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2011-04-21, 01:52 PM
Months before the adventurer's set out on the road to Winterhaven, a man named Douven Staul had set out on the road to Winterhaven himself. He had managed to get his hands on a map with the location dragon's tomb not far from the town and had set off in search of the remains and with any luck, the dragon's hoard as well. As the months wore on, Iltaru, the man's close friend became worried that he had not returned and began searching for others to accompany him to Winterhaven in search of Douven Staul.

Meanwhile, in the Great Church, a priest of Pelor by the name of Marla had tasked Joran Skyborn with travelling to Winterhaven as well. Marla's research centered around the study of the history and activity of various demon and death cults. Her research had led her to the accounts of several witnesses claiming to have seen a small group of death cultists travelling towards Winterhaven. With further research and information gathering she has since determined that the group is led by a twisted and dangerous priest named Kalarel, and she fears that he has set up a secret cult in the area and is conducting unholy ceremonies. Joran has been tasked with leading a small band of adventurer's to Winterhaven to determine if there is indeed death cult activity in the area and to put an end to it if there is.

Other's members of the Great Church had been looking for likely candidates to accompany the Paladin of Avandra on this quest and had selected 3 companions for him. These companions were Rythia They'lliar, Nathanial Duport, and Thyrn.

As the group was preparing to depart for Winterhaven, Iltaru found them and asked if he could accompany them to the town and if they could assist him in locating his close friend, Douven Staul.

2011-05-03, 05:58 PM
To Rythia and Thyrn: "Lady luck smiles upon me! It's my first mission and I am teamed up with two other half-elves. Having grown up among men and goblins in the slums of Pedra's Gate, I've rarely met others of my kind. Tell me, have either of you seen elven lands?"

To Nathaniel: "Always good to have a rogue on our team. If there is anything the halfling priests of M'Lady has taught me is that it's always good to have a nimble set of hands working with me. By the way, have you been to Pedra's gate? You look familiar."

To Iltaru: "Greetings... uh sir. I suppose you are the one searching for you scholar friend?"

Joran has never seen a shardmind before.

2011-05-03, 11:01 PM
Without betraying any of surprise at seeing the lad, Nathan tells him, "Hmm Pedra's Gate... Pedra's Gate... nope, never heard of it, never been there in my life... err what was your name again dear fellow?"

Turk Mannion
2011-05-04, 12:24 AM
Looking at the group, Iltaru nodded slowly. "My goal is to find my friend. However, I also see that others have tasks for which they seek answers and I can see how they are important to each of you. In return for your assistance with finding my companion Douven Staul, I would be.....happy....if you might permit me to return the deed and assist you with your assigned tasks. My name is Iltaru."

It is a few seconds after he finishes speaking that he holds out his hand suddenly, as if he has belatedly remembered that this is a proper way to introduce himself to others.

2011-05-04, 05:45 PM
Rythia was honestly impressed with the way Joran was handling himself. He made every effort to speak to everyone individually. The attempt was appreciated. In her eyes, he was the one leading this expedition to Winterhaven. So she had no problems with assisting him to the best of her ability. When introductions were being made, Rythia had responded well, "Well met, my name is Rythia Theylliar. I didn't expect to see so many half-elves in our group either. I'll do my best to aid the church and you in this task. Actually, I was raised in an elven community myself before...what is the term...ah, wanderlust convinced me travel. At least, that's what the elves call it. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to chat once we begin the journey in earnest." She never really met many half-elves so she was looking forward to the adventure.

Still, that wasn't the only reason she was happy. The crimson haired woman glanced at Nathaniel with a warm smile, "In any event, I'm glad we have seasoned adventurer with us. This will make our task go smoothly." She had no reason to doubt his story about being a professional. It gave her some hope that they could all live up the church's expectations.

Her eyes drifted to Shardmind. This being was curious to say the least. She wasn't quite sure what to make of him. The young woman had never seen one before. Still, she was just as friendly with Iltaru as anyone else, "Hopefully we can find out some information regarding your friend, Iltaru. Even if we have different reasons for traveling, I see no reason why we shouldn't help one another."

Rythia took one last moment to go through her belongings and ensure that she was truly ready for the journey. There was little doubt in her mind that these moments would be far and few between.

2011-05-04, 07:20 PM
Joran recognizes Iltaru's attempt at socialization. He realizes that he never got anywhere by being cautious, so he warmly shakes Iltaru's hand and pats him on the shoulder. "Good to have you with us. Feel free to tell me more about Mr. Staul. Were you close?"

Joran then turns to Rythia. "Sometimes, I think my entire life feels like wanderlust. I've been alone for so long, that it'll be nice to have companions." Noting that she carries herself like a warrior, he motions to her longsword, "Has it seen much action?"

2011-05-05, 03:32 AM
((OOC: Forgot to answer Nathan? Ah well, its just a name, I'll retcon it into my post and you can edit it in later. Also, does anyone know anything about Sournote? Post in the OOC thread, I just didn't want to triple-post.))

Noting the attention Joran was getting, Nathan had to assert himself as the senior here. "Joran, ah a fine name for a wanderer of such... wanderlust." he replied with a bow to Joran after recieving his name.

Continuing onward, he paces beside the two and draws Rythia's sword from its sheathe and studies it, testing its weight and staring into his reflection in the blade. He taps his palm with the blade after a moment and answers for Rythia, "This is certainly no virgin blade as the damage in the edge should indicate. Despite that, it is still remarkably well maintained." Looking up from the blade to Rythia with a slight grin, "Some say that a sword is a mirror of the wielder's soul." He stops midstride and tosses the blade to Rythia then continues pacing around.

He addresses Thyrn seemingly cheerfully and shakes his hand "And you, er, Thorn. Happy to have you on the team. Though I daresay I haven't seen you around these parts at all. Where are you from?"

He sees the mass of green-blue stones and creases his brow. Nathan circles around the construct, looking it up and down. Still clearly uncomfortable with addressing it as a person, he says, "How does it speak?" He says so with a humorously confused look.

2011-05-05, 06:49 PM
Rythia blinked a bit in surprise as Nathaniel examined her sword. The young woman was clearly impressed with his assessment. She blushed a little as she confirmed his story, "Although I am mostly self-taught, I did find a ranger guard or two in my grove to teach me finer points and spar with. The trip out of the grove was not entirely easy either. My mother probably wouldn't have let me leave if I couldn't prove that I could take care of myself a little." She took back her weapon and stared at it for a moment, "She...doesn't particularly like me walking this path. We argued about it for weeks." Securing it on her waist once more, Rythia finished with a knowing smile, "I love her dearly but sometimes...I think she worries too much. I know she'd rather I take up her profession as an alchemist, study magic and stay home."

A sudden thought crossed her mind as she spoke of home, I know it isn't that important but...maybe I can bring a present or two back for mother. Maybe something to help with her trade... She turned turned to Nathan and asked with curiosity, "Do you know anything about wild herbs, Nathaniel? If we find anything special, I could save it as a gift for my mother. I know we have more important things to do as well but if you see anything of use, could you let me know?" She was beginning to trust his expertise thanks to his weapon assessment.

2011-05-05, 09:19 PM
"Nathan, it puts my mind at ease to have someone so experienced with us," says Joran. Something about Nathan reminded him of the other children he ran with in his youth. Although, he did recall that those kids got him into as much trouble just as much as they got him out of trouble. Regardless, his faith in Avandra was strong... throw caution to the wind and the lucky lady would look out for him and his friends.

"Rythia, it is difficult to know where this adventure will take us and I've never been one to plan for the future, but if you find yourself returning elven lands, then I would very much like to accompany you."

2011-05-05, 10:49 PM
Rythia blinked a bit in surprise as Nathaniel examined her sword. The young woman was clearly impressed with his assessment. She blushed a little as she confirmed his story, "Although I am mostly self-taught, I did find a ranger guard or two in my grove to teach me finer points and spar with. The trip out of the grove was not entirely easy either. My mother probably wouldn't have let me leave if I couldn't prove that I could take care of myself a little." She took back her weapon and stared at it for a moment, "She...doesn't particularly like me walking this path. We argued about it for weeks." Securing it on her waist once more, Rythia finished with a knowing smile, "I love her dearly but sometimes...I think she worries too much. I know she'd rather I take up her profession as an alchemist, study magic and stay home."

A sudden thought crossed her mind as she spoke of home, I know it isn't that important but...maybe I can bring a present or two back for mother. Maybe something to help with her trade... She turned turned to Nathan and asked with curiosity, "Do you know anything about wild herbs, Nathaniel? If we find anything special, I could save it as a gift for my mother. I know we have more important things to do as well but if you see anything of use, could you let me know?" She was beginning to trust his expertise thanks to his weapon assessment.

Nathan smiled reassuringly and replied, "Please, just Nathan m'lady." Building trust by allowing use of an informal name: success. He pats her on the shoulder and says, "Sounds like you've had some rough relations back home. Worry not, we'll be able to find something for your mother before you return. Finding rare herbs might be a bit tricky, but I'll do my best."

"Nathan, it puts my mind at ease to have someone so experienced with us," says Joran. Something about Nathan reminded him of the other children he ran with in his youth. Although, he did recall that those kids got him into as much trouble just as much as they got him out of trouble. Regardless, his faith in Avandra was strong... throw caution to the wind and the lucky lady would look out for him and his friends.

"Glad to hear it." He says shortly. He smiled and told him, "I can guarantee that your trust is not misplaced"

Turk Mannion
2011-05-05, 11:04 PM
Iltaru smiled a bit as Joran took his offered hand. "I only knew him for a few months, but he and his wife showed uncommon kindness to me, despite my unique nature and appearance. He was a wise man, although tended to lose himself in his studies. My hope is that he simply lost track of time on his journey and that nothing bad has happened."

As he released Joran's hand, he noticed Nathan circling him with a look that seemed to jump between curiousity and confusion.

"How does it speak, you ask? Like you, with my mouth....and, unlike you, with some common courtesy."

Iltaru tried to make it sound like a polite reproach. He was used to the wary glances his appearance generated, but that did not mean he had to accept it willingly.

"And, if I choose to, with no words at all." No voice or sound accompanied his last statement, as it was heard quietly only in each of their heads. With a touch of apprehension, he wondered what their response would be....would he find himself journeying alone yet again?

2011-05-07, 12:30 AM
Joran, fascinated by the display of Iltaru's powers, began to wonder how those powers could be used strategically if they encountered hostile creatures.

Speaking of powers, "Say, wasn't there another half-elf in this room? One that was gifted in the arcane arts? Thyrn wasn't it? I wonder where he went?"

2011-05-07, 06:16 AM
Rythia was a little surprised to hear that Joran wanted to accompany her back to the elven lands sometime in the future. She certainly saw nothing wrong with it since merchants often visited from far off places...assuming they had a guide or knew where to look. The young woman was also grateful Nathan would help her out with picking up something for her mother. The half-elf smiled warmly, "Thank you, Nathan. And Joran...You, Nathan, Iltaru and our other companion, if they were inclined, would be welcome to visit. My hometown, Tal'sulrim, is open to all...just so long as you can find it. You see, the majority of the town is built in the treetops and the ground beneath it looks almost like your typical forest glade. Most people would walk right by it without realizing it. I've seen it happen a few times. With me as your guide, it wouldn't happen. Even if I got turned around, just so long as I get the general area right the rangers know me and would help out."

She took a moment to think about her words and laughed nervously, "That...probably doesn't sound too reassuring...but I know the signs leading back home. I remember the traders who visit have been trying to convince the elders to put in a road for years but I doubt that will happen. In any case, I'm sure mother would be pleased to meet everyone...I'd just ask a favor should that happen...please don't bring up her age. She is less than a decade away from two-hundred now. I think it bothers her even if she won't admit it."

She was caught a little off guard by the shardmind's apparent ability to speak into their minds. Still, it wasn't a completely foriegn feeling for the half-elf. Some of her mother's more convincing Ghost Sound spells sounded similar to this. Rythia couldn't help commenting, "That's an interesting gift, Iltaru. There might be a use for it on our journey."

2011-05-07, 03:22 PM
I am SO sorry I did not post sooner. I have had a CRAZY week and am halfway brain-dead. I should be able to post more now.
Thyrn cast his gaze over the other adventurers gathered here. The majority of them did not surprise him in the least. He had encountered many a half-elf and even more humans in his travels. When he laid eyes upon Iltaru, however, his curiosity was piqued. Shardminds were not one of the races he encountered often.
He let out a mumbled greeting, before resuming his examination of the Psion.

Turk Mannion
2011-05-08, 01:25 AM
Nodding his head slowly to Rythia, he said, "It is a gift of all shardminds, one which I do not use often. I prefer to speak like other sentients and I resort to my telepathy only when necessary. But I am glad you think it may prove useful."

He noticed Thyrn examining him, just as Nathan had, and wondered if either might manage to see past his appearance.

2011-05-08, 04:48 PM
Iltaru smiled a bit as Joran took his offered hand. "I only knew him for a few months, but he and his wife showed uncommon kindness to me, despite my unique nature and appearance. He was a wise man, although tended to lose himself in his studies. My hope is that he simply lost track of time on his journey and that nothing bad has happened."

As he released Joran's hand, he noticed Nathan circling him with a look that seemed to jump between curiousity and confusion.

"How does it speak, you ask? Like you, with my mouth....and, unlike you, with some common courtesy."

Iltaru tried to make it sound like a polite reproach. He was used to the wary glances his appearance generated, but that did not mean he had to accept it willingly.

"And, if I choose to, with no words at all." No voice or sound accompanied his last statement, as it was heard quietly only in each of their heads. With a touch of apprehension, he wondered what their response would be....would he find himself journeying alone yet again?

"Ooh well look at that. Its jaw j-just separated from the rest of its face. I think I may have gone crazy... he sighs deliriously, although it's obvious that he's only joking to tease Iltaru. Although, in his mind, he thinks, hoping that the Shardmind can hear:
If you can hear my thoughts, know that I don't trust you at all, and that I will kill you if you try anything.

He sobers up and laughs, "I'm just messin' with you, Rockface." He looks at the rest and points towards the door, "So, shall we go?"

Turk Mannion
2011-05-08, 10:45 PM
"Ooh well look at that. Its jaw j-just separated from the rest of its face. I think I may have gone crazy... he sighs deliriously, although it's obvious that he's only joking to tease Iltaru. Although, in his mind, he thinks, hoping that the Shardmind can hear:
If you can hear my thoughts, know that I don't trust you at all, and that I will kill you if you try anything.

He sobers up and laughs, "I'm just messin' with you, Rockface." He looks at the rest and points towards the door, "So, shall we go?"

Iltaru stares solemnly back at the human for a few seconds, before sending his thoughts back, no emotion on his face.

If I misunderstand your jocularity, then my apologies, for understanding humanoids is a trait that continues to evolve for me. If your thoughts are not in jest, then know this. I accept your narrow-minded lack of faith, thought I find it disturbing and, if I may be blunt, lamentable. But not everyone, perhaps, can be as elightened as the others we travel with. So I will give you no reason for doubt. But rest assured, that just as you may be watching for decietful deeds on my part, I shall do the same. And though it will grieve me if I must action to protect myself or others against you, I shall do so with all the power I have, even as I will grieve for you and your insular disposition."

Turning to the others and gripping his staff, he rumbles, "I am ready."

2011-05-09, 12:47 AM
Iltaru stares solemnly back at the human for a few seconds, before sending his thoughts back, no emotion on his face.

If I misunderstand your jocularity, then my apologies, for understanding humanoids is a trait that continues to evolve for me. If your thoughts are not in jest, then know this. I accept your narrow-minded lack of faith, thought I find it disturbing and, if I may be blunt, lamentable. But not everyone, perhaps, can be as elightened as the others we travel with. So I will give you no reason for doubt. But rest assured, that just as you may be watching for decietful deeds on my part, I shall do the same. And though it will grieve me if I must action to protect myself or others against you, I shall do so with all the power I have, even as I will grieve for you and your insular disposition."

Turning to the others and gripping his staff, he rumbles, "I am ready."

"Good to hear, Rockface." he grinned at Iltaru. But he was really thinking, I wouldn't have it any other way.

2011-05-09, 02:30 AM
"Let's continue this witty banter on the road, shall we? I believe it is time we head to Winterhaven."

2011-05-09, 02:44 AM
Rythia nodded at Joran's words and finished her last minute preparations. The half-elven woman was clearly ready to head out. She just mentally prayed everything went well, My first real adventure...its exciting and a bit daunting really...

2011-05-09, 06:44 AM
Thyrn silently gathered his belongings, following the others. He was eager to try a spell he had been imagining for some time now, and moved quickly.

2011-05-09, 12:49 PM
The band of would be heroes sets out upon the King's Road from Fallcrest, bound for Winterhaven with their spirits high. The journey is uneventful as they tread the first of the many miles to Winterhaven through the rolling Moon Hills and across the rushing Nentir River. The road appears to be safe and game can be seen out across the plains. As the first day draws to a close, the Gardbury Downs appear over the horizon and the party stops for the night and begins to set camp.

Feel free to roleplay some of the journey as well as pitching camp and settling down for the night and divvying up the watch etc. I will do the travel along the road in chunks like this with RP in between to get us to Winterhaven and the bulk of the adventure. Also, when travelling, who would like to be in the front row and who would like to be in the back?

2011-05-09, 02:26 PM
"This journey may prove hazardous and from what I hear of Winterhaven's troubles, we may find ourselves under attack. Shall I suggest we establish a marching order? I am well-armored and could easily be in front."

"Rythia, you're a tactician. How shall we position the rest of our team?"

As the party's tank, I guess I should be in front to absorb most attacks.

"As for tonight, we should set up a watch schedule so we can each get 6 hours of rest. Nathan, as the most seasoned adventurer among us, can you establish the watch schedule?"

2011-05-09, 04:06 PM
Thyrn trudged along, a little behind the others. Though he was eager to set out on an adventure, he did not yet fully trust his new companions, and preferred to remain somewhat separated from the group.

Turk Mannion
2011-05-09, 11:46 PM
While walking, Iltaru made an attempt to remain near the center of the group. Not as much for protection as simply to convince himself that he was part of the team.

At the mention of watch rotations, Iltaru looked around a bit confused. "I must confess that camp arrangements are somewhat foreign to me." If his crystalline features would allow it, one would see a grimace across his face. "With no need to eat, drink or sleep, I have never paid heed to these camp requirements. And....I usually travel alone. I simply require several hours of rest.

However," he continued in a somewhat bolder voice, "I will not shirk my duties to the party and will serve in whatever function is necessary. Simply provide instructions," nodding at Nathan, "and I will see my tasks to completion."

2011-05-10, 03:06 PM
For the majority of the journey, Rythia's position in the march had remained very fluid. There were times when she walked near the front of the group and times she slowed down to cover the back. In one case, she even darted ahead of group to get a better view of the Nethir River as the party passed over the bridge. She bashfully admitted that she was new to this region so she wanted to take everything in. However, one could say she preferred staying in the middle of the group more often than not. Some might think she was trying to stay fluid intentionally so she could support the front or the back if need be. Truthfully, her reasons weren't that complex. She just enjoyed striking up a conversation up with others. Despite Thyrn's best attempts, she even tried talking with him on more than one occasion. Before setting up camp, the topic of interest that she brought up was best heard bardic tales. She even promised to tell one of her favorite stories later if the group was inclined.

However, the topic of true marching order and shifts brought her back to reality as she began to unpack her gear, "Well...I guess I would prefer to stay in the middle of our group. It makes it easier for me to reach anyone if they need help. Joran, you and I could make a decent front line if need be and if we get surrounded I can cover our back for a little while." She let out a small laugh as she continued, "I think Nathan is skilled enough that I don't need to suggest how he should walk and I imagine Thyrn and Iltaru would want to stay away from anything sharp. They aren't wearing armor after all."

The crimson haired half-elf pulled out her tent and began pitching it. Still, she managed to concentrate on her task as well as voice her thoughts, "If its alright with you Nathan, I'd like the last shift please. I am usually an early riser anyway."

She turned her gaze to Thyrn and called out, "Thyrn, do you have any preferences with my suggestions? You don't really speak up often and I fear overlooking you." It was rather clear that by trying to avoid the group, Thyrn had become a target of Rythia's attention. She made a habit of speaking to everyone.

As she continued to work with her tent she added as an after thought, "Oh, I'm still awake enough to tell one of the favorite stories if you are interested. I know its been a long day so I won't mind if you'd rather save it for later."

2011-05-10, 03:35 PM
"Whatever you all want to do is fine with me.", replied Thyrn, clearly somewhat embarrassed by Rythia's attantion. "I'm willing to do whatever is necessary."
After a moment, Thyrn declared, "I am going to look around here for anything we might be able to eat." Without waiting for a response, he quickly split off from the party to perform this task.

2011-05-10, 10:36 PM
"Since I haven't heard any suggestions from anyone else, I will take first watch tonight. It looks like we'll watch for about 1 1/2 hours each. I'll wake up Thyrn for the second watch," said Joran. Eager to know the rest of his teammates, he had selected Thyrn for the second to see if he could have a moment with the warlock. Perhaps Thyrn would talk to him in confidence, Joran hoped. He thought the team would function better if they all trusted each other.

"Rythia, I would welcome a tale from you to entertain me for the beginning of my watch. Please, spin your yarn." Joran found Rythia's excitement refreshing.

2011-05-10, 11:54 PM
When asked to give directions, Nathan responded happily, "Alright everyone we should have a defensive marching order in case of brigands on the road to Winterhaven. Rockface and Joran side-by-side, followed by Rythia, followed by... err, Thyrn and me. If you have any questions, just ask." He nearly forgot the man's name as he'd never said it properly before. "At night, we'll watch in pairs, trading off one by one. Unless anyone has any objections I'll take first watch with the rock thingy, then it'll trade off with Thyrn. I'll trade off with Joran, then Thyrn will trade off with Rythia. We may change tomorrow night, we'll see how this works out. I hope you don't mind at all my friend." He directs the last statement towards Joran. Obviously he doesn't trust Thyrn and Iltaru through and through.

To Rythia, he says, "Come now Rythia, he's a big boy now, no need to worry. He'll fit in with all the other kids just fine." Then he pauses as if waiting for something, then points to Thyrn as he runs off, "He... doesn't know we have food?"

2011-05-11, 12:10 AM
Nathan's plan is a sound one. We could go with that and a two by two watch would mean we'd have an easier time staying awake."

2011-05-11, 09:02 AM
With the nights watches set and the group settling in for the night, Rythia spins out a classic bard's tale for those that are willing to listen. As night deepen's and her tale draws to its conclusion those not on watch crawl into their bedrolls and are quickly asleep.

As the night passes, the parties inexperience at travelling through the wilds becomes apparent as the sounds of the wildlife out on the plains and in the downs startles those on watch regularly.

With the rising of the early morning sun, the party is greeted by fine weather that looks like it should hold throughout the day and allow them to reach Winterhaven by dusk.

