View Full Version : whisper gnome/ Bladebravo

2011-04-27, 06:32 PM
Im trying to make a level 12 blade bravo with rogue swordsage. For sneaks. Or sworde sage /fighter.. Im so lost on what to do my brain hurts.. Titan fighting is my base feat and with blade bravo make him hard to hit. Now i just have to figure out how to get more damage.. And note DM doesn't allow sneak from flanking.. they stick to the backstab rules so kinda sux big time. I'll take any suggestions!

2011-04-27, 06:37 PM
Check out the Underfoot Combat and Confound the Bigfolk feats in Races of the Wild.

2011-04-27, 06:41 PM
Im trying to make a level 12 blade bravo with rogue swordsage. For sneaks. Or sworde sage /fighter.. Im so lost on what to do my brain hurts.. Titan fighting is my base feat and with blade bravo make him hard to hit. Now i just have to figure out how to get more damage.. And note DM doesn't allow sneak from flanking.. they stick to the backstab rules so kinda sux big time. I'll take any suggestions!

Those are the backstab rules. There's no other way to get behind your opponents. Or is your DM using facing rules? In that case, shouldn't it be easier to get behind people?

Anyway, the tactical feats mentioned by the previous poster make your target flat-footed, allowing you to deal sneak attack damage without flanking. If you're not already aware of it, do a search for "I may be Tiny, but you're dead", also known as the Other Killer Gnome, a build that uses this sort of strategy to deadly effect.

2011-04-27, 07:20 PM
Yes nice feats.. Was gonna take combat expertise and maybe deadly defense for some all the time damage. But to clarify the sneak from behind, say im flanking and the target is attacking me,, the other person would get the sneak if he had it. Dm kinda stuck on second ed and revised alot of rules some good some not. So for the build should i just skip rogue and go for swordsage fighter then blade bravo? Since they took away rogues ONLY good thing in melee.

2011-04-27, 07:21 PM
Those are the backstab rules. There's no other way to get behind your opponents. Or is your DM using facing rules? In that case, shouldn't it be easier to get behind people?

2e rule, mayhaps?

2011-04-27, 07:23 PM
But to clarify the sneak from behind, say im flanking and the target is attacking me,, the other person would get the sneak if he had it.
So to shut you down, all he needs to do is attack you instead of the fighter you're flanking with?

It might be better to simply not try to play a precision damage class under those rules. Go for Swordsage, yeah.

2011-04-27, 07:29 PM
Correct I started with second ed but I followed the new rules lol. They take rules and break them down to science, For instance a fireball in a corridore 5 foot wide would explodes not the 20ft radius but sq ft totall all the way down math is involved.

2011-04-27, 07:32 PM
Thanks i might just go swordsage and forget sneak. He gonna be pissed enough he cant hit me as it is rofl. 26 ac to medium targets without buying gear yet.

2011-04-27, 07:46 PM
There comes a point where so many house rules are in play that it's not really 3.5 anymore.

I think your group crossed it a while back.

2011-04-27, 07:50 PM
I really think we need a list of house rules in order to be of much assistance here...

2011-04-27, 09:03 PM
5 ft diagnal move is 1.5 movement even first step.
Can only sneak attack from behind or first in round or invis I believe.
Area effect spells with radius spread out to the radius reguardless of small area. ie fireball is gonna get 40ft diamiter 1 way or the other, up,down back and forth.
If you have evasion and in said hallway and no where to jump, evasion wont help you,, even though the rules state otherwise.
Psionics and magic resistance are equal..same resist check if have 1 you auto get the other,, think psionics are bit over powered.
Started a language list.. language as a class feature dont help anymore,, cause who really knows 8 languages?

Probably a few more but not as game changing as the said statements above.

2011-04-27, 09:05 PM
Psionics and magic resistance are equal..same resist check if have 1 you auto get the other,, think psionics are bit over powered.
That one is actually the default rule, for what it's worth.

2011-04-27, 09:56 PM
SO now that i had a vodka or 2 or more! Do i go straight swordsage 7 then get blade bravo5 for more ac or add a few fighter in there?

2011-04-27, 10:02 PM
I'd just stick with Swordsage all the way. The variety of offenses and defenses it offers will be useful when you've got a DM who looks to be making things more lethal.

2011-04-27, 10:26 PM
Started a language list.. language as a class feature dont help anymore,, cause who really knows 8 languages?

Actually, knowing a lot of languages was (and is in many parts of the world) quite common. Many Africans and Indians, for instance, know 4 to 6 languages.

Knowing 8 languages would require being a non-human race with a starting int score of 22.

cause who really knows 8 languages?
Someone with 20 to 24 int?

2011-04-28, 06:35 PM
Ok first time using tome of battle.. And WOW and 3 base classes are sweet.. I might skip blade bravo and go straight swordsage or warblade. Prolly swordsage since i still want hide and move silent. But after reading all the manuvers and stances I should have noticed earlier how good it was..I tried to powergame a bit with bladebravo for size advantage! +2 for medium +4 large +6 huge +8 gargantuan +10 colassal to ac... My downfall is being technical fighter. My goal at first was to make tasslhoff from dragon lance books,, then i end up powergaming. Gah he would be fun even if he wasn't uber. Anyways im venting to myself.. feel free to comment !