View Full Version : Icewind Dale Campaign

2011-04-25, 11:26 AM
Finally the ship piloted by Captain Hedron Kerdos docked on the edge of Targos. You have been aboard the ship for approximately a week and have seen the death and destruction brought about by the goblin horde from the north. Conscripted as mercenaries in Neverwinter, you boarded the first ship available to you and headed north. Expecting to land in Bremen, one of the first of the Ten Towns along the river, the trip would only take two to three days. Unfortunately, upon arrival to Bremen, the horde had crushed the town and nothing but a smoldering heap of houses remained on the shore. Hedron immediately dropped sail once again and continued up the river to Targos, the next of the Ten Towns. Your arrival is not welcomed by crowds of people awaiting help, but rather by a skeleton town, seemingly abandoned, but yet unscathed by the horde. On the shore, a few large warehouses can be seen along the base of a cliff, along with a few hovels and what looks to be a pub or inn. Atop the cliff lies the rest of Targos, a large wooden crane perched at the edge of the cliff blocks the view of the majority of the town, but the large town hall stands prominent on the cliff.

Hedron Kerdos, the captain who sailed the ship from Neverwinter all the way up the river to Targos, stands about 6'2 and 194 pounds. His large frame accented by toned muscles from a life on the water. After docking safely at the pier, he turns to you and begins to speak,
Well here ye be, straight from the shores of Bremen, to the scenic shore of Targos herself. Now that ye be seein' the skeleton town ye be defendin', ye sure ye dont want me to take ye back?

2011-04-25, 02:23 PM
The towering human with dark hair and eyes smiles kindly to Captain Hedron while tightening his backpack straps firmly and tying a beautiful wooden carving of a set of balancing scales atop a hammer.

"Your concern for our welfare is kind and appreciated my good man but these people are in need of aid and while I still live and breathe, I cannot stand aside while the goblins do to this city as they did to Bremen," Terek's voice boomed in a deep baritone, "I will not ask you to do the same my good man and I have nothing but respect for you taking us throughout these waters and troubling times. May Tyr keep you safe on your way back."

2011-04-26, 08:41 AM
Hedron glances at the shore line and notices that a few of the houses have been deconstructed, and lumber is waiting to be hoisted up the cliff by the crane.

Ah yes, the wall. The people of Targos have been buildin' a palisade to keep the goblins out. I doubt it would keep much more than the wind out, let alone goblins, but it may help, who knows. I should be here for a while yet, if ye be needin' a ride back down the river, or any information about the town, come on back and give yer good pal Hedron a visit eh?

2011-04-26, 01:41 PM
The voyage on the boat hadn't been quite the experience Merryn had hoped it'd be. He was used to the soft earth beneath his tiny feet, not the cold, hard planks of the ship. He had kept to himself for most of the journey, speaking only a couple times, and those were only directed towards his friend and trusted companion, Mistrea. Mistrea was a gray wolf, with very light colored fur that became darker near her neck, tail, and paws. The two had stayed out of the way as much as possible the entire length of the week. As the boat came to a halt, Merryn grabbed his walking stick and wearily approached the captain. Naturally, Mistrea followed. Merryn peeked over the edge of the boat with a wide grin. He turned to to the captain and smiled.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks for the safe passage, now can I get off of this damned ship!?"

Merryn gave a quick laugh, and as he turned back to view the town, his wide smile slowly dissapeared from him face. The view of the skeleton town reminded him why he was here in the first place. He was anxious to leave the ship, but equally nervous to step foot on land again.

2011-04-26, 02:18 PM
Hedron walks toward the now extended plank, and glances down, then toward the three of you, and says "Alright now, I have had enough of ye, git!" and then lets out a light chuckle.

As you walk down the pier a pair of guards stand waiting for you, a third lay strewn across the ground, apparently slain. One of the two still standing appears to be holding his arm as if wounded. They both seem lightly armed and armored, not exactly prepared for the fighting that would come in the near future. As you approach, the wounded one says, "Oi! You there, your here from down the river eh? Come to 'elp us against the horde? I thought there might be more of ye. Blasted southerners never send us quite enough."

2011-04-26, 04:41 PM
"Ah, yes, we come to give our aid. But first things first. You are wounded. Come here and let me see the damage and perhaps I can mend the wound if not bind it for you.

Terek tries to give a comforting smile to the two guards and steps forward towards the wounded guard.

Heal Check[roll0]

2011-04-27, 10:24 AM
As Terek begins to bind the guard's arm, his hands seem a little shaky and he cannot seem to bind the arm tightly enough to really be of any help. The guard no longer willing to allow you to touch him, shoves you lightly away saying, "Like I said, Neverwinter never sends us quite what we need, they cant even send us adequate healers. Anyway, if your looking to sign on with the guard, your going to have to wait. There are goblins running rampant down here at the docks. Search them out and kill them all. If any remain, we run the risk of being flanked in the main assault. Also, since you cant seem to bind the arm any better than a cripple could, the dockmaster gets a shipment of healing potions in every now and then, he keeps them in the warehouse," he stops and points toward the warehouse "Now get going!"

2011-04-27, 01:56 PM
Merryn steps off of the plank and onto the land. His eyes darted from place to place as he scouted out his surroundings while Mistrea sniffed around a bit. The wolf gave a sneeze, the unkind scents in the air were discomforting, to say the least. Merryn scratched at the fur on Mistrea's neck before giving a bow to the injured guard and headed to where he pointed.

"Let's see if we can get some potions and information from the warehouse," Merryn gestured to Terek.

