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2011-04-30, 04:38 PM
I just had my first real character death, excluding paranoia of course. I was wondering if anyone else has the story of when they had a character die.

In my last Spycraft Villains campaign session I was given the order to hurt/kidnap the girlfriend of a fellow Villain, sadly the overpowered fighter of the group. Who has enough power to do 100 dmg in one half turn(with crappy rolls), and dislikes the idea of losing his love interest. Before he said he would kill me if I did anything to her, so first thing I do is that. He jumps off a building and punches me in the face, twice. 75 dmg and 100dmg, my health is 75.

Due to his Wuxia ability he takes no damage from jumping off a building(They calculated that even if he did an orbital jump out of a space ship he could survive with more than half of his 369 health). To add insult to injury a fellow player who got the GM given ability to plan in advance set up 200 lbs of explosives in my car. Turning me into a small pile of ash and still not killing the Martial Artist.

Luckily for me I was allowed to bring in a new character with 1 session left to complete. Its tough to play games when you don't play the fighting class.

2011-04-30, 05:12 PM
Although I don't know anything about the game you are playing or the campaign, that sounds like an inordinatly dickish move from the GM. It sounds like both of you were just playing your characters as best as you could when the GM put you into a no win situation.

Epsilon Rose
2011-04-30, 05:44 PM
Agreed. Why did you get that order and, more importantly, why did you follow it?

2011-04-30, 06:03 PM
That's a tough situation to be in, but I could imagine it being fun if the mood is right. For the players, at least-- sucks for the characters.

My only real character death (outside of Paranoia, like the OP) was in an Exalted Lunars game. My semi-combat-capable No Moon got beat down by a couple of Dragon-Bloods. It bugged me for a while, because I pin the blame for the death squarely on the ST's Exalted-is-about-making-the-baddest-ass-combat-monsters-as-you-can-and-if-you're-not-as-good-at-optimizing-as-I-am-it's-your-own-fault attitude. And his unwillingness to suspend disbelief long enough to let my character flee. But life moves on, and there are other characters and other games to be played, and I've had plenty of excellent experiences with that same bloodthirsty ST.

Anyway, welcome to the club. It's better here, believe it or not.

2011-04-30, 06:43 PM
In a D&D game, the DM was playing the staple videogame "get the demon rats out of the tavern cellar" quest. We'd found a generic spooky mysterious hole in the floor. My fighter dropped a torch in. There was nothing there. Then he jumped in, sword drawn. He was promptly eaten by giant rats.

I rolled up a Swashbuckler, who was conveniently drinking in the tavern above. After a quick and contrived plot hook "What was that horrible screaming? How can I help?" and a bunch of bluffing by the party Rogue, the Swashbuckler fearlessly swaggered in the hole, this time with cover from the rest of the party. He was immediately set upon and devoured by giant rats. But this time, the party was able to kill them before moving onward.

Then I rolled a Ranger, savvily selecting Favored Enemy (Animal). I joined the group for some reason or other, we did our thing in the dungeon below the tavern, ran into some creepy ratperson necromancy stuff, came to a dead-end and decided that our quest would best be completed with certain supplies from the town above. We vacate the dungeon, rest, go back to investigate the next day. I decide to send my Ranger back into the hole to scout ahead, make sure nothing had come back up to the dungeon entryway to pounce on the party. My ranger was promptly devoured by the zombies of the rats that had killed the previous two characters. :smalltongue:

2011-04-30, 06:51 PM
In a D&D game, the DM was playing the staple videogame "get the demon rats out of the tavern cellar" quest. We'd found a generic spooky mysterious hole in the floor. My fighter dropped a torch in. There was nothing there. Then he jumped in, sword drawn. He was promptly eaten by giant rats.

I rolled up a Swashbuckler, who was conveniently drinking in the tavern above. After a quick and contrived plot hook "What was that horrible screaming? How can I help?" and a bunch of bluffing by the party Rogue, the Swashbuckler fearlessly swaggered in the hole, this time with cover from the rest of the party. He was immediately set upon and devoured by giant rats. But this time, the party was able to kill them before moving onward.

