View Full Version : Newbie DM needs general advice

2011-04-26, 10:03 PM
Some time ago, some friends and i decided to start a new campaign, since we all work in a same place, and for other reasons. We have all had experience with D&D and 3 players in this group have actually been DM's at some point. Some of them are really really experienced players and others make things up as they go along.

Anyway, since no-one wanted to be the DM (because as we all know, it's a hard job), I volunteered to be it, even though I have never been one.

That was just a couple of weeks ago, and in that amount of time, I have managed to (with the help and support of my players) get the group organized and ready to begin playing. The first session begins this Thursday, and I feel kinda nervous. To tell the truth, I fear that I won't live up to my groups' expectation. The last campaign I was in went nowhere due to the plot being immensely complicated and because the pacing was really slow, for a miriad of reasons.

Therefore, I have decided to take the Gurren Lagann approach to this (also known as the Andrew Hussie approach): things will become increasingly absurd and awesome as the campaign progresses, with every ridiculous plot development serving as foreshadowing for something else. In other words, things will go beyond the impossible.

However! I have little experience in such matters. What I have prepared for the first session is probably not enough to satisfy the PCs. I need advice. If it helps, here is the party's composition:

A small-sized Rogue of ambiguous gender AND race, played by experienced DM araveugnitsuga, who some of you may know on these forums.
A half-elf Ranger specialized in ranged combat, played by a friend so unpredictable and creative that he practically defines Chaotic Neutral.
A half-orc Barbarian played by an absolute moron. How much of a moron is he? In the last campaign that he was, he (through a complicated series of events) insulted BOCCOB. He was subsequently erased from existence.
An elf cleric that is being played by a friend who has little time on his hands (the current sorcerer of the party gave him the character he was going to play, since he's that nice of a guy).
A fighter played by an experienced DM, who has experience with arcane casters but got tired of them.
A sorcerer played by what is undoubtedly the cleverest, smartest, kindest man I have ever seen in my entire life. He is also an experienced DM and a great roleplayer. Also, he sucks up to me because I'm the DM (damn he's smart).

Due to a number of reasons (among them the players wanting to get to the good stuff right away), we are starting at level 5.
Also, for more clearly defined reasons, we are not starting on a tavern, but on a ship going to some X destination.

I would appreciate any help or piece of advice that you would all give me. Thanks in advance!