View Full Version : Age of Madness IC

2011-04-16, 02:54 PM
You cannot remember how many days you have spent locked in this chamber. The mirror plated walls cast the reflections of you and the others trapped in here with you at each other though until this moment you were drugged so deeply that you were not able to recognize where you were. Something has drawn the devils attention momentarily though, giving you a moment of clarity in the haze that has been the last month. You must escape, for you know that they will begin dosing you again as soon as they resolve their problem;

Chained Birds
2011-04-16, 06:05 PM
Artemis Lore

...What did I get myself into this time? I usually recover fast, but it feels like months have gone by since my last thought.

A weary man rises from an apparently long stupor. He glances over the scenery in a haze, and immediately recognizes the troubles at hand. He makes a small check over himself, then address the group.

"Hey, is everyone alright? I may not know who you are, but if you are injured, don't hide it. I'm a medic, and will aid anyone regardless of who you are."

Heal check: [roll0]
- To potentially identify the drug and/or side effects of the drug
- To determine overall health

2011-04-16, 06:19 PM

Amongst the captives stands a Female elf of roughly 5 feet. Her bright red hair, bronze skin, and turquoise eyes give her a remarkable appearance for her race. She stumbles over to the wall and checks herself out in the mirror. Satisfied, she begins checking her pockets. She produces a pouch with a draw string, which she puts around her neck, and a folded up silk shawl which she drapes over her shoulders and secures with a pin.

She begins looking around the room at the other prisoners, eying them nervously. "Thats comforting, I appreciate the offer. Does anyone know where we are? Is this place in the Yuirwood?"

2011-04-16, 07:23 PM

If the stories you've heard are to be credited, this gold-skinned man is an Aasimar. He stands just shy of six feet tall, wields a longsword, and wears a chain shirt. Extensive scarring on his skin is evidence that your captors took special interest in this prisoner.

Looking at his newfound companions without the haze of drugs dulling his senses, the Aasimar says little for a moment.

DM: Flind inspects the nearby area and people with his detect evil ability. He makes note of objects and people radiating evil, and the extent to which they do before continuing.

Flind will also determine if his familiar is within 1 mile of him by checking its emotional state.

"Under the circumstances, I believe a brief introduction is ideal," Flind begins without prelude, "Something has distracted our jailers. The mockery of laws that these creatures follows is a false and unjust veil for brutalizing the weak; therefore, I would conspire that we escape. If possible, we should free others as well. Can anyone open the way?" he asks, looking to his fellows, then inspecting the room.

Blinking a couple of times, he then offers, "My name is Flind. I'm normally more inclined to work within the rules, however experience informs me that this approach is futile, here."

Flind will take 20 searching the room, for a result of 32.

Sparing a glance to Artemis, Flind adds, "A healer's talents may well come in handy during our evacuation. I can add some slight capability as well, in a pinch. I know some tricks which are intended to be used for entertainment, but may provide a distraction for us as needed."

2011-04-17, 06:16 AM

Sitting with his back to one of the mirror walls rests a human male. His hair is down to his shoulders, and unkempt at present. His blue eyes had fluttered open some moments ago. The effects of the drug wearing off slowly he shook his head as he sat forward and looked among his new companions. They were a strange lot, but such is what may be found trapped in a place such as they were in.

Standing up slowly the man rose to his full height, and stretched his arms over his head. He listened carefully before speaking, looking more like he had awoken from his bed to find people in his home more than he was a confused prisoner.

Well since introductions are going around I'm called Chilli. Pretty interesting predicament we've gotten ourselves into it seems, but I don't think these fiends can keep me in here for long.

Turning his head he looked from Amavin to Artemis and then to Flind, and one hand slipped around his back to produce the small folded leather pouch that contained his coveted thieves tools. He pulled them with the flair of a magician.

"There we are. Now if there were something I could possibly...do with these lock picks, we'd be in business. Perhaps poking about blindly will lead to finding something of import hmm?"

I take 20 searching the room. I get a 31.

2011-04-17, 06:25 AM
You find that at the base of each mirror forming the walls there is a small symbol. The symbols for each mirror are different.

2011-04-17, 09:08 AM
"Well, as far as being locked in a room by evil monsters goes, I suppose I'm lucky to be here with a group of stalwart heroes. My name is Amavin, and I am an ambassador from the land of my people. I'd say it is a far away land, but I have no idea where we are."

The petite bronze-skinned elf stretches for a moment, and her eyes flutter. As she exhales, her eyes appear slightly glossier, and everyone suddenly feels like they have gained a bit more control over their mental faculties.Draconic aura (senses): All allies gain +2 to spot, listen and initiative.
"Oh, and I have some minor magical abilities too. Just a few cantrips and prestidigitations I learned in my youth working for a trader's guild. I can detect poisons and magical auras, if that helps anyone. I am otherwise in your hands. I know you are not obligated to help me, but I would be eternally grateful, as would my family."

2011-04-17, 09:56 AM

"Presumably, these mirrors are for more than mere cosmetic use."

The Aasimar looks between the various symbols.

As appropriate, rolling for either Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion) (Edit: see OOC thread. I screwed up the roll here.)

If the skill roll fails and his fellows offer nothing after a few minutes, Flind will cast comprehend languages. His known languages are Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling and Gnome.

Chained Birds
2011-04-17, 11:55 AM
Artemis Lore

"It appears everyone is active. I guess the side effects of the drug aren't present, or have disappeared now. It is good to know everyone is alright.
I'm Artemis, a medic from the southern lands, who was visiting a friend to the north when suddenly everything went black. As for our prison, I'm not the puzzle solving type, so the least I could do is check for the presence of magic.
This is a bizarre place."

He reaches out, grasping for his holy symbol, but realizes it isn't there. He assumes the item was taken due to being a small sword-shaped emblem that could probably be used as a weapon. So instead, he simply points towards the the closest mirror and covers it in an invisible spray of divine energy.

Standard Action: detect magic
- Will hold for as many rounds as possible

2011-04-17, 01:10 PM

Chili peered down at the magical symbols and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He nodded to Flind and turned to look at the self proclaimed medic. He stood then and glanced at Amavin as well.

"Looks like we've got some strange markings here. Maybe a few one of you knows a trick or two to take a look at them, or can see if they have some sort of magical property? It's not really my specialty..."

Turning back to Flind he saw the man perusing the symbols and he tilted his head.

"Figure anything out by chance? They look like chicken scratches to me."