2011-05-11, 09:00 PM
"Ha! Hya!"

The sound of a sword cutting through air and the occasional cries from Rythia broke the silence of the morning. It became rather clear that she used the early morning hours to practice her martial attacks. The half-elven woman had a surprisingly serious expression on her face as she continued to swing her blade at different angles against an imaginary foe. Her form was good and the whizzing sound her blade made only confirmed that she had the physical strength to wield it properly. If there was an obvious fault in her swordplay it was in her recovery time. She could make the strike count but she was leaving herself a little too wide open for a counter-attack.

Rythia had enough sense to wait until the sun was almost up before she started to practice. If the noise didn't wake her companions, she intended to gently do so herself once she was finished. Regardless of which she ultimately had to do, the red haired maiden was quick in packing up her tent and getting ready to depart. She recalled Nathan's words regarding Thyrn and although she would still be concerned, she decided she would ease up just a little. I'll talk with him once or twice rather than five or six times...I guess I was putting him on the spot with that...

2011-05-11, 09:11 PM
Thyrn awoke fully alert. He gazed at his surroundings, in case anything at all had happened while he had slept.
He heard the sounds of Rythia's exercises, which comforted him to an extent. It had not been since he had left the tribe of Gnolls that had raised him that he had heard anyone perform such ritual training early in the morning. Seeing nothing of importance to do, Thyrn began drawing arcane figures and random doodles in the dirt with the tip of his finger. He continued to do so as he waited for the others to awaken.

Turk Mannion
2011-05-11, 11:09 PM
Iltaru, awake throughout the night, remained silent as he watched Rythia go through her practice routine.

2011-05-12, 01:32 AM
Joran awoke to the sounds of Rythia's exercise. Recognizing the need to improve his own skill, he grabbed his greatsword and walked to where she was practicing. "Need a sparring partner?"

"I admit that my weapon is not as refined as your longsword. I think my master-of-arms trained me on the greatsword because I was all power and no style. I'm afraid I have none of your finesse"

2011-05-12, 04:58 AM
Nathan awoke to the sound of blades and quickly got out of his sleeping bag to see where all the ruckus was coming from. After spying the rest of the group awake he went to wash up and change back into his clothes. He ended up using his mirror and drinking water to tidy up his hair and face, probably not a good thing, but his looks were something he prided himself in.

Now, Nathan might be a fraud at delving into caves, but he did know his way around in a brawl. He watched with interest and a smile played on his lips as he analyzed their match. He crouched near Thyrn not moving his eyes from the fight and said, "So who are you? You're not wearing any armor even though you're adventuring. Not in any fashionable clothes either. And you're drawing foreign symbols on the ground. A witch perhaps? Come to join up with this Kalarel fellow?" He didn't turn to Thyrn but he was still grinning.

2011-05-12, 06:45 AM
"A warlock." Replied Thyrn, still staring intently at the symbols he had been drawing in the ground. "Looking for someone to train me in magic." He braced himself for the inevitable reaction all he revealed the source of his power to. Despite knowing that the vast majority of people found such powers terrifying, and immediately assumed he was evil, he still often found himself instinctively telling the truth when asked such things.

2011-05-12, 02:45 PM
Nathan didn't react with revulsion, instead he grinned wider. "Teach you magic," he laughed, "you'd go to Kalarel to learn magic? Somehow I don't believe you." The man was lying. Or he was baiting him into thinking he was lying. Probably the more likely situation. He looked to Thyrn for a reply.

2011-05-12, 03:17 PM
"I go wherever I can. There's a lot to learn. Every little bit helps." Thyrn was somewhat surprised at this mild response to the source of his magic. "A lot of people don't want to teach Warlocks."

2011-05-12, 03:48 PM
Duly noting his surprise, Nathan decided that he was a naive fool and not trying to bait him with the truth. A potentially dangerous naive fool, but he wasn't called a swindler for nothing. He'd come in handy unless Iltaru got to him first. "You haven't tried Rockface yet? He seems to know his stuff. Then again, don't Warlocks make pacts with stronger beings for power? Couldn't your "Demon Lord" teach you?" He started to laugh but then stopped himself. He was trying to be friendly. Friendly Nathan, not insulting.

2011-05-12, 04:00 PM
"A lot of Warlocks do that. I want to gain my own power. I was trained as a Warlock at first, because those were the only magic users in my home. But I don't want to be completely dependent on anyone else for power."
Despite himself, Thyrn was grateful for the conversation Nathan was offering.
I don't know these people. He thought. I should really be more cautious...

2011-05-12, 06:35 PM
Rythia was grateful for the sparring partner since it was always more challenging to fight against a live opponent than mere imaginary ones, "Thank you, Joran. I'd appreciate the training and I think it will do us both some good." She bowed briefly to him before beginning in earnest. The young half-elf felt she stood alot to gain from this bout. It would show her what her companion was capable of and in a way help her understand his fighting style.

As the blades clashed, she briefly glanced over to the others. It seemed that the two of them had attracted an audience. Although she couldn't hear the conversation, it seemed that Nathan and Thyrn were getting along well and Iltaru was taking an interest in the training. She idly commented to Joran, "Looks like everyone is getting along, I'm glad for that." Despite the minor distraction, Rythia was still focused on the sparring match. She figured they would continue fighting for a few minutes then call it quits to resume their journey.

2011-05-12, 07:08 PM
"Fair enough. Some would argue against such a sentiment, but that would be completely hypocritical of me." He assured Thyrn. He stood up and dusted off his pants.

He then walks to the two sparring and claps to gain their attention. "Joran, your swings are a bit heavy handed. An immediate weakness would be over-committing. You waste too much energy in strikes that don't kill. Rythia, you're suffering from a similar weakness. You overextend without defending yourself. Can I give you some pointers?"

2011-05-12, 11:39 PM
Joran thanked Rythia for being his training partner and Nathan for the tips. He then proceeded to pack with the rest of the party. "We really must get going."

Taking into account Rythia's advice, he stated the marching order. "I'll walk in front. Thyrn will be second. His command of magical energy will allow him to strike down any hostile parties quickly. Rythia will be third, so that she can support all of us, and at the same time quickly reach the front or the back to provide additional defense. Iltaru will be fourth. I don't understand how he does what he does, but being there will allow him to impact our enemies subtly. Finally, Nathan will take the back. He seems quick on his feet to handle any surprises back there."

"Nathan will allow our group to be dynamic. At his discretion, if he feels the rear is secure, he can occasionally sneak some distance ahead to scout for any hostile forces. When he leaves the rear, Rythia can fall back behind Iltaru to provide the rear guard."

"Listen team" said Joran, "I don't want to give the impression that I'm barking orders. Quite the opposite actually. Among this group there are clearly those of you who are more experienced <he nods to Nathan> or more powerful <he nods to Thyrn> than I am. If you think there is a better strategy then speak up."

"Finally, in the midst of battle, follow Rythia's advise. She has some command and tactical training"

Joran then realized he was planning too much. Internally checking himself for forgetting to trust in his goddess, he absentmindedly rubbed to the symbol of Avandra that was affixed to his backpack. "Stay in the moment. Leave the future to Lady Luck." With that final thought he strapped his pack and his greatsword to his back, and strode ahead toward Gardbury Downs, hoping the party would follow.

2011-05-13, 01:14 AM
"...What I meant was a little less swingy more whacky. Like..." He paused for a moment. Then said, "We're not there anymore are we? I think I'd like to stick with yesterday's marching order." He looks at Joran quietly for a few moments, then quickly grabs Thyrn. "I weally wanna walk wif my new fwend." The begging act is obviously just sarcasm, probably from having his own plan ignored.

He sighs and then moves closer to Joran then says quietly so Iltaru can't hear, "Look, that thing over there is probably just as thick as it sounds. I'll bet that it'll come out looking better than any knife you try to stab him with." He clasps Joran's shoulder reassuringly and winks, "Anyway, don't worry too much about it."

He turns to address the rest of the party, "Alright everyone, if anyone forgot yesterday's marching order it was, Joran side-by-side with Rockface, followed by Rythia as per her request and followed by Thyrn and me."

2011-05-13, 04:05 PM
With their marching order set, the party strikes camp and continues on towards Winterhaven. As they start out into the Gardbury Downs, the area seems desolate and has a rather eerie feel to it. Sticking to the road, they press on with all haste in order to reach the other side of the Downs before night falls.

After journeying through the morning they reach a fork in the trail with a weather-beaten sign indicating a monastery off to the right and the King's Road continuing on to Winterhaven on the left. With a brief stop for lunch, the quickly resume their journey.

Towards late afternoon they finally reach the end of the Downs and everyone noticeably relaxes. They are in the final leg of their journey now and are quickly approaching Winterhaven. We join them as they continue down the road...

The wind in your faces is cool and comfortable. The road beneath your feet is level. An occasional ancient cobblestone peeks through the dirt road, indicating decades of neglect. You notice footprints leading up and down the road, many of which were made by small, clawed feet.

This brings us to the start of the main adventure. Which means its time for a map:

King's Road (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5716523165/)

Please tell me which square you would like to be in, first two columns on the road at the left edge please. If you have any trouble viewing the map, just let me know.

2011-05-13, 05:14 PM
Having noticed the tracks you begin moving forward.

Initiave :
Round : 1
Joran........: 18 <-----------Active Player
Rythia.......: 16
Thyrn........: 11
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7

Players Status
(N1) Rythia : 25/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8

(O1) Joran : 29/29, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 12/12

(N0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10

(O0) Iltaru : 26/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8

(P1) Nathan : 22/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 6/6

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5716657517/)

2011-05-14, 08:59 AM
Joran walks toward the line of trees with his greatsword drawn. "Do you guys see anything?"

Move: to M4
Standard: Ready an action: if I see an enemy within 5 squares, I will charge at it with Virtuous Strike (which I can use as a Melee Basic Attack). Attack and Damage rolls if you need it. 1d20+7+1 vs. AC and [roll0] Radiant Damage...followed by...
Minor: Ready an action: Divine Challenge on the closest enemy I see
Free: Nature check regarding those footprints [roll1]

HP 29/29 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7 (Used 0/12)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 11 Will 15 Speed 5




Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge

Cutting Words
Valorous Smite
Divine Mettle or Divine Strength
Second Wind

Paladin's Judgement
Lay on Hands


2011-05-14, 09:34 AM
Rythia arched a confused brow as she stared at the numerous claw-like prints scattered the dirt road, "...Did a chicken farmer pass by here with his flock?" Despite letting her imagination run a little wild, there were a few things didn't escape her attention, "There are certainly a lot of trees and rocks on this stretch of the road. It makes it hard to see anything really."

She noticed Joran's concern over that fact and decided to prepare herself as well, "I...really hope I am right about that chicken fantasy. At least then, we will have a good laugh about this later." Out of morbid curiosity, her eyes drifted to the clawed marks on the ground and she made a serious effort in trying to identify them.

Round Actions

Standard Action: Ready Light Shield
Minor Action: Draw Longsword
Move Action: Move to L3
Free Action: Nature Check [roll0]

Rythia's Status Block:
HP 25/25 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 8 (0 used /8)
AC 18 Fort 15 Reflex 11 Will 14 Speed 5




At-Will Powers
Furious Smash
Wolf Pack Tactics

Enounter Powers
Valiant Strike
Inspiring Word (1)
Inspiring Word (2)
Guarding Attack

Second Wind

Daily Powers
Bastion of Defense

Item Powers

2011-05-14, 10:33 AM
You notice nothing untoward as you advance down the road.

Initiave :
Round : 1
Joran........: 18
Rythia.......: 16
Thyrn........: 11 <-----------Active Player
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7

Players Status
(L3) Rythia : 25/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8

(M4) Joran : 29/29, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 12/12

(N0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10

(O0) Iltaru : 26/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8

(P1) Nathan : 22/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 6/6

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5718576981/)

2011-05-14, 11:11 AM
Thyrn drew his weapon and prepared himself for whatever might occur. He moved ten feet along the path and began drawing arcane energy in case anything might try to attack them.
Minor Action Draw Spear
Move Action Move to N2

Status Block
HP 30/30 Healing Surges 7 (0/10 used)
AC 13 Fort 14 Ref 12 Will 14
Temporary Hit Points 0
At-Will Powers
-Edritch Blast
-Hellish Rebuke
Encounter Powers
-Vampiric Embrace
-Enfeebling Strike
Daily Powers
-Flames of Phlegeothos

2011-05-16, 03:18 PM
Nathan draws puts a hand by his belt pouch and palms a dagger. He mouths, "Be quiet," to the others. He then moves as quietly as possible to the nearest brush for cover and then tries to look around vigilantly to hear or see things he might have missed before.

Spend standard action to make a second move action.
Double move to E6
Minor Action Perception Check

Status Block:HP 22/22 Bloodied 11 Healing Surge 5 (0 used /7)
AC 17 Fort 11 Reflex 18 Will 13 Speed 6




At-Will Powers
Ambush Trick
Escape Artist's Trick

Enounter Powers
Heroic Effort

Second Wind

Turk Mannion
2011-05-16, 11:26 PM
Out of his element, Iltaru remained perfectly still, waiting for a signal from the others.

2011-05-17, 08:02 AM
Small creatures hiding behind the rocks spring into view and begin to move toward you. With a shriek, the small humanoids attack. Scaled and rust-colored, they have reptilian heads and tails.

Combat has begun in earnest. Turk, I missed the edit to Kubular's post last night, would you like to edit your turn as he would have spotted the creatures?

Initiave :
Round : 2
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Joran........: 18
Rythia.......: 16
Thyrn........: 11
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7 <-----------Active Player

Monsters status :

(D8) – T1 :
(E11) – T2 :
(D12) – T3 :
(D13) – T4 :
(K14) – T5 :
(E9) – S1 :

Players Status
(L3) Rythia : 25/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8

(M4) Joran : 29/29, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 12/12

(N0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10

(E6) Iltaru : 26/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8

(P1) Nathan : 22/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 6/6

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5730192780/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

Turk Mannion
2011-05-17, 06:38 PM
As the scaly creatures emerged from the bushes with a shriek, Iltaru strode forward.

Time to show them what I can do.

He stared intently ahead, focusing his gaze on the single kobold to the south of the road. His eyes flashed briefly, then returned to their normal glow.

I was going to edit my previous post, but was not sure how that would work with the die rolls so I thought it was safer to create a new post.

Move to K4
Mind Thrust (at-will) on K14.
Hit: [roll0] vs will
Damage if hit: [roll1] psychic damage

If my edit (forgot to include my movement) messes up the rolls, they were 9vs will to hit and 11 damage if that somehow does hit.

2011-05-17, 08:02 PM
Iltaru launches a blast of psychic energy at the enemy straight ahead of him which it manages to shrug off before its allies and it charge into battle. The first 3 of the creatures swarm towards Nathan with the first one stabbing wildly with its javelin and missing while the two following him manage to strike true and cause the Thief a couple of deep wounds. The remaining 2 swarm towards the psion, again the first misses with his thrust while the second hits home.

Seeing the little ones charge into battle, another steps out from behind the rocks and launches a small pot filled with fire towards the defender who is hit in the chest. The pot bursts upon impact coating him in still burning fire.


Iltaru Missed

T1 steps back and charges Nathan @ 15 vs AC (miss)

T2 moves around the rock and charges Nathan @ 19 vs AC (hit, 5 damage)

T3 moves out towards the trees and charges Nathan @ 26 vs AC (hit, 5 damage)

T4 moves forward and then charges Iltaru @ 9 vs AC (miss)

T5 moves forward and then charges Iltaru @ 27 vs AC (hit, 5 damage)

S1 move to F9 and special shot vs Joran @ 27 vs AC (hit, 8 damage and ongoing 2 fire damage (save ends)

It is now Joran's turn, you take 2 damage from the ongoing, don't forget to save at the end of your turn.

Initiave :
Round : 2
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Joran........: 18 <-----------Active Player
D..............: 16
Rythia.......: 16
Thyrn........: 11
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7

Monsters status :

(D7) – T1 :
(F6) – T2 :
(D6) – T3 :
(J5) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(F9) – S1 :
(--) – D1 :
(--) – D2 :

Players Status
(L3) Rythia : 25/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8

(M4) Joran : 19/29, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 12/12, Ongoing 2 fire damage (save ends)

(N0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10

(E6) Iltaru : 21/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8

(P1) Nathan : 12/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 6/6

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5731648115/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

2011-05-17, 10:40 PM
"Iltaru, step back! Let them focus on me!" Joran takes a step closer to the two creatures that attacked his shardmind companion. He stares down the closer one, cries out for Avandra's favor and swings his greatsword.


Move: Shift to L4
Minor: Divine Challenge on creature T5
Standard: Enfeebling Strike on creature T5 [roll0] vs. AC. If it hits, then [roll1] damage and it takes -2 penalty to attack rolls (until the end of my next turn)

Stat Block:
HP 21/29 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7 (Used 0/12)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 11 Will 15 Speed 5


2 ongoing fire damage (save ends)


Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge

Cutting Words
Valorous Smite
Divine Mettle or Divine Strength
Second Wind

Paladin's Judgement
Lay on Hands


2011-05-17, 10:44 PM
Joran tries to brush the flames off of himself.

Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to take the 2 ongoing fire damage and attempt the saving throw. The following stat block reflects my conditions if I did not save.

I took 2 fire damage and here's my saving throw against being on fire [roll0]

Stat Block:
HP 19/29 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7 (Used 0/12)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 11 Will 15 Speed 5


2 ongoing fire damage (save ends)


Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge

Cutting Words
Valorous Smite
Divine Mettle or Divine Strength
Second Wind

Paladin's Judgement
Lay on Hands


2011-05-18, 05:45 AM
Rythia blinked in surprise as the little scaly creatures jumped out at the group with daggers, spears and apparently flaming solutions at their disposal. Although Nathan did the group a favor by flushing out the beasts before they could completely surround the party, he had put himself in a position where they completely surrounded him instead. Even if the main group could use her around to deal with the two lizards nearby, their human ally likely needed more help than everyone else. The half-elven woman let out a quick comment to Joran, "I'm going to help Nathan. Please be careful, we have much more ahead in our journey than this." With that, Rythia strafed around behind the paladin and the two scaled attackers. One might have pointed out that there was no way for her to reach Nathan with just this simple move. However, she would have proven them wrong.

Once she cleared the first skirmish, Rythia bent her legs a little into a crouching position and dashed forward at one of the little lizards surrounding Nathan. The crimson haired woman cried out as she charged with her longsword extended in front of her, "Nathan, I'm coming to back you up! We'll get through this." She was trying to encourage her ally not to lose faith in their combined might. Rythia was pushing herself to her limits in the start of the battle. Whether or not this would come back to haunt her latter was anyone's guess.

Round actions
Minor Action: Inspirational Word on Joran (regain hp [roll0]. I already added in your healing surge value.)
Move Action: L3 to M4 (since Joran's not there), M4 to M6, M6 to L7, L7 to K8.
Standard Action: Charge Attack on the Kobold at F5.
Effects: +1 to attack roll, +2 for flanking. Moving to G5.
Attack Roll: [roll1]
If Hit, damage: [roll2]

Action Point!

Minor Action: Inspirational Word, Nathan. (regain hp [roll3]. I already added in your healing surge value.)

Rythia's Status Block:
HP 25/25 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 8 (0 used /8)
AC 18 Fort 15 Reflex 11 Will 14 Speed 5




At-Will Powers
Furious Smash
Wolf Pack Tactics

Enounter Powers
Valiant Strike
Inspiring Word (1)
Inspiring Word (2)
Guarding Attack

Second Wind

Daily Powers
Bastion of Defense

Item Powers

2011-05-18, 06:17 AM
As Joran steps forward and brings his sword around in a vicious swing, he manages to drop the tunneler directly in front of him. Seeing the success of her ally, Rythia manages to charge another one of the tunnelers surrounding Nathan but misses. She does however manage to bolster Joran allowing him to feel refreshed.

Seeing a healer on the field, one of the dragon-shields moves to confront her and by fighting in a dirty manner, is able to not only inflict a serious injury on Rythia, but to keep her in position for now.

The other dragon-shield moves to avenge the fallen tunneler by attacking Joran in much the same manner. Joran also takes a vicious gash and loses feeling in his legs briefly.


Joran hits and kills T5

Rythia misses T2

D1 moves to H6 and attacks Rythia with Dirty Tactics @ 25 vs Ref (hit)
Rythia takes 15 damage and is immobilized until the end of D1's next turn

D2 moves to N6 and then shifts (minor) to M5 and attacks Joran with Dirty Tactics @ 21 vs Ref (hit)
Joran takes 12 damage and is immobilized until the end of D2's next turn

Initiave :
Round : 2
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Joran........: 18
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11 <-----------Active Player
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7

Monsters status :

(D7) – T1 :
(F6) – T2 :
(D6) – T3 :
(J5) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(F9) – S1 :
(H6) – D1 :
(M5) – D2 :

Players Status
(L3) Rythia : 10/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, Bloodied, Immobilized UE D1's NT

(M4) Joran : 17/29, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 11/12, Immobilized UE D2's NT

(N0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10

(E6) Iltaru : 21/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8

(P1) Nathan : 12/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 6/6

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5733433214/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

2011-05-18, 06:43 AM
Thyrn muttered a few words of Arcane power, and threw an Eldritch Blast at one of the creatures, and prepared himself to do so again.
Standard Action Use EDLRITCH BLAST at-will power

Status Block
HP 30/30 Healing Surges 7 (0/10 used)
AC 13 Fort 14 Ref 12 Will 14
Temporary Hit Points 0
At-Will Powers
-Edritch Blast
-Hellish Rebuke
Encounter Powers
-Vampiric Embrace
-Enfeebling Strike
Daily Powers
-Flames of Phlegeothos

EDIT: Attack roll/damage roll

Attack Roll 1d20+2
Damage Roll 1d8+0 (if it hits)

2011-05-18, 12:33 PM
As the creatures opened up on him, Nathan panicked for a second and nearly dropped his dagger. He'd been stabbed by a reptile about half his height. Two of them actually. However after he was reminded by Rythia's presence that he wasn't alone, he regained his composure quickly and rolledout of harms way as he laughed. He drew his real weapon with a wicked grin on his face.

He stabs the nearest kobold, abusing its momentary lack of defense. He then turns about pecking Rythia on the cheek, "Thanks for the assistance ma'am," and continues to move evasively into a flanking position on the dragonshield. Then using his advantageous position he strikes the kobold shouting, "Nathaniel Duport, remember that name in hell, reptile!"

Lots of cool stuff happening.
Minor Action: Draw Rapier
Move Action: Escape Artist's Trick: Shift to G5
Standard Action: Basic Attack on T2 with rapier
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

Action Point
Use action point to ready an attack on D1 for after Nathan's turn ends.
Gain 8 hp from Rythia's presence.

Escape Artist's Trick allows me an additional two square shift when my turn ends to shift to I6.

