View Full Version : TO builds for D20 modern?

2011-04-26, 06:05 AM
What are some good optimized builds for various roles in D20 Modern?

2011-04-26, 07:36 AM
TO builds aren't 'good', as a rule.

2011-04-26, 07:40 AM
Well, you said TO, so... time traveling Pun Pun. Access to guns really isn't going to make him that much worse, though...

2011-04-26, 07:40 AM
Strong is a way to get early entry into soldier....but a one level dip of fast is a bonus to almost any combat build, and it has a better track anyway, so you're probably better off going straight fast until you get in to gunfighter or soldier.

There's a few different builds that are optimal, depending on what you're going for...any ideas to narrow the role down?

Regardless of which way you pick, remember, wealth is a superpower. Always, always, maximize your profession skill, and when buying things, buy the cheap, 0 wealth costing things first. You can easily abuse it to getting aircraft by about level five, and heat-seeking missiles and a minigun tend to solve most problems.

2011-04-26, 09:15 AM
I only asked for TO because it'll be easier for me to tone down a redonkulous build than go hunting through unfamiliar material to improve a PO build I don't quite like.

Also, I don't think Forgotten Realms setting specific material exists in the average D20 Modern source materials.

2011-04-26, 09:36 AM
Strong and Martial Artist lets you focus on dealing damage and surviving to tell the tale. You don't need guns when you can drop-kick an Abrams tank into the negatives.


2011-04-26, 10:35 AM
I only asked for TO because it'll be easier for me to tone down a redonkulous build than go hunting through unfamiliar material to improve a PO build I don't quite like.

Also, I don't think Forgotten Realms setting specific material exists in the average D20 Modern source materials.

High TO on the nature of Pun-Pun does not really exist in D20M.

To give you an idea of the power level, Mage is a prestige class. It's like a wizard with a lot less spell slots, after taking three levels of something else.

So no, you pretty much want a PO build. The question is which one.

2011-04-26, 10:51 AM
Was a joke, natch. With Pun Pun being able to reach across planes and time travel, and with his extreme level of divine power... Ending up in different games seems amusing.

New theory! Pun Pun is Friend Computer!

(also, if I'm honest... I know very little about D20M. Just to be clear)

2011-04-27, 04:34 PM
I know quite a lot about D20M, but it just doesn't have a pun pun equivalent.

Magic spells are hard to get, and top out at level 5, for instance. You wouldn't believe how much TO that kills off.

2011-04-27, 05:47 PM
Including d20 Future? If you have the Future Tech book, you can minmax weapons and armor via customization to a pretty silly degree.
Also, starships. The rules for them are fairly atrocious, but you really can't argue with autofiring mass drivers at people.

I think you can do some pretty good stuff with the Sniper class from the Urban Arcana web enhancement, but I can't think of a build off the top of my head.