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2011-04-29, 01:23 AM
And as you skipped along the magic rainbow path butterflies took flight, and flowers bloomed in your footsteps while unicorns pranced in the distance flirting and dancing merrily to the song of life. The sky was filled with a spectacular array of twirling fall leaves painting the sky as a mad painter with swirls of every color imaginable with god's grace it turned into a living masterpiece of life, making it hard to see the magical fairy of love up above... wait a minute, wrong thread... Oh there it is :smallbiggrin:

Blood seamed to drip from the sky above as you sat gazing at the rising sun, made all the nicer by the wretched silence before you. Your prisoners quickly learned that if they were going to scream that you were going to give them a reason to scream, and now all the remaining survivors curled over in silent agony in the center of town, watching their neighbors, friends, and family die before their eyes… than again they could only assume that they had died by the lack of shuttering that they had seen between their spasms of pain. That mind flayer was really living up to his breed’s name. You hear hoof beats a ways off, but by now you’re used to it. Too many fools have challenged you tonight. Too many squires sent by tired knights to see what the smoke was and to help put out the fire… than again by now anyone coming near the town would notice the bodies mutilated, hanging from trees by their intestines. Most of them took a while to die, hanging and bleeding on the ground. Half the ‘knights’ you faced had already been sick to the point at which they could hardly stand, much less wield a sword by the time they got to you. The biggest struggle you had so far was with the chieftain of the small community. A farmer who had somehow managed to hold you up with his hoe, and it had even taken more than one of you to put him down. All in all though that beautiful sunrise, the ghastly reflection of your mess below held your gaze for a moment more.

Derren Saldieri
In the fight you had done your part. For humans these weren’t so bad, they had plenty of meat on their bones, and among those bones you had found a nice one to naw on while serenaded by the screams of the remaining captured villagers. All the same in the end it was nothing special, just business of old… the image of the girl continued to dance in your head… you had seen someone who looked like her, but humans look rather similar all in all and it was probably nothing, just another complication to your normal business.
Model Omega
You were made to kill, you killed. Your circuitry told you it was all so nice as you tore through a woman’s thought and watched the blood pool under her children. You knew It was brilliantly done when the next minute you were eating the little boy’s sister while he sat there helplessly wishing he had his father’s courage, and hating himself for the wetness under him which was no longer just his mother’s blood. You knew it was perfectly fine to decorate the village with the brilliant colors of its former resident’s innards. Now you stared back at your handiwork admiring it once more.
It had been a simple task to convince the town watch that you were no threat, and only a little harder to convince them that it was really their families that posed the risk. While they slipped off to take their loved ones you lead the rest of your group into the town making a stray farmer heeding the call of nature agree that it was perfectly normal for your ghastly procession to be in their town, and that he better go finish his business and pretend he never saw you. In the end it was the most entertaining to see that you could make a child rise up and kill his parents, unable to slay their young. Now you sat nestled on a tree branch watching how the thin layer of green leaves separated the bloody sky from the equally bloody ground.
You had arrived the day before, a charming messenger from the holy city, you had feasted with these people, and now you feasted some more, yet no more on cores grains, now on juicy flesh. You felt a warmth spread through you along with a sense of dread. You had never managed to completely overcome your celestial instincts, but at some times that helped make your performance all the more convincing. You had scoped out the place and laid out the attack, and it went so easily. The way that those claws grasped the same way as your tender fingers had the day before bringing hope before, and now joy. You continued munching the flesh, fighting your instincts as you had for years.
Oh this had been fun, this had been more fun than the massacre of your people. Here you got to watch how fully horror could set into someone’s eyes, and as you worked through the night you found new methods of making them clinging to the faintest of hopes before crushing it, you learned to instill more fear than you had with taking single houses. Here you got to learn by the expressions of scores more upon whom you could implement your next methods. You had transcended the darkness of an illithid before, but now you had exceeded what many specialists in the field could do, but you needed more, more pain, more suffering. It felt like sweet nectar as you absorbed their brains, but it didn’t last, it didn’t last, you needed more…more…more! Maybe that coming knight could prove better entertainment, they tended to last longer, and it was wonderful how disheartened everyone got after seeing another knight fall before their eyes. Maybe this one could even put up a fight, the higher their hopes once were, the lower they could fall. All ready your tentacles moistened at the thought of that sweet sweet taste.

2011-04-29, 12:35 PM
Saldieri picked between his teeth with a splinter of bone, savoring the thought of the last battle. His canine grin widened when he heard the hoofbeats coming; he made a standing leap from his spot in the shade, body uncoiling and somersaulting, to the rooftop. He looked out to the surrounding area, growling with concentration and squinting as he tried to discern details about what he was seeing.

Jump check:[roll0]
Spot check:[roll1]

Overlord Rion
2011-04-29, 05:02 PM
"You know, today isn't such a bad day." He had encountered the rest of his group shortly after leaving Craig stuck in a tree. His thoughts occasionally wandered back to the Paladin. He would have made such a good friend. But now Gen-Gen had larger things on his mind. Like those hoofbeats. Those hoofbeats were annoying. Although it could be useful as a temporary ally, providing everybody else didn't kill them on sight. They were too overeager sometimes. Gen-Gen seemed to slither down the tree and attempted to figure out the direction of the hoofbeats.

Casting Walk Unseen before I ditch the tree.

Also, Listen check to determine which direction the hoofbeats are coming from. [roll0]

2011-04-30, 09:19 AM
Saldieri: you easily make the jump to the top of a small shack, but you don't like the noise it makes under your feet, it was likely damaged in last nights struggle, than again it was surprising that it hadn't been in worse shape. Peering into the distance you find that the knight hasn't come into view yet, but that from your perch you should be able to see them once they begin traveling through the warforged's gore decorations.

Gen-Gen: You can't be sure as the sound if the hoof beats are rebounding off trees making it hard to give a precise direction, but it sounds as if they are coming from south(?) of the town (your slightly to the west.)

All: the hoof beats are still somewhat faint so you should have a bit of time if you want to get anything done before than.

2011-04-30, 11:50 AM
Huh is something happening? Model Omega turns as though listening to voices only he can hear More knights coming? Goody its always fun watching mr squishy suck out peoples brains he falls silent for a moment What do you mean don't trust the others but they're nice they let me kill and eat what ever i want, they even join in another pause fine lets go see the knights

Head to the south of the village

2011-04-30, 09:14 PM
I lick my finger of the blood, my claws metamorphosing into dainty finger before my demonic tongue licks the redness from it, only to resharpen as it comes out of my mouth.
"Oh, Another meal on horses? If this keeps up I'll get fat!" I return to Celestial form, regaining complete innocence and made as if she had been crying. She fly up and sought out the sound of the knights, flying to them.

Claws and Fangs hidden, Fiendish wings hidden, Celestial Wings out. 60' Good maneuverability due to lack of Fiendish Wings, just Celestial flight.
Flying towards the direction of the horses, looking like a fleeing Celestial and crying.
[roll]1d20+41[roll] Bluff to appear like I'm a victim than one of the Evil Bad people to the Knights.
When I'm there I will get as close as possible to the leader, holding onto him if possible

2011-04-30, 10:12 PM
you find a ways off a knight rinding alone on a massive warhorse. He quickly rains in with a look of concern at the celestial's flight. In a gruff voice that sounds it's self more deadly then the petty excuse for knights you've seen so far he calls out. Stop sky dweller, and tell me of this smoke. I saw flames in the knight dancing in the sky, and my squire has yet to return from helping to douse the flame, I hope the poor lad isn't lazing about, otherwise I'll have his hide as leather for a new saddle. As he speaks it occurs to you that that may be an interesting thought to test... human leather, but your mind quickly dismisses it as a waste of good meat and cruel both at once.

The knight himself is of a rather large build, and on his warhorse could easily dwarf you, but you knew that size didn't count for much. What really made you wonder was the look in his eyes. Perhaps it would change when he saw the hanging gore, but something in your gut told you that this was an actual knight, and not to be tried. all the same he was like all others, too willing to help a suffering agent of the light. :smallamused:

2011-04-30, 10:33 PM
"P-Please sir! t-t-the beasts! t-they killed my mate! My poor dear Dorian. T-they tore his wings off and- oh it's too horrible!" I stutter, moving closer to the knight. "Y-you have to stop them! p-please!"

Activate Assassin's Stance giving me 2D6 Sneak Attack and +2 on all saves due to Defensive Stance: Shadow Hand

2011-05-01, 05:25 AM
A look of concern crosses over the knight's features. "Fear not sky dweller, your mate now rests with the goddess, and though sepperation hurts I'm sure you can live on... no you must live on otherwise it is only another life lost, but I hope you take solace in the fact that your mate is with the goddess herself. Now, can you tell me what the beasts looked like, are they still there?" As soon as the word beasts was out of your mouth you knew this knight's thoughts went to his apprentice. His words seemed almost rehearsed as he consoled you, but thy flowed through his mouth with such grace and belief...

2011-05-01, 06:33 AM
"Well o-one is a-a K-Kobold, a M-Mindflayer, and one i-is a Half-F-Fiend. I d-don't know where the others are, but the Fiend is closer than you think!" My voice changes pitch into a more confident, threatening one before I revealed my Fiendish wings and slashed my clawed hand right through his jugular then pounced, biting and clawing in a blur of rabid female fury. I channeled the unholy energies of Hell from my veins into his body, corrupting it.

SURPRISE!! Fhey uses Scratch Good!
[roll1] Claw damage
[roll2] Sneak Attack! (To quote D&D PSA)
Quickened Empowered Poison:
[roll3] Touch Attack
[roll4] x1.5 temp Con damage
Initiative for next round: [roll5]
Next round: (assuming I win Initiative) Fhey uses HOLY $%#~! PLEASE! HELP! AAHH!! It was Super Effective
Ruby Nightmare BladeFist
[roll6] Concentration. x2 damage if this beats AC
[roll8] Claw Damage
[roll9] Sneak Attack
[roll11] Claw Damage
[roll12] Sneak Attack
[roll14] Claw Damage
[roll15] Sneak Attack
[roll17] Claw Damage
[roll18] Sneak Attack
[roll20] Bite Damage
[roll21] Sneak Attack
Sneak Attack is only applied if Fhey wins initiative

I MAY have underestimated Fhey. This stuff takes AGES to type out!

2011-05-01, 08:03 AM
The unsuspecting knight scouts out as you tear his flesh. Quickly he rains in his horse and begins riding off towards the village grasping his throat. (still a short ways off) at a full gallop putting ~240' between you. As he gallops he easily readies his bow and takes a shot at you.
(forgot to roll cure moderate it's 20 total, just used dice since I don't feel like double posting)

2011-05-01, 08:28 AM
"If you do not get back here, your punishment will be much worse darling. Poor 'dear' Dorian didn't learn that lesson, though what do you expect from a Demon. They say his head still rests on top of the castle in what was his domain, they say it's on too tight. But if you come back to me willingly then I might not punish you at all." Fhey calls out, grabbing the flying bolt in mid-air and beginning to sharpen it with her claws.