Attack using Backstab encounter power (+3 to attack, +1d6 to damage)
Attack roll: [roll2]
Use Heroic effort if it would make the difference between hitting and missing.
Damage roll: [roll3] + [roll4]

Status Block:
HP 15/22 Bloodied 11 Healing Surge 5 (0 used /7)
AC 17 Fort 11 Reflex 18 Will 13 Speed 6




At-Will Powers
Ambush Trick
Escape Artist's Trick

Enounter Powers
Heroic Effort

Second Wind

2011-05-18, 01:08 PM
Nathan steps around the Tunneler to get next to Rythia and then thrusts his rapier at it, missing as the creature parries with a javelin. As he draws on an inner reserve to strike at the Dragonshield, the mere presence of Rythia makes him feel better but when he shifts into a better position to strike, the Dragonshields strong knowledge of tactics allows it to move out of range of Nathan's vicious rapier.


Nathan misses T2.

Nathan shifts to I6 triggering Dragonshield Tactics and allowing D1 to shift 1 to G7 as an Immediate Reaction to Nathan's shift.

Nathan regains HP equal to Rythia's CHA mod (3) and has used an action point but not backstab as there is no valid target for the readied action.

Initiave :
Round : 2
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Joran........: 18
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11 Still needs to pick a target and roll
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7 <-----------Active Player

Monsters status :

(D7) – T1 :
(F6) – T2 :
(D6) – T3 :
(J5) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(F9) – S1 :
(G7) – D1 :
(M5) – D2 :

Players Status
(L3) Rythia : 10/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 1, Bloodied, Immobilized UE D1's NT

(M4) Joran : 17/29, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 11/12, AP: 1, Immobilized UE D2's NT

(N0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1

(E6) Iltaru : 21/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 1

(I6) Nathan : 15/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 6/6, AP: 0

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5734454804/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

Turk Mannion
2011-05-19, 12:10 AM
More than a bit shocked at the kobolds attack, Iltaru realized he had moved into a dangerous position. More concerning to him was the fact that Joran had to step forward to provide him protection, and in doing so, had been injured himself. Iltaru stepped behind Joran to gain some distance from the beast's weapon and again launched a mental attack.

Move: Shift to L3
Action: Mind Thrust -- Intelligence [roll0] vs. will on Kobold D2 (grid coord M5). If successful, [roll1] psychic damage.

2011-05-19, 09:14 AM
As both Iltaru and Thyrn are unable to wound their foes, the Tunnelers again swarm forward but only one of them is able to find the mark with an attack against Rythia.

The Slinger again fires from its position behind the rocks but is unable to hit Joran again.


Iltaru and Thyrn both miss.

Move To G9
Standard Charge to H7 and attack Nathan @ 13 vs AC (miss)

Standard Attack Rythia @ 26 vs AC (hit, 4 damage)
Minor Shift to G5

Standard Charge to F5 and attack Rythia @ 14 vs AC (miss)

Standard Attack Nathan @ 13 vs AC (miss)

Standard Special shot on Joran (-2 for cover) @ 9 vs AC (miss)

Initiave :
Round : 3
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Joran........: 18 <-----------Active Player
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7

Monsters status :

(H7) – T1 :
(G5) – T2 :
(F5) – T3 :
(J5) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(F9) – S1 :
(G7) – D1 :
(M5) – D2 :

Players Status
(L3) Rythia : 6/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 1, Bloodied, Immobilized UE D1's NT

(M4) Joran : 17/29, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 11/12, AP: 1, Immobilized UE D2's NT

(N0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1

(E6) Iltaru : 21/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 1

(I6) Nathan : 15/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 6/6, AP: 0

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5737040704/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

2011-05-19, 06:24 PM
Joran sees Rythia get progressively cut down by the creatures surrounding her. He tries to move, but is unable to do so. Frustrated he calls upon Lady Luck to guide his next action. He swings at the nearest enemy and hops that Rythia will recover.

Minor: Divine Challenge to D2
Standard: Paladin's Judgement targeted at D2 [roll0] vs. AC. Hit or miss: Rythia spends a healing surge. If it hits, [roll1] damage to D2

Stat Block:
HP 17/29 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7 (Used 1/12)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 11 Will 15 Speed 5


Immobilized (until end of D2's turn)


Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge

Cutting Words
Valorous Smite
Divine Mettle or Divine Strength
Second Wind

Paladin's Judgement
Lay on Hands


2011-05-19, 06:38 PM
Worried that his last strike failed to injure the nearest enemy, Joran pushed himself further, by attacking it again.

Move: Cashed in for a Minor: Divine Strength (+3 damage on my next attack)
Action point: Enfeebling Strike to D2 [roll0]. If hits, [roll1] and D2 takes -2 penalty to attack until end of my next turn.

Stat Block:
HP 17/29 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7 (Used 1/12)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 11 Will 15 Speed 5


Immobilized (until end of D2's turn)


Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge

Cutting Words
Valorous Smite
Divine Mettle or Divine Strength
Second Wind

Paladin's Judgement
Lay on Hands


2011-05-19, 07:48 PM
Despite her best efforts, Rythia let out a scream of pain as one of the little lizards managed to strike her cleanly in the leg. This single wound set the stage for the rest of the bout as the other creatures quickly moved in for the kill. The half-elven woman was breathing heavily as she endured their attacks but remained standing. It was clear as day that despite her armor, they were striking at the weak spots. She found some relief in Joran's prayer and the wounds dulled slightly. Building upon that effect, Rythia stood as straight as she could and cried out to her foes, "I am Rythia They'lliar, daughter of Lesharia They'lliar and Kirin Reagar. Even like this...I won't falter!" She was giving herself the resolve she needed to continue before turning her sword towards one of her foes. The pressure of the odds, seemed to fuel her swing.

Not satisfied with merely taking a single swing, she turned her attention to the lizard that had wounded her so grievously before. She called out once more to her allies, "Our journey has only begun, and by Avandra we are not going to let it end here without a fight! HONORABLE WARRIORS NEVER FALL!" The conviction behind her words was so strong that it served as an inspiration to her allies.

Round Actions
Minor Action: Inspiring Word on Rythia [roll0]
Standard Action: Valiant Strike on T2
Effect: +1 attack roll bonus per foe adjacent to Rythia (+4)
Attack roll: [roll1]
If Hit damage: [roll]1d8+4[roll]

Action Point!
Effect: Rythia regains 3 hp

Standard Action: Bastian of Defense on D1
Effect: Regardless of Hit or Miss, all allies within 5 squares (everyone except Thyrn) gains 5 + cha mod temp hp (8)
Attack Roll: [roll2]
If hit damage [roll3]
If hit effect: All allies within 5 squares gain +1 power bonus to all defenses till the end of the encounter.

Rythia's Status Block:
HP 25/25 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 8 (2 used /8)
AC 18 Fort 15 Reflex 11 Will 14 Speed 5


EFFECTS Immobilized until end of D1's turn


At-Will Powers
Furious Smash
Wolf Pack Tactics

Enounter Powers
Valiant Strike
Inspiring Word (1)
Inspiring Word (2)
Guarding Attack

Second Wind

Daily Powers
Bastion of Defense

Item Powers

2011-05-19, 08:18 PM
Joran twice attempts to hit the Dragonshield next to him but is unable to breach its defenses. As the first strike misses, a flash of divine energy illuminates Rythia and she looks somewhat refreshed. Joran drew upon an inner reserve of strength to swing the second time and simply by being able to see Rythia, he feels a little better, the inner reserve he drew upon also grants him a temporary burst of resolve.

Seeing her ally valiantly trying to bring down the Dragonshield he is locked in close combat with and feeling better from his divine power, Rythia says a few words to inspire her own courage before striking down one of the Tunnelers surrounding her. She then also draws upon her inner reserve of strength to strike at the Dragonshield menacing her but is unable to connect. Even as her swing goes wide, she and her allies have their resolve strengthened except for the warlock who is outside of her range.

The Dragonshields rally as they are missed by the Paladin and the Warlord and attempt to counterstrike but both miss with their wild swings. They take this opportunity to draw the attention of their intended victims firmly to themselves.


Joran misses twice

Rythia hits and kills T2, misses D1 so no bonus to defences

Standard Attack Rythia @ 10 vs AC (miss), you are marked by D1 until the end of its next turn

Standard Attack Joran @ 10 vs AC (miss), you are marked by D2 until the end of its next turn

Initiave :
Round : 3
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Joran........: 18
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11 <-----------Active Player
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7

Monsters status :

(H7) – T1 :
(G5) – T2 :
(F5) – T3 :
(J5) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(F9) – S1 :
(G7) – D1 :
(M5) – D2 :

Players Status
(L3) Rythia : 25/25, TEMP HP: 8, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0, marked by D1 until the end of its next turn

(M4) Joran : 20/29, TEMP HP: 8, Healing surges : 11/12, AP: 0, marked by D2 until the end of its next turn

(N0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1

(E6) Iltaru : 21/26, TEMP HP: 8, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 1

(I6) Nathan : 15/22, TEMP HP: 8, Healing Surges : 6/6, AP: 0

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5738073809/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

2011-05-19, 08:45 PM
Thyrn ran to a location further from danger, then released another blast of arcane energy, aimed at the nearest creature. As he did so, he tried to remember what sort of creatures they might be.
Move Action To O0
Standard Action Eldritch Blast at-will power on creature at M5
Free Action Nature check (To identify the creatures)

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage Roll [roll1]

2011-05-20, 10:45 AM
Well this is embarassing, Nathan thought to himself. "Haha, I meant to do that. You've fallen right into my trap, foolish reptile." He stumbled comically as he leaped towards the dragonshield, then delivered the true strike when he had the advantage of surprise.

Minor Action Bluff check
Move Action Shift to H8
Standard Action Basic attack on D1
Free Action Activate Backstab encounter power
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

If the check fails then I use Escape Artist's Trick to shift to I8 and make my basic attack on T1 without Backstab.

Regardless of how my turn ends up I'll end up shifting or staying at H8 so Rythia can shift one square up to flank or something. I'd rather not move into a flanked position as I had initially intended.

Also, looking at that crappy roll, I may be able to use Heroic Effort to save it. I hope so, because that's pretty garbage.
HP 15/22 Bloodied 11 Healing Surge 5 (0 used /7)
AC 17 Fort 11 Reflex 18 Will 13 Speed 6




At-Will Powers
Ambush Trick
Escape Artist's Trick

Enounter Powers
Heroic Effort

Second Wind

Turk Mannion
2011-05-22, 12:51 AM
"She is going to need some help," Iltaru thinks to himself. He luanches his most powerful attack against the large kobold warrior next to her, hoping to overpower it. Following that, he focuses on two of the kobolds surrounding her, entering their mind for a brief second and probing for their deepest fears, twisting them in their minds until their morale fails them.

Move: Shift to M3 to ensure line of sight

Standard Action:
Mental Trauma (daily) on D1
Attack: Intelligence [roll0] vs will
Damage: [roll1] psychic damage
Miss: Half damage
Effect: Creature takes vulnerable 5 psychic (save ends)

Action Point
Dishearten, Aumented with two power points,
Area Burst 1
Intelligence [roll2] vs Will on T1
Intelligence [roll3] vs will on D1
Damage: [roll4] psychic damage and each creature hit takes a -3 to all attack rolls until the end of my next turn.

2011-05-22, 07:30 PM
As the heroes advance, Thyrn fires a blast of arcane energy at the Dragonshield menacing Joran and scores a hit, wounding the foe.

Nathan than attempts to maneuver around the Tunnelers and misses with his strike.

Iltaru, seeing the success had by Thyrn fires psionic energy at the Dragonshield working on Rythia and hits it not once but twice, bringing the blood pouring from its wounds. His second strike is evaded by the quick Tunneler that was next to the Dragonshield.

The Tunnelers take this opportunity to move into advantageous positions around Rythia, but only one is able to connect with his javelin, dealing a glancing blow.

The Slinger, seeing none of his allies between him and the Thief moves away and again fires a pot at Nathan. It strikes true and bursts to produce the most noxious of odors.


Thyrn hits and wounds D2.
Nathan misses.
Iltaru hits D1 twice, D1 is now bloodied. He misses T1.

Immediate Interrupt Shift 3 squares to F6 when targeted by Iltaru's Dishearten
Standard Ready action to attack Rythia when T4 moves into flanking

Minor Shift to G5
Standard Attack Rythia @ 16 vs AC (miss)

Standard Charge to H6 and attack Rythia @ 13 vs AC (miss)

Readied Action Attack Rythia @ 21 vs AC (hit, 4 damage)

Move To D12
Standard Special shot on Nathan @ 21 vs AC (hit, 9 damage, -2 to attack rolls (save ends))

Initiave :
Round : 4
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Joran........: 18 <-----------Active Player
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7

Monsters status :

(F6) – T1 :
(G5) – T2 :
(G5) – T3 :
(H6) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(D12) – S1 :
(G7) – D1 : BLOODIED, vulnerable 5 psychic (save ends), -3 to attack rolls UE Iltaru's NT
(M5) – D2 :

Players Status
(G6) Rythia : 25/25, TEMP HP: 4, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0, marked by D1 until the end of its next turn

(L4) Joran : 20/29, TEMP HP: 8, Healing surges : 11/12, AP: 0, marked by D2 until the end of its next turn

(O0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1

(M3) Iltaru : 21/26, TEMP HP: 8, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 0

(I10) Nathan : 14/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 6/6, AP: 0, -2 to attack rolls (save ends)

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5748884294/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

2011-05-22, 08:16 PM
Despite being threatened by his nearest foe. Joran decides that a change in strategy is needed. He holds his sword high over his head as he charges at one of the creatures threatening Rythia.

Charge at T4 with Virtuous Strike, thereby ending my turn at I-5. Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Stat Block:
HP 20/29 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7 ( remaining 11/12)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 11 Will 15 Speed 5


Marked by D2


Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge

Cutting Words
Valorous Smite
Divine Mettle or Divine Strength
Second Wind

Paladin's Judgement
Lay on Hands


2011-05-23, 03:49 AM
Rythia was surrounded by the little lizards and it seemed like trying to shift away from them would be utterly pointless. They were fast enough to keep up with Nathan when he tried the same tactic. Even with Joran's charge and Iltaru's abilities, she was too far away from the others to effectively use her remaining skills. The crimson haired half-elf grit her teeth and replied more to herself than anyone else, "Time to get back to basics..." She swung her longsword towards the strongest looking threat. There was no flair or exuberant chant behind her words but one should never underestimate the effectiveness of a simple swing.

Round Actions
Standard Action: Basic Attack on D1
Attack Roll: [roll0]
If hit damage: [roll1]

Rythia's Status Block:
HP 25/25 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 8 (2 used /8)
AC 18 Fort 15 Reflex 11 Will 14 Speed 5


EFFECTS Marked until end of D1's turn


At-Will Powers
Furious Smash
Wolf Pack Tactics

Enounter Powers
Valiant Strike
Inspiring Word (1)
Inspiring Word (2)
Guarding Attack

Second Wind

Daily Powers
Bastion of Defense

Item Powers

2011-05-23, 08:51 AM
As Joran charges away from the dragonshield it attempts to swing at him but its attack is slow and misses the departing Paladin. When he reaches his intended target, Joran has built so much momentum and his attention is still focused on the dragonshield that his swing goes wide.

Rythia swings her sword viciously at the dragonshield adjacent to her but it whistles over its head.

The dragonshield then retaliates in kind but manages to strike true, drawing a gash in Rythia's side.

The dragonshield that had been attacking Joran now saw an opportunity to get to the Psion and took it by shifting away to allow room for a run off and then charges toward the Psion but its swing is wide.


Joran (TBD)
Rythia missed

Opportunity Attack vs Joran when he charges @ 9 vs AC (miss)

Standard Attack Rythia @ 20 vs AC (hit, 10 damage and you are marked by D1 until the end of its next turn
Save 3, does not save

Minor Shift to M6
Standard Charge Iltaru at M4 and attack @ 12 vs AC (miss and you are marked by D2 until the end of its next turn

Initiave :
Round : 4
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Joran........: 18
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11 <-----------Active Player
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7

Monsters status :

(F6) – T1 :
(G5) – T2 :
(G5) – T3 :
(H6) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(D12) – S1 :
(G7) – D1 : BLOODIED, vulnerable 5 psychic (save ends), -3 to attack rolls UE Iltaru's NT
(M4) – D2 :

Players Status
(G6) Rythia : 19/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0, marked by D1 until the end of its next turn

(I5) Joran : 20/29, TEMP HP: 8, Healing surges : 11/12, AP: 0

(O0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1

(M3) Iltaru : 21/26, TEMP HP: 8, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 0, marked by D2 until the end of its next turn

(I10) Nathan : 14/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 6/6, AP: 0, -2 to attack rolls (save ends)

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5750985848/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

2011-05-23, 03:36 PM
Thyrn once again summoned up arcane energies and launched them at one of the scaly creatures.
Standard Action Eldritch Blast at creature D2
Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage Roll [roll1]
Status Block
HP 30/30 Healing Surges 7 (0/10 used)
AC 13 Fort 14 Ref 12 Will 14
Temporary Hit Points 0
At-Will Powers
-Edritch Blast
-Hellish Rebuke
Encounter Powers
-Vampiric Embrace
-Enfeebling Strike
Daily Powers
-Flames of Phlegeothos

2011-05-24, 07:00 PM
"Oh that is just foul," Nathan cries holding his nose. Or he would if his hands weren't occupied. He and charges toward the dragonshield to try to save Rythia.

Here's hoping I didn't mess anything up.
Move Action Escape Artist's Trick, shift into D1's square at the end of my turn if he's dead. Otherwise, don't shift at all.
Standard Action Charge to G8 and attack D1
+1 from charging +2 from combat advantage and -2 from the slinger's pot. And since I still technically haven't used it, Backstab as well. Third times' the charm right?
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1] + [roll2]

Saving throw: [roll3]

Nathan's Status Block:
HP 14/22 Bloodied 11 Healing Surge 5 (0 used /7)
AC 17 Fort 11 Reflex 18 Will 13 Speed 6




At-Will Powers
Ambush Trick
Escape Artist's Trick

Enounter Powers
Heroic Effort

Second Wind

Turk Mannion
2011-05-24, 11:55 PM
He knew that Rythia needed assistance, but Iltaru could not help noticing the prediciment he was now in.

Feel like I'm standing here with my stalagmite hanging in the breeze...

He took a step back and turned his attention to the kobold that was suddenly in his face, sending a mental bolt of force at it. As he did, he calmly called back to Thyrn, "A bit of assistance with this kobold would not go unappreciated."

Move: Shift to L2
Standard: Dishearten (at-will)
Attack -- [roll0] vs Will
Damage -- [roll1] and -2 to all attacks until the end of my next turn.

Iltaru's Status

HP 21/26 Bloodied 13 Healing Surge 6 Surges Used 0 (8/day)
AC 14 Fort 12 Reflex 14 Will 15 Speed 6



Marked - D2



At-Will Powers (augmentable)
Mind Thrust

Encounter Power
Shard Swarm (racial)

Daily Powers
Mental Trauma -- Used

2011-05-26, 08:16 PM
As Thyrn unleashes a bolt of energy at the Dragonshield menacing Iltaru it nimble leans out of the path of the missile only to see Nathan strike down its fellow with a vicious strike.

Iltaru, emboldened by the kill, steps away from the Dragonshield in front of him only to see it quickly step in close to him. He attacks anyway, opening himself up to a strike from the Dragonshield in return, but both attacks go wide.

The Tunnelers then return to the offensive, shifting and striking at Joran and Rythia, inflicting three wounds. The two wounds to Rythia draw a significant amount of blood.

The slinger then moves further from the melee combatants and fires a stone from his sling at Nathan, causing blood to run from Nathan's many wounds.


Thyrn misses D2.
Nathan kills D1.
Iltaru misses D2.

Immediate Reaction Shift to L3
Opportunity Action Attack Iltaru @ 13 vs AC (miss, you are still marked till the end of D2's turn)

Standard Attack Rythia @ 25 vs AC (hit, 4 damage)
Minor Shift to F5

Minor Shift to F6
Standard Attack Rythia @ 24 vs AC (hit, 4 damage)
Move Shift to E6

Standard Attack Joran @ 24 vs AC (hit, 4 damage)

Move To I15
Minor Shift to J15
Standard Attack Nathan @ 22 vs AC (hit, 10 damage)

Initiave :
Round : 5
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Joran........: 18 <-----------Active Player
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7

Monsters status :

(F5) – T1 :
(G5) – T2 :
(F6) – T3 :
(H6) – T4 : Marked by Joran
(K5) – T5 :
(J15) – S1 :
(G7) – D1 :
(L3) – D2 :

Players Status
(G6) Rythia : 11/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0, Bloodied

(I5) Joran : 20/29, TEMP HP: 4, Healing surges : 11/12, AP: 0

(O0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1

(L2) Iltaru : 21/26, TEMP HP: 8, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 0, marked by D2 until the end of its next turn

(G7) Nathan : 4/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 6/6, AP: 0, Bloodied

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5763591628/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

2011-05-27, 07:04 AM
Joran continued to swing at the nearest foe.

Minor: Divine Challenge to T4
Standard: Enfeebling Strike to T4. [roll0] vs. AC. If it hits, [roll1] damage and target has -2 to attack rolls until end of my next turn.

Stat Block:
HP 20/29 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7 ( remaining 11/12)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 11 Will 15 Speed 5


Marked by D2


Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge

Cutting Words
Valorous Smite
Divine Mettle or Divine Strength
Second Wind

Paladin's Judgement
Lay on Hands


2011-05-27, 07:13 AM
Hoping that that last attack took down the nearest foe. Joran repositioned his armored self in order to defend his companions.

Apologies about the double post, but I wanted to make sure I rolled high enough to take down the T4 minion.
Move Action: Move to H7 then to F6

2011-05-27, 04:01 PM
Once more Rythia was feeling her wounds digging into her. She was running on fumes so to speak. Her voice was growing hoarse from her previous invigoration but it seems that the tide was slowly but surely turning. The only thing the group needed to do was last longer than their scaly opponents. However, that was easier said than done. Thankfully, Joran was working to improve their chances. Thyrn and Iltaru were finally connecting with their respective spells and Nathan had successfully saved Rythia from the menacing shield wielding lizard.

She turned her eyes towards Nathan and realized that he was on his last legs too thanks to the potshots that the slinger was taking at him. Even as one part of her mind rallied that she needed to attack, the greater portion pointed out that her allies took priority. She ignored the little lizards and focused squarely on Nathan and attempted to help him further, "This...fight isn't lost yet. We have to stand strong."