2011-04-17, 01:29 PM

"Symbols huh?" She walks over to Chilli and neals beside him. "Lets take a look here..."Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]

2011-04-17, 07:00 PM
If you got a 20 or higher on Arcana check read this
The symbols appear to be Runes of Translocation, they activate magical portals when the correct command word is spoken.

2011-04-17, 11:37 PM

Frowning slightly, the Aasimar concedes, "These are beyond my knowledge, Chili. Ambassador Amavin, are you having better luck, perchance?"

Chained Birds
2011-04-18, 06:51 AM
Artemis Lore

With a disturbed smile,

"It would appear this holding cell was made by beings far greater than us. It would be problemmatic to interfere with the magic in this mirror without a full understanding of it.
My opinion, if it matters, would be to wait for our captures to return and fein our previously druged condition; then strike when they least expect it."

He doesn't know if it will work, but he at least wanted to put this idea out if no one else has anything to do. He then lays against the wall/mirror behind him in a relaxed pose, and waits for a response.

2011-04-18, 07:52 AM

"I'v seen something like this before. Actually, they're quite commonplace in Sildeyuir. They are runes of translocation. If you know the command word, they will teleport you to a set location. Unfortunately we don't know the command words, or where they will take us. Each appears to be different, which just raises more questions."

Amavin thinks for a moment.

"That idea fascinates me Aretmis. Perhaps they have been speaking the command words in front of us, but out drugged minds could not make out the words or remember them. This could be our chance."

2011-04-18, 09:31 AM

Thinking on it for a moment he nodded to Flind. Looking between the Medic and the ambassador he scooted back to where he had woken up and sat down there, a look of mirth in his eyes.

"Now that I can get on board with. A little subterfuge has never failed me, I tell you what."

He grinned wide as he watched the rest of them, his eyes still peering over at the strange runes they had discovered.

"If things get hairy though I may have something I can try. I've fooled a magical rune or two in my time."

2011-04-18, 11:33 AM

"Time may well be of the essence here," Flind considers. "Our actions should be deliberate; however delaying until the enemy comes to us is likely a mistake."

When in doubt, roll and shout. Spellcraft is used to identify symbols, read scrolls, etc. Zahn will attempt to puzzle out the way to activate the runes on three nearby mirrors. If need be, he'll cast read magic:

Noting that some of his companions lack armor, Flind offers, "I can grant you a ward that may protect you from our enemy. It is hardly adequate protection, but certainly better than what you have."

Flind is, of course, referring to mage armor. This will grant a PC an Armor bonus of 4 for the next 5 hours. Unlike standard armor, this applies to ethereal touch attacks.

Chained Birds
2011-04-18, 12:14 PM
Artemis Lore

He shrugs lightheartedly,

"I would suggest armoring anyone but me. I'm not the most combative member; I leave that up to Heckatrice, my companion. I worry about her sometimes, but mostly I worry for the safety of others if I'm not around to calm her down.
My plan is in effect until anyone else finds something new. So good luck, as my plans usually leave to people getting hurt (namely me)."

Chuckling a bit, he continues to lean back against the glass/wall and admires his reflections.

2011-04-18, 12:20 PM

(Looking at Chilli) "What do you mean, you've fooled a magical rune or two? If you could activate a rune of translocation without the command word, that would place you head and shoulders above the loathsome thieving half-breeds of the Yuirwood. More importantly, It would place you on the short list of primes that have managed to earn my undying gratitude."

2011-04-18, 07:58 PM
Iolo's eyes snapped open. It had taken a bit longer for him to fight off the effects of the drug, this may have had something to do with the fact that he had recieved a smash to the head in order to get the drugs in him in the first place. Taking in his current condition and cell-mates, Iolo grimaced. "Fantastic. I let my guard down once, once, and the fiends drug me and throw me in a cell. I guess they've finally wisened up." Sitting up and giving his neck a crack, Iolo gave the other occupants of the cell an appraising look. They didn't look like much. One seemed to be some sort of elf, weak of body like the rest of her kind. Two others bore the tell-tale signs of celestial heritage, similar to his own. The last was decidely human. "Ah. Others. So I'm still not a big enough threat to warrent my own cell. That should change once I break out of their little cage." Shaking himself off, Iolo rose and gave a small bow. "But I've forgotten my manners. I am Iolo Wynn, servent of the Order of the Blessed Fire. Pleased to make your aquaintence. Now, if anyone knows where we are..."

Chained Birds
2011-04-18, 08:35 PM
Artemis Lore

"From what I can tell, we've been arrested by some devils due to ambiguous reasons. Glad to hear that you're up, I figured the drugs would leave your system in a few minutes when I gave you a glance over. If I had my kit, I probably could have relieved you of the drug sooner.
The names Artemis good sir, and might I ask you to see what can be done about this cage? Solving puzzles is not my specialty."

He smiles and then continues to look at his reflections.

2011-04-19, 08:22 AM

Glancing up at Amavin he nodded. Sitting up slowly he laced his fingers together and pushed his arms out, cracking his knuckles. It was at about that time that Iolo woke up and began to speak, the man turning his head, a shock of blonde hair falling across his face. He listened a brushed the hair back behind his ear before speaking.

"My names Chilli, friend. I like Artemis said...Seems rather devilish and we have no idea exactly where this place is. Only thing we've sussed out so far is these little funky runes. Our elven companion here seems certain they are runes of translocation. I'm thinking of taking a crack at one of them, care to take a look at it with me?"

He grinned wide.

"After all proper introductions of course."

2011-04-21, 12:36 PM

Completing a few, fast hand gestures, Flind summons a transparent shirt of force energy around Artemis.Casting mage armor. Five hour duration.

Chained Birds
2011-04-21, 12:49 PM
Artemis Lore

Noticing the magic around him, he nods at Flind with a thankful smile and continues his relaxed attitude.

2011-04-21, 04:13 PM
"Runes of Translocation, eh? Well, let's see what can be done about that." Iolo kneels down to examine one of the runes, moving his hand across it slowly. Closing his eyes, Iolo allowed his inherit magic to mingle with that of the rune, and hopefully, give him the ability to activate the portal.

UMD time!
Oh. Wait. It's a Skill Check. No Auto Success. :smallfrown:

2011-04-21, 05:05 PM
The mirror that corresponds to that rune becomes opaque in color.

2011-04-21, 05:11 PM

Chilli turned towards the rune that Iolo went to and he nodded to him. He leaned over as the man began to work at the rune, and watched his progress. He knew enough about activating magical devices that he could follow what Iolo was trying, and when the mirror turned opaque his grin went ear to ear.

