View Full Version : who would a Were-Bison worship?

big teej
2011-04-26, 07:15 PM
the nature god's seem obvious but....

toooo obvious..

so, just as it says on the tin, who would a Were-Bison worship?

bonus points, as a seperate question
who would a goliath were-bison worship?

2011-04-26, 07:18 PM
A goliath were-bison would likely worship whatever god is responsible for his illegal existence - monstrous humanoids don't qualify for lycanthropy (half-giants do, though).

Why should there be a singular answer? It would depend on afflicted/natural, culture, alignment...

2011-04-26, 07:18 PM
Your question is a bit too vague. It's like asking what a human or a blacksmith should worship. Ideally, they'd worship a deity based on their personality (or frequently location).

Selune, the deity of the moon and good-aligned werecreatures, would be a likely candidate. Malar is the deity of slaughter and evil-aligned werecreatures, and would be a choice for an evil character. Both are from Forgotten Realms.

2011-04-26, 07:23 PM
What's his alignment?

He might be devoted to one of the Guardinals in BoED. Possibly a moon god or goddess. Kord would make a decent standard-issue deity. Maybe F. the Un-spell-able, if he's focused on herding and migration (i.e. travel). He might worship Vanua, in an attempt to get his own misfortune reversed.

2011-04-26, 07:26 PM
He should worship the King of All Cosmos.

Why? Because King of All Cosmos.

big teej
2011-04-26, 07:30 PM
A goliath were-bison would likely worship whatever god is responsible for his illegal existence - monstrous humanoids don't qualify for lycanthropy (half-giants do, though).

Why should there be a singular answer? It would depend on afflicted/natural, culture, alignment...

fair point on the goliath, at the time of the OP I had forgotten the humanoid or giant clause.

and as for 'singular answer'

there isn't necessarily

I'm soundboarding because I got to the "diety" part of my sheet and didn't have the slightest clue.

Kord may be a good one....

2011-04-26, 07:30 PM
It really depends on what the character values. Strength? Any strength deity. Valor? Any valorous deity. The moon, since it gives him power? Then the moon or a moon-based deity.

There is a deity in the Dragonlance campaign setting that I think covers all of the above except the moon part. His name is Kiri-Jolith, and he is a bison-headed god, IIRC. You could make up your own variant for your setting or work with your DM on that.

The Glyphstone
2011-04-26, 07:32 PM
When in doubt, Goliaths can worship Kavaki the Ram-Lord. he's the God of Goliaths, after all.

2011-04-26, 09:17 PM
The Earthmother. Since you're basically a Taunka.

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-04-27, 12:26 AM
Honestly, outside of the rather clerical error on your part, I'd say whatever a Goliath or Werebison X would worship, as appropriate to either a Goliath or X, depending. While becoming a werecreature or, hell, being a werecreature is a rather traumatic experience, I doubt it would be something that would result in a change of deity for the truly devoted.:smallwink:

2011-04-27, 01:21 AM
A goliath were-bison would likely worship whatever god is responsible for his illegal existence - monstrous humanoids don't qualify for lycanthropy (half-giants do, though).
Actually, it's doubly illegal. Lycanthropes can't be base on herbivores either. The closest you could come to bison would be dire boar or hippo (which occasionally scavenge).

2011-04-27, 03:51 AM
Actually, it's doubly illegal. Lycanthropes can't be base on herbivores either. The closest you could come to bison would be dire boar or hippo (which occasionally scavenge).
Dire hippo's a terrible choice though, due to all the characters with the Blessed by Tem-Et-Nu feat.

2011-04-27, 03:55 AM
Being a were bison I thought it's be obvious,

Warning! Terrible pun detected!

The mooooooon.

2011-04-27, 03:56 AM
There's bound to be a Bison Lord somewhere in the beastlands.

Alternatively, Graz'zt.

2011-04-27, 04:03 AM
Actually, it's doubly illegal. Lycanthropes can't be base on herbivores either. The closest you could come to bison would be dire boar or hippo (which occasionally scavenge).
There's a were-stag in Lords of Darkness.

2011-04-27, 05:14 AM
Come on. Surely there's at least one bull-headed god in the pantheon? Worship that guy! :smallbiggrin: Bulls and bisons are among the most common motifs for various deities of myth.

2011-04-27, 05:20 AM
Dire hippo's a terrible choice though, due to all the characters with the Blessed by Tem-Et-Nu feat.
Not dire hippo, just regular hippo. I wasn't suggesting a 16HD animal.

Come on. Surely there's at least one bull-headed god in the pantheon? Worship that guy! :smallbiggrin: Bulls and bisons are among the most common motifs for various deities of myth.
This occurred to me as well, but Baphomet, Demon Prince of Beasts and patron of minotaurs is Chaotic Evil.

2011-04-27, 06:13 AM
Well, he didn't say his character was good. So Baphomet's fine.

2011-04-27, 08:28 AM
Whoever they want; a character isn't just their race. I've had humans worship goddesses of the sun, the ruler of the Abyss, ancestral spirits, and no one at all.

2011-04-27, 08:43 AM
M Bison, obviously.

The Glyphstone
2011-04-27, 08:49 AM
M Bison, obviously.

Of Course!

2011-04-27, 08:51 AM
Don't worry about worship, just adhere to a Nobull cause

2011-04-27, 08:54 AM
M Bison, obviously.
Japanese version or American version?