He turned around and took a step before turning around once more. "By the way, name's Merryn!" He said with a smile with an outstretched arm up into the air, "And this here is Mistrea!"

As he walked, Merryn's eyes were focused more on looking around rather then the actual path itself. Mistrea followed wearily, sniffing around every once in a while. As he came to the wearhouse, he gave a loud knock, or at least as loud as his little hands could knock.

2011-04-28, 07:05 AM
As Merryn knocks on the large doors of the warehouse, a scuttling noise can be heard, but when you look around there seems to be nothing there. After a minute or so of waiting, no one comes to the door. The scuttling noise can be heard again, this time when you look around, three goblins are running toward you from under the overturned hull of an uncompleted ship along the shore.

Initiative Order:
Goblin 1
Goblin 2
Goblin 3

As the three goblins run toward you, one hurls a javelin which grazes Tereks left arm.

G1 - 3=Goblins

2 damage from the javelin
roll everything in spoilers please
also when speaking pick a color for what you are saying. just easier to discern when a character is speaking.

2011-04-28, 11:22 AM
"It is a pleasure to meet you Merryn," Terek shaked the outstretched hand, "And you as well Mistrea." Terek followed them to the warehouse. When the goblins started to rush them Terek quickly began to chant and a pair of angelic wings appeared in the air and wrapped around him for a moment before disappearing into a shimmering field around him.

Terek casted Shield of Faith. +2 to AC. New AC is 12.

2011-04-29, 03:31 PM
Merryn motions for Mistrea to loop around and attack one of the goblins as he charges forward, quarterstaff raised. His little legs let him reach the goblin the same time as Mistrea had enough time to run around behind him. Merryn swings his staff while Mistrea lunges forward with bared fangs.

Since I know for a fact that goblins aren't large creatures, I'm treating the G as the creature and the number as an open space, fair?
Also, Mistea's stats are in one of the boxes at the bottom of my char sheet to make it easier for you.

Merryn Attack G3:
Hit - [roll0]
Crit - [roll1]
Kill - [roll2]
Damage - Staff - [roll3] +
Sneak Attack - [roll4]

Mistrea Attack G3:
Hit - [roll5] Add an extra +2 to these rolls for flanking, I forgot
Crit - [roll6]
Kill - [roll7]
Damage - Bite - [roll8]
In case you didn't know, I'll just copy what it says for this for the wolf:
"Trip: A Wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf."
So, if bite hits, attempt free trip attack, and here's the Str roll [roll9]
Trip rules are on page 158 of PHB1 if you need to look em up, the goblin will get -4 for being small (I think they're small at least).

2011-05-01, 10:39 AM
Merryn swinging his quarterstaff, lands a blow squarely in the goblin's throat and it drops as a sack of potatoes. Mistrea attempts to bite the goblin, but her feral jaws snap violently against the goblin's right thigh and don't penetrate the armor. Meanwhile, the first goblin moves toward Merryn and the second goblin moves toward Terek, seeing that he has already been wounded. The first thrusts madly and looses his footing, falling prone. The second thrusts his short sword square into the right thigh of Terek.

G1 (prone) G2=Goblins
Be aware, that just because you appear to be next to something on the map, it doesnt mean that you are. Make sure you count spaces (each x is 5 feet.)

Terek takes 1 damage from G2

2011-05-01, 11:30 AM
Terek hissed in pain as the sword pierced his flesh and lashed out with his quarterstaff in retaliation.

Terek Attack G2
Hit - [roll0]
Crit - [roll1]
Kill - [roll2]
Damage - Staff - [roll3]

2011-05-01, 03:12 PM
Merryn smirked at the ill-footed goblin, and slammed his quarterstaff down onto his body. He gently motions for Mistrea to attack the goblin that is attacking Terek. Mistrea runs around Merryn and attacks the second goblin from the right.

Merryn Attack G1
Attack - Auto Hit for being Prone
Crit - [roll0]
Kill - [roll1]
Damage - Staff - [roll2] +
Sneak Attack - [roll3]

Mistrea Attack G3
Attack - [roll4]
Crit - [roll5]
Kill - [roll6]
Damage - [roll7]
Trip Str Check - [roll8]

2011-05-01, 04:57 PM
Terek swings at the goblin standing before him, but the goblin jerks to its right and the swing misses, only to be followed up by Mistrea lunging at the goblin's throat and ripping out it's jugular. Merryn slams his quarterstaff down into the goblin at his feet and it slowly begins to stand up, but Merryn follows up with a quick swat at the goblin's face and it collapses once again, this time unmoving.

You both recieve 300 xp. There are 3 short swords, 3 small suits of leather armor, and 3 light wooden shields.

2011-05-01, 06:05 PM
"Well that was a bit exciting," Terek smiled as he tossed aside his quarterstaff and picked up a shortsword and sheath, tying the weapon to his belt. He picked up one of the shield and tested the weight.

"A bit crude but they should do good for now. Are you okay Merryn?"

Terek looked over at the halfling as he sheathed another sword and placed it in his backpack along with a set of the leather armor.

2011-05-01, 06:58 PM
Merryn gave the dead goblin a swift kick as he turned to Terek. Mistrea licked her chops to clean them as well as possible before returning to Merryn's side, and she was rewarded for a job well done with a pat on the neck.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm unscratched."

Merryn stretched his arms out and looked towards the horizon that led inland.

"These goblins were as unfit for battle as a forest squirrel. I'm afraid to run into this forest's bigger beasties..."

Merryn looked down to Mistrea, and back to Terek.

"Don't worry though, we'll hunt em down!"