Round Actions
Standard Action: Heal Check on Nathan to force a second wind on her turn.
(DC 10)
If successful, Nathan uses his second wind but does not gain +2 bonus to defense

Rythia's Status Block:
HP 11/25 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 8 (2 used /8)
AC 18 Fort 15 Reflex 11 Will 14 Speed 5


EFFECTS Bloodied


At-Will Powers
Furious Smash
Wolf Pack Tactics

Enounter Powers
Valiant Strike
Inspiring Word (1)
Inspiring Word (2)
Guarding Attack

Second Wind

Daily Powers
Bastion of Defense

Item Powers

2011-05-27, 04:31 PM
Joran strikes down T4 with a vicious swing that separates its head from its body and he then advances on the remaining Tunnelers.

Rythia, seeing Nathan in dire straits takes the time to heal him allowing him to catch his breath.

The remaining Dragonshield strikes at Iltaru drawing a gash in the Psion's side before shifting into a better position.


Joran Kills T4.
Rythia gives Nathan a second wind, Nathan's second wind is now used.

Standard Attack Iltaru @ 18 vs AC (hit, 9 damage and you are marked until the end of D2's next turn)
Move Shift to M2
Minor Shift to M1

Initiave :
Round : 5
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Joran........: 18
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11 <-----------Active Player
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7

Monsters status :

(F5) – T1 :
(G5) – T2 :
(E6) – T3 :
(H6) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(J15) – S1 :
(G7) – D1 :
(M1) – D2 :

Players Status
(G6) Rythia : 11/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0, Bloodied

(F6) Joran : 20/29, TEMP HP: 4, Healing surges : 11/12, AP: 0

(O0) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1

(L2) Iltaru : 20/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 0, marked by D2 until the end of its next turn

(G7) Nathan : 9/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 5/6, AP: 0, Bloodied

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5765766001/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

2011-05-27, 04:40 PM
Thyrn positioned himself so that he might strike other foes more easily. Seeing that Iltaru was not in immediate danger, he instead chose to defeat the creature beguiling the wounded Rythia. He spoke a few words of power, and unleashed a bast of necrotic power towards the creature.

Move Action Move to K6
Standard Action Vampiric Embrace power on creature T1
Attack Roll[roll0]
Damage Roll[roll1]
HP 30/30 Healing Surges 7 (0/10 used)
AC 13 Fort 14 Ref 12 Will 14
Temporary Hit Points 5
At-Will Powers
-Edritch Blast
-Hellish Rebuke
Encounter Powers
-Vampiric Embrace
-Enfeebling Strike
Daily Powers
-Flames of Phlegeothos

2011-05-28, 01:35 AM
"Thank you, miss, excuse me as I go attend to that last straggler." He spins and slides off to the side and flings his the dagger in his left hand at the kobold.

Move action Ambush Trick to move to G13.
Standard Action Ranged attack on S1 with a dagger which also gets a sneak attack.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] + [roll2]

Nathan's Status Block:
HP 9/22 Bloodied 11 Healing Surge 5 (0 used /7)
AC 17 Fort 11 Reflex 18 Will 13 Speed 6




At-Will Powers
Ambush Trick
Escape Artist's Trick

Enounter Powers
Heroic Effort

Second Wind

2011-05-29, 03:58 PM
Thyrn misses with another blast of arcane energy while Nathan advances on the slinger and bloodies it with an expertly thrown dagger.

The two Tunnelers flee the Paladin to strike at Nathan and Iltaru with Iltaru taking a javelin thrust in the side.

The slinger moves towards the less defended heroes and attacks the warlock with a sling stone. The stone hits Thyrn, raising a lump on his left shoulder.


Thyrn misses.
Nathan hits and bloodies S1.
Iltaru is now on Delay.

Minor Shift to F4
Standard Charge to K3 and attack Iltaru @ 18 vs AC (hit, 4 damage)

Minor Shift to D7
Standard Charge to G12 and attack Nathan @ 15 vs AC (miss)

Move To N9
Standard Attack Thyrn @ 24 vs AC (hit, 6 damage)
Minor Shift to O8


Initiave :
Round : 6
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Joran........: 18 <-----------Active Player
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11
Nathan.....: 10
Iltaru........: 7 DELAY

Monsters status :

(K3) – T1 :
(G5) – T2 :
(G12) – T3 :
(H6) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(O8) – S1 :
(G7) – D1 :
(M1) – D2 :

Players Status
(G6) Rythia : 11/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0, Bloodied

(F6) Joran : 20/29, TEMP HP: 4, Healing surges : 11/12, AP: 0

(O0) Thyrn : 24/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1

(L2) Iltaru : 16/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 0, marked by D2 until the end of its next turn

(G13) Nathan : 9/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 5/6, AP: 0, Bloodied

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5773415084/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

Turk Mannion
2011-05-29, 07:43 PM
Iltaru, flanked by two of the kobolds, realized he needed to extract himself from this spot before they took full advantage of it. He closed his eyes and several of the shards that made up his body shifted suddenly and burst with a green flash, temporarilly dazzling the two creatures. When the flash died, Iltaru appeared 15' away. A quick glance at Nathan's foe set up a buzzing in the kobold's mind, providing a distraction to anyone who might attack it, and followed it with a mental thrust of energy at the bloody slinger.

Move Action: Racial power Shard Swarm. Close burst one, centered on myself, giving me combat advantage on T1 and D2 until the end of my next turn. Iltaru then teleports half his speed (6/2=3 squares) to I5.

Minor Action: Distract on T3, granting combat advantage on it to the next creature that attacks it by the end of my next turn.

Free Action: Send Thoughts to Nathan, telling him to have fun with his combat advantage.

Standard Action: Mind Thrust on S1. [roll0] vs will for [roll1] psychic damage

Hope I got that all right.

Iltaru's Status

HP 21/26 Bloodied 13 Healing Surge 6 Surges Used 0 (8/day)
AC 14 Fort 12 Reflex 14 Will 15 Speed 6



Marked - D2
Combat Advantage - T1 and D2 until the end of my next turn



At-Will Powers (augmentable)
Mind Thrust

Encounter Power
Shard Swarm (racial) -- Used

Daily Powers
Mental Trauma -- Used

2011-05-30, 02:21 AM
Joran calls upon his deity to reenergize Rythia and then charges at the creature threatening Nathan.

Minor: Lay hands on Rythia. I spend a healing surge and she gains an healing surge worth of HP
Move: cashed in for minor: Divine challenge to T3
Standard: Charge at T3 with Virtuous Strike [roll0] vs. AC. If it hits [roll1] damage.

Stat Block:
HP 20/29 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7 ( remaining 10/12)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 11 Will 15 Speed 5




Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge

Cutting Words
Valorous Smite
Divine Mettle or Divine Strength
Second Wind

Paladin's Judgement
Lay on Hands


2011-05-30, 04:04 AM
Rythia breathed a sigh of relief as Joran tended to her wounds. This battle had taken its toll on her but things were finally looking up. The slinging lizard was finally down and it looked like Joran would finish off the evil beast near Nathan. That only left another dreaded shielded one and one more weaker one. Unfortunately, both of them were well outside of easy attacking distance. With a small grunt as she ignored her aching muscles, the half-elf began to move towards the little lizards. She once more pumped her legs into a charge as she attempted to strike the stronger of the two opponents, "Enough with...all this...running!" She was getting winded from have to charge back and forth between the area. The group was spread out too wide and her attack wasn't nearly as effective as she'd hope.

Round Actions
Move Action: Move to L5
Standard Action: Charge Attack on D2
Effect: +2 attack roll
Attack roll (Strength VS AC): [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

Rythia's Status Block:
HP 17/25 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 8 (2 used /8)
AC 18 Fort 15 Reflex 11 Will 14 Speed 5




At-Will Powers
Furious Smash
Wolf Pack Tactics

Enounter Powers
Valiant Strike
Inspiring Word (1)
Inspiring Word (2)
Guarding Attack

Second Wind

Daily Powers
Bastion of Defense

Item Powers

2011-05-30, 08:53 AM
Iltaru teleports to safety and strikes down the slinger with a blast of mental energy.

Joran charges to Nathan's rescue while healing Rythia and manages to slay one of the Tunnelers.

Rythia charges the stronger of the remaining foes but her shock at having Joran place his hands upon her causes her to miss.

The Dragonshield tactically evades Rythia and then shifts further away to allow himself room to move before charging at Thyrn but he misses with his swing.


Iltaru hits and kills S1.
Joran hits and kills T3.
Rythia misses.

Immediate Reaction Shifts to N2 when Rythia moves to a square adjacent to it
Minor Shift to O2
Move To R0
Standard Charge to P0 and attack Thyrn @ 12 vs AC (miss, you are marked until the end of D2's next turn)


Initiave :
Round : 6
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Iltaru........: 7
Joran........: 18
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11 <-----------Active Player
Nathan.....: 10

Monsters status :

(K3) – T1 : Grants CA to Iltaru UENT
(G5) – T2 :
(G12) – T3 :
(H6) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(O8) – S1 :
(G7) – D1 :
(P0) – D2 :

Players Status
(M2) Rythia : 17/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0

(G11) Joran : 20/29, TEMP HP: 4, Healing surges : 10/12, AP: 0

(O0) Thyrn : 24/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1, marked by D2 until the end of its next turn

(I5) Iltaru : 16/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 0

(G13) Nathan : 9/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 5/6, AP: 0, Bloodied

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5776332286/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

2011-05-30, 10:18 AM
Thyrn was somewhat alarmed by how vulnerable he was in this position. He quickly jumped to a slightly safer position, then released a blast of magic at one of the creatures. He then forced himself to expend further arcane force, and attacked it again.
Move Action Shift to O1
Standard Action Hellish Rebuke on creature D2
Use Action Point
Standard Action Hellish Rebuke on creature D2
Attack Roll 1 on D2 [roll0]
Damage Roll 1 on D2 [roll1]
Attack Roll 2 on D2 [roll2]
Damage Roll 2 on D2 [roll3]

HP 24/30 Healing Surges 7 (0/10 used)
AC 13 Fort 14 Ref 12 Will 14
Temporary Hit Points 0
At-Will Powers
-Edritch Blast
-Hellish Rebuke
Encounter Powers
-Vampiric Embrace
-Enfeebling Strike
Daily Powers
-Flames of Phlegeothos

2011-05-30, 11:48 AM
Thyrn steps out from between the two lizardmen and attempts to blast the Dragonshield with arcane energy. Sending the blast of energy at his foe, Thyrn opens his defense up to both lizardmen and they jump at the opportunity to strike him. The Tunneler stabs Thyrn in the side with his javelin while the Dragonshield strikes his other side with his short sword causing blood to flow freely.


Thyrn misses with both of his attacks, he provokes an Opportunity Attack from both T1 and D2

Opportunity Attack Attacks Thyrn @ 13 vs AC (hit, 4 damage)

Immediate Reaction Shift to P1
Opportunity Attack Attacks Thyrn @ 24 vs AC (hit, 8 damage)

Thyrn is now bloodied


Initiave :
Round : 6
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Iltaru........: 7
Joran........: 18
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11
Nathan.....: 10 <-----------Active Player

Monsters status :

(K3) – T1 : Grants CA to Iltaru UENT
(G5) – T2 :
(G12) – T3 :
(H6) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(O8) – S1 :
(G7) – D1 :
(P1) – D2 :

Players Status
(M2) Rythia : 17/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0

(G11) Joran : 20/29, TEMP HP: 4, Healing surges : 10/12, AP: 0

(O1) Thyrn : 12/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 0, marked by D2 until the end of its next turn, BLOODIED

(I5) Iltaru : 16/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 0

(G13) Nathan : 9/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 5/6, AP: 0, Bloodied

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5776572921/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

2011-05-30, 08:10 PM
Watching the kobold fall, Nathan breathes, "Oh that is so much easier, thank you Joran." Exhausted, Nathan pats Joran on the shoulder and shuffles past him. He sees the two more kobolds fighting with Rythia and Thyrn, but hopes that they'll finish them off before he gets there. Nonetheless, he draws a second dagger and moves to try to finish off the small fry.

Minor Action Draw Dagger
Move Action Move to M7
Standard Action Ranged attack on T1
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll:[roll1]

Nathan's Status Block:
HP 9/22 Bloodied 11 Healing Surge 5 (0 used /7)
AC 17 Fort 11 Reflex 18 Will 13 Speed 6




At-Will Powers
Ambush Trick
Escape Artist's Trick

Enounter Powers
Heroic Effort

Second Wind

Turk Mannion
2011-05-31, 11:47 PM
As the kobolds begin to drop, Iltaru feels a bit more confident and steps forward around the trees. He focuses on the remaining enemy, attempting to again set up a distracting buzzing in its brain, before unleasing a mental burst of psychic energy at it.

Move action: Move to K5
Minor action: Distraction on Kobold D2, who is now granting combat advantage to the next attack before the end of my next turn
Standard action: Mind Thrust -- [roll0], which includes the +2 for combat advantage vs. will. If hit, damage is [roll1]

Iltaru's Status
HP 21/26 Bloodied 13 Healing Surge 6 Surges Used 0 (8/day)
AC 14 Fort 12 Reflex 14 Will 15 Speed 6



Marked - None
Combat Advantage - None ongoing



At-Will Powers (augmentable)
Mind Thrust

Encounter Power
Shard Swarm (racial) -- Used

Daily Powers
Mental Trauma -- Used

2011-06-01, 09:42 PM
Move: As far southwest as I can towards D2.
Minor: Divine Challenge to D2
Standard: Charges D2 and ends up in O-3. Attack with Virtuous Strike [roll0]. If hits [roll1] damage.

Stat Block:
HP 20/29 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7 ( remaining 10/12)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 11 Will 15 Speed 5




Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge

Cutting Words
Valorous Smite
Divine Mettle or Divine Strength
Second Wind

Paladin's Judgement
Lay on Hands


2011-06-02, 06:18 AM
Joran's challenge to the final scaled beast didn't go unnoticed by Rythia. With him there, there was little chance for the lizard to attack Thyrn without being punished for it. These little monsters had controlled the flow of battle all this time and now Rythia wanted to return the favor if even just a little. She darted behind Joran and took up a position a few feet to his left, "If you think I am going to make it easy for you to attack or run circles around us, think again."

Her swing was slower than she would've liked but at least with her there as well, it would be challenging for the scaled menace to run around.

Round Actions
Move Action: Move around Joran to Q3.
Standard Action: Guarding Attack (Strength VS AC)
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Effect: If the attack hits, Joran gains +4 bonus to AC until the end of Rythia's next turn.

Rythia's Status Block:
HP 17/25 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 8 (2 used /8)
AC 18 Fort 15 Reflex 11 Will 14 Speed 5




At-Will Powers
Furious Smash
Wolf Pack Tactics

Enounter Powers
Valiant Strike
Inspiring Word (1)
Inspiring Word (2)
Guarding Attack

Second Wind

Daily Powers
Bastion of Defense

Item Powers

2011-06-02, 10:29 PM
With the wild blasts of energy flying around and the weapons of two of the heroes and the lone remaining Dragonshield, only Joran manages to hit his mark drawing gouts of blood from the Dragonshields wounds.


Iltaru Misses.
Joran hits and bloodies D2.
Rythia Misses.

Standard Attack Joran @ 10 vs AC (miss)


Initiave :
Round : 7
T.............: 21
S.............: 20
Iltaru........: 7
Joran........: 18
Rythia.......: 16
D..............: 16
Thyrn........: 11 <-----------Active Player
Nathan.....: 10

Monsters status :

(K3) – T1 :
(G5) – T2 :
(G12) – T3 :
(H6) – T4 :
(K5) – T5 :
(O8) – S1 :
(G7) – D1 :
(P1) – D2 : BLOODIED

Players Status
(Q2) Rythia : 17/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0

(O2) Joran : 20/29, TEMP HP: 4, Healing surges : 10/12, AP: 0

(O1) Thyrn : 12/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 0, marked by D2 until the end of its next turn, BLOODIED

(K5) Iltaru : 16/26, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 0

(M7) Nathan : 9/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 5/6, AP: 0, Bloodied

Combat Map :
New Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5791956537/)
Features of the Area:

Foliage: provides light cover/concealment, counts as difficult terrain

2011-06-03, 06:44 AM
Tired of combat, and somewhat embarrassed by how frequently his spells were missing, Thyrn decided to try and make the final creature surrender. He glared at the creature and spoke a few menacing words to convince it to give up.
Standard Intimidate check on D2
Intimidate Check [roll0]

HP 12/30 Healing Surges 7 (0/10 used)
AC 13 Fort 14 Ref 12 Will 14
Temporary Hit Points 0
At-Will Powers
-Edritch Blast
-Hellish Rebuke
Encounter Powers
-Vampiric Embrace
-Enfeebling Strike
Daily Powers
-Flames of Phlegeothos

2011-06-04, 06:41 PM
Joran continues to attack the remaining enemy.

Minor: Divine Challenge to D2
Standard: Enfeebling Strike to D2 [roll0] vs. AC. If it hits, then [roll1] damage and target has a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of my next turn.

Stat Block:
HP 20/29 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7 ( remaining 10/12)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 11 Will 15 Speed 5




Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge

Cutting Words
Valorous Smite
Divine Mettle or Divine Strength
Second Wind

Paladin's Judgement
Lay on Hands


2011-06-04, 08:20 PM
Rythia ignored Thyrn's attempt to intimidate the scaled creature into surrendering. As far as she was concerned, the lizard was crafty but probably too stupid to understand the attempt anyway. Even if it did understand, the group had hardly performed well enough to scare it. The half-elven woman silently admitted to herself that they were getting by on a wing and a prayer. She wouldn't have been surprised if the wretched creature thought it could take all of them on by itself.

Still, the young woman focused on the battle and once more tried to make things easier for her allies, "Hold still and let us hit you!" She swung her sword with the intent of providing Joran with an opening.

Round Actions
Standard Action: Furious Smash (Strength VS Fortitude)
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: 4 damage.
Effect: If the attack hits, Joran gains +3 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls on the next attack against the dragonshield within one turn.

Rythia's Status Block:
HP 17/25 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 8 (2 used /8)
AC 18 Fort 15 Reflex 11 Will 14 Speed 5




At-Will Powers
Furious Smash
Wolf Pack Tactics

Enounter Powers
Valiant Strike
Inspiring Word (1)
Inspiring Word (2)
Guarding Attack

Second Wind

Daily Powers
Bastion of Defense

Item Powers

Her sword swing to the scaled lizard's shoulder cuts far deeper than she intended and the beast fall limp from the blow. A dumbstruck expression crossed her face as if she believed that it wasn't possible for her strike to finish it. After poking the corpse briefly with her sword to make sure it was really dead she commented, "Um...I was trying to make an opening for Joran but...I..er guess this is fine..." With the threat gone and the adreneline rush fading, Rythia walked slowly towards one of the nearby stones and leaned against it. She was catching her breath and tending to her injuries. That battle had been a disaster and she was certain that they were all only alive by dumb luck.

While she was resting up, she decided to give voice to her opinion, "We...need to work on our teamwork...I worry that...luck will only get us through so far. I can help others fight but I need to be close to them to do it...we were spread so far out, most of my skills were useless." As she rested, she could feel a little bit of her voice returning. She had burned up a lot of resources from that fight and unless another pack of lizards showed up, there was no way she was going move on without being forced to do so.

Rythia is taking a short rest (five minutes). She won't move earlier than that unless someone convinces her to do so or the group is attacked before five minutes is up. She will talk with the party and hold conversations.

Assuming nothing happens, she spends 2 healing surges to get back up to full health and regains her encounter powers.

2011-06-05, 02:18 PM
Nathan goes to fetch his daggers from the corpses after sheathing his rapier. He collects them in a cloth produced from his pack, careful not to dirty his hands with the blood. "We were spread fairly thin, but, all the same, you did a great job and I think I may have died were it not for your help." He smiled as he moved next to her and plopped down exhausted.

Same deal, 5 minute rest, 2 healing surges which will put me up to 19.

Turk Mannion
2011-06-05, 02:58 PM
"I must agree with Rythia on this one. Although victorious, this battle sorely taxed us and I am concerned that further sucesses may elude us unless we properly coordinate our actions. For my part, I am not accustomed nor trained to direct others in battle, but I believe others of you said you had some martial knowledge. All of us might benefit from these vocal directives in the future."

Iltaru remained standing, but all could hear the quiet grinding of the shards making up his body, as they shifted slightly.

Five minutes is good for him also. Takings two healing surges to put him back up to full HP.

2011-06-06, 03:11 PM
Thyrn collapsed on the ground, exhausted. He, too, took a five-minute rest.
Thyrn takes a short rest and uses two healing surges.

2011-06-06, 11:50 PM
Joran wiped the blood off of his sword. Seeing his companions disheartened, he said "I agree that we could stayed closer together and communicated more, but friends, we did well for our first effort as a team. After all, any battle you can walk away from is a good battle."

"Though this is my first fight, I am told that after a battle, one could use a good drink or a good woman. With that in mind, I suggest we move onto Winterhaven before more of these creatures arrive."

Joran will also take a short rest and use one healing surge. After that, I think we'll get back on the road to town.

Stat Block:
HP 27/29 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7 ( remaining 9/12)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 11 Will 15 Speed 5




Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge

Cutting Words
Valorous Smite
Divine Mettle or Divine Strength
Second Wind

Paladin's Judgement
Lay on Hands


2011-06-09, 07:03 PM
Seizing another opportunity, Nathan stands up and looks at Joran, "Talking about women like mere drink, how disgustingly misogynistic. Let's just go before I lose my temper." He continues to pretend to be angry all the way there.

2011-06-15, 07:26 AM
Rythia wasn't quite as offended by the comment as Nathan appeared to be. More so because she was still concerned about the battle. They would need to be far more careful next time and if that meant she had to be more vocal instead of simply trying her best to control her own actions, she would do so. The half-elven woman mentally admitted that working in a group was far more challenging than she believed.

As she stood up and prepared to leave, she glanced over at the slinger, "Maybe...we should take their possessions with us in the event of there being more of them. I don't want to make it easy for them to recover the items their allies lost. Besides...I am a little curious to see if that one with the sling has any more of that odd solution. If we could figure out what it is and maybe make more to throw at other lizards...but I'm getting ahead of myself." With that, Rythia started to search the bodies for anything of value. While it was clear that she was more interested in weapons and armaments than any wealth found, she certainly didn't stop her allies from gathering that as well. Once the task was done, she continued along towards Winterhaven.

2011-06-15, 07:31 AM
Once Thyrn had rested, he immediately began searching the bodies of their fallen foes, not noticing Rythia for a minute or so. He was slightly surprised by her actions, as in his experience, races commonly considered "civilized" did not often search the corpses of their foes, opting instead to bury of burn them immediately.

2011-06-15, 10:41 AM
Its like she didn't even notice, he thought, how ridiculous. "Right, yes, of course, excellent insight, Rythia. Let's take their things then, come on." The nerve of some women.

Turk Mannion
2011-06-15, 11:38 AM
Iltaru, slightly confused by the dynamic of the exchanges between the group, remained silent, helping to loot as necessary, before following the others down the road.