Intimidation check: [roll0] to get the knight to return to me, in complete abject terror/supplication

2011-05-01, 08:59 AM
the knight looks busily casting minor healing spells, but once he's done he shouts back "I am Sir Golarth of the bladed dove, and I can tell you foul creature your dark ways will end today, and never again will your wicked charms dissuade more knights from the proper path. My squire was a good man, going in to save innocent people. Speak fiend, what have you done with him?"

Omega: you emerge from th trees to a somewhat less dence area. Before you is a knight, and beyond him is that selfish celestial who refused to wait up for you, and always leaves you at a moment's notice y=to steal your fun. Deep in your mind the dark power that you draw your power from is humming, than as usual words form from the humming forming it in to a steady melody "Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill..."

2011-05-01, 09:17 AM
"Nothing sir knight. I have not seen nor heard of your squire, and any wicked things I have done can be explained by the way I have been treated. Why my only involvement in this has been defending myself and attacking you, and I only attacked you because you are a knight, every knight I have ever known has tried to kill me. You have to forgive a lady for not liking knights after that! My whole life I have been chased from my home and attacked almost on-sight for my grandmother's blood. I try to live an upstanding life, I fight my demon blood every day, using my grandfather as my strength to combat it but sometimes I slip up, my demonic heritage getting the better of me. I need someone to help me away from the brink of damnation but no-one wants to, preferring to call me Demon and Witch and Vile."

Diplomacy check to change his attitude up to at least Friendly (DC35) or Helpful (DC50) on a 6 or more

2011-05-01, 09:19 AM
Meat omega yells while gazing at the knight hungrily, Don't need that though, he thinks to himself while looking at his horse Bye bye horsey

Blast the knights horse with Eldritch spear
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2011-05-01, 09:23 AM
"HEY! STAY AWAY FROM HIM! He ain't done nothing wrong!" I screech, flying full-pelt towards the knight.

Run to go 120', 1/2 the distance between me and him

2011-05-01, 09:39 AM
knight makes a ride check for horse not being blasted:
still considering his reaction
Sir Golarth Skillfully maneuvers his horse away from the blast with ample room to spare, but than rides off to the side such as to avoid being flanked. "If it is as you say sky dweller, and you truly intend to be rid of your rotten blood, than you will prove that you are not with that thing... though I doubt it is of much danger after all it may miss a simple tree in these woods, but all the same. If you can prove that and will accept the proper restraints than I will accept your story as truth, but all the same it sounded as if your demon blood was speaking when the toy soldier fired, and as such I must advise you learn to exercise more control over it such that it never gains control again."
I'm ruling him as staying my his morals, and being cautious as a seasoned warrior, yet as quick to see light in everything as a knight. :smallamused: I'm not sure how I'd do altitude ranking for this, but I don't like a roll alone changing someone's fundamental beliefs for which they've lived their whole life. a good argument maybe, but remember the scale of what you're attempting. You're trying to get a holly warrior to accept you as a demon.

2011-05-01, 10:06 AM
"As you wish sir knight. But I will not submit to restraints, many knights have tried to restrain me, to keep me from freedom and kill me for FAR too long for me to submit to something like that. I simply cannot. For now I shall deal with this thing, without allowing the Evil inside of me from taking control."
I glide past on my wings and search out the thing I had killed with earlier.
"Remember me? The Fiend remember? We killed a whole bunch of people together in the square. Don't kill this guy, I think I can turn him to our side, more Evil less Good y'know. Please do not kill this holy man or me! We have done nothing and wish to offer you a journey with us. If I can't turn this guy then you can kill him, ok?"

2011-05-01, 10:15 AM
I'm not trying to kill him silly omega whispers back I'm trying to kill horsey as he says that he summon eldritch energy and starts chanting

Use a full round action to fire 3 eldritch spears at the knights horses

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]
attack [roll2]
damage [roll3]
attack [roll4]
damage [roll5]

2011-05-01, 10:19 AM
"Why are you trying to kill the horse? I thought you ate humans like I do? And I'm sure we can find you a nice horse that doesn't have my new slave/Evil convert astride it." I stand in front of the thing, blocking LOS to the knight

2011-05-01, 11:10 AM
Why am i trying to kill horsey? So that mr shiny armour can't run away of course Omega says with an evil smile.

2011-05-01, 11:40 AM
"But mr. shiny armour can become mr. spiky armour and help catch other shiny armours. If you wait now then you get more later." BabyBot-Language it is

2011-05-01, 12:29 PM
Suddenly the glow in Model Omgea's eyes brighten and he looks directly into Fheys eyes If you think you can convert him then do so its always fun to watch looking at the knight again he his eyes dim and he says in a petulant voice But i want to eat him now

2011-05-01, 12:36 PM
"I'll let you eat all of the next shiny armour we find, alright?" I say, petting the child-like DeathBot "Now off you go and play in the village. I'm sure you can find some children to eat."

2011-05-01, 12:41 PM
Sounding exactly like a spoiled child denied the toy he wanted to play with Fine i bet there are much nicer things back in the village, anyway Model Omega turns around and starts marching back to the village, casting a look of pure hate back at Fhey as he leaves.

2011-05-01, 12:44 PM
Saldieri jumps down from his shack as he sees Omega coming back to the village.

"Hail, construct. What's going on out there?" His voice is slightly colored with an accent, but seems to be hiding a growl at all times.

2011-05-01, 12:48 PM
That stupid mean demon lady won't let me eat mister shiny armour Omega replies in a petulant voice She won't even let me kill horsey

2011-05-01, 12:49 PM
"Fhey encountered a man in shining armor astride a horse, and she isn't killing him?"

2011-05-01, 12:51 PM
She said she wanted to make him mister spikey armour, i think he'd be better as mister snack

2011-05-01, 12:52 PM
"Robots these days, no respect. Nothing like the old Fiendish Modrons they made in Hell, now they were Real Robots, jumping when you said jump and killing when you said Fire! Pity Dorian set them on me." Fhey mused, watching the robot go.

2011-05-01, 12:59 PM
Saldieri barked a short laugh. "She's just like her fiendish ancestors, I'm sure. I suspect weakness, against my inherent faith in the fiend-blooded. I will take stock of her situation and return."

Sneaking about: Hide [roll0]
Move silently [roll1]
Scouting: Listen [roll2]
Spot [roll3]

2011-05-01, 01:06 PM
"I wonder what got him into that state? I mean what idiot makes a DeathBot and gives it a child-like persona? Well better get back to that corruption. Knight's can be soo stupid." I return to the Knight. "I'm sorry he kept attacking but I sorted it out, I didn't even rend in limb from limb! Oh your hurt! Do you need help with that?"

2011-05-01, 01:21 PM
The knight frowns at her "I hope that wasn't a mocking... oh well it must be accepted until we can purge this vile fiend from you. here if we start now we can still make it back to the chapple in cobblersvill before sunset. I would rather be rid of your lesser self as soon as possible." With that he flicks his reins setting his warhorse to an even trot.

2011-05-01, 01:33 PM
"But we can't go yet. I promised the machine it could come with us, it actually has a personality of a child, I think it's creator hadn't finished with it. We can help it!"

Quick Diplomacy (-10) for a Full-Round Action

2011-05-01, 01:52 PM
"the knight thinks of it for a minute. well we wouldn't be able to make it back by nightfall than... and I would like to at least see what has become of my squire..." The knight draws out a vile of ink, a quill and a small piece of paper and begins scribing some small message from the back of his mount. When he is done he slides it through the crystal atop his ring into which it vanishes. "OK, I guess we can get him now."

2011-05-01, 01:55 PM
"I'm sure your squire is alive somewhere." I say, picking a bit of what I assume to be him from my teeth.

2011-05-01, 02:01 PM
"Yes, I hope that's the case..." The knight has one of those big dark frowns that knights get when they think of evil "I guess we may as well look for him in this town than. Even if it has burned down there must be someone to ask."

2011-05-01, 02:06 PM
"I hope not... Uh because then they would have seen all the terror and carnage and no-one should go through that." Feigning Goodness is hard.

2011-05-01, 02:18 PM
"Fear not, virtuous minds can be strong, and bear through many tortures, as you must know from your long inner combat." With this he begins galloping off to the town.

Saldieri: you I assume are going alongside the trail after Omega returned,

Soon after your conversation a heavy warhorse pounds down the trail (likely followed by Fley (who would be able to keep up... barely)) Unfortunately you realize you could never keep up with that pace, and if there is anything you want to do it would need to be done soon.

2011-05-01, 02:27 PM
"I hope not. They might explain about my cannibalism." I mutter, flying after the knight

2011-05-01, 02:42 PM
As the knight approaches the village and sights the gore he begins muttering something to himself and fingering his lance before moving on.

Overlord Rion
2011-05-01, 03:32 PM
With a twist and a whirl, Gen-Gen was airborne. He needed to know just what in blazes was going on. Once within range, he did all he could to stay close enough to stay in communication. "Fhey, seriously, what's going on? And stop trying to kill that knight. I want a turn."

Casting Fell Flight and moving within 100 feet of Fhey to communicate telepathically.

2011-05-01, 03:46 PM
Nxith lifted himself back up after tasting his favorite taste - his second favorite thing in the world besides himself - that of a human paralyzed in ultimate fear right before becoming his latest meal.

He looked into the corner as he stood, and huddled there was a small human boy, terrified beyond belief as he watched the horrible thing eat his mother's brain right out of his skull. Nxith considered eating him, too - but small human, small brain, as he had learned long ago. And there was so much more he could subject him to before he became ripe.

And then he finally heard the hoofbeats approaching slowly.

Extended Augmented Dominate. DC 26 will save. Duration: 2 days/level (30 days) 13 power points spent

Nxith spoke directly into his mind. "Hello, little one. You belong to me. Go outside and find out what's going on. Act scared. Just like normal. Tell no one I am here."

He'd really expected his allies to handle themselves for long enough to have a bit of a feast, but apparently the only things you could trust were things who didn't have a choice but to behave.

2011-05-01, 04:12 PM
Model Omega wonders back into the village looking for something to eat Ah i'm sooo hungry stupid demon lady hmm he stop suddenly What do you mean let her handle mister shiney armour but i want to eat him he throws a little tantrum in the space between 2 houses You're no fun mister creepy voice, what? go find mister squishy? why? sounding more like a spoiled brat with every word no one lets me have fun any more they're all mean hey that hurt, ok ok i got it go find mister squishy, stupid creepy voice

2011-05-01, 04:24 PM
Sir Golarth reins in his horse before nearly trampling the kid that appeared before him. "Hello child, have you seen my squire around here?"

The child cowers from the knight and mumbles something.

The knight dismounts and pulls off his helmet to show the child that he is human. He stands about 7 feet tall, but looks heavily built enough to weigh neigh 400 lb. His hare is the color of hungering flames, and his eyes a bright crystal blue. His skin is dark, but it is hard to determine if it's a tan or inherent. "Come now child, I'm no monster, what is it that ails you?"

The child sniffles slightly "w-w-What do y-y-yuo Wa-wa-w-wa..." the child begins to break down from the stress of the day, and the knight gingerly picks him up, and waits for the child to stop crying before asking it gently "what is wrong child, what do you want to know?"