The halfling knelt down to the dead goblin and removed his armor, and equipped it to himself. He also took his shield and slung it on his own back. He would be unable to use it until he found a more suitable weapon, but it would prove efficient when the time came.

2011-05-01, 09:13 PM
"Well now that is taken care of, shall we continue?" Terek turned back to the warehouse door and tired to shove the door open.

Str Check [roll0]

2011-05-01, 11:04 PM
Just as Terek was about to push, the door slowly cracks open and the small head of a halfling peers out. Quickly assessing the situation outside, the halfling acknowledges that the two of you probably aren't there to kill him. He slides the door the rest of the way open and addresses you, Why the two of ye are sure a sight for sore eyes. Ain't seen nothin' but goblins runnin' around outside for the last hour or so. They been tearin' up the houses and tryin' ta bust down me door. This is Lord Greymane's warehouse. I am Perry Silverbrook, the caretaker. Can I help ye with somethin?

2011-05-02, 06:33 PM
Merryn slid his slender body in front of Terek, introducing himself to his fellow halfling.

"Why, hello there, Perry. I'm Merryn, and this is Mistrea," he pointed to his furry friend, who was sniffing around the goblins. "OH! And this is Terek!" Merryn wasn't quite accustomed to introducing anyone other then Mistrea.

"It seems we've taken out a couple of your vexing goblins here." Merryn pointed to the dead bodies. Could we perhaps come in? We've been sent from Neverwiner to help you folks. Unfortunately, we were sent with naught but the clothes on our backs. Could you, ya know, spare any supplies? Help us help you?

I don't know if it's possible, but I'm trying to get Mistrea to get familiar with the scent of the goblins, or where they came from, or something. Maybe let her roll a survival check for scent when other goblins approach the party or something in addition to spot/listen. Just an idea.

2011-05-03, 10:01 AM
Oh ya I can help ye. Come on in! There be a few barrels spread through-out the warehouse that might have things of use to ye. Maybe even a couple of healing potions. I know Lord Greymane got the shipment in recently, but whether he keeps those here or in his estate, I do not know. He then turns and points to 12 barrels. They be the ones that might have something useful in em.

2011-05-03, 02:55 PM
Terek peered into each of the barrels briefly to get an idea of what was available, hoping for some armor and maybe a longsword.

"Not the most organized operation I see. Well, we will take what we can get."

2011-05-03, 03:03 PM
Merryn thanked the other halfling and walked over to the barrels. He lifted the top off of a couple, and stood on his tip-toes to peer inside, leaning the barrel towards him. He had hoped for a hidden weapon of great power that somehow found itself in a random barrel, but knew he would find probably nothing more then a potion or two.

2011-05-04, 08:32 AM
We be organized big man, but who can be that organized when goblins be tearin' down yer door?

In the barrels you find:
3 Longswords
2 Suits of Studded Leather Armor (Medium)
2 Suits of Studded Leather Armor (Small)
2 Heavy Wooden Shields
6 Potions
2 Light Maces
2 Heavy Maces
3 Short Swords
2 Short Bows
80 Arrows
2 Light Crossbows
80 Bolts
1 Heavy Crossbow
2 Suits of Padded Armor
3 Bundles of Gems
2 Plain Black cases with Silver rings inside

2011-05-04, 10:44 PM
Merryn dug around the barrels for a while, taking things out and replacing them with a few of his own. He switched his own armor for a set of studded leather, which would provide some more protection, in addition to the part where it didn't dreadfully smell like goblin. He picked out a sword, the sharpest he could find, and gave it a couple swings before sheathing it and tying it to his waist. He gathered a few potions as well, and let Terek have half of them. For now, this was about all the equipment he would need. Terek, however, would likely appreciate some heavier armor down the road, so he tossed Terek two of the gem pouches (keeping one for himself, of course.) He also took a bow and slung it over his shoulder with some arrows.

"I'd like to see those goblins mess with us now!" Merryn said loudly while striking a heroic pose in his new gear. He walked over to Mistrea and scratched at her neck, "Well girl, whadya think?"

Merryn walked over to Perry, and gave him a bow. "Many thanks, my friend. I'll be sure to put these to great use. So, do you have any leads or tips on where we should get started?

2011-05-05, 06:47 AM
Perry stands silently in the center of the room whilst you rummage through the crates. When Merryn addresses him again, he acts startled as if brought back to the real world from a day dream. Oh excuse me, where to start, well the rest of the goblins need to be cleared from the docks...then there is Lord Ulbrec... Just then, a loud crash comes from the direction of the door, and 4 goblins storm in.

Initiative Order:



x=5 ft squaure

The first two goblins through the door immediately throw javelins at Terek and Merryn. Each attempting to hurl the javelins over the barrels standing before them, the first simply stabs one of the barrels, the javelin never leaving his hand. The second disappears behind his respective barrel, crashing to the floor as he trips.

2011-05-05, 01:33 PM
After donning on his new studded armor and strapping and longsword to his hip, Terek pocketed the gem pouches and the two black cases containing rings in his backpack along with a short bow and a few arrows. He picked up his new, sturdier shield with words of thanks on his lips just as the goblins busted in.

Terek leapt into action, quickly moving aside the first goblin and striking out with his sword.

Terek power attacks G1:
Attack- [roll0]
Crit- [roll1]
Kill- [roll2]
Damage- [roll3]

2011-05-10, 07:57 AM
Terek rushes up to the first of the goblins, and thrust downward into it's body sprawled across the floor. Blood gushes everywhere as he utterly devastates the goblin's body. As he does so, the third goblin thrusts at Terek with his short sword and misses far to his left.

