View Full Version : why thog should live

2011-04-24, 07:16 PM
List reasons about why thog should live here. I have 1 reason: Thog is amazing and funny.

2011-04-24, 07:49 PM
He's kind of like a puppy. He doesn't really get what's going on, but he's funny and adorable, in his own way. Never mind that he slaughters innocent people at will

The Pilgrim
2011-04-24, 07:51 PM
I find no reason why Thog should live.

I, however, think he deserves his own line of stuffed toys.

2011-04-24, 08:01 PM
And like the works of any artist, his stuffed toys will only appreciate in value after his death.

Which should happen.

2011-04-24, 08:27 PM
Because *someone's* gonna have to replacce Belkar when he dies.

2011-04-24, 08:31 PM
And like the works of any artist, his stuffed toys will only appreciate in value after his death.

Which should happen.

Thog will probly live because he is a good character and rich burlew can probly think of plenty more jokes with him. I hope thog has many more punchlines in his future.

2011-04-24, 09:26 PM
Thog will probly live because he is a good character and rich burlew can probly think of plenty more jokes with him. I hope thog has many more punchlines in his future.

I think that is the ONLY reason Thog should live.

2011-04-24, 10:14 PM
It would be too sudden in this particular case.

Thog has had a lot of moments in the story, but this particular fight had almost no Thog-specific build up to it. (like how in the first dungeon the linear guild was around for several pages before the fight started) Dieing here would make his death cheap and mookish.

Innis Cabal
2011-04-24, 10:16 PM
Except we've got previous story points where Thog is in. It'd be mookish if he was invented to die just now. But he's a long running character, methinks we'll be seeing Roy's new feat here.

Also, I think the better question is "Why shouldn't Thog Die"

2011-04-24, 10:26 PM
Guys, Thog's not alive.

I'm sorry.

2011-04-24, 10:36 PM
methinks we'll be seeing Roy's new feat here.
:smallconfused: Huh? What would make you think that? His new feat is supposed to let him interrupt spellcasting. Unless Thog spontaneously developed sorcerer skills or something since we last saw him, it's pretty impossible for him to present Roy with a chance to try that out.


2011-04-25, 01:50 AM
1) Rule of drama calls for Roy to have a moment where he chooses mercy over the approval of the crowd/Tarquin, and refuses to kill a beaten and disarmed Thog. Roy winning the fight seems like a foregone conclusion, and I can't see him finishing Thog once he drops to negatives, murderer or not.

2) Too sudden. Thog is a long-standing character with a lot of fans...Rich would either need this fight to last several strips, or his death would feel cheap and lame.

3) Having Thog absent in the inevitable final battle between the OoTs and the Linear Guild would be a definite missed moment of awesome.

4) Thog provides an easy "in" to introduce the Linear Guild into this storyline, perhaps as a reluctant team-up to beat Tarquin.

2011-04-25, 08:06 AM
I hope Rich kills him now. Time to start wrapping up sub-arcs, starting with the Linear Guild. No better place to do this than their place of origin.

2011-04-25, 08:20 AM
List reasons about why thog should live here. I have 1 reason: Thog is amazing and funny.

In this comic, that's the only real reason you need unless of course you are the main antagonist of the comic.

2011-04-25, 11:13 AM
Guys, Thog's not alive.

I'm sorry.


Oh, you mean he is a fictional character? Like that little sobbing cry-baby Luke Skywalker and that know it all, I can't tell a lie, Washington guy?

2011-04-25, 01:54 PM
We need him for his killing Belkar. Then he can commit suicide with Tarquin's axe.

Gift Jeraff
2011-04-25, 01:58 PM
Thog should live if the plot wants him to live, and should die if otherwise.I always felt that the best comeuppance for the Linear Guild would be to have Marks of Justice/Lirian's virus/permanent antimagic fields and then to serve as Elan and Haley's servants until they die.

