View Full Version : Adding Spells to Your Class Spell List

Viktyr Gehrig
2011-04-29, 12:05 AM
How is this accomplished? This is trivially easy for psionic characters.

I know about Rainbow Servant for Cleric spells and Arcane Disciple for Domain spells, but those are problematic. Pathfinder has the Magician archetype for Bards, which is limited to arcane spell lists-- but includes Witch spells and the awesome Summoner spell level discounts. Of course, Magician has its own problems, since the archetype surrenders core bardic abilities.

I'm mostly looking for ways to get healing and restoration spells for arcane casters, but anything else that can allow characters to get spells from different spell lists is good.

2011-04-29, 10:58 AM
Extra Spell (CArc) arguably doesn't care where the spell comes from.

If you are a Changeling, the Recaster (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20050407b&page=3) PrC allows you to pick up a spell from any list at level 2 and 4. However it costs you a casting level to enter, so choose really wisely. The Wyrm Wizard from Dragon Magic is easier to enter. It has a similar mechanic, you get a new spell from anywhere at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, but costs a casting level at 2, 4, and 6.

Bloodline Feats from the Dragon Compendium get you a new spell known at every level, but you don't get to pick it.

Mage of the Arcane Order (CArc) can use the spellpool to nab any Sorcerer/Wizard spell from the PHB and others as designated by the DM, temporarily.

Ultimate Magus (CM) lets you add spells from your spellbook to your spontaneous side spells known.

Mother Cyst (LM) adds some spells known. So does Sand Shaper(Sandstorm).

If you are a spontaneous caster, Arcane Preparation allows you to prepare Sanctified Spells from BoED.

A Contemplative dip (or any other domain granting PrC) will add the spells from that domain to your list. If you use Southern Magician to qualify for Contemplative, you not only can advance your Arcane casting (text trumps table), but you also get casting as a cleric of your contemplative level, which means that you can use Wands/Scrolls of Cleric spells without UMD.

I'm mostly looking for ways to get healing and restoration spells for arcane casters, but anything else that can allow characters to get spells from different spell lists is good.

This is usually wasteful. Items do healing much better (healing belt, wand of lesser vigor). If you invest ranks in UMD, and maybe spend one of the feats you would have spent getting access through an above method on Apprentice:Spellcaster, you won't have any trouble activating wands of healing and restorative spells by level 9 or so. Until then, you want to keep a couple of copies, so that if you fail on a 1, you can still get the job done with wand #2 or #3.

2011-04-29, 12:20 PM
There are also a number of prestige classes that add spells to spell lists (Like Sandcaster). Usually you lose a caster level to get them, though.

But as Dex said, you're better off buying/crafting items.

Viktyr Gehrig
2011-04-29, 03:27 PM
Heh. And here I thought I knew Dragon Magic backward and forward. Wyrm Wizard is perfect for a Magician Bard/Chord build. A little less so for Beguiler, but it's interesting.

Extra Spell (CArc) arguably doesn't care where the spell comes from.

Yeah. I'm familiar with that interpretation, but as near as I can tell, the general consensus is that it doesn't work that way. I would allow it to apply at least to spells of the same type, which would be good enough for my purposes, but unfortunately I don't get to play under my own rules.

Ultimate Magus (CM) lets you add spells from your spellbook to your spontaneous side spells known.

You know, it's a shame they didn't publish more of these. There are a lot of perfectly legitimate multicaster combinations that are inviable because there's no Prestige Class for them. One of my pet peeves about the 3.X multiclassing system.

A Contemplative dip (or any other domain granting PrC) will add the spells from that domain to your list. If you use Southern Magician to qualify for Contemplative, you not only can advance your Arcane casting (text trumps table), but you also get casting as a cleric of your contemplative level, which means that you can use Wands/Scrolls of Cleric spells without UMD.

... Wow. I never noticed that. And there's a lot of ways of pulling that off. It's a little late for a practical theurge, but it's practically free.

2011-04-29, 03:31 PM
I'm mostly looking for ways to get healing and restoration spells for arcane casters, but anything else that can allow characters to get spells from different spell lists is good.

Arcane Disciple (CDiv) would let you take spells from the healing (or some other) domain. You can only use them once per day, and you need a decent Wis, but you could also use wands then.

Divine Bard (UA?) gives the bard more of the healing spells.

Viktyr Gehrig
2011-04-29, 04:30 PM
Heh. And here I thought I knew Dragon Magic backward and forward. Wyrm Wizard is perfect for a Magician Bard/Chord build. A little less so for Beguiler, but it's interesting.

Or, y'know, not. I swear I'll be a lot better at this game after I learn to read. At least Arcane Preparation is only one feat.

2013-02-22, 10:01 AM
Are there anymore Prestige Classes that add spells other than Sandcaster or Unseen seer?

2013-02-22, 11:21 AM
A bunch that has their own casting progression.

But Rainbow servant, or whatever its called, advances your casting and adds spells i think.

2013-02-22, 11:40 AM
From the Wizards Community > d20 Design > d20 Design Enhancement > Theoretical Optimization > Ways for a Sorcerer to gain additional spells known

2) Draconic Legacy feat, from Complete Arcane-Gain 3 extra spells known, based on your draconic heritage (requires any four draconic feats)

3) Fiend-blooded PrC from Heroes of Horror lets you choose a new spell known at levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10, which must be either from schools enchantment, illusion or necromancy, or must have fire descriptor.

