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View Full Version : The silence RPing

2011-04-30, 09:29 PM
The Silence is group of creatures from Doctor Who that instantly makes anyone who saw them to instantly forget about them the moment they looked away. Someone looking at the Silence would recover their memories of previous sightings. How does a GM RP this with out it turning into the plot-line express?

2011-04-30, 09:41 PM
The players are the silence. They troll the hell out of humans and have wacky adventures that nobody but them will ever remember.

But yeah, otherwise, doesn't work.

2011-04-30, 09:46 PM
Did you just spoil this season of Doctor Who for me? :smalltongue:

The only thing I've got is that it might be interesting to do an investigative game with horror tones, where one of the reveals is that the players had already been through the steps before. It'd be a bit railroady, but that's not always a bad thing.

2011-04-30, 10:06 PM
Okay, then how would you RP the weeping angels? some thing far more terrifying then the silence?

the weeping angels are a deadly species of alien that turns to stone when you look at them (making them no different from statues) and fast and deadly psychopaths (who kill by teleporting you into the past and letting you live yourself to death) when you aren't. how would you RP them?


turn to stone when you're looking at them (making them invulnerable since they can regrow bits back)
incredibly fast.
send you back in time so you can live yourself to death.
if you have the picture of an angel then that picture becomes a weeping angel.
they can animate a consciousness of those they kill to speak with their enemies.
they feed on radiation and time powers.
if you stare at a weeping angel in the eyes it teleports inside your mind and rips it's way out after reforming it's body.


they cannot eat Pure time energy
they cannot look at each other ever or they will both turn to stone forever.
they presumably acnnot look at a mirror or else be turned to stone forever.

Tiki Snakes
2011-04-30, 10:16 PM
Did you just spoil this season of Doctor Who for me? :smalltongue:

No, he didn't.

2011-05-01, 12:23 PM
okay, if you want to fight them make the pcs be flat flooted 50% of the time cos, you know, their forgetting the silence is there and maybe be dazed every so often because of memory recalls. However If this is social interaction/ banter this will be extremely hard as the players will need to replecate the shock of meeting the silence each time they see them.

2011-05-01, 12:46 PM
Depends on how good the players are at RPing memory loss. Without actually telling the players they forget about the creature when they look away, they become really hard to run.

It would be a lot of work trying to get them in without the players knowing what is going on. They ways I can think of atm are:

1. Before the campaign, give the characters a list of strange situations, and have them write how they would deal with the situation. Also let them edit the list during the campaign as the character learns more.
Use these lists to decide what the character does (and then forgets).

2. Run small "Dream sequences" in the campaign, where whatever happened didn't really happen, and mix in scenes with The Silence that end in the same way, making the players unsure if it really happened.

3. Trust the players are good at RPing, and just tell them "you don't remember anything about what just happened"

2011-05-01, 03:36 PM
My suggestion is having several small unexplained events occurring.

Say they are supposed to deliver an item to someone, but they get caught up in adventure, then decide that the item might help them (say it's a medicinal something). When they go to use it, it's gone.

They are talking to someone one minute, the person leaves the room, players find themselves ready for battle an instant later, and there's the corpse of the man they were talking to on the floor.

After a couple more situations like this, you introduce the silence, explain the events prior as the PCs memories return, then play out the final scene.