View Full Version : GASP! It's Serious Question 6! What game item would you like to own?

2011-04-17, 08:54 PM
Ladies and gents, after last week's significantly more personal question (I mean, seriously, I asked whether or not you believed to see video games in your life! That's crazy!) So as an "apology" (and I guarantee, I totally will ask something relevant to that again.) I've decided to ask you guys one more fun question I've been holding back until I thought this had gained more popularity.


Actually, Assassin's Creed has done it for me. I've spent time plotting the best rooftop routes, and subconsciously make the blending sound when sitting on a bench or joining a crowd. Also Heavy Rain. Others do it too, but those are probably the most serious.

Minecraft. I could totally mine that mofo. :smallcool:

After playing Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, I would find myself instinctively attempting to activate my night vision goggles after dark.

MW2: Every time I see a red light out of the corner of my eye I think it's a claymore.:smalltongue:

Years ago when I was still in highschool I played way too much Grand Theft Auto (Doesn't matter which one, really). Walking home from school one day, I found myself instinctively moving my thumb to press 'R3' to look behind myself.

After playing too much Deus Ex, I was outside smoking one night, leaned against the corner of a building, while two people walked by me without noticing me. I was immediately relieved that I hadn't been spotted and my middle finger twitched to change my weapon to the Stun Rod and take them out before their patrol route had them facing towards me, alerting the more heavily armed guards.

Thankfully, I didn't beat them unconscious.:smalltongue:

Neat story, when Rollercoaster Tycoon first came out, I played it before I went to school, after I went to school, and until I (sometimes literally) had to be dragged back to bed.

Now, combine this with a nasty head flu, and I actually started hallucinating that I was building pathways around my room. Vivid, full-on, colourful hallucinations. To the point where I was going insane because I thought that the supports would block my passage in the room, and to the point where I built ramps to get onto my bed. My parents were quite worried that day.

Super Puyo-puyo.

After I first discovered the game, whenever I closed my eyes, I saw exploding bubbles.

Fallout 3: GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! Seriously, I keep looking at people and seeing the VATS targetting grid pop up. Though it now has additional locations such as Eyes, Groin, and Boobies.

Any game with a lead indicator. The fact that I've always been able to do it naturally doesn't really help, but now I see the little indicator.

And if anyone knows how to make my health bar stop flashing I'd love to know. And no, standing still and not getting hit isn't helping.

Alright, which one of you works for GameFAQs? (http://www.gamefaqs.com/poll/index.html?poll=4302)

Oh, and after an extended Morrowind session I started seeing dialogue options next to people I was talking to.

Big shocker, no-one here does. I run my own blog. It's currently dying, but I plan on launching a new one.

For me, it was Katamari Damaci. I played it for a couple hours, and when I next stepped outside, I was thinking I wasn't yet big enough for the cars on my street, but that some bushes and fence posts were the perfect size to roll up.

And now we have the question for this week:

What game related item have you wanted to own?

I mean this in the way "Would you want a Portal Gun? Or Plasmids? Or a Stasis Module? Or whatever else you could think of?"

Your pick. Don't limit yourself to the above. Personally, I want to have a suit of MJOLNIR Mk. IV armor, with the Spartan III enhancements to go along with it. I think in second I'd go for a Dead Space style plasma cutter, to enact rogue vengeance against some guy who tried to anger me. Yes, I'm easily irritable.

That's it for now. And now a new feature, I'm linking back to old questions, in case you want to read up on some!

Question V: The Tetris Effect (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194103)

Question IV: Lengthy Gaming Sessions (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=191386)

Question III: Big Cheat Codes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=188734)

Question II: Deserved Sequels, Devs Didn't Take (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187683)

Question I: Favorite Game Glitches Galore! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187150)

Alright then, this is the complete post I promised two questions ago, so here it is now.

2011-04-17, 09:06 PM

X-Com has so many good choices.

I suppose it depends on E-115 stores.

With a near-infinite supply, an Avenger would be pretty alright. Otherwise, flying armor, maybe?

I mean, blaster bombs and laser rifles are great, but they just get you in trouble.

Flying armor?

You can laugh off anything short of a Warthog's main gun shooting at you, fly, there's enhanced strength, apparently some magnification, the thing's comfy enough to wear everywhere judging from how agents walk around the base in a defense mission, the benefits go on and on.

