View Full Version : Incarnum PrCs 86 higher level Chakra Binds?

Forged Fury
2011-04-24, 09:09 PM
I'm constructing a Totem Rager right now and have realized that I'm essentially prohibiting myself from accessing throat or waist chakra binds without blowing a feat (two if I want both) and will never have access to heart chakra binds. While I can understand the loss of some of the Totemist specific stuff (rebind totem spirit, double totem chakra bind, etc), not getting access to binding the full suite of chakras themselves just seems kind of odd when pursuing an Incarnum based PrC. While it's a completly different system, it almost seems like it would be similar to an arcane PrC that granted boosts to caster levels but didn't provide access to higher level spells.

Given the general lack of support outside of MoI for incarnum related stuff, I don't supposed there is some kind of feat out there that stacks levels of a meldshaping class with levels of another class to determine the highest Chakra binds available to a character is there?

Is this one of the reasons why I've seen mention that straight Totemist is a better choice than a Totem Rager?

2011-04-24, 09:30 PM
This is exactly one of my concerns with Incarnum PrC's. Even if they do offer higher tier binds you have to enter them ASAP and stay in them... and afterward you can't catch up on binds short of Epic Feats. I suggest sweet talking your DM.

I know of no such official feat.

2011-04-24, 09:38 PM
I'm constructing a Totem Rager right now and have realized that I'm essentially prohibiting myself from accessing throat or waist chakra binds without blowing a feat (two if I want both) and will never have access to heart chakra binds. While I can understand the loss of some of the Totemist specific stuff (rebind totem spirit, double totem chakra bind, etc), not getting access to binding the full suite of chakras themselves just seems kind of odd when pursuing an Incarnum based PrC. While it's a completly different system, it almost seems like it would be similar to an arcane PrC that granted boosts to caster levels but didn't provide access to higher level spells.

Given the general lack of support outside of MoI for incarnum related stuff, I don't supposed there is some kind of feat out there that stacks levels of a meldshaping class with levels of another class to determine the highest Chakra binds available to a character is there?

Is this one of the reasons why I've seen mention that straight Totemist is a better choice than a Totem Rager?

Well... the chakra binds are in place as a pseudo-replacement for spell levels. I mean, the totemist/incarnate both get the higher level binds (as "full casters"), while the soulborn gets minor access (as a "partial caster", AKA paladin/ranger types).

And a better comparison for the arcane would be the same as a PrC that didn't offer casting advancement period. The chakra binds are the only real 'advancement' soulmelds get (essentia usually just enhances their base functions, like scaling CLs), so it's a good comparison. And there's plenty of 8/10 or 6/10 caster PrCs out there. They supposedly offer enough power to make up for the lack of casting levels, and sometimes they do. It's the same story for the Totem Rager - while you WILL probably get more damage out of it, you lack the versatility (an higher level powers) of a straight Totemist.

Hope I answered your questions.

2011-04-25, 02:59 PM
Throat and waist chakras conflict with Amulet of Health and Belt of Giant Strength. If you did open them you'd basically have to buy Split Chakra for both, right?

2011-04-25, 03:07 PM
Yes, though those are far from the most important items to put in those slots.

2011-04-25, 03:19 PM
Yeah, I guess I'm assuming Core+MoI only, which probably isn't the case because nobody allows MoI as their first and only non-core book. What books are you allowed to use, and how does your DM feel about buying magic items?