2011-04-27, 08:55 AM
Raul Julia.

2011-04-27, 09:16 AM
Japanese version or American version?
It's a pantheon.

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-04-27, 09:39 AM
Whoever they want; a character isn't just their race. I've had humans worship goddesses of the sun, the ruler of the Abyss, ancestral spirits, and no one at all.

Sadly, humans are a poor choice. Not because we're necessarily special, but because we the players are human, and I'd argue that most DND designer went with the "humans are special" angle for design, as, in core, at least, they are the only race outside of the half-(human)-breeds that don't have multiple deity options aside from those granted via class, thus giving them more to choose from.

Now I need to actually data-point this to make sure my shot in the dark is accurate.:smallbiggrin:

EDIT: I actually math'd this one (twice, now). Given just core, each non-human, non-"classed" non-(half)human - which is to say, a hypothetical character drawing from deities available by race, rather than class, Humans have the full 19, versus each the other race's one. If you discount the obviously linked deities (For humans, I assume just Heironerous and Hextor. To include all but the TN alignment, you could also throw in Olidammara [also Boocob, but natch], but, really, two is better data-point wise than three.) that brings us down to a only 12 (arguably 10) for humans to every other race's 1.

EDIT2: So I made some derp mistakes in my first post on relating humans to non-humans. I left that derp in there. The real ratios are more like 2 (the original assumption) up to maybe 9 (one deity of each alignment is available for human worship. Yes, I know that the PHB doesn't actually provide that many, but then again, neither does "Races of Destiny" with its whopping 2 human deities. Considering how many holes the PHB provides this study with (really, it's the reason I did my gut reaction at 10, although it was mistake.) it's hard to gauge with even a loaded source book choice in favor of "skewing" the data points just because, really, you could argue that there are no human deities in core.

To those of you more interested than I, I would hit up Faiths and Pantheons to see if this whole "humans get more religions" thing is legit. Now then, on with the results.

For sake, I also added in "Races of Stone" and "Races of Destiny" for a better gauge on this. Note that I'm oddly too lazy at this point to learn the proper forum code to just graph this, but just lazy enough to just say the data points. Depending on assumptions, humans either have 11 deities or 2 between the PHB and their Races of X book. Meanwhile dwarfs have 8. For me to figure out if "humans get more religions" is actually legit would depend on how you skew the PHB. I don't know pseudo-Greyhawk enough to gauge that, so I may just find the drive to slog through Faiths and Pantheons to test this nonsense.:smallsigh:

2011-04-27, 10:06 AM
Sadly, humans are a poor choice. Not because we're necessarily special, but because we the players are human, and I'd argue that most DND designer went with the "humans are special" angle for design, as, in core, at least, they are the only race outside of the half-(human)-breeds that don't have multiple deity options aside from those granted via class, thus giving them more to choose from.

Now I need to actually data-point this to make sure my shot in the dark is accurate.:smallbiggrin:
I still say whatever the hell you want, as long as it fits your characters ideals. Thats where the part about "alignment" in the "class and alignment" part comes in. You may even worship only an aspect of the god, like many better natured half-orcs with Grummish,worshipping him as a god of war, but not as the ceaseless slaughter he also represents. I did the same thing with my charachter who worshipped Asmodeus, (http://pathfinder.wikia.com/wiki/Asmodeus) focusing on the justice and punishing the guilty aspect. He wasn't a pleasant charachter, but he wasn't evil.
Besides, the deities in the PHB are Greyhawk deities anyway, and by no are means all campaigns set in that setting.

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-04-27, 10:15 AM
I still say whatever the hell you want, as long as it fits your characters ideals. Thats where the part about "alignment" in the "class and alignment" part comes in. You may even worship only an aspect of the god, like many better natured half-orcs with Grummish,worshipping him as a god of war, but not as the ceaseless slaughter he also represents. I did the same thing with my charachter who worshipped Asmodeus, (http://pathfinder.wikia.com/wiki/Asmodeus) focusing on the justice and punishing the guilty aspect. He wasn't a pleasant charachter, but he wasn't evil.
Besides, the deities in the PHB are Greyhawk deities anyway, and by no are means all campaigns set in that setting.

Ravens_cry, your argument is very well and solid. And I kind of wish I saw it before doing (bad) statistics. But, at this point, well, look at me still talking when there is science to do!:smalltongue:

2011-04-27, 10:16 AM
He should worship Cudd - God of Stomachs, since like most bovines he probably has four.

2011-04-27, 10:41 AM
He should worship Cudd - God of Stomachs, since like most bovines he probably has four.

He cud, but his parents chewed him out for it. He had to stay low for a while, hoofing it on the moo-ve.

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-04-27, 11:30 AM
He cud, but his parents chewed him out for it. He had to stay low for a while, hoofing it on the moo-ve.

Your dedication to Pungeon Mastery truly is to be admired. If I were not on this joke of a sleep schedule, I might be-mooved to rival you. Instead, I'll just be cheeking and claim one easy double!:smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Okay, so I realized I had enough energy for Races of X, but not enough to even touch Faiths and Pantheons. First stats-post updated.

super dark33
2011-04-27, 11:54 AM
He should worship a god of strength,earth and nature.
maybe a god with northern-american-native-american touches or somthing.