The child tries to suck it all in, but than the mental command forces him back to terror. "What i-i-is going o-o-on?"

The knight smiles disarmingly "don't worry child, we're here to help you, now can you take me to your mother?"

The child dreadfully walks towards the building in which the mind flayer killed his mother. The knight remounts, and replaces his helm to follow the child expecting to be led to a refugee camp safe from whatever wrecked havoc here.

Meanwhile: more hoof beats approach from the west. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-01, 04:34 PM
Omega enters the building where Nxith is hiding Hi mister squishy what are you doing? as he looks around he spots the discarded bodies of the mind flayers victims Oh look food Omega bends down and starts devouring the body of the boys mother Mmm crunchy

2011-05-01, 04:42 PM
Nixith nearly pounces on the golem as he walks through the door, but soon realizes the creature isn't his target.

The voice in Model Omega's head is full of anger at being distracted from a plan, like the sound of waves crashing angrily onto a shoreline before a hurricane.

"Thats right boy, lead him to me. Good pet human."

Nixith manifests defensive powers in preparation for the Knight's arrival. Surprise is good, but it only goes so far.

Fully augmented Extended Intertial Armor (would have already been up with a duration of 30 hours), Unaugmented Force Screen

2011-05-01, 04:44 PM
Omega looks up from his meal Huh what did you just say?

2011-05-01, 04:47 PM
Nxith's voice rapidly becomes more calm. "Get hidden. Someone's coming. I want the advantage of surprise."

Overlord Rion
2011-05-01, 05:03 PM
The hoofbeats from the west momentarily distract Gen-Gen. "On second thought, it looks like someone else is appearing. I'm going to check it out." Gen-Gen changed direction and headed towards the sound of the hootbeats.

Since you specified the direction I don't need to do a listen check do I?

Also, Spot check to see if I can find the source of the hoofbeats.

2011-05-01, 05:54 PM
You want me to hide mister squishy? omega thinks for a moment Ok He vanishes.

Use Belt of tracklessness to get 7 rounds of greater invisablity.

2011-05-01, 06:03 PM
Gen-Gen sees a wall :smallbiggrin:
After the kid disappears into the house the knight notices that here things aren't quite as friendly as they could be (he notices this when he sees his squire's head over the door), and as such he mutters a few quic incantations and gently prods open the door with his lance. revealing mister squishy :smallamused:

Overlord Rion
2011-05-01, 06:54 PM
Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that. I should pay more attention when I'm flying. Gen-Gen manduvered until the wall wasn't blocking his view anymore and continued heading towards the sounds of the hoof beats.

Lord I hope my rolls don't keep doing that. That would suck.

2011-05-01, 07:01 PM
as you clear the wall (joy right) you see four or five figures riding into the sunrise... and you happen to be in their way. :smallamused: (they don't see you yet.)

Overlord Rion
2011-05-01, 10:42 PM
I'd hope they wouldn't see me, a flying Kobold might be unnerving. Are they close enough to communicate with telepathically?

Also, let's try that Spot check again since I'm in a different position.

Gen-Gen very nearly freaked out at the sight of the riders. They were headed straight toward him. Great. If worse came to worse, he was casting darkness and getting out of there as quickly as possible.

Rolling Init just in case.


2011-05-02, 07:14 AM
The riders continue on not bothering much with the flying kobold until it's within arrow range (which is also telepathy range) at which time one calls out for Gen-Gen to stop and to declare his intentions.

Knight: The knight whips around to see if he can get some maneuvering room (being one of those who prefers mounted combat which doesn't work as well in a small shack) Only to find Fleh preparing to jump him. quickly he spurs his mount into action charging through the celestial steadying his lance around her midriff. (gonna double post rolls)
the following format will be used (x,y,z) coordinates will tell you how far each of you are from the knight and the door, 'z' will be dropped if it isn't relevant. I'm gonna assume Fley is approximatively ground level for now, feel free to change that since she goes next. (feel free to draw your own maps based off this, or just ask since I'll keep one going. (I'm not gonna code one out since quite frankly I don't feel like making a 200x200x200 table :smallamused:

Fley to door (-2,-5)
Fley to knight (8,15)
Fley to back door (6,-1)
Omega to back door (-,-)
Omega to front door (3,-3)
Omega to knight (14,16) (but keep in mind you can't walk through walls, so it'll be best to exit the house and the front door would allow you o avoid that fun rubble :smallamused:
Nexith to front door (2,-1)
Nexith to back door (-1,2)
Nexith to knight (13,18)
Saldieri to knight (8,12)
remember that to a door will take you to just inside it if you are already inside, and just outside if you are outside.
OK, and everyone who doesn't like the coordinates PM me your E-Mail and I can send you an excel version :smallbiggrin:
OK, Burnheart rigged me up with some google docs stuff for maps, so I'll have one some time tonight.

2011-05-02, 07:53 AM

attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2] x3
no attack of opportunity. (60 damage)

Overlord Rion
2011-05-02, 12:25 PM
Gen-Gen looks at the riders, almost wishing he had a bit more power at his command. Almost. He decides to show off a little, communicating telepathically instead My intentions are simple: to make sure all of you stay alive and well. Gen-Gen slowly floats higher, mostly just trying to buy some time for his comrades. "Although, honestly, it is a bit rude to just demands things from someone who means you no harm." Although he was buying time, Gen-Gen was sincere about keeping them alive. Part practicality and part merciful fancy really.

2011-05-02, 12:34 PM
A rider calls out in a clear voice as the horses resume trotting at a slightly slower pace. "I see, than if you wish to keep us alive that you must know upon what we approach. Tell me young kobold, what awaits us at the village that you doubt that we could handle it assembled as we are? And furthermore why were you fying to us cloaked as you are?"

2011-05-02, 09:25 PM
posting map IC https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?hl=en&hl=en&key=tESIkGdcfsOFZf3ULL287eg&authkey=CKTN_soI#gid=0

2011-05-03, 02:47 AM
Nxith walks casually out of the door of the hovel, ushering the child to go inside and find some sort of sharp object to defend himself with.

"Hmmm. A knight. Perhaps I should assist." He watches the warforged prepare to blast the knight. "Suppose we're not taking him alive, then. No matter. I will take him dead."

Without moving a tentacle, he unleashes a mighty blast of devastating psionic power near the knights location, which coalesces into a mighty firestorm, engulfing both the knight and his mount.

Augmented Energy Ball (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/energyBall.htm): Fire - 15 power points.
Damage: [roll0]
Reflex Save DC: 28 for half damage.

Nxith is now at G43 on the map. Just outside the door (and not above ducking back in later if need be. You dont live to be an old flayer by fighting yourself.)

The range of the fireball is carefully calculated to only hit the knight and his horse while missing his allies. Should be easy to do.

2011-05-03, 02:39 PM
Saldieri is going to try and beat his AC with a spot check to see a weakness (using Deft Strike). If he succeeds, he can make an attack next turn that is not affected by his armor bonus to AC.


Overlord Rion
2011-05-03, 10:26 PM
"It is far easier to hide while invisible. They would have seen me almost instantly.". Gen-Gen decided to go ahead and warn them. Who knowss? His comrades might appreciate an extra challenge. " The creatures in the town do not require sleep, or food. They kill because they feel like it. Nothing more."

I'm going to attempt to use Push the Weak Mind on one of the knights. Works just like the Suggestion spell. The suggestion is: "you should probably turn around and get more reinforcements."

Also, forgive any mistakes here. Smartphones don't work well for forums.

2011-05-04, 07:15 AM
Fhey bursts into flames as the knight attacks. "You DARE attack me? BIG mistake you holy ****er. Feel the wrath of Fhey Jendu, Queen of Gelti."
A barrage of claws smash into the Pally as I go wild with fury, a veritable tempest of blows that cut his horse to shreds. unholy energies swirl through and around me, discharging into the horse and draining it's energy
"Let's see you run without your stupid horsey. Oh and I have a secret for you. I was pretending, I was trying to corrupt you to my side, I'm really an Evil, Sadistic Cannibalistic, Embodiment of the Sin of Lust. And you can't touch this." My head reverts to it's beautiful angelic form before my teeth sank deep into the wounded horse's wounds drinking deep from it's corrupted veins.

Fiery Riposte: Immediate Action triggered when the Knight attacks
[roll0] Touch Attack
Full Attack:
[roll2] Claw1
[roll4] Claw1
[roll6] Claw2
[roll8] Claw2
[roll10] Bite
[roll12] Bite
Quickened Empowered Poison:
[roll14] Touch Attack
[roll15] x1.5 Con damage

2011-05-04, 07:17 AM
"Well from a petty their to a dragon they all kill for sport could you give us a description of some sort?" The knight is no longer looking right at you, but rather at the ground before his horse, projecting his voice such as to still be heard.

will do :smallbiggrin: I assume you're doing so to the knight you are talking to.

The knight you target appears not to notice your tampering, but nor does he react to them.

Knight: The knight takes a five foot step inside and prepares to jabbidy jabbidy you with his pointy lance, than suddenly a note pops out of his ring hate and he quickly grabs it. Pausing the knight says "you don't mind if I read this first do you?" (with his lance inches from Nexis' throat)

2011-05-04, 12:17 PM
Mister shiney armour have you come to play Omega says, his voice seeming to come from empty air.

Use a full round action to blast the knight 3 times. I'm still in B-40

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

attack [roll2]
damage [roll3]

attack [roll4]
damage [roll5]

2011-05-04, 12:33 PM
(speaking is a free action) "depends on what you call playing, but would you mind giving me a moment to read this... May I?" He appears to be more or less ignoring the inviable robot, and addressing the mind flayer at the end of his lance, taking him as the 'leader' for now.

2011-05-04, 02:54 PM
Drac, what happened with the fireball, the full attack from flay, the bolts from the warforged? Can we get a reaction from the knight? Some saving throws, etc?

Naxis (who being a mindlfayer is incapable of speaking verbally anyways) speaks telepathically to the knight.

"Mind. Funny you should mention that. I wonder if yours tastes good."

Naxis doesn't stop the knight from reading anything, but he suddenly seems to shift in the world, as though reality were tearing away from itself.

Manifesting Greater Concealing Amorpha on self. 50% miss chance.

2011-05-04, 04:51 PM
The blasts hit, but it isn't clear whether or not they do anything as the knight takes the next 6 or so seconds to read the note (in addition to whatever remained of his last round.) "Uh huh" the knight says at last. Than in an excited voice he continues. "Hay, my younger brother finally killed his first mark, I'm so proud." than he stops short "shoot, I promised I'd be there... that I'd celebrate with him..." looking up at the sun the knight quickly calculates how long it would take, and says "Well I guess I've got to go, but you lot be good and repent for your crimes, i believe Shan will have mercy after only a few decades of hard labor... and various cleansing rituals... and... well anyways, I'll be taking this." With that he begins riding out of the hut snatching the head of his squire along the way.
(I guess you guys get a round of free shots at him as he flees, but he wasn't close enough to provoke AoOs from anyone for leaving, and quite frankly he doesn't think vary highly of you as any immense evil... Oh well, try harder next time. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-04, 05:16 PM
Ah its not fair mister shiney armour doesn't want to play Omega looks a child about to have temper tantrum I want to eat him he says with a whiny tone Huh what do you want mister creepy voice Omega suddenly says with a belligerent voice Why should i care where tiny is?