2011-05-10, 05:52 PM
Merryn grips his new weapon and moves forward, readying to strike any foe who nears him. His loyal wolf friend moves with him, ready to strike.

Merryn - Move 10 feet down, and 10 feet right.
Prepare action to attack any enemy that comes within range.
Mistrea - Move 10 feet down, 5 feet right
Prepare action to attack any enemy that comes in range.

x=5 ft squaure

2011-05-11, 11:54 AM
Seeing Terek coupe de grace their friend, the second and third goblins turn toward him and swing at him with their short swords, both missing wide of him. The fourth runs toward Merryn and Mistrea, who both hurl attacks at the goblin, missing wildly, then Merryn follows up with an attack as the goblin advances on Mistrea, landing a blow through the goblins right shoulder, just glancing the heart.

New Map

x=5 ft squaure

2011-05-11, 04:43 PM
Terek swings out at the nearest goblin in retaliation, his sword stained with the goblin he slayed before.

Terek attacks G2
Hit [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Die [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

2011-05-12, 09:16 AM
Terek swings and misses high and to the left of the second goblin. The third goblin who had swung just moments ago with such ferocity seems exhausted, having moved so fast had exerted a large amount of strain on him.

No change to the map

2011-05-12, 08:10 PM
Merryn and Mistrea both take a step, so they are surrounding the goblin, and lunge forward with their sword and fangs, respectively.

Merryn Attack G4:
Hit - [roll0]
Crit - [roll1]
Kill - [roll2]
Damage - Sword - [roll3] +
Sneak Attack - [roll4]

Mistrea Attack G4:
Hit - [roll5]
Crit - [roll6]
Kill - [roll7]
Damage - Bite - [roll8]
Trip - [roll9]

2011-05-14, 08:54 AM
The fourth goblin turns slightly to avoid Mistrea's large jowls, then thrusts his short sword up toward her head, but just grazes her instead. The second goblin takes another swing at Terek, striking for the heart, but the blade barely pierces his skin.

1 point of damage from goblin 4

2 points of damage from goblin 2

2011-05-14, 09:11 PM
Terek gasps at how close the strike had been to his sword and lashed out again at the goblin, taking greater care at aiming his swing.

Terek attacks Goblin 2
Attack [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Kill [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

2011-05-14, 10:58 PM
Terek hurls a swing at the goblin standing before him, and the creature crumples to the floor as it falls in half. The third goblin takes a step forward and swings a morningstar at Terek's chest, but the swing hits his armor and Terek shrugs it off.

x=5 ft squaure

2011-05-15, 03:06 PM
Merryn and Mistrea lunge at the goblin with blade and fangs.

Merryn attack G4:
Hit: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Boom: [roll2]
Damage: Short Sword [roll3] + Sneak Attack [roll4]

Mistrea attack G4:
Hit: [roll5]
Crit: [roll6]
Boom: [roll7]
Damage: Bite [roll8]
Trip Check: [roll9]

2011-05-16, 12:09 PM
Merryn thrusts toward the goblin and misses, his short sword flying past the goblins head. Mistrea lunges out with a bite and yanks the goblin to the ground.

No changes to the map, but the goblin is prone. Just so everyone knows the number next to the letter is the same space as the letter. I am accounting for that in the number of spaces across in that row.

2011-05-17, 09:51 PM
Terek swung again with his sword, smirking out how easy the goblins were making this for him.

Terek attacks G3
Hit [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Boom [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

2011-05-18, 08:23 AM
Terek swings again, this time connecting with a blow to the mid-torso. As the blade sinks deeply into the goblin, the goblin falls and lies motionless.

2011-05-18, 12:52 PM
Merryn laughs at the goblin as Mistrea drags him to the ground. He thrusts his sword down into the goblin's flesh as Mistrea goes for the throat.

I've reread rules for Coup de Grace, I'll copy and paste for you.

Coup de Grace: As a full-round action, you can use a melee
weapon to deliver a coup de grace to a helpless opponent. You can also use a bow or crossbow, provided you are adjacent to the target.
You automatically hit and score a critical hit. If the defender survives
the damage, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage
dealt) or die. A rogue also gets her extra sneak attack damage against
a helpless opponent when delivering a coup de grace.
Delivering a coup de grace provokes attacks of opportunity from
threatening opponents because it involves focused concentration
and methodical action on the part of the attacker.
You can’t deliver a coup de grace against a creature that is immune
to critical hits, such as a golem. You can deliver a coup de
grace against a creature with total concealment, but doing this
requires two consecutive full-round actions (one to “find” the creature
once you’ve determined what square it’s in, and one to deliver
the coup de grace).

So, Merryn Coup de Grace:
Damage - Short Sword - [roll0] (min 1) x2 +
Sneak Attack - [roll1]

Mistrea Coup de Grace:
Damage - Bite [roll2]x2

2011-05-20, 12:15 AM
Merryn and Mistrea coupe de grace the prone goblin in unison, rendering it a lifeless mutilated corpse. As you look around, the room appears clear and Perry is no where to be found.

2011-05-20, 08:10 PM
Merryn removes his blade from the corpse and wipes the blood on the goblin's clothes.

"Well I guess we should start taking care of the goblins first. Where'd Perry run off to? Mistrea, girl, can you pick up a scent?"

Mistrea: Survival Check to track Perry using scent

2011-05-20, 10:51 PM
Mistrea sniffs around a moment and then indicates she has picked up his scent, noting that he fled up the cliff toward town. A few moments pass and the sound of a fight can be heard outside to the north-east along the base of the cliff.

