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View Full Version : [3.5 Monster Class] Vampire-Wraith (PEACH)

Dire Reverend
2011-04-28, 05:51 AM
Note to moderators looking at this thread: I am separating this from my Fancy Homebrew Thread because it is not a completed class.

Also, why is it that I changed the the first post's topic name "Dire Weasel's Fancy Homebrew Thread" to "Dire Reverend's Fancy Homebrew Bread" yet the topic's name did not change anywhere else?

So, I had the idea of creating a Vampire turned Wraith, like Raziel from the Legacy of Kain series.

It will be a monster class in the style of Oscalamo's monster classes, built for the Salient Vampire monster class (found in my fancy homebrew thread), but should be compatible with core vamp template and Oslecamo's monster class Vampire.

Prerequisites: At least 3 levels in the Salient Vampire monster class, 5 HD.
Hit Die: d12
1|+1|+0|+2|+2|Soul Drain, Spirit Form
2|+2|+0|+3|+3|Soul Siphon, Salient Selection
3|+3|+1|+3|+3|Soul Strength
4|+4|+1|+4|+4|Salient Selection
5|+5|+1|+4|+4|Shadow Manifestation
The vampire is eternal. That is, until he decides to take a stroll on a sunny day, take a dip in a pool of water, or is attacked by a lucky someone with a vorpal sword. At this point the vampire is done for. However, a vampire strong enough can come back through force of will. Alternatively, a powerful being can bring him back, and in return the Vampire is under the service of the being.

The vampire is eternal. That is, until he decides to take a stroll on a sunny day, take a dip in a pool of water, or is attacked by a lucky someone with a vorpal sword. At this point the vampire is done for. However, a vampire strong enough can come back through force of will. Alternatively, a powerful being can bring him back, and in return the Vampire is under the service of the being.

A Vampire Wraith’s appearance drastically changes. His pale skin changes to a deep blue. He no longer has eyes, but the sockets glow , and his body becomes bony and emaciated. The clothes he was killed in become worn and tattered. (this has no in-game effect)

Soul Drain (Su): A Vampire Wraith no longer hungers for the blood of his enemies, but rather their souls. He loses his Blood Drain and the Create Spawn ability, but gains the Soul Drain ability. A Vampire can drain the soul from a living victim by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it absorbs the soul of his opponent, dealing 1d4 negative levels each round the pin is maintained. A creature killed from the Soul Drain ability does not become a vampire spawn or a Wight, but is instead absorbed into the Vampire Wraith, becoming part of the Vampire Wraith. In addition, the Vampire Wraith gains the Soul Prison Salient Selection. If he already had the Soul Prison Salient Selection, he may choose any one Special Quality Salient Selection. This does not count toward the maximum number of Salient Selections a Vampire can have.

Spirit Form (Su): As a move action, the Vampire Wraith can destroy his physical body and enter the Plane of Shadow. When a Vampire Wraith reaches half health, he automatically enters his Spirit Form against his will after the damage is dealt. When at full health, the Vampire Wraith can regain its physical body by spending a Full Round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. When the Vampire Wraith is destroyed through a vampire weakness (for example, from sunlight, decapitation, staking or submersed in water) while in his physical form, his health drops to half and he instantly enters his spirit form instead of being destroyed.
Spirit Form Qualities:
Instantly transported to the Plane of Shadow
Vampire Racial modifiers become Str: -- Dex +6 Con: -- Cha: +4
Loses Sunlight and Water weaknesses (However, there is no sun in the Plane of Shadow, so does it really matter?)
Gains Sunlight Powerlessness if vampire has not taken the Sunlight Resistance Salient Ability.

Salient Selection: At 2nd and 4th level, the Vampire Wraith chooses one Salient Selections from the Salient Vampire monster class. Levels in Vampire Wraith count as levels in the Salient Vampire monster class for determining if he has the Improved Selection ability.

Soul Siphon (Su): At second level, the Vampire Wraith learns a useful technique: He can absorb the souls of his victims at range. A Vampire Wraith can use his Soul Drain ability on any one helpless creature within 30 feet, but it deals 2d4 negative levels. At 3rd level, the number of he can perform in one round becomes equal to his class level. At level 5, the range increases to 40 feet.

Soul Strength (Su): When a third level Vampire Wraith kills someone with its Soul Drain ability, it gains a +4 untyped bonus to his Strength score for 12 hours. When he is in his Sprit form, it becomes a +4 to Dexterity.

Shadow Manifestation (Su): At fifth level, the Vampire Wraith gains the manifestation ability; however instead of going to and from the Material Plane and the ethereal plane, he goes to and from the Material Plane and the Plane of Shadow. Anytime the Vampire Wraith enters his Spirit form, he can choose to either be only on the Plane of Shadow or manifested in the Material Plane. Also, the Vampire Wraith gains the Ghostly Grasp (Libris Mortis) as a bonus feat. A Vampire Wraith can manifest for either 5 rounds or half the sum of his Salient Vampire and Vampire Wraith class levels, whichever is higher, per encounter.

