time, overall speed, and striking speeds but causing them to tire slightly more quickly.

Electromagnetic Aptitude (+2EP)
Logic/Processing (+2EP)

2011-07-18, 09:27 PM
Klancer: Action!

The severe weather has brought about many difficulties to the Klancer population. Their previous hammock-like beds are not sturdy enough to stand against the strong winds up in the trees. In response to the severe weather, the Klancers have adopted a new way of living, on the jungle floor, where it is much safer. They use the fallen trees to their advantage to create shelters and barricades. They have learned to reshape the ground (small-scale canals/reservoirs) to allow rainwater to flow away from important areas (such as sleeping areas, eating areas, etc.). Some Klancers have found that, relatively easily (though time consuming), they can hollow out large fallen trees in order to sleep and take shelter inside.
Using their tools, they have made much safer shelters on the floor, to protect them from both the weather and possible predators. However, predators are not a common threat, especially when Niikto are around.

Relations with the Niikto have been exceedingly well. Klancers often spend much time with Niikto, and are slowly becoming better at understanding each other. The Niikto have helped the Klancers in many ways, and they have even taught the Klancers a few tips and techniques to use while fighting. The Klancers have grown fond of the Niikto, a trusted species, and were concerned when they were told of the problem their cold-blooded friends were having due to the cooler temperature.

So, the Klancers tried using their knowledge, curiosity, and ingenuity to create something that could produce heat for the Niikto. They knew that friction existed from sliding down vines (though they did not fully understand friction) and that it always made their hands get very hot if they went too fast. After a few months of tampering with friction on various substances and objects, one group of Klancers finally discovered fire.

A giant breakthrough, no doubt. But the Klancers quickly realized how dangerous fire could be, especially to plants. Because of this, they all use extreme caution when dealing with fire, and have strict rules regarding its use. They have created relatively large clearings to act as fireplaces so there is no danger of engulfing nearby plants in flames (These 'fireplaces' are cleared on the jungle floor of small plants, though tree's still extend over the clearing high above where the fire could reach).
The Klancers use a flammable concoction to start the fire. They submerge several stones into this liquid, then place them in the center of the fireplace (now, they always use tools to handle the liquid to avoid getting it on their bodies, as it can be quite dangerous). With these stones all in contact with each other, as well as in contact with a small pile of dead branches and logs, they simply throw other stones at the liquid covered stones. Upon contact, a spark is made which ignites the liquid. In turn the flames will catch the dead wood on fire.

Fire is thought of as a sacred thing to the Klancers. It is used at large gatherings and celebratory and significant occasions. The plant-life makes the fire possible (at least for long term uses needed during celebrations), and they are continuously thanked and praised, before, during, and after a ritualistic, purposeful fire. And due to their devotion to plant-life, rarely, in fact it may be arguable to say never, are fires abused or ‘unlawfully’ created.

New Stats (+10EP)

Shelter (+4EP) - Klancers have created more stable forms of shelter on the jungle floor.
Firemaking (+3EP) - Klancers have discovered fire, and have made steps on how to safely make a fire for special occasions.
Melee Techniques (+1EP) - The Niikto have provided tips and techniques to help Klancers with fighting.
Niikto Verbal Language and Gestures (+2EP) - The Klancers are able to understand the Niikto verbal language, and are starting to identify gestures they make, and their meanings.

End: Klancer Action!