View Full Version : Volcanotown

2011-04-20, 12:17 PM
Lawful Neutral magical town/city in a volcano. Who lives there? What are the politics like? I'm thinking it will have lots of Azers. Are there any fire dragons without a good/evil alignment component?

The [fire] subtype is very common. What are cool/interesting monsters that could inhabit this city? What are useful items the players could buy here?

2011-04-20, 05:35 PM
Fireblood Dwarves (Dragon Magic) seem like an obvious choice. Fire Giants could probably fit in ok too. The Iron Dragon (Dragon #356) is a LN dragon with the fire subtype, and seems like the best fit for your criteria.

Basically, I wouldn't stretch it much beyond two or three main races.

2011-04-20, 05:55 PM
I would suggest a Efreeti or two for flavor. Perhaps an embassy or such.

2011-04-20, 06:20 PM
I've decided on a British govenmental style set up. The King will be an Elemental Fire Monolith with warmage/warsnake casting and divine rank 1 while in his volcano. He is True Neutral, lord of his realm, and ultimate arbiter. He is ancient beyond belief, but fair, wise and pragmatic. His history is murky, but he has settled on the material plane after some conflict with an ancient forge god on the elemental plane, or perhaps banishment by an efreeti sultan. The monolith wants to keep his small community intact and has no wish for expansion.

The House of Lords will be an enclave of neutral, lawful neutral, and a few evil Efreeti who have fled the city of brass. Together, they also can achieve a divine rank of 1 within volcano town. The younger efreeti like to make money and have odd hobbies. The older ones are bent towards eventually returning home leading an army to retake the city of brass. The royal houses have many slaves and great wealth that they took with them from the plane of fire. The efreeti are incredibly cautious, as they do not have the resources the city of brass has at their disposal for keeping efreeti from being bound by mortals who want their wishes. With few exceptions, they wish to do nothing more than trade and build their base of power until they can return to the plane of fire.

The House of Commons is largely composed of two ruling parties; the Azers and the Salamanders. The Azers prefer trade and policies that support trade, while the Salamanders are more warlike and wish for more policies on raiding/taking over other places. Both races use volcanotown as a base of operations for their interests.

Other inhabitants will include the odd intelligent fire based creature (still looking for a dragon; don't have the Iron Dragon issue), transient planar creatures, casters, adventurers, and of course, stuff like fire elementals, fire toads, ash rats, etc.

The city is currently at odds with a fire giant kingdom that wishes to find a way to capture some of the efreetis' wealth and the portal to the elemental plane of fire there. Or something. How would a LN/TN trading city state deal with the tyranny of fire giants, and vice versa?


Oh yeah, the players can also by lava that has had shrink item cast on it here. What other goods should be available? I'm thinking of treating this place as a planar metropolis for many goods, what with efreetis getting all those free wishes.