Overlord Rion
2011-05-04, 06:57 PM
"Are you familiar with creatures that devour the mind? This one is far worse than that. Any of your fallen comrades may be turned against you. I will ask that you leave, if only to save yourselves for a greater battle.

Although...there is one, and she is a trickster. The last is a child in everything but power. I cannot tell you more. Please, retreat."

2011-05-04, 07:58 PM
"The knights consider this for a while. You seam well versed with these creatures kobold, why don'y you come down and tell us more?" At this point you notice that the knight is avoiding looking at the sky as he speaks and carefully searching the ground as if he can find something important there. Gesturing to another knight "Harok, you take this news from the kobold back to the seven sons monastery, we shale deal with the disturbance. Do you have anything else to add to his report friend kobold? If not I would ask your assistance in this battle, though I'm sure you may value your life and rather not be seen fighting beside us."

Overlord Rion
2011-05-04, 09:53 PM
Well, it certainly took them long enough to figure out I was stalling. You'd think they would make knights just a wee bit more educated. Gen-Gen thought. Now he had a choice. And he rather liked his choice.

Casting Flee the Scene. If my calculations are right, it should get me 55 feet away from them, while leaving a major image of myself.

2011-05-04, 10:00 PM
The knight waits for a minute than signals the other to go as he continues to talk to thin air :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-05, 01:28 PM
Omega stomps out of the hut to look for Gen-Gen Stupid creepy voice making me go find Tiny he mutters to himself Oh look its Fluffy he says with a smile as he notices Saldieri Hi Fluffy have you seen Tiny around anywhere?

2011-05-06, 05:44 PM
Derren Saldieri (sorry again in my tardiness) you see a chink in the armor... no that's a scorch mark... oh there... no that's a bloodstain from when his throat got ripped out... maybe there isn't one... unless... no that's not one either. you can't see an opening.

Overlord Rion
2011-05-07, 11:18 PM
Gen-Gen, after his escape from the knights, decided to head back to the last place he had seen his comrades. Once he arrived, he figured he might as well send out a message, aiming them specifically at any of his comrades in range.

"Everyone, I hope you've rested, because we've got a group of knights heading our way."

Just out of curiosity, how many of those knights were there>

2011-05-07, 11:34 PM
"I'll take care of them. How do I look? Evil Murdress or Innocent Victim?" I hide all my otherworldly features, assuming the form of an Innocent woman, barely passed the age of consent.
I head towards the incoming knights, forcing myself to stumble and look bewildered.

2011-05-08, 06:05 AM
There you are Tiny Omega calls out loudly and you brought some more toys to play with he continues as a malicious smile speads across his face.

2011-05-08, 06:17 AM
"Now you guys hide and don't attack till I give the signal. Especially you DeathBot. If you attack before I say then you won't get a single finger to eat. The signal is me yelling Attack." I stumble forwards some more, waiting for the knights to arrive.

When they arrive I will call out "Help! T-The monsters! You ha-" Before pretending to faint exaggeratedly.

2011-05-08, 06:52 AM
But, but why can't we just blast them? Omega asks with a pitiful look on his faces Aww that hurts, mister creepy voice Omega crys out suddenly, then pauses for a minute as though listening to someone lecturing him Fine, fine i'll go hide. as he walks away he mutters to himself Stupid demon lady, stupid mister creepy voice, not letting me have fun

2011-05-08, 07:00 AM
"You can have some fun in a minute. And don't talk back to me young man." I lecture sternly.

2011-05-08, 07:28 AM
Omega comtinues muttering Stupid demon lady to himself as he walks away and hides behind a building on the opposite side of the village from Fhey.
OOC: I'm assuming that Fhey is on the side of the village the knights will be coming from.

2011-05-08, 07:44 AM
Four knights remain when you arrive, though they appear to be expecting you. One is a ways off still mounted under a tree, the others have dismounted, and have positioned themselves in some formation that you're unfamiliar with. As they approach one calls out as another jumps to his feet terror in his eyes, with a series of hand signals They quickly fall into formation. (yay, divination school :smallbiggrin:)

2011-05-09, 02:05 PM
"Please! You have to... Magic...Terrib-" Fhey forces out before stumbling and falling, seemingly unconscious.

OOC: Sorry, missed Drack's post
[roll0] Bluff check to make the Knights believe I am a Human who just fell unconscious.

2011-05-09, 06:17 PM
knight 1 gives a signal (and since he's been giving signals we may as well assume he's the leader), and knight #4 walks slowly down from the hill. As the knight leaves the shade of a massive tree (finely decorated, and covered in dried bloods with a few loose limbs) you notice that it's a girl, and further still you can see that all the knights are around their twenties. :smallconfused: The female knight approaches and stops ten feet away to ask "Excuse me mam, but are you the vial half fiend, the priest in cobblersvill told us to beware a vile half fiend. Unfortunately we don't know of the other half... might that be you, or is it the kobold? You see the priest there was generous with his fortune telling, yet at the time I confess next to none of it was clear. Generally it was obscure nonsense like at 'toad and evergreen a kobold flies with the crows'... but than my friend Pfaffe here saw a toad hopping onto an evergreen on the trail, than looking up he saw crows flying. In order to humor us he told the crows that he wished them to declare their intentions. I must confess I nearly fell off my horse laughing, but than a kobold responded. there were others of course, 'beware the slash after the odder', 'always shine your lights into the sun's darkness', 'beware the setting of the trees', and other such nonsense, but he also said
'beware the half that is obscene,
Beware the fiend that stole your sheen,

beware the fowled trees that caw,
beware the seen and unseen all.'
Since this was the response to us asking what we should watch out for... well the first half refers to some scumbag of a fiend... and the other half likely refers to their... fetish." At this she gestures to the 'decorations'
yay, bluff 48 and she doesn't look like she's gonna lob your head off with a giant ax... than again she looks like she's have trouble picking up a giant ax in the first place.

2011-05-09, 07:02 PM
"I am sorry for that, the atrocities most foul that were committed here have messed with my magic. No I am not a Half-Fiend*, though I did think I saw something flying away before I heard your horses."

*Technically she is a Quarter-Fiend

2011-05-09, 08:15 PM
I'm chill with the color, and we may as well roll initiative just for when it comes though I won't tell you which knight rolls what, I'll just roll them.
Also this is just how I roll, but talking is a free action, so if you do it during combat feel free to give a mono log and consider it as no time spent, but this also means that chances are that you won't be jumping their throats when they're mid sentence, because it's likely someone else's turn. :smallbiggrin:

The female knight continues "I don't suppose you could tell us about those who wrecked this havoc can you? Also could you say whether or not the kobold is one of them?"

The forum dice smile on you, they got 2 natural 3's :smallbiggrin:
Oh, here's a fun idea on how to determine turn order :smallamused: everyone feel free to ready actions. And if everyone picks different things to react to (determined when you ready your action) than we'll go with that... and if everyone says 'when Fley attacks' than initiative will settle it. Remember that If everyone but you readies actions than they just start off the round :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-10, 01:44 AM
Why do people (looks at Drack) keep calling Fhey, Fley?

"I haven't seen a Kobold wreaking havoc. I did see a...tentacle-mouthed thing hat used some weird magic I didn't understand. With it was a part-metal thing that sounds like a child but I saw it eat my *sniff* best friend Ronda. I'll help you fight these monsters. I have been gifted with a rare form of magic, it is good for healing and makes people better combatants, it seems to have an odd side-effect sometimes when Evil things are near, it's just a weak feeling. it will disappear in a minute. Stand in a group and don't try to resist, the spell is very delicate."
FHey waits till they are all in one group then hits them with the spell, filling their blood with a manifestation of Pure Evil.
"Who resisted? Someone tried to stop the spell. It probably isn't anything but sometimes when people resist they see and feel things, the important thing is to remain perfectly still for a minute. Any hallucinations tend to stop around then. No matter what happens you must NOT attack. Anything you see is not real. I repeat, NOT REAL! A demon you think your fighting could be me, or one of your team-mates."

Initiative: (This is pre-emptive right? since no Combat has started I can still surprise them in a Surprise Round right? If not are they still flat-footed on the turn I first attack as they won't be expecting it)
Diplomacy Check: (Shortened to Full-Round)
Bluff Check: (To make them believe that momentary weakness is a normal side-effect and this is the best course of action)
Quickened Empowered Unholy Blight: (when they are all in a group and all able to be hit with the spell)
[roll3] x1.5 damage
[roll4] x1.5 rounds of Sickened
I'm assuming they voluntarily fail their check cause they think it's a Good thing not a Bad thing.
Bluff Check:
[roll5] They now believe anything that happens for the next minute may or may not be a hallucination, and I intend to make the effect as Psychedelic as possible.

2011-05-10, 05:58 AM
laziness, I get it right half the time, but yah, laziness.
lets wait to see what your comrades do. Knight 4 (outside of your spell) smiles pityingly down at you.

"I'm afraid that we have our own magics, and doubt anything you could do would help any more. All the same you are welcome to heal yourself... if you can even do magic in the first place that is."

2011-05-10, 08:34 AM
"You Knights are all the same. I could let you face the DeathBot or Illithid with buffs at full, OR I could kill you, take your stuff and eat you."
Cue Fhey leaping at the Knight, tearing into her soft flesh.
Her fangs tearing a massive chunk from the Knight's cheek, leaving a red-raw, bleeding hole that showed directly into her mouth. As she lunged a bolt of darkness surged in front, engulfing the three Knights.
"You know, I think Paladin is my 2nd favourite food. Noble being the best of course. Oh and I have a secret." Fhey remarks, her claws tearing and mauling.
Her bat wings burst from her back. "Surprise!"

"ATTACK! Time for your fun DeathBot."

Full Attack sequence Go:
[roll1] Claw1
[roll2] Sneak Attack
[roll4] Claw1
[roll5] Sneak Attack
[roll7] Claw2
[roll8] Sneak Attack
[roll10] Claw2
[roll11] Sneak Attack
[roll13] Claw1
[roll14] Sneak Attack

2011-05-10, 08:44 AM
Man... Fhey is violent :smalleek: Your claws easily tear flesh, maybe even too easily, but as you slash you see that conceded smile turn into pure terror as your claws rip, slicing clean through. The first blow rips open her stomach, the next mars her pretty little face, than you tear off her arm and rip those guts free. She stumbles (as her intestines lie in a heap on the ground, but than that pompous smile returns. She starred up at your vicious form, barely holding in her vitals and stares at you, a knowing look.)

2011-05-10, 09:11 AM
"Let me guess, you think you will be lavishly rewarded in the afterlife? Guess again honey. I've been to your 'Heaven' the Angels rule any Paladins or Virtuous souls who make their way there, Hell is actually better as at least there you can gain Power. In Heaven, the Angels have free reign. How do I know? Because I AM an Angel!" Swapping Bat-wings for Angel-Wings and casting Quickened Daylight to make a Halo appear and bathe me in light.