2011-04-18, 01:32 AM
I'll take a Shrike from X3: Terran Conflict, plus a full complement of 8 Kestrels to put aboard it...I've always wanted to just wander the universe in my own starship.

2011-04-18, 02:02 AM
Not as video-gamey as I'm thinking you want, but I would love to have a ring of Sustenance.

Never have to spend money on food again AND I only need 2 hours of sleep to be fully rested? Yes PLEASE.

****, that would be useful.

Avilan the Grey
2011-04-18, 03:50 AM
The Gauss rifle from FO3.

Tali. Um that might have come out wrong... but um yes. :smallbiggrin::smallredface:

2011-04-18, 04:19 AM
Ragnarok-class titan from eve-online (15km long spaceship)

hell, i'd be happy to own (and then sell) on in game.

sadly most of the games I play are a bit too violent for real-life ownership.

2011-04-18, 05:15 AM
A Ring of Three Wishes springs to mind... :smallbiggrin:

Hunter Noventa
2011-04-18, 05:20 AM
There is only one answer.

The Kurogane (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDV5K3dlddI&feature=related), with all the robots that come with it of course. But failing that I'd be happy with a Gespenst Type-S (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5Z3DIbrtR0&feature=related)

2011-04-18, 05:29 AM
The Precursor Vindicator. Preferably with artefact equipment, a full crew, several landing shuttles and a Quasispace drive.

2011-04-18, 10:50 AM
Well, if we're going that large scale, scratch the flying suit.

Fully operational, fully stocked X-com RnD base.

Laser cannon sales make it self funding. Couple Avengers mean FTL, see the galaxy.

And lots of power armor, man portable nuclear-equivalent devices, and lasers to keep things fun.

2011-04-18, 11:54 AM
Shrike from X3TC. Far and away better than than anything else around.

Clawshots from Twilight Princess. Zipping around at high speed.

Experimental MIRV, Fallout 3. Because sometimes you have blow everything up.

2011-04-18, 12:30 PM
Well, if it has to be in the portable range, I want the Portal Gun. For vehicles, I'm not sure yet.

2011-04-18, 03:42 PM
I would like the Toolgun, from Garry's Mod. Portable spawn-everything-cause-everything-to-interact-with-anything-else-exactly-how-I-wish-it gun? Yes please.

I could probably have been more concise with that request.

Alternatively, yeah, Portal gun. And Power Armour. 40K style Power Armour. Dawn of War still counts as a game.

2011-04-18, 04:17 PM
I'm afraid it'll be impossible to choose for me. It might be the Fatman Fist/Phist from Dystopia. I love that thing to bits.

2011-04-18, 04:44 PM
Portal gun wouldn't be much fun if they didn't come with the boots (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX9Sc88qreg)

2011-04-18, 05:55 PM
Oh, go with the fancy guns and stuff.

I'll just take the simple stuff: full set of Pokeballs, each with one of my prefered team of 'mon contained.

2011-04-18, 09:21 PM
Oh, go with the fancy guns and stuff.

I'll just take the simple stuff: full set of Pokeballs, each with one of my prefered team of 'mon contained.

Simple is always better. I'd like any of the whips from castlevania. ^^

2011-04-18, 09:36 PM
Tali. Um that might have come out wrong... but um yes. :smallbiggrin::smallredface:



2011-04-19, 01:25 AM
Having just completed radiant historia for the DS I think I would go with the the white chronicle, for infinite uses of time travel to explore alternate permutations of life choices.

I'm surprised that so many people want weapons. They would just get you killed when some powerful organization or government decided they wanted it/that you were a threat to national security

2011-04-19, 01:30 AM
Having just completed radiant historia for the DS I think I would go with the the white chronicle, for infinite uses of time travel to explore alternate permutations of life choices.

I'm surprised that so many people want weapons. They would just get you killed when some powerful organization or government decided they wanted it/that you were a threat to national security

Muahaha, they'll never take my whip, cuz what good is a simple whip to the government? Nothing! So I get a cool whip owned by one of the Belmont family, and the government gets what it deserves: squat.

2011-04-19, 01:50 AM
Unicorn Horn, from Nethack. Cure any disease? Remove any ability damage? At the least, I'll be healthy and fit, with all my wits about me through old age. At best, it's type II immortality.

2011-04-19, 02:15 AM
(Non jackass) genie or ring of three wishes.

As for the wishes?