"Good show man, we should be able to get out of this box and into...well hell anywhere would be better than here eh?"

Chilli stood up and cracked his knuckles, turning and looking at the group there. He reached into his pocket and ran a finger along the invisibility potion he had hidden away for sticky times, figuring one might come up very very soon.

"Not time to waste lads and lasses. No telling how long this thing will stay open, fiddling with magical devices isn't an exact science."

2011-04-21, 05:17 PM

2011-04-21, 05:18 PM
Boned by a server error, double post :smallfrown:

Chained Birds
2011-04-21, 05:35 PM
Artemis Lore

"Oh *yawn*, is it open? I figured I could get a non-drug induced nap out of this moment of clarity, but our time is short."

Artemis rises from his prone position and dusts himself off. His gauntlets, 1 of few items he happens to still have on his person, tightened and ready for combat (or lack of combat would be equally nice).

2011-04-21, 08:55 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

"Outstanding work my friend. Now, do we have any volunteers to test this thing?"

Amavin pulls a small bit of leather out of her draw string pouch, and casts a spell on herself.
Mage Armor, 5 hrs.

2011-04-21, 09:11 PM
Weird. Last post showed as GamblerJoe, but I don't see it here. Posting in case it makes the post pop into existence. Edit: Which, in fact, it did. Looks like the board has an off-by-one bug for new pages.

Chained Birds
2011-04-22, 02:06 PM
Artemis Lore

Artemis walks over to the opaque mirror and turns his attention to Iolo,

"So I just pass right through here or something?"

There seems to be little to no hesitation in the actions he wants to perform, as he tries to push himself through the mirror. To his understanding, this is what one has to do to exit this prison.

2011-04-22, 06:57 PM
"I believe that is the idea, my Lord. The door should lead us to somewhere less restrictive. And perhaps to the rest of my equippment." Iolo gave a small bow, and motioned to the new doorway. "After you. Brother blood-blessed." Iolo looked Artemis straight in the eye, gauging his reaction to the name the Order had given him for those who shared his blessed heritage. Preparing to follow soon after Artemis, Iolo reached into the magic flowing through that same blood, and brought it into his eyes, channeling the light within to light his way without. As well, Iolo sent the magic through his limbs digits, and felt small patches of sticky webbing form upon his fingers and boots. He was ready for whatever the gate held on its other side.

Throwing up Devil's Sight and Spiderwalk. For the next 24 hours, I have Darkvision that works in magic darkness out to 30 ft, I can spider climb, and I'm immune to webs. I figured I'd use my all-day personal buffs while we were safe.

Chained Birds
2011-04-23, 12:26 AM
Artemis Lore

Artemis seems to show no real reaction to Iolo's response, and continues to try and push the mirror open like a stuck door that opens outward. Then taps on it if it doesn't allow him passage.

2011-04-23, 12:36 AM
Artemis falls into the mirror. On the other side he comes out in a dark room.

Chained Birds
2011-04-23, 01:03 AM
Artemis Lore

Artemis is surprised but thinks nothing of it, as he scans the area around him.

Spot Check: [roll0]

2011-04-23, 01:04 AM
Artemis sees a wall covered in tools of some sort. He also sees a large object covered with a tarp in the corner of the room.

Chained Birds
2011-04-23, 01:16 AM
Artemis Lore

Artemis would usually roll off his curiosity impulses and examine the tarp, but decides to alert the others to what he had found; returning back, or re-opening the mirror he came from if possible.

2011-04-23, 08:59 AM

As he watched the exchange between Iolo and Artemis he readied himself. He was preparing to do the same and enter the mirror when Artemis stepped back inside of their prison. Chillis brow furrowed as the description was given, and he nodded to Artemis.

"Better there than here. I say we get everyone through before we're checked on."

With that, Chilli nodded to the group and cautiously as attempted to walk through the mirror like it wasn't there.

2011-04-23, 09:11 AM

Noting that the mirror now acts as a portal, Flind steps through to see what's on the other side.

"Can everyone see here?" he asks in a hushed voice.

2011-04-23, 09:37 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

"Well, if its dark on the other side, I suppose we will need some light." Amavin casts a spell which causes her ring to shed bright light, then follows Flind into the portal.

2011-04-24, 11:45 PM
The light shed on the room reveals a wall covered in tools, a tarp covers a large corner of the room.

2011-04-24, 11:52 PM

The Aasimar inspects the area before moving. He'll proceed to the tools, then the tarp, taking care not to disturb anything quite yet.Search checks (Flind possesses Trapsense):
Entry area:[roll0]
He then detects evil in the room for a few rounds, focusing for two additional rounds if he becomes aware of anything.

2011-04-24, 11:54 PM
There appears to be nothing strange with the room, a aura of evil glows from under the tarp.

2011-04-25, 12:03 AM

Glaring suspiciously at the tarp, Flind eases his sword into his hand. Looking at the tarp, he motions at it with his sword, mimicking an attack.Determine aura strength, if possible. Here's a handy link with the details. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectEvil.htm)

2011-04-25, 12:04 AM
The aura is of a moderate strength.

2011-04-25, 08:08 AM

The Aasimar mimics a pair of horns with his offhand, still looking at the tarp.

2011-04-25, 08:25 AM

Chilli moved to the rack of tools, looking for something pointy, or perhaps even a knife or dagger if one was available there. He kept a close eye on Flind though, and the rest of the party as he worked to find something suitable.

Once Flind made signals denoting that the tarp was in some way bad, he instantly became silent. He worked quickly, and quietly to find a weapon, or to pick up a makeshift one if nothing truly suitable presented himself.

He turned and stepped between Amavin, Artemis and the tarp, knowing from adventuring experience that they may have less fighting experience than he or Flind.

Chained Birds
2011-04-25, 08:25 AM

Artemis performs a motion symbolizing lifting the tarp. He means to see what is under the tarp personally, but doesn't want to invade anyones' strategies.

2011-04-25, 08:33 AM
On the rack you find tools for smithing, you could use one of them as an improvised weapon, though they were clearly not made for such use.

2011-04-25, 08:39 AM

Once he's assured that everyone is present, Flind glances away from the tarp just long enough to nod at Artemis.

Chained Birds
2011-04-25, 12:27 PM

With an amused smile, Artemis whisks the tarp off whatever it is concealing, stepping back 5ft with the momentum of his pull.