[roll0] Bluff Check to completely destroy her, psychologically

2011-05-10, 09:21 AM
Her eyes widen momentarily, than she begins chanting, though it still seams distant, and her wounds begin to heal, than reaching a glowing hand to her chest in a show of modesty over her revenged front her skin begins to quickly join back together. "Well I don't intend to go there today, but you should be more concerned with that pit I'm gonna let you rot in." :smallamused:

What a nice child of god ay :smallbiggrin:
Oh and she does sound somewhat less sure though. :smallcool:
Oh, and daylight is vetoed as your second quickened action this round, so don't drop the spell slot yet :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-10, 09:37 AM
"I nearly killed you in less than 10 seconds WITHOUT TRYING. You cannot stand against my might, BUT I have a proposition. You seem like a good sort, very determined, why not join me? You can gain the kind of power we Angels generally keep away from you Knights, giving you dregs of power for kicks and letting you think you are so mighty and powerful, only to completely enslave you when you die fighting some cause we thought it would be funny to see you fight. Do you know what the entrance to Heaven looks like? A blood-soaked tunnel. At the end of the tunnel is the Torture Chamber where the Angels gain more power and the poor souls are drained of it. I can help you escape this fate, I can show you how to gain the power of an Angel. I can rescue you from those who find it funny to see you fighting a thing made specifically to kill and eat people. Join me and rebel against the Sadistic Angels or go and suffer eternal Torture at their hands. You won't even break any oaths, I am an Angel and you can follow Angels."

Diplomacy check to get her to become my Disciple
NOTE: This would make her at least Friendly, even if attacking her auto put her down to Hostile.

2011-05-10, 09:45 AM
For a moment she considers it, having run out of smart remarks. She thinks about it, than suddenly looks around her and smiles up to you "So this is heaven than?" gesturing to the carnage soaked everything. "You may be able to shred my body, but You are still the cause of this carnage, have enough hanging that you can outdo most all sadistic angels out there, and than some. I'm afraid I'll choose the bloody heaven that I don't need to see daily over the one I do."

All the same the mention of power seams to perk her interest.

she is being sociable... th definition of that word simply varies from person to person. :smallbiggrin: as I said she has one of those personalities. :smallamused: though as I said I don't really like that table so much.

2011-05-10, 10:03 AM
(Sadistic, not statistic. It means they essentially get off on causing pain. Masochistic is the opposite, liking the feeling of pain. SadoMasochists like giving and getting pain and are generally Fuc*ed-up)

"This carnage? Oh no, most of this was the work of Dominix, my cousin. She caused much of the damage here. She is also one of the more powerful Angels, slated to become Archangel I hear. And besides, can you imagine, every waking moment filled with intense excruciating pain as pieces of your life essence are stolen from you and you undergo tortures that would Kill you if you were still alive. That is 1/4 what Heaven is to Non-Angels."

2011-05-10, 10:07 AM
(yah, I knew what you meant, typo on my part)
The knight looks at you in awe at her newfound revelation before one of the knights behind her (knight 1 the assumed leader) "Sis, don't listen to the baiting of demons, or there'll be allot more than an afterlife of hell to pay for it." This is said through a dark scowl directed at Fhey, and quickly makes the female knight look ashamed and a tad more than frightened. "If there is any validity to this we can look into it after crushing this filth, after all in that thing's mind we are simply being forced by evil angels, so if it speaks true rather than shredding you it would have flown off to fight the truly wicked angel responsible." Sadly enough this is all said in a calm, level, and reasonable tone. Silently your darker half curses him, you had her you had her and yet this stupid knight is so stuck in reason that he refuses to let her be swain.

(Yes Gen-Gen this is the one who spoke to you)

2011-05-10, 10:29 AM
"What is more satisfying? Stopping the crushing of a group or empowering them to stand up for themselves? To let THEM win their own battles and prove themselves worthy of freedom. Would you rather wipe out all Goblins, genociding the race to protect the Halflings they were oppressing OR help the Halflings train and fight back against the Goblins, letting them free themselves and coming out of it stronger than before and ready to face any resurgences of Goblins in the future? And my offer stands for everyone. I will help you throw off the chains yourselves and aid you, but not fight your battles for you. What would you have gained from my death if I had attacked my stronger cousin? What would you have gained if I somehow managed to defeat her? There are many more backing her up, one would have killed me and things would have progressed as normal. I cannot fight every Angel everywhere and even if I could and freed you, what then? You wouldn't be able to cope with any new threats that wanted to do the same as the Angels."

Bluff on everyone.

2011-05-10, 10:58 AM
"Well than, I suppose it's all right and we should just all join hands and skip along helping all the scum of the earth ay? Unfortunately your story is flawed as any lie. And honestly had we been confronted with goblins or halflings we would kill them all as they are each of them a plague on our kind. now you said you were no half fiend, and yet you tore my sister to ribbons with your fiendish claws. Than you blamed this massacre on a 'tentacle-mouthed thing', and a 'part-metal thing that sounds like a child', than blamed it on your cousin. Also crushing evil is always more important than teaching others how to avoid it because if one were to spend their whole life teaching evil would still spawn, and yet if you slew evil for your entire life the pure hearted would be able to teach themselves not to e evil which is a thousand times more beneficial to them. And were you true to your beliefs that angels were evil you would stand and fight for your beliefs like a warrior rather than hiding in the shadows and corrupting every knight that you don't kill, and were you not a warrior you could train to be one. I will tolerate no excuses from those who claim to be righteous, and I will accept no lies, by Shan's mercy rest your heart. Perhaps I can give [you another try at sharing the truth when you bring me the heads of those responsible for this." He gestures to the massacred village.

2011-05-10, 11:10 AM
"I said MOST of the destruction was caused by her. And would any of you have believed me had I said that I'm an Angel and my cousin, who is also an Angel caused this destruction. And as for the claws, why would Angels admit to having claws to a people they mock and deem inferior? Any attack an Angel makes would leave no survivors to report their claws. In fact, I doubt there is a being alive, except you that have ever seen the claws of an Angel. And I am not saying ignore the Evil for a generation, I'm saying spend a few months gathering allies and growing in power before rebelling against the Angels."

[rol- oh screw it. I get a 43 on my Bluff check! Happy! It still beats whatever Sir Dumbass here can get.

2011-05-10, 11:27 AM
'sir Dumbass' ay? :smallamused: aren't we sensitive to noncooperation

"Well I would have believed you allot more than I do had you told what you wish to call the truth from the start. And I will tell you I have spoken with men who slew angels, no claws, and they certainly aren't unchallengeable. In the end all have to bow to the power of Shan, and if you will oppose the goddess than you will simply need to die."

As her brother speaks Knight 4 seams to regain her way about the world.

bluff checks are for lying, truth and valid arguments don't require them

The sister than takes over again "so what are you really than, a mutated orc, a demon, one of your precious goblins?"

2011-05-10, 11:32 AM
Hey you stop messing with Demon Ladies fun, Meanie Omega shouts as he steps out from behind a hut.
Move to E-37, hit Knight 1 with a Maximsed Eldritch blast using all 5 charges from the Warlock Scepter.

Attack [roll0]
Damage 119
OOC: Sweet i'm threating a Critical, i'll roll the conformation in the OOC thread.

2011-05-10, 11:40 AM
"You sure they were Angels? C'Fe*g^fsg are quite similar but without claws. Maybe it was them." The weird combo thing is a word of Celestial "Precious Goblins? They are vile creatures, good for nothing but Hunting. I am an Angel, pure and simple, but I am an Angel who does not like the current way they treat you. I recognize my lack of power compared to other Angels and any rebellion that had only me in it would wind up with my dead and the world no better off."

"I'm an Angel. Why do you keep confusing that? And leave the Knights alone! Quick Lady Knight, join my cause then we will subdue this thing that is obviously in need of our help."

2011-05-10, 11:44 AM
"Rebellions shed excess blood, I'm content to sit in peace, now die scum." :smallcool:

2011-05-10, 08:33 PM
"Maybe you should deal with the thing attacking you before killing the person trying to help you."

2011-05-10, 09:38 PM
Nxith stepped out from behind a nearby corner, his form still distorted and distrubing (even for a mind flayer). He takes stock of what is occuring as he moves in next to the Warforged (37D)

Initative [roll0]

"ENOUGH!" Nxith 'shouted' telepathically, forming a roiling blast of psionic energy so forceful it was -visible-, even to non telepaths, a wave capable of overloading the ordered mental functions of almost any beings.

Mind Blast (Su): Will Save DC 28
Stunned: [roll1] rounds
60ft cone. Only targets Knight 4 (comes close to Fhey but she remains out of the AoE)

Overlord Rion
2011-05-10, 11:17 PM
Gen-Gen had decided on floating just above one of the buildings so his shadow wouldn't give him away like last time. A wave of his hand and a ring of fire appeared around the knights farthest from his allies. "Let's see if that keeps them off you back for a little while." Gen-Gen projected the words into his allies alone.

And now it's time for me to feel useless.

Init: [roll0]

Moving to the first square that will hide keep my shadow off the ground.

Casting Wall of Perilous Flame in a circle around the knights, or as many knights as I can get without hitting allies.

2011-05-11, 06:05 AM
Round 1

(see Fhey and the knight, than comes the following)

A ring of flames quickly shoots up around the knights, overshadowing what had started to become yellow sunlight with it's own oranges and blues.

Knight 1 begins chanting healing himself [roll0], and lipping a wand from his heavy garb and putting it to the ground. (readied action)

knight 3 runs out through the flames towards the cumulative 'you'.

Knight 2 follows suit.

Nxith runs out to blow waves of mental energy, but the girl just turns to smirk at the Flayer

next omega charges out firing a massive blast of eldritch flames, and eyes widening in surprise Knight 1 fires off his wand, swearing under his breath "well so much for protecting them, save yourself" With that the ground under him slips up to form a rocky wall (hemispherical shell in his space). The blast though didn't appear to care as it blasted a hole straight through the wall and flew on into the day just over the knight's head. Blinking the Knight gives a quick prayer to Shan for making the spell need to displace the earth from somewhere, and another that he had done so from under his feet.

Fhey calls out "Maybe you should deal with the thing attacking you before killing the person trying to help you." in her most charming voice, and the knight counters "Well were you actually helping rather than standing there talking hells propaganda it may actually support your story ay? That robot sure sounds like a child, and that thing has a mouth. I assume they're your 'cousin's' allies."

The girl still smiling mockingly throws two elemental gems which shatter on the rocky ground summoning two identical fire elementals.

Map: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CKTN_soI&hl=en&key=tESIkGdcfsOFZf3ULL287eg&hl=en&authkey=CKTN_soI#gid=0

2011-05-11, 02:49 PM
Nxith speaks telepathically to Fhey.

"Watch out. There's something wrong with her mind. It's not there, I can't touch it. It's like an empty vessel or a cart without a driver. I don't think you'll have much luck convincing her..." Nxith watches the elementals burst forth, and prepares to handle them, manifesting Greater Dispel Magic and targeting them.

