View Full Version : Need an invention for M&M 2ed

2011-04-30, 04:32 PM
Okay the quick and dirty of this is that I'm playing in a Mutants and Masterminds 2ed game as a gadgeteer. So far I've built the character mostly defensive sso he doesn't get killed, (started at PL 8 to represent him being a noob hero making his debut) and I'm about to get into my first Supervillain fight. No idea who the villain is and I'm not really worred about them (well I am but not for the context of this post)

Thing is he'll have a gang of thugs with him when I confront him and I need a way to take these thugs out quick. For this I figure I can use an invention... theoreticly my character is aces with those.

I have...
Knowledge Technology +23
Craft Mechanical/electronics +20

Meaning I can take 10 on my invention checks and still get 20 Power Points to spend on the invention... just not sure what the best way to spend those 20 points to take out a whole gang at once... thoughts?