View Full Version : Hardest to beat Regeneration [3.PF]

Tanuki Tales
2011-04-27, 09:59 PM
Just want to state first off that I believe this belongs here because it's not so much a question or clarification of the rules of the game as its an introspection into the metagame itself.

Now, onto the meat and potatoes; when it comes to Regeneration (and for a lesser matter Damage Reduction) which is the hardest to overcome (excluding ones that can't be overcome ala Tarasque)? Magic is obviously the easiest one to overcome since by level ~4 most characters are swinging around a +1 something (which always struck me as odd that Dragons had DR X/Magic. Toughest beasties in the game practically have useless DR) and I've heard some people saying that the Solar's Regeneration is top notch, but what is the truth to this?

2011-04-27, 11:22 PM
The solar needs epic good-aligned weapons to breach DR and regeneration. It's very difficult to get that.

There's also adding the Voidmind template to the War Troll. War Troll regen is only stopped by acid. Voidmind grants acid immunity.

Tanuki Tales
2011-04-27, 11:34 PM
The solar needs epic good-aligned weapons to breach DR and regeneration. It's very difficult to get that.

There's also adding the Voidmind template to the War Troll. War Troll regen is only stopped by acid. Voidmind grants acid immunity.

That is pretty good regeneration.

The second doesn't qualify because of the fact it's unbeatable regeneration.

So, without modification, Solar has the best Regeneration in the game that can be overcome?

2011-04-28, 12:39 AM
It seems to be the only monster in core that has regen/epic.

I'm sure the epic-level handbook has a whole bunch of them.

2011-04-28, 12:43 AM
The solar needs epic good-aligned weapons to breach DR and regeneration.

You mean epic evil-aligned weapons?

2011-04-28, 01:51 AM
Well, if we assume 3.0 rules, not 3.5:

Wyrm prismatic dragons need a +15 weapon to overcome their damage reduction.

As for overcoming regeneration, most epic monsters regenerations are easily overcome with an appropriately aligned weapon. However, some also have some rather strange ways to overcome them in addition to aligned weapons:

Dream larva regeneration can be overcome by any weapon forged by a sleepwalking blacksmith. Hecatoncheiries regeneration can be overcome by a weapon tempered with the blood of a god. Phanes regeneration is overcome by weapons forged in the future or alternate timeline.

For 3.5, I only have the Monster Maunal 1. There, the solar has the hardest to overcome damage reduction (epic and good). A solars regeneration is also overcome by epic and evil weapons (and evil spells).

Akal Saris
2011-04-28, 05:18 PM
My memory is hazy, but in 3.0 the rakshasa had DR 15/+3 or so, which was insane for a CR 9ish opponent, however a single blessed crossbow bolt (level 1 spell) would kill it instantly. That's some bizarre DR right there.

Some creatures in Eberron have DR 5/Byshykk (sp?). Which means that 99% of the time they have DR 5/- ...

Hydras have a ton of fast healing, which is very hard to overcome at their CR levels if you don't have fire/acid. It's a classic "trick" monster where either you know the trick and the fight is very easy, or the encounter is near-impossible because you're all monks and can't do significant fire damage.

2011-04-28, 07:14 PM
Needs moar Emerald Legion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101587).

Tanuki Tales
2011-04-28, 09:28 PM
Needs moar Emerald Legion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101587).

I did specify that regeneration that can't be overcome doesn't count. :P

2011-04-28, 10:19 PM
For 3.5, I only have the Monster Maunal 1. There, the solar has the hardest to overcome damage reduction (epic and good).

Am I missing something here?

damage reduction 15/epic and evil

Regeneration (Ex)

A solar takes normal damage from epic evil-aligned weapons, and from spells or effects with the evil descriptor.

Where do these good weapons come into play?

2011-04-28, 10:20 PM
Just want to state first off that I believe this belongs here because it's not so much a question or clarification of the rules of the game as its an introspection into the metagame itself.

Now, onto the meat and potatoes; when it comes to Regeneration (and for a lesser matter Damage Reduction) which is the hardest to overcome (excluding ones that can't be overcome ala Tarasque)? Magic is obviously the easiest one to overcome since by level ~4 most characters are swinging around a +1 something (which always struck me as odd that Dragons had DR X/Magic. Toughest beasties in the game practically have useless DR) and I've heard some people saying that the Solar's Regeneration is top notch, but what is the truth to this?

The Anayaperbos (sp?) swarm in the fiendish codex's regeneration can only be overcome by holy spells, IIRC. Plus, it has spell resistance.

2011-04-28, 11:26 PM
You mean epic evil-aligned weapons?

My bad. Lacked sleep when I posted that.

2011-04-29, 12:42 AM
Where do these good weapons come into play?

I was thinking about something else as I was typing. In my defense, I got it right in the very next sentence. :smallsmile:

2011-04-29, 04:18 AM
Some creatures in Eberron have DR 5/Byshykk (sp?). Which means that 99% of the time they have DR 5/- ...

Except that DR/Byshykk can be overcome by magic weapons which means that 99% of the time it's just DR/+1

2011-04-30, 02:37 AM
If it's really an issue, all you need to overcome the 'epic' part is a +6 weapon, which you can get pre-epic pretty easy by using 'greater magic weapon' (+4 or +5) and the 'bane' property ("...enhancement bonus counts as 2 higher...").

There's probably a real easy way to get bane weapons, too...I know 'raptor arrows' are a relic that are "bane vs. everything", and a smattering of specific spells (undead bane, ranger's 'foebane,' etc) *shrug*.


Also, find a way of having /+1 DR inside an anti-magic field (it's harder than it sounds, since /magic DR is generally SU, and turned off by AMFs), and you're pretty much golden.

2011-05-01, 08:02 PM
A troll who has gotten his hands on coveted fire and acid Rings of Energy Resistance.

Tanuki Tales
2011-05-02, 11:16 AM
A troll who has gotten his hands on coveted fire and acid Rings of Energy Resistance.

That's still inferior to a Solar's or some epic creatures.