4) Exalted Arcanist PrC from Book of Exalted Deeds gives you 2 more spells at first level (but you lose a level of casting, so you're down 1 CL and only net 1 spell) BUT at 5th level, you gain all sanctified spells as spells known.

5) Sand Shaper PrC from Sandstorm gives you 7 1st level spells (including several that are normally 2nd level spells), 7 2nd level spells, 10 3rd level spells, 4 4th level spells, 6 5th level spells, 2 7th level spells, 2 8th level spells and 1 9th level spell. All at first level of the PrC (though you do lose a level of casting). Requires 4 ranks in Knowledge (nature), 4 ranks in Survival, Touchstone (city of the Dead) feat and Arcane Caster level 5th.

6) Recaster PrC from Races of Eberron lets you choose a new spell known at levels 2 and 4 from ANY class list! It loses a level of casting at 1st level and is Changeling only (so you only net 1 spell, but it does have other benefits).

7) Mage of the Arcane Order PrC from Complete Arcane gives you access to a Spellpool that will let you call extra spells as a full round action (though later you have to pay back the spell pool with an equal number of spell levels). Requires 8 ranks in Knowledge (arcana), the Cooperative Spell feat and one meta magic feat, as well as the ability to prepare and cast 2nd level arcane spells (which would require the arcane preparation feat) AND a 750 gp fee.

8) Drake's Crown Wonderous Item from Eberron Explorer's Hanbook gives bonus spells.

9) Ring of Theurgy Ring from Complete Arcane allows up to three spells of any level to be stored in it, which may then be used as extra spells known--though it disappears from the ring once cast (and must be powerd by your own spell slots, unlike a spell storing item).

10) Knowstones Wonderous Item from Dragon Magazine which each add a spell known (for whatever spell they're enchanted with), don't take up a magic item slot and must be worn for 24 hours to gain the benefit.

11) Dracolexi PrC from Races of the Dragon grants two extra spells known at 5th level, and at 3rd, 6th and 9th level of the PrC you can select one of the Power Word spells and add them to your spells known as a spell one level lower than it normally is. Though you do lose a level of casting at 1st level.

12) Dragonblood Substitution Level from Races of the Dragon at 7th level the Sorcerer substitution level gives you 4 new spells known (specific spells, depending on whether you're good or evil) instead of the normal 3 spells known you'd gain at that level.

13) Sorcerer Planar Substitution Level 13 from Planar Handbook gives the sorcerer the ability to spontaneously summon either elementals, celestials or fiendish creatures in place of learnign a new sixth level spell.

14) Corrupt Arcana a feat from Heroes of Horror lets you prepare any corrupt spell from a scroll or book of forbidden lore. It takes up a spell slot, but doesn't count against your spells known (so you can only cast it as many times as you've prepared it that day).

15) Frost Mage PrC from Frostburn grants Conjure Ice Beast I, II, III, IV and Frostfell as spells known at levels 3, 5, 7 and 9 of the PrC with no lost of casting, and only requires 1 feat, 8 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) and having survived 24 hours unprotected in a blizzard.

16) Combat Medic from Hereos of Battle gives you the ability to spontaneously cast heal at 5th level (as long as you have 6th level spell slots availible to you)--you just need to take the Arcane Disiple feat and pick Cure Light Wounds as one of your spells known, as well as having 4 ranks in concentration, 8 ranks in heal (which becomes a class skill if you take Draconic Heritage (Gold), combat casting and dodge.

17) Spellwurm symbiont from Magic of Eberron adds blur, ancient knowledge and mage armor to the bearer's known spells.

18) Spellsinger PrC from Races of Faerun gives the ability at 5th level to lose a prepared arcane spell or spell slot in order to cast ANY enchantment spell of a lower level that's on their spell list (and it adds +2 to the save DC). The requirements are a bit rough unless you take the Draconic Heritage (Song Dragon) feat, and you must be at least 1/8th elven.

You definatly missed the olin gisir!

Its entry requirements are a bit harsh, but you get augury as a spellike and Dispel Evil (or any other variant) plus Holy Word (or any other variant) as a bonus spell known!

Also you can get a bonus metamagic feat (very good for sorcerers) and an item creation feat as well as other goodies.

At any rate there is a new one in the latest dragon. Spell worms. These items burrow in your brain and grant you extra spells.
Probably #343 pg. 80-81

Dread Witch PrC from HoH gives Bane and Doom.

Impure Prince from Magic of Eberron adds a few abberation hunter type spells.

Dragon #351 has the Dragonmarked Sorcerer feat. Instead of using your Dragonmark for SLAs, the spells are added to your list. That's, what? Three or four extra spells?

Also, Cerebrosis feat (bonus feat!) from Dragon #330 give you a bunch of Far Realm-based spells.

2013-02-22, 11:46 AM
I'm mostly looking for ways to get healing and restoration spells for arcane casters
Note Wizards and Sorcerer's already make decent healbots with the existing spell list. Light of Venya (SC) allows you to heal twice for 1d6+CL (max 10) hp. A Wizard 10, sharing the spell with his familiar, will heal 44-64 hp of damage with a single 3rd level spell (that doubles as a decent nuke if nobody needs healing that day).