2011-05-21, 02:33 PM
More fighting? Perry can wait, let's go!

Merryn runs out the door with his sword in hand. Mistrea follows. He follows the sound of the battle, ready to slay what he could only assume to be more filthy goblins.

2011-05-21, 03:18 PM
Terek quickly caught up with the halfling after cleaning his blade on one of the goblin's clothes.

"Easy there buddy. As much as I love a good fight let's not rush in swords at the ready until we figure out the situation."

Terek slowed his pace to Merryn's keeping a look out for the battle in the distance.

2011-05-21, 08:49 PM
Look, we've been sent here to do a job. I'm not saying lets run into every situation swords raised, but people could be in trouble over there!

Merryn keeps up his pace, following the sounds, and keeping an eye open.

2011-05-23, 09:43 PM
As you jog in the direction of the battle, another warehouse can be seen along the water. Standing before it, on a pier, is a man with a blade through the chest of a goblin. He jerks the blade from the goblin's corpse and turns to survey his surroundings, noticing no more goblins, but seeing you, he turns, blade raised shoulder height, and announces, Stop! You are obviously not goblins, but if you were in my situation you would be wary of who you allowed close to you as well. Come now, tell me who you be! Before I thrust my blade through you to!"

2011-05-23, 10:55 PM
"Ho there friend. We are mercenaries here to aid your fight against the horde. I be Terek of Pelor and this be Merryn and Mistrea. Are you injured? I may be able to help, if your trust be given."

2011-05-24, 09:31 AM
"Ha! Trust is a thing not given like toys to a child. I am unhurt as it stands. I am Korin Oakheart, guard sergeant assigned to the patrol of the docks. I happen to know that this warehouse is the stemming point of the goblin incursions, how they are getting in, I have not a clue though. I suggest you search it thoroughly and try to find and stem the tide of them, else when the real horde hits us, we will be nigh unprepared for a two front defense.

2011-05-24, 11:11 PM
Merryn gave a small wave to Korin as Terek introduced him. He looked at the door, and leaned his head against it, placing an ear against the surface.

Listen Check:

2011-05-25, 10:01 AM
Merryn: As you place your head to the door, you hear a light rustling and then a gibbering. A loud meowing, as if a cat is being strangled to death, and then silence.

2011-05-25, 11:17 AM
Merryn sighs at the complete disrespect to the living. He grips his sword and gestures to Terek, and says with a whisper:

"Ready? They're in there. On the count of three."

Merryn gribs the handle of the door and quietly counts to three.

2011-05-25, 07:15 PM
Terek unsheathed his sword and put up his shield, ready to charge at the closest and first goblin he sees.

2011-05-26, 09:20 PM
As Merryn opens the door, a loud slam emanates from the warehouse.

You see nothing in the room, but there is a raised platform and the walls are lined with crates and barrels.

2011-05-28, 10:31 PM
Merryn sighed as he opened the door. He swung it open wide and looked around briefly.

Well... you fellas feel like going after 'em? There's gotta be a way to follow them... wherever they went...

Merryn entered the room and began searching around.

Search Check [roll0]

2011-05-29, 01:56 AM
Wandering about the room, you eventually notice a small square board in the floor of the raised platform.

Also you each get 200 xp for the 4 goblins

2011-05-29, 11:10 AM
"That was anticlimatic," Terek walked around the warehouse, sword and shield still at the ready. "Find anything Merryn?"

2011-05-30, 11:11 AM
Merryn looked down at the board in the floor.

Hey, I think they went through here. Can you open it?

Prepare action to "aid other" in helping open the hatch, so +2 I believe on his roll

2011-05-31, 09:52 PM
Terek sheathed his sword and pulled at the wooden board.

Strength Check: [roll0]

2011-06-01, 12:13 AM
Terek's toned, muscled arms bulge as he pulls the board from the floor, yanking it clean from the hinges. Immediately, the stench of rotting flesh and goblins billows forth like a cloud. Peering into the hole, you can see it is barely as wide as Terek, and dark as the deep of night. A voice starts chattering loudly, obviously giving commands.
Korin enters the warehouse behind you and whispers I must rally the remainder of the guard here on the docks, you two need to clear that hole. The fate of Targos may depend largely on it. GO!

2011-06-01, 12:24 PM
Terek laid his hand on his chest and prayed. His armor began to glow with light and he turned to Merryn, "I'll go in first." He climbed down the open hole.

Terek casted light on his armor.
Not sure if I could see the bottom or whatever but here's a climb check anyways. [roll0]

2011-06-01, 12:53 PM
Terek shimmies into the hole, the descent is not very steep and he has no trouble walking down the slope. The light of his armor illuminates the cavern, a wide room with a low ceiling, Terek has to duck his head slightly to fit, but can maneuver normally.
As Terek nears the bottom, 5 javelins fly toward him from the far side of the cavern, 3 don't make it into the hallway, one flies just past his head, skidding across the floor harmlessly behind him, and one glances off his shield into the wall.


x = 5 ft square
G1-5 = Goblins (numbers are the same space as the G)
- = low barricade

Initiative Order:

2011-06-01, 02:00 PM
As Terek leads the way into the hole, Merryn pulls out his bow and knocks an arrow, Mistrea following close behind. After the goblins throw their javelins, Merryn squeezes past Terdek's legs and aims at a goblin and lets loose his arrow. Mistrea runs as fast as she can, jumps the barricade, and attacks another goblin.

