View Full Version : Making a Comically Lethal Dungeon

Angry Bob
2011-04-25, 10:55 AM
I got the idea a few months back when we were slogging through a dungeon where we just kept getting killed by the silliest stuff. Between getting ability drained at low levels and ragequitting before level 7("I'm going to insist you roll ability scores, but it won't really matter what you rolled, because you're going to be walking around with a 7! And blind! Problem? (http://i.imgur.com/cxnwm.png)"), and a lot of good classes/feats being disallowed or discouraged.

So I decided, if you're going to keep dying, why not die to stuff you don't feel bad about losing to?

I've talked to my group, and they seem on board with going through a dungeon at level 20 with high optimization encouraged and everything in 3.5 allowed as written except obvious typos, epic spells, and things that generate infinite or arbitrarily high numbers(such as pun-pun and the omniscificer).

Each character gets a certain number of lives, depending on how big I decide the dungeon is. If the party wipes, you proceed to the next encounter down a life each and re-encounter the one you wiped to later.

Because I'm poor at it otherwise, the framing device(you find yourselves in a room) is the only storyline you're going to get. On the other hand, because it'll be mostly combat, it won't actually take too much real-world time. Three or four sessions at most.

For an idea of the lethality of the dungeon:

At a certain time(usually immediately) after all of the threats in an encounter are dealt with, the party is teleported to the next encounter. Every few(3-7) encounters will teleport the party to either an idyll or a depot, where the characters can rest up or get items, respectively. The entire whatever it is the players are in is dimensionally locked, so there's no way to leave.

Sample encounters:

The room fills completely with magma one round after the players enter the room. Somewhere within the magma are two magmaborn(acidborn variant) Kraken Wizard 16s. Defeat them.

Two Kalaraq quori in eye swarm form emerge from the floor. Hiding somewhere in the adamantine walls are two more of them and a Mind Shard of Pandorym. Defeat them.

You come into a large room filled with Fiendish Sentry Living Blade Barrier/Mind Fog Wilder 15s. Do what you do best.

A few questions:

Does this seem doable and/or fun? I ask because I've only briefly discussed it with my players. Are there any design flaws you see that could be fixed to make it more fun for you(within the given constraints of "plotless, seizure-inducingly hard dungeon)?

As the DM, is there anything that should be banned to keep the players(half of whom are adept at optimizing) from steamrolling these encounters? I want to keep the banlist as short as possible, but I also want to disallow stuff that can trivialize *all* encounters.

Finally, suggest encounters that you would correctly call "comically lethal."

2011-04-25, 11:00 AM
With dungeons like this make it a total crawl with random merchants (and other things that don't make sense) throughout. Also if you give them tons of whacky encounters give them lots of access to resurrection so that the fun can continue after hilarious blunders.

Or you could go the more serious route for a tomb of horrors esque thing... but more mechanics and less... whatever you would say the ToH does.

2011-04-25, 11:12 AM
As the DM, is there anything that should be banned to keep the players(half of whom are adept at optimizing) from steamrolling these encounters? I want to keep the banlist as short as possible, but I also want to disallow stuff that can trivialize *all* encounters.

My suggestion: Due to Chrono-thaumic flux, 1d6 hours elapse between each room for purposes of spell durations only. Also, each cast buff has a 1-in-3 chance of dropping every time you leave a room.

Otherwise, there is no reason for anyone to play anything without Persisted Shapeshift and 20 other persisted or long duration buffs.

Flame of Anor
2011-04-25, 11:34 AM
My suggestion: Due to Chrono-thaumic flux, 1d6 hours elapse between each room for purposes of spell durations only. Also, each cast buff has a 1-in-3 chance of dropping every time you leave a room.

Otherwise, there is no reason for anyone to play anything without Persisted Shapeshift and 20 other persisted or long duration buffs.

Chrono-thaumic flux? That's just silly. Instead, they should have to take the dragon-powered magic subway between encounters.

2011-04-25, 11:38 AM
Go old school. There's a monster that disguises itself as a ceiling, then drops down on people. There's another, similiar one that disguises itself as the floor. Unsurprisingly, there are monsters that do the same thing for walls, and for treasure chests. Permanently invisible gelatinous cubes can fill up the empty space. Could be one hell of a lot worse, but for comic value? "As you open the door, you see an empty room with a chest in the far corner. Roll Initiative." The living room of death is pretty awesome.

Alt, stupidly lethal? Tomb of Horrors.

2011-04-25, 12:00 PM
If you want to play something like Paranoia I would suggest you do exactly that instead of this.

2011-04-25, 12:01 PM
Greater Mimics...Mimics that ARE a room in a dungeon.

House Mimics...killer houses that live on a diet of door to door salesmen. and split off outhouses via cell division.

2011-04-25, 12:03 PM
If you want to play something like Paranoia I would suggest you do exactly that instead of this.

Would agree.

2011-04-25, 12:06 PM
Greater Mimics...Mimics that ARE a room in a dungeon.

House Mimics...killer houses that live on a diet of door to door salesmen. and split off outhouses via cell division.
None of these are so dangerous as the dreaded were-house.

2011-04-25, 12:32 PM
This is probably too obvious/cliché but... mirror of opposition ?

None of these are so dangerous as the dreaded were-house.
Is that a distant cousin to the Dread Gazebo ?

2011-04-25, 12:36 PM
Is that a distant cousin to the Dread Gazebo ?
More like a D&D transformer.

2011-04-25, 12:44 PM
Tomb of Horrors is more like a meatgrinder that requires a lot of wit to work.
Remember that it was originally an AD&D adventure that Mr. Gygax ran, and a lot of the little weird things that come up in it were stuff his players and him came up with on the fly (such as Acererak's weaknesses).

Now, for level 20 play with high optimization, you'll need to optimize the crap out of your opponents/traps.

2011-04-25, 02:07 PM
If only there were an upated castle greyhawk.

The world needs indiana gnome.

2011-04-25, 02:14 PM
Chrono-thaumic flux? That's just silly. Instead, they should have to take the dragon-powered magic subway between encounters.

Does the subway take 1d6 hours to get anywhere?

2011-04-25, 02:44 PM
Well no, the subway is quick. However, it only stops at any given room every 1d6 hours.