2011-04-25, 01:16 PM
You find what appears to be a forge and anvil. A sword rests on the anvil.

2011-04-25, 01:16 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

The elf watches Artemis with great interest as he reveals what is under the tarp. She takes a step back bumping into the wall behind her.

2011-04-25, 02:26 PM

"Hold a moment," the Aasimar cautions, "Something here has a purpose more foul than stabbing devils."

Flind continues to detect evil to determine if the aura he sensed is from the sword, the anvil, or something else.

2011-05-01, 02:01 PM
Th aura radiating from the sword nearly eclipses a lesser aura given off by the forge as a whole.

Chained Birds
2011-05-01, 04:33 PM

Thinking to himself while the others stare intently at the obviously evil sword,

Hmm, I wonder where Heckatrice might be? She is probably so pissed-off after I disappeared from her sight. Might as well face the music, as the bards say.

Artemis concentrates, and attempts to summon his mighty (and semi-destructive) lizard mount.

Action: attempting to summon special mount

2011-05-02, 05:18 PM

Noting his companions' hesitancy, Flind decisively grabs the largest mallet he can find, grips the sword with a pair of tongs, and smashes it to bits. he then inspects the room, looking for other exits.

2011-05-02, 08:17 PM
Your blows leave the sword untarnished. Artemis' mount materializes briefly in a ghostly form, before disappearing again.

2011-05-02, 08:24 PM

"It would appear this blade requires special knowledge to destroy. Let us not tarry here further," Flind states with some urgency.

Chained Birds
2011-05-02, 10:23 PM

Slightly upset over the ghostly form of his companion leaving him behind, nods to Flind, and begins searching for an exit.

Search Check: [roll0] or taking 20 if allowed [21] (unnecessary I guess)
- searching for an exit, door, trapdoor, portal, ect.
- minus the mirror-door from where we've initially arrived from.

2011-05-02, 10:27 PM
You discover that a patch of the stone of the wall appears to be loose.

Chained Birds
2011-05-02, 10:40 PM

"Well look at this."

Artemis turns to the rest of the group and yells out,

"Hey guys, I've found something potentially good."

As he says that, he attempts to pull the stone out.

Strength check (if necessary): [roll0]

2011-05-02, 10:48 PM

"The potentially good here are likely prisoners," Flind grouses. Suddenly becoming aware of Artemis's discovery, he falls silent and moves to help.

Strength check, if needed: [roll0]

2011-05-02, 10:51 PM
After wrenching loose the stones, you discover another mirror. A rune, similar to the one from before sits at it's base.

2011-05-03, 08:17 AM

The lithe man watched as Flind brought the hammer down upon that sword. He had only heard of its evil aura, not being able to see such but hearing that metal clang and seeing the sword unharmed he grimaced and nodded.

"Righto. Best to leave that one be."

He turned then to see Artemis looking about at some sort of stone, and when he saw the man dislodge it he grinned wide at the familiar mirror. Tucking the pointy metal tool he had found into his belt he turned to the rune and dusted off his hands.

"Lets have old Chilli give it a try this time..."

He knelt down by the rune and worked his hands over it, trying to recall some of the more useful magical knowledge he had, in an attempt to get this mirror like portal to function.


2011-05-03, 01:54 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

"Well, isn't this interesting." Amavin ambles over to the weakened stone and shines the light where everyone is working.

2011-05-03, 06:23 PM
Iolo looked back at the blade. He liked swords. He wanted his back. He really should have some weapon. And how evil could it be? "Evil enough to survive being struck with a massive hammer, and suffer not. I guess I'll need something else to use." he muttered under his breath. Approaching the tool rack, Iolo searched for something that could reasonably pass as a sword. Or even just something pointy would work, until he could get his own sword back.

2011-05-04, 06:56 AM
The mirror becomes opaque, as the other one did when activated.

2011-05-04, 07:34 AM

A wide grin spread on the mans face as he reached down and slipped that tool he had taken to defend himself with into his hand. He hefted it, hoping it would do the trick and then crouched back down.

"Splendid. I knew there was a bit of magic left up my sleeve. I'll do the honors on this one..."

With that Chilli moved forward into the mirror as they had before. He kept low, moving slowly and trying to at least be quiet.

Move Silently!

2011-05-04, 07:38 AM
You find yourself in an armory of sorts, weapons and armor sit on racks. Several chests sit on the edge of floor by the wall. A small pedestal in the center of the room holds several gleaming golden weapons.

2011-05-04, 07:56 AM

Seeing the amount of weapons, types of armor, and other such interesting items Chilli turns back and returns through the portal, looking about for a moment he grins.

"The next room seems more promising. Armor of sorts, several chests, and some strange weapons in the center..come on, lets leave this workshop and get ourselves set to for some defense."

He turns to Amavin and smiles wide.

"Might you kindly bring your light in as well? Might need it to find the good stuff."

He gave the female and wink and stepped back through the mirror.

2011-05-04, 08:06 AM

Entering the next room, Flind pauses to inspect its contents.

Detect evil as before.

2011-05-04, 08:08 AM
The entire room glows with evil.

Chained Birds
2011-05-04, 09:27 AM

"Oh, a room full of weapons and armor?"

Questions Artemis as he wanders through the mirror, noticing the array of items. But he doesn't care much for items of that nature, and investigates the chests.

"Now what do we have here? This might be amusing."

Artemis attempts to open the chest. If it is locked, he will try to break the lock using his gauntlet, and a well placed series of harsh blows.

Standard Action: basic attack
- attack: [roll0]
- damage: [roll1]
- crit confirm (20): [roll2] (for lols)
- damage: [roll3]

2011-05-04, 09:29 AM

"The armaments here are tainted. I'm uncertain about the contents of the chests."

2011-05-04, 09:31 AM
The lock on the chest breaks open with a loud SNAP!

2011-05-04, 09:34 AM

The Aasimar then bends to inspect the various chests.

Search (with Trapsense):
#1 [roll0]
#2 [roll1]
#3 [roll2]
#4 [roll3]
#5 [roll4]
#6 [roll5]
#7 [roll6]
#8 [roll7]
#9 [roll8]
(Discard later rolls in the likely event of them being excessive. If more are needed, please let me know.)

2011-05-04, 01:43 PM

Shaking his head as he turned to see his companions checking out the room, Chilli had turned to look at the chests when one opened with such a brutal snapping of the locking mechanism. He approached, seeing Flind looking the chests over as well.

"I happen to have squirreled away something that might open those locks with a bit more finesse..."