Here are the main ideas that I am going to use: (subject to change)

Most likely a 5 level class
Might offer Salient abilities (not as much as the Salient Vampire class)
At half health, the character gains an incorporeal form against their will
The incorporeal form is ethereal, unlike a core wraith
Regains corporeal form when at full health with a full round action
Can voluntarily gain incorporeal form, but still needs to have full health to regain corporeal form.
No longer drinks blood, but instead absorbs souls. (note, this does not destroy the soul, making resurrection possible, and also making this class Redeemed Undead compatible), and stacks with the Soul Prison Salient Selection

I would like to hear some ideas for this class and/or if any of the main ideas are crap. I am thinking of making it so that there are benefits and disabilities to being incorporeal.

Dark Kerman
2011-04-28, 12:52 PM
More traits along the vein of dissapearance and incorporeality? Is it vampire mostly, or predominantly wraith?

Dire Reverend
2011-04-28, 02:42 PM
It should be a hybrid of sorts: they get different benefits to both corporeal form and incorporeal form.

One ability that I want:

Soul Siphon (Su): At X Level, a Vampire Wraith learns a powerful technique: He can absorb the souls of his victims at range. A Vampire Wraith can preform a coup de grace on any one helpless creature within 30 feet. At level X, the number of coup de graces you can do in one round becomes equal to your levels in Vampire Wraith.

Dire Reverend
2011-04-29, 02:22 AM
Here's what I have so far:

Prerequisites: At least 3 levels in the Salient Vampire monster class, 5 HD.
The vampire is eternal. That is, until he decides to take a stroll on a sunny day, take a dip in a pool of water, or is attacked by a lucky someone with a vorpal sword. At this point the vampire is done for. However, a vampire strong enough can come back once again.
A Vampire Wraith’s appearance drastically changes. His skin turns from pale to a deep blue. His eyes glow, and his body becomes bony and emaciated. The clothes he was killed in become worn and tattered.

Soul Drain (Su): A Vampire Wraith no longer hungers for the blood of his*enemies, but rather their souls. He loses his Blood Drain and the Create Spawn ability, but gains the Soul Drain ability. A Vampire can drain the soul from a living victim by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it absorbs the soul of his opponent, dealing 1d4 negative levels each round the pin is maintained. A creature killed from the Soul Drain ability does not become a vampire spawn or a Wight, but is instead absorbed into the Vampire Wraith, becoming part of the Vampire Wraith. In addition, the Vampire Wraith gains the Soul Prison Salient Selection. If he already had the Soul Prison Salient Selection, he may choose any one Special Quality Salient Selection. This does not count toward the maximum number of Salient Selections a Vampire can have.

Spirit Form (Su): As a move action, the Vampire Wraith can lose his physical body and become incorporeal. When a Vampire Wraith reaches half health, he automatically enters his Spirit Form against his will after the damage is dealt. When at full health, the Vampire Wraith can regain its physical body by spending a Full Round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. When the Vampire Wraith is destroyed through a vampire weakness (for example, from sunlight, decapitation, staking or submersed in water) while in his physical form, his health drops to half and he instantly enters his spirit form instead of being destroyed.Spirit Form qualities:
• Gains the Incorporeal Subtype
• Racial modifiers become Str: -- Dex +6 Con: -- Cha: +4
• Loses Sunlight and Water weaknesses
• Gains Sunlight Powerlessness if vampire has not taken the Sunlight Resistance Salient Ability
• Gain Ghostly Grasp (Libris Mortis) as a bonus feat

Salient Selection: At 2nd and 4th level, the Vampire Wraith chooses one Salient Selection from the Salient Vampire monster class. Levels in Vampire Wraith count as levels in the Salient Vampire monster class for determining if he has the Improved Selection ability.

Soul Siphon (Su): At second level, the Vampire Wraith learns a useful technique: He can absorb the souls of his victims at range. A Vampire Wraith can use his Soul Drain ability on any one helpless creature within 30 feet, but it deals 2d4 negative levels. At 3rd level, the number of he can perform in one round becomes equal to his class level. At level 5, the range increases to 40 feet.

Soul Strength (Su): When a third level Vampire Wraith kills someone with its Soul Drain ability, it gains a +4 racial bonus to his Strength score for 12 hours. When he is in his Sprit form, It becomes a +4 to Dexterity.

I still need to make some penalties to being in spirit form, and do some text cleanup. Any ideas for a level 5 capstone ability?

Dire Reverend
2011-05-01, 07:41 PM
Thread update: first post has the class.