2011-06-17, 06:16 PM
After searching the bodies of the kobolds you find the following:

15 Javelins
6 Sets of Leather Armor
17 Sling Bullets
2 Sets of Scale Armor
2 Light Shields
2 Short Swords

2011-06-18, 05:04 PM
Rythia had examined the weapons with a close eye, almost as if she was searching for some oddity about them. With a resigned sigh, she mentally admitted that the quality of weapons wasn't the issue with that previous fight. She voiced her opinion as well, "It seems that whatever that solution was the lizards used...there is no more of it now. The weapons are also mundane...I...suppose it was foolish of me to think that the quality of gear might also have been part of the problem." Still, the half-elf pondered over the small pile of Javelins that they collected,These...might actually be useful...

Wanting to share her views with the rest of the party, she spoke her mind, "Although I don't have much experience with javelins...these could help solve the problem Joran and I were having with running back and forth across the field. We could split them between us and have a means of fighting at a distance at well. At least, I think its something to consider." She knew that javelins required physical strength instead of a dexterous hand so it seemed like a good alternative when melee combat wasn't possible or dangerously risky.

Beyond the javelins there was nothing else that Rythia saw as useful. She shook her head at the rest of the gear, "The only thing here I think might be useful to us is the sling for another ranged weapon...but that is it in my opinion. Perhaps there is a smithy in Winterhaven who could use the rest or local guards we could donate them to? I would rather see these items put to better use there than leave them here...especially if there are more lizards in the area." After saying her peace, she was clearly ready to move on. She didn't mind if everyone else divvied up the weapons as they needed them.

Unless anyone objects, Rythia will take 7 javelins for herself and give the remaining 8 to Joran. Javelins use strength modifiers when thrown so it makes sense in her mind why no one else would likely want them. She does not mind if anyone else wants to take something out of the pile as well.

2011-06-19, 02:55 AM
Nathan replies somewhat cheerily, "Excellent idea, Rythia, I'm sure there won't be any objections." After which he put his hand on Rythia's shoulder and said quietly, "Hey, are you alright? Did he offend you? You seemed to ignore it. Usually a sign that something's wrong."

2011-06-19, 04:27 AM
Rythia blinked a bit in surprise as Nathan confronted her about how she ignored the previous comment. When he asked if anything was wrong, the half-elf was tempted to just smile and shake her head. These weren't worries that she needed to burden anyone else with. She even started to do just that, "Oh, its...its nothing. I've heard worse to be honest and...and..." However, another part of her rallied, If you can't confide in and trust your allies, how are you going to protect them? She let out a small sigh and admitted, "...my mind is still focused on the battle and what I could have done to make things easier for us." It almost seemed like she was blaming herself for the trouble they had.

As they walked, she continued to share what was bothering her. Rythia spoke openly to Nathan and didn't seem to mind if anyone else in the group overheard her concerns, "...Nathan, I know it was pretty hectic but...do you remember the names I shouted out when those beast surrounded us to boost my confidence? The first is my eladrin mother's name while the second was my human father. In a sense, you could say he was the reason I wanted to be who I am today."

Her eyes drifted down the road as she reminisced a bit, "He was a good man who loved my mother very much. They traveled a lot together and were planning to get married...but their caravan was attacked by bandits. My father died buying time for my mother to escape. He was a hero even if no one will ever sing bardic tales about him. Maybe...if they had someone capable of bolstering the caravan guards, he wouldn't have had to die that day. The world needs good people like him and I want to do my best to protect them. That is what I want to do once I grow stronger..." The battle had hit a little close to home since her father died in an ambush, "I don't want anyone to needlessly die."

2011-06-20, 11:28 PM
Taking his hand off of her shoulder, he apologized, "I'm sorry for your loss. And I'm also sorry for being so off base. But, if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, I'll be there." He smiled reassuringly at her and continued walking with the rest of the group.

2011-06-21, 03:59 PM
The rutted King’s Road leads to the foot of a broad hill that holds the walled village of Winterhaven. The village is nestled in the southern foothills of the Cairngorm Peaks. The walls are weathered stone topped by defensive palisades.
Small thatched homes stand around Winterhaven, each fronting a small piece of farmland or pasture. Beyond the farms to the west and south lie dark woods, and to the north, tall mountain peaks.

Map of Winterhaven (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/5857527939/)

1) Main Gate
(You will find out about the other locations as you explore the town)

As you approach the main gates of the town, you see two guards on patrol around the currently open gates. When they catch sight of you they stop their patrolling and move towards you.

Hello Travellers, what is your business in Winterhaven?

2011-06-21, 10:17 PM
Rythia was feeling a bit better after her little chat about her father. It was painful to talk about but she was glad that she chose to be open with her allies. In any event, the half-elven woman made a mental promise to do better next time they were in combat. She owed it to her allies, her father and herself to keep improving.

As the group approached Winterhaven and were confronted by the gate guards, Rythia smiled warmly, "Well met." When the guards asked about their business, she briefly wondered what was okay to tell and what was not. She quickly decided that it would be better to speak in generalizations unless Joran chose to add in more details, "We are actually looking for a few people who were traveling this way. The first was a lone explorer known as Douven Staul. The rest were a group of people led by a...priest named Kalarel. Are either of those names familiar to you?" She really didn't want to start a panic by blurting out that Kalarel was the leader of a death cult. These were simple farmers and merchants.

2011-06-22, 01:05 PM
From behind Rythia, Nathan adds, "We also need a place to stay. An inn would be nice, I'm famished." He was genuinely glad Rythia was feeling better and not brooding over that last ambush. For now, they would be able to pick up some lunch and finish looking for clues after.

2011-06-22, 07:48 PM
Ah, looking for an Inn are you? Well we can certainly point you to one of those, and a very good one at that. Wrafton's Inn is just through the gate. The guard points to a large building not far inside the walls of the town. As far as an individual named Kalaral, or Douven Staul for that matter, I haven't heard of either but you may want to ask around at the Inn.

Having seen that your party is comprised of what appears to be would be heroes and do-gooders as opposed to brigands or ruffians he steps back and allows you to enter the town.

The INN is location number 2 on your map

2011-06-28, 11:52 PM
Nathan smiles and pats the guard on the shoulder, Oh lovely, man. You do good work, you do good work. He normally wouldn't have meant a word of it. Law enforcement is a pet peeve of his, though he was too hungry to not be grateful for the tidings of food.

After having entered the inn, the first thing Nathan did, was ask if they had any meat. Any meat at all, he said. He'd remember the less important details (like finding Douven or Kalarel) after he'd finished filling his belly.

Turk Mannion
2011-06-29, 11:07 PM
Looking around the inn, Iltaru could almost feel the eyes staring at him and he was determined to prove to these hearty townspeople that he was no monster or simple curiosity, despite his appearance. He also knew that he needed to find out more information about his missing friend.

Approaching the bartender, he greeted him politely. "Good sir, perhaps you might help resolve a quandry. I am searching for word of a friend of mine who was said to be travelling to your town. He called himself Douven Staul and he was a researcher and explorer of sorts. I assure you I bear no ill will, but only wish to return to his wife with news that Douven is well."

2011-06-30, 03:46 PM
As you enter Wrafton's Inn you take in a spacious common room with a bar to one side and several tables, most of which have patrons sitting at them. There appear to be several waiters and waitresses along with a large kitchen staff in addition to human woman working behind the bar that they all seem to look to for direction.

Among the patrons there are many villagers as well as a large number of farmers that all seem to listen to and respect one older gentleman with a table in the corner. There is a table in another corner of the room which features a well dressed, regal looking gentleman talking with another man who wears the robes of a scholar. All the patrons seem to give a wide berth to one individual though, a lone elven female sitting at the bar.

As Iltaru approaches the bar and asks his question the woman working the bar turns to him, I do remember a fellow by that name. He had a room here for a time. He had some business with Eilian. Funny thing is he disappeared one day and never returned. I never did find out what happened to him.

This is the price list for food, drink and lodging at the Inn:
Meal - 2sp
Ale, pitcher - 2sp
Wine, bottle - 5gp
Typical room - 5sp
Luxury room - 2gp

Feel free to talk to the people in the inn and explore the town.

2011-06-30, 04:28 PM
Uncomfortable in crowds, Thyrn quickly entered the least populated area of the room: the area in which the solitary elven female sat. After a moment, he noticed her presence, and distanced himself slightly, though still stayed within the largely unpopulated region of the inn.

Turk Mannion
2011-06-30, 11:16 PM
As Iltaru approaches the bar and asks his question the woman working the bar turns to him, I do remember a fellow by that name. He had a room here for a time. He had some business with Eilian. Funny thing is he disappeared one day and never returned. I never did find out what happened to him.

This is the price list for food, drink and lodging at the Inn:
Meal - 2sp
Ale, pitcher - 2sp
Wine, bottle - 5gp
Typical room - 5sp
Luxury room - 2gp

Feel free to talk to the people in the inn and explore the town.

"Eilian? Would you happen to know where I might make his acquaintance? And how long ago did you see Douven last?"

2011-07-01, 07:29 AM
When asked about Eilian, the bartender points back over Iltaru's shoulder towards the group of farmers sitting in one corner of the Inn. The older gentleman sitting in the corner over there is Eilian. As far as the last time I saw Douven, I can't remember exactly when it was but probably a couple of weeks ago.

Turk Mannion
2011-07-03, 11:30 PM
Nodding his thanks to the bartender, he made his way thorugh the crowd to the group of farmers. He stopped at the edge of the table, waiting until the others paused in their conversation, before greeting them.

"My name is Iltaru. I understand that one of you, Eilian, may have some knowledge of the present whereabouts of my friend, Douven Staul. I have come to ensure his safety, since his return to his wife is long overdue."

2011-07-04, 05:10 AM
The old gentleman looks up at your approach and quickly responds to your question. You knew Douven? I always wondered what happened to him! He had questions about the old burial site southwest of the village. Thought a dragon might be buried there! I told him it was probably just an old trash heap, but he wouldn’t hear of it, no sir! Well, of course I gave him directions to the place. I am something of a historian of the area, you know! Oh yes, Douven! Well, he took my directions, and we haven’t seen him since. I do hope the poor man is all right!

Turk Mannion
2011-07-06, 12:38 AM
"Is there any specific danger he might encounter at the burial site? We met a group of kobolds on the road into town, but are there other dangers in the area? If you can provide me with similar directions, perhaps my comrades and I might ensure his safety. And I will be most glad to pass along your kind regards to him."

2011-07-07, 05:00 PM
Why yes, I can provide you with directions to the site. Eilian then proceeds to sketch out a rough map with directions to the burial site.

As far as the dangers he may have faced? I couldn't say. I have never visited the site myself, what knowledge I have of it comes from the tales of hunters' over the years.

2011-07-09, 10:37 PM
After finishing his meal, Nathan moves back over to the bar and puts his plate down. He said sweetly, "Thank you for the meal. It's been a great deal of time since I've had such fine cooking."
"Hey, listen," he smiled, "can you tell me anything about the overdressed occupants of the room?"

2011-07-10, 07:21 AM
As Nathan asks his question, the bartender raises an eyebrow. I don't see anyone here that is "overdressed".

2011-07-10, 03:34 PM
Nathan sighs, "Fine, who's the lady over there in the corner? Why is no one approaching her?"

2011-07-10, 05:34 PM
The elf? The bartender says with a nod of her head in the direction of the lone elf female. Can't say as I know much about her other than she seems to be mostly surly in disposition and likes to keep to herself.

2011-07-10, 10:25 PM
Nathan mumbled to himself, "Well that's amazingly unhelpful."
He affected his perfect smile at the hostess again. He told her, "Ah well, thank you so much for your time and hospitality" He wouldn't bother to ask her about the other two. The simpleton probably didn't socialize much with her customers.
Nathan drifted around the room towards the elven woman. He took a glance around the room to see if anyone was eyeing him suspiciously then finally stood next to her. He wouldn't sit until he had her permission, it was only proper with such a high functioning member of society "Do you mind if I take a seat, miss...?"

2011-07-11, 05:34 AM
The elf turns and looks you up and down before turning back to her drink. That's what chairs are for, just don't bother me. She says.

2011-07-13, 01:36 AM
Nathan couldn't give up from such a weak rejection so he continued after taking a seat, "What is wrong? Are you waiting for something?"

2011-07-13, 08:28 PM
Continuing to nurse her drink, the elf pretends not to have heard you.

2011-07-13, 10:15 PM
As much as Rythia would have preferred to save getting a meal for later, there was little reason to do so. It was obvious that if this group wanted to continue their search, the Wrafton's Inn was the next destination. It was nearby the gate and truth be told, Rythia was getting a little exhausted with lugging around her load of the gear from the little lizards. A break would be nice and she could use the time to figure out what to do with the extra gear and maybe learn more about their quests. The half-elven woman made no arguments against the stop.

Rythia chose a seat by the bar and set her load down with a thump. She figured the tavern was bustling enough that the noise wouldn't upset customers. A deep sigh of relief crossed Rythia's face as she took a moment to stretch her arms. Like her companions, she ordered a meal of her own to help her recover her strength. While she was getting her break, she overheard that Iltaru found a lead regarding Douven. The female bartender had pointed him towards one of the more popular patrons to get the full story. She figured that he would inform them if anything came from it. Nathan seemed interested in chatting with the elven ranger in the corner so she decided to leave him to that. For the time being, she was even willing to leave Thyrn alone figuring that they would all catch up once they relaxed a little.

For now, she turned her attention to the bartender, "Excuse me, could you please answer a few questions for me? My friends and I were attacked by little scaled lizards when we arrived along the road. They were rather well armed and prepared. Have they been troubling Winterhaven long?" Before anything could be done, it would be helpful to know how long the lizards had been a threat and whether there are more of them around.

2011-07-14, 01:53 AM
Continuing to nurse her drink, the elf pretends not to have heard you.

He smiles and almost laughs nervously, "Oh come now, don't just ignore me. I took all the effort of coming over to sit by you, there must be something you can say." He bumps shoulders playfully and asks, "Like, do you have a name?"

2011-07-14, 04:26 PM
The bartender stands in front of Rythia and while polishing a glass, Kobolds! Those buggers are braver all the time! Lord Padraig would probably be interested in hearing your story. He’s been trying to get the militia to clear out those vermin for the last few months with no success.

While at the far end of the bar, the elven woman turns to regard Nathan. You really don't know when to quit do you? She replies while dropping a hand to a hilt poking from her belt.

2011-07-14, 04:58 PM
Nathan went out on a limb and took a gamble. Doing his best not to show any fear, he looked into her eyes and smiled, "I'm not very good at it, no." He shifted a little bit, then made a gesture to the rest of the room as if to say, everyone is watching. Just talk. Although, he thought to himself, I hope you aren't crazy enough to stab me anyway.

2011-07-14, 05:11 PM
Well, now might be a good time to learn.

If you are really intent on attempting to get her to talk you could make use of things like diplomacy.

2011-07-14, 05:22 PM
Rythia was plesantly surprised to hear that the local lord had taken an interest in clearing out the kobalds. Even if he had not been successful, it showed that he was concerned about the people in this area. True, he could simply be concerned about the trade these ambushes would ruin and not give a copper piece about the farmers but the half-elven woman liked to think the best of others. Furthermore, she felt confident that this Lord Padraig would be someone to ask about Kalerel without risk of starting a panic.

Eager to hear more she continued the conversation, "Where can I find Lord Padraig? I...wait...would he even be the type to speak with me? I'm not a noble or anyone important..." A small frown appeared on her face as she thought about this meeting more. She knew nothing of this Lord and he would know nothing of her. What are the chances that he would agree to meet with some random stranger off the road?

2011-07-14, 05:47 PM
Actually you're in luck. The bartender indicates the table in the corner with the regal looking gentleman talking to the scholar. That's His Lordship right there.

Turk Mannion
2011-07-23, 04:00 PM
Iltaru thanked him for the directions and map and turned to his companions. With little awareness for secrecy or discretion, he shouted over to them in his rumbly voice, "I think I know where my friend has gone. The old dragon burial grounds. I have directions and information. Perhaps we can go there and see if he needs assistance?"

Let's see if that gets the fun started. :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-28, 03:51 PM
Well, now might be a good time to learn.

If you are really intent on attempting to get her to talk you could make use of things like diplomacy.

He put his hand on his forehead and stood up as he said, "Oh, where are my manners!" He turned back to face her then said, "My name is Nathan Dupont, wandering vagabond, dashing rogue, and sage of swords." He took a low bow. "I apologize for the lack of introduction, being out on the open road with nothing but savages for conversation can do that to you."

2011-08-03, 02:31 PM
Rythia nodded a thanks to bartender as she pointed out the lord at the tavern table. It certainly made her feel better that he was so approachable. Still, she wanted to get the introductions as correct as possible. That meant thinking about her words before blurting them out. For several minutes, the half-elven woman was in an almost meditative stance until Iltaru pulled her from her revere.

She hadn't forgotten about Douven nor the hunt for Kalarel. These two missions took precedence over anything else but she worried about the kobolds that were threatening the town. The scaly lizards would make any travel in the area difficult at best. Worse, she was worried that the group might not have the time to reach the Dragon Burial Site before nightfall. If the kobolds were bad enough during daylight, I fear thinking about fighting them at night. The metal clad woman walked over to Iltaru so that they could speak together without having to shout across the inn, "I know you are worried about Douven and I promise we will set out to find him...but...I also worry about our own stamina. It is late afternoon now, we might make it to Dragon Burial grounds before nightfall if its not too far...but I don't think we could do both ways. We had trouble with the kobolds during broad daylight and there are indeed more in the area. Traveling at night...its a risk."

She gave her best reassuring smile to her traveling companion. A part of her hated for even suggesting that they wait, "Iltaru, if you wish to leave right now, I won't abandon you. I'll help as best I can. I'm sure our allies feel the same way. I just think, we should wait till the crack of dawn so that we can be at our strongest. At the very least, I was going to ask Lord Padrig for more information about the kobolds so we can better prepare ourselves. You can speak with him alongside me if you wish."

Turk Mannion
2011-08-03, 11:12 PM
Iltaru looked at Rythia for several seconds, as if considering her words, before nodding wordlessly at her, realizing he had been rash in his planning. "Though I require no sustenance and little rest, I will not abandon my new friends nor their own duties. I will accompany you while you speak to the Lord Padraig."

Using his mental communication, he expressed his gratitude, "And thank you for speaking to me as a person and viewing me as a companion. I will not soon forget your kindness."

2011-08-05, 09:07 PM
A warm smile crossed Rythia's lips as she heard Iltaru's mental appreciation. Despite the shardmind's jarring appearance, she was hardly turned off by it. In a friendly tone, she spoke her thoughts, "I really don't see why I should treat you any differently. We've traveled together for a little while and hopefully we'll have the chance to do so again once everything is done." Rythia wasn't the type to just abandon allies solely on looks.

Before she headed to the mayor's table, she took a look at Thyrn's table. It seemed like she was pondering whether or not to go over to him. Eventually, she commented to Iltaru, "Nathan says I worry about Thyrn too much...maybe that's true but I hope he will open up to us more. For now...perhaps I shouldn't put him on the spot by asking him to join us. Nathan...seems busy as well. We should talk to the Lord of Winterhaven now then inform them about the dragon burial grounds in greater detail." It was clear that Rythia didn't entirely like the idea of leaving Thyrn out of the conversation but she was afraid of pushing too hard. Nathan's 'friendly' chat with the elven lady in the corner didn't offend Rythia. She viewed him as a good friend and if he desired to talk with her, she wouldn't stand in his way. If anything, she was trying to judge when would be the best time to inform him of Iltaru's progress. Figuring that she would give her other companions a bit of time to themselves, Rythia approached the mayor while subtly gesturing for Iltaru to join her.

The crimson haired warlady took a moment to bow respectfully to Lord Padraig before speaking to him, "Please, excuse me for approaching while you are relaxing. My name is Rythia They'lliar and this is one of my traveling companions, Iltaru. We have only recently arrived in Winterhaven and have enjoyed our stay here thus far. Our only problem was with the kobolds that attacked us on the way here. It was a bit of fight but we managed. I was told to speak to you more about that particular matter. I heard that they only started attacking a few months ago but do you know more about them?" Rythia's voice was fairly smooth and she tried her best to sound respectful. She thought back to all those stories where heroes met with nobility for one reason or another. One of the more common mistakes some heroes made was being rude. Thus the noble who would've been a good ally turned into a hindrance. Right now, Rythia thought it would be a good idea to get on Lord Padraig's good side and stay there.

Diplomacy Check to make a good impression on the Lord

2011-08-06, 07:25 AM
You’ve encountered the kobolds that have turned the old King’s Road and our outlying farms into their personal hunting grounds? Those beasts vex me sorely. Yet the villagers refuse to recognize the seriousness of the problem. Attacks along the road have grown more frequent over the last few months. Something’s stirring the kobolds up. I don’t suppose you would be interested in taking a commission from me? I promise you, I can pay well for your services. I would also be willing to have one of my able men assist you in this endeavour.

2011-08-06, 07:43 AM
The elf turns to Nathan, Please leave me alone. I just came here to have a drink in peace.

2011-08-07, 03:46 PM
Rythia was a little surprised that the mayor wished to commission them to deal with the kobold threat. She was certainly not one to turn down a request for aid but even the young warlord had to admit that their task log was getting fairly full. She also needed to talk to her allies about this too. However, there was one thing that prevented her politely refusing even more than her helpful attitude. The mayor believed that something stirred up the kobolds. Maybe...maybe Kalarel didn't come to the town directly. Winterhaven still looks very peaceful. What if he decided to work with the kobolds and use them to take the town? If the kobolds overrun Winterhaven, there isn't another settlement for miles that could do anything about the cultists. I don't have proof but...it's possible. Even if there weren't any cultists I can't ignore this. Rythia briefly glanced at Iltaru hoping that he could read her thoughts just this once. She decided that busy day or not, she couldn't ignore this.

The half-elven woman replied after a moment or two of thought, "We actually came to Winterhaven to search for an acquaintance named Douven. We believe he is studying the old dragon burial grounds. However, I agree that the kobolds are a danger to Winterhaven as well. If your man of arms has no problems with helping us find Douven, I certainly don't see why I can't return the favor by lending my skills as well. I trust my allies will feel the same way. We intend to use the rest of today to prepare ourselves and leave first thing at dawn. When we return there is another matter I would like to speak to you about but I would prefer to do that in private once we are victorious." She silently hoped that her hunch was right that he was leading the kobolds. If it wasn't, she might have just given Kalarel and his cult an extra day or two to plot in the shadows.

2011-08-07, 06:30 PM
If your companions do feel the same we come to my manor on the morrow and we can discuss the terms of your payment and I will introduce the man that will accompany you. This should also allow you to broach this other matter of which you speak.
I am afraid I know nothing of Douven Staul or a Dragon's Tomb, but you may wish to ask my companion here. Valthrun may be able to help you on that matter.