He fanned out his thieves tools as he looked at the um molested chest(s)

Chained Birds
2011-05-04, 02:02 PM

With his hands on the latch of the recently "unlocked" chest, he questions Chilli slightly.

"Why would I need to unlock something that is open?"

He says this as he flings opens the chest with little regard to traps or whatnot. A happy-go-lucky small perched across his face.

2011-05-04, 02:24 PM

"If we have someone skilled in dealing with such things, it is best to let them do so," Flind cautions his fellows.

If Flind sees any traps, he points them out immediately.

2011-05-04, 03:22 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

The elf continues shining the light where it is needed. "Is it all evil? Is there anything we can use? If we find anything devoid of an evil aura, I would be glad to check it for other magic."

2011-05-04, 03:39 PM

"The chests don't have a foul aura. I'll inform you further when I can examine the contents. I would advise seeking enchantments elsewhere in the meanwhile, though -- there may be traps or unseen magic nearby."

2011-05-04, 04:56 PM
Inside of the chest Artemis finds his missing equipment.

2011-05-04, 05:50 PM

Chilli grins as he sees Artemis with familiar equipment, crouching down he moved down the line, working at the locks of each of the other locks.

Open Lock!


2011-05-04, 05:54 PM
The locks pop open, the chests revealed to contain everyone else's equipment.

2011-05-04, 08:54 PM
Iolo smiled when he saw his sword and bow within the chest. Withdrawing his equipment, Iolo gave his blade an experimental twirl. Fingering his holy symbol, Iolo gave a nod to Chilli. "Thank you, my friend. Now that I have my weapons once more, I can destroy the ones who imprisioned us. Come. Let us return to our cell, where we can lay in ambush, and deliver justice." Fire burned in Iolo's heart once more. With sword in hand, and magic flowing at full strength through his veins, Iolo could face any foe.

2011-05-04, 11:28 PM

"I have a companion somewhere nearby whom I would set free. Chili, would you be able to manage your trick with another mirror?"

2011-05-05, 06:54 AM

Looking up to Flind as he was going through his pack to make sure everything was in order. He pulled out his trusty everfull mug and tapped it on the side, lifting it and draining the contents of the meager ale it provided he wiped his chin with the back of his sleeve and nodded.

"I reckon I can try. We'll have to find if there is another mirror in here. I'll take a look around, but if you and Amavin can use your magical detecting abilities you might find it too, it is magical after all right?"

He shrugged and fitted his back to his back, his gear settled in familiar fashion around his form. He then took to searching the room for any sign of another mirror.


Chained Birds
2011-05-05, 06:56 AM

Re-equiping his gear, Artemis notes that his companion would never fit inside such a small container.

"They would need a fairly sturdy room to house my reptilian companion. Maybe we are simply being blocked from summoning creatures in general. Does anyone have a summoning spell they could test out?"

2011-05-05, 10:25 AM
You discover no new mirrors in this room.

2011-05-05, 06:34 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

"Ooh, my bag. Exemplary work my friend." Amavin checks the contents of her bag then goes back to following the group.

After silently holding the light for a while, she chimes in. "Sorry, I have no skill in summoning. Perhaps we should check another mirror from the main room. It could be that they have your celestial companion bound with their foul magic."

2011-05-07, 10:24 AM

After searching about in the room and finding on new mirrors he scratched his chin thoughtfully, then shrugged and nodded to Amavin.

"There certainly are more mirrors there. I can't think of a better idea, so I say we back track and try a different way."

He moved then back to the mirror that had brought them into the room, checking to see if it was still activated.

2011-05-07, 10:34 AM
The mirror leading from the armory to the smithy is still opaque.

2011-05-07, 06:51 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

Amavin follows Chilli into the workshop, and stays behind him. "Can you use that trick to turn these portals back off, you know, cover our tracks a bit?"

2011-05-07, 06:53 PM
server error, double post. IGNORE ME!!!

2011-05-11, 09:42 PM

Flind also heads back to the cell to await another door's activation.

Chained Birds
2011-05-12, 07:16 AM

"So, which mirror do we head through next? I don't mind either way, but hopefully we will be able to find our animal allies."

Following towards the front of the group, he seems to occasionally glance back at the others, scanning them, or sizing them up in some way.

2011-05-12, 08:18 AM

As the party ventured back to their original cell Chilli pondered for a moment and then gave a light shrug.

"Well given that we have no idea where these things may take us, I say we simply keep it easy to remember which ones we have used. Lets take the one directly across from the one we tried first."

He nodded to the gathered group and made sure everyone was back through the portal and into the starting room before turning and working his skillful hand at the rune directly across from the one already used.

Waiting until the party is all in the cell, then activating the rune directly across from the one we used first.


2011-05-12, 12:28 PM
The mirror becomes opaque, as the others did.

2011-05-12, 01:00 PM

Sword ready, Flind steps through.

2011-05-12, 06:02 PM
Flind finds himself in a steamy filled room, the steam is thick enough that he can't see farther than 5 feet in front of himself.

2011-05-12, 07:32 PM

Putting a hand on his rapiers hilt Chilli moved through the opaque mirror behind Flind. He peered into the steam as they arrived there and he grimaced. He looked to Flind and whispered...

"I've got a bad feeling about this.."

He then slowly pulled his rapier out of its sheath, keeping it close and ready.

2011-05-13, 03:29 PM

Stepping back briefly, Flind reports the room to his companions. He then advances into the room.

Hide (in the fog's concealment): [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

As needed to notice nearby enemies:
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2011-05-13, 03:42 PM
Flind notices some subtle movement in the mist. It moves with an unearthly speed, he is barely able to follow it.

2011-05-13, 04:25 PM

Rapidly flicking his fingers as he incants, the Aasimar hurls a blast of sparking energy at the briefly-sighted being.

Cast glitterdust (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/glitterdust.htm) aimed at Zahn's best guess of the opponent's location (he'll aim a bit farther to avoid hitting himself if need be). The spell permits a Will save (DC16; 17 if the opponent is flat-footed) or else the creature is blinded for 5 rounds. Regardless of the save, the creatures in the 10' radius burst are at -40 to hide rolls for the 5 round duration.

2011-05-13, 05:34 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

Amavin enters the room as Flind casts his spell. She quickly scans the room and sniffs the air, silently hoping to discern the location of her potential enemies.

checkshide: [roll0]
move silently: [roll1]

2011-05-13, 05:44 PM
Your spell bursts to no effect, the movements in the mist continue on seemingly at random.

