View Full Version : **** in RPs.

2011-04-25, 07:12 PM
If a character in an RP on the forum gets annoyed enough can they swear as long as it is covered up by *******?

Emperor Ing
2011-04-25, 07:39 PM
I do believe you're fine as long as you don't try to circumvent forum filters.

John Cribati
2011-04-25, 07:56 PM
In-character, and In-character only, the rules tend to get a bit lax. I'm pretty sure you won't get an infraction for a wall of ***'s, provided it's made known that a character is speaking, and not you yourself. Much like Characters in a PbP would be allowed to discuss in-universe religion.

Innis Cabal
2011-04-25, 08:04 PM
I believe the mods will tell you that cursing isn't needed in any situation and that just because it's filtered out doesn't change anything. There are other ways of showing anger in RP other then cursing.

2011-04-25, 08:10 PM
I wasn't under the impression that profanity was prohibited entirely; just that it was filtered, and that subverting the filter was prohibited.

Please note that an occasional filtered word or use of a non-filtered word is not an offense; if, however, your ****** posts ******* regularly look like this ******* sentence, it is in violation of this rule.

Roland St. Jude
2011-04-25, 08:21 PM
Sheriff: The fictional/real world divide that makes some religion/politics acceptable in character where it would be unacceptable everywhere else on the forum exists because that's where the Forum Rules draw the line (real world = no; fictional = yes). There no such line in the profanity rules. RS14 quoted the relevant provision on profanity.

Keep it under control and within the limits agreed upon by all participants in that PbP game, and you should be fine.

And, as The Randomizer noted, whatever you do, don't circumvent the filter to convey profanities - that's worse.