At this, Lord Padraig gestures in the direction of the scholarly looking gentleman sitting across from him at the table. The man turns to regard Rythia and tips his head to her.

Greetings miss, you are asking about a Dragon's Tomb?

2011-08-11, 06:23 PM
Rythia nodded in agreement with Lord Padrig's plan, "That should work out well for us, thank you." Although a part of her felt a little odd suggesting that they would help in the kobold hunt before actually speaking to her allies about it, it was clear she had the best intentions at heart. If things went well, they would have an able swordsman with them who likely knew the land better than all her allies combined. The search for Douven would go much smoother with the extra aid. They would have done a good deed for the town of Winterhaven and perhaps confirm whether or not Kalarel was leading the scaled lizards. In her mind, this was the best choice for now.

Her attention turned to the second gentleman at the table. Apparently, he was more up to date on the dragon burial grounds themselves. She bowed her head a little in respect. Since he was an acquaintance of the lord, she decided to treat him with a similar amount of respect, "Yes, Sir Valthrun. We already have a general idea of the location but anything more your could tell us about the grounds would be helpful. I would prefer learning as much as I can before we arrive."

2011-08-11, 06:59 PM
The scholarly man gives a quick chuckle when addressed as Sir Valthrun. There is no need to call me Sir, I am not a knight, just a sage and a scholar. As for a dragon burial site? I believe that there is a place to the southwest that has been associated with an ancient dragon, but I have no first-hand knowledge of the validity of such legends. Wouldn't it be something if it where to turn out to be true though. This is no doubt where your friends search would have taken him.

2011-08-13, 08:45 AM
A somewhat bashful expression crossed Rythia's face when she was corrected. Still, she was happy that both the Lord and Vathrun were amiable people. Seeing that her questions were answered and there really wasn't any further need for conversation, she bowed her head to both men, "Thank you very much, Vathrun. From what I've heard, Douven Staul is a bit of a scholar himself. I hope we will get the chance to introduce you to him." Her eyes drifted back towards Lord Padrig as she continued, "Although I will need brief directions to your manor first since my friends and I are new to Winterhaven, I will see you tomorrow morning." Rythia didn't want to get lost and miss the meeting because of that. She waited a few moments for directions to Padrig's estate before finally ending the conversation, "Please enjoy your evening."

With the discussions finished, Rythia once again moved over to the side of the tavern trying to have a quiet conversation with Iltaru, "...I apologize for dragging you into a kobold hunt without asking first but...I really do have my reasons for it. Besides getting help in the search for your friend, something Lord Padrig said worried me. He noted that something stirred up the kobolds into being more vicious. It could be that 'something' is Kalarel but I have no proof. I did not mention it before because I did not want to start a panic in a public place. Regardless, I want to help these people anyway I can. This is a peaceful town and I want to protect that...it...probably sounds rather foolish. No matter what happens, Douven and the dragon burial grounds will be our first destination after the meeting with Lord Padrig. Once that is done...well, I would understand it if you did not wish to assist further. I'll pay for the inn rooms tonight and I'd like to ask you to relay the message to our allies as well. I should try to find a smithy or the guards headquarters to see if they can use the few items we found off the kobolds. We should use the rest of tonight to prepare for tomorrow."

Before leaving the inn, Rythia made sure to get the waitress' attention one last time, "Excuse me, I would like to rent out rooms for the night for me and those I travel with. They should mention my name, Rythia." The young warlord reached into her pouch and carefully pulled out 2 gold and 5 silver. It would be enough for all of her companions to have their own room. With that, the half-elven woman gathered her heavy pack and left the inn to deal with the last issue she still had.

Rythia will follow the dirt road further west into Winterhaven and stop when she finds a smithy or the guards headquarters, whichever comes first. If she can't find either by the time she reaches the wall, she will turn around and head back to the inn.

2011-08-13, 03:33 PM

As you leave the Inn and venture further into Winterhaven you realize that:

Number 3 is the Market Square
Number 4 is the Stable
Number 5 is the Smithy
Number 7 is Bairwin's Grand Shoppe
Number 9 is the Tenements

As for your directions to Lord Padraig's residence

Number 11 is the Inner Gate
Number 14 is the Manor House

2011-08-13, 05:25 PM
Rythia had a good deal to think about as she passed through the market with her heavy burden of a bag once more. She was fairly certain if a feather from a flying bird landed on her, her knees would buckle out from under her. The half-elven woman tried to view the extra weight as 'strength training' and was silently wishing she could afford one of those nice bags of holding that professional adventurers tend to use. In between berating herself for carrying so much, the crimson haired warlord kept doubting her decisions.

She had hoped to only take on a supportive role and yet she was acting like the leader of the group. Furthermore, she wasn't even sure if trusting her instincts was a good call here. The group had hardly left the inn once they arrived and there was a good portion of Winterhaven that remained unexplored. What if the cultists are actually in town hiding in plain sight and by chasing kobolds I'm giving them free reign here? What if the kobolds are being led by something else entirely and I find myself wanting to follow that lead? What if Douven really was in trouble and needed our help tonight and I chose to stay in a safe walled in town because I was a little tired? Rythia was pulled from her worries as she found the Smithy's shop. She tried to push them down into the recesses of her mind and focus, One thing at a time.

Rythia entered the smithy and began calling out for the proprietor, "Hello? I was wondering if you would be interested in a few items." Without really waiting, she set her bag down and pulled out the Scale Armor, short sword, dagger and sling. She continued after letting out a deep breath of relief, "My companions and I found these items on the kobolds that tried to ambush us on the King's Road. I...am not entirely sure if you would have any use for them but at least the metal could be melted down to make something the guards could likely use. I really am not expecting payment for this, I just thought it would be better to not let the kobolds take back their gear to use at a later date."

Although Rythia had initially expected little to come from this gear and would've given it away for free scrap metal if it was truly useless, she reluctantly decided to sell it instead. The half-elf pretty much assumed she would barely get a gold piece out of the gear but the final tally made it at least a little worthwhile to sell. She could split the difference with her allies. Even if she was the one who carried the bulk of it, they were the reason the kobolds fell at all. With that task finished and her bag thankfully lighter, she bid the proprietor farewell and returned to the inn.

The battle with the kobolds on the road, the travel with wieghted bag, her meeting with Lord Padraig, the doubts that lingered in her mind and her last minute bartering all took their toll on the young woman. She hazard a smile at her companions and handed them each 8 gold, 5 silver and 5 copper. She explained that it was from the smithy in thanks for the items. Furthermore, she mentioned the meeting with Lord Padraig and the location of the manor. Despite her best attempts to hide it, she was indeed tired. If she had pressed on to the burial grounds, her allies might've had to camp out there or carry her back. Rythia bid everyone goodnight before ascending the steps to her room.

2011-08-20, 07:47 AM
The weary travelers, with much new information to mull over, head to their rooms for the night. A night which passes uneventfully and leaves all feeling refreshed.

Extended Rest

2011-08-23, 11:28 AM
It would come as no surprise to anyone who knew her that Rythia was awake well before sunrise. Every morning, her daily routine consisted of early starts, stretches and maybe a few sword drills if she had the time. The half-elven woman did have the time to do all of that even with the meeting with the Lord of Winterhaven taken into account. Rythia would describe herself as a fairly active person. However, this morning was very different. Today, she simply stared up at the ceiling of her inn room seemingly taking in the details. The crimson haired warlord was not counting the board that made up the roof over her head. Rather, she was letting her mind wander about the past and the present.

When she set out for Winterhaven, she had been so confident. So sure that everything would work out right. The first batch of kobolds that the group encountered took everything they had to beat. Now, they would not only likely face more but actually be hunting them down when they were finished with their search for Douven. It was hard for even the usually upbeat tactician to think positively about this whole situation. However, as her doubts threatened to overwhelm her again, her own voice shouted out inside her mind, Is that it? Are you really have second thoughts now?! What would have happened if father had second thoughts about facing those bandits? Mother and I would both be dead![/i] Strength began to flood into her arms once more as she finally sat up, If someone doesn't move forward, things will never improve. If no one takes a step, nothing changes. A true protector, lives with pain so others do not have to. Even if...you stumble...or fall, do so with your head high, yelling to the gods 'I have done my best and have no regrets! judge me as you will!' Slowly, her mental pep talk began to erode the layers of fear and doubt that grew over the last day. Rythia got out of the bed and began her stretches like normal before finally donning her scale armor. She put on her best smile and exited her room with renewed vigor.

The young woman wrapped on the doors of each room, hard enough to rouse dosers but not so hard that she was pounding wood. There was little need for words considering that they had to be aware of the meeting by now. With her task done, she descended to the lower level of the inn and took up a seat by the door and waited. She hoped everyone would come down soon. Even if they didn't, she resolved to see this plan through to whatever end. She would go to the meeting alone if need be.

2011-09-01, 05:33 PM
Thyrn awoke an hour or so after dawn. Somewhat disappointed with his own performance when the Kobolds attacked, he chose to remain in his room, thinking over his strategies and spells, while absentmindedly preparing his possessions for when he and the other adventurers left.

2011-09-13, 06:51 AM
The hour of the meeting was soon as hand and it took all of Rythia's will not just run up the stairs and pound on everyone's door. Even if she didn't really want to agree with Nathan on his previous point, he was right. She was acting like a mother at times. They needed to decide on their own what they wanted to do. She worried about their future prospects, but she had hoped that they would face them together. She remembered the first half of the trek to Winterhaven with a great deal of fondness. Perhaps a success under her belt would make that same feeling return.

With a deep sigh, the half-elven woman finally stood up from her seat at the tavern. She took a moment to adjust her scale armor and make herself look presentable. The news that her allies were seemingly uninterested with kobold hunting would not be a satisfying report to give. Not wasting any more time, she left the inn. She had told the others about the meeting and the manor location last night. Hopefully they would catch up with her there if they decided to join in this endeavor.

2011-09-13, 04:09 PM
Noticing how much time had passed, Thyrn gathered his possessions, and hurried to the meeting the half-elven woman mentioned.

2011-09-19, 04:35 PM
As the two half-elves approach the inner gate, they are stopped by the two guards standing watch. The guards take their names and ask their business before ushering them on to the manor of Lord Padraig.

As you knock upon the door, you wait briefly before it is opened by a well dressed, dignified man in a sharp black uniform. Again your names are taken and he states that Lord Padraig is expecting you. He then conducts you into a regally appointed room and indicates for you to take a seat at the large table to await his Lordship.

2011-09-21, 07:56 PM
After sitting quietly and waiting for a few minutes, a door at the far end of the chamber opens and the man Rythia recognizes from the bar as Lord Padraig enters. He walks over to were you are sitting and takes a chair across from you. Good Morning. I see that only one of your companions has joined you, were the rest unwilling to take up this task? No matter, I have managed to find a few more volunteers for this endeavor and they should be joining us shortly.

2011-09-21, 08:15 PM
A short, thin elf with blonde hair and well kept armor, embossed with a platinum dragon deftly enters the room. He bows deeply before taking a nearby seat. His emerald eyes take in everyone one at a time and he smiles.
"Well met" he says simply. "I am called Valandil."

2011-09-21, 11:50 PM
A tall dark haired man wearing well used scale armor, arms with a longsword strapped around his waist walks in and takes a seat. Name's Coal, guard of Forestedge. Well up until... Well nevermind. Now I'm just Coal.
Coal couldn't beloved he almost let what he did slip. He need work and this was his only chance to gain fame as an adventurer. Father help me. He thought to himself.

2011-09-22, 01:25 AM
Into the room walks a very large minotaur, well over 7 feet tall. Not only is he tall, but he is clearly very heavy. He is wearing plate armor and across his back are slung a large battleaxe and a heavy shield. He settles into a seat, nodding at Lord Padraig. "Greetings all," he rumbles. "My name is Garvaugn Tannash and it is my pleasure to lend my abilities to help a worthy cause."

2011-09-22, 01:31 AM
Behind Coal and the minotaur a young man approaches. His face is made of light grey skin, covered with black lines that start below his dark eyes and run down to his neck. His skin is flawless and where a beard might have been only another black line covers it.

He is wearing a simple woolen robe and a round, perfectly curved stone in his hand. His voice is calm and although he looks young it sounds like the deep voice of an older man.

"I heard of the troubles that have come into this lands, and it could be my path to help you. For now i am Draziw."

2011-09-22, 05:42 AM
Rythia had stunned to silence at the size of the manor and the decorative interior when she first arrived to the building. She hadn't been so impressed by splendor since she first visited the great temple in Fallcrest. Granted the manor was indeed smaller but it was still a decent sight to Rythia. Just like back then, she had to mentally remind herself not to let her mouth hang open. I may have spent most of my life in a secluded elven forest grove but...I need to remember to act professional. Despite her attempts to keep her awestruck nature to herself, there was one other thing that took up her time.

Thyrn's presence had not gone unnoticed. When she finally felt comfortable with the rest of the room, her eyes focused directly on him. A familiar bright smile formed on her face when she realized he had come with her. Although she didn't say a word, it was clear as day that she was happy to him along. It wasn't much longer until Lord Padrig himself appeared with several other volunteers for the kobold hunt.

The crimson haired half-elven woman listened closely to each of them. The composer of the elf reminded her of the ranger guard back in her home grove. Valendis had made a very good first impression on her. Coal's sudden change of subject stood out a little but Rythia decided not to press it. She trusted that he would hold his own in battle. While she was surprised to see a minotaur, Rythia was always one to judge on merit rather than looks. If she could mingle with a shardmind, Garvaugn would probably not pose a problem for her. The human with the 'odd skin tone' and 'strange tattoos' did make her blink a few times but she dismissed it as a personal choice on his part. She had never met a Deva before so she merely assumed that Draziw features were some form of skin paint and tattoo. Rythia bowed her head at the others and returned her own greeting to them, "Pleased to meet all of you. My name is Rythia They'lliar and I hail from Tal'sulrim. Its a small elven community so I would not be surprised if you haven't heard of it." Taking a brief moment to gesture towards the final half-elf in the room, Rythia spoke up once more, "This is Thyrn. We met in Fallcrest a few days ago. He is a quiet man but brave so please treat him well."

With the introductions out of the way, Rythia pondered how to begin the meeting. She closed her eyes a moment and bowed her head in Lord Padrig direction, "First...I want to apologize that my other companions do not wish to assist as well. I will do my best to complete this task and make up for that. All of us around this table want to ensure that the kobolds no longer threaten Winterhaven with all of their banditry." She paused briefly in her chat to rummage through her belongings and pull out a small hand-drawn map of the area around Winterhaven, "There are two other matters I wish to talk about as well." Some part of Rythia was still a little concerned about how these strangers would react to the news she had but if Lord Padrig trusted them enough to invite them here, she would honor that trust.

Rythia pointed to an area south of Winterhaven that was marked clearly on the map, "The friend of an acquaintance of mine has been missing for some time. His name is Douven Staul and his occupation is researching old ruins. He recently came to this area with the intent of studying a dragon's burial site that should be right around here on the map. No one's see him since but he has habit of getting engrossed in his work so I hear. Before we deal with the kobolds, I'd like to ask you all to accompany Thyrn and me there just to make sure he's alright. Once that is done, I have no further issues about going after the kobolds. I...apologize for requesting this side trip but I made a promise to check up on Douven and I strive to be a woman of my word." With her first request finished, she left the map on the table so that the newcomers could see the area better.

She took a deep breath and a thoughtful expression formed on her face. Whatever was on her mind wasn't pleasant and it seemed like she was trying to figure out the best way to put it to words, "...the second matter...is actually the main reason my group travelled to Winterhaven in the first place. Lord Padrig, I didn't want to say anything in public because I didn't want to start an unneeded panic, but since we're here, I'll speak plainly. Recently, a priestess of the Great Church in Fallcrest, Marla, has heard word of a man named Kalerel leading a small group of death cultists. The last information she was able to discover about this man and his group was that they were heading in the direction of Winterhaven. If that's true, he has had plenty of time arrive here. My companions and I were tasked with finding out the truth of the matter. If this man has come to Winterhaven within the last month, he should be considered dangerous." Not wasting any time, Rythia gives a brief description of what Kalarel looks like from all the information that was past on from the priestess. The look in her eyes shows that she personally believes this information is 100% accurate. When she finishes, she adds, "...maybe I'm just looking too deep into this but...if he didn't come Winterhaven, he might be the one riling up the kobolds. The attacks only increased a month or two, yes? Even if there is no connection, I'm still going to help deal with kobolds." Despite the serious tone in her voice and the firm belief she seemed to possess, her claim was certainly an incredible one.

2011-09-22, 06:49 AM
Thyrn took in all there was to see in this grandiose location. He regarded each of the other adventurers in turn. An elf was nothing unusual, though he thought it somewhat odd to see anyone with a greatbow and a holy symbol. Humans were even more commonplace than elves, and it was not uncommon to see them swinging around weapons such as the broadsword this one carried. He did not know precisely what to make of the Deva, for he had never seen one before. It was apparent, however, that this creature was a scholar of the arcane. Thyrn knew he would have to watch the wizard to see if he could learn anything worthwhile. Minotaurs were not as common in human lands, though the tribe in which he had been raised had numerous dealings with minotaurs. He relaxed slightly, feeling more comfortable now that a race he was familiar with had joined the group.

2011-09-22, 09:31 AM
Valandil listens carefully but remains calm and composed. "Elf-child, your words are troubling but your courage is inspirational. Bravery is our strongest defense, wear it like armor for fear cuts deeper than the sword."

In one graceful motion the elf slides the seat back, kneels before the half elf and lays his bow on the ground before him. "All those who would oppose the forces of darkness are my allies. Bahamut protect us. You have my bow."

2011-09-23, 02:19 AM
"Tell me about the ruins your Douven Staul is investigating Rythia They'lliar from Tal'sulrim. Do you know the name of them?"

"Once there may have been a time when i knew them" he wants to add but does not speak the words.

Ruins are not much different from a man. They seem hard and strong, and fall during the time. Not much different from a deva. They do not vanish, they just break apart and into pieces.

Draziw tries to remember ruins of a city or a village in this part of the world. "Was i here in one of my former lifes?"

History check to identify the ruins Rythia has spoken of: [roll0] plus [roll1] memories of a thousand lifetimes

But a voice in his head whispers: "You are here now. You still have a purpose, no ruin could have."

"I will help you, too young Rythia."

2011-09-23, 04:16 PM
At the mention of a cult in the area, Lord Padraig leans forward in his chair, Do you know something that I don’t? Is it serious? Should I be concerned? No, of course not. A cult? Here? Preposterous, I say. Preposterous. He then composes himself and leans back in his chair to watch the interactions of those before him.

After the introductions have been made and everyone is agreeing to band together, he again speaks. I am glad you have agreed to work together, these kobolds vex me greatly. I wish you success in your attempts to deal with them.

2011-09-23, 07:28 PM
Coal found the news this half elf women brought troubling. Death cultists were never good. I know what's it like to lose a mentor, I'll help you with finding him and the koblolds And and I help you investigate the cultist, this Kalerel.

2011-09-24, 12:27 AM
Garvaugn shifts in his chair, his large frame seeming even larger in the it, "Loyalty to one's friends in an admirable trait. I, for one, certainly do not mind the detour to check on him. We must, of course, be mindful not to delay the main mission too long. Especially if your suspicions regarding a death cult are accurate. Such things are dangerous, and only grow more so the longer they are allowed to operate."

Garvaugn turns to Lord Padraig and says, "Do not let wishful thinking or denial color your actions. It is far preferable to believe a cult is there and be wrong, then to deny one exists and be wrong. Of course, discretion must be maintained so as to not panic your subjects or alert the cult."

Chuckling, he continues, "Speaking of discretion, it's probably fairly obvious that I am, well, fairly obvious. My presence is neither stealthy nor subtle, and we must bear that in mind as we plan our course of action."

2011-09-24, 05:45 AM
"Honesty, bravery and faith will be our weapons. Duty will bind us and trust will keep us together. These are the tools of the light. Leave the skulking to the followers of darkness." replies the kneeling elf.

2011-09-24, 07:02 AM
A feeling of hope swelled in Rythia's heart as she listened to responses of her new allies. It seemed they were all in agreement about not only with dealing a blow to the kobolds but assisting with Douven's disappearance and the rumors of the cult. She was a little surprised by Valandil's gesture but was still very grateful for it. A smile crossed her lips as she fully believed that he exuded the same grace as any of the ranger guards back home. It was also pleasing to hear that Draziw, Coal and Garvaugn were in as well. She nodded her head a little and spoke calmly, "I'm pleased that we'll all be working together and thank you for your help."

When Lord Padraig dismissed the idea of a cult in the area, Rythia could hardly say she was surprised. From everything she had seen thus far, Winterhaven was a peaceful town full of friendly people. She mentally added to herself, ...well, there was that one woman in the corner of the tavern...but choosing to be solitary isn't a bad thing. She turned to Lord Padraig and voiced her remaining thoughts, "I really do hope I'm completely wrong. It'd be a great relief actually but until then, I'll keep my eyes open. This will be the last time I bring up such dark matters without proof, Lord Padraig." Rythia thought it was best to let the subject go for now. Continuing it would just lead them all in circles.

With most of the unpleasant news out of the way, Rythia retrieved the map from the table and turned towards Draziw. The crimson haired half-elf shook her head as she replied, "I'm afraid I don't have any first-hand knowledge of the ruins themselves. If they did have a name, I do not know it. The best information I can say about them is that apparently they were the last resting place of an ancient dragon long ago. Anything further, we will have to ask Douven himself when we see him. If nothing else, I know draconic so maybe if he isn't there, I could discern a clue about where he went then follow it after we're done with the kobolds."

The young woman gave a small smirk to her minotaur ally as she lightly tapped her scale metal armor, "I'm not much better in that avenue either. I was a fairly clumsy child compared to others my age and my mother often told me how terrible a liar I was. Still, I like to think I'm a good speaker. Though somehow, I doubt the kobolds will simply give up because I asked them nicely if they can even understand me." She didn't mind poking fun at herself. She was an honest soul but perhaps that was one of her charms. She barely resisted the urge laugh as she stood up, "All joking aside, I guess the only things left to do are final preparations and heading out."

2011-09-24, 10:36 PM
The elf nimbly rises to his feet. "If that is all, I shall return to my quarters to pray. Please notify me when we are ready to depart." He bows again before taking his leave.

2011-09-24, 11:08 PM
"I let my axe talk for me when dealing with kobolds," Garvaugn says. Standing, he continues, "I shall return to my room now. Please send for me when it is time to depart."

2011-09-25, 07:18 PM
I will return to my quarters to fetch what little supplies I have an the return when it's time to leave. He then snaps to a salute bringing his legs together and putting his fist over his heart. Farewell... He was suddenly aware he didn't know what to call the women. She was obviously in charge or at least know everything but she didn't have rank and he didn't know her at all so first name was out. [color=teal]They'lliar,/color] he says after a moment hesitation.