Then I rolled a Ranger, savvily selecting Favored Enemy (Animal). I joined the group for some reason or other, we did our thing in the dungeon below the tavern, ran into some creepy ratperson necromancy stuff, came to a dead-end and decided that our quest would best be completed with certain supplies from the town above. We vacate the dungeon, rest, go back to investigate the next day. I decide to send my Ranger back into the hole to scout ahead, make sure nothing had come back up to the dungeon entryway to pounce on the party. My ranger was promptly devoured by the zombies of the rats that had killed the previous two characters. :smalltongue:

Hmm, I think you may have angered someone there. :smalltongue:

2011-04-30, 06:59 PM
Star Wars d6, my very first ever pen and paper RPG. We were about a month in to solving some major mystery about what's happening on the core of Coruscant to make fissures and earthquakes and whatnot. Turns out there was a race of insect men under the surface creating a giant bomb to hold the world ransom with.

Me and my friend were captured, instead of letting them take us to their leader what does my friend do? He decides he's going to use his grenades as a distraction to free us. Where does he throw them? That big bomb looking thing, because "It looks important they'll probably go try and fix it."

And so ended Coruscant.

2011-04-30, 07:02 PM
That last story reminds me of a time when we were exploring a long abandoned base created with high technology that had long since been lost. The power source of the base was a tiny worm hole which drew power directly from the sun. One of the players decided he wanted to see what happened when he shot the engine maintaining the worm hole. The containment field collapsed and, well...

2011-05-01, 03:01 AM
Woah, this thread has made me realise that I haven't had a character death within this academic year...

Last character death I've had was my wizard in a 4e D&D game, we were aboard an airship (kinda ebberon-ish setting). During a fight:
Me: I cast twist of space targeting the werewolf (said werewolf was one of the BBEG's Lieutenants)
Attack hits
Me: He gets teleported 3 squares, I'm gonna teleport him straight up which will take him outside the ship.
DM: Fine, you hear a loud crunching noise and the ship starts to lose altitude, you've broken an engine.
Me: Hmm, I have the mending ritual. If I can get near the broken engine I can repair the damage
DM: You'll have to go outside to do so.
Me: Ok, <Warforged> (can't remember his character name offhand): come with me and hold me steady so I can cast the ritual.
Warforged: Yes master
Me: Right I climb out side *Rolls athletics check* Oh frak, natural 1
DM: Make another athletics check to catch yourself as you fall
Me: *Roll* <Expletive deleted> another natural 1

So yea, I became a Deva pancake.
Funnily enough this happened right as I needed to be elsewhere IRL

2011-05-01, 05:29 AM
I am seriously starting to think we have the harshest DM(s) 'round here. one death...

I've lost 4 charachters in a current game of Dark Herasy: Deathwatch (one through our pilot player geting 3 rolls of a 100 trying to fly a ship to a moon, causing it to explose in a slightly warp-reactory way, one through trying to jump a hive tyrant to distract it from everyone else (we had to last two rounds before re-enforcements came to be saved from the thingy), one through accidentaly waking up a chaos dreadnought by poking it (I'm a techmarine...), and once by, after our pilot over charged the engine, sending it into meltdown by failing to fix it that badly...)

One in warhammer fantasy roleplay (this was a douchey DM who I'm glad I've never played with again. you're a theif, from the elven lands, you've been here two days. BTW, you're arrested by the autoroties, before you do anything here other than talk to peoples, who have you surrounded, will you come quietly? yes. OK, you're executed 3 minutes later and asked why one elven theif with no combat skills, didn't fight a large group of guards, I'm ruining the game, and the experiance.)

a lot in DnD (bad encouners, bad tactics, annoyingly smart monsters, traps I missed finding, 60 ft spere of anahalation, falling off a rope across a spiked pit)

all of hem fun save for the warhammer one...

2011-05-01, 05:32 AM
In a D&D game, the DM was playing the staple videogame "get the demon rats out of the tavern cellar" quest. We'd found a generic spooky mysterious hole in the floor. My fighter dropped a torch in. There was nothing there. Then he jumped in, sword drawn. He was promptly eaten by giant rats.

I rolled up a Swashbuckler, who was conveniently drinking in the tavern above. After a quick and contrived plot hook "What was that horrible screaming? How can I help?" and a bunch of bluffing by the party Rogue, the Swashbuckler fearlessly swaggered in the hole, this time with cover from the rest of the party. He was immediately set upon and devoured by giant rats. But this time, the party was able to kill them before moving onward.

Then I rolled a Ranger, savvily selecting Favored Enemy (Animal). I joined the group for some reason or other, we did our thing in the dungeon below the tavern, ran into some creepy ratperson necromancy stuff, came to a dead-end and decided that our quest would best be completed with certain supplies from the town above. We vacate the dungeon, rest, go back to investigate the next day. I decide to send my Ranger back into the hole to scout ahead, make sure nothing had come back up to the dungeon entryway to pounce on the party. My ranger was promptly devoured by the zombies of the rats that had killed the previous two characters. :smalltongue:

sory for doublepost, but this derves a lol

go unstoppable army of Ratz

Lord Vampyre
2011-05-02, 05:05 PM
My last real character in the Camarilla was set upon by 5 elders and systematically assassinated.