OOC: Make a reflex save Ama, Flind and Chili

2011-05-13, 07:27 PM
Reflex: [roll0]

2011-05-13, 08:18 PM
Amavin is struck by a heavy steel ball. As quickly as it comes, it disappears back into the steam. Both Flind and Chili manage to step aside as the balls that would have struck them go whizzing by, Chili's barely missing him by a hairs breadth.

Forgot Damage: Amavin take 5 damage and is stunned.

2011-05-13, 08:43 PM

"Traps!" Flind announces in a stage whisper.

2011-05-14, 07:46 AM

Almost taking one of those steel balls himself, he looked down at his surroundings, and began following along the wall, stopping to search for any way to stop these crazy devices.


2011-05-14, 09:01 AM
Iolo poked his head through the mirror-door, and noticing the giant swinging balls, carefully slides himself into the room, away from the objects which could cause him pain. "I've got nothing on this, folks. They're swinging a bit too fast for me to just smack them down."

Chained Birds
2011-05-14, 12:28 PM

Walking through, Artemis stands back,

“If anyone is injured, just tell me.”

2011-05-14, 12:44 PM
Unfortunately, you can determine no set pattern of the balls. The room is too thick with mist for you to determine where the device controlling the balls is.

2011-05-14, 04:47 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

After reeling for a moment from having the wind knocked out of her, Amavin scrambles back to the portal and leaves the room. She catches her breath in the main chamber and awaits word of the trapsmiths' success.

2011-05-14, 05:13 PM

Concentrating briefly, Flind begins to move rapidly. He then heads off into the steam.Cast expeditious retreat (speed increases to 60 for 5 minutes). Following this, move straight away from the mirror until encountering a wall. Assuming these balls are swinging from the ceiling, they'll either swing back before striking a wall, or else enter some sort of receptacle.

2011-05-14, 06:34 PM

Shaking his head Chilli kept moving along the wall, following it along and searching.

Assuming that I will have to make more reflex saves at some point.
Moving along the wall one move action(30 feet) unless I find a change in direction. Making a search check once I stop.


2011-05-15, 07:16 PM
Chili finds no device controlling the balls still.

OOC: Roll a reflex save Flind

2011-05-15, 08:51 PM
Flind attempts to dodge another trap.

Reflex: [roll0]

2011-05-15, 08:54 PM
Flind is smashed into by a sweeping ball. As fat as it came, it is gone.

Flind takes 5 damage

Chained Birds
2011-05-16, 06:52 AM

Hearing the clank sound of someone's head connecting against a piece of heavy metal,

"I repeat myself, if you need any healing, be sure to contact me."

2011-05-16, 07:54 AM

Rueful chuckling is heard in the mists.

Circumnavigate the room 60'. As needed, here's another save: [roll0]

2011-05-16, 01:14 PM
As you move you sidestep as another ball of iron whizzes past your face.

2011-05-16, 02:18 PM

Doing much the same as Flind, Chilli works his way about the edge of the room, looking along the walls for any panels, boxes, contraptions, or other form of marginal possibility that may control these fell devices.

Search and Save!
Search check in case he actually finds something worth searching, and a Reflex save because well, there are metal things flying about.


[roll1](REFLEX) This is +2 higher than before, I forgot to add in my +1 for grace, and +1 for trap sense.

2011-05-16, 02:32 PM
No balls come near to Chili, though he doesn't find any devices to disable the swinging iron balls.

2011-05-18, 05:56 PM

Turning back to the entrance to the room, he stepped back through and shook his head as he thought about what they had found.

"It's a mess in there. No visibility, room is big and dangerous."

He turned and looked at the remaining Runes, and shrugged, kneeling down and looking at the runes on the doors they had yet to try.

"Anyone care to pick a mirror?"

Chained Birds
2011-05-18, 06:45 PM


Artemis flips a coin in the air. [roll0]

"That one!"

He points to the left-most, unactivated mirror to him.

2011-05-18, 07:16 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

"Seems as good as any." Amavin walks up to the mirror and waits beside it. "Even if it means returning to rooms later, it would be wisest and most goodly to free everyone's companions as quickly as possible."

2011-05-18, 07:42 PM

Seeing Artemis quick to choose a mirror he nodded.

"Why didn't I think of that. Leave it all up to lady luck."

He reached down under his tunic and gave the holy symbol of Tymora a squeeze, and placed his hands over the rune, using the same old tricks to activate it.


2011-05-18, 09:29 PM
The mirror turns opaque.

2011-05-19, 06:27 PM

Looking back to Artemis and Amavin Chilli nodded at the opaque mirror.

"I'll head in. If I don't come out in thirty seconds or so, come in after me."

With that he stepped through the opaque mirror, keeping low and as silent as he could.

Hide and Move Silently!

2011-05-19, 08:12 PM
Unfortunately your attempts at stealth are futile as several chain covered humanoids stop striking out at the training posts that they were practicing on, looking towards you. One of them shrieks out loudly pointing towards you.

ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! Cleavon only for now.

2011-05-19, 08:24 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

Standing next to an unactivated mirror, Amavin begins tapping on the glass once per second. She sings one of her favorite songs to the beat, "The Champion and the Fool."

Chained Birds
2011-05-19, 08:27 PM

"Oh! I love that one! The bards sing that song about me all the time."

He claps away with the beat of the song.

2011-05-19, 09:30 PM

Chilli grinned wide as he looked at the chain covered beings in front of him. His grin continued as he spoke quickly, then stepped back through the mirror behind him, if it was still opaque.

"Just one second gents, have friends to bring to the party."

If the mirror is still opaque, stepping back through it while speaking, telling the party we have visitors, and moving back through, enter defensive fighting and ready rapier.

2011-05-20, 08:47 PM
Iolo smiled as Chilli came back through the mirror-door. "We have friends, I assume? With large, sharp, pointy objects, or some combination of the three?"

2011-05-20, 10:57 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

"The fiends who brought us here I presume? Let us send them back to the hells they came from." Amavin casts a spell on herself and waits for everyone to enter the portal.

Spider Climb (at will, self only)

Chained Birds
2011-05-20, 11:46 PM

"Evil creatures? Hmm, sounds fun!"

Artemis casts a spell over himself and walks into the portal.

