View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Wizard Specialization

2011-04-28, 12:13 AM
So, I'm building a Pathfinder Wizard for a game allowing all Wizards or Paizo published 3.5/Pathfinder material, but I'm only allowed one PrC pre-epic - I've decided to go Shadowcraft Mage (the Gnome requirement has been waived) - and I'm wondering what ACFs/School to take. I'm drawn to Divination because I'd only have to drop one school (a hold over from 3.5, not technically Pathfinder RAW, I know. I'd probably drop Evocation) but it seems to me odd that I'd be a Diviner and ScM, rather than an Illusionist and ScM, but not so odd that I wouldn't still consider it. And the Illusionist school bonuses aren't that great (well, at least not compared to the Diviner) while the Diviner school bonuses are absolutely fantastic.

Also, I haven't really looked over the sub-schools in the Advanced Player's Guide, are any of those better than the Diviner?

Finally, any ACFs of note from 3.5? All I ever hear about are the Abrupt Jaunt and Spontaneous Divination ACFs.

2011-04-28, 12:29 AM
Divination is a great choice, but arguably the Foresight subschool is even better. You keep the initiative bonuses and never surprised powers, and instead of Diviner's Fortune (which won't become that exciting since you are taking a PRC) you get the ability to roll a d20 as a free action at the start of your turn and use that roll in place of a roll before your next turn (3 + Int Mod/day). Highly useful for any character, and good for wizards who plan to Prc out since its power is completely independent of # of wizard levels you have. The fact that it's sort of a pre-emptive reroll also means that you can do some tricks with it that you don't get with regular rerolls - like deciding to use a touch attack spell if you get a 20, because you know you can get a critical threat then.
It also gets an amazing aura power later on, but you'll probably Prc out so it'll be a while before you get to that.

2011-04-28, 01:08 AM
The Abjuration/Counterspell subschool is pretty nice if 1- you like counterspelling, and 2- you can make it to 6th level (where you can suddenly counterspell as an immediate action).

Conjuration/Teleportation gives you a dimension door at 1st level, but it's pretty limited distancewise. Still, swift action.

The 8th level power of Transmutation/Enhancement seems powerful (swift action, add half your level to any attribute for a round), but probably not worth it if you're PrCing.

Looking at the Illusion subschools, Shadow has a power that's not bad for the 1st-level attack powers: ranged touch to entangle someone. Not comparable to the Divination powers, though.

2011-04-28, 06:46 AM
The elemental schools aren't wonderful by granted abilities (I like the air school ones more than I should - free, at-will flight is amusing, even if it really only saves you one casting of Overland Flight at later levels), but the bigger selling point, for me, is ignoring only spells with the opposite elemental descriptor (not a lot of spells are tagged as [water], for example, and [acid] or [cold] are perfectly kosher to cast normally as a fire specialist...)

Something too look at, at any rate.

2011-04-28, 12:50 PM
The big deal of specialization is the extra spell slot. Divination spells are mainly utility spells. One Divination spell per level prepared in the specialization slot is enough. Use your regular spell slots for whatever spells you desire, such as Illusion spells for all your Shadowcraft needs. You are a Shadowcraft Mage. That is your character. Divination specialization is just the game mechanics.

2011-04-28, 01:10 PM
Sounds like I'll go for the Foresight Subschool then. Thanks for the help!