2011-09-27, 09:02 PM
As the new companions make their final preparations the day moves on towards noon. Shortly after mid-day, they are all gathered at the entrance to Winterhaven and make ready to depart.

Setting out along the road, those from the original group recognize an area after about an hours travel. You see the spot where you were set upon by kobolds on your way to the town.

Everyone can roll Perception

2011-09-27, 10:11 PM
Valandil looks around at the quiet countryside. "It is quiet here, that seems unusual considering the circumstances."

Perception check

2011-09-28, 02:08 AM
Garvaugn says, "I don't think it's all that unusual. After all, it serves the interests of those up to no good to avoid calling attention to themselves."


2011-09-28, 04:41 AM
Being in the section of the road brought back memories for Rythia. They were not plesant ones by any stretch of the imagination. The pain, the running around, the sounds of metal cutting through flesh...all of these were as real to her now as if she was still in that initial battle. There was no hesistation on her part when she pulled out her shield and strapped it to her left arm, "I remember this part of the road...doubt I'll forget for awhile. The kobolds ambushed me and my other friends here when I first made the journey to Winterhaven!"

She decided that for the moment, it would be better to equip her javalin instead of the longsword hanging on her waist, "They hid behind the rocks and struck without warning. They weren't many but they were armored and good with group tactics. It took everything I had just to beat them. They might not be here now...but I'm not taking any chances." If nothing else, she wanted to make sure her new allies knew her tale so they would be on their guard.

Perception Roll [roll0]

2011-09-28, 06:21 AM
If you have beaten them they will propably stop hunting travelers for some time. At least if their group is not large enough to react angry about their dead kobold friends.

Anyway we should stay wary. Maybe we should even search for tracks next to the road.

Perception: [roll0]

Draziw is holding his stony orb in his right hand, walking off-road and searching both sides of the street for tracks and hidden opponents.

2011-09-28, 06:47 AM
Still wary from the previous attack, Thyrn made a point of scanning his surroundings.
Perception - [roll0]

2011-09-28, 04:32 PM
Coal watches for danger as soon as they leave Winterfell.

Perception [roll0]

2011-09-28, 04:37 PM
Coal draws his broadsword and attches his sheild when he hears his companions talking about the previous encounter but remains slient himself.

2011-09-28, 08:18 PM
Seeing the others obviously on edge, Valandil will draw his bow.

2011-10-01, 02:25 PM
War cries break from the underbrush as several small figures dart from hiding places. They are similar to the creatures you fought earlier, but three of them carry longswords and shields.

Surprise Round:
D3: Move to G18
D2: Move to N22
D1: Move to Q20
W1: Move to I15

Initiave :
Round : 1
Thyrn----------: 20 <-----------Active Player
Rythia----------: 17
Draziw---------: 16
D--------------: 16
Q--------------: 14
W-------------: 14
Valandil--------: 12
Coal-----------: 10
Garvaugn------: 7

Monsters status :
(---) – Q1 : Hidden
(Q20) – D1 :
(N22) – D2 :
(G18) – D3:
(I15) – W1 :

Players Status
(J29) Rythia : 25/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 1

(I28) Coal : 27/27, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 1

(K29) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1

(K28) Valandil : 23/23, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 5/5, AP: 1

(J28) Garvaugn : 31/31, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 13/13, AP: 1

(F29) Draziw : 22/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 7/7, AP: 1

Combat Map :
Combat Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/6201378662/)

2011-10-01, 02:32 PM
Surprised by the appearance of the creatures, Thyrn spoke a warning to his allies, in case any of them had not seen them. He then loosed a bolt of arcane power, which arced towards one of the creatures.

Free Action - Speak
Standard Action - Eldritch Blast on D2

Attack Roll - [roll0] vs. Reflex
Damage Roll - [roll1]

HP - 30/30
Surges used - 0/10
Daily/Encounter powers used - none

2011-10-01, 04:14 PM
Rythia ran out ahead of her allies and towards the kobolds. Considering her heavy scale armor, it was rather obvious that she couldn't swing at melee range before the scaled lizards had a chance to retaliate. However, she smirked a little as she heaved her javelin in her right hand, "I'm better with a sword but if there is one thing these beasts taught me last time...its the importance of range." Truthfully, she was uncertain how well she could throw the weapon. She was barely familiar with it and hardly had any time to practice at all. Still, the half-elf wasn't going to back out of a battle simply because she wanted to exercise with her throwing stick. Rythia let the javelin fly towards the nearest armored kobold before finally drawing her sword in anticipation.

Round Actions

Move Action: Move to L24

Standard Action: Basic Ranged Attack with Javelin on D2
Effect: Use Strength Mod for heavy thrown weapon.
Attack Roll VS AC: [roll0]
If hit Damage Roll: [roll1]

Minor Action: Draw Longsword

2011-10-02, 03:19 AM
Draziw stays close to his comrades, but range seems to be something he could overcome by his magic.

Yth tuor thurgix faessi loex, ghoros loreat yth.

Karif ternesj! Karif ternesj! Levex svent! Haurach majak loex ekess nurh malsvir maurg! Levex svent!

He speaks the draconic words of evocation and a shimmering force appears that floats from his hands and fast increases in speed, hitting one of the kobolds on it's helmet with magic precission

Round Actions

Move Action: Move to G27

Standard Action: Magic missile on D2
Effect: 6 force damage

Minor Action: none
Draconic: We want the crippled cowards dead before they kill us. Far stone, far stone! Enchanted arrow! Fate bring dead to those ugly evil breed. Enchanted arrow!

2011-10-02, 09:03 AM
Thyrn and Draziw both hurl arcane power towards the lizardmen but only Draziw manage to hit, staggering his target slightly. Rythia rushes forward and throws a javelin which also manages to strike one of the lizardmen.

The lizardmen rush forward to swarm both Rythia and Draziw with only one managing to strike true, drawing a deep cut at a crease in Rythia's armor before the final lizardman come forward to bolster his allies.

Move: to M24
Minor: Shift to L25
Standard: Ready an attack on Rythia for when he has combat advantage

Move: to L23 (triggers D1s attack)
Standard: attack on Rythia at 17 vs REF for 11 damage and you are immobilized until the end of D2s next turn

Readied Action Attack: 12 vs AC, miss

Move: to G23
Standard: Charge to G26 and attack Draziw at 11 vs AC, miss

Move: to F18
Standard: trade for a move to E24
Minor: shift to E25

Move: to H21
Minor: Incite Faith
D1: Shifts to M24
D2: No Shift
D3: Shifts to F27
Q1: Shifts to F26
Standard: Energy Orb on Garvaugn at 10 vs REF, miss

Initiave :
Round : 1
Thyrn----------: 20
Rythia----------: 17
Draziw---------: 16
D--------------: 16
Q--------------: 14
W-------------: 14
Valandil--------: 12 <-----------Active Player
Coal-----------: 10
Garvaugn------: 7

Monsters status :
(F26) – Q1 :
(M24) – D1 :
(L23) – D2 :
(F27) – D3 :
(H21) – W1 :

Players Status
(L24) Rythia : 14/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 1, immobilized UE D2 NT

(I28) Coal : 27/27, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 1

(K29) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1

(K28) Valandil : 23/23, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 5/5, AP: 1

(J28) Garvaugn : 31/31, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 13/13, AP: 1

(G27) Draziw : 22/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 7/7, AP: 1

Combat Map :
Combat Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/6203850630/)

2011-10-02, 09:17 AM
Thyrn and Draziw both hurl arcane power towards the lizardmen but only Draziw manage to hit, staggering his target slightly. Rythia rushes forward and throws a javelin which also manages to strike one of the lizardmen.

The lizardmen rush forward to swarm both Rythia and Draziw with only one managing to strike true, drawing a deep cut at a crease in Rythia's armor before the final lizardman come forward to bolster his allies.

Move: to M24
Minor: Shift to L25
Standard: Ready an attack on Rythia for when he has combat advantage

Move: to L23 (triggers D1s attack)
Standard: attack on Rythia at 17 vs REF for 11 damage and you are immobilized until the end of D2s next turn

Readied Action Attack: 12 vs AC, miss

Move: to G23
Standard: Charge to G26 and attack Draziw at 11 vs AC, miss

Move: to F18
Standard: trade for a move to E24
Minor: shift to E25

Move: to H21
Minor: Incite Faith
D1: Shifts to M24
D2: No Shift
D3: Shifts to F27
Q1: Shifts to F26
Standard: Energy Orb on Garvaugn at 10 vs REF, miss

Initiave :
Round : 1
Thyrn----------: 20
Rythia----------: 17
Draziw---------: 16
D--------------: 16
Q--------------: 14
W-------------: 14
Valandil--------: 12 <-----------Active Player
Coal-----------: 10
Garvaugn------: 7

Monsters status :
(F26) – Q1 :
(M24) – D1 :
(L23) – D2 :
(F27) – D3 :
(H21) – W1 :

Players Status
(L24) Rythia : 14/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 8/8, AP: 1, immobilized UE D2 NT

(I28) Coal : 27/27, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 1

(K29) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 1

(K28) Valandil : 23/23, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 1

(J28) Garvaugn : 31/31, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 13/13, AP: 1

(G27) Draziw : 22/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 7/7, AP: 1

Combat Map :
Combat Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/6203850630/)

2011-10-02, 10:09 AM
"Fatherly dragon, give me the the strength to smite my enemies; show me the way."

Suddenly Valandil's eye is drawn to a the wyrmpriest. He is filled with understanding. "Supplicant to evil!"
He rushes forward and his bow comes to life as it fires a volley of righteous arrows.

Move to I22
Quarry W1
Two Fanged Strike W1(Elven Acc on a miss)
[roll[1d20+7[/roll] [roll0]
[roll1] [roll2]
Special: Add 3 damage if both hit
Quarry: [roll3]
Action point to Twin Strike W1 (Elven Acc on a miss, prioritizing TFS)
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

Elven Acc:

Edit: Dropped the ball in roll 1, I'll just take the Elven acc, lol.

Assuming 18 AC hits, that is 41 damage total to W1

2011-10-02, 07:06 PM
Coal sees the strange wizard being surrounded by the creatures and, knowing by instinct that Rythia an take care of herself, runs and attacks one the creature and using surprising grace for a man of Coal's size tries to draw the creature away.

Move to E28
Standard footwork lure d3 [roll0] against AC
Damage [roll1]
If it hits Coal will move to D29 and pull D3 to E28
Coal mark D3

2011-10-04, 01:20 PM
Seeing Rythia get hit by an attack, Garvaugn goes to fight beside her. "Come and meet my axe little miscreants!" he shouts as he attacks.

I meant to note that I am always in Measured Cut stance with Defender Aura active unless I say otherwise, since they never turn off unless I go unconscious or I turn them off on purpose. If allowed to have to have them "on" before my turn, then cool, otherwise if not I'll activate Defender Aura this turn.

Move to K24.
[roll1] +2 more is allowed to have Measured Cut active.

2011-10-04, 05:29 PM
Thyrn threw another bolt of arcane energy at the creatures, seeking to aid Draziw, who was facing two creatures alone. He then quickly released another blast at one of the creatures menacing Rythia.

Standard Action - Eldritch Blast on creature D3
Action point for another standard action - Eldritch blast on creature D1

Attack Rolls
1 - [roll0] vs. Reflex

Damage Rolls
1 - [roll1]
2 - [roll2]

2011-10-04, 06:01 PM
There were certain sensations that the half-elven woman did not want to repeat. Having a sharp blade slip past her armor and into her skin was fairly high on that list. She barely resisted the urge to yell in pain and focused more on her own counterattack. Rythia was happy to see her allies were fairing well against the surprise attack and had already downed one of the beasts. She hoped that the good fortune would hold up.

Rythia raised her sword high as she swung once more at the armored lizard she targeted with her javelin throw, "Hinder...me...all you want! True heroes...stand strong, no matter how the odds are stacked against them!" It seemed the presence of the kobolds around her was having an opposite effect and bolstering her resolve. Despite her battle cry, she wasn't completely foolish. The young warlord raised her shield and attempted to gather her strength. She knew from experience that the kobolds liked to hit hard and squeeze out every advantage.

Round Actions
Standard Action: Valiant Strike on D2
Effect: +1 per enemy adj to Rythia (+2 bonus)
Attack Roll VS AC: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Action Point!
Rythia regains 3 hit points.

Standard Action: Second Wind
Rythia spends a healing surge regains 6 hit points for a total of 9. HP at 23/25
Rythia gains a +2 to all defenses till the start of her next turn.

2011-10-06, 04:02 AM
When Coal runs to help the wizard but ends exactly where those wanted to place a blast of magic energy, Draziw shouts angry: Block their path or don't stand in the way!

The tactics of those little beasts are really disturbing. Have i fought them before? Draziw thinks back to the times and tries to remember what he had once known about kobolds.

Nature Knowledge[roll0]

But it does not matter. Draziw tries to get away from the first kobold and claps his hands, the orb within them. A thunderous wave of magic floats over the two and pushes them away - unfortunally also reaching coal.

Move action: Shift to h28
Standard action: Thunderwave on
Q1: [roll1] vs fort push 4 fields to d22
D3: [roll2] vs fort push 4 fields to d24
Coal: [roll3] vs fort push 3 fields to e25
damage: [roll4] thunder
if one of the rolls against the cobolds misses i would use memories of a thousand lifetimes to raise it by [roll5]

EDIT: Damage should be 4 higher - i have forgotten the Intelligence Bonus

2011-10-07, 05:06 AM
As you begin to beat back the kobolds they attack with renewed fury, wounding Rythia, Draziw, and Garvaugn while Valandil manages to escape the blow of the kobold attacking him.

Standard: Attack Rythia at 19 vs Ref for 13 damage and you are immobilized until the end of D1s next turn

D2: Attack Garvaugn at 27 vs AC (CRIT) for 12 damage and you are marked by D2 until the end of his next turn

D3: Move: to G7
Standard: attack Draziw at 18 vs Ref for 11 damage and you are immobilized until the end of D2s next turn

Q1: Move: Shift to G22
Minor: Shift to H22
Standard: attack Valandil at 11 vs AC, MISS

Initiave :
Round : 2
Thyrn----------: 20
Rythia----------: 17
Draziw---------: 16
D--------------: 16
Q--------------: 14
Valandil--------: 12 <-----------Active Player
Coal-----------: 10
Garvaugn------: 7

Monsters status :
(H22) – Q1 :
(M24) – D1 :
(L23) – D2 : Marked by Garvaugn
(G27) – D3 :
(H21) – W1 : Dead

Players Status
(L24) Rythia : 10/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 7/8, AP: 0, immobilized UE D1 NT, BLOODIED

(E28) Coal : 27/27, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 1

(K29) Thyrn : 30/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 0

(I22) Valandil : 23/23, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 0

(K24) Garvaugn : 19/31, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 13/13, AP: 1

(G27) Draziw : 11/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 7/7, AP: 1, immobilized UE D3 NT, BLOODIED

Combat Map :
Combat Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/6219970428/)

2011-10-07, 08:34 AM
Valandil swings his body backwards, dodging the sharp thrust of the weapon. Before his opponent can recover, he delivers a quick kick to the chest, pushing off from it to flip backwards onto the rock. Taking in the battle he chants a quick prayer too queitly to be heard over the commotion and returns to his arrows, hoping to swing the battle away from the valiantly fighting wizard.

Shift to J23
Healing Word Draziw
You heal [roll0] plus you can spend a surge and you gain a +2 untyped bonus to attack rolls until the end of my next turn.

Twin Strike D3

2011-10-07, 10:55 PM
Coal is careful to stay out the wizard's way. He offers no apologies or excuse, just a grunt. He maneuvers back to the kobold and aims a strike at his head followed by a swing of his shield.

OOC:move to h27
Standard:Tide of iron[roll0] Vs D3 ac
Damage [roll1]
if it hits it will push D3 to f26
Coal will ark D3

2011-10-14, 11:50 AM
Garvaugn presses his attack.

Standard: MBA, no Move, no Minor.

2011-10-15, 06:59 AM
Attempting to take one of the creatures out once and for all, Thyrn spoke several words of power, and flames leaped from his outstretched hand, weaving past several of his allies to reach their intended target, one of the creatures menacing Rythia and Garvaugn.

Standard Action - Flames of Phlegethos on creature D1

Attack Roll - [roll0] vs. Reflex
Damage Roll - [roll1] and 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends)

2011-10-15, 07:28 AM
Rythia couldn't hold back the scream in her throat as the kobold's blade once again found a spot between the plates of her armor. They were too quick for her and that's what made her an easy target. Still, the half-elven woman clenched her sword hand and bellowed out in spite of her pain, "Willpower...perseverance...determination...a broken spirit is the most damaging weapon of all...AND I WILL NOT BREAK!" Rythia found the strength to continue fighting within her own words.

With renewed vigor, she swung her sword once more at her scaled enemy.

Round Actions
Minor Action: Inspiring Word on Rythia. Regains [roll0] health.

Standard Action: Guarding Attack against D2
Attack Roll (Strength VS AC): [roll]1d20+7[roll] OOC Topic: 16
If Hit Damage: [roll1] damage and Garvaugn gains a +4 bonus to AC until the end of Rythia's next turn.

2011-10-17, 02:09 AM
Draziw releases another wave of thunder over the small ambusher and turns around to move away from the remaining for on this side of the street. Coal would be surly able to handle this guy.

The deva focuses on the opponent next to the halfelf woman instead.

Standard action: Thunderweave [roll0] vs fort, [roll1] and push him 4 fields up
if the attack roll is below 15 I use memory of a thousand lifetimes [roll2]
EDIT: So it's 14 vs fort

Move Action: to field n28

2011-10-18, 04:51 PM
As the allies manage to push the kobolds back and drop another of their enemies the kobolds again rush forward to injure both Thyrn and Draziw. Meanwhile, the kobold engaged in battle with Garvaugn swings ineffectually at the minotaur.

Standard: Charge to G29 and attack Draziw at 16 vs AC for 12 damage and you are marked by D3

Standard: Attack Garvaugn at 11 vs AC, miss

Move: Shift to I25
Minor: Shift to J26
Standard: Charge to L28 and attack Thyrn at 13 vs AC for 11 damage

Initiave :
Round : 3
Thyrn----------: 20
Rythia----------: 17
Draziw---------: 16
D--------------: 16
Q--------------: 14
Valandil--------: 12 <-----------Active Player
Coal-----------: 10
Garvaugn------: 7

Monsters status :
(L28) – Q1 :
(M24) – D1 : Dead
(L23) – D2 : Marked by Garvaugn
(G29) – D3 : Bloodied
(H21) – W1 : Dead

Players Status
(L24) Rythia : 21/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0

(H27) Coal : 27/27, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 1

(K29) Thyrn : 19/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 0

(J23) Valandil : 23/23, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 0

(K24) Garvaugn : 19/31, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 13/13, AP: 1

(H28) Draziw : 9/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 6/7, AP: 1, BLOODIED

Combat Map :
Combat Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/6258366801/)

2011-10-19, 03:35 AM
Valandil flips off the rock and lands running towards the injured kobold. In one motion he dispenses justice and mercy.

Move to I28
Acrobatics check to do a fancy flip
Quarry D3
Twin Strike D3

2011-10-22, 09:22 PM
Certainly not unscathed by the monsters' attacks, Thyrn tried to create some distance between himself and the creature directly menacing him. He then spat a curse at the creature as he threw a ball of arcane fire at it.
Move Action - Shift to J28
Standard Action - Hellish Rebuke on D1
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Extra damage if I take damage before the end of my next turn - [roll2] (Just going ahead and rolling this to expedite things)

2011-10-23, 06:11 AM
Rythia gave a quick shout towards her deva ally, "Draziw, hold out just a little longer. We'll defeat these foes yet!" Despite her inspirational words, she was starting to have the same feeling of dread as in the first bout with the kobolds. The half-elf woman's voice was growing a little hoarce and it was doubtful she could inspire anyone else for the rest of the battle.

Still, she pressed her own assault against the stubborn kobold attacking Garvaugn. It wasn't nearly as flashy as her other skills, still she cried out as she swung her blade, "Sometimes, you just have to stick with the basics."

Round Actions
Minor Action: Inspiring Word on Draziw. He spends a healing surge and regains [roll0] additional health.

Standard Action: Basic Melee Attack on D2
Attack Roll VS AC: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]

2011-10-23, 05:53 PM
Draziw shoots a magic orb on the opponent next to Rytha

Shift to I27
If D3 is unable to follow:
Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation [roll0] vs Reflex of D3, [roll1] damage, prone, Zone burst 1 centred on F29
Magic missile on d2, 6 damage

2011-10-26, 08:34 PM
As the allies begin to further overwhelm their opponents, the two remaining kobolds again attempt to attack them with little success.

Standard: Attack Garvaugn at 16 vs AC, miss

Move: Shift to M25
Minor: Shift to M24
Standard: Attack Rythia at 9 vs AC, miss

Initiave :
Round : 4
Thyrn----------: 20
Rythia----------: 17
Draziw---------: 16
D--------------: 16
Q--------------: 14
Valandil--------: 12 <-----------Active Player
Coal-----------: 10 DELAY
Garvaugn------: 7 DELAY

Monsters status :
(M24) – Q1 :
(M24) – D1 : Dead
(L23) – D2 : Marked by Garvaugn, BLOODIED
(G29) – D3 : Dead
(H21) – W1 : Dead

Players Status
(L24) Rythia : 21/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0

(H27) Coal : 27/27, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 1

(J28) Thyrn : 19/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 0

(I28) Valandil : 23/23, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 0

(K24) Garvaugn : 19/31, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 13/13, AP: 1

(I27) Draziw : 20/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 5/7, AP: 1

Combat Map :
Combat Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/6284992422/)

2011-10-26, 09:06 PM
Valandil looks down at the bloody corpse before him, muttering a soft prayer to Bahamut as he attempts to dipose of another.

Move to J25
Quarry D2
Twin Strike
Quarry: [roll4]

2011-10-28, 12:30 AM
Draziw shouts to Rythia: Fall back, i will burn them and wants to attack the Kobolds as long as they are standing next to each other.

2011-10-29, 01:48 PM
Tiring of the battle, Thyrn summoned up a moderate amount of arcane energy, and projected it at the creature who remained yet well.
Eldritch Blast
Attack roll on Q1 [roll0] vs. reflex
Damage roll [roll1]

2011-10-29, 02:14 PM
Rythia nods a bit when she hears the call to retreat but she does mentally reply, Easier said than done.... She knew that if she tried to tactically withdraw, the kobolds would likely follow. Their swift feet were truly vexxing the half-elven woman.

Throwing caution to the wind, she gave one last swing at the newest annoyance in her sight, the scaled beast not playing with the minotaur before beating a quick retreat. The young woman shouted in annoyance as she fell back, "Make the most of this opening before they regroup!" She knew she was leaving herself exposed but she felt it was a fair trade for keeping the little monsters in place for whatever Draziw had in store for them.