I hope Rich kills him now. Time to start wrapping up sub-arcs, starting with the Linear Guild. No better place to do this than their place of origin.
I hope not. Unlike Team Evil, the Linear Guild serve as "actual" archnemeses with whom the Order can have more personal conflicts with. (Team Evil's real drama comes from internal conflicts. No one in TE, except maybe Tsukiko, seems to give a damn about the Order.)

Keeping them absent for so long and hyping them up as key pawns of the IFCC, only to kill them off? I doubt it.

I get the feeling they're gonna last longer than every other villain except Redcloak and Xykon. And if so, I will laugh at all the LG haters. :smalltongue:

2011-04-25, 01:59 PM
List reasons about why thog should live here. I have 1 reason: Thog is amazing and funny.
In this comic, that's the only real reason you need unless of course you are the main antagonist of the comic.

Who is, coincidentally, amazing and funny.

2011-04-25, 02:28 PM
Thog should live if the plot wants him to live, and should die if otherwise.I always felt that the best comeuppance for the Linear Guild would be to have Marks of Justice/Lirian's virus/permanent antimagic fields and then to serve as Elan and Haley's servants until they die.

I hope not. Unlike Team Evil, the Linear Guild serve as "actual" archnemeses with whom the Order can have more personal conflicts with. (Team Evil's real drama comes from internal conflicts. No one in TE, except maybe Tsukiko, seems to give a damn about the Order.)

Keeping them absent for so long and hyping them up as key pawns of the IFCC, only to kill them off? I doubt it.

I get the feeling they're gonna last longer than every other villain except Redcloak and Xykon. And if so, I will laugh at all the LG haters. :smalltongue:

I'm not a hater. But I do think we've to to wrap this stuff up sometime.

They are IFCC "pawns." Key word being "pawns." And they haven't been "hyped up" as such. They were mentioned in what, one strip? Now the IFCC control of V - THAT'S been hyped up. The IFCC's pawns can be dealt with in this arc without taking IFCC out of the story.

2011-04-25, 02:31 PM
I actually don't see Roy winning this one, oddly enough- maybe because it is such a foregone conclusion.

My theory- Thog trounces Roy, disarms him but then refuses to execute him, because "Thog like Talky-Man." Thus leaving Roy flustered and enraged, and setting us up for a climax when Tarquin tries to execute them.

2011-04-25, 03:17 PM

Oh, you mean he is a fictional character? Like that little sobbing cry-baby Luke Skywalker and that know it all, I can't tell a lie, Washington guy?

You mean Weishaupt.

2011-04-25, 11:53 PM
Because he is wearing magical armour.

Seriously though, his life or death depends on the drama here... But then there's the comedy shield problem.
You can kill a clown. No problem. Because they're trying to be/meant to be funny. You don't really miss them, because let's face it, they probably didn't do their job well.
But can you kill someone who is there only to be funny and appeal, and is succeeding? I mean, sure, he's meant to be The Linear Guild's muscle, but he's also pretty much the only entertaining part of the Linear Guild (okay, Nale's overcomplicated plans do make me laugh a bit). That makes it difficult. It certainly ups the drama, but it also kills the soul, just a little.

Why he should live? To be funny in the future. As plenty of people have stated, that's the only reason he should continue. To kill him now, in the midst of his jokes... It would seem harsh. I think there has to be a little more physical evil from him before we feel good about his topping it (or at least, for him to be killed by Roy. His death could probably work if played off as tragic).

2011-04-26, 01:44 AM
I don't think Thog will die here. Don't get me wrong, I think he deserves it; unlike Roy, Thog obviously has no moral difficulty with being the beloved death-dealer of the Arena, killing whomever he's told to kill without any regret whatsoever.

The question about the short-term future depends whether the Linear Guild is going to appear at Kraagor's Gate at the very end.

1. If the Linear Guild is not going to show up at the very end, then Thog probably dies here. This makes the Kraagor's Gate event much more streamlined, which could be of some dramatic benefit.