Ranged Attack G4:
Damage: [roll3]

Jump Check (If needed, I mean, runing start and 4 legs, looking at PHB1 Jump rules I think I need a 4, I could be wrong idk) [roll4] I only added str, not sure what else to add
Bite against G1:
Hit(20/x2): [roll5]
Crit: d20+3
Kill: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Trip: [roll8]

2011-06-01, 04:14 PM
Peering between Terek's legs, Merryn lets loose a shot from his bow, the arrow streaking through the cavern and landing squarely in a goblin's chest, he stumbles a moment, but recovers his footing.

Mistrea bounds out of the hallway into the cavern and leaps over the short barrier, landing with her great jaws planted in the face of her mark. As she rises, her jaws drenched in gore, the goblin can be seen with a large gap in it's face, exposing it's little brain.


x = 5 ft square
G2-5 = Goblins (numbers are the same space as the G)
- = low barricade

2011-06-03, 12:56 AM
Terek charged forward, swinging his sword in a wide arc.

Terek power attacks G4

Cleave into G5 if G4 is dropped

2011-06-03, 11:37 PM
Terek bolts forward, raising his longsword and swinging a mighty cleaving blow through the first of the goblins, then straight into the one beside it, felling both in one great swing.

The remaining two goblins throw javelins at Terek, the first deflecting off his shield, but the second strikes true, finding a home in his right shoulder.


x = 5 ft square
r= rough terrain (Corpses)
G2-5 = Goblins (numbers are the same space as the G)
- = low barricade

2 damage

2011-06-04, 09:52 AM
Merryn moves foward while knocking another arrow, and aims, and releases at the goblin on the right. Mistrea bares her fangs again and lunges at the other.

Move forward 15, right 5 feet
Attack G3:
Hit(20,x3): [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Kill: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Mistrea Attack G2:

2011-06-04, 01:31 PM
Merryn's arrow flies free of his bow and streaks across the room, hitting it's mark square in the chest. Mistrea turns toward her next victim and lunges out at it, ripping a large gash in it's side.


x = 5 ft square
r= rough terrain (Corpses)
G2-5 = Goblins (numbers are the same space as the G)
- = low barricade

2011-06-04, 09:18 PM
Terek stepped forward with a smirk, his sword seeking to slay more evil beasts.

Terek attacks G2.
Hit [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Kill [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

2011-06-04, 10:56 PM
Terek takes a step forward and slashes out once again, felling the next of the goblins before him.
The remaining goblin turns to flee, but runs straight into the waiting maw of Mistrea, who mangles it, leaving nothing but shreds.

250 xp to the both of you

2011-06-06, 09:33 PM
Merryn straps his bow back around his torso and walks forward to Mistrea, excitedly scratching the scruff of her neck.

Great job, my friend!

Merryn petted Mistrea for a moment before turning to Terek.

Oh, and uh, good job my friend.

The halfling mustered a chuckle, and turned search the room.

Search Check for Bodies and another for the rest of the room for anything interesting

2011-06-06, 09:45 PM
As Merryn walks about the room, he sees a long curving corridor down to his left at the back of the room. He checks a few bodies for loot and finds a javelin, 3 pairs of leather armor, 2 small wooden shields, 3 morningstars, and 2 clubs.

A loud crashing of rock echos from down the corridor, accompanied by cries of anguish from goblins.

2011-06-06, 09:53 PM
Merryn half-heartedly kicks a dead goblin, finding nothing of use. As the loud crash echoes throughout the corridor, Merryn turns, and moves towards the back of the room. He draws his sword and shield, moving down the corridor, until it curves, leaning against the wall, and moving his ear near the edge, making sure any running goblins couldn't see him around the corner. Mistrea creeps along right next to him.

Listen Check to hear anything coming:

Merryn and Mistrea prepare actions to attack anything hostile that rounds the corner.

2011-06-07, 09:06 AM
Terek watches as Merryn creeps along the corridor and holds back to let the little halfling do his thing, ready to back him up if need be.

2011-06-07, 11:46 AM
As you listen, you hear goblins scurrying around, and the louder voice, who seems to be spouting commands at the goblins.

2011-06-07, 07:08 PM
Merryn creeps back over to Terek and whispers,

There seems to be a group of them. One's shouting orders. I'll follow your lead, big man.

2011-06-08, 05:30 PM
"I get the sinking suspicion I'm being used as a meat shield little man," Terek whispered with a smirk. He proceeded slowly down the hallway until he could see a target.

2011-06-08, 10:09 PM
As you approach you see five goblins scurrying around, and a larger creature in the center of the cavern bellowing orders which fall on oblivious ears. Off to the right, you can see where the cavern has caved in, probably the perpetrator of the colossal crash.

x = 5 ft square
- = impassable space
G1-5 & H = Enemies

You get a surprise round.

2011-06-09, 09:23 AM
Terek jumps into the fray with a great bellow, swinging his blade in a wide arc.

Terek moved between G1 and G2 and in front of H
Power Attack G1
Hit [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Kill [roll2]
Dmg 1d8+5

Cleave into H
Hit [roll3]
Crit [roll4]
Kill [roll5]
Dmg [roll6]
Crap, I can't get that damage to roll

2011-06-09, 10:42 AM
Terek wades into the fray, hacking at a goblin as he passes. His blade slices straight through the goblin and halfway up through the larger creature's torso. As he pulls the blade out from the creature, it falls, lifeless, to the ground. The remaining goblins all turn to see their fallen brethren, and immediately charge Terek.

The four goblins rush Terek and swing at him, three of them missing wildly, the last striking him with a glancing blow.

x = 5 ft square
- = impassable space
r = rough terrain from corpse
G1-5 & H = Enemies


1 Damage

2011-06-09, 11:17 AM
Merryn and Mistrea run foward, attacking the goblins.