1) Wisdom, if only so I'll know what to wish for next
2) Depends on my outlook after wish 1, but as for right now, a Ring of sustenance-type ability without the need for an item. Or maybe just conditional immortality. (Who wants to live forever if they're doomed to live in the belly of a red giant some 300,000,000 years down the line?)
3) Technical prowess that will, in conjunction with my newfound wisdom, allow me to sculpt future human history so I don't have to deal with the annoying side effects of being immortal, such as apocalyptic warfare, famine, recursion back to the stone age because of some overzealous peon with his finger on the button, etc. etc.

Barring any of that, just the ring of sust, then. Very useful.

2011-04-19, 02:42 AM
Having just completed radiant historia for the DS I think I would go with the the white chronicle, for infinite uses of time travel to explore alternate permutations of life choices.

I'm surprised that so many people want weapons. They would just get you killed when some powerful organization or government decided they wanted it/that you were a threat to national security

An entire X-Com base, fully stocked?

It, and this is coming from the prospective of someone who, under normal circumstances could not outfight first graders, could hold off the world in a nice MAD deadlock.

Seriously, one Avenger could rip apart the entirety of the world's airforces, assuming it was allowed refueling breaks.

Zen Master
2011-04-19, 06:29 AM
Well - anything with the ability to A) enter hyperspace, and B) refuel itself from a nearby sun, for instance. Hm, an option for planetary landings would be nice too.

And since we're on Valve products, Freemans suit would be very nice too.

And the gravity gun ... pardon, zero-point energy manipulator.

2011-04-19, 06:41 AM
Hmm, I'd say, PhysGun from G-Mod. Or a Creeper from Minecraft. Or Lightning's gunblade from Final Fantasy XIII. Or the cheat gnome from Sims 2 Pets on PS2. No, I think I'll have to go with Meta's sword from Kirby... or the Smash Ball from Smash Bros. No, I've decided, an Arwing... or a Landmaster. I can't decide! Can I have all of them?

Thanatos 51-50
2011-04-19, 06:53 AM
Portal gun. Ever since that game came out, man, Portal gun. Could you imagine the money I'd save on daily trips?
Also: heelsprings, because damn' that stuff is awesome.

2011-04-19, 06:57 AM
You convinced me, Portal Gun for me too. Or a dimensional wormhole. I want everything that has ever existed in a videogame ever. Especially the cake, even though it's a lie. But not the Perfectly Harmless Companion Cube, or the Replicator Melon, or the Lemming.

2011-04-19, 07:12 AM
Ring of the Khajiit is probably my #1 just because of how many jams it's gotten me out of before. 30 minutes of invisibility ftw!

warty goblin
2011-04-19, 09:39 AM
The Crysis nanosuit. I don't want a bunch of stupidly powerful weapons, all that would do is force me to use them and I have no desire to turn into a mass murdering jerk.

Being super mobile (and invisible!) however would just be fun.

(Although I would like Geralt's swords from the first Witcher, but that's just because they're very nice swords, and I like nice swords.)

2011-04-19, 10:53 AM
Suspicion: Ninety seconds after receiving nano-suit, Warty ends up in a girl's locker room. :smallwink: :smallwink: :smallwink:

2011-04-19, 02:13 PM
The Crysis nanosuit. I don't want a bunch of stupidly powerful weapons, all that would do is force me to use them and I have no desire to turn into a mass murdering jerk.

Being super mobile (and invisible!) however would just be fun.

(Although I would like Geralt's swords from the first Witcher, but that's just because they're very nice swords, and I like nice swords.)

Why my "within limits" was an X-Com power armor suit.

Not as fun as the nano-suit, but much less likely to mutate my DNA, and much more durable. Nano-suit can get you hurt with small arms or other "normal" problems. X-Com armor can shrug off anti-tank weapons without a scratch.

Sure, ideally you aren't going to do something stupid and get shot at, but be prepared and that.

2011-04-19, 11:02 PM
Any item from Diablo 2 that included extra gold from monsters or higher chance for magic find. Then proceed to go dumpster diving and rake in the cash.

2011-04-20, 10:00 PM
Any item from Diablo 2 that included extra gold from monsters or higher chance for magic find. Then proceed to go dumpster diving and rake in the cash.

Reminds me of the Borderlands quest "Dumpster Diving for Great Justice!" ... except less disgusting.