View Full Version : Adventure Awaits! (Fatal Flaws I.C.)

Mr Serendipity
2011-04-28, 06:21 PM
Welcome to the I.C. of Fatal Flaws! It is here that we shall hold our grand adventure for the seven of you that have been chosen. Good luck to one and all!

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-04, 09:09 PM

Welcome, rejects of the world! I am the Overseer. You seven have been chosen because you are the most pathetic, weak, horrible, and scariest outcasts of our society. Here in our facility you shall: get your own accommodations, be fed at least once a day, not be ridiculed for your disgusting deformities, and if you refuse? Well, let's just say you don't want to do that.

2011-05-07, 02:48 AM
((May as well get the ball rolling. ^_^o Would prefer the game not die before it even begins))

Will blinks at the man in the ugly mask. His eyes pass over the others assembled -- not looking too bad, aside from averaging too few limbs and too many violent encounters with the ugly stick per person -- and then back to the Overseer. He coughs, and raises an eyebrow. "Um. Thanks, I guess? Not to sound too ungrateful, but... Any chance you've made a mistake?"

2011-05-07, 06:41 AM
How can I trust you, many people have pretended to try to help me, only to try to take advantage of me.

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-07, 10:16 AM
Just trust me. For if you don't, you will be talking to our "human resource" director.

(You see a extremely beefy-looking Half-Orc step out from behind the Overseer. He brandishes almost every type of weapon and armor you can possibly imagine.)

2011-05-07, 10:33 AM
For what purpose are we here?

2011-05-07, 12:30 PM
Michael eyeballs the large half-orc sizing up this latest threat to the correct order of things. He silently listens... for now.

2011-05-07, 05:56 PM
Aric smiles as the man offers the job. Well sir, I would be more than happy to assist you in your job. I am curious as to why you chose us to do this because, as you said, we are pretty much the dregs of society. What possible job could we be more suited for than the much prettier of society? Aric's question is sincere.

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-07, 08:36 PM
You shall not no for what purpose you are here. You will do the task you are given and you shall not ask any further questions. I am clear? Now all of you strip down and put on these white jump suits we have provided for you.

2011-05-07, 08:38 PM
I cannot strip down. I have no arms or legs.

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-07, 08:48 PM
Then you shall be stripped, dear Perry, by my Half-Orc associate here.

(The Half-Orc moves up to Perry and starts tearing off his clothes, trying to force on the jumpsuit.)

2011-05-07, 08:59 PM
Glordak is slightly offended by how he was put among such vagabonds as these (although he looks no better, and has many bad things going for himself as well). Even with this offense he trusts the ugly man, if it can help the world become better their missions must be great indeed. He strips immediately although he carried nothing on him but rags for clothes and his silver liquor flask (which he does not place upon the ground).

2011-05-08, 02:23 AM
Well, doesn't really like like their's any way for me to say no...
*starts changing*

2011-05-08, 04:50 AM
Michael is confused and slightly angry. How have this den of enemy managed to corner him thus. Ah but what missions are these they talk of. Curiosity wins out in the end and he decides that patience may be the best way to find out the truth of this. How many are working for them? All of them or just some. With shaky hands Michael starts to unbutton his shirt and peel of the layers of clothing that he wears.

Rolls for Conspiracist0-5 and you're in on it.
Human Resource Director:[roll1]
Glordak Urduum:[roll2]
Will Dresden:[roll3]
Aric Legant:[roll4]
Nesdu Mok:[roll5]
Perry Masters:[roll6]
Roll for sleight of hand.[roll7]Michael tries to conceal the spoon as he strips by sliding behind his hand.

2011-05-08, 09:01 AM
Enraged by his treatment Perry lashes out mentally at the orc tearing at his clothing.

Manifesting Mind Thrust on the orc [roll0]

2011-05-08, 04:57 PM
Yes Sir Aric will say as he quickly removes his breeches and shirt, though he leaves an odd leather apparatus, covering his stump, on. He then quickly dons the robe and stands waiting for further instructions.

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-08, 09:53 PM
Once you are properly dressed, I want you each to step into these cells designated by your names.

(Overseer indicates to the seven chambers located beneath the balcony on which he stands.)

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-12, 07:07 AM
As for you, Perry Masters, you shall follow me. Take him away Orgesdsh.

(The Overseer gestures at the Half-Orc standing next to Perry)

I hope you all shall enjoy our stay with us.

(The Overseer leaves the room with the Half-Orc carrying Perry in tow)

2011-05-12, 11:00 AM
Micheal Dons the white uniform as he watches the overseer leave. Most odd these goings on most odd... They do not seem to work for "them" yet they imprison him. Oh well might as well play along. He steps into his cell and waits.