Round Actions
Standard Action: Basic Melee Attack against Q1
Attack Roll VS AC: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Move Action: Rythia retreats to I25 provoking attacks of opportunity from both kobolds. However, D2 is marked and if he attacks, Garavagn's battle guardian kicks in letting him get a free basic melee attack.

2011-10-30, 07:14 AM
As Valandil staggers one of the kobolds, making it unsteady on its feet, both Thyrn and Rythia attack to little effect. When Rythia attempts to step back to provide an opening for Draziw she leaves a glaring opening in her defenses and the kobold quickly takes advantage.


D2 will not take the opportunity attack.

Opportunity attack vs Rythia: Crit at 26 vs AC for 17 damage

Initiave :
Round : 5
Thyrn----------: 20
Rythia----------: 17
Draziw---------: 16 <-----------Active Player
D--------------: 16
Q--------------: 14
Valandil--------: 12
Coal-----------: 10 DELAY
Garvaugn------: 7 DELAY

Monsters status :
(M24) – Q1 :
(M24) – D1 : Dead
(L23) – D2 : Marked by Garvaugn, BLOODIED
(G29) – D3 : Dead
(H21) – W1 : Dead

Players Status
(I25) Rythia : 4/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0, BLOODIED

(H27) Coal : 27/27, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 1

(J28) Thyrn : 19/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 0

(J25) Valandil : 23/23, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 0

(K24) Garvaugn : 19/31, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 13/13, AP: 1

(I27) Draziw : 20/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 5/7, AP: 1

Combat Map :
Combat Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/6294124217/in/photostream/lightbox/)

2011-10-31, 07:31 PM
The kobold that just viciously struck Rythia follows up the opening again to similar success, dropping the wounded Warlord to the ground. The last of the armored kobolds does not fair as well with his attack.


Standard: Attack vs Garvaugn: 13 vs AC, miss

Move: Shift to K26
Minor: Shift to J26
Standard: Attack vs Rythia: 21 vs AC for 17 damage

Initiave :
Round : 5
Thyrn----------: 20
Rythia----------: 17
Draziw---------: 16 DELAY
D--------------: 16
Q--------------: 14
Valandil--------: 12 <-----------Active Player
Coal-----------: 10 DELAY
Garvaugn------: 7 DELAY

Monsters status :
(J26) – Q1 :
(M24) – D1 : Dead
(L23) – D2 : Marked by Garvaugn, BLOODIED
(G29) – D3 : Dead
(H21) – W1 : Dead

Players Status
(I25) Rythia : -13/25, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/8, AP: 0, DECEASED

(H27) Coal : 27/27, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 1

(J28) Thyrn : 19/30, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 10/10, AP: 0

(J25) Valandil : 23/23, TEMP HP: 0, Healing surges : 6/6, AP: 0

(K24) Garvaugn : 19/31, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 13/13, AP: 1

(I27) Draziw : 20/22, TEMP HP: 0, Healing Surges : 5/7, AP: 1

Combat Map :
Combat Map (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62710259@N08/6300761150/)

2011-10-31, 08:31 PM
As she tried to turn away from the kobolds, a powerful swing caught her in the waist between the folds of her scale armor. Despite her best effort to stomach the pain, it was too much and she screamed out loud in agony. Still she continued to limp away from the beast with a dangerously large trail of blood following her, "Draziw...please hurry...ah...I can't...take much-AAAHHH!" That was as far as she was able to get as the scaled beast dashed between her allies and dug his sword deep into her spine.

The young half-elf's mouth hung open as her legs buckled out from underneath her. Her eyes were wide in utter disbelief and the color quickly faded from her skin. She collapsed face first on the dirt road. Her mind was franitically commanding her to get up, but Rythia's body refused to comply. The sounds and sights of the battle were fading to white as she barely spoke her last words, "...f-father...I'm....soorrrr...." With no further actions, Rythia's world disappeared to nothing as her dead corpse littered the ground.

2011-10-31, 10:20 PM
A single tear slips down Valandil's cheek. "Be at peace, child." He turns to take in the blood splattered Kobold next to him. "You and your friend however, will not have that priviledge." As Valandil finishes he rolls away and lets loose.

Quarry Q1
Shift to J24
Twin Strike Q1 and D2
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Quarry: [roll4]

2011-11-01, 07:28 AM
Draziw steps back and casts his spell, but too late to save Rythia or stop the second kobold from to come near him.

A fire starts to burn next to the wounded kobold, and detonates with a loud burst, knocking him prone if he doesn't have the reflexes to escape the burst.

Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation on M24
[roll0] vs Reflex D2, 1d6+4 damage +prone

Effect: 2 damage at the start of the kobolds turn

2011-11-01, 07:29 AM
Forgot to make the second roll: [roll0]

2011-11-02, 04:18 PM
Enraged over the death of his comrade, Thyrn summoned up every ounce of arcane energy he could muster, and hurled it with all his might at Rythia's assailant. In his fury, he struck again, seeking to avenge the death of the half-elven Warlord, who he had begin to trust. As he attempted to destroy the kobold, he spat every cures he could think of in every language he knew at the small creature.
Standard Action - Vampiric Embrace on Q1

Attack Roll - [roll0] vs Will

Damage Roll - [roll1] Necrotic damage, and I gain 5 temporary HP
ACTION POINT for another Standard Action - Eldritch Blast on Q1

Attack Roll - [roll2] vs Reflex

Damage Roll - [roll3] damage

2011-11-03, 04:37 PM
As Rythia falls, the rest of the party attacks with renewed urgency and finally manages to bring down the two remaining kobolds. Upon searching the bodies of the kobolds, the adventurers find a necklace and a small amount of coinage.

You can all take a short rest. I have detailed to loot in the OOC thread. Also, where do you wish to go from here? There was the kobolds to be dealt with as well as the dragon burial site.

2011-11-03, 04:52 PM
Though he did not often concern himself in religious affairs, Thyrn had a brief insight into the function of the necklace found upon the corpse of one of the Kobolds. He was able to identify it as the symbol of Orcus. He passed this information on to the others, when a thought occurred to him.
"Strange," he mused to himself, "That kobolds might worship Orcus, rather than Tiamat or a dragon..."

2011-11-03, 10:01 PM
Valandil looks up from kneeling over the fallen warlord's corpse. "It might indicate a connection with the cultists. I would bury Rhythia before we press the matter. What faith did she follow?"

2011-11-04, 06:54 AM
"I believe I heard her mention Avandra, though I am not sure, replied Thyrn.

2011-11-04, 09:45 AM
"Then she will fly free with her." Valandil goes about gathering wood, gesturing for the others to help. He contructs a large pyre. Reverantly, he places her gently atop it. She looked like a child, so small and out of place. He recites from the faith of Avandra, of Bahamut and gives her the elvish rites. "Berthadhiell, be free." He sets her pyre aflame and as he chants, the flames become a silvery white and soon everything enveloped is consumed leaving only ash. A strong wind picks up and carries it into the air.

2011-11-05, 06:04 AM
Draziw is quite for a long while. Was it his fault? He shouldn't have told her to fall back, even if he could not know what would happen.

He never intended her to get hurt.

"I am sorry Rythia." he whispers when the flames touch her body and carry her soul away.

2011-11-08, 08:16 PM
The vigil for the death of Rythia was soon interrupted by the sound of heavy feet walking down the road towards the somber group. If there was one thing to be said about the source of the sound, one could see it long before it came into speaking distance. A female goliath in heavy scale armor was moving down the road. Considering that she stood at 7'8", it was rather hard to miss her approach. A warhammer and shield specially made to fit her hung on her waist and back respectively. Her greyish ash colored skin seemed to fit well with her black hair. Oddly enough, she chose to let it flow freely instead of braid it like many goliath women are known to do. Even with the metal around her body, it was obvious to anyone that she was fairly muscular and physically fit. Some folks might have made out an oddly shaped "tattoo" that ran the length of her neck. The truly perceptive would have noticed it was not a "tattoo" but a runic drawing of some kind.

The towering woman seemed to pick up her pace a little when she noticed the fire but slowed down once she saw it was funeral pyre. Even if she still had much to learn about various cultures, Kourni was not completely ignorant of these scenarios. Wordlessly, she walked up to the dying blaze and clasped her hands together in prayer. A feminine voice emitted from her but her mouth didn't actually open, "...may the spirits guide this soul to her final rest. She has rejoined the cycle as we all will someday Melora willing." As each word was 'spoken' the rune on her neck glowed every so slightly. It seemed that this was the source of the vocal sound. With her prayer to the spirits and Melora finished, the goliath turned her attention to the strangers and once more spoke through her rune, "I apologize for intruding but...that was a funeral pyre, yes? I did not wish to walk by without paying respect. If you do not mind me asking, who was she?"

2011-11-08, 08:38 PM
Thyrn paused a moment before answering the Goliath woman who stood before him, both to consider his reply, and to see if there was anything indicating that she was no to be trusted.
As for his reply, he found himself at a loss for words. It was only after Rythia's death that he regretted not getting to know her better. He felt as though "traveling companion" or something to that effect had too impersonal and formal an air, while "friend" seemed to him to identify a closer relationship than it had been his privilege to have with the warlord.
His analysis of the Goliath was quite brief. Nothing about her, beyond her bearing of arms and armor, made her seem to be untrustworthy or hostile, though if bearing armaments immediately marked one as an enemy, he himself was not to be trusted. He concluded that there was no reason to be suspicious, though he was naturally wary of others.
Following this, he gave a succinct response to the newly arrived figure. "She was... a friend." Thyrn still felt as though he was not privileged to use such a term, being that he had purposely kept his companions at an emotional distance, yet he felt it was the quickest and easiest response. He idly fingered his arcane focus, which hung at his belt, and cast a quick glance around, to ensure that no Kobolds were sneaking up on the group.

Not actually expecting Kobolds to attack; that was just RP. In any case, it can't hurt to roll perception.

2011-11-08, 11:12 PM
Valandil nods. "Her name was Rythia They'lliar from Tal'sulrim. A valiant warrior who gave her life to aid Winterhaven. She was slain here by kobolds who have some connection to the demon Orcus." He says a soft prayer to Bahamut.

"I am called Valandil." He bows low. "I would gladly share prayers with you, and perhaps I could help with your..." Valandil stops, not knowing how to conclude. "Ailment?"

2011-11-09, 03:41 AM
The goliath woman nodded slowly towards Thyrn. She had a feeling that something was bothering him and she guessed that it was his connection to the fallen. Truth be told, a part of her wanted to comfort him with a hug. However, she had already been chided in the past for doing such with people she's barely met and it took all of her willpower not to do it again. Instead, she just gave him a sympathetic gaze as her rune came to life once more, "I'm sorry for your loss."

When she heard Valandil speak up, a thoughtful expression formed on her face. She raised her left hand to her head and lightly tapped her forehead as she pondered out loud, "Rythia...Rythia...that name seem fami-oh...it can't be!" Kourni's eyes widened in realization and whatever she was thinking about made her temporarily forget Valandil's other comment. She set down the large backpack slung over her shoulder and began to dig through its contents until she pulled out a rolled up scroll that looked barely a few days old. She opened it up and began to frantically scan the texts until she found what she was looking for, "Rythia They'llar...I was afraid of that...Spirits...Marla and Evon are not going to like this news..." The woman let out a deep sigh and even opened her mouth a little to do it. She shook her head as she wondered how she was going to tell the priestess this latest development. However, as crestfallen as she was, she didn't forget that she had other people around her. Her rune sparked to life once more, "I...I should probably explain."

Although she was now in a crouching position next to her bag, she really didn't have to look too high up to look the strangers in the eye. The goliath began in a somber tone, "My name is Kourni Mistcaller and I was heading west from Fallcrest looking for her...as well as those that traveled with her. Priestess Marla at the grand temple told me about troubles in this area and the people she sent to investigate. I was suppose to simply find them, get an update, help out if need be and then return...but...I shouldn't have taken my time." She shook her head apparently believing that if she hurried, she might have been able to save the half-elven woman. Still, she didn't dwell on the what ifs, it was the present that mattered now. If anyone knew that lesson well, it was her.

After a moment she remembered the elf's last question and decided to answer it. A small laugh seemed to emit from her rune as she commented, "My condition is not overly serious. If I wanted to, I could speak with my own voice...but...the problem is the inside of mouth. It was...scarred long ago and I can't form words right." As if to demonstrate, Kourni's neck rune faded a little and she briefly tried to speak on her own, "ooug eaaa..." One would imagine she was trying to say 'you see...' but she couldn't pronounce the words right...as if someone was holding her tongue while she was speaking. Regardless, she didn't keep her mouth open long enough for anyone to get a good look. Her rune came to life once more, "Melora was kind to grant me the power of a runepriest. Talking this way is not so bad...and I don't get a hoarse voice either." A surprisingly boisterous laugh emerged from the rune. Clearly Kourni had come to terms with her condition long ago.

She looked around at those present and settled upon Thyrn once more, "Are you Thyrn by any chance? I was told Rythia traveled with a half-elf that looks a lot like you." She hadn't forgotten her mission. If she could find one person from Rythia's group still alive, she could do her job.

2011-11-09, 07:48 AM
Thyrn paused a moment, still thinking himself rather one of a Gnoll pack than a half-elf, despite his time of separation from his adoptive parents. After this breif moment's pause, he replied, "Yes. My name is Thyrn." After hearing that Kourni yet knew the names of members - and former members - of the group, Thyrn became warier of the woman before him. It was true that she might be a simple messenger, or even an ally sent to aid them in the extermination of the Kobolds and finding Staul, but, ever erring on the side of caution, Thyrn fully realized the possibility that she might yet be a foe. He gathered a small amount of magical energy, knowing he could release it at once if he needed to, and knowing that should he choose not to use it, it would harmlessly dissipate.

2011-11-09, 08:16 AM
Valandil's eyes softened. "You could not...nobody could have stopped this. Do not blame yourself, child. To dwell on such things..." he whispered.

"Accept the past. Honour her and know that she is at peace with her god. Focus your energy on what you can change. It is fate that has brought you here. Perhaps...yes, perhaps you may be able to finish what she started."

2011-11-10, 11:25 AM
As the party commits Rythia to the pyre, overcome with sorrow that one of their companions would die and no more hunger for adventure, Garvaugn and Coal bid farewell to their allies and prepare to depart. They agree to take word of what has befallen the party to Lord Padraig and to the temple in Winterhaven.

2011-11-14, 11:59 AM
When the two reach Winterhaven they come upon a Human and a Deva that are equipped for the road. Seeing them to be adventurers, they decide that maybe these two able warriors could protect those they left out in the fields. Garvaugn and Coal proceed to inform Dawn and Weeping Crane of what has happened to the others and urge them to follow after them.

2011-11-14, 12:57 PM
Weeping Crane
The monk bows to the two warriors, hands clasped together. I would be honored to aid the people of Winterhaven. He turns to Dawn. With all respect, miss, I believe that I, unencumbered as I am, might catch up to our would-be companions alone. I shall halt their march to await your arrival, miss. Without awaiting a reply, Crane dashes off down the road, his silhouette seeming to blur towards the appearance of an actual crane on account of his robes.

2011-11-14, 01:01 PM
After travelling for a brief few miles, Weeping Crane reaches the main group of adventurers.

2011-11-14, 01:23 PM
Weeping Crane
As he approaches the group, he begins to ask them to halt. But upon seeing Kourni, he pauses and just stands there. As he approaches the group, he speaks to Kourni in the Giant tongue, bowing low with hands clasped in reverence.

Speakers of Giant:
Greetings, revered Sister. May the sun and stone of this land treat you kindly this day.

He turns to the others. I was met in Winterhaven by two warriors who conveyed that you may require my assistance. I am here to help, and ask that you wait a while here, for a second companion moves to join us at a slower pace.

2011-11-14, 01:36 PM
((Blugh, sorry for the delay, been busy with an essay.))

Dawn Sunstorm

The deva greets the two with a smile as they introduce themselves.
She then listens very carefully to what they have to say, nodding from time to time.
"Of course, I would gladly lend my hand with this. It's what I do you might say."
Dawn will follow Weeping Crane's path, encumbered by her armor as she is, she won't catch up to him until a bit later.

Comeing just after Weeping Crane she keeps herself in the background, just making a simple bow before the group while casting a curious glance at Draziw.

2011-11-16, 12:46 PM
With their new allies, the party departs the scene of their ill fated battle with the kobold ambushers. After journeying in the direction of where the kobolds hideout was supposed to be, they come upon small glades of trees that lead up to a cliffside waterfall. A stream tumbles from the top of a rocky overhang, the water descends the side of the hill and flows away to the sothwest.

Roll Perception everyone

2011-11-16, 02:42 PM
Having introduced himself and his party upon their first meeting in which he showed friendly and respectful tones at their dilligence and discipline, Valandil started explaining to their two new members the dangers of their quest and the frequency in which new allies have been disappearing. Content with thier continual enthusiasm, he was ready to move along.

His heart quickening at the natural tranquility of the waterfall, he pauses to take it in. He breaths deeply, "Perhaps we might stop for a moment and rest?"


2011-11-16, 02:46 PM
Of all the things she had expected of this trip, she had not predicted that her touch would be needed so sorely. Two of the warriors had already departed for Winterhaven and she honestly didn't blame them. Seeing someone close to you die can be a demoralizing experience. She wished them well as they departed.

The massive woman nodded in agreement when Valandil had suggested that they work together to complete Marla's task. Although she was still learning about the divine beings the other races worshiped, she knew enough about Orcus to know he was bad news. Furthermore, she couldn't ignore the fact that kobolds with some relation to him were attacking the very people Marla had sent to investigate. Maybe it was merely coincidence but somewhere deep inside herself, she found that very hard to believe.

She did not have much time to further contemplate when two more individuals joined the group. Apparently, the warriors were not so callous as to leave without sending additional aid. She blinked a bit in surprise as the male spoke in a giant. It was rare for her to encounter a human that learned that language. The majority of those she met seemed more interested in elven or dwarven. Whether he realized it or not, she was impressed by his response. She smiled warmly at him and the rune traced on her neck glowed slightly, "Hilsener til deg ogsε. May εndene vokte deg." The words were very clearly spoken in Giant. After she was finished, she continued in common. The voice once again came from the rune itself while her mouth remained closed, "My name is Kourni Mistcaller and I am happy to meet you both. I know it is a bit...odd for me to speak in this manner but it is the most comfortable for me." She began to gesture around starting with the half-elf in robes, "This is Thyrn..." Her hands moved towards the elf next, "Valandil..." Her hands shifted to the male deva but because she didn't know his name, she decided to let him introduce himself after her prompting.

With the introductions out of the way, she continued while the group traveled, "I can share what I know along the way and the others can fill in the gaps. You seem like a trustworthy pair. I was sent from the grand temple in Fallscrest by a priestess named Marla. She had heard troubling rumors about a death cult in the Winterhaven area. She divined the name 'Kalarel' as the leader of this group and sent a group of adventurers ahead to discover the truth of the matter. Regretably I was not a part of this group. I was only sent to see if there were any updates. However...considering that one of the members, Rythia They'llar, has recently perished...the situation is not looking promising. So I have decided to lend my own aid as best as I can. We are apparently kobold hunting since the kobolds have confirmed ties to Orcus. Whether we will find Kalarel too, I can not say...but it is a solid lead anyway." Although she was a bit out of the loop regarding the past, she still had enough insight to piece together the circumstances and come up with a decent summary. She was practically done when the group arrived at the waterfall.

Stealth was never a skill most goliaths specialized in. Considering their size and weight, hiding was almost an exercise in futility. Still, Kourni opted to stay near the rear of the group to give the others some space should they desire it. She tried her best to peer through the foliage in front of her for any sign of their prey...but searching for kobolds in a wooded area was almost as difficult as hiding a goliath.

First things first, giant speech translation, "Greetings to you as well. May the spirits watch over you."

Next Perception...which I expect to be terrible. [roll0]

2011-11-16, 07:10 PM
Weeping Crane
The monk inclines his head respectfully to each as the Goliath introduces them. He seems unperturbed by Kourni's speech rune. I am called Weeping Crane. You may call me simply Crane, if you wish. After hearing Kourni's description of the story thus far, Crane nods. I am sorry for your loss, all of you. I regret not witnessing the valour of the young woman you described. I shall include her in my prayers. As for this Kalarel, if he too is a threat to the people of Winterhaven, then he too must fall. The citizens of the town have been kind to me in my hour of need, and so I shall do what is needed to ensure their safety in return.

Now may be a good time to describe Weeping Crane's appearance; he has fair skin and bright blue eyes. His hair is cut so short as to be unrecognizable under his hat, a slanted, practical thing of woven reeds, but the thin fuzz that remains is blond. His robes are inlaid with patterns and minor magical cantrips to give him the appearance of a crane in flight as he walks, runs and jumps. He bears a tattoo of a single teardrop on his right cheek. He wears no visible weapons, save a crossbow holstered to his pack and a few daggers hanging from their loops.

Upon arriving at the waterfall, Crane peers around, expecting kobolish treachery given the others' reports of the ambushes.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth, if needed: [roll1]

2011-11-16, 07:49 PM
Dawn Sunstorm

I might as well copy-paste the description from her sheet as well:
Dawn have delicate snow white skin nearly the same color as the long white hair which falls over her her shoulders and down to her collarbone.
Her eyes are silver in color without any visible pupils or iris which are framed by her high eyebrows. She have a small nose and well-defined blue-colored lips.
She have a figure which is somewhere between plump and slender and seems to have an almost unnatural stoic calm in whatever situation she's in.

"Ah yes. I'm Dawn Sunstorm, a pleasure to meet you and your group Kourni." The deva replies, bowing rather clumsily, the weight up the armor nearly too much for her.
She then looks up, brushing the hair which clings to her face aside and returns the goliath's smile.
"I too express regret of not having been there in the chance I might have saved here, but to live is to feel pain I'm afraid and I share at least a part of yours." Dawn then pauses a moment, starting to tie her hair into a knot behind her.
"I am here now however and I will gladly lend my aid whenever I can. We might need to hurry if lives could be at stake."

As they walk to the waterfall the group might get the impression Dawn hardly is the most graceful of deva's, especially not in her armor which seem to impair her movement quite a bit.

She doesn't even attempt to hide as they reach it, likely being even worse then Kourni at it.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-11-17, 05:41 AM
Comeing just after Weeping Crane she keeps herself in the background, just making a simple bow before the group while casting a curious glance at Draziw.

Draziw is slim, and his grey skin awakens the impression of colors fading in twilight. He has black marks on his face, lines from below his eyes to his neck, and black hair that falls to his shoulders as well, but no beard on his flawless face.

He introduces himself after some minutes with the voice that does not seem to match his young body, sounding strong and old.

Now i am Draziw. Welcome to the path we walk along.

At the waterfall he searches for Kobold traits or any signs of some other creature changing the natural condition of the place.

Perception [roll0] (Passive 14)
Nature [roll1]