Merryn Moves to the right of G2
Attack G2
Damage:[roll3] + S.A. [roll4]

Mistrea move to attack G2 (or G4 if G2 is felled)

2011-06-09, 02:16 PM
Merryn and Mistrea run forward into the cavern, flanking the closest goblin. Not knowing who to defend against, the goblin succumbs to a deadly blow from Merryn. Mistrea turns to face the goblin infront of Terek and gnashes out with a nasty bite, ripping it to the ground.

x = 5 ft square
- = impassable space
r = rough terrain from corpse
G1-5 & H = Enemies

2011-06-09, 07:14 PM
Terek smirks at how easy these evil creatures make it for him to carry out Pelor's will. He swings again, barely noticing the glancing blow.

Terek power attacks G5
Hit [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Kill [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

2011-06-09, 09:22 PM
Terek continues to hack at the goblins, dropping yet another of the little creatures. The final goblin, seeing that his friends had all been decimated, turns to run, and realizes he has no where to go. Mistrea takes up the opportunity to strike out again and lashes out once more with her fearsome jaws, ripping the creature to the ground and mangles it's face.

Sorry forgot to note that you took 1 damage from the glancing blow.

You both get 325 xp

2011-06-10, 09:22 AM
Merryn wiped the blood from his blade onto the breathless bodies of his enemy. He gave Mistrea a pat on her neck, and looked around the room.

Search check for bodies and room

2011-06-11, 12:09 AM
Merryn finds nothing more than he had on the corpses of the goblins On the larger creature though, he finds a bag of coin, totaling 60 gold pieces, a masterwork longsword, a masterwork dagger, and a pair of bone earings.

2011-06-12, 04:16 PM
Merryn looks over the corpse and grabs the purse, the dagger, and the earrings, quickly pocketing them all. He heaves up the sword to Terek, offering it to him.

You want it? It's better quality then the ones from the warehouse.

2011-06-12, 08:24 PM
"You are quite right. This blade is beautiful. Odd for whatever beast this was," Terek grabbed the sword with a smile, tossing his old one to the ground. "Now lets plow onward." Terek continued down the passage, shield and sword bared.

2011-06-12, 09:58 PM
Sorry guys I forgot to mention that the tunnel ended, due to the landslide. You have to turn around =D

2011-06-13, 10:14 AM
"Well, I guess that's that," Merryn said, sheathing his new sword. He turned to exit the tunnel, heading back to Korin. Mistrea followed, sniffing here and there. Merryn scratched behind her ear before exiting the tunnel.

2011-06-13, 10:18 PM
As you both exit the tunnel and then the warehouse, Korin is standing there waiting. Behind him on the pier stand three other guards looking bedraggled and tired. Korin notices you approach and hails you,

"Good! You've made it out alive! Perhaps you do deserve my trust. But before I go and do that, there is one more task I have for you. In the southern end of the docks, there is a tavern. There you will find three mercenaries who came here to help, much like yourselves. They have spent the last week and a half drowning themselves in tankards. I want you to bring them to their senses and convince them to help defend Targos. The area may still be ripe with goblins, so be careful as you approach. Also, there is a house beside it, Hedron's mother resides there and I fear he does not know that the goblins have over run the docks yet. I implore you to check on her for him. He is a good man and I fear what might happen to him should he find out that she perished while he was so close."

With that, he turns and shouts a few orders to the guards behind him and they jog off toward the path up the cliff.

2011-06-14, 04:45 PM
Merryn bows to Korin before turning to Terek. "Shall we?" Merryn turns and starts walking down towards the tavern and Hedron's mother's house. So, Terek, let's make this job a bit quicker, shall we? One of us can take the mother's house while the other tackles the tavern. You have a preference?

2011-06-14, 10:15 PM
"That was exactly what I was thinking little one. How about I take the tavern? Not to doubt your skill but those men sound like they'll easily be persuaded by someone bigger than they." Terek smirked down at the halfling, "Sound good?"

2011-06-14, 10:46 PM
As Terek turned, Merryn shot him a dirty look to the back of his head. He followed the big, strong man as far as the tavern, and gave him a nod as he walked towards what he could only think to be Hedron's mother's house, according to Korin's directions. He walked up to the door, looked to Mistrea, and looked back, knocking as loud as his little hands could three times.

2011-06-15, 09:50 AM
As you approach the tavern, loud laughter can be heard emanating from within. Opening the door, the stench of stale alcohol and the sound of belching and general revelry hits you like a brick to the face. Looking around, you see the bar on your left, with a portly man standing behind it. On your right stand 6 tables, 4 chairs to each. In one of the corners, a party of three armed men sits laughing the loudest, each with a few ales in front of them. Closer on your right stands a large wolfish looking man, a chest and a few crates behind him against the wall. After a few seconds, the bartender calls out to you, "Well look what we have here! A newcomer! Come! Come! Enjoy a drink."

As you approach the door, you hear loud meowing and a couple voices gibbering. When you knock, the meowing gets louder and the gibbering voices come closer to the door. The voices sound vaguely familiar, and as the door opens, a pair of goblins stand before you, looking a bit shocked to be confronted by someone their own size. Behind them you see atleast twelve cats shooting from one piece of furniture to the other, obviously trying to stay out of sight of the goblins. In the far right corner you see the outline of a very large woman hiding behind a large piece of furniture.