2011-05-02, 11:51 PM
Agreed. Why did you get that order and, more importantly, why did you follow it?

Talked to the GM afterwards, apparently she wanted the Martial Artist to persuade his superhero girlfriend to the dark side.

As for me I was planning on escaping before he had the chance to jump off a 20 story building. I bought gas grenades and was planning on using them to keep him off me.

I'm worried about two of my characters right now though. One is in a 3.5e campaign and has so far been stabbed in the face and through the chest. The DM apparently doesnt like my Roleplaying style.

And the other is a Serentity RPG where upon character creation I chose the Deadly Enemy Disadvantage. The result being that the GM grinned and laughed, and proceeded to convince the DM of the 3.5 campaign to play my nemesis.

2011-05-03, 08:36 AM
I had a character death in a homebrew game mixing elements of various sci-fi/horror/adventure films, Kult and OWoD. My character was "Baby Bear" Justin from Event Horizon. He made it back to Earth slightly mad. He and the other PCs were aware of the Illusion (concept from Kult: all humans were divine. The Demiurge trapped us all in a simulation, thinking were were mortal and limited, while he played God). The Demiurge had gone missing, the structure keeping us imprisoned was unraveling, and the mad and the very sane both were awakening, able to distinguish between the Illusion and Reality.

I joined the campaign late, and the other PCs had already pieced several clues together as to what happened to the Demiurge, though they were currently stuck. Lucifer offered to help fast-track us to the campaign resolution (finding out how the Demiurge disappeared) in exchange for doing him a favor to later be specified. None of the other characters would take the deal, even though we were stuck, so I did.

Lucifer told us to back in time and space (both are just parts of the Illusion) to a specific place during WWII. There, the Nazis were discovering the Ark of the Covenant (a la Indiana Jones). The Ark was the means by which the Demiurge powered the Illusion, and during this event, he would be powered down. Lucifer showed up when we discovered the Ark was the key, and was about to call in his favor when one of the other PCs shot mine in the head at point blank range to stop me from fulfilling my end of the bargain. He figured Lucifer was going to compel me to screw us over.

It took me, the DM, and everyone else by surprise, but is generally acknowledged in my gaming group to be among the cooler role-playing decisions we've had, even though it was the wrong one.

The end result was that the Demiurge would never be powered down (we had accidentally stopped a kabbalist from powering him down, and Lucifer didn't have me to work through to accomplish the task), and so he never disappeared (which is a bad thing from the game's point of view, as humanity missed its chance to escape the Illusion). The Demiurge made two of the PCs into archons to help keep humans trapped as a reward for bungling the mission.

2011-05-04, 09:20 AM
First and only Death:

Our party of three were under attack from a horde of ghouls, we had killed most of them but there were still two left and we were severely weakened. I was on single digits, likewise the ranger and I was out of healing spells. If I attacked the ghoul beside me, chances were I would kill it, but then the ghoul in front of the ranger would have killed him, and then moved on to kill me. If I didn't then the ghoul beside me would have certainly killed me.

I made my choice. I died, but the rest of the party lived thanks to my actions.

2011-05-04, 09:36 AM
First ever character, druid 10 or so. Got picked up by an air elemental, got killed by a freindly player casting fire wall on me.

Only other was Cael, who drank the lich brew and turned into a Baelnorn. He had a very touching funeral.

2011-05-04, 10:14 AM
My last real character in the Camarilla was set upon by 5 elders and systematically assassinated.

The Camarilla as in the the Vampire LARP?

Yeah, stupidly overpowered American murder squads were one of the reasons not many people in the UK complained when the entire country ragequit and started Isle of Darkness instead :smallamused:

Lord Vampyre
2011-05-04, 12:07 PM
The Camarilla as in the the Vampire LARP?

Yeah, stupidly overpowered American murder squads were one of the reasons not many people in the UK complained when the entire country ragequit and started Isle of Darkness instead :smallamused:

He happened to be a 9th gen Gangrel that had maintained the position of Sheriff through 5 different princes. I had been playing the character for over 2 years. I had maxed out fortitude and was using Form of Mist to get away. Unfortunately, the storyteller had approved the use of a modified flamethrower that shot fireballs, otherwise he would have been able to escape.