2011-05-12, 04:40 PM
Glordak finally realizing that he was meant to put on the strange costume in front of him slides into it quickly. After hearing about needing to go into the room with his name on it he does as he is told, fearing to brought away as well. He whispers "Such a strange place..." under his breath.

2011-05-12, 07:01 PM
Wow, he's loud. Nesdu hurries to her cell.

2011-05-12, 07:09 PM
Perry begin squirming, WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME he screams out in rage.

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-12, 07:45 PM
(Overseer looks as satisfied as he can behind the mask at the Freaks entering there cells. The prisoners can just hear the Overseer speaking to Perry.)

Quiet, dear Perry, quiet. There is no need to fret.

(The Overseer sprays a mysterious cloud from his sleeve onto Perry's face and he falls silent.)

2011-05-12, 08:17 PM
Will winces a bit at Perry's fate, and decides he should just play along. For now. Perhaps there will be a chance for a daring escape scene later. Regardless, he tries to discretely change into his new attire, and proceeds into his chamber. "Too late to hope he's going to say, 'Just kidding!' it's looking..."

2011-05-12, 10:55 PM
Aric, distracted by a small insect crawling on the floor, wanders into his cell, his first bit of luck in a while.

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-13, 07:15 AM
(As you all enter your cells the thick, steel doors swing shut behind you. These cells appear to have no visible way out. In each cell there is a: cot, an abundant amount of food and drink, a table, chairs, carpet, and these odd things on the wall that shine as a candle but they are not one. It apperas the only thing you can do is wait.)

2011-05-13, 03:24 PM
Will blinks at the amenities. They're a bit nicer than he was expecting. Sure, he'd prefer a bed, but the cot's looking mighty comfy after some time sleeping under the stars. Feeling a little peckish, he helps himself to some of the food and has a seat at the table, wondering how much time he has to kill.

2011-05-13, 03:40 PM
Michael Merely waits. After a while however he starts to examine each and every detail of the cell with an exacting slowness. Hours drag by as he turns everything over. Looking at each chunk of bread and swirl of dust. In his mind he forms patterns and meaning for everything. Creating more reasons for the items until his mind is a blur of information and it starts to leek out. Exhausted he devours the food and tears apart the bed in frustration before slumping onto the destroyed frame of the cot and pulling the blanket over him. He sits silently in the dark amid his carnage turning over in his hand his spoon. Watching the way the dull tones pick out it's shape. Slowly but surely he slips into sleep. Pondering in his own slow and convoluted way what the new day will bring.

2011-05-16, 08:14 PM
Nesdu looks around, and eyes the food. She first takes a nibble to check for poison, and then scarfs down when she was certain the food wasn't poisoned. She moves the water to the far corner to avoid spilling any on herself, and then goes to lie down in the bed.

2011-05-17, 08:09 PM
Glordak immediately jumps onto the cot with a loud BOOM and falls asleep, he hadn't seen a good bed in ages... "Zzzzzz... Zzzz...."

(And yes, a cot for him is a good bed! :smallwink:)

2011-05-19, 08:24 PM
Only for Dms eyes
Oy, you great brutish fellow, yes you the one who manhandled me. I want you to take away the beds from any who are using them.

2011-05-19, 10:35 PM
Aric is quickly distracted from the shiny insect he followed into his cell by the food. He scarfs down a large amount, drinks a few tankards of water, pees in the corner of the room, then lies down on the cot and falls into a deep sleep in his new robes.

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-20, 06:53 PM
Out of no where, an army of great, brutish Half-Orc marches into the cell area. One by one, they open the cell doors or any using a cot, and take the bed away with a word.

2011-05-21, 12:19 AM
Will is partway through his unsatisfying meal when the "orderlies" come tromping around the cell area. He blinks at the arrival and watches, curious. Sitting at the table as he is, he's left alone, but he does become aggravated at the sight of them carrying the cots away, presumably accompanied by sounds of protest. "Oh, come on! Isn't this a little excessive?" Though it struck him even as he said the words that they'd passed up 'a little excessive' around the time the Overseer began informing them they were freaks to be locked up, with no further explanation.

2011-05-21, 02:43 PM
For now Micheal waits. He watches with a certain level of disgust as his bed is or at least the remains of it are removed. He makes no attempt to resist the thugish orcs and simply lets them move him from his spot of the ruins of the bed and plonk him down in some bare floored corner of the room.

2011-05-21, 07:20 PM
Aric, obviously in what would be called a "food coma" in the future, is none to gently rolled out of the cot as it is taken away. The one armed man continues snoring loudly though, having fallen asleep believing he is safe.

2011-05-22, 07:47 PM
Glordak stays sleeping even as the Half-Orcs remove the cot, he snores a little and turns over but that is all.

2011-05-23, 03:17 AM
For DM only.
Force them all into the same cell.