Greater Dispel Magic (20ft burst, targeted at F29)
[roll0] Fire E1 (ends summon)
[roll1] Fire E2 (ends summon)
[roll2] Knight 4 (dispels an ongoing effect, starting with the most powerful effect the roll can handle)

2011-05-12, 06:31 AM
"Empty? There was only one person I knew who was... Oh my god." (Abysal)

Wisdom check to find out what it is?
-1 if you think a knowledge or Int check would be better

2011-05-13, 11:50 AM
Goodie more people to play with Omega cries out with joy Hmm who should i play with first? Lets see Omega starts muttering some nonsensical rhyme to himself You he Shouts pointing at Knight 3.

Full round action to fire 3 Blasts at knight 3.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2011-05-13, 08:16 PM
Fhey leaps at Knight2, claws extended.
"Well, it was worth a try. And I really wanted my own personal Blackguard slave. I had a collar that would have fit perfectly."

Charging Minotaur Rush!
[roll0] Claw1
[roll2] Claw2
[roll4] Bite
[roll6] Minotaur
[roll7] Bull Rush
Opposed Str Checks use Mod not the score right?

Overlord Rion
2011-05-13, 09:18 PM
They jumped through it. Huh, I wasn't expecting that so quickly. Hope they like being crushed as well. Another wave of his hand, and another effect aimed at one of the knights.

Casting my Chilling Tentacles invocation at the space between knight 3 and 4, though making sure I catch 4 in the area. Gotta resist the grapple and they take cold damage regardless.

2011-05-13, 11:59 PM
Round 2

Fhey jumps at knight 2 tearing at his flesh

SRD: When you make a bull rush, you attempt to push an opponent straight back instead of damaging him.
If you wanted to bull rush instead... oh and honor system decide before you peek.

Icey tentacles slide up through the earth.
Knight 3 gets hit as he dashes through ignoring them, same for knight 4 (see below)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe since he starts the round outside the effect he only takes the cold damage which if I recall was 2d6. [roll1] cold damage

knight 3 continues running.

knight 2's fists suddenly blaze to life as red hot flames shoot across his left hand mirrored by golden flames on his right, and he begins to pummel at Fhey with them flaming arms.

attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
holy Damage: [roll4]
attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
holy Damage: [roll7]
attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
fire Damage: [roll10]
attack: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]
fire Damage: [roll13]
attack: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]
holy Damage: [roll16]
attack: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18]
fire Damage: [roll19]

For a grand total of:22 damage (9 of which is holy damage) from his right fist getting one shot on your jaw... he just marred your face! :smallmad:

Nexith dispels all magic in the given area (roll against the tentacles )
As he does so the elementals fade into two identical silent wisps of smoke. Knight 4 simply vanishes. (sorry I forgot will save to discern that it was an illusion when Fhey clawed it, but I did drop hints, overall it doesn't change much though, you were convincing someone so even that was not wasted so to speak... or rather only so much so as it would have been.)

Knight one now moved here due to his readied action last round:
Knight one begins chanting, and quite frankly it's hard to see more than that through the hole Omega blasted in his stone shell, but at the end he stands up and points through the hole at the warforged and Mind Flayer, and instantly there be bugs. [roll20]

Omega fires off a few shots at knight 3, but despite hitting him with one or two he didn't hear that nice sizzling sound that always cheered him up when flesh burnt.

There is a quiet pop out of the battle field and suddenly everywhere is filled with smoke... or rather smoke begins to quickly spread from somewhere west (up) of Fhey and knight 2. Another small crack can be heard from within the cloud of smoke that is quickly expanding for your face.

lets hope I didn't forget anything ay. :smallbiggrin:
Map: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CKTN_soI&hl=en&key=tESIkGdcfsOFZf3ULL287eg&hl=en&authkey=CKTN_soI#gid=0

2011-05-14, 02:55 AM
OOC: Charging Minotaur gives me a free Bull Rush and 2d6 damage.
Is the damage including my DR? Magic AND Slashing :smallbiggrin:

"That's it? You would be worthless as a lackey, I'm glad I didn't do it."

2011-05-14, 07:47 AM
Aww look you still want to play Omega says to Knight 3 ignoring the cloud of bugs swarming around him Ok catch he shouts with a Malicious grin on his face.

Full round action to fire 3 Blasts at knight 3.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2011-05-14, 08:52 AM
OOC: Doesn't include DR therefor 17 damage.
Bulrush: you push him back, he 5' steps back :smallbiggrin:

Overlord Rion
2011-05-17, 06:32 PM
Gen-Gen was right pleased with himself. I love that spell. Gen-Gen waved his hand again. A piercing sound would be heard by the the knight trapped by his spell.

Casting Baleful Utterance on Knight 3's weapon. Gotta beat a 19 on a Will save, but it's something. I pretty much cover the whole field.

2011-05-18, 07:10 PM
Nxith surveys the field through the bugs, and sidesteps... moving across reality to appear on the other side of Knight 2.
Dimension Door, Augmented (move action)

Hissing an unworldly sound, he appears on the opposite side of the knight and reaches a hand out, channeling psionic power to open a vortex to the Far Realm for his new friend.

Plane Shift, DC 25 Will Save or be sent to the Far Realm

2011-05-18, 07:23 PM
Fhey tears the Knight to shreds.

Full attacking:
[roll0] Claw1
[roll2] Claw1
[roll4] Claw2
[roll6] Claw2
[roll8] Bite
[roll10] Bite

2011-05-18, 07:32 PM
Both of you roll against total concealment... (I wasn't kidding about smoke obstructing vision, see the grey box on the map)

And Rion are you still gonna try to shatter a weapon you can't see? :smallconfused: never mind can target all in a 5' radius :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-18, 07:34 PM
Wouldn't Darkvision deal with that?
I have 90' of it remember.

2011-05-19, 10:17 PM
Round 3
darkvission lets you see in the dark, not through a thick screen of smoke :smallcool: To put it simply try seeing outside at night compared to in a confined space with a campfire after the smoke builds up, it's allot harder.
Blindsight would do it. :smallbiggrin:

To clarify
"A shadowy area or darkness doesn’t provide any concealment against an opponent with darkvision."
only applies when the concealment is due to nonmagical darkness :smallbiggrin:

Fhey attacks the knight through the smoke

Your attacks in order as your post

Your claws tare freely, but you can't seam to find the knight with your mouth.

You honestly can't tell if anything broke in there :smallbiggrin:

knight 3 (honestly you can't really see :smallbiggrin:) rolling the grapple though) [roll6]
against tentacles [roll7]

knight 2 does... something... you still can't see, but you don't feel his blazing fists. :smallbiggrin:

Nxith slips through space and gropes blindly with his hands as thick smoke assaults his eyes
Concealment [roll8]
touch attack so to speak [roll9]
Will save [roll10]
Nexith can't find the knight in the smoke and grasps futally in the smoke.

knight 1 does... well I guess you still can't see :smallbiggrin:

Omega fires more

Concealment again

there is another shattering sound and chanting begins somewhere out there. (somewhere up of Nxith/Fhey map-wise)

Just so everyone knows 50+ gets through the concealment. :smallcool:

2011-05-19, 10:45 PM
A bunch of stuff I forgot to include :smallredface:

Bugs on Omega (Nxith avoids them by ripping his way through reality... yah what are the chances right :smallamused:)

The smoke continues to roll forth.

Fhey: Something hot burns into your back and right side (you are facing knight 2 so that means to the left and down as far as the map is concerned) Out of the corner of your eye you think you see flames in the smoke

one reflex save for each that hits DC 17 or burn for [roll1] rounds
to hit [roll2]
Concealment [roll3]
bludgering [roll4]
fire [roll5]
to hit [roll6]
Concealment [roll7]
bludgering [roll8]
fire [roll9]
to hit [roll10]
Concealment [roll11]
bludgering [roll12]
fire [roll13]
to hit [roll14]
Concealment [roll15]
bludgering [roll16]
fire [roll17]

Well I'm 'so glad' that I made functional despite quickly scratched up opponents for you :smallannoyed: now I get a steadily increasing inhuman number of rolls each round. :smallbiggrin:

Side rolls


Nxith as you blindly grope in the dark a ray of heat stabs into your back for 16 damage, and you feel the waves of heat as another misses you.

And the map: https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?authkey=CKTN_soI&hl=en&key=tESIkGdcfsOFZf3ULL287eg&hl=en&authkey=CKTN_soI#gid=0

Forgot to roll saves against shatter, so DM rule that he auto-fails :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-20, 07:09 PM
"Your still standing wow" Omega seems stunned "We're not finished yet though" he continues with a wicked smirk.

Full round action to fire 3 blasts at C-33 hopefully hitting Knight 3, but you already guessed that didn't you :smallbiggrin:
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Concealment [roll2]

Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Concealment [roll5]

Attack [roll6]
Damage [roll7]
Concealment [roll8]

2011-05-24, 08:12 AM
Nxith stops fumbling about in the dark, takes a fivefoot step back, and manifests Touchsight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/touchsight.htm).

9 power points, 70ft radius.

Overlord Rion
2011-05-27, 10:37 PM
Gen-Gen sits down in the air. HE was more or less out of options. There wasn't much more he could do without hitting his allies. He idly waved his hand, this time deciding to finally begin using his blast. In the meantime, he decided to see if anyone could tell him what was going on in the smoke.

All right, I know I'm the only one outside the smoke screen, but how is the vision in there?

Whoops, forgot to say I'm using Eldritch Chain.

2011-05-28, 11:51 AM
"Its lots of fun Tiny" Omega calls out happily "Its a fun game right mister?" he shouts gleefully in the direction of knight 3.

2011-05-30, 10:58 PM
Full Attack into the Knight:

Fhey throws herself into combat once more, rending and scratching and mutilating.
She laughed maniacally as blood sprayed from the Knight's wounds and a forked tongue flashes out and licks at a drop.


2011-05-31, 10:29 AM
Round 4
OK, real rules regarding smoke this time (fort saves, and conceal is against 30 :smallbiggrin: smoke DC 15

Fhey keeps attacking

to do anything
against concealment

Gen Gen casts his spell

knight 2 lashes out at Fhey







knight 3

there is a shuffling of boots

Nexith can now see

knight 1

nexith sees some odd motions, likely a spell than he begins shuffling off

bugs on omega
the something that is still burning Fhey

to hit[roll33]
fire duration[roll36] (not that you aren't already burning)to hit[roll37]
fire duration[roll40] (not that you aren't already burning)to hit[roll41]
fire duration[roll44] (not that you aren't already burning)to hit[roll45]
fire duration[roll48] (not that you aren't already burning)

and since you are on fire [roll49] fire damage

Omega hits with one if Nexith keeps giving him telepathic updates on the knight's location... otherwise there is just flying dirt :smallfrown:
(since the knight goes before you and moves...)

a bolt of lightening flows forth (Nexith you can identify thee source as the invisable knight)

on Nexith [roll50]
on Fhey [roll51]
on fiery thing 1 [roll52]
on fiery thing 2 [roll53]
on swarm 1 [roll55]
on swarm 2 [roll56]
on swarm 3 [roll57]
against Nexith's SR

you notice something odd about the air around the knights... brushing the smoke gently from their breath
and da map https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CKTN_soI&hl=en&key=tESIkGdcfsOFZf3ULL287eg&hl=en&authkey=CKTN_soI#gid=0 (not that it's helping you as much as it did before smoke covered everything :smallcool:

2011-06-01, 10:34 AM
Assuming Knight 2 is still alive by the time Nixith gets to him- if not, I will take different actions!
Nixth turns to the wounded knight through the smoke and roars, tentacles flailing and grasping for the knight through the air.