Initiative: [roll0]
Standard Action: cast magic circle against evil on self
- 50mins duration
- 10-ft.-radius emanation from touched creature
- +2 dodge bonus until next turn
- All creatures within the area gain the effects of a protection from evil spell, and no nongood summoned creatures can enter the area either. You must overcome a creature’s spell resistance in order to keep it at bay (as in the third function of protection from evil), but the deflection and resistance bonuses and the protection from mental control apply regardless of enemies’ spell resistance.
Move Action: move through portal
Free Action: draw halberd

2011-05-23, 03:13 AM
The chain devils approach you, though none are quite close enough to strike out at you yet.

OOC: I just gave you a free round, anyone planning to fight should likely go into the portal.

2011-05-23, 08:10 PM
Placing his hands against his blade, Iolo brought forth a sheath of holy energy, empowering his sword. Getting his weapon ready, Iolo smiled and stepped through the mirror. Switching to the Infernal tongue, Iolo issued a challenge. "So, foul ones, you thought to lock me away? Think again! Iolo Wynn is free! And vengeance is mine!"
Casting Bless Weapon. Also throwing out a Demoralization check against the nearest "chain covered humanoid"(can I make a Know:Religion on them? I suspect Chain Devils.)
Intimidate - [roll0]

2011-05-23, 09:59 PM

Flind steps through the mirror portal. Sizing up his opposition, he prepares a little surprise.Ready to cast glitterdust (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/glitterdust.htm) when he can hit the most opponents. The spell affects a 10' radius area and does not permit SR. Affected creatures must make a Will Save (DC16) or be blind for 5 rounds.

2011-05-24, 01:15 AM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

The elf cautiously steps through the portal behind her party. Upon spotting the chain covered bipeds, she conjures a missile of potent acid and launches it at one of them.

Melf's Acid Arrow (round 1/3)
Spell Resistance: No
Ranged Touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Chained Birds
2011-05-24, 07:14 AM

Artemis holds an attack action, aimed at whichever enemy comes within range of his lance tip.

Readied Action: attack approaching enemy
- attack: [roll0]
- damage: [roll1]
- crit confirm (20): [roll2]
- damage: [roll3]

2011-05-24, 06:50 PM

Shaking his head as he looked at the chained monsters before them he slipped a hand into his pack and grasped a small vial. He pulled it forth and quaffed it, flexing his muscles a bit afterward, feeling slightly more protected. He kept up his defensive stance and stayed slightly between the monsters and the less combat oriented of the party.

Quaffed a potion, Shield of Faith +2 Round: 1/10

2011-05-29, 03:27 AM
The chain devil approach closer, almost to you now.

Chained Birds
2011-05-29, 10:49 AM

After the spell goes off, Artemis drops his halberd and charges at the devil in-front of him, drawing his lance as he charges.

Free Action: Drop Halberd
Free Action: Draw Lance as part of the charge movement
Charge Attack: Chain Devil 2
- attack: [roll0]
- damage: [roll1] (x2 due to using a lance in a charge)
- crit confirm (20): [roll2]
- damage: [roll3] (x2 due to using a lance in a charge)

Edit: of course I'd roll a 1 on my character's first combat :smallsigh:

2011-05-29, 02:01 PM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

Amavin backpedals into the wall, and begins to crab-walk up the side of it until she is 15 feet above the floor of the dungeon. She then casts a spell and points a finger at a different devil, launching a second acid arrow.

Melf's Acid Arrow, devil #2 (round 1/3)
Spell Resistance: No
Ranged Touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Melf's Acid Arrow, devil #1 (round 2/3)
Damage: [roll2]

2011-05-29, 09:20 PM
Iolo smiled as the devils continued to approach. He had offered them a chance to stand down. They chose not to take it. Now they would face his wrath. Letting loose a field of divine anger, Iolo moved into position against the closest form of moving chains. Concentrating the power now ambient in the air, Iolo struck with his blade. All of his might, into a single blow. Fun time.

Swift action, activate Aura of Retribution. If one of them hits me, the Aura hits them back. It's only equal to my +2 Con Mod, but it's still something.
Move to in front of Devil #1.
Improved Stunning Smite. DC 14 Will Save. Failure paralyzes the Devil for a round. Success means it's stunned. I also get Cha to Attack, and Paly level to damage.
Not sure if this is legal, but I'd also like to activate Hideous Blow, to add Eldritch Blast damage to this ridiculousness.
Power Attacking. -2 to Hit, +4 to damage.
Attack Roll - [roll0]
Damage Roll - [roll1]
Eldritch Blast Damage(Seperated due to questions of legality) - [roll2]
EDIT: Derp. Rolled a 1. This is akward...

2011-05-31, 04:44 AM

Grinning wide as he looked sidelong at Flind he spoke quickly.

"Lets make short work of these things, who knows what else may come."

With that he rather showily sprung to action, his rapier ready in one hand,and his feet and body launching him into a dash forward that ended with his rapier first, stabbing at the lead devil, his rapier diving in towards the things most tender bits.

Charge the lead devil.(Chain Devil 1)
AC: 20 base (+2 Deflection(potion round 2/10) +1 Dodge(feat) +1 Dodge(Class ability, stacks with feat) -2 charge AC 22 versus Chain Devil 1, 20 versus others.

Attack roll:
Damage roll:
Sneak Attack!

Additional Damage?

2011-05-31, 07:55 AM

Noting Chili's weapon's impact on the creatures, Flind says "Let's even things up a bit, shall we?" He then invokes a strange prayer over the rogue's rapier.

Move up and cast bless weapon on Chili's rapier. The blade overcomes evil creatures' DR and automatically confirms critical hits for 2 minutes (Paladin caster level = level / 2).

2011-06-10, 10:20 PM
The devils dance forward, slashing out at the farthest forward members of your parry with their chains. Cleavon take 11 damage, Iolo takes 4.

OOC: Map is updated

2011-06-11, 07:38 AM

Quickly reciting another prayer over Chili, Flind then moves into position to grant him tactical advantage.

Casting aid on Chili to grant +1 morale to attack rolls (among other things) and [roll0] temporary hit points. Moving into flank on Chain Devil #3 with Chili. Chili now has the following benefits against this target:
+2 to attacks due to flank
+1 to attacks due to morale bonus
Target denied dexterity bonus (blind)
+2 to attack due to blindness
Chili's weapon overcomes the target's DR
Any threats with Chili's rapier automatically confirm

Go to town, son. It's your birthday!

Chained Birds
2011-06-11, 10:14 AM

Unfazed by his previous failure, Artemis attempts to strike the creature again.