2011-06-15, 11:08 AM
"That is quite kind of you sir but I have no coin on me. Besides, as much as I would love to relax, I need my sharpness to protect this city. Perhaps water shall be best for now," Terek sat down at the bar with a smile, glad for his own booming voice. He looked out of the corner of his eye to see if the armed men had noticed what he said.

2011-06-15, 09:18 PM
Merryn tilts his head to the side for a second. "Huh..."

The halfling unsheathed his sword and jabbed it towards the goblin in front of him, hoping to catch him flat footed.

Merryn Attack Goblin:
Damage:[roll3] + S.A. [roll4]

2011-06-16, 10:36 PM
As you look toward the corner, the men are still absorbed in their drinks, only now there is a bar maid standing beside them also attracting their attention. One of them reaches over and gives her a good smack on the butt, she giggles and sets their next round of drinks down on the table, then leans over seductively and gives him a kiss on the cheek. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]]Protect Targos? From what? The horde is not here yet. Beside that, there is nothing better than a good drunken rage to fight assist you in a fight[/COLOR

Jabbing forward, you sink your blade deep into the goblin's throat, blood sprouting like a geyser from the wound. As you draw your blade from the writhing body, it falls, squirming in agony for a moment, then lies motionless. The remaining goblin shouts in anger and swings a large club toward your head, but hits the door frame instead.

Initiative is obvious...


G = goblin
r= rough terrain (corpse)
-= impassable space
x= 5ft square.

2011-06-16, 11:08 PM
"You say the horde isn't here but this isn't my blood on my armor and I was just down the docks. Not to mention fighting goblins is much different than a barfight my kind sir. We need all the sharp minds and strong arms we can get. Not to mention if those kind men over there helped then this tavern and those men would be standing a lot longer." Terek smiled and took a swig of his drink. "Mighty fine ale my good sir."

2011-06-16, 11:37 PM
Merryn tries his best to avoid the fountain of blood from the goblin's neck. As he unsheathes his sword from the goblin's throat, and the goblin makes a decent attempt at attacking the house, Merryn steps forward, Mistrea behind him, and both lash out at the goblin.

5-foot step forward
Attack Goblin
Damage:[roll3] + S.A. [roll4]

5-foot step forward

2011-06-20, 09:06 PM
The barkeep stands looking quizzically at you for a moment, then responds, Goblins on the docks you say? I don't believe you, and I doubt those men over at that table will either. They have been here enjoying themselves for a few days now and I highly doubt that they are ready to stop that now. He peers at you a moment longer and then continues, Now, if you don't mind, I would prefer if you didn't go around spreading your blasphemy about goblins on the docks and getting my patrons all worked up.

You lash out with your blade once more, landing a blow to the chest of the goblin and he stumbles back a moment. Mistrea steps forward to join in the fight, but misses her mark. As soon as you draw your blade from the goblin's chest, he takes a step back, getting room for a great swing. Drawing his club back, he swings his club in a great arc, placing it in your side with a great crack.

You take three damage.


G = goblin
r= rough terrain (corpse)
-= impassable space
x= 5ft square.

2011-06-20, 10:51 PM
Merryn lets out a faint gasp as the club nearly knocks him over, but he stands his ground. The halfling moves forward, makes a motion with his left hand, and then strikes with his right. Mistrea follows, lashing out with her fangs.

5-ft step forward
Feint vs Goblin
Bluff Check [roll0]
Attack Goblin:
Damage:[roll4] + (if feint succeeds) SA [roll5]

5-ft step forward
Attack Goblin

2011-06-21, 12:59 PM
"Well you're as guilty as they are. You're providing them with an excuse not to fight. You're in denial of this whole thing because it hurts your business well let me put this as honest as possible," Terek stood up and turned to the whole tavern, "All of you able to fight and aren't spineless like this kind man here would do good to get off your lazy ass and fight the threat that is already here. Don't believe me? Look around for yourself and you will find the goblins that splattered their blood upon me. Good day." Terek moved to leave the tavern briskly but making sure he gave enough time for a response.

2011-07-10, 04:59 PM
Merryn draws his blade back, feinting a thrust, then changes his grip quick, switching to a downward stab. The goblin, obviously not expecting the sly maneuver takes the blow to the head, falling limp. Peering around the room, the two corpses of the goblins at the door, the 20 cats perched on the furniture, and the oversized lady hiding behind the closet in the corner is quite a sight to behold. Noticing that the goblins had been defeated, the lady steps into the center of the room, addressing you "What are you doing in here? Who do you think you are barging into an old lady's home? Dont you have any manners?"

As you turn to leave, the largest of the men sitting in the corner stands up and challenges you, Who in the abyss do you think you are coming in here and trying to ruin our fun? We are all going to die when the horde descends upon us anyway. I would rather have some fun and drown myself in a tankard while I can.

2011-07-11, 10:00 AM
Terek turns around with a smile, "No, that is why you will die. You all are cowards. Have faith. Tyr is with us and we will not fall. I understand that my word may not be enough to persuade but understand this, the stuff of legends is made by those who fight to live instead of wallowing in self-pity and resigning themselves to death. Good day."

Sorry, been so long since we posted I forgot my deity.

2011-07-12, 01:15 AM
Your not a cleric of Pelor....he doesnt exist in this world. Just saying.

2011-07-13, 10:51 PM
Merryn wipes the blood from his blade and sheathes it, showing the woman he means no harm. My name is Merryn, Merryn Underhill. I'm here to make sure you're safe.

The halfling slowly approached the lady with an outstretched hand, offering a handshake.

Are you alright? Are your friends here alright as well?

Mistrea sniffed the feline infested house. Her nose led her from here to there, and she approached one of the cats, giving it a lick on the ear.