Swift Action - Manifest Wraithstrike (http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/spells.php?ID=5695) (3pp)

Full Attack Action
All attacks are made as Touch Attacks (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatStatistics.htm#touchAttacks)
Tentacle 1[roll0] for [roll1]damage
Tentacle 2[roll2] for [roll3]damage
Tentacle 3[roll4] for [roll5]damage
Tentacle 4[roll6] for [roll7]damage
Tentacle 5[roll8] for [roll9]damage
Tentacle 6[roll10] for [roll11]damage

If -any- attacks hit
Improved Grapple [roll12] with an additional +2 for each tentacle that hit.

I don't know why I can't get the Attach All Roll to parse. If it's needed (probably will be) I'll roll it in the OOC thread or something.

2011-06-05, 12:23 PM
After getting hit by Knight 3 blows Omega starts getting very angry "Hey thats cheating" he yells "You aren't aloud to hit me" as he continues talking the Flames in his eyes grow bigger and brighter "I will teach you the true meaning of pain foolish mortal" he finishes in a much clearer and deeper voice than normal.

Hmm i wonder what omega's going to do now.. oh thats right blast Knight 3 with everything he's got :smallbiggrin: remeber these are Touch attacks.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Concealment [roll2]

Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Concealment [roll5]

Attack [roll6]
Damage [roll7]
Concealment [roll8]

Overlord Rion
2011-06-07, 11:30 PM
I did take all the time to cast that spell...hmm, what to do now? I could just...nah, that wouldn't work. Still able to tell where he laid down the fire, Gen Gen decided to force anybody out of the ring.

Casting Chilling Tentacles in my circle of fire. After that, assume I'm going to be holding until the smoke clears. I can't really do much else.

2011-06-08, 10:35 PM
Full Attack again.
Why won't this knight die?


2011-06-09, 09:02 AM
Round 5

whoops, again I messed up smoke a bit, it's conceal 20% (normal concealment, not full or partial or anything), and for save goes up one each turn DC 16

Fhey (see ooc) the smoke is burning in your lungs, and you can no longer take it. You double over coughing, and take [roll0] nonlethal

Gen gen mutters some words and another chilling tentacles forms.

knight 2 attacks Fhey again. His moments blur against the smoke, and a sharp slap to the side that melds into the pain in her lungs hits along with a solid uppercut to the chin that would easily knock out many a fighter.

against concealment[roll1]
to hit[roll2]
holy damage[roll4]

against concealment[roll5]
to hit[roll6]
holy damage[roll8]

against concealment[roll9]
to hit[roll10]
fire damage[roll12]

against concealment[roll13]
to hit[roll14]
fire damage[roll16]

against concealment[roll17]
to hit[roll18]
holy damage[roll20]

against concealment[roll21]
to hit[roll22]
fire damage[roll24]

knight 3

5' step to be in front of Omega and swords blazing in a holy light he begins smiting with a vengeance (not literally smiting though). His first mighty strike falls beside you slashing through your shadow hovering illusively on the smoke, but than the knight appears to notice this trick as the rest of his strikes hit your metallic flesh. The second bites deep between your metallic plates and into your wooden interior. The next rains in from the other side biting deep into the other side, than spinning his blades free he slashes down at you with both swords only to have them deflected off you well plated skull rebounding uselessly. (good thing there wasn't anything important to be lost in there :smallwink:)

against concealment [roll25]
to hit[roll26]
holy damage[roll28]

against concealment [roll29]
to hit[roll30]
holy damage[roll32]

against concealment [roll33]
to hit[roll34]
holy damage[roll36]

against concealment [roll37]
to hit[roll38]
holy damage[roll40]

against concealment [roll41]
to hit[roll42]
holy damage[roll44]

Nxith sucks the brains out of knight 2

an in the unlikely case that he's conscious and kicking when his brains get pulled [roll50]

yes, it doesn't taste vary good though :smallfrown: He had a bit too much holy vigor, and a bit too little hopelessness and fear for your tastes.

Knight one keeps chanting ans as he walks through it the ring of flames extinguishes. in a burst of holy steam.

Omega strikes knight 3 with searing white eldrich energy to the face at point blank range and incinerates him. The knight's armor falls to the ground and his swords rebound helplessly from the strikes that can no longer be followed through. As they do the holy light around them fades into the simple shine of well polished steel.

yay, another lightening bolt shoots out :smallbiggrin:

on Nxith [roll51]
on Fhey [roll52]
on firey thing one and two
on omega [roll55]
against Nxith's SR

(reflec DC 18 for half, feel free to take the same save for the one last round)
Fire smashed down along Fhey's back adding to the billowing flames that have now taken their place there.

to hit[roll58]
fire duration[roll60]
to hit[roll62]
fire duration[roll64]
to hit[roll66]
fire duration[roll68]
to hit[roll70]
fire duration[roll72]

and damage since you're on fire [roll73]

Water bursts forth from the ground spraying everyone, and you all feel battered by the air around you and the water.

The ever-smoking bottle falls into a craves as the water forces it's way up (aka you're getting tired of smoke, I'm getting tired of juggling 2 maps, and I can work it into their plan to loos it by a carefully placed water elemental rising through the ground since that lets them send off the air elementals protecting them from the smoke off to kill you :smallbiggrin:. :smallbiggrin:) as the smoke clears you see a fourth enemy looking exactly like the illusion of knight 4 but that they have a glistening blue psudodragon perched on their shoulder leering at you all.

The elementals batter you:
you feel a tickle of water before heavy smashes of the same hits you reminding you of all those nice times the village children would have beating you with sticks in the middle of the street, and some of the strikes even remind you of when the parents would join in.

to hit[roll75]

to hit[roll78]

to hit[roll81]

to hit[roll84]

to hit[roll87]

to hit[roll90]

da map

happy hunting :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-09, 11:34 AM
Omega hits the ground inert and unmoving.

2011-06-15, 03:41 AM
(Five-foot step back to J-31)
Nixith surveys the battle, rapidly thinking of and discarding solutions in his brain before stepping back with the only thing that passes for a smile - an evil leer - his tentacles curling up.

"I have elemental friends, too. Would you like to play with one?"

Summon Monster VII - option: Huge Elemental: Any
Taint Elemental, Huge
Huge Elemental (Evil)
Hit Dice: 16d8 96 (168 hp)
Initiative: 4
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 21 (–2 size, 4 Dex, 9 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 1
Base Attack/Grapple: 12/ 27
Attack: Slam 17 melee (2d10 10 plus taint)
Full Attack: 2 slams 17 melee (2d10 10 plus taint)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Touch of taint
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/—, darkvision 60 ft., dimension door, elemental traits, excessive taint
Saves: Fort 16, Ref 9, Will 9
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 18, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 15
Skills: Hide 10, Listen 23, Move Silently 9, Spot 23
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush Iron Will, Power Attack, Surge of Malevolence
Alignment: Usually chaotic, always evil
A taint elemental is a being of pure corruption. It consists of nothing but taint congealed into a semisolid mass of primal evil. An entity of malicious rage, it delights in slaying or corrupting any living beings that cross its path. Occasionally a taint elemental can be found serving more powerful evil entities; it gains nothing from this save the joy of spreading suffering and corruption.

It appears at L-19 to M-21 (it's that big) and immediately attacks knight 4.
2 slams
[roll0] to hit for [roll1] damage with a DC20 fortitude save or gain [roll2] points of taint.
[roll3] to hit for [roll4] damage DC20 fortitude save or gain [roll5] points of taint.

Overlord Rion
2011-06-15, 10:26 PM
This is bad, this is very bad. Let it never be said Gen-Gen was a coward. Gen-Gen floated over towards Omega in order to get a better shot. He was just hoping his invisibility would keep him safe long enough for a few good shots.

Moving to I-40.

Letting loose an Eldritch Chain with a 5 charge boost from my Warlock Scepter. First hitting the Small Water Elemental, then chaining it over to the Large one.

Eldritch Chain [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Elritch Chain (Large Water Elemental) [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2011-06-16, 01:00 AM
Fhey leaps up high, her wings snapping open and she soars upward.

Moves straight up as far as possible.

2011-06-16, 01:56 AM
Round 6
Fhey flies up provoking an attack of opportunity from the small elemental who catches her with enough force to sprain a grown man's ankle... a grown human that is... your foot has a nice refreshing breeze,


Gen-Gen takes flight and launches his Elderach blast, vaporizing the small water elemental into steam before bouncing forth to fly by it's larger counterpart.

Nexith starts casting his summoning provoking an attack of opportunity from the larger elemental, and summons the huge lump of taint in front of knight 4


The knight appears battered, but shows no sign of weakness at the elemental's battering.

knight 1 chants as he reads from a scroll and hurrying away from the new elemental and provoking an attack of opportunity

Omega is out cold, but his ring of regeneration stabilizes him.

knight 4
takes a 5' step back and dimensional door beyond Nexith's magical sight, and out of everyone's normal sight too too.

elementals attack:
Overlord Rion you said you were going to I-41... that's where you were... anywho if that's a typo tell me and maybe you can take some of these :smallbiggrin:

A stray hit rocks you, but those nerves were long dead.
on Nxith:
The water splashes on his face failing to wake him
on Omega/Gen-Gen if he moved within range

so OOC, forgot 2 attacks :smallbiggrin:

map: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CKTN_soI&hl=en&key=tESIkGdcfsOFZf3ULL287eg&hl=en&authkey=CKTN_soI#gid=0

2011-06-16, 02:06 AM
The area immediately under Fhey becomes completely pitch black, sucking the light from the surrounding area.
"Let's get out of here."

2011-06-17, 07:22 AM
"I have more allies, and retreat is for cowards. I may be dead, but I am not a coward, Fhey. " Nixith said as he watched Fhey fly into the air, looking at the elementals around him.

Manifest Antimagic Field on the defensive, DC 21 (15+power level (6th)
[roll0] (No, I cannot technically fail that check.)

"I am, however, done playing fair." Nixith drew psionic power within himself and projected it outward in a coruscating bubble - one of the pinnacles of his research.

Antimagic Field
All magic effects within 10ft of Nixith are suppressed. This includes spells, spell-like abilities, powers, summoned creatures, magic items, Supernatural Abilities, and the like. Nixith's items and spells are psionic and thus unaffected by an Antimagic Field. Magically summoned creatures and incorporeal undead wink out (no save, SR applies). Time spent winked out counts against the spell's duration.

He then rushes to F-34. (By the time his AoE is far enough away from the elementals he started next to, he is out of their threatened range. F-34 is close enough to the large water elemental to force it to wink out.)

"I don't like it when things die without my permission."

2011-06-17, 07:38 AM
"And you didn't think to do that BEFORE I was almost sent back to my former kingdom in the Lower Planes?"