Standard Action: attack chain devil 3
- attack: [roll0]
- damage: [roll1]
- crit confirm (20): [roll2]
- damage: [roll3]

2011-06-11, 11:07 AM
Once more, Iolo channels his divine might into his blade. Now he was angry. As his sword swung once more, lashes of righteous anger flew out and struck the offending devil. Even if his blade did not connect, the beast would feel his rage.
Aura of Retribution hits the chain beast that hit me for 2 force damage.
Smite again. Power Attack -1 Hit for +2 Damage.
Attack Roll - [roll0]
Damage Roll - [roll1]

2011-06-11, 02:31 PM

As he felt a chain tangle about his thigh and rip painfully away he grimaced, his quick movements not seeming to save him from all harm given these nightmarish adversaries. His head turned to see Flind moving about to take advantage on the devil to his left, and he quickly turned to stab at the beast that was now between them.


[roll2] (Sneak attack)

No need to confirm.
[roll3] (Additional damage)

AC: 20 (+2 Shield of Faith deflection round 3/10) Ac 22 versus Chain devil 3.
+1 dodge feat, AC 23 versus hain devil 1
+1 dodge class feature, allows different target from feat, AC 23 versus Chain devil 4

2011-06-12, 11:17 AM
Amavin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=290407)

The elf climbs further up the wall and lauches an acid arrow at the only remaining unaffected devil.

Melf's Acid Arrow, devil #3 (round 1/3)
Spell Resistance: No
Ranged Touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Melf's Acid Arrow, devil #2 (round 2/3)
Damage: [roll2]

Melf's Acid Arrow, devil #1 (round 3/3)
Damage: [roll3]

2011-06-12, 03:32 PM
The creatures scream out in anger and pain. The lash out at those nearest to them. Cleavon takes 3 damage, Artemis takes 8 damage, Iolo takes 3 damage. Start at beginning of initiative.

2011-06-12, 03:39 PM

Grimacing a bit when one of the chains grazed along his calf, slowing his movements for just a moment, he didn't let it ruin his resolve to keep these buggers interested in him. He struck out at the same one as his last attack, seeking to try and eliminate one of the threats.

Attacking Chain Devil 3 once more.
[roll2] (Sneak attack)

No need to confirm.
[roll3] (Additional damage)

AC: 20 (+2 Shield of Faith deflection round 4/10) Ac 22 versus Chain devil 3.
+1 dodge feat, AC 23 versus hain devil 1
+1 dodge class feature, allows different target from feat, AC 23 versus Chain devil 4

Guided by the spell cast by his ally Flind, Chillis rapier slips in among the chains surrounding the devil and bites deep into his flesh, a gout of blood spilling over the thin blade as he pulls it back.

2011-06-12, 04:13 PM

Running around the remaining devils, Flind places himself in another place of tactical advantage, striking at the nearest devil.

Chili has nailed devil #3 for 55 damage, which is likely enough to kill the thing. Flind moves to flank devil #4, provoking an AoO from devil #1 (which can see him). Flind swings at the new target: [roll0] (+2 flank; +2 blind; target denied dexterity bonus to AC) for [roll1] damage.

Confirm 19-20: [roll2] for [roll3] more damage.

If for some reason devil #3 is still up, just apply the attack to it instead, then move as described if the attack drops it.

Chained Birds
2011-06-12, 04:56 PM

"Ouch! Now that wasn't very nice at all."

Artemis takes a step back and attempts to skewer the devil in front of him with his lance. With the attack, Artemis calls upon the power St. Cuthbert and prays that his weapon strikes true.

Free Action: 5ft step back
Standard Action: strike same devil with smite evil
- attack: [roll0]
- damage: [roll1]
- crit confirm: [roll2]
- damage: [roll3]

2011-06-15, 06:07 PM
A devil goes down, finished by a lancetip through it's chest.

The others attack you relentlessly. Cleavon takes 3 damage, Iolo takes 7 damage.

OOC: Devil #3 is dead

2011-06-15, 07:20 PM

His smile wide as he saw a devil fall to the ground lifeless, he turned his attention to the one in front of him.

Attacking Chain Devil 1. Hopefully he is still blind. If he can see my attack roll is 2 lower.
[roll2] (Sneak attack)

No need to confirm.
[roll3] (Additional damage)

AC: 20 (+2 Shield of Faith deflection round 5/10) +1 Dodge feat Ac 23 versus Chain devil 1.
+1 dodge Class feature, AC 23 versus hain devil 4

Chained Birds
2011-06-15, 07:41 PM

Seeing the devil fall, Artemis charges another devil.

Charge Attack: Chain Devil 2
- attack: [roll0]
- damage: [roll1] (x2 for charge)
- crit confirm (20): [roll2]
- damage: [roll3]

-2 to AC, Current AC = 19

2011-06-16, 12:25 AM

Glancing at the enemies nearby, the Aasimar brings his longsword about at the nearby devil.

Flind is at G33 on the map flanking Devil #4 with Chili -- I'm guessing this was maybe the one you wanted to sneak attack, Cleavon? Similar to #3, it's blind and flanked.

Attack Devil #4: [roll0] (+2 flank; +2 blind included; devil is FF) for [roll1] damage.

Confirm 19-20: [roll2] for [roll3] extra damage.

Edit: Looks like another 11 damage, minus DR.

2011-06-28, 05:14 AM
The devil's lash out in retaliation at your strikes.

Cleavon takes 3 damage, Flind 7 and Artemis 8.

2011-06-28, 05:36 PM

Seeing Flind opposite Chain Devil #4, he grinned wide and spun himself in that direction, Rapier sliding forward in an elegant fashion as it sought to puncture the devil and take him out of the fight most hopefully.


Attacking Chain Devil 4.
[roll2] (Sneak attack)

No need to confirm.
[roll3] (Additional damage)

AC: 20 (+2 Shield of Faith deflection round 6/10) +1 Dodge feat Ac 23 versus Chain devil 1.
+1 dodge Class feature, AC 23 versus chain devil 4

2011-06-28, 06:11 PM

Considering his situation for a moment, Flind briefly lays his hand on the burning injuries inflicted by the chain devils.

Continue to flank; lay on hands to heal 12hp on himself, restoring to full health.

Chained Birds
2011-06-29, 12:45 PM

"Is everyone doing well?"

Feeling the blows aren't too severe, he attacks the nearest Evil thing.

Free Action: 5ft step if necessary to use lance
Standard Action: attack nearest demon/devil
- attack: [roll0]
- damage: [roll1]
- crit confirm (20): [roll2]
- damage: [roll3]