2. If the Linear Guild is going to show up at the very end, then Thog probably lives here. However, the Kraagor's Gate event could get kind of messy, or anticlimactic, if there are too many characters and plots to wind up.
That's not to say a big ending is impossible — hell, for all we know, all nine sides will show up at the very end. The Order of the Stick seems to have made a lot of enemies over the course of this strip, and a lot of people could end up at Kraagor's Gate by the end: the Linear Guild, Hilgya, the Graysky Thieves' Guild, Xykon and Redcloak and the Goblin Army, the Azurites, the Oracle, a bunch of angry dragons, Tiamat, the IFCC, the Elves... the list is huge.

2011-05-02, 06:23 PM
another reason is that he is one of the few funny things left in this comic

2011-05-03, 09:25 AM
another reason is that he is one of the few funny things left in this comic

That's a not a reason. Actually, from my point of view, it's even a wrong statement.

2011-05-03, 11:58 AM
He has to live because of how sexy he is?

Great, now I have the darn song in my head...

"thog too sexy for my shirt..."

2011-10-08, 12:59 PM
He has to live because of how sexy he is?

Great, now I have the darn song in my head...

"thog too sexy for my shirt..."

why, why do you have too put something so terrible? why?

2011-10-08, 01:08 PM
cranica appreciate all lowercase thread title regarding thog. op clever.

2011-10-08, 02:21 PM
Guys, Thog's not alive.

I'm sorry.

I never get comments like this. Why do people say things so definitively when it could go either way? Personally, I think it's much more likely that Thog is alive, given that he was barely hurt in the battle before that, has Barbarian hit dice and probably a high CON score, and we saw no X's in his eyes. Still, despite that, I'm not about to smugly inform others that my guess is correct and theirs is wrong.

2011-10-08, 03:15 PM
I never get comments like this. Why do people say things so definitively when it could go either way? Personally, I think it's much more likely that Thog is alive, given that he was barely hurt in the battle before that, has Barbarian hit dice and probably a high CON score, and we saw no X's in his eyes. Still, despite that, I'm not about to smugly inform others that my guess is correct and theirs is wrong.

This is a necro post from 5 months ago. The post you're quoting was LONG before the latest strip. He was making a joke about the fact that Thog is a fictional character, and therefore not alive.


why, why do you have too put something so terrible? why?

Why, why did you have to necro post your own thread five months later?

2011-10-08, 05:11 PM
"thog too sexy for my shirt..."

:thog: thog not wear shirt

2011-10-08, 06:11 PM
I never get comments like this. Why do people say things so definitively when it could go either way? Personally, I think it's much more likely that Thog is alive, given that he was barely hurt in the battle before that, has Barbarian hit dice and probably a high CON score, and we saw no X's in his eyes. Still, despite that, I'm not about to smugly inform others that my guess is correct and theirs is wrong.

Thog isn't alive. Never has been. He's a bunch of green pixels.

2011-10-09, 06:51 AM
Thog isn't alive. Never has been. He's a bunch of green pixels.

People keep saying this sort of thing like it is clever (albeit they usually say it in refernece to the Belkar death-prophecy). I don't get the appeal of the joke(?) myself, given that you could say something similar about any fiction character.

Ron Miel
2011-10-09, 12:28 PM
People keep saying this sort of thing like it is clever ... I don't get the appeal of the joke(?) myself,

This is not a pipe


super dark33
2011-10-09, 12:48 PM
thog should die.

what new jokes can emerge?
some new puppy and ice cream stuff?

Thog should die.
Roy needs to get those levels back.

Gift Jeraff
2011-10-09, 02:35 PM
Thog should die.
Roy needs to get those levels back.If Thog has already been defeated, Roy does not have to kill him to gain XP from the encounter. See what Haley said. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0021.html)

2011-10-09, 05:34 PM
The Modguin: Come on, guys. You know this. Don't necromancy threads, don't post in necromancied threads, etcetera. Thread locked.