2011-06-17, 08:20 AM
"I was having fun."

2011-06-17, 08:32 AM
"And if I do get sent back there then after I subjugate my followers again, I will have some fun with your soul. I'm considering casting powerful charms forcing you to take the form of a famous murderer when on Planes aligned with Good and to confess to heinous crimes when spoken too by Good-aligned beings, then sending you bound as a peace offering to cement an alliance. Then I will steal your soul back, remove the charms and frame a rival kingdom, then send you as the first wave of the attack against them. Do NOT cross me."

2011-06-17, 08:35 AM
"When you're done yelling fruitless threats at me, deal with the paladins. Can I trust you to at least keep them -occupied- for a few seconds? I must say, all of your performances as "allies" are making me wonder why I didn't just stick to undead. They seem more competent at following direction."

2011-06-17, 08:44 AM
"Yeah, I don't like following directions. Last guy who tried... well, maybe another time."

Empowered Unholy Blight hitting as many paladins as possible (if hitting Ice is needed, by all means as it doesn't affect him)
[roll0] x1.5 for them all (31 damage)
[roll1] x1.5 rounds of sickened (6 rounds)

Overlord Rion
2011-06-17, 05:54 PM
Liking the new odds, Gen-Gen shot up farther into the air. Once there, he would proceed to...well, do nothing really. He would just sit there and wait. He was fairly certain his allies had it under wraps.

Doing exactly as it said. Although I'm just going for a height of 20 feet.

2011-06-17, 07:42 PM
Round 7

Fhey considers blanketing the ground in darkness before thinking better of it and casting unholy blight at Knight 1 since Knight 4 is nowhere's to be found.

Will save

Gen-Gen flies up to observe

Nxith calls up an anti-magic field that swiftly dissipates his blindsight, but as be retreats the elementals (that aren't summons) continue to hammer at him.

Attacks of opportunity

Nexith's elemental looks around for the knight 4 it was told to attack, lacking further instructions.

Knight 1 calls up a wall of stone around the elemental as he continues on.

Omega is out cold but healing

Knight 4 is still nowhere's to be found, but Gen-Gen thinks he hears something too faint to discern... or is it the wind?

The air elementals tail Nxith and attack him again near Omega, and the water elemental joins in, heavy blows of air and water quickly soak and dry Nxith's robe... such a waste.


map is to be updated soon: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CKTN_soI&hl=en&key=tESIkGdcfsOFZf3ULL287eg&hl=en&authkey=CKTN_soI#gid=0

Overlord Rion
2011-06-19, 08:47 PM
Nope, don't think so. Wait a second...yep, they're close enough. Gen-Gen prepared to fire off another Eldritch Chain. Each elemental was close enough for it to hit all of them, he just hoped it was enough.

Firing off another Eldritch Chain powered up with another five charges, it will chain from the Large Air Elemental to the Large Water, and then back to the Small Air Elemental. Of course assuming they're all hit.




2011-06-20, 08:28 PM
Nixith was upset. Nothing had worked right. Oh well, there was always brute force. Properly applied, of course. Like a psionic crowbar. He mentally directed his own elemental to keep up the attacks on the paladins - any it could see... Pets were handy. He'd like some more pets.

"Since you're not summoned, I invite you to stay around." he hissed. "But be useful."
Manifesting on the Defensive, 4th level power, DC19

Dominate, Psionic
Augmented: 4 points (Elementals), 2 points (two targets), 2 points (1 day duration): Total; 15 points.
Will save DC: 28
Targets: Large water and air elementals.

2011-06-22, 12:48 AM
Round 8
Fhey stays out of the way

Nope, don't think so. Wait a second...yep, they're close enough. Gen-Gen prepared to fire off another Eldritch Chain. Each elemental was close enough for it to hit all of them, he just hoped it was enough as he blasts the elementals and is rather disappointed that only the smallest dies.

Nixith was upset. Nothing had worked right. Oh well, there was always brute force. Properly applied, of course. Like a psionic crowbar. He mentally directed his own elemental to keep up the attacks on the paladins - any it could see... Pets were handy. He'd like some more pets.
"Since you're not summoned, I invite you to stay around." he hissed. "But be useful." quickly he seizes control of the elementals without much resistance.

As he instructs his elemental he finds no knights in the area to set it against so he tells it to leave the cage and seek them out. Unfortunately while smarter than a dumb oaf of a mercenary the elemental was no genius, or even as smart as most librarians, and doesn't find a knight. (the elemental figures it can catch the knight as it heads for you guys rather than facing the knight beyond your perception. Now it is within range of your telepathy :smallamused:)

Knight 1... is blocked by a big stone thing.

Knight 4... is nowhere's to be seen

Man do they work those knights hard :smallbiggrin:
map: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CKTN_soI&hl=en&key=tESIkGdcfsOFZf3ULL287eg&hl=en&authkey=CKTN_soI#gid=0

2011-06-22, 05:17 PM
Nixith telepathically points out all of his allies to the elementals - then gives them the order to spread out and clobber anything that is alive and not one of them.
He closes his eyes and stills for a moment, regaining his psionic focus.
Then he manifests psionic power, converting it within his body to Fell Energy, and causing it to coat the surrounding area in a shroud of vile power.

Descecrate; Linked to; Psianimate Dead; Targetting: Dead guy at E-36
Evocation [Evil]
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: 20-ft.-radius emanation
Duration: 2 hours/level
This spell imbues an area with negative energy. Each Charisma check made to turn undead within this area takes a -3 profane penalty, and every undead creature entering a desecrated area gains a +1 profane bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. An undead creature created within or summoned into such an area gains +1 hit points per HD.

If the desecrated area contains an altar, shrine, or other permanent fixture dedicated to your deity or aligned higher power, the modifiers given above are doubled (-6 profane penalty on turning checks, +2 profane bonus and +2 hit points per HD for undead in the area).

Furthermore, anyone who casts animate dead within this area may create as many as double the normal amount of undead (that is, 4 HD per caster level rather than 2 HD per caster level).

If the area contains an altar, shrine, or other permanent fixture of a deity, pantheon, or higher power other than your patron, the desecrate spell instead curses the area, cutting off its connection with the associated deity or power. This secondary function, if used, does not also grant the bonuses and penalties relating to undead, as given above.

Desecrate counters and dispels consecrate.

Psianimate Dead goes off on its own next round.

Overlord Rion
2011-06-25, 11:04 PM
Gen-Gen decided to fly towards the last place he saw the last Knight.

Moving to K 36 and ending my action.

2011-06-25, 11:35 PM
The area under Fhey darkens completely.

Darkness straight under Fhey.

2011-06-26, 09:11 AM
Round 9
The ground beneath Fhey is suddenly blanketed in a thick magical darkness.

Gen-Gen decided to fly towards the last place he saw the last Knight.

Nixith telepathically points out all of his allies to the elementals - then gives them the order to spread out and clobber anything that is alive and not one of them.
He closes his eyes and stills for a moment, regaining his psionic focus.
Then he manifests psionic power, converting it within his body to Fell Energy, and causing it to coat the surrounding area in a shroud of vile power.

The elementals start killing bugs and grass. (Yah I know I'm stretching this kinda far, but they don't know where the knights are any more than you do, so what else would they do with that command :smalltongue:)

knight 1 ... remains behind the stone thing

Omega is still out

A lightening bold suddenly fires from I-46-20' up right into Gen-Gen
[roll0] (DC18 reflex save for half)

And da Map https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CKTN_soI&hl=en&key=tESIkGdcfsOFZf3ULL287eg&hl=en&authkey=CKTN_soI#gid=0

Overlord Rion
2011-06-26, 04:51 PM
Turning around and heading to K42. Screw that lightning. You don't strike me with lightning.

Also, reflex save: [roll0]

GACK. Oh dear lord Where the hell did that come from!? No one strikes me with lightning and gets away with it.

Gen-Gen whirled around, no way was somebody going to hit him with lightning.

2011-07-09, 06:45 AM
Round 10

Fhey hovers

GACK. Oh dear lord Where the hell did that come from!? No one strikes me with lightning and gets away with it.
Gen-Gen whirled around, no way was somebody going to hit him with lightning.

Nxith watches his elementals stomp the life out of countless bugs and tear at the bloodied grass in quiet satisfaction.

Knight 1 ... well you don't k now, but doesn't that stone wall look a little larger?

Omega is out cold

knight 4 casts wall of ice moving closer in.

Da Map

2011-07-10, 02:58 AM
Fhey dive-bombs the Elemental, claws outstretched and spinning in a fatal circle and rending into the Elemental.

move down to the elemental then attack:
[roll0] Claw1
[roll1] Claw2
[roll2] Bite

2011-07-11, 05:39 PM
Psianimate dead goes off on the dead knight of its own accord, giving him a semblance of life by imbuing him with fell psionic power.

Nixith orders the air elemental he controls to fly directly up and serve as a scout for the others and the rest of the party, reporting back on anything it sees.

Then he winks out of sight entirely, casting invisibility.

2011-07-17, 07:14 AM
Round 11
Fhey dive-bombs the Elemental, claws outstretched and spinning in a fatal circle and rending into the Elemental. Claws slash and dig causing spurts of water to fly to the ground below.

Gen-Gen does nothing.

The fallen knight stands ignorant of it's shredded innards and ready to obey.
Nixith orders the air elemental he controls to fly directly up and serve as a scout for the others and the rest of the party, reporting back on anything it sees.
The elemental 'runs' up and back down going all the way up to a height of 200 feet and reports knight 1's location (before his action, see map)
Then he winks out of sight entirely, casting invisibility.

knight 1 does his stuff, and pops up on your blindsight, jogging along the stone wall using it to avoid further areal detection.

knight 4 takes advantage of Fhey's friendly fire to send a lightening bolt
into the water elemental causing it to blow apart in a stunning burst that sprays Fhey [roll0] (no mechanical effect to Fhey) As the water sinks back into the ground you notice a potion on the ground, and a few more that spilled out of a coarse leather bag (belonging to the former knight 2).

Map: https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spr...CKTN_soI#gid=0

Overlord Rion
2011-07-24, 02:51 AM
Moving to H31 and blasting Knight 4 with an Eldritch Blast. And was that a 20 I just rolled? I think it was.

Gen-Gen flew straight as he could towards the last place he saw one of the knights.

Blast: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-07-25, 09:40 AM
Round 12

Fhey does nothing.

Gen-Gen flew straight as he could towards the invisible knight blasting her with eldrich might.
Confirm critical [roll0]

Nxith waits for the knights to come to him

Knight 1 comes around the bend intending to use the other wall for cover when he sees his risen comrade, and without a second thought raises his wand hissing crecolderite instantly a pillar of flame engulfs the zombie


Knight 4 equally enraged lashes out at the risen knight as Gen-Gen sighs in relief at that lightening bolt not being through his head instead.


The two air elementals slip into the gap in the wall

map: https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CKTN_soI&key=0AqrKlOMj1BaLdEVTSWtHZGNmc09GWmYzVUxMMjg3ZWc&hl=en&authkey=CKTN_soI#gid=0