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-23, 05:07 PM
Before the memory of your cots being taken away slips your mind, the brick walls in-between the cells disappear into the floor and the walls move in to make a single 25ft by 25ft cell containing all of the prisoners.

2011-05-23, 06:38 PM
Will had just taken another bite of food before the walls suddenly dropped down. Mid-chew, he blinks and looks slowly around at everyone. "... Our host has a thing for surprises, I guess." It isn't exactly insightful, but it seems like it needs to be said. He finishes his mouthful.

2011-05-23, 06:57 PM
Glordak is still sleeping like a baby, enjoying the cool floor and subconsciously ignoring the events around him.

2011-05-23, 07:55 PM
Nesdu barely moves as she is dropped onto the floor, and continues to sleep as the walls fall down around her, being the safest chance to sleep she's had in a while.

2011-05-24, 06:26 AM
Micheal starts to angrily pace the room, but after the fifth lap of the cell he gives up and plonks down in a spot furthest from other people.

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-24, 07:06 AM
For Torgarn Only:

Your plans seem to be failing. They are staying away from each other or just plain not noticing. My suggestion is to either start putting them through their tests or use more drastic measures in the cell.

2011-05-24, 06:01 PM
DM only
Fill their cell with insects.

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-24, 09:52 PM
Before you can even think of what has just happened, insects begin to crawl and slither down the walls of the cell, seemly never ending.

2011-05-24, 10:22 PM
Glordak wakes with a start and lashes out at any bug he can get under his body, he won't become any bugs dinner today! "COME HERE YOU PUNY LITTLE BUGS, I'LL SQUASH YA FLAT!!!"

In his mind he is counting all the ways he can make a meal from the bugs he has squished...

2011-05-24, 11:25 PM
Aric awakes, chewing on something crunchy. Seeing the bugs, he quickly spits out what remains of the insect he had been snacking on in his sleep. He then proceeds to stomp on the insects, quickly beginning to dance a merry jig as he stomps.

Perform (Dance)

2011-05-25, 12:47 AM
Will gives a small yelp as the bugs make their entrance. Collecting himself and abandoning his meal -- if the sight of the six-legged hordes didn't put him off it, Aric's impromptu nosh certainly did -- the young man joins his companions in a stompfest. He hopes the Overseer is listening in, "If you're trying to make us hate you, then kudos on a job well-done!"

2011-05-25, 06:45 AM
Michael stands there shocked. The insects crawl over him and he freaks out a bit. Flailing to get them of he begins stomping on them all. Exerting maximum effort to crush any insects that come close.

2011-05-25, 08:35 AM
Nesdu takes the water she had ignored earlier, and dumps it on the bugs around her. She then focuses on keeping the water away, thus keeping the wet bugs away.


2011-05-29, 12:58 AM
To DM only

Do we have any information on any of their individual fears?

Mr Serendipity
2011-05-29, 08:54 AM
I would like all characters to repost their fears at this time.

2011-05-29, 09:51 AM
OOC: Glordak only fears blood and losing his liquor bottle. (also he has Coprolalia so I think that is up to you to determine when his fits are)

2011-05-29, 11:11 AM
Will wasn't afraid of too much, though the spirit's obviously bled through enough to give him Coward. Still, he tends to be more curious than afraid of most things. He's afraid of failure and of coming off as a loser, and he sometimes fears his curiosity might get him in over his head. Though he'll have some much more definite fears once he learns about his curse and its triggers.

2011-05-29, 12:01 PM
"Them" Those that conspire against the rightful judgement of the avatar of God and attempt to steal the sacred spoon of office.

2011-05-29, 04:46 PM
DM only

Take Glordak's flask. Inform him that he will only have it returned if he can kill the others.

2011-05-29, 10:55 PM
Water, probably a little afraid of Kobolds

2011-06-08, 02:08 PM
Your room is flooding with a noxious gas. It causes ou no harm, but causes you to feel violently ill.

2011-06-08, 05:17 PM
Glordak continues to smash the bugs but as time goes on he can't help but vomit a little, as both the smell of smashed bugs and the gas overtake his gag reflex.

2011-06-08, 11:10 PM
Will continues the stomping, though the pace drops off noticeably once the coughing begins. He falls to his hands and knees, choking. He's leaving the bugs to their own devices, but he's a bit too preoccupied trying to hold in his recent meal to notice.

2011-06-09, 06:15 AM
As the effect of the gas hit Nesdu, she loses the concentration she had, and falls to the floor, ignoring the bugs for the more immediate need to crouch down, as if to hurl.

2011-06-09, 07:05 AM
Micheal crawls on his belly trying to keep his head below the noxious gas. Worming his way through the bugs he tucks up into a ball in one of the corners.