View Full Version : Ideas needed for a custom magic item

2011-04-30, 03:58 PM
We're starting a campaign tonight (I've just now had time to sit and make my character, and we need a custom magic item fitting this description:

Some sort of idea/design for a device that is powered or improved by fire. For example: boots that shoot out a burst of fire from their heel to increase move speed or from the bottom of the boot to allow you to jump higher and fall slower. Or adding a similar device to a sword that shoots out a burst of fire to add force to the swing of the weapon. (No gunpowder is accessible, so no typical guns will work.)

Here's some other info on the campaign:

Starting Level: 7
Alignment: Any non-evil
Core and Complete, anything else can be okay, just clear it by me first. Nothing that brings in a whole new system to the game (like truespeak). I'm trying to keep this simple, if I have to learn a new system, odds are everyone else would need to learn that system if they were to be able to understand what you could do.

All of you are citizens of a town, called Razenburg, that has technologically grown faster than other nearby towns thanks to the knowledge of a brass dragon that has taken liking to this town around a hundred years ago. It has shared a way to manipulate fire in a way common people can use it through machine-like devices. Because of this, the citizens are very grateful for the dragon and have taken to defending it now since the dragon has become older and has always disliked combat. The people that watch over the dragon are simply known as "The Gaurdians". They are the best fighters in the town and they have defended the dragon against numerous people who have had malicious intents against the dragon since he joined the town. You all are each related to a guardian.

The town itself is full of metal and iron; every thing or task that could be automated or made simpler by fire-mechanics is some sort of machine-like device. It is a medium-sized city but is very densely populated and some parts of the town could be considered a maze. If you were new to the town without a guide, you could easily get lost. The surrounding area around the city is mostly plains with some scattered forest and one large mountain range that makes up a wall of the town. The dragon lives within a cave of this mountain.

All neighboring towns are smaller than this one, but farther away there are other towns that have had a dragon taking a liking to them for miscellaneous reasons. Their size will be similar to this town if not bigger.

No druids, they have a problem with iron/metal and since this town is mostly that, it wouldn't make much sense to be one (especially since all of you will own some sort of metal device/enhancement).

Deities still exist/are worshiped; dragons are seen in a very high regard, but not the same as a typical deity.

Bronze Dragon personality: He would rather talk than fight. If an intelligent creature tries to leave without engaging in conversation, the dragon might force them to listen in some sort of manner. He has been known to talk incessantly from time to time. Talking to him usually brings great insight, just at the price of time spent listening. It has been considered insanely rude to leave before he is done talking.

If you wish to go into detail on which guardian you are related to, such as gender, name, basic personality, what their role is; you can, just let me know. They may be tweaked if needed to fit my idea for the guardians.

Any ideas would be appreciated!

2011-04-30, 10:16 PM
I like the idea of the fire-based "steampunk" ("firepunk"?) sort of society; it sounds like you could repurpose a lot of existing items via fluff. For instance, boots of levitation could be essentially "rocket boots" that have more or less the same game mechanics, though you might be able to wield them like a torch or scorch someone you were hovering over. "Fire-eating" armor could offer some low fire resistance but uses the heat to power itself (increasing the wearer's speed or re-emitting the fire as a fire shield like effect).

Strap a tiny magically-fueled furnace to a set of plate armor and it could function as rocket boots (of levitation), as a speed boost (of springing and striding), as a flamethrower (e.g. as elixir of fire breath 1/hr, only ejected from exhaust port located above the gauntlet), as a smokescreen (similar to eversmoking bottle). Gauntlets of ogre strength or belts of giant strength could instead be firepunk powered-armor/bracers (same game effect).

Firework arrows, while not actually using gunpowder per se, might work a lot like a more conventional firework -- streaking to their target with more force than a conventional arrow and/or exploding upon impact.

Instead of drinking a potion, you might have a "smoke pouch" -- ignite the special materials within, and it creates a whiff of pungent smoke, which, when inhaled, grant the magical effect.

Rocket-based tech could give you flying devices similar to a carpet of flying or just self-propelled carts and carriages.

Heck, if steampunk can do it, your "firepunk" should be able to do most anything similar; anything that is explicitly powered by steam could be powered by fire directly. Autoreloading repeating crossbows, fire-powered "nailguns" (short-ranged ranged weapons excellent at piercing armor and natural armor bonuses, almost like a brilliant weapon), jetpacks (duh), gyrocopters, dirigibles, a wider variety and ubiquity of "golems" (mechanical firepunk-powered constructs), wider use of special materials (with that much fire and firepunk-powered machines available, stuff like mithril and adamantine just gets easier to mine, much less work), even firepunk-powered "thermodynamical engines" (refrigeration...and cold generation more generally).

2011-04-30, 10:21 PM
Flaming gloves that would act as the Burning Hands spell. Could also be handy for lighting cigarettes/candles/campfires etc and cooking lunch on the move.

2011-04-30, 10:27 PM
Armor that can simultaneously cast Heat Metal, and Fire Shield on the wearer... you get burning hot to the touch, but are kept safe.